changed mission dir name to use underscores instead of whitespaces
authorPeriklis Ntanasis <>
Mon, 01 Jul 2013 20:04:32 +0300 (2013-07-01)
changeset 9306 c9978ada9a3d
parent 9305 8e5140875ab5
child 9307 a0fef7134ade
child 9308 4bddcc1a1450
changed mission dir name to use underscores instead of whitespaces
QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/backstab.png
QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/dragon.png
QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/enemy.png
QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/epil.png
QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/family.png
QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/first_blood.png
QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/journey.png
QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/queen.png
QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/shadow.png
QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/united.png
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/CMakeLists.txt
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/backstab.lua
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/campaign.ini
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/dragon.lua
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/enemy.lua
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/epil.lua
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/family.lua
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/first_blood.hwp
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/first_blood.lua
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/journey.hwp
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/journey.lua
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/queen.lua
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/shadow.hwp
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/shadow.lua
share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/united.lua
--- a/QTfrontend/hedgewars.qrc	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ b/QTfrontend/hedgewars.qrc	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -28,16 +28,16 @@
-        <file>res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/first_blood.png</file>
-        <file>res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/shadow.png</file>
-        <file>res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/journey.png</file>
-        <file>res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/united.png</file>
-        <file>res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/backstab.png</file>
-        <file>res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/dragon.png</file>
-        <file>res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/family.png</file>
-        <file>res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/queen.png</file>
-        <file>res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/enemy.png</file>
-        <file>res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/epil.png</file>
+        <file>res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/first_blood.png</file>
+        <file>res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/shadow.png</file>
+        <file>res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/journey.png</file>
+        <file>res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/united.png</file>
+        <file>res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/backstab.png</file>
+        <file>res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/dragon.png</file>
+        <file>res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/family.png</file>
+        <file>res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/queen.png</file>
+        <file>res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/enemy.png</file>
+        <file>res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/epil.png</file>
--- a/QTfrontend/hwform.cpp	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ b/QTfrontend/hwform.cpp	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -1723,7 +1723,7 @@
     CreateGame(0, 0, 0);
     QComboBox *combo = ui.pageCampaign->CBMission;
-    QString camp = ui.pageCampaign->CBCampaign->currentText();
+    QString camp = ui.pageCampaign->CBCampaign->currentText().replace(QString(" "),QString("_"));
     unsigned int mNum = combo->count() - combo->currentIndex();
     QString miss = getCampaignScript(camp, mNum);
     QString campTeam = ui.pageCampaign->CBTeam->currentText();
@@ -1888,7 +1888,7 @@
     unsigned int n = entries.count();
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-        ui.pageCampaign->CBCampaign->addItem(QString(entries[i]), QString(entries[i]));
+        ui.pageCampaign->CBCampaign->addItem(QString(entries[i]).replace(QString("_"),QString(" ")), QString(entries[i]).replace(QString("_"),QString(" ")));
@@ -1900,7 +1900,7 @@
     HWTeam team(ui.pageCampaign->CBTeam->currentText());
-    QString campaignName = ui.pageCampaign->CBCampaign->currentText();
+    QString campaignName = ui.pageCampaign->CBCampaign->currentText().replace(QString(" "),QString("_"));
     QStringList missionEntries = getCampMissionList(campaignName);
     QString tName =;
     unsigned int n = missionEntries.count();
@@ -1961,7 +1961,7 @@
 void HWForm::UpdateCampaignPageMission(int index)
     // update thumbnail
-    QString campaignName = ui.pageCampaign->CBCampaign->currentText();
+    QString campaignName = ui.pageCampaign->CBCampaign->currentText().replace(QString(" "),QString("_"));
     unsigned int mNum = ui.pageCampaign->CBMission->count() - ui.pageCampaign->CBMission->currentIndex();
     QString image = getCampaignImage(campaignName,mNum);
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/backstab.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/dragon.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/enemy.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/epil.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/family.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/first_blood.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/journey.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/queen.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/shadow.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/united.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/backstab.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/dragon.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/enemy.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/epil.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/family.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/first_blood.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/journey.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/queen.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/shadow.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/united.png has changed
--- a/QTfrontend/ui/page/pagecampaign.cpp	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ b/QTfrontend/ui/page/pagecampaign.cpp	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     infoLayout->setRowStretch(1, 1);
     // set this as default image first time page is created, this will change in hwform.cpp
-    btnPreview = formattedButton(":/res/campaign/A Classic Fairytale/first_blood.png", true);
+    btnPreview = formattedButton(":/res/campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/first_blood.png", true);
     infoLayout->setAlignment(btnPreview, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter);
     lbldescription = new QLabel();
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/campaigns_en.txt	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/campaigns_en.txt	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-A Classic Fairytale-first_blood.desc="Help Leaks a lot to complete his training and become a proper hedgehog warrior. You will be trained in the art of rope, parachute, shoryuken and desert eagle."
+A_Classic_Fairytale-first_blood.desc="Help Leaks a lot to complete his training and become a proper hedgehog warrior. You will be trained in the art of rope, parachute, shoryuken and desert eagle."
-A Classic Fairytale-shadow.desc="Leaks a lot and Dense Cloud are going for hunting. Be prepared for the dangers awaiting you at the forest. Remember, make your choices wisely."
+A_Classic_Fairytale-shadow.desc="Leaks a lot and Dense Cloud are going for hunting. Be prepared for the dangers awaiting you at the forest. Remember, make your choices wisely."
-A Classic Fairytale-journey.desc="Leaks a lot has to go to the other side of the island. Be fast and cautious."
+A_Classic_Fairytale-journey.desc="Leaks a lot has to go to the other side of the island. Be fast and cautious."
-A Classic Fairytale-united.desc="After his long journey Leaks a lot is finally back to the village. However, there isn't time to rest. You have to defend the village from the rage of the cannibals."
+A_Classic_Fairytale-united.desc="After his long journey Leaks a lot is finally back to the village. However, there isn't time to rest. You have to defend the village from the rage of the cannibals."
-A Classic Fairytale-backstab.desc="The monstrous cannibals are hunting Leaks a lot and his friends. Defeat them once again and protect your allies. Use your resources accordingly to defeat the incoming enemies!"
+A_Classic_Fairytale-backstab.desc="The monstrous cannibals are hunting Leaks a lot and his friends. Defeat them once again and protect your allies. Use your resources accordingly to defeat the incoming enemies!"
-A Classic Fairytale-dragon.desc="Leaks a lot has to get to the other side of the lake. Become a rope master and avoid get hit by the enemy shots."
+A_Classic_Fairytale-dragon.desc="Leaks a lot has to get to the other side of the lake. Become a rope master and avoid get hit by the enemy shots."
-A Classic Fairytale-family.desc="Leaks a lot has to save once more his allies. Eliminate the enemy hogs and free your comrades. Use your resources carefully as they are limited. Drill some holes in the right spot and go close to the princess."
+A_Classic_Fairytale-family.desc="Leaks a lot has to save once more his allies. Eliminate the enemy hogs and free your comrades. Use your resources carefully as they are limited. Drill some holes in the right spot and go close to the princess."
-A Classic Fairytale-queen.desc="Leaks a lot has to fight once again. In order to win he'll have to fight the traitor and use all the resources available. Defeat the enemy!"
+A_Classic_Fairytale-queen.desc="Leaks a lot has to fight once again. In order to win he'll have to fight the traitor and use all the resources available. Defeat the enemy!"
-A Classic Fairytale-enemy.desc="What a great twist! Leaks a lot has to fight side by side with the… “cannibals” against the common enemy. The evil cyborgs!"
+A_Classic_Fairytale-enemy.desc="What a great twist! Leaks a lot has to fight side by side with the… “cannibals” against the common enemy. The evil cyborgs!"
-A Classic Fairytale-epil.desc="Congratulations! Leaks a lot can finally leave in peace and get praised by his new friends and his tribe. Be proud for what you succeed! You can play again previous missions and see the other possible endings."
+A_Classic_Fairytale-epil.desc="Congratulations! Leaks a lot can finally leave in peace and get praised by his new friends and his tribe. Be proud for what you succeed! You can play again previous missions and see the other possible endings."
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/CMakeLists.txt	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-file(GLOB Config *.ini)
-file(GLOB Missions *.lua)
-file(GLOB Packs *.hwp)
-    ${Config}
-    ${Missions}
-    ${Packs}
-    DESTINATION "${SHAREPATH}Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale")
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/backstab.lua	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1101 +0,0 @@
-choiceAccepted = 1
-choiceRefused = 2
-choiceAttacked = 3
-choiceEliminate = 1
-choiceSpare = 2
-leaksNum = 1
-denseNum = 2
-waterNum = 3
-buffaloNum = 4
-chiefNum = 5
-girlNum = 6
-wiseNum = 7
-spyKillStage = 1
-platformStage = 2
-wave3Stage = 3
-tmpVar = 0
-nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
-               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
-               loc("Wise Oak"), loc("Eagle Eye"), loc("Flaming Worm")}
-nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
-              "tiara", "AkuAku", "None", "None"}
-nativePos = {{887, 329}, {1050, 288}, {1731, 707},
-             {830, 342}, {1001, 290}, {773, 340},
-             {953, 305}, {347, 648}, {314, 647}}
-nativeDir = {"Right", "Left", "Left", 
-             "Right", "Left", "Right", 
-             "Left", "Right", "Right"}
-cannibalNames = {loc("Brain Teaser"), loc("Bone Jackson"), loc("Gimme Bones"), 
-                 loc("Hedgibal Lecter"), loc("Bloodpie"), loc("Scalp Muncher"),
-                 loc("Back Breaker"), loc("Dahmer"), loc("Meiwes"),
-                 loc("Ear Sniffer"), loc("Regurgitator"), loc("Muriel")}
-cannibalPos = {{3607, 1472}, {3612, 1487}, {3646, 1502}, 
-               {3507, 195},  {3612, 1487}, {840, 1757}, 
-               {3056, 1231}, {2981, 1222}, {2785, 1258}}
-cannibalDir = {"Left", "Left", "Left",
-               "Left", "Right", "Right",
-               "Left", "Left", "Left"}
-cyborgPos = {1369, 574}
-cyborgPos2 = {1308, 148}
-deployedPos = {2522, 1365}
-natives = {}
-nativeDead = {}
-nativeHidden = {}
-nativeRevived = {}
-nativesNum = 0
-cannibals = {}
-cannibalDead = {}
-cannibalHidden = {}
-speakerHog = nil
-spyHog = nil
-deployedHog = nil
-deployedDead = false
-cyborgHidden = false
-needToAct = 0
-m2Choice = 0
-m2DenseDead = 0
-m4DenseDead = 0
-m4BuffaloDead = 0
-m4WaterDead = 0
-m4ChiefDead = 0
-m4LeaksDead = 0
-needRevival = false
-gearr = nil
-startElimination = 0
-stage = 0
-choice = 0
-highJumped = false
-TurnsLeft = 0
-startNativesNum = 0
-startAnim = {}
-afterChoiceAnim = {}
-wave2Anim = {}
-wave2DeadAnim = {}
-wave3DeadAnim = {}
-vCircs = {}
-function Wave2Reaction()
-  local i = 1
-  local gearr = nil
-  while nativeDead[i] == true do
-    i = i + 1
-  end
-  gearr = natives[i]
-  if nativeDead[denseNum] ~= true and band(GetState(natives[denseNum]), gstDrowning) == 0 then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, EmitDenseClouds, {"Left"}}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {dense, "Left"}})
-  end
-  if nativeDead[buffaloNum] ~= true and band(GetState(natives[buffaloNum]), gstDrowning) == 0 then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[buffaloNum], loc("Let them have a taste of my fury!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}}) 
-  end
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}}) 
-function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
-  local dif
-  if dir == "Left" then
-    dif = 10
-  else
-    dif = -10
-  end
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[denseNum], 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[denseNum], 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-function SaySafe()
-  local i = 1
-  while gearr == nil do
-    if nativeDead[i] ~= true and nativeHidden[i] ~= true then
-      gearr = natives[i]
-    end
-    i = i + 1
-  end
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("We are indeed."), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("I think we are safe here."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-function ReviveNatives()
-  for i = 1, 7 do
-    if nativeHidden[i] == true and nativeDead[i] ~= true then
-      RestoreHog(natives[i])
-      nativeHidden[i] = false
-      nativeRevived[i] = true
-      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i])}})
-    end
-  end
-function WonderAlive()
-  if nativeRevived[waterNum] == true then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("I'm...alive? How? Why?"), SAY_THINK, 3500}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[waterNum], 800}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[waterNum], "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[waterNum], 800}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[waterNum], "Right"}})
-  end
-  if nativeRevived[leaksNum] == true and nativeRevived[denseNum] == true then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("But why would they help us?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("It must be the aliens!"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("You just appeared out of thin air!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("But...we died!"), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("This must be the caves!"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("Dude, where are we?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[leaksNum], 800}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Right"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[denseNum], "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[leaksNum], 800}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[denseNum], "Right"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[leaksNum], 800}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Right"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[denseNum], "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[leaksNum], 800}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[denseNum], "Right"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[leaksNum], natives[girlNum]}}})
-    if nativeDead[chiefNum] ~= true then
-      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Right"}})
-    end
-  elseif nativeRevived[leaksNum] == true then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Why would they do this?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("It must be the aliens' deed."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("Do not laugh, inexperienced one, for he speaks the truth!"), SAY_SAY, 10000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Yeah, sure! I died. Hillarious!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("You're...alive!? But we saw you die!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("???"), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Wow, what a dream!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    if nativeDead[chiefNum] ~= true then
-      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Right"}})
-    end
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[leaksNum], natives[wiseNum]}}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[leaksNum], gearr}}})
-  elseif nativeRevived[denseNum] == true then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("Dude, that's so cool!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("It must be the aliens' deed."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("But that's impossible!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("It was not a dream, unwise one!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("Exactly, man! That was my dream."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("You're...alive!? But we saw you die!"), SAY_SAY,  6000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("???"), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-    if nativeDead[chiefNum] ~= true then
-      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Right"}})
-    end
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[denseNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[denseNum], natives[wiseNum]}}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[denseNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[denseNum], gearr}}})
-  end
-function ExplainAlive()
-  if needRevival == true and m4WaterDead == 1 then
-    RestoreCyborg()
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos))
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {water, HideCyborg, {}}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {water}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You're probably wondering why I bought you back..."), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-  end
-function SpyDebate()
-  if m2Choice == choiceAccepted then
-    spyHog = natives[denseNum]
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("What shall we do with the traitor?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = SetHealth, swh = false, args = {natives[denseNum], 26}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[wiseNum], GetGearPosition(natives[denseNum]), vgtExplosion, 0, true}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("Here, let me help you!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    if nativeDead[chiefNum] == true then
-      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("I forgot that she's the daughter of the chief, too..."), SAY_THINK, 7000}})
-      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("You killed my father, you monster!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-    end
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("Look, I had no choice!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("You have been giving us out to the enemy, haven't you!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("You're a pathetic liar!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("I told you, I just found them."), SAY_SAY, 4500}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[denseNum], EmitDenseClouds, {"Left"}}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Where did you get the weapons in the forest, Dense Cloud?"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Not now, Fiery Water!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  else
-    spyHog = natives[waterNum]
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("What shall we do with the traitor?"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = SetHealth, swh = false, args = {natives[waterNum], 26}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[wiseNum], nativePos[denseNum][1] + 50, nativePos[denseNum][2], vgtExplosion, 0, true}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("I can't believe what I'm hearing!"), SAY_SAY, 5500}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("You know what? I don't even regret anything!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("Are you accusing me of something?"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("You know...taking a stroll."), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Where have you been?!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  end
-  if nativeRevived[waterNum] == true then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("You won't believe what happened to me!"), SAY_SAY, 5500}})
-  end
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("Hey, guys!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimMove, args = {natives[waterNum], "Left", nativePos[denseNum][1] + 50, nativePos[denseNum][2]}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimJump, args = {natives[waterNum], "back"}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[waterNum], "Right"}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimMove, args = {natives[waterNum], "Left", 1228, 412}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimJump, args = {natives[waterNum], "long"}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimJump, args = {natives[waterNum], "long"}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimJump, args = {natives[waterNum], "long"}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[waterNum], "Left"}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("There must be a spy among us!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("We made sure noone followed us!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("What? Here? How did they find us?!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-function AnimationSetup()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], SaySafe, {}}})
-  if needRevival == true then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, ReviveNatives, {}}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], WonderAlive, {}}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, ExplainAlive, {}}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], RestoreWave, {1}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[1], unpack(cannibalPos[1])}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[2], unpack(cannibalPos[2])}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[3], unpack(cannibalPos[3])}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[leaksNum], 1000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], SpyDebate, {}}})
-  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
-function SetupWave2Anim()
-  for i = 7, 1, -1 do
-    if nativeDead[i] ~= true then
-      speakerHog = natives[i]
-    end
-  end
-  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[4], unpack(cannibalPos[4])}})
-  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[5], unpack(cannibalPos[5])}})
-  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[6], unpack(cannibalPos[6])}})
-  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("Look out! There's more of them!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  AddSkipFunction(wave2Anim, SkipWave2Anim, {})
-function PutCircles()
-  if circlesPut then
-    return
-  end
-  vCircs[1] = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true)
-  vCircs[2] = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true)
-  vCircs[3] = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true)
-  SetVisualGearValues(vCircs[1], cannibalPos[7][1], cannibalPos[7][2], 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 120, 3, 0xff00ffff)
-  SetVisualGearValues(vCircs[2], cannibalPos[8][1], cannibalPos[8][2], 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 120, 3, 0xff00ffff)
-  SetVisualGearValues(vCircs[3], cannibalPos[9][1], cannibalPos[9][2], 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 120, 3, 0xff00ffff)
-  circlesPut = true
-function SetupWave2DeadAnim()
-  for i = 7, 1, -1 do
-    if nativeDead[i] ~= true then
-      deployedHog = natives[i]
-    end
-  end
-  if nativeDead[wiseNum] ~= true and band(GetState(natives[wiseNum]), gstDrowning) == 0 then
-    if nativesNum > 1 then
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[wiseNum], 1500}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("What a strange feeling!"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I need to warn the others."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("If only I had a way..."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("Oh, silly me! I forgot that I'm the shaman."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], TeleportNatives, {}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], TurnNatives, {natives[wiseNum]}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[wiseNum], deployedHog}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I sense another wave of cannibals heading our way!"), SAY_SAY, 6500}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I feel something...a place! They will arrive near the circles!"), SAY_SAY, 7500}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], PutCircles, {}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, swh = false, args = {vCircs[1]}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[wiseNum], 1500}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("We need to prevent their arrival!"), SAY_SAY, 4500}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("Go, quick!"), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], DeployHog, {}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], RestoreCyborg, {}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, swh = false, args = {cyborg, cyborgPos2[1], cyborgPos2[2]}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, IsolateNatives, {}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, PutCGI, {}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I want to see how it handles this!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {deployedHog}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, 0, 0}})
---      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, DeployHog, {}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborg, {}}})
-    else
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[wiseNum], 1500}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("What a strange feeling!"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I sense another wave of cannibals heading my way!"), SAY_THINK, 6500}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I feel something...a place! They will arrive near the circles!"), SAY_SAY, 7500}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], PutCircles, {}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, swh = false, args = {vCircs[1]}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I need to prevent their arrival!"), SAY_THINK, 4500}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("If only I had a way..."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("Oh, silly me! I forgot that I'm the shaman."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
-    end
-  else
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 1500}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, RestoreCyborg, {}}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, cyborgPos2[1], cyborgPos2[2]}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, TeleportNatives, {}}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, TurnNatives, {cyborg}}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Oh, my! This is even more entertaining than I've expected!"), SAY_SAY, 7500}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I believe there's more of them."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I marked the place of their arrival. You're welcome!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], PutCircles, {}}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, swh = false, args = {vCircs[1]}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {deployedHog, DeployHog, {}}})
-    if nativesNum > 1 then
---      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], RestoreCyborg, {}}})
---      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, swh = false, args = {cyborg, cyborgPos2[1], cyborgPos2[2]}})
---      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, IsolateNatives, {}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, PutCGI, {}}})
-      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I want to see how it handles this!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-    end
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {deployedHog}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, 0, 0}})
-    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborg, {}}})
-  end
-  AddSkipFunction(wave2DeadAnim, SkipWave2DeadAnim, {})
-function IsolateNatives()
-  PlaceGirder(710, 299, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(690, 299, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(761, 209, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(921, 209, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(1081, 209, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(761, 189, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(921, 189, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(1081, 189, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(761, 169, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(921, 169, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(1081, 169, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(761, 149, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(921, 149, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(1081, 149, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(761, 129, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(921, 129, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(1081, 129, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(1120, 261, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(1140, 261, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(1160, 261, 2)
-  AddAmmo(deployedHog, amDEagle, 0)
-  AddAmmo(deployedHog, amFirePunch, 0)
-function PutCGI()
-  AddVisualGear(710, 299, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(690, 299, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(761, 209, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(921, 209, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(1081, 209, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(761, 189, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(921, 189, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(1081, 189, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(761, 169, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(921, 169, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(1081, 169, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(761, 149, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(921, 149, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(1081, 149, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(761, 129, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(921, 129, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(1081, 129, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(1120, 261, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(1140, 261, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-  AddVisualGear(1160, 261, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
-function TeleportNatives()
-  nativePos[waterNum] = {1100, 288}
-  for i = 1, 7 do
-    if nativeDead[i] ~= true then 
-      AnimTeleportGear(natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i]))
-    end
-  end
-function TurnNatives(hog)
-  for i = 1, 7 do
-    if nativeDead[i] == false then
-      if GetX(natives[i]) < GetX(hog) then
-        AnimTurn(natives[i], "Right")
-      else
-        AnimTurn(natives[i], "Left")
-      end
-    end
-  end
-function DeployHog()
-  AnimSwitchHog(deployedHog)
-  AnimTeleportGear(deployedHog, unpack(deployedPos))
-  if deployedHog ~= natives[wiseNum] then
-    AnimSay(deployedHog, loc("Why me?!"), SAY_THINK, 2000)
-  end
-function SetupAfterChoiceAnim()
-  for i = 7, 1, -1 do
-    if nativeDead[i] ~= true then
-      if natives[i] ~= spyHog then
-        speakerHog = natives[i]
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  if choice == choiceEliminate then
-    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {speakerHog, 1500}})
-    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("He won't be selling us out anymore!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-    if nativeDead[girlNum] ~= true and m4ChiefDead == 1 then
-      table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("That's for my father!"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
-    end
-    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("Let's show those cannibals what we're made of!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  else
-    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], CondNeedToTurn, {speakerHog, spyHog}}})
-    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("We'll spare your life for now!"), SAY_SAY, 4500}})
-    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {spyHog, loc("May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("I just don't want to sink to your level."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("Let's show those cannibals what we're made of!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  end
-  table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[8], loc("Let us help, too!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {speakerHog, "Left", SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  AddSkipFunction(afterChoiceAnim, SkipAfterChoiceAnim, {})
-function SetupHogDeadAnim(gear)
-  hogDeadAnim = {}
-  if nativesNum == 0 then
-    return
-  end
-  local hogDeadStrings = {loc("They killed ") .. gear .. loc("! You bastards!"), 
-                          gear .. loc("! Why?!"), 
-                          loc("That was just mean!"), 
-                          loc("Oh no, not ") .. gear .. "!",
-                          loc("Why ") .. gear .. loc("? Why?"),
-                          loc("What has ") .. gear .. loc(" ever done to you?!")}
-  table.insert(hogDeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {CurrentHedgehog, hogDeadStrings[7 - nativesNum], SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-function AfterHogDeadAnim()
-  freshDead = nil
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
---------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
-function AfterAfterChoiceAnim()
-  stage = 0
-  AddEvent(CheckWaveDead, {1}, DoWaveDead, {1}, 0)
-  AddAmmo(speakerHog, amSwitch, 100)
-  SetGearMessage(speakerHog, 0)
-  SetState(speakerHog, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = -1
-  ShowMission(loc("Backstab"), loc("The food bites back"), loc("Defeat the cannibals"), 1, 4000)
-  SpawnCrates()
-function SkipAfterChoiceAnim()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AnimSwitchHog(speakerHog)
-function AfterWave2Anim()
-  AddEvent(CheckWaveDead, {2}, DoWaveDead, {2}, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  SetState(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  SpawnCrates()
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-function SkipWave2DeadAnim()
-  TeleportNatives()
-  IsolateNatives()
-  DeployHog()
-  HideCyborg()
-  PutCircles()
-function SpawnPlatformCrates()
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(2494, 1262, amMine)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(2574, 1279, amSMine)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(2575, 1267, amMine)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(2617, 1259, amSMine)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2579, 1254, amMine)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2478, 1243, amMine)
-function AfterWave2DeadAnim()
-  TurnsLeft = 7
-  stage = platformStage
-  SpawnPlatformCrates()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckTurnsOver, {}, DoTurnsOver, {3}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckWaveDead, {3}, DoWaveDead, {3}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckDeployedDead, {}, DoDeployedDead, {}, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  ShowMission(loc("Backstab"), loc("Drills"), loc("You have 7 turns until the next wave arrives.|Make sure the arriving cannibals are greeted appropriately!|If the hog dies, the cause is lost.|Hint: you might want to use some mines..."), 1, 12000)
-function DoTurnsOver()
-  stage = wave3Stage
-  RestoreWave(3)
-function SkipWave2Anim()
-  AnimSwitchHog(speakerHog)
-function SkipStartAnim()
-  AnimSetGearPosition(natives[waterNum], nativePos[denseNum][1] + 50, nativePos[denseNum][2])
-  RestoreWave(1)
-  ReviveNatives()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  SetState(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  if m2Choice == choiceAccepted then
-    spyHog = natives[denseNum]
-  else
-    spyHog = natives[waterNum]
-  end
-  SetHealth(spyHog, 26)
-function AfterStartAnim()
-  AnimSwitchHog(natives[leaksNum])
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  stage = spyKillStage
-  AddEvent(CheckChoice, {}, DoChoice, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckKilledOther, {}, DoKilledOther, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckChoiceRefuse, {}, DoChoiceRefuse, {}, 0)
-  ShowMission(loc("Backstab"), loc("Judas"), loc("Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"), 1, 8000)
-function CheckTurnsOver()
-  return TurnsLeft == 0
-function CheckDeployedDead()
-  return deployedDead
-function DoDeployedDead()
-  ShowMission(loc("Backstab"), loc("Brutus"), loc("You have failed to save the tribe!"), 0, 6000)
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Tribe"))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function CheckChoice()
-  return choice ~= 0 and tmpVar == 0
-function CheckDeaths()
-  for i = 1, 7 do
-    if natives[i] ~= spyHog and band(GetState(natives[i]), gstAttacked) ~= 0 then
-      return true
-    end
-  end
-  return false
-function DoChoice()
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckChoiceRefuse)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  SetupAfterChoiceAnim()
-  AddAnim(afterChoiceAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterAfterChoiceAnim, args = {}})
-function CheckChoiceRefuse()
-  return highJumped == true and StoppedGear(CurrentHedgehog)
-function DoChoiceRefuse()
-  choice = choiceSpare
-function CheckKilledOther()
-  if stage ~= spyKillStage then
-    return false
-  end
-  return (nativesNum < startNativesNum and choice ~= choiceEliminate) or
-          (nativesNum < startNativesNum - 1 and choice == choiceEliminate)
-function DoKilledOther()
-  ShowMission(loc("Backstab"), loc("Brutus"), loc("You have killed an innocent hedgehog!"), 0, 6000)
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Tribe"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function CheckWaveDead(index)
-  for i = (index - 1) * 3 + 1, index * 3 do
-    if cannibalDead[i] ~= true or CurrentHedgehog == cannibals[i] then
-      return false
-    end
-  end
-  return true
-function DoWaveDead(index)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  needToAct = index
-function AddWave3DeadAnim()
-  AnimSwitchHog(deployedHog)
-  AnimWait(deployedHog, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = HideNatives, args = {}})
-  AddFunction({func = SetupWave3DeadAnim, args = {}})
-  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {wave3DeadAnim}})
-  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterWave3DeadAnim, args = {}}}})
-function HideNatives()
-  for i = 1, 9 do
-    if nativeDead[i] ~= true and natives[i] ~= deployedHog then
-      if nativeHidden[i] ~= true then
-        HideHog(natives[i])
-        nativeHidden[i] = true
-      end
-    end
-  end
-function SetupWave3DeadAnim()
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {deployedHog, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {deployedHog, loc("That ought to show them!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {deployedHog, loc("Guys, do you think there's more of them?"), SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {deployedHog, unpack(nativePos[wiseNum]), vgtFeather, 0, true, true}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {deployedHog, 1000}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {deployedHog, loc("Where are they?!"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {deployedHog, RestoreCyborg, {}}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, 4040, 782}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("These primitive people are so funny!"), SAY_THINK, 6500}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {cyborg, "Right", 4060, 0}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {deployedHog}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {deployedHog, 1}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {deployedHog, HideCyborg, {}}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {deployedHog, loc("I need to find the others!"), SAY_THINK, 4500}})
-  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {deployedHog, loc("I have to follow that alien."), SAY_THINK, 4500}})
-function SkipWave3DeadAnim()
-  AnimSwitchHog(deployedHog)
-function AfterWave3DeadAnim()
-  if nativeDead[leaksNum] == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5LeaksDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5LeaksDead", "0")
-  end
-  if nativeDead[denseNum] == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5DenseDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5DenseDead", "0")
-  end
-  if nativeDead[waterNum] == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5WaterDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5WaterDead", "0")
-  end
-  if nativeDead[buffaloNum] == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5BuffaloDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5BuffaloDead", "0")
-  end
-  if nativeDead[girlNum] == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5GirlDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5GirlDead", "0")
-  end
-  if nativeDead[wiseNum] == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5WiseDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5WiseDead", "0")
-  end
-  if nativeDead[chiefNum] == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5ChiefDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M5ChiefDead", "0")
-  end
-  SaveCampaignVar("M5Choice", "" .. choice)
-  if progress and progress<5 then
-    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "5")
-  end
-  for i = 1, 7 do 
-    if natives[i] == deployedHog then
-      SaveCampaignVar("M5DeployedNum", "" .. i)
-    end
-  end
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Tribe"))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Assault Team"))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Reinforcements"))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function SpawnCrates()
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amDrill)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amGrenade)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amBazooka)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amDynamite)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amGrenade)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amMine)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amShotgun)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amFlamethrower)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amMolotov)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amSMine)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amMortar)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(0, 0, amRope)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(0, 0, amRope)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(0, 0, amParachute)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(0, 0, amParachute)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
-function RestoreWave(index)
-  for i = (index - 1) * 3 + 1, index * 3 do
-    if cannibalHidden[i] == true then
-      RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
-      AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
-      FollowGear(cannibals[i])
-      cannibalHidden[i] = false
-    end
-  end
-function GetVariables()
-  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
-  m2DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2DenseDead"))
-  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
-  m4DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4DenseDead"))
-  m4LeaksDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4LeaksDead"))
-  m4ChiefDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4ChiefDead"))
-  m4WaterDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4WaterDead"))
-  m4BuffaloDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4BuffaloDead"))
-function HideCyborg()
-  if cyborgHidden == false then
-    HideHog(cyborg)
-    cyborgHidden = true
-  end
-function RestoreCyborg()
-  if cyborgHidden == true then
-    RestoreHog(cyborg)
-    cyborgHidden = false
-  end
-function SetupPlace()
-  startNativesNum = nativesNum
-  HideHog(cyborg)
-  cyborgHidden = true
-  for i = 1, 9 do
-    HideHog(cannibals[i])
-    cannibalHidden[i] = true
-  end
-  if m4LeaksDead == 1 then
-    HideHog(natives[leaksNum])
-    nativeHidden[leaksNum] = true
-    needRevival = true
-  end
-  if m4DenseDead == 1 then
-    if m2Choice ~= choiceAccepted then
-      DeleteGear(natives[denseNum])
-      startNativesNum = startNativesNum - 1
-      nativeDead[denseNum] = true
-    else
-      HideHog(natives[denseNum])
-      nativeHidden[denseNum] = true
-      needRevival = true
-    end
-  end
-  if m4WaterDead == 1 then
-    HideHog(natives[waterNum])
-    nativeHidden[waterNum] = true
-    needRevival = true
-  end
-  if m4ChiefDead == 1 then
-    DeleteGear(natives[chiefNum])
-    startNativesNum = startNativesNum - 1
-    nativeDead[chiefNum] = true
-    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[girlNum], unpack(nativePos[buffaloNum]))
-    nativePos[girlNum] = nativePos[buffaloNum]
-  end
-  if m4BuffaloDead == 1 then
-    startNativesNum = startNativesNum - 1
-    nativeDead[buffaloNum] = true
-    DeleteGear(natives[buffaloNum])
-  end
-  PlaceGirder(3568, 1461, 1)
-  PlaceGirder(440, 523, 5)
-  PlaceGirder(350, 441, 1)
-  PlaceGirder(405, 553, 5)
-  PlaceGirder(316, 468, 1)
-  PlaceGirder(1319, 168, 0)
-function SetupAmmo()
-  AddAmmo(natives[girlNum], amSwitch, 0)
-function AddHogs()
-	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-  for i = 1, 7 do
-    natives[i] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
-  end
-  nativesNum = 7
-  AddTeam(loc("Tribe"), 29438, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-  for i = 8, 9 do
-    natives[i] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
-  end
-  AddTeam(loc("Assault Team"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate", "cm_vampire")
-  for i = 1, 6 do
-    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 1, 50, "vampirichog")
-  end
-  AddTeam(loc("Reinforcements"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate", "cm_vampire")
-  for i = 7, 9 do
-    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 1, 50, "vampirichog")
-  end
-  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
-  for i = 1, 9 do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i]))
-    AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDir[i])
-  end
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 0, 0)
-  for i = 1, 9 do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], cannibalPos[i][1], cannibalPos[i][2] + 40)
-    AnimTurn(cannibals[i], cannibalDir[i])
-  end
-function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
-  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
-  if xl > xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
-  elseif xl < xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
-  end
------------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 2
-	GameFlags = gfSolidLand
-	TurnTime = 60000 
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 0
-	MinesTime = 3000
-	Explosives = 0
-	Delay = 10 
-  Map = "Cave"
-	Theme = "Nature"
-  SuddenDeathTurns = 3000
-  AddHogs()
-  AnimInit()
-function onGameStart()
-  GetVariables()
-  SetupAmmo()
-  SetupPlace()
-  AnimationSetup()
-  AddAnim(startAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
-function onGameTick()
-  AnimUnWait()
-  if ShowAnimation() == false then
-    return
-  end
-  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
-  CheckEvents()
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-  for i = 1, 7 do
-    if gear == natives[i] then
-      if nativeDead[i] ~= true then
-        freshDead = nativeNames[i]
-      end
-      nativeDead[i] = true
-      nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
-    end
-  end
-  for i = 1, 9 do
-    if gear == cannibals[i] then
-      cannibalDead[i] = true
-    end
-  end
-  if gear == spyHog and stage == spyKillStage then
-    freshDead = nil
-    choice = choiceEliminate
-    tmpVar = 1
-  end
-  if gear == deployedHog then
-    deployedDead = true
-  end
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 4, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amWhip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amHammer, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amLandGun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSnowball, 8, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amGirder, 4, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amParachute, 4, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 8, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amSkip, 8, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amRope, 5, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amBlowTorch, 3, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amLowGravity, 0, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amDynamite, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amBazooka, 4, 0, 0, 4)
-  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 4, 0, 0, 4)
-  SetAmmo(amMine, 2, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amSMine, 2, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amMolotov, 2, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amFlamethrower, 2, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 4, 0, 0, 4)
-  SetAmmo(amTeleport, 0, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amDrill, 0, 0, 0, 4)
-  SetAmmo(amMortar, 0, 0, 0, 4)
-j = 0
-function onNewTurn()
-  tmpVar = 0
-  if AnimInProgress() then
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
-    return
-  end
-  if GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Tribe") then
-    TurnTimeLeft = 0
-    return
-  end
-  TurnsLeft = TurnsLeft - 1
-  if stage == platformStage then
-    AddCaption(TurnsLeft .. " turns until arrival!")
-  end
-  if stage == spyKillStage then
-    if CurrentHedgehog == spyHog or GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) ~= loc("Natives") then
-      TurnTimeLeft = 0
-    else
-      SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-      --AnimSwitchHog(natives[leaksNum])
-      TurnTimeLeft = -1
-    end
-  else
-    if freshDead ~= nil and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Natives") then
-      SetupHogDeadAnim(freshDead)
-      AddAnim(hogDeadAnim)
-      AddFunction({func = AfterHogDeadAnim, args = {}})
-    end
-  end
-  if needToAct > 0 then
-    if needToAct == 1 then
-      RestoreWave(2)
-      SetupWave2Anim()
-      AddAnim(wave2Anim)
-      AddFunction({func = AfterWave2Anim, args = {}})
-    elseif needToAct == 2 then
-      SetupWave2DeadAnim()
-      AddAnim(wave2DeadAnim)
-      AddFunction({func = AfterWave2DeadAnim, args = {}})
-    elseif needToAct == 3 then
-      AnimSwitchHog(deployedHog)
-      AddFunction({func = AddWave3DeadAnim, args = {}})
-    end
-    needToAct = 0
-  end
-function onPrecise()
-  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
-    SetAnimSkip(true)
-    return
-  end
-  if stage == spyKillStage then
-    highJumped = true
-  end
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/campaign.ini	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-[Mission 1]
-Name=First Blood
-[Mission 2]
-Name=The Shadow Falls
-[Mission 3]
-Name=The Journey Back
-[Mission 4]
-Name=United We Stand
-[Mission 5]
-[Mission 6]
-Name=Dragon's Lair
-[Mission 7]
-Name=Family Reunion
-[Mission 8]
-Name=Long Live The Queen
-[Mission 9]
-Name=The Enemy Of My Enemy
-[Mission 10]
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/dragon.lua	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,652 +0,0 @@
-local map = 
-	"\0\91\4\253\131\0\88\0\46\0\0\91\0\49\131\15\196\0\53\0\15\196\0\53\131\15\196\4\250\0\255\242\7\179\131\1\128\7\214\0",
-	"\1\113\7\207\131\3\182\7\157\0\3\175\7\143\131\6\58\7\200\0\6\76\7\193\131\6\188\7\129\0\6\188\7\129\131\6\248\6\216\0",
-	"\6\248\6\216\131\7\52\8\14\0\10\206\8\0\131\11\203\6\65\0\11\203\6\65\131\12\18\7\66\0\12\18\7\69\131\16\0\7\69\0",
-	"\0\109\1\1\131\2\111\0\49\0\2\111\0\49\131\3\133\1\18\0\3\140\1\18\131\4\162\0\165\0\4\162\0\165\131\5\135\1\29\0",
-	"\5\145\1\22\131\8\84\0\232\0\8\84\0\232\131\9\26\0\70\0\9\26\0\70\131\10\5\1\4\0\10\48\0\243\131\10\2\1\8\0",
-	"\10\58\0\243\131\10\118\1\15\0\10\118\1\15\131\10\234\1\173\0\11\10\1\177\131\12\11\1\22\0\12\39\1\40\131\12\243\2\9\0",
-	"\12\243\2\9\131\13\106\0\165\0\13\131\0\176\131\15\186\1\78\0\1\244\0\81\136\0\120\0\84\0\1\99\0\123\137\0\130\0\215\0",
-	"\0\158\0\130\143\0\158\0\130\0\2\216\0\88\138\4\165\0\102\0\4\91\0\127\142\3\129\0\197\0\3\69\0\134\142\3\69\0\134\0",
-	"\4\215\0\120\143\8\88\0\134\0\8\187\0\84\139\8\187\0\84\0\8\239\0\70\135\8\239\0\70\0\8\60\0\187\138\5\99\0\222\0",
-	"\5\61\0\197\138\5\61\0\197\0\9\99\0\81\137\10\23\0\218\0\9\187\0\77\137\11\31\1\117\0\10\30\0\88\137\15\161\0\109\0",
-	"\15\126\0\225\144\13\177\0\116\0\15\150\0\144\139\15\157\1\26\0\10\202\0\169\152\12\246\0\169\0\10\72\0\144\145\11\122\1\36\0",
-	"\11\17\1\121\141\11\17\1\121\0\12\229\1\194\138\12\229\1\194\0\12\208\1\85\150\12\208\1\85\0\12\148\1\15\147\12\148\1\15\0",
-	"\13\145\0\208\147\13\145\0\208\0\6\238\7\45\135\7\10\7\238\0\6\220\7\150\135\6\206\7\242\0\6\174\7\175\135\6\135\8\7\0",
-	"\6\118\7\214\135\6\62\7\238\0\6\30\7\245\140\3\217\7\210\0\3\161\7\221\138\255\252\7\231\0\15\242\7\165\148\11\115\7\175\0",
-	"\11\196\6\164\138\11\10\8\4\0\11\210\7\31\141\11\210\7\31\0\14\216\2\72\166\14\216\2\72\0\14\213\4\4\166\14\213\4\4\0",
-	"\13\216\1\159\148\13\216\1\159\0\13\159\2\143\148\13\159\2\143\0\13\230\3\69\145\13\230\3\69\0\13\163\4\11\145\13\166\4\11\0",
-	"\13\237\4\208\145\13\237\4\208\0\14\195\5\61\145\14\195\5\61\0\13\78\1\254\136\13\78\1\254\0\12\239\2\93\136\12\239\2\93\0",
-	"\12\250\2\227\136\12\250\2\227\0\13\71\3\59\136\13\71\3\59\0\13\1\3\168\136\13\1\3\168\0\12\243\4\32\136\12\246\4\32\0",
-	"\13\40\4\130\136\13\43\4\134\0\13\92\4\243\136\13\92\4\243\0\13\142\5\135\136\13\142\5\135\0\14\33\5\106\136\14\33\5\106\0",
-	"\14\111\5\208\136\14\121\5\216\0\15\13\5\237\136\15\13\5\237\0\15\73\5\128\136\15\73\5\128\0\15\84\4\243\136\15\84\4\243\0",
-	"\14\199\6\33\133\14\199\6\33\0\14\97\6\44\133\14\83\6\44\0\14\9\5\240\133\14\9\5\240\0\13\226\5\163\133\13\226\5\163\0",
-	"\13\170\5\233\133\13\170\5\233\0\13\71\5\205\133\13\71\5\205\0\13\61\5\117\133\13\61\5\117\0\13\22\5\40\133\13\22\5\40\0",
-	"\12\253\4\211\133\12\253\4\211\0\12\197\4\169\133\12\197\4\169\0\12\204\4\106\133\12\204\4\106\0\12\162\4\46\133\12\162\4\42\0",
-	"\12\194\3\200\133\12\194\3\196\0\12\201\3\84\133\12\201\3\84\0\12\253\3\62\133\12\253\3\62\0\12\169\2\241\133\12\169\2\241\0",
-	"\12\187\2\167\133\12\187\2\167\0\12\158\2\93\133\12\158\2\93\0\12\162\2\9\133\12\162\2\9\0\12\123\1\205\132\12\123\1\205\0",
-	"\12\84\1\251\132\12\84\1\251\0\12\91\2\55\132\12\95\2\55\0\12\63\2\139\132\12\63\2\139\0\12\120\2\164\132\12\120\2\164\0",
-	"\12\81\2\206\132\12\81\2\206\0\12\106\3\17\132\12\109\3\20\0\12\137\3\73\132\12\137\3\73\0\12\84\3\122\132\12\84\3\122\0",
-	"\12\137\3\150\132\12\137\3\150\0\12\95\3\217\132\12\95\3\217\0\12\134\3\231\132\12\134\3\231\0\12\106\4\63\132\12\106\4\63\0",
-	"\12\137\4\120\132\12\141\4\120\0\12\88\4\179\132\12\88\4\183\0\12\134\4\190\132\12\134\4\190\0\12\158\4\232\132\12\165\4\232\0",
-	"\12\215\5\15\132\12\215\5\15\0\12\91\4\243\130\12\91\4\243\0\12\144\5\26\130\12\144\5\26\0\12\176\5\54\130\12\176\5\54\0",
-	"\12\225\5\82\130\12\225\5\82\0\13\4\5\117\130\13\1\5\117\0\12\239\5\166\130\12\239\5\166\0\13\8\5\184\130\13\11\5\184\0",
-	"\13\8\5\226\130\13\8\5\226\0\13\54\6\12\130\13\57\6\12\0\13\106\6\2\130\13\106\5\254\0\13\138\6\12\130\13\138\6\12\0",
-	"\13\184\6\30\130\13\187\6\30\0\13\223\5\254\130\13\223\5\254\0\13\149\6\69\130\13\145\6\69\0\13\128\6\33\130\13\128\6\33\0",
-	"\13\85\6\40\130\13\85\6\40\0\12\232\6\2\130\12\232\6\2\0\12\204\5\205\130\12\204\5\201\0\12\183\5\159\130\12\183\5\156\0",
-	"\12\211\5\128\130\12\211\5\128\0\12\165\5\103\130\12\165\5\103\0\12\123\5\64\130\12\120\5\64\0\12\81\5\71\130\12\81\5\71\0",
-	"\12\84\5\18\130\12\84\5\18\0\12\39\4\243\130\12\39\4\243\0\12\35\4\194\130\12\35\4\194\0\12\63\4\127\130\12\63\4\127\0",
-	"\12\91\4\106\130\12\91\4\106\0\12\53\4\60\130\12\53\4\60\0\12\74\4\25\130\12\84\4\21\0\12\120\4\4\130\12\120\4\4\0",
-	"\12\42\3\231\130\12\42\3\231\0\12\39\3\189\130\12\42\3\186\0\12\60\3\175\130\12\60\3\175\0\12\39\3\133\130\12\39\3\133\0",
-	"\12\70\3\73\130\12\70\3\73\0\12\25\3\77\130\12\25\3\77\0\12\42\3\13\130\12\46\3\13\0\12\81\3\31\130\12\81\3\31\0",
-	"\12\32\2\213\130\12\32\2\213\0\12\14\2\178\130\12\14\2\178\0\12\42\2\181\130\12\46\2\181\0\12\14\2\128\130\12\14\2\128\0",
-	"\12\39\2\100\130\12\42\2\100\0\12\74\2\104\130\12\77\2\104\0\12\106\2\135\130\12\109\2\135\0\12\39\2\72\130\12\39\2\69\0",
-	"\12\35\2\37\130\12\35\2\37\0\12\32\2\2\130\12\32\2\2\0\12\28\1\226\130\12\28\1\223\0\12\63\1\208\130\12\63\1\208\0",
-	"\12\84\1\173\130\12\84\1\170\0\12\63\1\159\130\12\60\1\159\0\12\39\1\113\130\12\39\1\113\0\12\14\1\96\130\12\11\1\96\0",
-	"\11\228\1\131\130\11\228\1\135\0\12\7\1\149\130\12\7\1\149\0\12\21\1\177\130\12\25\1\177\0\11\242\1\201\130\11\242\1\201\0",
-	"\13\226\6\58\130\13\226\6\58\0\14\16\6\40\130\14\16\6\40\0\13\208\6\86\130\13\208\6\86\0\13\247\6\111\130\13\247\6\114\0",
-	"\13\184\6\121\130\13\184\6\121\0\13\198\6\146\130\13\201\6\146\0\13\244\6\139\130\13\244\6\139\0\13\223\6\185\130\13\223\6\185\0",
-	"\13\173\6\199\130\13\173\6\199\0\13\159\6\171\130\13\159\6\171\0\13\138\6\220\130\13\138\6\220\0\13\184\6\238\130\13\184\6\238\0",
-	"\13\208\6\223\130\13\208\6\223\0\13\216\7\10\130\13\216\7\10\0\13\184\7\10\130\13\180\7\10\0\13\142\7\38\130\13\142\7\41\0",
-	"\13\128\7\6\130\13\128\7\6\0\13\85\7\34\130\13\89\7\34\0\13\89\7\3\130\13\89\7\3\0\13\117\6\220\130\13\121\6\220\0",
-	"\13\75\6\195\130\13\75\6\195\0\13\110\6\164\130\13\110\6\164\0\13\156\6\125\130\13\156\6\125\0\13\106\6\135\130\13\106\6\135\0",
-	"\13\103\6\100\130\13\103\6\100\0\13\64\6\143\130\13\64\6\143\0\13\47\6\104\130\13\47\6\104\0\13\71\6\79\130\13\71\6\79\0",
-	"\13\40\6\65\130\13\36\6\65\0\13\8\6\44\130\13\1\6\44\0\13\8\6\76\130\13\8\6\76\0\13\1\6\132\130\13\1\6\132\0",
-	"\13\33\6\135\130\13\33\6\135\0\13\26\6\178\130\13\22\6\178\0\13\47\6\202\130\13\50\6\202\0\13\54\6\245\130\13\54\6\245\0",
-	"\13\22\7\3\130\13\22\7\3\0\13\43\7\27\130\13\43\7\27\0\12\253\6\248\130\12\250\6\248\0\12\253\6\220\130\12\253\6\220\0",
-	"\12\215\6\174\130\12\225\6\174\0\12\253\6\174\130\12\253\6\174\0\12\215\6\121\130\12\215\6\121\0\12\229\6\76\130\12\229\6\76\0",
-	"\12\201\6\51\130\12\201\6\51\0\12\190\6\19\130\12\190\6\19\0\12\151\5\223\130\12\151\5\223\0\12\148\5\194\130\12\151\5\194\0",
-	"\12\155\5\159\130\12\155\5\156\0\12\144\5\121\130\12\144\5\121\0\12\95\5\110\130\12\95\5\110\0\12\102\5\156\130\12\102\5\159\0",
-	"\12\99\5\216\130\12\106\5\219\0\12\148\6\40\130\12\148\6\40\0\12\127\6\19\130\12\127\6\19\0\12\176\6\104\130\12\176\6\104\0",
-	"\12\141\6\72\130\12\141\6\72\0\12\162\6\139\130\12\162\6\143\0\12\172\6\181\130\12\172\6\181\0\12\204\6\216\130\12\208\6\216\0",
-	"\12\201\7\3\130\12\201\7\3\0\12\236\7\24\130\12\236\7\24\0\12\120\6\146\130\12\120\6\146\0\12\123\6\104\130\12\123\6\104\0",
-	"\12\123\6\185\130\12\123\6\185\0\12\162\6\227\130\12\162\6\227\0\12\134\6\241\130\12\134\6\241\0\12\155\7\10\130\12\155\7\10\0",
-	"\12\190\7\41\130\12\190\7\41\0\11\228\1\96\129\11\228\1\96\0\11\200\1\121\129\11\200\1\121\0\11\193\1\156\129\11\196\1\156\0",
-	"\11\221\1\170\129\11\221\1\170\0\11\217\1\208\129\11\217\1\208\0\11\245\1\230\129\11\245\1\230\0\11\245\2\16\129\11\245\2\16\0",
-	"\12\14\2\62\129\12\18\2\62\0\11\242\2\93\129\11\242\2\93\0\11\235\2\178\129\11\235\2\178\0\11\231\2\238\129\11\235\2\238\0",
-	"\12\4\2\252\129\12\4\2\252\0\11\252\3\34\129\11\252\3\34\0\11\235\3\87\129\11\238\3\87\0\12\11\3\119\129\12\11\3\119\0",
-	"\12\4\3\168\129\12\4\3\168\0\11\245\3\200\129\11\245\3\200\0\11\252\3\238\129\11\252\3\242\0\12\11\4\7\129\12\11\4\7\0",
-	"\11\245\4\60\129\11\238\4\60\0\11\224\4\74\129\11\221\4\74\0\11\210\4\137\129\11\210\4\137\0\11\228\4\151\129\11\231\4\151\0",
-	"\11\242\4\130\129\11\242\4\130\0\12\4\4\113\129\12\7\4\113\0\12\28\4\102\129\12\28\4\102\0\12\11\4\141\129\12\11\4\141\0",
-	"\11\249\4\162\129\11\249\4\162\0\11\221\4\116\129\11\221\4\116\0\11\214\4\106\129\11\217\4\102\0\12\4\4\211\129\12\4\4\211\0",
-	"\11\249\5\8\129\11\252\5\8\0\12\39\5\11\129\12\42\5\11\0\12\56\5\50\129\12\60\5\47\0\12\46\5\96\129\12\49\5\96\0",
-	"\12\70\5\113\129\12\70\5\113\0\12\56\5\166\129\12\63\5\166\0\12\70\5\145\129\12\74\5\145\0\12\70\5\194\129\12\77\5\194\0",
-	"\12\70\5\237\129\12\74\5\237\0\12\106\5\240\129\12\109\5\240\0\12\99\6\33\129\12\99\6\33\0\12\88\6\72\129\12\88\6\72\0",
-	"\12\91\6\107\129\12\95\6\107\0\12\77\6\146\129\12\81\6\146\0\12\88\6\181\129\12\91\6\181\0\12\91\6\220\129\12\99\6\220\0",
-	"\12\113\7\10\129\12\116\7\10\0\8\116\4\18\179\8\116\4\18\0\9\205\3\73\156\9\205\3\73\0\10\83\2\146\144\10\83\2\146\0",
-	"\10\153\2\44\136\10\153\2\44\0\10\181\1\240\132\10\181\1\240\0\10\199\1\205\131\10\199\1\205\0\10\209\1\184\129\10\209\1\184\0",
-	"\8\42\2\167\150\8\42\2\167\0\8\53\1\240\141\8\53\1\237\0\8\67\1\135\134\8\67\1\135\0\11\224\5\8\129\11\224\5\8\0",
-	"\11\200\5\8\129\11\200\5\8\0\11\182\5\8\129\11\182\5\8\0\11\154\5\4\129\11\154\5\4\0\11\129\5\8\129\11\129\5\8\0",
-	"\11\119\3\84\129\11\119\3\84\0\11\140\3\87\129\11\140\3\87\0\11\165\3\87\129\11\165\3\87\0\11\182\3\87\129\11\182\3\87\0",
-	"\11\203\3\87\129\11\203\3\87\0\9\33\6\223\132\9\33\8\11\0\9\33\6\188\129\9\33\6\188\0\0\123\1\26\136\0\211\2\223\0",
-	"\0\211\2\223\136\0\120\3\84\0\0\130\3\101\136\0\211\4\53\0\0\204\4\53\136\0\120\4\151\0\0\130\3\193\136\0\127\4\63\0",
-	"\0\130\3\31\136\0\130\1\201\0\0\91\4\253\130\0\91\6\76\0\7\94\3\136\138\7\94\3\136\0\7\24\3\77\135\7\24\3\77\0",
-	"\6\238\3\24\132\6\241\3\24\0\6\223\2\238\131\6\223\2\238\0\6\220\2\209\129\6\220\2\209\0\7\87\4\14\133\7\87\4\14\0",
-	"\7\38\4\0\131\7\38\4\0\0\7\6\3\242\130\7\6\3\242\0\6\241\3\228\129\6\241\3\228\0\6\227\3\217\128\6\227\3\217\0",
-	"\0\109\4\197\135\0\162\5\99\0\0\144\5\121\135\0\123\6\9\0\0\127\5\92\135\0\127\5\92\0\0\127\5\54\135\0\127\5\54\0",
-	"\0\134\6\23\132\0\236\6\97\0\0\236\6\97\132\1\106\6\135\0\1\117\6\135\132\1\177\6\143\0\2\234\7\80\130\3\69\7\80\0",
-	"\3\69\7\80\130\3\84\7\101\0\3\84\7\101\130\3\87\7\129\0\3\87\7\129\130\3\84\7\150\0\0\183\5\103\130\1\92\5\159\0",
-	"\1\11\5\138\130\0\253\5\180\0\0\253\5\180\130\0\158\5\166\0\0\239\4\60\131\1\166\4\95\0\2\104\3\133\131\3\84\3\129\0",
-	"\4\162\2\181\131\4\162\3\147\0\3\115\2\26\131\4\74\2\30\0\2\23\1\54\131\2\230\1\54\0\0\204\2\5\131\1\194\2\5\0",
-	"\4\74\2\33\131\5\226\1\223\0\0\225\5\121\197\1\135\5\163\0\0\204\5\173\197\1\1\5\173\0\0\179\5\152\131\1\57\5\163\0",
-	"\1\57\5\159\131\1\106\5\219\0\0\165\5\226\130\0\253\5\230\0\0\253\5\230\130\1\8\5\159\0\1\254\6\86\131\1\254\6\86\0",
-	"\1\254\6\33\131\1\254\6\33\0\1\254\5\230\131\1\254\5\230\0\1\254\5\170\131\1\254\5\170\0\1\254\5\113\131\1\254\5\113\0",
-	"\1\251\6\5\129\1\251\6\5\0\1\254\5\201\129\1\254\5\201\0\1\254\5\138\129\1\254\5\138\0\1\254\6\58\129\1\254\6\58\0",
-	"\1\254\5\78\129\1\254\5\78\0\2\2\5\40\131\2\2\5\40\0\2\2\4\246\131\2\2\4\246\0\1\237\4\204\131\1\237\4\204\0",
-	"\2\40\4\190\131\2\40\4\190\0\6\160\7\52\223\7\27\7\126\0\1\219\4\172\204\1\219\4\172\0\2\37\4\183\197\2\37\4\183\0",
-	"\3\98\3\122\131\3\126\3\84\0\3\126\3\84\131\3\126\3\52\0\3\126\3\41\131\3\80\3\24\0\3\80\3\24\131\3\112\2\248\0",
-	"\3\112\2\248\131\3\98\2\188\0",
-choiceAccepted = 1
-choiceRefused = 2
-choiceAttacked = 3
-choiceEliminate = 1
-choiceSpare = 2
-leaksNum = 1
-denseNum = 2
-waterNum = 3
-buffaloNum = 4
-chiefNum = 5
-girlNum = 6
-wiseNum = 7
-nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
-               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
-               loc("Wise Oak")}
-nativeUnNames = {loc("Zork"), loc("Steve"), loc("Jack"),
-                 loc("Lee"), loc("Elmo"), loc("Rachel"),
-                 loc("Muriel")}
-nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
-              "tiara", "AkuAku"}
-nativePos = {257, 1950}
-cyborgNames = {loc("Syntax Errol"), loc("Segmentation Paul"), loc("Unexpected Igor"), loc("Jeremiah")}
-cyborgPos = {745, 1847}
-cyborgsPos = {{2937, 831}, {2945, 1264}, {2335, 1701}, {448, 484}}
-cyborgsDir = {"Left", "Left", "Left", "Right"}
-cratePos = {
-            {788, 1919, amGirder, 2}, {412, 1615, amGirder, 1},
-            {209, 1474, amSniperRifle, 1}, {1178, 637, amDEagle, 1},
-            {633, 268, amDEagle, 1}, {3016, 1545, amDEagle, 1},
-            {249, 1377, amRope, 3}, {330, 1018, amGirder, 1},
-            {888, 647, amRope, 3}, {2116, 337, amRope, 3},
-            {1779, 948, amRope, 3}, {3090, 1066, amRope, 3},
-            {947, 480, amBazooka, 3}, {1097, 480, amMortar, 3},
-            {1139, 451, amSnowball, 3}, {1207, 468, amShotgun, 3},
-            {1024, 393, amSniperRifle, 2}, {998, 391, amDynamite, 2},
-            {1024, 343, amRope, 2}, {998, 341, amRope, 2}
-           }
-reactions = {loc("Yeah, take that!"), loc("Bullseye"), loc("Die, die, die!")}
-secondPos = {{1010, 510}, {1067, 510}}
-natives = {}
-native = nil
-cyborgs = {}
-cyborg = {}
-cyborgsLeft = 0
-gearDead = {}
-hedgeHidden = {}
-startAnim = {}
-killAnim = {}
-killedAnim = {}
-freshDead = nil
-crates = {}
-cratesNum = 0
-jetCrate = nil
-function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
-  local dif
-  if dir == "Left" then
-    dif = 10
-  else
-    dif = -10
-  end
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {native, 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {native, 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-function AnimationSetup()
-  startAnim = {}
-  local m = m5DeployedNum
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {native, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {native, loc("With the rest of the tribe gone, it was up to ") .. nativeNames[m5DeployedNum] .. loc(" to save the village."), 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {native, loc("But it proved to be no easy task!"), 2000}})
-  for i = 1, 4 do
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = FollowGear, swh = false, args = {cyborgs[i]}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {native, 1000}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = FollowGear, swh = false, args = {native}})
-  if m == leaksNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("What a strange cave!"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Now how do I get on the other side?!"), SAY_THINK, 5500}})
-  elseif m == denseNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Dude, what's this place?!"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {native, EmitDenseClouds, {"Right"}}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("And where's all the weed?"), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-  elseif m == waterNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Is this place in my head?"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("I shouldn't have drunk that last pint."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
-  elseif m == buffaloNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Where did that alien run?"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("When I find it..."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-  elseif m == girlNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("This is typical!"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("It's always up to women to clear up the mess men created!"), SAY_THINK, 8500}})
-  elseif m == chiefNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("What is this place?"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("It doesn't matter. I won't let that alien hurt my daughter!"), SAY_THINK, 8500}})
-  elseif m == wiseNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Every single time!"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("How come in a village full of warriors, it's up to me to save it?"), SAY_THINK, 8500}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {native, RestoreHedge, {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Greetings, ") .. nativeUnNames[m] .. "!", SAY_SAY, 2500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("As you can see, there is no way to get on the other side!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I wish to help you, ") .. nativeUnNames[m] .. "!", SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {native}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {native, HideHedge, {cyborg}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Talk about mixed signals..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
-function SetupKillAnim()
-  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Well, that was a waste of time."), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
-  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {native, RestoreHedge, {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}}})
-  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
-  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, native}}})
-  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You bear impressive skills, ") .. nativeUnNames[m5DeployedNum] .. "!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("However, my mates don't agree with me on letting you go..."), SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I guess you'll have to kill them."), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
-  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {native}})
-  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {native, 1}})
-  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {native, HideHedge, {cyborg}}})
-  AddSkipFunction(killAnim, SkipKillAnim, {})
-function SetupKilledAnim()
-  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 500}})
-  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, unpack(secondPos[2])}})
-  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {native, unpack(secondPos[1])}})
-  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, native}}})
-  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Nice work, ") .. nativeUnNames[m5DeployedNum] .. "!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("As a reward for your performance, here's some new technology!"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
-  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Use it wisely!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(secondPos[2])}})
-  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {native}})
-  AddSkipFunction(killedAnim, SkipKilledAnim, {})
---------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
-function SkipStartAnim()
-  AnimSwitchHog(native)
-  AnimWait(native, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
-function AfterStartAnim()
-  SetGearMessage(native, 0)
-  cratesNum = 0
-  for i = 1, 6 do
-    crates[i] = SpawnAmmoCrate(unpack(cratePos[i]))
-    cratesNum = cratesNum + 1
-  end
-  FollowGear(native)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckGearsDead, {{crates[1], crates[2]}}, PutCrates, {2}, 0) 
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-  ShowMission(loc("Dragon's Lair"), loc("Obstacle course"), loc("In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|") ..
-                                                  loc("As the ammo is sparse, you might want to reuse ropes while mid-air.|") ..
-                                                  loc("If you wish to restart the course, hold [Precise] while your turn ends (e.g with Skip)!|") ..
-                                                  loc("The enemy can't move but it might be a good idea to stay out of sight!|") ..
-                                                  loc("You have ") .. SuddenDeathTurns .. loc(" turns until Sudden Death! Better hurry!"), 1, 0)
-function SkipKillAnim()
-  AnimSwitchHog(native)
-  AnimWait(native, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
-function AfterKillAnim()
-  PutWeaponCrates()
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-  AddEvent(CheckCyborgsDead, {}, DoCyborgsDead, {}, 0)
-  ShowMission(loc("Dragon's Lair"), loc("The Slaughter"), loc("Kill the aliens!"), 1, 2000)
-function SkipKilledAnim()
-  AnimSetGearPosition(native, unpack(secondPos[1]))
-  AnimSwitchHog(native)
-  AnimWait(native, 1)
-function AfterKilledAnim()
-  HideHedge(cyborg)
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-  SetGearMessage(native, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amPortalGun, 100)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2259, 755, amTeleport, 2)
-  SpawnHealthCrate(secondPos[1][1] + 30, secondPos[1][2])
-  ShowMission(loc("Dragon's Lair"), loc("The what?!"), loc("Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|")..
-                                             loc("Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|")..
-                                             loc("Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"), 1, 0)
-function CheckCyborgsDead()
-  return cyborgsLeft == 0
-function NullifyAmmo()
-  AddAmmo(native, amRope, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amGirder, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amLowGravity, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amBazooka, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amSniperRifle, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amDEagle, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amDynamite, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amFirePunch, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amBaseballBat, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amMortar, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amSnowball, 0)
-  AddAmmo(native, amShotgun, 0)
-function DoCyborgsDead()
-  NullifyAmmo()
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  SetupKilledAnim()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(killedAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterKilledAnim, args = {}})
-function PutWeaponCrates()
-  for i = 1, 8 do
-    cratesNum = cratesNum + 1
-    crates[cratesNum] = SpawnAmmoCrate(unpack(cratePos[cratesNum]))
-  end
-  FollowGear(native)
-function DoCratesTaken()
-  SetupKillAnim()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(killAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterKillAnim, args = {}})
-function PutCrates(index)
-  if index <= 7 then
-    cratesNum = cratesNum + 1
-    crates[cratesNum] = SpawnUtilityCrate(unpack(cratePos[cratesNum]))
-    AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {crates[cratesNum]}, PutCrates, {index + 1}, 0)
-    FollowGear(native)
-  else
-    AddEvent(StoppedGear, {native}, DoCratesTaken, {}, 0)
-  end
-  if index == 4 then
-    AnimSay(native, loc("I'm a ninja."), SAY_THINK, 0)
-  end
-function CheckMissionFinished()
-  return gearDead[jetCrate] == true
-function DoMissionFinished()
-  AddCaption(loc("Salvation was one step closer now..."))
-  if progress and progress<6 then
-    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "6")
-  end
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  DeleteGear(cyborg)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function CheckGearsDead(gearList)
-  for i = 1, # gearList do
-    if gearDead[gearList[i]] ~= true then
-      return false
-    end
-  end
-  return true
-function CheckGearDead(gear)
-  return gearDead[gear]
-function EndMission()
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  DeleteGear(cyborg)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function CheckFreshDead()
-  return freshDead ~= nil
-function CyborgDeadReact()
-  freshDead = nil
-  if cyborgsLeft == 0 then
-    return
-  end
-  AnimSay(native, reactions[cyborgsLeft])
-function HideHedge(hedge)
-  if hedgeHidden[hedge] ~= true then
-    HideHog(hedge)
-    hedgeHidden[hedge] = true
-  end
-function RestoreHedge(hedge)
-  if hedgeHidden[hedge] == true then
-    RestoreHog(hedge)
-    hedgeHidden[hedge] = false
-  end
-function GetVariables()
-  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
-  m5DeployedNum = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DeployedNum"))
-function SetupPlace()
-  for i = 1, 7 do
-    if i ~= m5DeployedNum then 
-      DeleteGear(natives[i])
-    else
-      native = natives[i]
-    end
-  end
-  HideHedge(cyborg)
-  jetCrate = SpawnUtilityCrate(3915, 1723, amJetpack)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1071, 1913, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1098, 1919, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1136, 1923, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1170, 1930, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1203, 1924, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1228, 1939, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1264, 1931, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1309, 1938, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1352, 1936, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1386, 1939, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1432, 1942, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1483, 1950, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1530, 1954, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1579, 1959, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1000, 1903, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(957, 1903, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(909, 1910, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(889, 1917, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  ------ STICKY MINE LIST ------
-  tempG = AddGear(1199, 733, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-  tempG = AddGear(1195, 793, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-  tempG = AddGear(1201, 861, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-  tempG = AddGear(682, 878, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-  tempG = AddGear(789, 876, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-function SetupEvents()
-  AddNewEvent(CheckMissionFinished, {}, DoMissionFinished, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {native}, EndMission, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckFreshDead, {}, CyborgDeadReact, {}, 1)
-function SetupAmmo()
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amBazooka, 100)
---  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amSniperRifle, 100)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amShotgun, 100)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amSwitch, 100)
-function AddHogs()
-	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-  for i = 1, 7 do
-    natives[i] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 200, nativeHats[i])
-    gearDead[natives[i]] = false
-  end
-  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
-  gearDead[cyborg] = false
-  AddTeam(loc("011101000"), 14483455, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  for i = 1, 4 do
-    cyborgs[i] = AddHog(cyborgNames[i], 2, 100, "cyborg2")
-    gearDead[cyborgs[i]] = false
-  end
-  cyborgsLeft = 4
-  for i = 1, 7 do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePos))
-  end
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos))
-  for i = 1, 4 do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i]))
-    AnimTurn(cyborgs[i], cyborgsDir[i])
-  end
-function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
-  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
-  if xl > xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
-  elseif xl < xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
-  end
------------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 0
-	GameFlags = gfSolidLand + gfDisableLandObjects + gfDisableWind + gfDisableGirders
-	TurnTime = 60000 
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 20
-	MinesTime = 3000
-	Explosives = 6
-	Delay = 10 
-  MapGen = 2
-	Theme = "City"
-  SuddenDeathTurns = 25
-	for i = 1, #map do
-		ParseCommand('draw ' .. map[i])
-	end
-  AddHogs()
-  AnimInit()
-function onGameStart()
-  GetVariables()
-  SetupAmmo()
-  SetupPlace()
-  AnimationSetup()
-  SetupEvents()
-  AddAnim(startAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
-  ShowMission(loc("Dragon's Lair"), loc("Y Chwiliad"), loc("Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"), 1, 0)
-function onGameTick()
-  AnimUnWait()
-  if ShowAnimation() == false then
-    return
-  end
-  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
-  CheckEvents()
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-  gearDead[gear] = true
-  if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
-    if GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("011101000") then
-      freshDead = GetHogName(gear)
-      cyborgsLeft = cyborgsLeft - 1
-    end
-  end
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 3, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 2, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amGirder, 0, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amLowGravity, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-function onNewTurn()
-  if AnimInProgress() then
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
-    return
-  end
-  if GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("011101000") then
-    SetInputMask(band(0xFFFFFFFF, bnot(gmLeft + gmRight + gmLJump + gmHJump)))
-    for i = 1, 4 do
-      if gearDead[CurrentHedgehog] ~= true and gearDead[native] ~= true then
-        if gearDead[cyborgs[i]] ~= true and GetX(cyborgs[i]) < GetX(native) then
-          HogTurnLeft(cyborgs[i], false)
-        else
-          HogTurnLeft(cyborgs[i], true)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    if TotalRounds % 6 == 0 then
-      AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amSniperRifle, 1)
-      AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amDEagle, 1)
-    end
-    TurnTimeLeft = 30000
-  elseif GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("011101001") then
-    TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  else
-    SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-    AddCaption(loc("Turns until Sudden Death: ") .. SuddenDeathTurns - TotalRounds)
-  end
-function onPrecise()
-  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
-    SetAnimSkip(true)
-  end
-  if AnimInProgress() == false then
-  end
-function onPreciseUp()
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/enemy.lua	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,666 +0,0 @@
-choiceAccepted = 1
-choiceRefused = 2
-choiceAttacked = 3
-choiceEliminate = 1
-choiceSpare = 2
-leaksNum = 1
-denseNum = 2
-waterNum = 3
-buffaloNum = 4
-chiefNum = 5
-girlNum = 6
-wiseNum = 7
-ramonNum = 8
-spikyNum = 9
-denseScene = 1
-princessScene = 2
-waterScene = 3
-cyborgScene = 4
-nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
-               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
-               loc("Wise Oak"), loc("Ramon"), loc("Spiky Cheese")
-              }
-nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
-              "tiara", "AkuAku", "rasta", "hair_yellow"}
-nativePos = {{1259, 120}, {2378, 796}, {424, 1299}, {3322, 260}, {1022, 1550}}
-nativeDir = {"Right", "Left", "Right", "Left", "Right"}
-cannibalNames = {loc("Honest Lee"), loc("Vegan Jack"), loc("Sirius Lee"),
-                 loc("Brutal Lily")}
-cannibalPos = {{162, 266}, {2159, 1517}, {3311, 1621}, {1180, 1560}}
-cannibalDir = {"Right", "Left", "Left", "Right"}
-cannibalsNum = 4
-playersDir = {"Right", "Left", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Left", "Right"}
-playersAntiDir = {"Left", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Left", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left"}
-cyborgNames = {loc("Smith 0.97"), loc("Smith 0.98"), loc("Smith 0.99a"),
-               loc("Smith 0.99b"), loc("Smith 0.99f"), loc("Smith 1.0")}
-cyborgPos = {{2162, 20}, {2458, 564}, {542, 1133}, {3334, 1427}}
-cyborgDir = "Right"
-cyborgsNum = 6
-cyborgsPos = {{1490, 330}, {1737, 1005}, {2972, 922}, {1341, 1571},
-              {751, 543}, {3889, 907}}
-cyborgsDir = {"Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left"}
-leaderPos = {3474, 151}
-leaderDir = "Left"
-natives = {}
-origNatives = {}
-cyborgs = {}
-cyborg = nil
-cannibals = {}
-players = {}
-leader = nil
-gearDead = {}
-hedgeHidden = {}
-startAnim = {}
-finalAnim = {}
-function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
-  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
-  if xl > xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
-  elseif xl < xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
-  end
-function CondNeedToTurn2(hog1, hog2)
-  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
-  if xl > xd then
-    AnimTurn(hog1, "Left")
-    AnimTurn(hog2, "Right")
-  elseif xl < xd then
-    AnimTurn(hog2, "Left")
-    AnimTurn(hog1, "Right")
-  end
-function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
-  local dif
-  if dir == "Left" then
-    dif = 10
-  else
-    dif = -10
-  end
-  if dir == nil then
-    dx, dy = GetGearVelocity(dense)
-    if dx < 0 then 
-      dif = 10
-    else 
-      dif = -10
-    end
-  end
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-function RestoreNatives(cgi)
-  for i = 1, playersNum do
-    RestoreHedge(players[i])
-    AnimOutOfNowhere(players[i], GetGearPosition(players[i]))
-  end
-function AnimationSetup()
-  SetupCyborgStartAnim()
-  SetupPeopleStartAnim()
-  SetupEnemyStartAnim()
-  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
-function SetupCyborgStartAnim()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[2])}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[3])}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 1800}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[4])}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Everything looks OK..."), SAY_THINK, 2500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("This will be fun!"), SAY_THINK, 2500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimJump, args = {cyborg, "high"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, RestoreNatives, {true}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("HAHA!"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {players[1]}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[4])}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = HideHedge, swh = false, args = {cyborg}})
-function SetupPeopleStartAnim()
-  for i = 1, playersNum do
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {players[i], playersAntiDir[i]}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {players[1], 800}})
-  for i = 1, playersNum do
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {players[i], playersDir[i]}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {players[1], 800}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("What is this place?"), SAY_SHOUT, 2500}})
-  if m5LeaksDead == 1 then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("And how am I alive?!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[1], CondNeedToTurn, {players[1], players[2]}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[2], loc("It must be the cyborgs again!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[3], loc("Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[4], CondNeedToTurn, {players[4], cannibals[1]}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[4], CondNeedToTurn, {players[1], cannibals[1]}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("Cannibals?! You're the cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("WHAT?! You're the ones attacking us!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("You have kidnapped our whole tribe!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("You've been assaulting us, we have been just defending ourselves!"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("I can't believe this!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Have we ever attacked you first?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("Yes!"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("When?"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("Uhmm...ok no."), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("But you're cannibals. It's what you do."), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Where do you get that?!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("Everyone knows this."), SAY_SHOUT, 2500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("I didn't until about a month ago."), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("Hmmm...actually...I didn't either."), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("A cy-what?"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("They told us to wear these clothes. They said that this is the newest trend."), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("They've been manipulating us all this time!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("They must be trying to weaken us!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("We have to unite and defeat those cylergs!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("We can't let them take over our little island!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-function RestoreCyborgs(cgi)
-  if cyborgsRestored == true then
-    return
-  end
-  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
-    RestoreHedge(cyborgs[i])
-    if cgi == true then
-      AnimOutOfNowhere(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i]))
-    end
-  end
-  RestoreHedge(leader)
-  AnimOutOfNowhere(leader, unpack(leaderPos))
-  cyborgsRestored = true
-function SetupEnemyStartAnim()
-  local gear
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cannibals[1], RestoreCyborgs, {true}}})
-  if m8EnemyFled == 1 then
-    gear = leader
-  else
-    gear = cyborgs[2]
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[1], CondNeedToTurn, {players[4], gear}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[1], CondNeedToTurn, {players[1], gear}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("You have finally figured it out!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Why do you want to take over our island?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("This island is the only place left on Earth with grass on it!"), SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("It's worth more than wood!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("That makes it almost invaluable!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("We have nowhere else to live!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("That's not our problem!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("We'll give you a problem then!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {gear}})
-function SetupFinalAnim()
-  finalAnim = {
-    {func = AnimGearWait, args = {cyborg, 1000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Nicely done, meatbags!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You have won the game by proving true cooperative skills!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You have proven yourselves worthy!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Game? Was this a game to you?!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Well, yes. This was a cyborg television show."), SAY_SAY, 5500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("It is called 'Hogs of Steel'."), SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"), SAY_SAY, 8000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Our tribe, our beautiful island!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("All gone...everything!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("But the ones alive are stronger in their heart!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Just kidding, none of you have died!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I mean, none of you ceased to live."), SAY_SAY, 5000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You'll see what I mean!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("They are all waiting back in the village, haha."), SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("You are playing with our lives here!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Do you think you're some kind of god?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Interesting idea, haha!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}},
-    {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {players[1]}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {players[1], 1}},
-    {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[4])}},
-    {func = HideHedge, swh = false, args = {cyborg}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("What a douche!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}},
-  }
---------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
-function SkipStartAnim()
-  RestoreNatives()
-  RestoreCyborgs()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AnimSwitchHog(cyborgs[1])
-  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
-function AfterStartAnim()
-  ShowMission(loc("The Enemy Of My Enemy"), loc("The Union"), loc("Defeat the cyborgs!"), 1, 0)
-  PutWeaponCrates()
-  PutHealthCrates()
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function PutHealthCrates()
-  for i = 1, 10 do
-    SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0)
-  end
-function PutWeaponCrates()
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(2399, 622, amNapalm, 2)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(2199, -18, amBee, 2)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(2088, 430, amBee, 2)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(237, 20, amMortar, 4)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(312, 1107, amMolotov, 3)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(531, 1123, amWatermelon, 2)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(1253, 1444, amFlamethrower, 5)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(994, 1364, amBaseballBat, 3)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(1104, 1553, amMine, 6)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(2277, 803, amDynamite, 2)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(1106, 184, amRCPlane, 3)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(1333, 28, amSMine, 4)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(90, 279, amAirAttack, 2)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(288, 269, amBee, 2)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(818, 1633, amBaseballBat, 2)
-function CheckNativesDead()
-  return nativesLeft == 0
-function CheckCannibalsDead()
-  return cannibalsLeft == 0
-function CheckPlayersDead()
-  return playersLeft == 0
-function CheckCyborgsDead()
-  return (cyborgsLeft == 0 and (leader == nil or gearDead[leader] == true))
-function DoNativesDead()
-  nativesDeadFresh = true
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function DoCannibalsDead()
-  cannibalsDeadFresh = true
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function DoPlayersDead()
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNativesDead)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckCannibalsDead)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckCyborgsDead)
-  playersDeadFresh = true
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function DoCyborgsDead()
---  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNativesDead)
---  RemoveEventFunc(CheckCannibalsDead)
-  cyborgsDeadFresh= true
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function CheckGearsDead(gearList)
-  for i = 1, # gearList do
-    if gearDead[gearList[i]] ~= true then
-      return false
-    end
-  end
-  return true
-function CheckGearDead(gear)
-  return gearDead[gear]
-function FailedMission()
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  AnimOutOfNowhere(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[1]))
-  if CheckCyborgsDead() then
-    AnimSay(cyborg, loc("'s a draw. How unfortunate!"), SAY_THINK, 6000)
-  elseif leader ~= nil then
-    CondNeedToTurn2(cyborg, leader)
-    AddAnim({{func = AnimSay, args = {leader, loc("Yay, we won!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}},
-             {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Nice work!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}})
-  else
-    CondNeedToTurn2(cyborg, cyborgs[1])
-    AddAnim({{func = AnimSay, args = {cyborgs[1], loc("Yay, we won!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}},
-             {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Nice work!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}})
-  end
-  AddFunction({func = LoseMission, args = {}})
-function LoseMission()
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Cannibals"))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function WonMission()
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  CondNeedToTurn2(cyborg, players[1])
-  SetupFinalAnim()
-  AddAnim(finalAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = WinMission, args = {}})
-function WinMission()
-  if progress and progress<9 then
-    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "9")
-  end
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function HideHedge(hedge)
-  if hedgeHidden[hedge] ~= true then
-    HideHog(hedge)
-    hedgeHidden[hedge] = true
-  end
-function RestoreHedge(hedge)
-  if hedgeHidden[hedge] == true then
-    RestoreHog(hedge)
-    hedgeHidden[hedge] = false
-  end
-function GetVariables()
-  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
-  m5DeployedNum = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DeployedNum"))
-  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
-  m5Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5Choice"))
-  m2DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2DenseDead"))
-  m4DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4DenseDead"))
-  m5DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DenseDead"))
-  m4LeaksDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4LeaksDead"))
-  m5LeaksDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5LeaksDead"))
-  m4ChiefDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4ChiefDead"))
-  m5ChiefDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5ChiefDead"))
-  m4WaterDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4WaterDead"))
-  m5WaterDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5WaterDead"))
-  m4BuffaloDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4BuffaloDead"))
-  m5BuffaloDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5BuffaloDead"))
-  m5WiseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5WiseDead"))
-  m5GirlDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5GirlDead"))
-  m8DeployedDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8DeployedDead"))
-  m8PrincessDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8PrincessDead"))
-  m8RamonDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8RamonDead"))
-  m8SpikyDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8SpikyDead"))
-  m8DeployedLeader = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8DeployedLeader"))
-  m8PrincessLeader = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8PrincessLeader"))
-  m8EnemyFled = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8EnemyFled"))
-  m8Scene = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8Scene"))
-function SetupPlace()
-  for i = 1, playersNum do
-    HideHedge(players[i])
-  end
-  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
-    HideHedge(cyborgs[i])
-  end
-  if leader ~= nil then
-    HideHedge(leader)
-  end
-function SetupEvents()
-  AddNewEvent(CheckPlayersDead, {}, DoPlayersDead, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckNativesDead, {}, DoNativesDead, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckCannibalsDead, {}, DoCannibalsDead, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckCyborgsDead, {}, DoCyborgsDead, {}, 0)
-function SetupAmmo()
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amClusterBomb, 100)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amMortar, 100)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amDynamite, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amAirAttack, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amTeleport, 100)
-  if leader ~= nil then
-    AddAmmo(leader, amClusterBomb, 100)
-    AddAmmo(leader, amMortar, 100)
-    AddAmmo(leader, amDynamite, 100)
-    AddAmmo(leader, amAirAttack, 3)
-    AddAmmo(leader, amTeleport, 100)
-  end
-function AddHogs()
-  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
-	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-  natives[1] = AddHog(nativeNames[leaksNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[leaksNum])
-  if m5DeployedNum ~= leaksNum and m8DeployedLeader == 0 then
-    natives[2] = AddHog(nativeNames[m5DeployedNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[m5DeployedNum])
-  end
-  table.insert(natives, AddHog(nativeNames[ramonNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[ramonNum]))
-  table.insert(natives, AddHog(nativeNames[spikyNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[spikyNum]))
-  if m8PrincessLeader == 0 then
-    table.insert(natives, AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 0, 100, "tiara"))
-  end
-  nativesNum = #natives
-  nativesLeft = nativesNum
-  cannibalsLeft = cannibalsNum
-  for i = 1, nativesNum do
-    table.insert(players, natives[i])
-  end
-	AddTeam(loc("Cannibals"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-  for i = 1, cannibalsNum do
-    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 0, 100, "Zombi")
-    table.insert(players, cannibals[i])
-  end
-  playersNum = #players
-  playersLeft = playersNum
-  AddTeam(loc("Hedge-cogs"), 14483455, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
-    cyborgs[i] = AddHog(cyborgNames[i], 2, 80, "cyborg2")
-  end
-  if m8EnemyFled == 1 then
-    AddTeam(loc("Leader"), 14483455, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-    if m8Scene == denseScene then
-      leader = AddHog(loc("Dense Cloud"), 2, 200, nativeHats[denseNum])
-    elseif m8Scene == waterScene then
-      leader = AddHog(loc("Fiery Water"), 2, 200, nativeHats[waterNum])
-    elseif m8Scene == princessScene then
-      leader = AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 2, 200, "tiara")
-    else
-      leader = AddHog(loc("Nancy Screw"), 2, 200, "cyborg2")
-    end
-  end
-  cyborgsLeft = cyborgsNum
-  for i = 1, nativesNum do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i]))
-    AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDir[i])
-  end
-  for i = 1, cannibalsNum do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
-    AnimTurn(cannibals[i], cannibalDir[i])
-  end
-  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i]))
-    AnimTurn(cyborgs[i], cyborgsDir[i])
-  end
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[1]))
-  AnimTurn(cyborg, cyborgDir)
-  if leader ~= nil then
-    AnimSetGearPosition(leader, unpack(leaderPos))
-    AnimTurn(leader, leaderDir[i])
-  end
------------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 0
-	GameFlags = gfSolidLand
-	TurnTime = 60000 
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 0
-	MinesTime = 3000
-	Explosives = 0
-	Delay = 10 
-  Map = "Islands"
-	Theme = "EarthRise"
-  SuddenDeathTurns = 20
-  GetVariables()
-  AnimInit()
-  AddHogs()
-function onGameStart()
-  SetupAmmo()
-  SetupPlace()
-  AnimationSetup()
-  SetupEvents()
-  AddAnim(startAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
-function onGameTick()
-  AnimUnWait()
-  if ShowAnimation() == false then
-    return
-  end
-  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
-  CheckEvents()
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-  gearDead[gear] = true
-  if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
-    if GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Natives") then
-      for i = 1, nativesLeft do
-        if natives[i] == gear then
-          table.remove(natives, i)
-          table.remove(players, i)
-          nativesLeft = nativesLeft - 1
-          playersLeft = playersLeft - 1
-        end
-      end
-    elseif GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Cannibals") then
-      for i = 1, cannibalsLeft do
-        if cannibals[i] == gear then
-          table.remove(cannibals, i)
-          table.remove(players, nativesLeft + i)
-          cannibalsLeft = cannibalsLeft - 1
-          playersLeft = playersLeft - 1
-        end
-      end
-    elseif GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Hedge-cogs") then
-      for i = 1, cyborgsLeft do
-        if cyborgs[i] == gear then
-          table.remove(cyborgs, i)
-        end
-      end
-      cyborgsLeft = cyborgsLeft - 1
-    end
-  end
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amBazooka, 8, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 7, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amParachute, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amRope, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amBlowTorch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-function onNewTurn()
-  if AnimInProgress() then
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
-    return
-  end
-  if playersDeadFresh then
-    playersDeadFresh = false
-    FailedMission()
-  elseif cyborgsDeadFresh then
-    cyborgsDeadFresh = false
-    WonMission()
-  elseif nativesDeadFresh and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Cannibals") then
-    AnimSay(CurrentHedgehog, loc("Your deaths will be avenged, cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 0)
-    nativesDeadFresh = false
-  elseif cannibalsDeadFresh and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Natives") then
-    AnimSay(CurrentHedgehog, loc("Your deaths will be avenged, cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 0)
-    cannibalsDeadFresh = false
-  end
-function onPrecise()
-  if GameTime > 3000 and AnimInProgress() then
-    SetAnimSkip(true)
-  end
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/epil.lua	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-leaksNum = 1
-denseNum = 2
-waterNum = 3
-buffaloNum = 4
-chiefNum = 5
-girlNum = 6
-wiseNum = 7
-ramonNum = 8
-spikyNum = 9
-princessNum = 10
-denseScene = 1
-princessScene = 2
-waterScene = 3
-cyborgScene = 4
-nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
-               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
-               loc("Wise Oak"), loc("Ramon"), loc("Spiky Cheese"),
-               loc("Fell From Heaven")
-              }
-nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
-              "tiara", "AkuAku", "rasta", "hair_yellow", "tiara"}
-nativePosCyborg = {{1900, 508}, {480, 1321}, {2927, 873},
-             {1325, 905}, {3190, 1424}, {1442, 857},
-             {1134, 1278}, {2881, 853}, {2974, 897},
-             {2033, 511}}
-nativeDirCyborg = {"Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Left"}
-nativePosPrincess = {{1930, 508}, {480, 1321}, {2927, 873},
-             {1325, 905}, {3190, 1424}, {2033, 511},
-             {1134, 1278}, {2881, 853}, {2974, 897},
-             {1900, 508}}
-nativeDirPrincess = {"Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Right"}
-nativePosDense = {{1930, 508}, {2285, 772}, {2927, 873},
-             {1325, 905}, {3190, 1424}, {1442, 857},
-             {1134, 1278}, {480, 1321}, {2974, 897},
-             {2033, 511}}
-nativeDirDense = {"Right", "Left", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Left"}
-nativePosWater = {{1900, 508}, {2033, 511}, {2285, 772},
-             {1325, 905}, {3190, 1424}, {1442, 857},
-             {1134, 1278}, {480, 1321}, {2974, 897},
-             {1980, 511}}
-nativeDirWater = {"Right", "Left", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Left"}
-prisonPos = {2285, 772}
-brainNum = 1
-corpseNum = 2
-brutalNum = 3
-earNum = 4
-hanniNum = 5
-cannibalNames = {loc("Brainiac"), loc("Corpse Thrower"), loc("Brutal Lily"), loc("Ear Sniffer"), loc("Hannibal")}
-cannibalHats = {"Zombi", "AkuAku", "Zombi", "Zombi", "IndianChief"}
-cannibalPos = {{533, 1304}, {1184, 1282}, {1386, 883}, {2854, 834}, {3243, 1415}}
-cannibalDir = {"Left", "Left", "Left", "Right", "Left"}
-natives = {}
-cannibals = {}
-traitor = nil
-crate = nil
-startAnim = {}
-gearDead = {}
---------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
-function SkipStartAnim()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AnimSwitchHog(natives[1])
-function AfterStartAnim()
-  crate = SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckCrateTaken, {}, DoCrateTaken, {}, 1)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  ShowMission("Epilogue", "That's all folks!", "You have successfully finished the campaign!|If you wish to replay, there are other possible endings, too!|You can practice moving around and using utilities in this mission.|However, it will never end!", 1, 0)
-function CheckCrateTaken()
-  return gearDead[crate]
-function DoCrateTaken()
-  crate = SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0)
-function AnimationSetup()
-  if m8Scene == cyborgScene then 
-    SetupAnimCyborg()
-  elseif m8Scene == princessScene then
-    SetupAnimPrincess()
-  elseif m8Scene == waterScene then
-    SetupAnimWater()
-  else
-    SetupAnimDense()
-  end
-  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
-function SetupAnimWater()
-  startAnim = {
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 3000}},
-    {func = AnimCaption, args = {natives[ramonNum], "Back in the village, the two tribes finally started to live in harmony.", 5000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[ramonNum], "You got a killer mask there, amigo!", SAY_SAY, 5500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[brainNum], "Thanks, man! It really means a lot to me.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "So, uhmm, how did you manage to teleport them so far?", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[corpseNum], "It's all about the right carrots, you know.", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "Of course! It's all obvious now!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "I can't believe how blind we were...", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Fighting instead of cultivating a beautiful friendship.", SAY_SAY, 8500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], "One shall not judge one by one's appearance!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "You speak great truth, Hannibal. Here, take a sip!", SAY_SAY, 7500}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "It's amazing how quickly our lives can change...", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], "Aye! Fellow! Let me exit this chamber of doom!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Right"}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "It's your fault you're there!", SAY_SAY, 5000}},
-    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Left"}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "I always suspected him!", SAY_SAY, 3000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Nobody takes walks every day!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I don't know who I can trust anymore.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "Everywhere I look, I see hogs walking around...", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "...and I think they are up to something. Something bad!", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
-    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Right", nativePosWater[princessNum][1] - 30, nativePosWater[princessNum][2]}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "You can always trust me! I love you!", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I know and I'm terribly sorry!", SAY_SAY, 5000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I love Dense Cloud now!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Right"}},
-    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[denseNum], "Left", nativePosWater[princessNum][1] + 20, nativePosWater[princessNum][2]}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], "Problems, dude? Chillax!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Left"}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "(T_T)", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[leaksNum]}},
-  }
-function SetupAnimDense()
-  startAnim = {
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 3000}},
-    {func = AnimCaption, args = {natives[ramonNum], "Back in the village, the two tribes finally started to live in harmony.", 5000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[ramonNum], "You got a killer mask there, amigo!", SAY_SAY, 5500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[brainNum], "Thanks, man! It really means a lot to me.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "So, uhmm, how did you manage to teleport them so far?", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[corpseNum], "It's all about the right carrots, you know.", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "Of course! It's all obvious now!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "I can't believe how blind we were...", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Fighting instead of cultivating a beautiful friendship.", SAY_SAY, 8500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], "One shall not judge one by one's appearance!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "You speak great truth, Hannibal. Here, take a sip!", SAY_SAY, 7500}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], "...And then I took a stroll...", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "It's amazing how quickly our lives can change...", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], "Dude, let me out!", SAY_SAY, 3000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], "I already said I'm sorry!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Right"}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "Traitors don't get to shout around here!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Left"}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "I still can't believe he sold us out like that.", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I don't know who I can trust anymore.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Right", nativePosDense[princessNum][1] - 30, nativePosDense[princessNum][2]}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "You can always trust me!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I know, my hero!", SAY_SAY, 3000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "...xoxo...", SAY_SAY, 2000}},
-    {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[leaksNum]}},
-  }
-function SetupAnimCyborg()
-  startAnim = {
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 3000}},
-    {func = AnimCaption, args = {natives[denseNum], "Back in the village, the two tribes finally started to live in harmony.", 5000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], "Dude, that outfit is so kool!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[brainNum], "Thanks, dude! It really means a lot to me.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "So, uhmm, how did you manage to teleport them so far?", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[corpseNum], "It's all about the right carrots, you know.", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "Of course! It's all obvious now!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "I can't believe how blind we were...", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Fighting instead of cultivating a beautiful friendship.", SAY_SAY, 8500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], "One shall not judge one by one's appearance!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "You speak great truth, Hannibal. Here, take a sip!", SAY_SAY, 7500}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], "...And then I took a stroll...", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "I'm glad this is over!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[princessNum], "Right", nativePosCyborg[princessNum][1] + 30, nativePosCyborg[princessNum][2]}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I was so scared.", SAY_SAY, 2500}},
-    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Right", nativePosCyborg[princessNum][1], nativePosCyborg[princessNum][2]}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "You have nothing to be afraid of now.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "I'll protect you!", SAY_SAY, 3000}},
-    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Left"}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "You're so brave...I feel safe with you.", SAY_SAY, 6500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I think I love you!", SAY_SAY, 3500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], " being with you too.", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
-  }
-function SetupAnimPrincess()
-  startAnim = {
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 3000}},
-    {func = AnimCaption, args = {natives[denseNum], "Back in the village, the two tribes finally started to live in harmony.", 5000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], "Dude, that outfit is so kool!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[brainNum], "Thanks, dude! It really means a lot to me.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "So, uhmm, how did you manage to teleport them so far?", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[corpseNum], "It's all about the right carrots, you know.", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "Of course! It's all obvious now!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "I can't believe how blind we were...", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Fighting instead of cultivating a beautiful friendship.", SAY_SAY, 8500}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], "One shall not judge one by one's appearance!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "You speak great truth, Hannibal. Here, take a sip!", SAY_SAY, 7500}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
-    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[buffaloNum], "So I shook my fist in the air!", SAY_SAY, 5000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[brutalNum], "Well that was an unnecessary act of violence.", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], "...And then I took a stroll...", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "I'm glad this is over!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], "I still can't believe you forgave her!", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], "She endangered the whole tribe!", SAY_SAY, 5000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "It wasn't her fault!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "We oppressed her, the only woman in the tribe!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], "The only woman, huh?", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], "Then what am I?", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Of course, but you're...special.", SAY_SAY, 5000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], "Sure!", SAY_SAY, 2000}},
-    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Left"}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "We're terribly sorry!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
-    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I don't know if I can forget what you've done!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
-    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Left"}},
-    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[princessNum], "Left", nativePosPrincess[princessNum][1] - 10, nativePosPrincess[princessNum][2]}},
-    {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[leaksNum]}}
-  }
-function GetVariables()
-  m8Scene = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8Scene"))
-function AddHogs()
-	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-  for i = 1, 5 do
-    natives[i] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
-  end
-	AddTeam(loc("More Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-  for i = 6, 10 do
-    natives[i] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
-  end
-	AddTeam(loc("Cannibals"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-  for i = 1, 5 do
-    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 0, 100, cannibalHats[i])
-  end
-  if m8Scene == denseScene or m8Scene == waterScene then
-    AddTeam(loc("Traitors"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-    if m8Scene == denseScene then
-      DeleteGear(natives[2])
-      natives[2] = AddHog(nativeNames[2], 0, 100, nativeHats[2])
-    else
-      DeleteGear(natives[3])
-      natives[3] = AddHog(nativeNames[3], 0, 100, nativeHats[3])
-    end
-  end
-  SetGearPositions()
-function SetGearPositions()
-  if m8Scene == cyborgScene then
-    for i = 1, 10 do
-      AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePosCyborg[i]))
-      AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDirCyborg[i])
-    end
-  elseif m8Scene == waterScene then
-    for i = 1, 10 do
-      AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePosWater[i]))
-      AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDirWater[i])
-    end
-  elseif m8Scene == denseScene then
-    for i = 1, 10 do
-      AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePosDense[i]))
-      AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDirDense[i])
-    end
-  else
-    for i = 1, 10 do
-      AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePosPrincess[i]))
-      AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDirPrincess[i])
-    end
-  end
-  for i = 1, 5 do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
-    AnimTurn(cannibals[i], cannibalDir[i])
-  end
-function SetupPlace()
-  if m8Scene == denseScene or m8Scene == waterScene then
-    PlaceGirder(2296, 798, 4)
-    PlaceGirder(2296, 700, 4)
-    PlaceGirder(2225, 750, 2)
-    PlaceGirder(2245, 750, 2)
-    PlaceGirder(2265, 750, 2)
-    PlaceGirder(2305, 750, 2)
-    PlaceGirder(2345, 750, 2)
-    PlaceGirder(2365, 750, 2)
-  end
-  if m8Scene == denseScene then
-    traitor = natives[denseNum]
-  elseif m8Scene == waterScene then
-    traitor = natives[waterNum]
-  end
------------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 1
-	GameFlags = gfOneClanMode
-	TurnTime = 60000 
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 0
-	MinesTime = 3000
-	Explosives = 0
-	Delay = 10 
-  Map = "Hogville"
-	Theme = "Nature"
-  SuddenDeathTurns = 3000
-  GetVariables()
-  AddHogs()
-  AnimInit()
-function onGameStart()
-  SetupPlace()
-  AnimationSetup()
-  AddAnim(startAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
-function onGameTick()
-  AnimUnWait()
-  if ShowAnimation() == false then
-    return
-  end
-  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
-  CheckEvents()
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-  gearDead[gear] = true
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-  SetAmmo(amAirStrike, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amBazooka, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amBlowTorch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-	SetAmmo(amClusterBomb,9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amDrill, 9, 0, 0, 4)
-  SetAmmo(amDynamite, 9, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amFlamethrower, 9, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amGirder, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amHammer, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amJetpack, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amLandGun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amLowGravity, 9, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amMine, 9, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amMolotov, 9, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amMortar, 9, 0, 0, 4)
-  SetAmmo(amNapalm, 9, 0, 0, 4)
-  SetAmmo(amParachute, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amPortalGun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amRope, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amRCPlane, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSMine, 9, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSnowball, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amTeleport, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-	SetAmmo(amWatermelon, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amWhip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-function onNewTurn()
-  if AnimInProgress() then
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
-    return
-  end
-  if CurrentHedgehog == traitor then
-    TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  else
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
-  end
-function onPrecise()
-  if GameTime > 2500 then
-    SetAnimSkip(true)
-  end
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/family.lua	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-local map = 
-	"\255\242\4\218\132\0\53\4\253\0\0\53\4\253\132\0\102\5\92\0\0\102\5\92\132\0\106\5\205\0\0\106\5\205\132\1\1\6\37\0",
-	"\1\1\6\37\132\1\124\6\160\0\1\113\6\160\132\2\157\6\111\0\2\164\6\107\132\2\252\6\178\0\2\252\6\178\132\3\224\4\179\0",
-	"\3\224\4\179\132\3\38\2\209\0\3\38\2\209\132\4\109\3\179\0\4\109\3\179\132\5\124\3\172\0\5\128\3\172\132\6\69\4\239\0",
-	"\6\69\4\239\132\7\175\4\32\0\7\172\4\46\132\8\116\5\18\0\3\38\2\213\132\3\41\1\244\0\3\41\1\244\132\3\94\2\245\0",
-	"\8\127\5\8\132\8\127\0\14\0\8\127\0\14\132\8\194\5\29\0\8\194\5\29\132\9\36\5\82\0\9\29\5\75\132\9\180\5\103\0",
-	"\9\194\5\92\132\10\51\6\5\0\10\51\6\5\132\10\216\5\152\0\10\227\5\145\132\11\189\5\212\0\11\189\5\212\132\12\91\5\131\0",
-	"\12\91\5\131\132\12\253\5\191\0\12\253\5\191\132\13\149\5\106\0\13\149\5\106\132\16\11\5\106\0\14\19\5\110\132\14\16\4\236\0",
-	"\14\16\4\236\132\15\66\4\236\0\15\66\4\236\132\15\66\5\110\0\14\79\4\194\132\15\6\4\194\0\14\255\4\176\132\14\255\4\49\0",
-	"\14\255\4\49\132\14\76\4\53\0\14\76\4\53\132\14\76\4\201\0\14\125\4\74\128\14\128\4\187\0\14\188\4\77\128\14\185\4\179\0",
-	"\14\111\4\39\129\14\76\3\252\0\14\72\3\249\129\14\72\3\147\0\14\72\3\147\129\14\97\3\235\0\14\97\3\235\129\14\146\4\28\0",
-	"\14\202\4\28\129\14\248\3\238\0\14\248\3\238\129\15\17\3\133\0\15\17\3\133\129\15\27\3\235\0\15\27\3\235\129\14\230\4\49\0",
-	"\1\124\6\220\130\1\244\7\13\0\1\244\7\13\130\2\104\6\206\0\2\100\6\206\130\2\30\6\178\0\2\12\6\181\130\1\135\6\213\0",
-	"\3\172\7\136\130\15\41\7\136\0\15\41\7\136\130\15\41\7\62\0\15\41\7\62\130\3\175\7\52\0\3\175\7\52\130\3\126\6\206\0",
-	"\3\126\6\206\130\3\122\7\133\0\3\122\7\133\130\3\186\7\136\0\8\123\7\94\136\9\173\7\101\0\8\88\7\66\130\8\88\7\119\0",
-	"\9\212\7\69\130\9\212\7\126\0\8\155\0\14\133\8\151\5\11\0\8\190\2\160\131\8\194\5\1\0\14\83\3\235\131\14\114\4\21\0",
-	"\15\10\3\196\131\15\10\3\235\0\15\10\3\235\131\14\220\4\32\0\14\65\5\47\137\15\20\5\36\0\15\41\5\82\132\15\41\5\82\0",
-	"\3\94\3\17\138\4\137\5\124\0\3\221\3\119\138\5\57\4\250\0\4\102\4\67\160\5\26\4\74\0\4\113\5\36\161\5\142\4\222\0",
-	"\4\42\5\216\169\9\89\6\26\0\6\100\5\22\145\8\134\5\64\0\6\255\4\197\140\7\161\4\120\0\7\214\4\204\146\7\214\4\204\0",
-	"\10\55\6\97\147\11\13\5\247\0\11\59\6\26\146\11\224\6\30\0\12\95\6\16\153\14\55\6\90\0\13\173\5\226\153\15\196\5\212\0",
-	"\15\172\7\91\152\15\165\5\230\0\15\235\7\221\142\255\238\7\207\0\14\248\6\188\152\3\217\6\178\0\3\112\6\83\143\3\31\7\101\0",
-	"\3\73\7\143\140\3\73\7\143\0\15\62\7\13\140\15\62\7\13\0\15\101\7\157\140\15\101\7\157\0\2\181\6\220\141\1\205\7\108\0",
-	"\2\86\6\160\137\2\150\6\128\0\2\26\6\153\134\1\96\6\195\0\1\82\6\241\136\1\226\7\59\0\2\157\7\98\155\2\157\7\98\0",
-	"\1\64\7\80\149\255\249\7\27\0\1\4\6\174\148\0\25\6\86\0\0\211\6\58\139\0\7\5\219\0\0\35\5\159\142\0\4\5\47\0",
-	"\8\123\0\14\199\8\187\0\11\0\16\14\5\99\199\16\14\7\245\0\255\235\4\218\199\255\238\8\25\0\8\67\2\72\202\8\208\2\72\0",
-	"\8\141\1\251\202\8\141\0\74\0\8\201\2\143\195\8\204\4\49\0\8\84\2\185\205\8\204\2\188\0\8\99\2\230\205\8\187\2\230\0",
-	"\8\165\3\41\131\8\144\3\3\0\8\144\3\3\131\8\60\2\248\0\8\60\2\248\131\7\252\3\59\0\7\252\3\59\131\8\137\3\31\0",
-	"\8\56\3\20\131\8\102\3\20\0\8\60\3\13\194\8\60\3\13\0\8\60\3\3\128\8\60\3\31\0\7\238\3\66\128\7\214\3\84\0",
-	"\7\217\3\87\128\7\217\3\98\0\7\217\3\87\128\7\200\3\91\0\6\209\4\70\208\8\18\4\95\0\0\11\4\225\131\0\0\8\21\0",
-	"\15\224\5\99\131\15\245\7\252\0\15\242\5\191\192\15\196\6\33\0\15\196\6\33\192\15\245\6\209\0\15\245\6\209\192\15\193\7\115\0",
-	"\15\193\7\115\192\15\235\8\18\0\15\249\5\223\196\15\217\6\40\0\15\217\6\40\196\16\4\6\188\0\15\245\6\16\196\16\21\7\77\0",
-	"\16\0\6\245\196\15\214\7\112\0\15\207\7\129\196\16\0\8\4\0\15\245\7\80\196\16\4\7\207\0\15\221\5\85\196\16\11\5\184\0",
-choiceAccepted = 1
-choiceRefused = 2
-choiceAttacked = 3
-choiceEliminate = 1
-choiceSpare = 2
-leaksNum = 1
-denseNum = 2
-waterNum = 3
-buffaloNum = 4
-chiefNum = 5
-girlNum = 6
-wiseNum = 7
-nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
-               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
-               loc("Wise Oak"), loc("Ramon"), loc("Spiky Cheese")
-              }
-nativeUnNames = {loc("Zork"), loc("Steve"), loc("Jack"),
-                 loc("Lee"), loc("Elmo"), loc("Rachel"),
-                 loc("Muriel")}
-nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
-              "tiara", "AkuAku", "rasta", "hair_yellow"}
-nativePos = {{110, 1310}, {984, 1907}, {1040, 1907}}
-nativePos2 = {196, 1499}
-cyborgNames = {loc("Unit 0x0007"), loc("Hogminator"), loc("Carol"), 
-               loc("Blender"), loc("Elderbot"), loc("Fiery Water")}
-cyborgsDif = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1}
-cyborgsHealth = {45, 45, 45, 40, 40, 20}
-cyborgPos = {945, 1216}
-cyborgsNum = 6
-cyborgsPos = {{2243, 1043}, {3588, 1227}, {2781, 1388},
-              {3749, 1040}, {2475, 1338}, {3853, 881}}
-cyborgsDir = {"Left", "Left", "Left", "Left", "Left", "Right"}
-princessPos = {3737, 1181}
-crateConsts = {}
-reactions = {}
-nativeMidPos = {1991, 841}
-cyborgMidPos = {2109, 726}
-nativeMidPos2 = {2250, 1071}
-natives = {}
-native = nil
-cyborgs = {}
-cyborg = nil
-gearDead = {}
-hedgeHidden = {}
-startAnim = {}
-midAnim = {}
-freshDead = nil
-crates = {}
-cratesNum = 0
-function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
-  local dif
-  if dir == "Left" then
-    dif = 10
-  else
-    dif = -10
-  end
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-function AnimationSetup()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[1], "Right", unpack(nativePos2)}})
-  if m5DeployedNum == leaksNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Those aliens are destroying the island!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
-  elseif m5DeployedNum == denseNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Dude, all the plants are gone!"), SAY_THINK, 3500}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("What am I, yo?"), SAY_THINK, 3500}})
-  elseif m5DeployedNum == girlNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Fell From Heaven is the best! Fell From Heaven is the greatest!"), SAY_THINK, 7000}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"), SAY_THINK, 7500}})
-  elseif m5DeployedNum == chiefNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("I'm getting old for this!"), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-  elseif m5DeployedNum == waterNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("I'm getting thirsty..."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-  elseif m5DeployedNum == buffaloNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("I wonder why I'm so angry all the time..."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("It must be a childhood trauma..."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"), SAY_THINK, 6500}})
-  elseif m5DeployedNum == wiseNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("I could just teleport myself there..."), SAY_THINK, 4500}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("It's a shame, I forgot how to do that!"), SAY_THINK, 4500}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[1], RestoreHedge, {cyborg}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[2], "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[3], "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Hello again, ") .. nativeUnNames[m5DeployedNum] .. "!", SAY_SAY, 2500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I just found out that they have captured your princess!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  if m5DeployedNum == girlNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  elseif m5DeployedNum == denseNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[1], EmitDenseClouds, {"Right"}}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("She's behind that tall thingy."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = FollowGear, swh = false, args = {princess}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, swh = false, args = {princess, 1000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = FollowGear, swh = false, args = {cyborg}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I'm here to help you rescue her."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[2], loc("Yo, dude, we're here, too!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[3], loc("We were trying to save her and we got lost."), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("That's typical of you!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Why are you helping us, uhm...?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
-  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[1], RestoreHedge, {cyborg}}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgMidPos)}}) 
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {natives[1], unpack(nativeMidPos)}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Here, let me help you save her!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Thanks!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {natives[1], unpack(nativeMidPos2)}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Why can't he just let her go?!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
-  AddSkipFunction(midAnim, SkipMidAnim, {})
---------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
-function AfterMidAnim()
-  HideHedge(cyborg)
-  SetupPlace3()
-  SetGearMessage(natives[1], 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckPrincessFreed, {}, DoPrincessFreed, {}, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  ShowMission(loc("Family Reunion"), loc("Salvation"), loc("Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"), 1, 7000)
-  vCirc = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true)
-  SetVisualGearValues(vCirc, 2625, 1500, 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 120, 3, 0xff00ffff)
-function SkipMidAnim()
-  AnimTeleportGear(natives[1], unpack(nativeMidPos2))
-  SkipStartAnim()
-function SetupPlace3()
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2086, 1887, amRope, 1)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2147, 728, amBlowTorch, 2)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2778, 1372, amPickHammer, 3)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2579, 1886, amPickHammer, 3)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2622, 1893, amGirder, 1)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2671, 1883, amPortalGun, 3)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2831, 1384, amGirder, 3)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2725, 1387, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2760, 1351, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2805, 1287, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2831, 1376, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2684, 1409, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2637, 1428, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2278, 1280, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2311, 1160, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2339, 1162, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2362, 1184, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2407, 1117, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2437, 1143, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2472, 1309, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2495, 1331, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2536, 1340, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2569, 1360, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2619, 1379, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-	SetTimer(AddGear(2596, 1246, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-function SkipStartAnim()
-  AnimSwitchHog(natives[1])
-  AnimWait(natives[1], 1)
-function AfterStartAnim()
-  HideHedge(cyborg)
-  SetupPlace2()
-  SetGearMessage(natives[1], 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {natives[1]}, EndMission, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {natives[2]}, EndMission, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {natives[3]}, EndMission, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {princess}, EndMission, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckCyborgsDead, {}, DoCyborgsDead, {}, 0)
-  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
-    AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {cyborgs[i]}, DoCyborgDead, {i}, 0)
-  end
-  AddNewEvent(CheckOutOfCluster, {}, DoOutOfCluster, {}, 1)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckOutOfGrenade, {}, DoOutOfGrenade, {}, 1)
---  AddNewEvent(CheckNeedToHide, {}, DoNeedToHide, {}, 1)
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-  ShowMission(loc("Family Reunion"), loc("Hostage Situation"), loc("Save the princess! All your hogs must survive!|Hint: Kill the cyborgs first! Use the ammo very carefully!|Hint: You might want to spare a girder for cover!"), 1, 7000)
-function SetupPlace2()
-	PlaceGirder(709, 564, 7)
-	PlaceGirder(591, 677, 7)
-	PlaceGirder(473, 794, 7)
-	PlaceGirder(433, 933, 5)
-	PlaceGirder(553, 1052, 5)
-	PlaceGirder(674, 1170, 5)
-	PlaceGirder(710, 1310, 7)
-	PlaceGirder(648, 1427, 5)
-  PlaceGirder(2110, 980, 0)
-	SpawnAmmoCrate(814, 407, amBazooka, 4)
-	clusterCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(862, 494, amClusterBomb, 4)
-	SpawnAmmoCrate(855, 486, amBee, 3)
-	grenadeCrate1 = SpawnAmmoCrate(849, 459, amGrenade, 4)
-	SpawnAmmoCrate(2077, 847, amWatermelon, 3)
-	grenadeCrate2 = SpawnAmmoCrate(2122, 847, amGrenade, 3)
-	SpawnUtilityCrate(747, 1577, amPickHammer, 1)
-	SpawnUtilityCrate(496, 1757, amGirder, 2)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(1809, 1880, amGirder, 1)
-	SpawnUtilityCrate(530, 1747, amPortalGun, 1)
-function CheckPrincessFreed()
-  if GetX(natives[1]) == nil or GetX(natives[2]) == nil or GetX(natives[3]) == nil or GetX(princess) == nil then
-    return false
-  end
-  return math.abs(GetX(natives[1]) - GetX(princess)) <= 15 and math.abs(GetY(natives[1]) - GetY(princess)) <= 15 and StoppedGear(natives[1]) 
-        and GetY(natives[2]) < 1500 and GetY(natives[3]) < 1500 and StoppedGear(natives[2]) and StoppedGear(natives[3])
-function DoPrincessFreed()
-  AnimSay(princess, loc("Thank you, my hero!"), SAY_SAY, 0)
-  if progress and progress<7 then
-    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "7")
-  end
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function CheckCyborgsDead()
-  return cyborgsLeft == 0
-function DoCyborgsDead()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  RestoreHedge(princess)
---  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNeedToHide)
-  AddAnim(midAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterMidAnim, args = {}})
-function DoCyborgDead(index)
-  if cyborgsLeft == 0 then
-    return
-  end
-  if index == 1 then
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(1700, 407, amBazooka, 3)
-  elseif index == 2 then
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(1862, 494, amClusterBomb, 3)
-  elseif index == 3 then
-  	SpawnAmmoCrate(1855, 486, amBee, 1)
-  elseif index == 4 then
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(1849, 459, amGrenade, 3)
-  elseif index == 5 then
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(2122, 847, amGrenade, 3)
-  elseif index == 6 then
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(2077, 847, amWatermelon, 1)
-  end
-function CheckGearsDead(gearList)
-  for i = 1, # gearList do
-    if gearDead[gearList[i]] ~= true then
-      return false
-    end
-  end
-  return true
-function CheckGearDead(gear)
-  return gearDead[gear]
-function EndMission()
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckPrincessFreed)
-  AddCaption("So the princess was never heard of again...")
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function CheckOutOfCluster()
-  return CheckGearDead(clusterCrate) and GetAmmoCount(natives[1], amClusterBomb) == 0
-function CheckOutOfGrenade()
-  return CheckGearDead(grenadeCrate1) and CheckGearDead(grenadeCrate2) and GetAmmoCount(natives[1], amGrenade) == 0
-function DoOutOfCluster()
-  if (GetX(natives[1]) == nil) then
-    return
-  end
-  clusterCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(GetX(natives[1]) - 50, GetY(natives[1]) - 50, amClusterBomb, 3)
-function DoOutOfGrenade()
-  if (GetX(natives[1]) == nil) then
-    return
-  end
-  grenadeCrate2 = SpawnAmmoCrate(GetX(natives[1]) - 50, GetY(natives[1]) - 50, amGrenade, 3)
-function CheckNeedToHide()
-  if gearDead[princess] == true then
-    return false
-  end
-  return TurnTimeLeft == 0
-function DoNeedToHide()
-  HideHedge(princess)
-function HideHedge(hedge)
-  if hedgeHidden[hedge] ~= true then
-    HideHog(hedge)
-    hedgeHidden[hedge] = true
-  end
-function RestoreHedge(hedge)
-  if hedgeHidden[hedge] == true then
-    RestoreHog(hedge)
-    hedgeHidden[hedge] = false
-  end
-function GetVariables()
-  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
-  m5DeployedNum = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DeployedNum"))
-  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
-  m5Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5Choice"))
-function SetupPlace()
-  SetHogHat(natives[1], nativeHats[m5DeployedNum])
-  SetHogName(natives[1], nativeNames[m5DeployedNum])
-  if m2Choice ~= choiceAccepted or m5Choice ~= choiceEliminate then
-    DeleteGear(cyborgs[cyborgsNum])
-    cyborgsNum = cyborgsNum - 1
-  end
-  HideHedge(cyborg)
-function SetupAmmo()
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amBazooka, 100)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amGrenade, 100)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amClusterBomb, 100)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amSniperRifle, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amDynamite, 100)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amBaseballBat, 100)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amMolotov, 100)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amWatermelon, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amAirStrike, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amDrillStrike, 1)
-function AddHogs()
-	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-  for i = 7, 9 do
-    natives[i-6] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
-    gearDead[natives[i-6]] = false
-  end
-  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
-  princess = AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 0, 333, "tiara")
-  gearDead[cyborg] = false
-  gearDead[princess] = false
-  AddTeam(loc("Biomechanic Team"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
-    cyborgs[i] = AddHog(cyborgNames[i], cyborgsDif[i], cyborgsHealth[i], "cyborg2")
-    gearDead[cyborgs[i]] = false
-  end
-  cyborgsLeft = cyborgsNum
-  for i = 1, 3 do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i]))
-  end
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos))
-  AnimSetGearPosition(princess, unpack(princessPos))
-  AnimTurn(princess, "Left")
-  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i]))
-    AnimTurn(cyborgs[i], cyborgsDir[i])
-  end
-function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
-  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
-  if xl == nil or xd == nil then
-    return
-  end
-  if xl > xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
-  elseif xl < xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
-  end
------------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 0
-	GameFlags = gfSolidLand + gfDisableLandObjects + gfDisableGirders
-	TurnTime = 60000 
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 0
-	MinesTime = 3000
-	Explosives = 0
-	Delay = 10 
-  MapGen = 2
-	Theme = "Hell"
-  SuddenDeathTurns = 35
-	for i = 1, #map do
-		ParseCommand('draw ' .. map[i])
-	end
-  AddHogs()
-  AnimInit()
-function onGameStart()
-  GetVariables()
-  SetupAmmo()
-  SetupPlace()
-  AnimationSetup()
-  AddAnim(startAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
-function onGameTick()
-  AnimUnWait()
-  if ShowAnimation() == false then
-    return
-  end
-  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
-  CheckEvents()
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-  gearDead[gear] = true
-  if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
-    if GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Biomechanic Team") then
-      cyborgsLeft = cyborgsLeft - 1
-    end
-  end
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-	SetAmmo(amBazooka, 0, 0, 0, 8)
-	SetAmmo(amClusterBomb,0, 0, 0, 8)
-	SetAmmo(amBee, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-	SetAmmo(amGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 8)
-	SetAmmo(amWatermelon, 0, 0, 0, 2)
-	SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-	SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-	SetAmmo(amGirder, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-	SetAmmo(amPortalGun, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-function onNewTurn()
-  if AnimInProgress() then
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
-    return
-  end
-  if GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("011101001") then
-    if CheckCyborgsDead() ~= true then
-      for i = 1, 3 do
-        if gearDead[natives[i]] ~= true then
-          HideHedge(natives[i])
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  else
-    for i = 1, 3 do
-      if gearDead[natives[i]] ~= true then
-        RestoreHedge(natives[i])
-      end
-    end
-  end
-function onPrecise()
-  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
-    SetAnimSkip(true)
-    return
-  end
---  HideHedge(princess)
---  for i = 1, 5 do
---    DeleteGear(cyborgs[i])
---  end
---  AddAmmo(natives[1], amTeleport, 100)
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/first_blood.hwp has changed
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/first_blood.lua	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,750 +0,0 @@
-startDialogue = {}
-damageAnim = {}
-onShroomAnim = {}
-onFlowerAnim = {}
-tookParaAnim = {}
-tookPunchAnim = {}
-onMoleHeadAnim = {}
-tookRope2Anim = {}
-challengeAnim = {}
-challengeFailedAnim = {}
-challengeCompletedAnim = {}
-beforeKillAnim = {}
-closeCannim = {}
-cannKilledAnim = {}
-cannKilledEarlyAnim = {}
-princessDamagedAnim = {}
-elderDamagedAnim = {}
-pastMoleHeadAnim = {}
-targets = {}
-crates = {}
-targXdif2 = {2755, 2638, 2921, 2973, 3162, 3067, 3062, 1300}
-targYdif2 = {1197, 1537, 1646, 1857, 1804, 1173, 1167, 1183}
-targXdif1 = {2749, 2909, 2770, 2836, 1558, 1305}
-targYdif1 = {1179, 1313, 1734, 1441, 1152, 1259}
-targetPosX = {{821, 866, 789}, {614, 656, 638}, {1238, 1237, 1200}}
-targetPosY = {{1342, 1347, 1326}, {1112, 1121, 1061}, {1152, 1111, 1111}}
-crateNum = {6, 8}
-stage = 1
-cratesCollected = 0
-chalTries = 0
-targetsDestroyed = 0
-targsWave = 1
-tTime = -1
-difficulty = 0
-cannibalVisible = false
-cannibalKilles = false
-youngdamaged = false
-youngKilled = false
-elderDamaged = false
-princessDamaged = false
-elderKilled = false
-princessKilled = false
-rope1Taken = false
-paraTaken = false
-rope2Taken = false
-punchTaken = false
-canKilled = false
-desertTaken = false
-challengeFailed = false
-deleteCrate = false
-difficultyChoice = false
-princessFace = "Left"
-elderFace = "Left"
-goals = {
-  [startDialogue] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("First Steps"), loc("Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"), 1, 4000},
-  [onShroomAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("A leap in a leap"), loc("Go on top of the flower"), 1, 4000},
-  [onFlowerAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("Hightime"), loc("Collect the crate on the right.|Hint: Select the rope, [Up] or [Down] to aim, [Space] to fire, directional keys to move.|Ropes can be fired again in the air!"), 1, 7000},
-  [tookParaAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("Omnivore"), loc("Get on the head of the mole"), 1, 4000},
-  [onMoleHeadAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Leap of Faith"), loc("Use the parachute ([Space] while in air) to get the next crate"), 1, 4000},
-  [tookRope2Anim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Rising"), loc("Do the deed"), 1, 4000},
-  [tookPunchAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Slaughter"), loc("Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."), 1, 5000},
-  [challengeAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Crate Frenzy"), loc("Collect the crates within the time limit!|If you fail, you'll have to try again."), 1, 5000},
-  [challengeFailedAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Crate Frenzy"), loc("Collect the crates within the time limit!|If you fail, you'll have to try again."), 1, 5000},
-  [challengeCompletedAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Ultimate Weapon"), loc("Destroy the targets!|Hint: [Up], [Down] to aim, [Space] to shoot"), 1, 5000},
-  [beforeKillAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The First Blood"), loc("Kill the cannibal!"), 1, 5000},
-  [closeCannim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The First Blood"), loc("KILL IT!"), 1, 5000}
-function Skipanim(anim)
-  AnimSwitchHog(youngh)
-  if goals[anim] ~= nil then
-    ShowMission(unpack(goals[anim]))
-  end
-  if anim == startDialogue then
-    HogTurnLeft(princess, false)
-  end
-function SkipDamageAnim(anim)
-  SwitchHog(youngh)
-  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-function SkipOnShroom()
-  Skipanim(onShroomAnim)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(elderh, 2700, 1278)
-function AnimationSetup()
-  AddSkipFunction(damageAnim, SkipDamageAnim, {damageAnim})
-  table.insert(damageAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {youngh, 500}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = damageAnim})
-  table.insert(damageAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Watch your steps, young one!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
-  table.insert(damageAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {youngh, 500}})
-  AddSkipFunction(princessDamagedAnim, SkipDamageAnim, {princessDamagedAnim})
-  table.insert(princessDamagedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {princess, 500}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = princessDamagedAnim})
-  table.insert(princessDamagedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Why do men keep hurting me?"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-  table.insert(princessDamagedAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {youngh, 500}})
-  AddSkipFunction(elderDamagedAnim, SkipDamageAnim, {elderDamagedAnim})
-  table.insert(elderDamagedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {elderh, 500}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = elderDamagedAnim})
-  table.insert(elderDamagedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Violence is not the answer to your problems!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(elderDamagedAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {youngh, 500}})
-  AddSkipFunction(startDialogue, Skipanim, {startDialogue})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimWait, args = {youngh, 3500}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = startDialogue})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {youngh, loc("Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."),  5000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {youngh, loc("One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."), 5000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {youngh, loc("The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."), 5000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {youngh, loc("And so it began..."), 1000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("What are you doing at a distance so great, young one?"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Come closer, so that your training may continue!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {youngh, loc("This is it! It's time to make Fell From Heaven fall for me..."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimJump, args = {youngh, "long"}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {princess, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("First Steps"), loc("Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"), 1, 4000}}) 
-  AddSkipFunction(onShroomAnim, SkipOnShroom, {onShroomAnim})
-  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("I can see you have been training diligently."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = onShroomAnim})
-  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("The wind whispers that you are ready to become familiar with tools, now..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Open that crate and we will continue!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {elderh, "Right", 2700, 0}})
-  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {elderh, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("He moves like an eagle in the sky."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("A leap in a leap"), loc("Go on top of the flower"), 1, 4000}}) 
-  AddSkipFunction(onFlowerAnim, Skipanim, {onFlowerAnim})
-  table.insert(onFlowerAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("See that crate farther on the right?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(onFlowerAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(onFlowerAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("His arms are so strong!"), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-  table.insert(onFlowerAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  table.insert(onFlowerAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("Hightime"), loc("Collect the crate on the right.|Hint: Select the rope, [Up] or [Down] to aim, [Space] to fire, directional keys to move.|Ropes can be fired again in the air!"), 1, 7000}}) 
-  AddSkipFunction(tookParaAnim, Skipanim, {tookParaAnim})
-  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {youngh, 1000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = tookParaAnim})
-  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Worry not, for it is a peaceful animal! There is no reason to be afraid..."), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("We all know what happens when you get frightened..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {youngh, loc("So humiliating..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("Omnivore"), loc("Get on the head of the mole"), 1, 4000}}) 
-  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  AddSkipFunction(onMoleHeadAnim, Skipanim, {onMoleHeadAnim})
-  table.insert(onMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = onMoleHeadAnim})
-  table.insert(onMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(onMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("He's so brave..."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-  table.insert(onMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The Leap of Faith"), loc("Use the parachute ([Space] while in air) to get the next crate"), 1, 4000}}) 
-  table.insert(onMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  AddSkipFunction(pastMoleHeadAnim, Skipanim, {pastMoleHeadAnim})
-  table.insert(pastMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("I see you have already taken the leap of faith."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = pastMoleHeadAnim})
-  table.insert(pastMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Get that crate!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(pastMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  AddSkipFunction(tookRope2Anim, Skipanim, {tookRope2Anim})
-  table.insert(tookRope2Anim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc(" are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."), SAY_SAY, 5000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = tookRope2Anim})
-  table.insert(tookRope2Anim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("You probably know what to do next..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(tookRope2Anim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The Rising"), loc("Do the deed"), 1, 4000}}) 
-  table.insert(tookRope2Anim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  AddSkipFunction(tookPunchAnim, Skipanim, {tookPunchAnim})
-  table.insert(tookPunchAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("It is time to practice your fighting skills."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(tookPunchAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Imagine those targets are the wolves that killed your parents! Take your anger out on them!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(tookPunchAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The Slaughter"), loc("Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."), 1, 5000}}) 
-  table.insert(tookPunchAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  AddSkipFunction(challengeAnim, Skipanim, {challengeAnim})
-  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("I hope you are prepared for a small challenge, young one."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = challengeAnim})
-  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Your movement skills will be evaluated now."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Collect all the crates, but remember, our time in this life is limited!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("How difficult would you like it to be?")}})
-  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {youngh, 500}})
-  AddSkipFunction(challengeFailedAnim, Skipanim, {challengeFailedAnim})
-  table.insert(challengeFailedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Hmmm...perhaps a little more time will help."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = challengeFailedAnim})
-  table.insert(challengeFailedAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The Crate Frenzy"), loc("Collect the crates within the time limit!|If you fail, you'll have to try again."), 1, 5000}}) 
-  table.insert(challengeFailedAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  AddSkipFunction(challengeCompletedAnim, Skipanim, {challengeCompletedAnim})
-  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("The spirits of the ancerstors are surely pleased, Leaks A Lot."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = challengeCompletedAnim})
-  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("You have proven yourself worthy to see our most ancient secret!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("The weapon in that last crate was bestowed upon us by the ancients!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Use it with precaution!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The Ultimate Weapon"), loc("Destroy the targets!|Hint: [Up], [Down] to aim, [Space] to shoot"), 1, 5000}}) 
-  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  AddSkipFunction(beforeKillAnim, Skipanim, {beforeKillAnim})
-  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("What do my faulty eyes observe? A spy!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = beforeKillAnim})
-  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, args = {cannibal}})
-  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cannibal, 1000}})
-  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibal, loc("Oh, my!"), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The First Blood"), loc("Kill the cannibal!"), 1, 5000}}) 
-  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  AddSkipFunction(closeCannim, Skipanim, {closeCannim})
-  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("I see you would like his punishment to be more...personal..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = closeCannim})
-  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibal, loc("I'm certain that this is a misunderstanding, fellow hedgehogs!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibal, loc("If only I were given a chance to explain my being here..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Do not let his words fool you, young one! He will stab you in the back as soon as you turn away!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Here...pick your weapon!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The First Blood"), loc("KILL IT!"), 1, 5000}}) 
-  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
-  table.insert(cannKilledAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(cannKilledEarlyAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("What?! A cannibal? Here? There is no time to waste! Come, you are prepared."), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-function CheckNeedToTurn(gear)
-  if youngKilled then
-    return false
-  end
-  if gear == princess then
-    if princessKilled ~= true then
-      if (GetX(princess) > GetX(youngh) and princessFace == "Right")
-        or (GetX(princess) < GetX(youngh) and princessFace == "Left") then
-      --if (GetX(princess) > GetX(youngh))
-       -- or (GetX(princess) < GetX(youngh)) then
-        return true
-      end
-    end
-  else
-    if elderKilled ~= true then
-      if (GetX(elderh) > GetX(youngh) and elderFace == "Right")
-        or (GetX(elderh) < GetX(youngh) and elderFace == "Left") then
-        return true
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  return false
-function DoNeedToTurn(gear)
-  if gear == princess then
-    if GetX(princess) > GetX(youngh) then
-      HogTurnLeft(princess, true)
-      princessFace = "Left"
-    elseif GetX(princess) < GetX(youngh) then
-      HogTurnLeft(princess, false)
-      princessFace = "Right"
-    end
-  else
-    if GetX(elderh) > GetX(youngh) then
-      HogTurnLeft(elderh, true)
-      elderFace = "Left"
-    elseif GetX(elderh) < GetX(youngh) then
-      HogTurnLeft(elderh, false)
-      elderFace = "Right"
-    end
-  end
-function CheckDamage()
-  return youngdamaged and StoppedGear(youngh) 
-function DoOnDamage()
-  AddAnim(damageAnim)
-  youngdamaged = false
-  AddFunction({func = ResetTurnTime, args = {}})
-function CheckDeath()
-  return youngKilled
-function DoDeath()
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckKilledOthers)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckDamage)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckDamagedOthers)
-  FinishThem()
-  ShowMission(loc("First Blood"), loc("The wasted youth"), loc("Leaks A Lot gave his life for his tribe! He should have survived!"), 2, 4000)
-function CheckDamagedOthers()
-  return (princessDamaged and StoppedGear(princess)) or (elderDamaged and StoppedGear(elderh))
-function CheckKilledOthers()
-  return princessKilled or elderKilled
-function DoOnDamagedOthers()
-  if princessDamaged then
-    AddAnim(princessDamagedAnim)
-  end
-  if elderDamaged then
-    AddAnim(elderDamagedAnim)
-  end
-  elderDamaged = false
-  princessDamaged = false
-  AddFunction({func = ResetTurnTime, args = {}})
-function DoKilledOthers()
-  AddCaption(loc("After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."))
-  FinishThem()
-function CheckMovedUntilJump()
-   return GetX(youngh) >= 2343
-function DoMovedUntilJump()
-  ShowMission(loc("First Blood"), loc("Step By Step"), loc("Hint: Double Jump - Press [Backspace] twice"), -amSkip, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckOnShroom, {}, DoOnShroom, {}, 0)
-function CheckOnShroom()
-  return GetX(youngh) >= 2461 and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoOnShroom()
-  ropeCrate1 = SpawnUtilityCrate(2751, 1194, amRope)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(onShroomAnim)
-  AddEvent(CheckOnFlower, {}, DoOnFlower, {}, 0)
-function CheckOnFlower()
-  return rope1Taken and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoOnFlower()
-  AddAmmo(youngh, amRope, 100)
-  paraCrate = SpawnUtilityCrate(3245, 1758, amParachute)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(onFlowerAnim)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookParaCrate, {}, DoTookParaCrate, {}, 0)
-function CheckTookParaCrate()
-  return paraTaken and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoTookParaCrate()
-  AddAmmo(youngh, amParachute, 100)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(tookParaAnim)
-  AddEvent(CheckOnMoleHead, {}, DoOnMoleHead, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckPastMoleHead, {}, DoPastMoleHead, {}, 0)
-function CheckOnMoleHead()
-  x = GetX(youngh)
-  return x >= 3005 and x <= 3126 and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function CheckPastMoleHead()
-  x = GetX(youngh)
-  y = GetY(youngh)
-  return x < 3005 and y > 1500 and StoppedGear(youngh) 
-function DoPastMoleHead()
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckOnMoleHead)
-  ropeCrate2 = SpawnUtilityCrate(2782, 1720, amRope)
-  AddAmmo(youngh, amRope, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(pastMoleHeadAnim)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookRope2, {}, DoTookRope2, {}, 0)
-function DoOnMoleHead()
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckPastMoleHead)
-  ropeCrate2 = SpawnUtilityCrate(2782, 1720, amRope)
-  AddAmmo(youngh, amRope, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(onMoleHeadAnim)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookRope2, {}, DoTookRope2, {}, 0)
-function CheckTookRope2()
-  return rope2Taken and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoTookRope2()
-  AddAmmo(youngh, amRope, 100)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(tookRope2Anim)
-  punchCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(2460, 1321, amFirePunch)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookPunch, {}, DoTookPunch, {})
-function CheckTookPunch()
-  return punchTaken and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoTookPunch()
-  AddAmmo(youngh, amFirePunch, 100)
-  AddAmmo(youngh, amRope, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(tookPunchAnim)
-  targets[1] = AddGear(1594, 1185, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-  targets[2] = AddGear(2188, 1314, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-  targets[3] = AddGear(1961, 1318, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-  targets[4] = AddGear(1961, 1200, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-  targets[5] = AddGear(1800, 900, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckTargDestroyed, {}, DoTargDestroyed, {}, 0)
-function CheckTargDestroyed()
-  return targetsDestroyed == 5 and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoTargDestroyed()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(challengeAnim)
-  targetsDestroyed = 0
-  AddFunction({func = SetChoice, args = {}})
-  ropeCrate3 = SpawnAmmoCrate(2000, 1200, amRope)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookRope3, {}, AddAmmo, {youngh, amRope, 100}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckCratesColled, {}, DoCratesColled, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckChallengeWon, {}, DoChallengeWon, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckTimesUp, {}, DoTimesUp, {}, 1)
-function CheckChoice()
-  return difficulty ~= 0
-function DoChoice()
-  difficultyChoice = false
-  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-  StartChallenge(120000 + chalTries * 20000)
-function CheckCratesColled()
-  return cratesCollected == crateNum[difficulty]
-function DoCratesColled()
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckTimesUp)
-  TurnTimeLeft = -1
-  AddCaption(loc("As the challenge was completed, Leaks A Lot set foot on the ground..."))
-function CheckChallengeWon()
-  return cratesCollected == crateNum[difficulty] and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoChallengeWon()
-  desertCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(1240, 1212, amDEagle)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(challengeCompletedAnim)
-  AddEvent(CheckDesertColled, {}, DoDesertColled, {}, 0)
-function CheckTookRope3()
-  return rope3Taken
-function CheckTimesUp()
-  return TurnTimeLeft == 100
-function DoTimesUp()
-  challengeFailed = true
-  deleteCrate = true
-  DeleteGear(crates[1])
-  TurnTimeLeft = -1
-  AddCaption(loc("And so happenned that Leaks A Lot failed to complete the challenge! He landed, pressured by shame..."))
-  AddEvent(CheckChallengeFailed, {}, DoChallengeFailed, {}, 0)
-function CheckChallengeFailed()
-  return challengeFailed and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoChallengeFailed()
-  challengeFailed = false
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(challengeFailedAnim)
-  chalTries = chalTries + 1
-  difficulty = 0
-  AddFunction({func = SetChoice, args = {}})
-function CheckDesertColled()
-  return desertTaken and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoDesertColled()
-  AddAmmo(youngh, amDEagle, 100)
-  PutTargets(1)
-  AddEvent(CheckTargetsKilled, {}, DoTargetsKilled, {}, 1)
-  AddEvent(CheckCannibalKilled, {}, DoCannibalKilledEarly, {}, 0)
-  ShowMission(loc("First Blood"), loc("The Bull's Eye"), loc("[Up], [Down] to aim, [Space] to shoot!"), 1, 5000)
-function CheckTargetsKilled()
-  return targetsDestroyed == 3 and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoTargetsKilled()
-  targetsDestroyed = 0
-  targsWave = targsWave + 1
-  if targsWave > 3 then
-    RemoveEventFunc(CheckTargetsKilled)
-    SetState(cannibal, gstVisible)
-    cannibalVisible = true
-    SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-    AddAnim(beforeKillAnim)
-    AddEvent(CheckCloseToCannibal, {}, DoCloseToCannibal, {}, 0)
-    AddEvent(CheckCannibalKilled, {}, DoCannibalKilled, {}, 0)
-  else
-    PutTargets(targsWave)
-  end
-function CheckCloseToCannibal()
-  if CheckCannibalKilled() then
-    return false
-  end
-  return math.abs(GetX(cannibal) - GetX(youngh)) <= 400 and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoCloseToCannibal()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(closeCannim)
-  AddFunction({func = SpawnAmmoCrate, args = {targetPosX[1][1], targetPosY[1][1], amWhip}})
-  AddFunction({func = SpawnAmmoCrate, args = {targetPosX[1][2], targetPosY[1][2], amBaseballBat}})
-  AddFunction({func = SpawnAmmoCrate, args = {targetPosX[1][3], targetPosY[1][3], amHammer}})
-function CheckCannibalKilled()
-  return cannibalKilled and StoppedGear(youngh)
-function DoCannibalKilled()
-  AddAnim(cannKilledAnim)
-  if not progress then
-    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "1")
-  end
-function DoCannibalKilledEarly()
-  AddAnim(cannKilledEarlyAnim)
-  DoCannibalKilled()
-function StartChallenge(time)
-  cratesCollected = 0
-  PutCrate(1)
-  TurnTimeLeft = time
-  ShowMission(loc("First Blood"), loc("The Crate Frenzy"), loc("Collect the crates within the time limit!|If you fail, you'll have to try again."), 1, 5000) 
-function SetChoice()
-  SetInputMask(band(0xFFFFFFFF, bnot(gmAnimate+gmAttack+gmDown+gmHJump+gmLJump+gmSlot+gmSwitch+gmTimer+gmUp+gmWeapon)))
-  difficultyChoice = true
-  ShowMission(loc("First Blood"), loc("The Torment"), loc("Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"), 0, 4000)
-  AddEvent(CheckChoice, {}, DoChoice, {}, 0) 
-function SetTime(time)
-  TurnTimeLeft = time
-function ResetTurnTime()
-  TurnTimeLeft = tTime
-  tTime = -1
-function PutCrate(i)
-  if i > crateNum[difficulty] then
-    return
-  end
-  if difficulty == 1 then
-    crates[1] = SpawnAmmoCrate(targXdif1[i], targYdif1[i], amRope)
-  else
-    crates[1] = SpawnAmmoCrate(targXdif2[i], targYdif2[i], amRope)
-  end
-function PutTargets(i)
-  targets[1] = AddGear(targetPosX[i][1], targetPosY[i][1], gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-  targets[2] = AddGear(targetPosX[i][2], targetPosY[i][2], gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-  targets[3] = AddGear(targetPosX[i][3], targetPosY[i][3], gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-function FinishThem()
-  SetHealth(elderh, 0)
-  SetHealth(youngh, 0)
-  SetHealth(princess, 0)
------------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 69 
-	GameFlags = gfInfAttack + gfSolidLand + gfDisableWind 
-	TurnTime = 100000 
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 0
-	MinesTime = 3000
-	Explosives = 0
-	Delay = 10 
-	Map = "A_Classic_Fairytale_first_blood"
-	Theme = "Nature"
-	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-	youngh = AddHog(loc("Leaks A Lot"), 0, 100, "Rambo")
-  elderh = AddHog(loc("Righteous Beard"), 0, 99, "IndianChief")
-  princess = AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 0, 300, "tiara")
-  AnimSetGearPosition(princess, 1911, 1361)
-  HogTurnLeft(princess, true)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(elderh, 2667, 1208)
-  HogTurnLeft(elderh, true)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(youngh, 1862, 1362)
-  HogTurnLeft(youngh, false)
-  AddTeam(loc("Cannibals"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate","cm_vampire")
-  cannibal = AddHog(loc("Brainiac"), 0, 5, "Zombi")
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cannibal, 525, 1256)
-  HogTurnLeft(cannibal, false)
-  AnimInit()
-  AnimationSetup()
-function onGameStart()
-  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = -1
-  FollowGear(youngh)
-	ShowMission(loc("A Classic Fairytale"), loc("First Blood"), loc("Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."), -amSkip, 0)
-  SetState(cannibal, gstInvisible)
-  AddAnim(startDialogue)
-  princessFace = "Right"
-  AddEvent(CheckNeedToTurn, {princess}, DoNeedToTurn, {princess}, 1)
-  AddEvent(CheckNeedToTurn, {elderh}, DoNeedToTurn, {elderh}, 1)
-  AddEvent(CheckDamage, {}, DoOnDamage, {}, 1)
-  AddEvent(CheckDeath, {}, DoDeath, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckDamagedOthers, {}, DoOnDamagedOthers, {}, 1)
-  AddEvent(CheckKilledOthers, {}, DoKilledOthers, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckMovedUntilJump, {}, DoMovedUntilJump, {}, 0)
-function onGameTick()
-  AnimUnWait()
-  if ShowAnimation() == false then
-    return
-  end
-  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
-  CheckEvents()
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-  if gear == ropeCrate1 then
-    rope1Taken = true
-  elseif gear == paraCrate then
-    paraTaken = true
-  elseif gear == ropeCrate2 then
-    rope2Taken = true
-  elseif gear == ropeCrate3 then
-    rope3Taken = true
-  elseif gear == crates[1] and deleteCrate == true then
-    deleteCrate = false
-  elseif gear == crates[1] and challengeFailed == false then
-    crates[1] = nil
-    cratesCollected = cratesCollected + 1
-    PutCrate(cratesCollected + 1)
-  elseif gear == punchCrate then
-    punchTaken = true
-  elseif gear == desertCrate then
-    desertTaken = true
-  elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget then
-    i = 1
-    while targets[i] ~= gear do
-      i = i + 1
-    end
-    targets[i] = nil
-    targetsDestroyed = targetsDestroyed + 1 
-  elseif gear == cannibal then
-    cannibalKilled = true
-  elseif gear == princess then
-    princessKilled = true
-  elseif gear == elderh then
-    elderKilled = true
-  elseif gear == youngh then
-    youngKilled = true
-  end
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-  SetAmmo(amWhip, 0, 0, 0, 8)
-  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 0, 0, 0, 8)
-  SetAmmo(amHammer, 0, 0, 0, 8)
-function onNewTurn()
-  if CurrentHedgehog == cannibal and cannibalVisible == false then
-    SetState(cannibal, gstInvisible)
-  end
-  SwitchHog(youngh)
-  FollowGear(youngh)
-  TurnTimeLeft = -1
-function onGearDamage(gear, damage)
-  if gear == youngh then
-    youngdamaged = true
-    tTime = TurnTimeLeft
-  elseif gear == princess then
-    princessDamaged = true
-    tTime = TurnTimeLeft
-  elseif gear == elderh then
-    elderDamaged = true
-    tTime = TurnTimeLeft
-  elseif gear == cannibal then
-    cannibalVisible = true
-    cannibalDamaged = true
-    SetState(cannibal, 0)
-  end
-function onPrecise()
-  if GameTime > 2000 then
-    SetAnimSkip(true)
-  end
-function onLeft()
-  if difficultyChoice == true then
-    difficulty = 1
-  end
-function onRight()
-  if difficultyChoice == true then
-    difficulty = 2
-  end
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/journey.hwp has changed
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/journey.lua	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1077 +0,0 @@
-choiceAccepted = 1
-choiceRefused = 2
-choiceAttacked = 3
-endStage = 1
-cannibalNum = 8
-cannibalNames = {loc("John"), loc("Flesh for Brainz"), loc("Eye Chewer"), loc("Torn Muscle"),
-                 loc("Nom-Nom"), loc("Vedgies"), loc("Brain Blower"), loc("Gorkij")}
-cannibalPos = {{2471, 1174}, {939, 1019}, {1953, 902}, {3055, 1041},
-               {1121, 729}, {1150, 718}, {1149, 680}, {1161, 773}}
-startLeaksPosDuo = {3572, 1426}
-startEventXDuo = 3300
-startDensePosDuo = {3454, 1471}
-startCyborgPosDuo = {3202, 1307}
-midDensePosDuo = {1464, 1410}
-midCyborgPosDuo = {1264, 1390}
-m2Choice = 0
-m2DenseDead = 0
-m2RamonDead = 0
-m2SpikyDead = 0
-TurnsLeft = 0
-stage = 0
---cyborgHidden = false
---princessHidden = false
-blowTaken = false
-fireTaken = false
-gravityTaken = false
-sniperTaken = false
-girderTaken = false
-girder1Taken = false
-girder2Taken = false
-leaksDead = false
-denseDead = false
-princessDead = false
-cyborgDead = false
-cannibalDead = {}
-hedgeHidden = {}
-startAnim = {}
-startAnimAD = {}
-startAnimAL = {}
-startAnimRL = {}
-pastFlowerAnimAL = {}
-pastFlowerAnimRL = {}
-pastFlowerAnim = {}
-outPitAnimAL = {}
-outPitAnimRL = {}
-outPitAnim = {}
-midAnim = {}
-midAnimAD = {}
-failAnim = {}
-failAnimAD = {}
-endAnim = {}
-endAnimAD = {}
-endAnimAL = {}
-endAnimRL = {}
-endFailAnim = {}
-endFailAnimAD = {}
-winAnim = {}
-winAnimAD = {}
---/////////////////////////Animation Functions///////////////////////
-function AfterMidFailAnim()
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function AfterMidAnimAlone()
-  SetupCourse()
-  for i = 5, 8 do
-    RestoreHedge(cannibals[i])
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
-  end
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amDEagle, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckGirderTaken, {}, DoGirderTaken, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckOnFirstGirder, {}, DoOnFirstGirder, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookSniper, {}, DoTookSniper, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckFailedCourse, {}, DoFailedCourse, {}, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
-  TurnsLeft = 12
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("Collateral Damage"), loc("Save the princess by collecting the crate in under 12 turns!"), 0, 6000)
-  -----------------------///////////////------------
-  --AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 417, 1800)
-function SkipEndAnimAlone()
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  RestoreHedge(princess)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 437, 1700)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(princess, 519, 1722)
-function SkipEndAnimDuo()
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  RestoreHedge(princess)
-  if princessHidden then
-    RestoreHog(princess)
-    princessHidden = false
-  end
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 437, 1700)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(princess, 519, 1722)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 763, 1760)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 835, 1519)
-  HogTurnLeft(leaks, true)
-  HogTurnLeft(dense, true)
-function AfterEndAnimAlone()
-  stage = endStage
-  SwitchHog(leaks)
-  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = -1
-  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("Collateral Damage II"), loc("Save Fell From Heaven!"), 1, 4000)
-  AddEvent(CheckLost, {}, DoLost, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckWon, {}, DoWon, {}, 0)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckFailedCourse)
-function AfterEndAnimDuo()
-  stage = endStage
-  SwitchHog(leaks)
-  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = -1
-  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("Collateral Damage II"), loc("Save Fell From Heaven!"), 1, 4000)
-  AddEvent(CheckLost, {}, DoLost, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckWon, {}, DoWon, {}, 0)
-function SkipMidAnimAlone()
-  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 2656, 1842)
-  AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
-  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-  AnimWait(dense, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {princess}})
-  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
-function AfterStartAnim()
-  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-  local goal = loc("Get the crate on the other side of the island!|")
-  local hint = loc("Hint: you might want to stay out of sight and take all the crates...|")
-  local stuck = loc("If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|")
-  local conds = loc("Leaks A Lot must survive!")
-  if m2DenseDead == 0 then
-    conds = loc("Your hogs must survive!")
-  end
-  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("Adventurous"), goal .. hint .. stuck .. conds, 0, 7000)
-function SkipStartAnim()
-  AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
-function PlaceCratesDuo()
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(3090, 827, amBaseballBat)
-  girderCrate1 = SpawnUtilityCrate(2466, 1814, amGirder)
-  girderCrate2 = SpawnUtilityCrate(2630, 1278, amGirder)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2422, 1810, amParachute)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(3157, 1009, amLowGravity)
-  sniperCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(784, 1715, amSniperRifle)
-function PlaceMinesDuo()
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2920, 1448, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2985, 1338, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(3005, 1302, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(3030, 1270, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(3046, 1257, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2954, 1400, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2967, 1385, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2849, 1449, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2811, 1436, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2773, 1411, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2732, 1390, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2700, 1362, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2642, 1321, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2172, 1417, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2190, 1363, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2219, 1332, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1201, 1207, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1247, 1205, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1295, 1212, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1356, 1209, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1416, 1201, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1466, 1201, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1678, 1198, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1738, 1198, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1796, 1198, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1637, 1217, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1519, 1213, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-function AfterPastFlowerAnim()
-  PlaceMinesDuo()
-  AddEvent(CheckDensePit, {}, DoDensePit, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookGirder1, {}, DoTookGirder1, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookGirder2, {}, DoTookGirder2, {}, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("The Savior"), loc("Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"), 1, 5000)
-function SkipPastFlowerAnim()
-  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 2656, 1842)
-  AnimSwitchHog(dense)
-  AnimWait(dense, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
-function AfterOutPitAnim()
-  SetupCourseDuo()
-  RestoreHedge(cannibals[5])
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amDEagle, 0)
-  HideHedge(cannibals[5])
-  AddEvent(CheckTookFire, {}, DoTookFire, {}, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("They never learn"), loc("Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"), 1, 5000)
-function SkipOutPitAnim()
-  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, unpack(midDensePosDuo))
-  AnimSwitchHog(dense)
-  AnimWait(dense, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
-function RestoreCyborg(x, y, xx, yy)
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  RestoreHedge(princess)
-  AnimOutOfNowhere(cyborg, x, y)
-  AnimOutOfNowhere(princess, xx, yy)
-  HogTurnLeft(princess, false)
-  return true
-function RestoreCyborgOnly(x, y)
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  SetState(cyborg, 0)
-  AnimOutOfNowhere(cyborg, x, y)
-  return true
-function TargetPrincess()
-  ParseCommand("setweap " .. string.char(amDEagle))
-  SetGearMessage(cyborg, gmUp)
-  return true
-function HideCyborg()
-  HideHedge(cyborg)
-  HideHedge(princess)
-function HideCyborgOnly()
-  HideHedge(cyborg)
-function SetupKillRoom()
-  PlaceGirder(2342, 1814, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(2294, 1783, 0)
-  PlaceGirder(2245, 1814, 2)
-function SetupCourseDuo()
-  PlaceGirder(1083, 1152, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1087, 1150, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1133, 1155, 0)
-  PlaceGirder(1135, 1152, 0)
-  PlaceGirder(1135, 1078, 0)
-  PlaceGirder(1087, 1016, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(1018, 921, 5)
-  PlaceGirder(1016, 921, 5)
-  PlaceGirder(962, 782, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(962, 662, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(962, 661, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(962, 650, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(962, 630, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(1033, 649, 0)
-  PlaceGirder(952, 650, 0)
-  fireCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(1846, 1100, amFirePunch)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(1900, 1100, amPickHammer)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(950, 674, amDynamite)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(994, 825, amRope)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(570, 1357, amLowGravity)
-function DumpMines()
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2261, 1835, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2280, 1831, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2272, 1809, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2290, 1815, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2278, 1815, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2307, 1811, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2286, 1820, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2309, 1813, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2303, 1822, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2317, 1827, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2312, 1816, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2316, 1812, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2307, 1802, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2276, 1818, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2284, 1816, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2292, 1811, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2295, 1814, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2306, 1811, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2292, 1815, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2314, 1815, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2286, 1813, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2275, 1813, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2269, 1814, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2273, 1812, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2300, 1808, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2322, 1812, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2323, 1813, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2311, 1811, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2303, 1809, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2287, 1808, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2282, 1808, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2277, 1809, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2296, 1809, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2314, 1818, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-function SetupAnimRefusedDied()
-  SetupAnimAcceptedDied()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I just wonder where Ramon and Spiky disappeared..."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
-function SetupAnimAttacked()
-  SetupAnimAcceptedDied()
-  startAnim = {}
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {leaks, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I wonder where Dense Cloud is..."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("He must be in the village already."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I'd better get going myself."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-  midAnim = {}
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 500}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {1300, 1200, 1390, 1200}}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {cyborg}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, TargetPrincess, {}}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Welcome, Leaks A Lot!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I want to play a game..."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Help me, please!!!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("If you can get that crate fast enough, your beloved \"princess\" may go free."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("However, if you fail to do so, she dies a most violent death! Muahahaha!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Good luck...or else!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {leaks, 2656, 1842}})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, HideCyborg, {}}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Hey! This is cheating!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  AddSkipFunction(midAnim, SkipMidAnimAlone, {})
-function SetupAnimAcceptedDied()
-  table.insert(startAnimAD, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, args = {leaks, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("With Dense Cloud on the land of shadows, I'm the village's only hope..."), SAY_THINK, 7000}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 500}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {1300, 1200, 1390, 1200}}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {cyborg}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, TargetPrincess, {}}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Welcome, Leaks A Lot!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I want to play a game..."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Help me, please!!!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("If you can get that crate fast enough, your beloved \"princess\" may go free."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("However, if you fail to do so, she dies a most violent death, just like your friend! Muahahaha!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Good luck...or else!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {leaks, 2656, 1842}})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, HideCyborg, {}}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Hey! This is cheating!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  AddSkipFunction(midAnimAD, SkipMidAnimAlone, {})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {2299, 1687, 2294, 1841}}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {leaks, 2090, 1841}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, SetupKillRoom, {}}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {princess, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {leaks, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 1000}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You have failed to complete your task, young one!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("It's time you learned that your actions have consequences!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("No! Please, help me!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {cyborg}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, DumpMines, {}}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, KillPrincess, {}}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 12000}})
-  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("No! What have I done?! What have YOU done?!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {437, 1700, 519, 1722}}})
-  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {princess, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Help me, Leaks!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("But you said you'd let her go!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"), SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I won't let you kill her!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  AddSkipFunction(endAnimAD, SkipEndAnimAlone, {})
-  table.insert(endFailAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Leaks A Lot, depressed for killing his loved one, failed to save the village..."), 3000}})
-  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {princess, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, princess}}})
-  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("How can I ever repay you for saving my life?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"), SAY_SAY, 10000}})
-  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Let's go home!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."), 2000}})
-  startAnim = startAnimAD
-  midAnim = midAnimAD
-  failAnim = failAnimAD
-  endAnim = endAnimAD
-  endFailAnim = endFailAnimAD
-  winAnim = winAnimAD
-function SetupAnimAcceptedLived()
-  table.insert(startAnimAL, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, dense}}})
-  table.insert(startAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-  table.insert(startAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("We have no time to waste..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnimAL, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {leaks}})
-  AddSkipFunction(startAnimAL, SkipStartAnim, {})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, RestoreCyborgOnly, {unpack(startCyborgPosDuo)}}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Well, well! Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen?"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Two little hogs cooperating, getting past obstacles..."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Let me test your skills a little, will you?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, 2456, 1842}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, 2656, 1842}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, dense}}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Why are you doing this?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("To help you, of course!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, 3781, 1583}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborgOnly, {}}})
-  AddSkipFunction(pastFlowerAnimAL, SkipPastFlowerAnim, {})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, RestoreCyborgOnly, {unpack(midCyborgPosDuo)}}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, unpack(midDensePosDuo)}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {dense, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("OH, COME ON!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Let's see what your comrade does now!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, 3781, 1583}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborgOnly, {}}})
-  AddSkipFunction(outPitAnimAL, SkipOutPitAnim, {})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {437, 1700, 519, 1722}}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {leaks, 763, 1760}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, 835, 1519}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {leaks, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {dense, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {princess, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Help me, please!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("What are you doing? Let her go!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Yeah? Watcha gonna do? Cry?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("We won't let you hurt her!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  AddSkipFunction(endAnim, SkipEndAnimDuo, {})
-  table.insert(endFailAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Leaks A Lot, depressed for killing his loved one, failed to save the village..."), 3000}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {princess, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, princess}}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Thank you, oh, thank you, my heroes!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("How can I ever repay you for saving my life?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("There's nothing more satisfying to us than seeing you share your beauty..."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Let's go home!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."), 2000}})
-  startAnim = startAnimAL
-  pastFlowerAnim = pastFlowerAnimAL
-  outPitAnim = outPitAnimAL
-function SetupAnimRefusedLived()
-  table.insert(startAnimRL, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, dense}}})
-  table.insert(startAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  AddSkipFunction(startAnimRL, SkipStartAnim, {})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, RestoreCyborgOnly, {unpack(startCyborgPosDuo)}}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Well, well! Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen?"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Two little hogs cooperating, getting past obstacles..."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Let me test your skills a little, will you?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, 2456, 1842}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, 2656, 1842}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, dense}}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Why are you doing this?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You couldn't possibly believe that after refusing my offer I'd just let you go!"), SAY_SAY, 9000}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You're funny!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, 3781, 1583}})
-  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborgOnly, {}}})
-  AddSkipFunction(pastFlowerAnimRL, SkipPastFlowerAnim, {})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, RestoreCyborgOnly, {unpack(midCyborgPosDuo)}}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, unpack(midDensePosDuo)}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {dense, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("OH, COME ON!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Let's see what your comrade does now!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, 3781, 1583}})
-  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborgOnly, {}}})
-  AddSkipFunction(outPitAnimRL, SkipOutPitAnim, {})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {437, 1700, 519, 1722}}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {leaks, 763, 1760}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, 835, 1519}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {leaks, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {dense, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {princess, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Help me, please!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("What are you doing? Let her go!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Yeah? Watcha gonna do? Cry?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("We won't let you hurt her!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  AddSkipFunction(endAnim, SkipEndAnimDuo, {})
-  table.insert(endFailAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Leaks A Lot, depressed for killing his loved one, failed to save the village..."), 3000}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {princess, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, princess}}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Thank you, oh, thank you, my heroes!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("How can I ever repay you for saving my life?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("There's nothing more satisfying to us than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"), SAY_SAY, 10000}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Let's go home!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."), 2000}})
-  startAnim = startAnimRL
-  pastFlowerAnim = pastFlowerAnimRL
-  outPitAnim = outPitAnimRL
-function KillPrincess()
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Cannibal Sentry"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
---/////////////////////////////Misc Functions////////////////////////
-function HideHedge(hedge)
-  if hedgeHidden[hedge] ~= true then
-    HideHog(hedge)
-    hedgeHidden[hedge] = true
-  end
-function RestoreHedge(hedge)
-  if hedgeHidden[hedge] == true then
-    RestoreHog(hedge)
-    hedgeHidden[hedge] = false
-  end
-function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
-  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
-  if xl > xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
-  elseif xl < xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
-  end
-function SetupPlaceAlone()
-  ------ AMMO CRATE LIST ------
-  --SpawnAmmoCrate(3122, 994, amShotgun)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(3124, 952, amBaseballBat)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(2508, 1110, amFirePunch)
-  ------ UTILITY CRATE LIST ------
-  blowCrate = SpawnUtilityCrate(3675, 1480, amBlowTorch)
-  gravityCrate = SpawnUtilityCrate(3448, 1349, amLowGravity)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(3212, 1256, amGirder)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(3113, 911, amParachute)
-  sniperCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(784, 1715, amSniperRifle)
-  ------ MINE LIST ------
-  SetTimer(AddGear(3328, 1399, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(3028, 1262, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2994, 1274, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2956, 1277, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2925, 1282, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2838, 1276, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2822, 1278, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2786, 1283, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2766, 1270, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2749, 1231, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2717, 1354, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2167, 1330, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2201, 1321, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(2239, 1295, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 3781, 1583)
-  --AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 1650, 1583)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[1], amShotgun, 100)
-  AddAmmo(leaks, amSwitch, 0)
-function SetupPlaceDuo()
-  PlaceCratesDuo()
-  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, unpack(startLeaksPosDuo))
-  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, unpack(startDensePosDuo))
-function SetupEventsDuo()
-  AddEvent(CheckPastFlower, {}, DoPastFlower, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckLeaksDead, {}, DoLeaksDead, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckDenseDead, {}, DoDenseDead, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookSniper2, {}, DoTookSniper2, {}, 0)
-function SetupEventsAlone()
-  AddEvent(CheckLeaksDead, {}, DoLeaksDead, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookBlowTorch, {}, DoTookBlowTorch, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookLowGravity, {}, DoTookLowGravity, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckOnBridge, {}, DoOnBridge, {}, 0)
-function StartMission()
-  if m2DenseDead == 1 then
-    DeleteGear(dense)
-    if m2Choice == choiceAccepted then
-      SetupAnimAcceptedDied()
-    elseif m2Choice == choiceRefused then
-      SetupAnimRefusedDied()
-    else
-      SetupAnimAttacked()
-    end
-    SetupPlaceAlone()
-    SetupEventsAlone()
-    AddAnim(startAnim)
-    AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
-  else
-    if m2Choice == choiceAccepted then
-      SetupAnimAcceptedLived()
-    else
-      SetupAnimRefusedLived()
-    end
-    SetupPlaceDuo()
-    SetupEventsDuo()
-    AddAnim(startAnim)
-    AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
-  end
-  HideHedge(cyborg)
-  HideHedge(princess)
-  for i = 5, 8 do
-    HideHedge(cannibals[i])
-  end
-function SetupCourse()
-  ------ GIRDER LIST ------
-  PlaceGirder(1091, 1150, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1091, 989, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1091, 829, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1091, 669, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1091, 668, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1091, 669, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1088, 667, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1091, 658, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1091, 646, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1091, 607, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1091, 571, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1376, 821, 6)
-  PlaceGirder(1145, 1192, 1)
-  PlaceGirder(1169, 1076, 3)
-  PlaceGirder(1351, 1082, 4)
-  PlaceGirder(1469, 987, 3)
-  PlaceGirder(1386, 951, 0)
-  PlaceGirder(1465, 852, 3)
-  PlaceGirder(1630, 913, 0)
-  PlaceGirder(1733, 856, 7)
-  PlaceGirder(1688, 713, 5)
-  PlaceGirder(1556, 696, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(1525, 696, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(1457, 697, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(1413, 700, 3)
-  PlaceGirder(1270, 783, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(1207, 825, 2)
-  PlaceGirder(1135, 775, 1)
-  ------ UTILITY CRATE LIST ------
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(1590, 628, amParachute)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(1540, 100, amDynamite)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2175, 1815, amLowGravity)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2210, 1499, amFirePunch)
-  girderCrate = SpawnUtilityCrate(2300, 1663, amGirder)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(610, 1394, amPickHammer)
-  ------ BARREL LIST ------
-  SetHealth(AddGear(1148, 736, gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0), 20)
-function PlaceCourseMines()
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1215, 1193, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1259, 1199, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1310, 1198, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1346, 1196, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1383, 1192, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1436, 1196, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1487, 1199, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1651, 1209, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1708, 1209, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1759, 1190, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-  SetTimer(AddGear(1815, 1184, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
---////////////////////////////Event Functions////////////////////////
-function CheckTookFire()
-  return fireTaken
-function DoTookFire()
-  AddAmmo(leaks, amFirePunch, 100)
-function CheckTookGirder1()
-  return girder1Taken
-function CheckTookGirder2()
-  return girder2Taken
-function DoTookGirder1()
-  AddAmmo(dense, amGirder, 2)
-function DoTookGirder2()
-  AddAmmo(dense, amGirder, 3)
-function CheckDensePit()
-  return GetY(dense) < 1250 and StoppedGear(dense)
-function DoDensePit()
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {outPitAnim}})
-  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterOutPitAnim, args = {}}}})
-function CheckPastFlower()
-  if denseDead == true or leaksDead == true then
-    return false
-  end
-  return (GetX(dense) < startEventXDuo and StoppedGear(dense))
-      or (GetX(leaks) < startEventXDuo and StoppedGear(leaks))
-function DoPastFlower()
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {pastFlowerAnim}})
-  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterPastFlowerAnim, args = {}}}})
-function CheckLeaksDead()
-  return leaksDead
-function DoLeaksDead()
-  AddCaption(loc("The village, unprepared, was destroyed by the cyborgs..."))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
-function CheckDenseDead()
-  return denseDead
-function DoDenseDead()
-  AddCaption(loc("The village, unprepared, was destroyed by the cyborgs..."))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
-function CheckTookBlowTorch()
-  return blowTaken
-function DoTookBlowTorch()
-  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("The Tunnel Maker"), loc("Hint: Select the BlowTorch, aim and press [Fire]. Press [Fire] again to stop.|Don't blow up the crate."), 0, 6000)
-function CheckTookLowGravity()
-  return gravityTaken
-function DoTookLowGravity()
-  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("The Moonwalk"), loc("Hint: Select the LowGravity and press [Fire]."), 0, 6000)
-function CheckOnBridge()
-  return leaksDead == false and GetX(leaks) < 1651 and StoppedGear(leaks)
-function DoOnBridge()
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  RestoreHedge(princess)
-  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {midAnim}})
-  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterMidAnimAlone, args = {}}}})
-function CheckGirderTaken()
-  return girderTaken
-function DoGirderTaken()
-  AddAmmo(leaks, amGirder, 2)
---  AddAmmo(leaks, amGirder, 3)
-function CheckOnFirstGirder()
-  return leaksDead == false and GetX(leaks) < 1160 and StoppedGear(leaks)
-function DoOnFirstGirder()
-  PlaceCourseMines()
-  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("Slippery"), loc("You'd better watch your steps..."), 0, 4000)
-function CheckTookSniper()
-  return sniperTaken and StoppedGear(leaks)
-function DoTookSniper()
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  RestoreHedge(princess)
-  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {endAnim}})
-  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterEndAnimAlone, args = {}}}})
-function CheckTookSniper2()
-  return sniperTaken and StoppedGear(leaks) and StoppedGear(dense)
-function DoTookSniper2()
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  RestoreHedge(princess)
-  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {endAnim}})
-  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterEndAnimDuo, args = {}}}})
-function CheckLost()
-  return princessDead
-function DoLost()
-  AddAnim(endFailAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = ParseCommand, args = {'teamgone ' .. loc('Natives')}})
-function CheckWon()
-  return cyborgDead and not princessDead
-function DoWon()
-  if progress and progress<3 then
-    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "3")
-  end
-  AddAnim(winAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = FinishWon, args = {}})
-function FinishWon()
-  SwitchHog(leaks)
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Cannibal Sentry"))
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function CheckFailedCourse()
-  return TurnsLeft == 0
-function DoFailedCourse()
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  RestoreHedge(princess)
-  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {failAnim}})
-  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterMidFailAnim, args = {}}}})
---////////////////////////////Main Functions/////////////////////////
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 0
-	GameFlags = gfSolidLand + gfDisableWind
-	TurnTime = 40000 
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 0
-	MinesTime = 3000
-	Explosives = 0
-	Delay = 5
-    Map = "A_Classic_Fairytale_journey"
-    Theme = "Nature"
-    SuddenDeathTurns = 3000
-	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-	leaks = AddHog(loc("Leaks A Lot"), 0, 100, "Rambo")
-  dense = AddHog(loc("Dense Cloud"), 0, 100, "RobinHood")
-  AddTeam(loc("Cannibal Sentry"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate","cm_vampire")
-  cannibals = {}
-  for i = 1, 4 do
-    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 3, 40, "Zombi")
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
-  end
-  for i = 5, 8 do
-    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 3, 40, "Zombi")
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], 0, 0)
-  end
-  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Y3K1337"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
-  princess = AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 0, 200, "tiara")
-  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 0, 0)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 0, 0)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 0, 0)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(princess, 0, 0)
-  AnimInit()
-function onGameStart()
-  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
-  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
-  m2DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2DenseDead"))
-  m2RamonDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2RamonDead"))
-  m2SpikyDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2SpikyDead"))
-  StartMission()
-function onGameTick()
-  AnimUnWait()
-  if ShowAnimation() == false then
-    return
-  end
-  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
-  CheckEvents()
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-  if gear == blowCrate then
-    blowTaken = true
-  elseif gear == fireCrate then
-    fireTaken = true
-  elseif gear == gravityCrate then
-    gravityTaken = true
-  elseif gear == leaks then
-    leaksDead = true
-  elseif gear == dense then
-    denseDead = true
-  elseif gear == cyborg then
-    cyborgDead = true
-  elseif gear == princess then
-    princessDead = true
-  elseif gear == girderCrate then
-    girderTaken = true
-  elseif gear == girderCrate1 then
-    girder1Taken = true
-  elseif gear == girderCrate2 then
-    girder2Taken = true
-  elseif gear == sniperCrate then
-    sniperTaken = true
-  else
-    for i = 1, 4 do
-      if gear == cannibals[i] then
-        cannibalDead[i] = true
-      end
-    end
-  end
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-  SetAmmo(amBlowTorch, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-  SetAmmo(amParachute, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-  SetAmmo(amGirder, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amLowGravity, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 1, 0, 0, 1)
-  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amRope, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-  SetAmmo(amDynamite, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-  SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-function onNewTurn()
-  if AnimInProgress() then
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
-  elseif stage == endStage and CurrentHedgehog ~= leaks then
-    AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
-    SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
-  elseif GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) ~= loc("Natives") then
-    for i = 1, 4 do
-      if cannibalDead[i] ~= true then
-        if GetX(cannibals[i]) < GetX(leaks) then
-          HogTurnLeft(cannibals[i], false)
-        else
-          HogTurnLeft(cannibals[i], true)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    SetInputMask(band(0xFFFFFFFF, bnot(gmLeft + gmRight + gmLJump + gmHJump)))
-    TurnTimeLeft = 20000
-  else
-    SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-    TurnsLeft = TurnsLeft - 1
-  end
-function onPrecise()
-  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
-    SetAnimSkip(true)
-    return
-  end
---  AddAmmo(leaks, amRope, 100)
---  RemoveEventFunc(CheckPastFlower)
---  DeleteGear(sniperCrate)
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/queen.lua	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,828 +0,0 @@
-local map =
-	"\16\7\0\225\132\15\200\1\40\0\15\200\1\40\132\15\105\8\81\0\16\14\1\64\143\15\200\7\249\0\13\50\7\252\132\12\243\7\172\0",
-	"\12\236\7\168\132\12\127\6\192\0\12\127\6\192\132\11\52\6\223\0\11\52\6\223\132\10\62\8\35\0\8\201\8\4\132\8\63\7\126\0",
-	"\8\63\7\126\132\8\4\6\58\0\8\0\6\65\132\7\147\6\241\0\7\133\6\195\132\7\20\4\151\0\7\143\6\195\132\7\140\6\234\0",
-	"\7\17\4\151\132\5\191\4\222\0\5\191\4\222\132\3\136\3\252\0\3\136\3\252\132\2\12\4\151\0\2\12\4\151\132\1\138\5\15\0",
-	"\1\138\5\15\132\1\54\5\156\0\1\54\5\156\132\0\130\5\64\0\0\130\5\64\132\255\214\5\135\0\8\141\1\85\179\8\141\1\85\0",
-	"\10\30\2\220\139\10\30\2\220\0\11\77\1\142\131\11\77\1\142\0\10\188\0\113\129\10\188\0\113\0\255\235\0\162\132\0\130\0\225\0",
-	"\0\130\0\229\0\0\127\0\236\132\255\231\0\250\0\0\28\0\215\136\0\4\0\211\0\0\95\5\212\154\0\95\7\238\0\0\246\6\2\154",
-	"\1\71\8\0\0\1\205\5\145\154\2\132\4\239\0\3\98\4\141\154\1\135\5\216\0\3\179\4\151\154\6\213\5\247\0\6\223\5\124\151",
-	"\6\185\5\22\0\6\181\5\29\151\6\37\5\64\0\0\179\5\198\148\0\179\5\198\0\6\216\4\253\148\6\216\4\253\0\1\230\7\147\153",
-	"\8\32\8\18\0\1\187\6\174\153\7\179\7\108\0\2\199\5\177\179\6\128\6\167\0\7\231\7\10\143\7\231\6\202\0\12\148\8\4\156",
-	"\10\241\8\11\0\11\112\7\101\156\12\56\7\91\0\1\89\5\223\199\4\11\5\208\0\4\67\5\212\200\4\172\6\58\0\4\172\6\58\200",
-	"\5\36\5\212\0\5\40\5\194\200\4\169\5\57\0\4\169\5\57\200\4\42\5\205\0\4\130\5\142\200\4\218\5\205\0\4\137\5\194\200",
-	"\4\179\5\251\0\255\245\1\198\133\0\77\1\198\0\0\77\1\198\133\0\102\1\226\0\0\102\1\230\133\255\221\1\244\0\255\245\0\148\195",
-	"\255\231\1\11\0\0\32\0\162\195\255\231\0\169\0\0\60\0\158\195\0\32\0\172\0\0\21\0\176\195\255\242\0\222\0\255\245\0\215\195",
-	"\0\7\0\246\0\255\245\0\243\195\0\11\1\33\0\0\4\1\4\195\0\56\1\36\0\255\245\1\173\195\0\35\1\110\0\255\242\1\180\195",
-	"\255\224\2\9\0\255\238\1\240\195\0\28\2\30\0\0\21\2\19\195\0\102\2\23\0\16\18\1\1\195\16\35\0\222\0\16\14\1\11\195",
-	"\16\7\2\9\0\16\0\2\16\195\16\35\3\34\0\16\11\2\252\195\16\11\4\208\0\16\11\4\208\195\16\0\6\55\0\16\0\6\55\195",
-	"\16\14\8\25\0",
-choiceAccepted = 1
-choiceRefused = 2
-choiceAttacked = 3
-choiceEliminate = 1
-choiceSpare = 2
-leaksNum = 1
-denseNum = 2
-waterNum = 3
-buffaloNum = 4
-chiefNum = 5
-girlNum = 6
-wiseNum = 7
-denseScene = 1
-princessScene = 2
-waterScene = 3
-cyborgScene = 4
-nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
-               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
-               loc("Wise Oak"), loc("Ramon"), loc("Spiky Cheese")
-              }
-nativeSaveNames = {"M8DeployedDead", "M8RamonDead", "M8SpikyDead", "M8PrincessDead"}
-nativeUnNames = {loc("Zork"), loc("Steve"), loc("Jack"),
-                 loc("Lee"), loc("Elmo"), loc("Rachel"),
-                 loc("Muriel")}
-nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
-              "tiara", "AkuAku", "rasta", "hair_yellow"}
-nativePos = {{1474, 1188}, {923, 986}, {564, 1120}, {128, 1315}}
-nativesNum = 4
-nativesLeft = 4
-cyborgNames = {loc("Artur Detour"), loc("Led Heart"), loc("Orlando Boom!"), loc("Nilarian"), 
-               loc("Steel Eye"), loc("Rusty Joe"), loc("Hatless Jerry"), loc("Gas Gargler")}
-cyborgsDif = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}
-cyborgsHealth = {100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100}
-cyborgPos = {1765, 1145}
-cyborgsTeamNum = {4, 3}
-cyborgsNum = 7
-cyborgsPos = {{2893, 1717}, {2958, 1701}, {3027, 1696}, {3096, 1698},
-              {2584, 655},  {2047, 1534}, {115, 179}, {2162, 1916}}
-cyborgsDir = {"Left", "Left", "Left", "Left", "Left", "Left", "Right", "Left"}
-crateConsts = {}
-reactions = {}
-enemyPos = {4078, 195}
-natives = {}
-origNatives = {}
-cyborgs = {}
-cyborg = nil
-gearDead = {}
-hedgeHidden = {}
-scene = 0
-enemyFled = "0"
-deployedLeader = "0"
-princessLeader = "0"
-startAnim = {}
-fleeAnim = {}
-finalAnim = {}
-leaderDeadAnim = {}
-function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
-  local dif
-  if dir == "Left" then
-    dif = 10
-  else
-    dif = -10
-  end
-  if dir == nil then
-    dx, dy = GetGearVelocity(dense)
-    if dx < 0 then 
-      dif = 10
-    else 
-      dif = -10
-    end
-  end
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-function AnimationSetup()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {enemy, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, swh = false, args = {natives[1], "The team continued their quest of finding the rest of the tribe.", 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, swh = false, args = {natives[1], "They stumbled upon a pile of weapons, they seemed to be getting closer.", 4500}})
-  if scene == denseScene then
-    if m5DeployedNum == denseNum then
-      deployedLeader = "1"
-      SetupDenseAnimDeployed()
-    else
-      SetupDenseAnim()
-    end
-  elseif scene == waterScene then
-    if m5DeployedNum == waterNum then
-      deployedLeader = "1"
-      SetupWaterAnimDeployed()
-    else
-      SetupWaterAnim()
-    end
-  elseif scene == princessScene then
-    princessLeader = "1"
-    SetupPrincessAnim()
-  else
-    SetupCyborgAnim()
-  end
-  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipAnim, {startAnim})
-  AddSkipFunction(fleeAnim, SkipAnim, {fleeAnim})
-  AddSkipFunction(leaderDeadAnim, SkipAnim, {leaderDeadAnim})
-function SetupLeaderDeadAnim()
-  local gear = nil
-  if CheckCyborgsDead() then
-    return
-  end
-  for i = nativesLeft, 1, -1 do
-    if band(GetState(natives[i]), gstDrowning) == 0 then
-      gear = natives[i]
-    end
-  end
-  if gear == nil then
-    return
-  end
-  table.insert(leaderDeadAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, args = {gear}})
-  table.insert(leaderDeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, "That traitor won't be killing us anymore!", SAY_THINK, 6000}})
-function SetupDenseAnim()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yo, dude! Get away from our weapons!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Dense Cloud?! What are you doing?!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "What does it look like?", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Are you helping the aliens?!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Lolz, I love the look on your face!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Did you really think that I'd changed?", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "But why did you betray us?!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yo, the aliens gave me plants...medicinal plants...lots of it.", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You never give me plants!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Besides, why would I choose certain death?", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Do you have any idea how bad an exploding arrow hurts?", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Dude, it's unbearable!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You're a coward!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You endangered your whole tribe, you bastard!", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yeah, well, for some dude to be happy, some other dude has to suffer.", SAY_SHOUT, 11000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "That's just the way it works, you know.", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You're some piece of hypocrite junkie!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Why do you always have to call me names?", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, EmitDenseClouds, {}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Make fun of me when I fart...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "IT'S A SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You don't deserve my sacrifice!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "I won't let you kill the tribe!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Dude, this is boring!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I ain't gonna sit around no more!", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yo, escort my buttocks!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
-function SetupDenseAnimDeployed()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, EmitDenseClouds, {}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[3], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[2], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I'm afraid I can't let you proceed!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "???", SAY_THINK, 0}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[2], "???", SAY_THINK, 0}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[3], "???", SAY_THINK, 1000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Dude, wow, you're so cute!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Did you really think I'd change?", SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I'm still with the aliens.", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {enemy, unpack(enemyPos)}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "WHAT?!", SAY_THINK, 1000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[3], "But you saved me!", SAY_THINK, 2500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Haha, that was just a coincidence!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I was heading home, you see!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We were your home! Your family...", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "How could you betray us?!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yo, the aliens gave me plants...medicinal plants...lots of it.", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You never give me plants!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Besides, why would I choose certain death?", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Do you have any idea how bad an exploding arrow hurts?", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Dude, it's unbearable!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You're a coward!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You endangered your whole tribe, you bastard!", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yeah, well, for some dude to be happy, some other dude has to suffer.", SAY_SHOUT, 11000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "That's just the way it works, you know.", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You're some piece of hypocrite junkie!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Why do you always have to call me names?", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, EmitDenseClouds, {}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Make fun of me when I fart...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "IT'S A SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You don't deserve my sacrifice!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "I won't let you kill the tribe!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Dude, this is boring!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I ain't gonna sit around no more!", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yo, escort my buttocks!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
-function SetupWaterAnim()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Stay there, comrades!", SAY_SHOUT, 2500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Come closer and die...burp!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Fiery Water?! Are you drunk again?", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Drunk with power, perhappss!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The power of love! No, wait, the power of the aliens!", SAY_SHOUT, 7500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We trusted you, you fool!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Why do you keep betraying us?", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Why, why, why, why!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I grew sick of the oppression! I brock free!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "What oppression?! You were the most unoppressed member of the tribe!", SAY_SHOUT, 10000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The opression of the elders, of course!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  if m5DeployedNum == leaksNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You should know this more than anyone, Leaks!", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  elseif m5LeaksDead == 1 then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Just look at Leaks, may he rest in peace!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We, the youth, have to constantly prove our value...", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We work and work until we sweat blood...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We risk our lives going through challenges...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All this to please our beloved 'elders'...hick...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "And what do they do in the meantime? NOTHING!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All they do is sit around and judge us!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You have never worked a bit in your life!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "All *you* do is take long walks when everyone else works.", SAY_SHOUT, 9000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Anyway, the aliens accept me for who I am.", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We won't accept you destroying our village!", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Argh, the borrdommm!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I have more important things to do!", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Comrades! Sail me away!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
-function SetupWaterAnimDeployed()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[3], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[2], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Stop, comrades!", SAY_SHOUT, 2500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I cannot let you go any farther...burp!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Fiery Water?! Are you drunk again?", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Drunk with power, perhappss!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The power of love! No, wait, the power of the aliens!", SAY_SHOUT, 7500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {enemy, unpack(enemyPos)}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[3], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[2], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We trusted you, you fool!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Why do you keep betraying us?", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Why, why, why, why!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I grew sick of the oppression! I brock free!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "What oppression?! You were the most unoppressed member of the tribe!", SAY_SHOUT, 10000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The opression of the elders, of course!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Just look at Leaks, may he rest in peace!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We, the youth, have to constantly prove our value...", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We work and work until we sweat blood...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We risk our lives going through challenges...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All this to please our beloved 'elders'...hick...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "And what do they do in the meantime? NOTHING!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All they do is sit around and judge us!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You have never worked a bit in your life!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "All *you* do is take long walks when everyone else works.", SAY_SHOUT, 9000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Anyway, the aliens accept me for who I am.", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We won't accept you destroying our village!", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Argh, the borrdommm!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I have more important things to do!", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Comrades! Sail me away!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
-function SetupPrincessAnim()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[3], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[2], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Oh, my! I forgot something!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We need to go back!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "What could you possibly forget in that cage?", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I don't like your tone! You're hurting me!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "I'm terribly sorry!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "What is it that you forgot?", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Uhmm, it' ring!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "It's precious to me!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We don't have time for that now!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We have to find our folk!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "But I want my sandals!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Sandals?! I thought you left your ring!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All right, you got me...", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Got you? You're acting weird...", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You just can't let it go, can you!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All right, I'll admit it!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Admit what?", SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You give me no choice!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I can't let you go further because...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I'm the spy! I've been giving you out!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {enemy, unpack(enemyPos)}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[3], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[2], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "But...they kidnapped you!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Oh, that. We were just having fun!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "It's an ancient ritual of theirs.", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Why did you do this?", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  if m5ChiefDead == 1 then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Why did you kill your father?", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Do you have any idea what it's like in the village for a woman?", SAY_SHOUT, 10000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "How would you like being discriminated against?", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Not being able to fight, hunt...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Gathering fruits all day long...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Doing stuff a monkey could do...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Always being considered weak and fragile...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  if m5DeployedNum == girlNum then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a woman, too!", SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yes, but you're...different!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Of course I am...", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The aliens respect me, even worship me!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I'm living a dream!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Well, you're about to wake up!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "'s going slower than expected.", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I am going to leave the kids play by themselves.", SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Alien! I wish to be moved!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
-function SetupCyborgAnim()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Stop right there, puny worms!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Stay away from our weapons!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We come in peace! Just let our friends go!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I'm afraid we cannot afford that...", SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You see, hedgehog spikes are very very valuable.", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Very valuable, haha!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Don't you dare harm our tribe!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "It's a shame, really!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I regret to end your little odyssey.", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "It was fun to watch...", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The way you handled your little internal conflicts...", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Did you really think that we needed the help of one of you?", SAY_SHOUT, 7500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You should have known that we don't rely on meatbags!", SAY_SHOUT, 7500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "It was fun to watch though...", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
-  if m5Choice == choiceEliminate then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Heck, you even executed one of your own!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "It was all a trick?!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Some sick game of yours?!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We won't let you hurt any more of us!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Entered boredom phase! Discrepancies detected...", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Initiate escape wish!", SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Running displacement algorithm...", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
-  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
-function SetupFinalAnim()
-  local found = 0
-  local gears = {}
-  for i = nativesLeft, 1, -1 do
-    if band(GetState(natives[i]), gstDrowning) == 0 then
-      found = found + 1
-      gears[found] = natives[i]
-    end
-  end
-  if found == 0 then
-    return
-  else
-    for i = 1, found do
-      table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {gears[1], CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, gears[i]}}})
-    end
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, "Nice work, meatbags!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, "You're on your way to freeing your tribe!", SAY_SAY, 5500}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gears[1], "Do you know where they are?", SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gears[found], "We need to hurry!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, "Haha! Come!", SAY_SAY, 2000}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimJump, args = {cyborg, "high"}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, GetGearPosition(cyborg)}})
-    for i = 1, found do
-      table.insert(finalAnim, {func = HideHedge, swh = false, args = {gears[i]}})
-    end
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = SetState, swh = false, args = {cyborg, gstInvisible}})
-  end
---------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
-function AfterStartAnim()
-  SetGearMessage(natives[1], 0)
-  ShowMission("Long Live The Queen", "Closing in", "Defeat the enemy!|The leader seems scared, he will probably flee.", 1, 0)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2207, 44), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(519, 1519), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(826, 895), 25)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(701, 1046, amGirder, 3)
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-function SkipAnim(anim)
-  if anim == startAnim then
-    SetGearPosition(enemy, unpack(enemyPos))
-  end
-  if GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) ~= loc("Natives") then
-    TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  end
-  AnimWait(enemy, 1)
-function AfterFleeAnim()
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(130, 455), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2087, 50), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2143, 54), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(70, 1308), 25)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  HideHedge(enemy)
-  ShowMission("Long Live The Queen", "Coward", "The leader escaped. Defeat the rest of the aliens!", 1, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-function AfterLeaderDeadAnim()
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(130, 455), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2087, 50), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2143, 54), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(70, 1308), 25)
-  ShowMission("Long Live The Queen", "Bullseye", "Good Job! Defeat the rest of the aliens!", 1, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function CheckTurnsOver()
-  return TotalRounds > 6
-function DoTurnsOver()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  enemyFled = "1"
-  AddAnim(fleeAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterFleeAnim, args = {}})
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckGearDead, {enemy})
-function CheckNativesDead()
-  return nativesLeft == 0
-function DoNativesDead()
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckTurnsOver)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckGearDead)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckCyborgsDead)
-  AddCaption("...and the cyborgs took over the island.")
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function CheckCyborgsDead()
-  return (cyborgsLeft == 0 and (gearDead[enemy] == true or enemyFled == "1"))
-function KillEnemy()
-  if enemyFled == "1" then
-    ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Leaderbot"))
-  end
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function DoCyborgsDead()
-  SaveCampaignVariables()
-  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
-  PlaceGirder(3292, 922, 4)
-  SetGearPosition(cyborg, 3290, 902)
-  SetupFinalAnim()
-  AddAnim(finalAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = KillEnemy, args = {}})
-function DoLeaderDead()
-  leaderDead = true
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  SetupLeaderDeadAnim()
-  AddAnim(leaderDeadAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterLeaderDeadAnim, args = {}})
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckTurnsOver)
-function CheckGearsDead(gearList)
-  for i = 1, # gearList do
-    if gearDead[gearList[i]] ~= true then
-      return false
-    end
-  end
-  return true
-function CheckGearDead(gear)
-  return gearDead[gear]
-function HideHedge(hedge)
-  if hedgeHidden[hedge] ~= true then
-    HideHog(hedge)
-    hedgeHidden[hedge] = true
-  end
-function RestoreHedge(hedge)
-  if hedgeHidden[hedge] == true then
-    RestoreHog(hedge)
-    hedgeHidden[hedge] = false
-  end
-function GetVariables()
-  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
-  m5DeployedNum = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DeployedNum"))
-  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
-  m5Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5Choice"))
-  m2DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2DenseDead"))
-  m4DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4DenseDead"))
-  m5DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DenseDead"))
-  m4LeaksDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4LeaksDead"))
-  m5LeaksDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5LeaksDead"))
-  m4ChiefDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4ChiefDead"))
-  m5ChiefDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5ChiefDead"))
-  m4WaterDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4WaterDead"))
-  m5WaterDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5WaterDead"))
-  m4BuffaloDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4BuffaloDead"))
-  m5BuffaloDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5BuffaloDead"))
-  m5WiseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5WiseDead"))
-  m5GirlDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5GirlDead"))
-function SaveCampaignVariables()
-  for i = 1, 4 do
-    if gearDead[origNatives[i]] ~= true then
-      SaveCampaignVar(nativeSaveNames[i], "0")
-    else
-      SaveCampaignVar(nativeSaveNames[i], "1")
-    end
-  end
-  SaveCampaignVar("M8DeployedLeader", deployedLeader)
-  SaveCampaignVar("M8PrincessLeader", princessLeader)
-  SaveCampaignVar("M8EnemyFled", enemyFled)
-  SaveCampaignVar("M8Scene", "" .. scene)
-  if progress and progress<8 then
-    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "8")
-  end
-function SetupPlace()
-  HideHedge(cyborg)
-  SetHogHat(natives[1], nativeHats[m5DeployedNum])
-  SetHogName(natives[1], nativeNames[m5DeployedNum])
-  if m5DeployedNum == denseNum then
-    dense = natives[1]
-  else
-    dense = enemy
-  end
-  if m2Choice == choiceAccepted and m5Choice ~= choiceEliminate then
-    scene = denseScene
-    SetHogHat(enemy, nativeHats[denseNum])
-    SetHogName(enemy, nativeNames[denseNum])
-    dense = enemy
-  elseif m2Choice == choiceAccepted then
-    scene = cyborgScene
-    SetHogHat(enemy, "cyborg2")
-    SetHogName(enemy, loc("Nancy Screw"))
-  elseif m5Choice == choiceEliminate then
-    scene = princessScene
-    SetHogHat(enemy, "tiara")
-    SetHogName(enemy, loc("Fell From Heaven"))
-  else
-    scene = waterScene
-    SetHogHat(enemy, nativeHats[waterNum])
-    SetHogName(enemy, nativeNames[waterNum])
-  end
-  for i = 1, 4 do 
-    if GetHogName(natives[i]) == GetHogName(enemy) then
-      AnimSetGearPosition(enemy, GetGearPosition(natives[i]))
-      DeleteGear(natives[i])
-      DeleteGear(cyborgs[cyborgsLeft])
-    end
-  end
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(34, 395, amBee, 2)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(33, 374, amRCPlane, 1)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(74, 393, amAirAttack, 3)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(1313, 1481, amBazooka, 8)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(80, 360, amSniperRifle, 4)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(1037, 1494, amShotgun, 7)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(1037, 1472, amMolotov, 3)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(1146, 1503, amMortar, 8)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(1147, 1431, amPortalGun, 2)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(1219, 1542, amRope, 5)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(1259, 1501, amJetpack, 2)
-function SetupEvents()
-  AddNewEvent(CheckNativesDead, {}, DoNativesDead, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {enemy}, DoLeaderDead, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckTurnsOver, {}, DoTurnsOver, {}, 0)
-  AddNewEvent(CheckCyborgsDead, {}, DoCyborgsDead, {}, 0)
-function SetupAmmo()
-  AddAmmo(natives[1], amPickHammer, 2)
-  AddAmmo(natives[1], amBazooka, 0)
-  AddAmmo(natives[1], amGrenade, 0)
-  AddAmmo(natives[1], amShotgun, 0)
-  AddAmmo(natives[1], amAirStrike, 0)
-  AddAmmo(natives[1], amMolotov, 0)
-function AddHogs()
-	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-  for i = 7, 9 do
-    natives[i-6] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
-    origNatives[i-6] = natives[i-6]
-  end
-  natives[4] = AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 0, 133, "tiara")
-  origNatives[4] = natives[4]
-  nativesLeft = nativesNum
-  AddTeam(loc("Beep Loopers"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  for i = 1, cyborgsTeamNum[1] do
-    cyborgs[i] = AddHog(cyborgNames[i], cyborgsDif[i], cyborgsHealth[i], "cyborg2")
-  end
-  AddTeam(loc("Corporationals"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  for i = cyborgsTeamNum[1] + 1, cyborgsNum do
-    cyborgs[i] = AddHog(cyborgNames[i], cyborgsDif[i], cyborgsHealth[i], "cyborg2")
-  end
-  cyborgsLeft = cyborgsTeamNum[1] + cyborgsTeamNum[2]
-  AddTeam(loc("Leaderbot"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  enemy = AddHog(loc("Name"), 2, 200, "cyborg1")
-  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
-  SetGearPosition(cyborg, 0, 0)
-  for i = 1, nativesNum do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i]))
-  end
-  AnimSetGearPosition(enemy, unpack(enemyPos))
-  AnimTurn(enemy, "Left")
-  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i]))
-    AnimTurn(cyborgs[i], cyborgsDir[i])
-  end
-function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
-  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
-  if xl > xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
-  elseif xl < xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
-  end
------------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 0
-	GameFlags = gfDisableGirders + gfDisableLandObjects
-	TurnTime = 60000 
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 0
-	MinesTime = 3000
-	Explosives = 0
-	Delay = 10 
-  MapGen = 2
-	Theme = "Hell"
-  SuddenDeathTurns = 20
-	for i = 1, #map do
-		ParseCommand('draw ' .. map[i])
-	end
-  GetVariables()
-  AnimInit()
-  AddHogs()
-function onGameStart()
-  SetupAmmo()
-  SetupPlace()
-  AnimationSetup()
-  SetupEvents()
-  AddAnim(startAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
-function onGameTick()
-  AnimUnWait()
-  if ShowAnimation() == false then
-    return
-  end
-  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
-  CheckEvents()
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-  local toRemove = nil
-  gearDead[gear] = true
-  if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
-    if GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Beep Loopers") or GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Corporationals") then
-      cyborgsLeft = cyborgsLeft - 1
-    elseif GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Natives") then
-      for i = 1, nativesLeft do
-        if natives[i] == gear then
-          toRemove = i
-        end
-      end
-      table.remove(natives, toRemove)
-      nativesLeft = nativesLeft - 1
-    end
-  end
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amBazooka, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amAirStrike, 1, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amMolotov, 5, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-function onNewTurn()
-  if AnimInProgress() then
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
-    return
-  end
-  if GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("011101001") then
-    TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  end
-function onPrecise()
-  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
-    SetAnimSkip(true)
---  else
---    DeleteGear(cyborgs[1])
---    table.remove(cyborgs, 1)
---    if cyborgsLeft == 0 then
---      DeleteGear(enemy)
---    end
-  end
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/shadow.hwp has changed
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/shadow.lua	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,969 +0,0 @@
-startStage = 0
-spyStage = 1
-wave1Stage = 2
-wave2Stage = 3
-cyborgStage = 4
-ramonStage = 5
-aloneStage = 6
-duoStage = 7
-interSpyStage = 8
-interWeakStage = 9
-acceptedReturnStage = 10
-refusedReturnStage = 11
-attackedReturnStage = 12
-loseStage = 13
-ourTeam = 0
-weakTeam = 1
-strongTeam = 2
-cyborgTeam = 3
-leaksNr = 0
-denseNr = 1
-choiceAccept = 1
-choiceRefuse = 2
-choiceAttack = 3
-HogNames = {loc("Brainiac"), loc("Corpsemonger"), loc("Femur Lover"), loc("Glark"), loc("Bonely"), loc("Rot Molester"), loc("Bloodrocutor"), loc("Muscle Dissolver"), loc("Bloodsucker")}
-cannibalPos = {{3108, 1127}, 
-               {2559, 1080}, {3598, 1270}, {3293, 1177}, {2623, 1336}, 
-               {3418, 1336}, {3447, 1335}, {3481, 1340}, {3507, 1324}} 
-densePos = {2776, 1177}
-leaksPos = {2941, 1172}
-cyborgPos = {1113, 1818}
-startDialogue = {}
-weaklingsAnim = {}
-stronglingsAnim = {}
-acceptedAnim = {}
-acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim = {}
-acceptedDiedFinalAnim = {}
-refusedAnim = {}
-refusedFinalAnim = {}
-attackedAnim = {}
-attackedFinalAnim = {}
-lastHogTeam = ourTeam
-lastOurHog = leaksNr
-lastEnemyHog = 0
-stage = 0
-choice = 0
-brainiacDead = false
-cyborgHidden = false
-leaksHidden = false
-denseHidden = false
-cyborgAttacked = false
-retryReturn = false
-shotgunTaken = false
-grenadeTaken = false
-spikyDead = false
-ramonDead = false
-denseDead = false
-leaksDead = false
-ramonHidden = false
-spikyHidden = false
-grenadeUsed = false
-shotgunUsed = false
-hogNr = {}
-cannibalDead = {}
-isHidden = {}
---------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
-function AfterRefusedAnim()
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2045, 1575, amSwitch)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2365, 1495, amShotgun)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2495, 1519, amGrenade)
-  SpawnUtilityCrate(2620, 1524, amRope)
-  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The Showdown"), loc("Save Leaks A Lot!|Hint: The Switch utility might be of help to you."), 1, 6000)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckDenseDead)
-  AddEvent(CheckStronglingsDead, {}, DoStronglingsDeadRefused, {}, 0)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amGrenade, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amGrenade, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amGrenade, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amGrenade, 1)
-  stage = ramonStage
-  SwitchHog(cannibals[9])
-  FollowGear(ramon)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  SetGearMessage(ramon, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
-  AnimWait(ramon, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = HideHog, args = {cyborg}})
-function SkipRefusedAnim()
-  RefusedStart()
-  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 2645, 1146)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(ramon, 2218, 1675)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(spiky, 2400, 1675)
-function AfterStartDialogue()
-  stage = spyStage
-  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("Play with me!"), loc("Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"), 1, 6000)
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-function StartSkipFunc()
-  SetState(cannibals[1], 0)
-  AnimTurn(leaks, "Right")
-  AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
-  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-function AfterWeaklingsAnim()
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[2], amShotgun, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[2], amGrenade, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[3], amShotgun, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[3], amGrenade, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[4], amShotgun, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[4], amGrenade, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amShotgun, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amGrenade, 1)
-  AddAmmo(leaks, amSkip, 4)
-  AddAmmo(dense, amSkip, 4)
-  AddEvent(CheckWeaklingsKilled, {}, DoWeaklingsKilled, {}, 0)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2757, 1030), 50)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2899, 1009), 50)
-  stage = wave1Stage
-  SwitchHog(dense)
-  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("Why do you not like me?"), loc("Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."), 1, 6000)
-function SkipWeaklingsAnim()
-  for i = 2, 5 do
-    if isHidden[cannibals[i]] == true then
-      RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
-      isHidden[cannibals[i]] = false
-    end
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
-    SetState(cannibals[i], 0)
-  end
-  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-function AfterStronglingsAnim()
-  stage = cyborgStage
-  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The Dilemma"), loc("Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."), 1, 8000)
-  AddEvent(CheckChoice, {}, DoChoice, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckRefuse, {}, DoRefuse, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckAccept, {}, DoAccept, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckConfront, {}, DoConfront, {}, 0)
-  AddAmmo(dense, amSwitch, 0)
-  AddAmmo(dense, amSkip, 0)
-  AddAmmo(leaks, amSwitch, 0)
-  AddAmmo(leaks, amSkip, 0)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2557, 1030), 50)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(3599, 1009), 50)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function SkipStronglingsAnim()
-  for i = 6, 9 do
-    if isHidden[cannibals[i]] == true then
-      RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
-      isHidden[cannibals[i]] = false
-    end
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
-    SetState(cannibals[i], 0)
-  end
-  if cyborgHidden == true then
-    RestoreHog(cyborg)
-    cyborgHidden = false
-  end
-  SetState(cyborg, 0)
-  SetState(dense, 0)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 1350, 1315)
-  FollowGear(dense)
-  HogTurnLeft(dense, true)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 1250, 1315)
-  SwitchHog(dense)
-  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-function RestartReturnAccepted()
-  retryReturn = false
-  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 1350, 1310)
-  AddAmmo(dense, amGirder, 2)
-  AddAmmo(dense, amParachute, 2)
-  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The walk of Fame"), loc("Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"), 1, 6000)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNeedGirder)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNeedWeapons)
-  AddEvent(CheckNeedGirder, {}, DoNeedGirder, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckNeedWeapons, {}, DoNeedWeapons, {}, 0)
-function AfterAcceptedAnim()
-  stage = acceptedReturnStage
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(1370, 810, amGirder)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(1300, 810, amParachute)
-  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The walk of Fame"), loc("Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"), 1, 6000)
-  AddEvent(CheckTookWeapons, {}, DoTookWeapons, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckNeedGirder, {}, DoNeedGirder, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckNeedWeapons, {}, DoNeedWeapons, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckRestartReturnAccepted, {}, RestartReturnAccepted, {}, 1)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckDenseDead)
-  SwitchHog(dense)
-  AnimWait(dense, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = HideHog, args = {cyborg}})
-function SkipAcceptedAnim()
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos))
-  SetState(cyborg, gstInvisible)
-  AnimSwitchHog(dense)
-  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-function AfterAttackedAnim()
-  stage = aloneStage
-  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The Individualist"), loc("Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"), 1, 8000)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amGrenade, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amFirePunch, 0)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amBaseballBat, 0)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amGrenade, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amFirePunch, 0)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amBaseballBat, 0)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amGrenade, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amFirePunch, 0)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amBaseballBat, 0)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amGrenade, 1)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amFirePunch, 0)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amBaseballBat, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-  AddEvent(CheckStronglingsDead, {}, DoStronglingsDeadAttacked, {}, 0)
-  SwitchHog(leaks)
-  AnimWait(dense, 1)
-  AddFunction({func = HideHog, args = {cyborg}})
-function SkipAttackedAnim()
-  if denseDead == false then
-    DeleteGear(dense)
-  end
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(2551, 994, amGrenade)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(3551, 994, amGrenade)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(3392, 1101, amShotgun)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(3192, 1101, amShotgun)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos))
-  SetState(cyborg, gstInvisible)
-  AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
-  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-function SpawnCrates()
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(2551, 994, amGrenade)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(3551, 994, amGrenade)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(3392, 1101, amShotgun)
-  SpawnAmmoCrate(3192, 1101, amShotgun)
-  return true
-function EmitDenseClouds(anim, dir)
-  local dif
-  if dir == "Left" then 
-    dif = 10
-  else
-    dif = -10
-  end
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-function BlowDenseCloud()
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = DeleteGear, args = {dense}, swh = false}) 
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense), GetY(dense), vgtBigExplosion, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 1200}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + 20, GetY(dense), vgtExplosion, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 100}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + 10, GetY(dense), vgtExplosion, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 100}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) - 10, GetY(dense), vgtExplosion, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 100}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) - 20, GetY(dense), vgtExplosion, 0, true}, swh = false})
-function SetupAcceptedSurvivedFinalAnim()
-  table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, dense}}})
-  table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Pfew! That was close!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  if grenadeUsed and shotgunUsed then
-    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Where did you get the exploding apples and the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"), SAY_SAY, 9000}})
-  elseif grenadeUsed then
-    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Where did you get the exploding apples?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  elseif shotgunUsed then
-    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Where did you get the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-  else
-    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Did you warn the village?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("No, I came back to help you out..."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  end
-  if grenadeUsed or shotgunUsed then
-    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Uhm...I met one of them and took his weapons."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  end
-  table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("We should head back to the village now."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-function AnimationSetup()
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."), 6000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."), 4000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"), SAY_SAY, 9000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."), SAY_SAY, 5000}}) 
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, EmitDenseClouds, {startDialogue, "Right"}}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 2000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("You're terrorizing the forest...We won't catch anything like this!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("..."), SAY_THINK, 1000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[1], 0}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[1], unpack(cannibalPos[1])}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {leaks, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cannibals[1], "Right"}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimWait, args = {cannibals[1], 1000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cannibals[1], "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimWait, args = {cannibals[1], 1000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cannibals[1], "Right"}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("I can't believe it worked!"), SAY_THINK, 3500}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("That shaman sure knows what he's doing!"), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Yeah...I think it's a 'he', lol."), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("It wants our brains!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cannibals[1], "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Not you again! My head still hurts from last time!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {leaks}})
-  AddSkipFunction(startDialogue, StartSkipFunc, {})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {leaks, 1000}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, dense}}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Did you see him coming?"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("No. Where did he come from?"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, UnHideWeaklings, {}}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[2], unpack(cannibalPos[2])}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[2], 0}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[3], 0}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[3], unpack(cannibalPos[3])}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[4], 0}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[4], unpack(cannibalPos[4])}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[5], 0}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[5], unpack(cannibalPos[5])}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[3], loc("Are we there yet?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}}) 
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("This must be some kind of sorcery!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
-  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {leaks}})
-  AddSkipFunction(weaklingsAnim, SkipWeaklingsAnim, {})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {leaks, 1000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, UnHideStronglings, {}}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, dense}}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {leaks, 0}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {dense, 0}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I thought their shaman died when he tried our medicine!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("I saw it with my own eyes!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Then how do they keep appearing?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("It's impossible to communicate with the spirits without a shaman."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("We need to warn the village."), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[6], 0}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[6], unpack(cannibalPos[6])}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[7], 0}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[7], unpack(cannibalPos[7])}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[8], 0}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[8], unpack(cannibalPos[8])}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[9], 0}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[9], unpack(cannibalPos[9])}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[7], loc("What a ride!"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {leaks, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 700}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {leaks, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("We can't defeat them!"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I'll hold them off while you return to the village!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, args = {cyborg}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {cyborg, loc("30 minutes later...")}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 2000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSetGearPosition, args = {dense, 1420, 1315}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {dense, "Left", 1400, 0}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, EmitDenseClouds, {stronglingsAnim, "Left"}}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {dense, "Left", 1350, 0}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, 1250, 1320}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimRemoveState, args = {cyborg, gstInvisible}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {cyborg, 2000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Greetings, cloudy one!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I have come to make you an offering..."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You are given the chance to turn your life around..."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("If you agree to provide the information we need, you will be spared!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("If you decide to help us, though, we will no longer need to find a new governor for the island."), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("If you know what I mean..."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("So? What will it be?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
-  AddSkipFunction(stronglingsAnim, SkipStronglingsAnim, {})
-  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Whatever floats your boat..."), SAY_SAY, 4500}})
-  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cyborg, gstInvisible}})
-  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
-  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
-  AddSkipFunction(acceptedAnim, SkipAcceptedAnim, {}) 
-  table.insert(acceptedDiedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Pfew! That was close!"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-  table.insert(acceptedDiedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Your death will not be in vain, Dense Cloud!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
-  table.insert(acceptedDiedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("You will be avenged!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I see..."), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You just committed suicide..."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cyborg, gstInvisible}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("If you say so..."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, args = {cyborg}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 700}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, RefusedStart, {}}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {dense, 2645, 1146}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {ramon, 2218, 1675}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {spiky, 2400, 1675}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {spiky, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 1700}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {spiky, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 1700}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {spiky, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {spiky, loc("Dude, we really need a new shaman..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  AddSkipFunction(refusedAnim, SkipRefusedAnim, {})
-  table.insert(refusedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("It's over..."), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
-  table.insert(refusedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Let's head back to the village!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, dense}}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, SetHealth, {cyborg, 200}}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 2000}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You're pathetic! You are not worthy of my attention..."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, BlowDenseCloud, {}}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 2000}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Incredible..."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cyborg, gstInvisible}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {leaks}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I wonder where Dense Cloud is..."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I can't wait any more, I have to save myself!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, SpawnCrates, {}}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 1500}})
-  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Where are all these crates coming from?!"), SAY_THINK, 5500}})
-  AddSkipFunction(attackedAnim, SkipAttackedAnim, {})
-  table.insert(attackedFinalAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 2000}})
-  table.insert(attackedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I have to get back to the village!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
-  table.insert(attackedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."), SAY_THINK, 7000}})
-function RefusedStart()
-  if ramonHidden == true then
-    RestoreHog(ramon)
-    ramonHidden = false
-  end
-  if spikyHidden == true then
-    RestoreHog(spiky)
-    spikyHidden = false
-  end
-  SetState(ramon, 0)
-  SetState(spiky, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(ramon, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(spiky, 0)
-function AddHogs()
-	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-  ramon = AddHog(loc("Ramon"), 0, 100, "rasta")
-	leaks = AddHog(loc("Leaks A Lot"), 0, 100, "Rambo")
-  dense = AddHog(loc("Dense Cloud"), 0, 100, "RobinHood")
-  spiky = AddHog(loc("Spiky Cheese"), 0, 100, "hair_yellow")
-  AddTeam(loc("Weaklings"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate","cm_vampire")
-  cannibals = {}
-  cannibals[1] = AddHog(loc("Brainiac"), 5, 20, "Zombi")
-  for i = 2, 5 do
-    cannibals[i] = AddHog(HogNames[i], 1, 20, "Zombi")
-    hogNr[cannibals[i]] = i - 2
-  end
-  AddTeam(loc("Stronglings"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate","cm_vampire")
-  for i = 6, 9 do
-    cannibals[i] = AddHog(HogNames[i], 2, 30, "vampirichog")
-    hogNr[cannibals[i]] = i - 2
-  end
-  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Y3K1337"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
-function PlaceHogs()
-  HogTurnLeft(leaks, true)
-  for i = 2, 9 do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cyborgPos))
-    AnimTurn(cannibals[i], "Left")
-    cannibalDead[i] = false
-  end
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[1], cannibalPos[1][1], cannibalPos[1][2])
-  AnimTurn(cannibals[1], "Left")
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, cyborgPos[1], cyborgPos[2])
-  AnimSetGearPosition(ramon, 2218, 1675)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(skiky, 2400, 1675)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, densePos[1], densePos[2])
-  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, leaksPos[1], leaksPos[2]) 
-function VisiblizeHogs()
-  for i = 1, 9 do
-    SetState(cannibals[i], gstInvisible)
-  end
-  SetState(cyborg, gstInvisible)
-  SetState(ramon, gstInvisible)
-  SetState(spiky, gstInvisible)
-function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
-  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
-  if xl > xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
-  elseif xl < xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
-  end
-function HideHogs()
-  for i = 2, 9 do
-    HideHog(cannibals[i])
-    isHidden[cannibals[i]] = true
-  end
-  HideHog(cyborg)
-  cyborgHidden = true
-  HideHog(ramon)
-  HideHog(spiky)
-  ramonHidden = true
-  spikyHidden = true
-function HideStronglings()
-  for i = 6, 9 do
-    HideHog(cannibals[i])
-    isHidden[cannibals[i]] = true
-  end
-function UnHideWeaklings()
-  for i = 2, 5 do
-    RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
-    isHidden[cannibals[i]] = false
-    SetState(cannibals[i], gstInvisible)
-  end
-function UnHideStronglings()
-  for i = 6, 9 do
-    RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
-    isHidden[cannibals[i]] = false
-    SetState(cannibals[i], gstInvisible)
-  end
-  RestoreHog(cyborg)
-  cyborgHidden = false
-  SetState(cyborg, gstInvisible)
-function ChoiceTaken()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  if choice == choiceAccept then
-    AddAnim(acceptedAnim)
-    AddFunction({func = AfterAcceptedAnim, args = {}})
-  elseif choice == choiceRefuse then
-    AddAnim(refusedAnim)
-    AddFunction({func = AfterRefusedAnim, args = {}})
-  else
-    AddAnim(attackedAnim)
-    AddFunction({func = AfterAttackedAnim, args = {}})
-  end
-function KillCyborg()
-  RestoreHog(cyborg)
-  DeleteGear(cyborg)
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function CheckBrainiacDead()
-  return brainiacDead
-function DoBrainiacDead()
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(weaklingsAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterWeaklingsAnim, args = {}})
-  stage = interSpyStage
-function CheckWeaklingsKilled()
-  for i = 2, 5 do
-    if cannibalDead[i] == false then
-      return false
-    end
-  end
-  return true
-function DoWeaklingsKilled()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  AddAnim(stronglingsAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterStronglingsAnim, args = {}})
-  stage = interWeakStage
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Weaklings"))
-function CheckRefuse()
-  return GetX(dense) > 1400 and StoppedGear(dense)
-function DoRefuse()
-  choice = choiceRefuse
-function CheckAccept()
-  return GetX(dense) < 1300 and StoppedGear(dense)
-function DoAccept()
-  choice = choiceAccept
-function CheckConfront()
-  return cyborgAttacked and StoppedGear(dense)
-function DoConfront()
-  choice = choiceAttack
-function CheckChoice()
-  return choice ~= 0
-function DoChoice()
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckConfront)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckAccept)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckRefuse)
-  ChoiceTaken()
-function CheckNeedGirder()
-  return GetX(dense) > 1640 and StoppedGear(dense)
-function DoNeedGirder()
-  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("Under Construction"), loc("To place a girder, select it, use [Left] and [Right] to select angle and length, place with [Left Click]"), 1, 6000)
-function CheckNeedWeapons()
-  return GetX(dense) > 2522 and StoppedGear(dense)
-function DoNeedWeapons()
-  grenadeCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(2550, 800, amGrenade)
-  shotgunCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(2610, 850, amShotgun)
-  AddCaption(loc("A little gift from the cyborgs"))
-function CheckTookWeapons()
-  return shotgunTaken and grenadeTaken
-function DoTookWeapons()
-  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The guardian"), loc("Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"), 1, 8000)
-  AddAmmo(dense, amSkip, 100)
-  AddAmmo(dense, amSwitch, 100)
-  AddAmmo(leaks, amSkip, 100)
-  AddAmmo(leaks, amSwitch, 100)
-  stage = duoStage
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNeedGirder)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNeedWeapons)
-  RemoveEventFunc(CheckRestartReturnAccepted)
-  AddEvent(CheckStronglingsDead, {}, DoStronglingsDead, {}, 0)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amGrenade, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amShotgun, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amGrenade, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amShotgun, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amGrenade, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amShotgun, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amGrenade, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amShotgun, 2)
-  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
-  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-function DoStronglingsDead()
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  if denseDead == true then
-    AddAnim(acceptedDiedFinalAnim)
-    SaveCampaignVar("M2DenseDead", "1")
-  else
-    SetupAcceptedSurvivedFinalAnim()
-    AddAnim(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim)
-    SaveCampaignVar("M2DenseDead", "0")
-  end
-  SaveCampaignVar("M2RamonDead", "0")
-  SaveCampaignVar("M2SpikyDead", "0")
-  AddFunction({func = KillCyborg, args = {}})
-  if progress and progress<2 then
-    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "2")
-  end
-  SaveCampaignVar("M2Choice", "" .. choice)
-function DoStronglingsDeadRefused()
-  if denseDead == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M2DenseDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M2DenseDead", "0")
-  end
-  if ramonDead == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M2RamonDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M2RamonDead", "0")
-  end
-  if spikyDead == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M2SpikyDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M2SpikyDead", "0")
-  end
-  AddAnim(refusedFinalAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = KillCyborg, args = {}})
-  if progress and progress<2 then
-    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "2")
-  end
-  SaveCampaignVar("M2Choice", "" .. choice)
-function DoStronglingsDeadAttacked()
-  SaveCampaignVar("M2DenseDead", "1")
-  SaveCampaignVar("M2RamonDead", "0")
-  SaveCampaignVar("M2SpikyDead", "0")
-  if progress and progress<2 then
-    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "2")
-  end
-  SaveCampaignVar("M2Choice", "" .. choice)
-  AddAnim(attackedFinalAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = KillCyborg, args = {}})
-function CheckStronglingsDead()
-  if leaksDead == true then
-    return false
-  end
-  for i = 6, 9 do
-    if cannibalDead[i] == false then
-      return false
-    end
-  end
-  return true
-function CheckLeaksDead()
-  return leaksDead
-function DoDead()
-  AddCaption(loc("...and so the cyborgs took over the world..."))
-  stage = loseStage
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
-function CheckDenseDead()
-  return denseDead and choice ~= choiceAttack 
-function CheckRestartReturnAccepted()
-  return retryReturn
------------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 334 
-	GameFlags = gfSolidLand + gfDisableWind + gfPerHogAmmo
-	TurnTime = 50000 
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 0
-	MinesTime = 3000
-	Explosives = 0
-	Delay = 10 
-	Map = "A_Classic_Fairytale_shadow"
-	Theme = "Nature"
-    SuddenDeathTurns = 3000
-  AddHogs()
-  PlaceHogs()
-  VisiblizeHogs()
-  AnimInit()
-  AnimationSetup()
-function onGameStart()
-  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
-  HideHogs()
-  AddAmmo(leaks, amSwitch, 100)
-  AddAmmo(dense, amSwitch, 100)
-  AddEvent(CheckLeaksDead, {}, DoDead, {}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckDenseDead, {}, DoDead, {}, 0)
-  AddAnim(startDialogue)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterStartDialogue, args = {}})
-  AddEvent(CheckBrainiacDead, {}, DoBrainiacDead, {}, 0)
-  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The First Encounter"), loc("Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."), 1, 0)
-function onGameTick()
-  AnimUnWait()
-  if ShowAnimation() == false then
-    return
-  end
-  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
-  CheckEvents()
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-  if gear == cannibals[1] then
-    brainiacDead = true
-  elseif gear == grenadeCrate then
-    grenadeTaken = true
-  elseif gear == shotgunCrate then
-    shotgunTaken = true
-  elseif gear == dense then
-    denseDead = true
-  elseif gear == leaks then
-    leaksDead = true
-  elseif gear == ramon then
-    ramonDead = true
-  elseif gear == spiky then
-    spikyDead = true
-  else
-    for i = 2, 9 do
-      if gear == cannibals[i] then
-        cannibalDead[i] = true
-      end
-    end
-  end
-function onGearAdd(gear)
-  if GetGearType(gear) == gtGrenade and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Natives") then
-    grenadeUsed = true
-  elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtShotgunShot and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Natives") then
-    shotgunUsed = true
-  end
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 6, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 3, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amWhip, 4, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 4, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amHammer, 2, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amLandGun, 1, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSnowball, 7, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amGirder, 0, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amParachute, 0, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 0, 0, 0, 8)
-  SetAmmo(amRope, 0, 0, 0, 6)
-function onNewTurn()
-  if AnimInProgress() then
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
---  elseif stage == interSpyStage and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) ~= loc("Natives") then
---    TurnTimeLeft = 0
---    SetState(CurrentHedgehog, gstInvisible)
-  elseif stage == cyborgStage then
-    if CurrentHedgehog ~= dense then
-      TurnTimeLeft = 0
-    else
-      TurnTimeLeft = -1
-    end
-  elseif stage == acceptedReturnStage then
-    SwitchHog(dense)
-    FollowGear(dense)
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
-  end
-function onGearDamage(gear, damage)
-  if gear == cyborg and stage == cyborgStage then
-    cyborgAttacked = true
-  end
-function onPrecise()
-  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
-    SetAnimSkip(true)
-    return
-  end
-  if stage == acceptedReturnStage then
-    retryReturn = true
---  else
---    for i = 1, 9 do
---      DeleteGear(cannibals[i])
---    end
-  end
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale/united.lua	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
-choiceAccept = 1
-choiceRefuse = 2
-choiceAttack = 3
-leaksPos = {2067, 509}
-densePos = {1882, 503}
-waterPos = {3100, 930}
-buffaloPos = {2609, 494}
-chiefPos = {2538, 617}
-cannibalPos = {{2219, 1339}, {2322, 1357}, {805, 784}, {3876, 1048},
-              {1101, 916}, {2854, 1408}, {1974, 486}, {1103, 961}}
-HogNames = {loc("Olive"), loc("Brain Stu"), loc("Brainila"), loc("Salivaslurper"),
-            loc("Spleenlover"), loc("Thighlicker"), loc("NomNom"), loc("Mindy")}
-natives = {}
-cannibals = {}
-cannibalDead = {}
-cannibalHidden = {}
-cratesSpawned = {}
-healthCratesSpawned = {}
-sdrmv = 0
-denseDead = false
-leaksDead = false
-waterDead = false
-buffaloDead = false
-chiefDead = false
-nativesDead = {}
-m2Choice = 0
-m2DenseDead = 0
-startAnim = {}
-wave2Anim = {}
-finalAnim = {}
---------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
-function AfterHogDeadAnim()
-  freshDead = nil
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-function AfterStartAnim()
-  local goal = loc("Defeat the cannibals!|")
-  local chiefgoal = loc("Try to protect the chief! You won't lose if he dies, but it is advised that he survives.")
-  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
-  ShowMission(loc("United We Stand"), loc("Invasion"), goal .. chiefgoal, 1, 6000)
-function SkipStartAnim()
-  AnimSetGearPosition(water, 2467, 754)
-  if cratesSpawned[1] ~= true then
-    SpawnCrates(1)
-  end
-  if healthCratesSpawned[1] ~= true then
-    SpawnHealthCrates(1)
-  end
-  if cannibalHidden[1] == true then
-    RestoreWave(1)
-  end
-  AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
-function SkipWave2Anim()
-  if cratesSpawned[2] ~= true then
-    SpawnCrates(2)
-  end
-  if healthCratesSpawned[2] ~= true then
-    SpawnHealthCrates(2)
-  end
-  if cannibalHidden[5] == true then
-    RestoreWave(2)
-  end
-  AnimSwitchHog(cannibals[5])
-function AfterWave2Anim()
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function AfterFinalAnim()
-  if leaksDead == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M4LeaksDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M4LeaksDead", "0")
-  end
-  if chiefDead == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M4ChiefDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M4ChiefDead", "0")
-  end
-  if buffaloDead == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M4BuffaloDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M4BuffaloDead", "0")
-  end
-  if waterDead == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M4WaterDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M4WaterDead", "0")
-  end
-  if denseDead == true then
-    SaveCampaignVar("M4DenseDead", "1")
-  else
-    SaveCampaignVar("M4DenseDead", "0")
-  end
-  if progress and progress<4 then
-    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "4")
-  end
-  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
-  TurnTimeLeft = 0
-function Wave2Reaction()
-  local i = 1
-  local gearr = nil
-  while nativesDead[i] == true do
-    i = i + 1
-  end
-  gearr = natives[i]
-  if denseDead ~= true and band(GetState(dense), gstDrowning) == 0 then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("I'm so scared!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, EmitDenseClouds, {"Left"}}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {dense, "Left"}})
-  end
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}}) 
-function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
-  local dif
-  if dir == "Left" then
-    dif = 10
-  else
-    dif = -10
-  end
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
-  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
-function AnimationSetup()
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Back in the village, after telling the villagers about the threat..."), 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."), 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("That is, indeed, very weird..."), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {buffalo, loc("If they try coming here, they can have a taste of my delicious knuckles!"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {buffalo, loc("Haha!"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
-  if denseDead == false then
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("I'm not sure about that!"), SAY_SAY, 3400}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("They have weapons we've never seen before!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, SpawnCrates, {1}}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Oops...I dropped them."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  else
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I'm not sure about that!"), SAY_SAY, 3400}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("They have weapons we've never seen before!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, SpawnCrates, {1}}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 1000}})
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("They keep appearing like this. It's weird!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("Did anyone follow you?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("No, we made sure of that!"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, SpawnHealthCrates, {1}}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 1000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("First aid kits?!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I've seen this before. They just appear out of thin air."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {water, "Left", 3000, 0}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimJump, args = {water, "long"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {water, "Left", 2655, 0}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {water, "Right"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimJump, args = {water, "back"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimJump, args = {water, "back"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {water, "Left"}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {water, "Left", 2467, 754}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {water, loc("Hey guys!"), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("..."), SAY_THINK, 1500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("Where have you been?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {water, loc("Just on a walk."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("You have chosen the perfect moment to leave."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {chief, RestoreWave, {1}}})
-  for i = 1, 4 do
-    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i])}})
-  end
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {chief, 1500}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("HOW DO THEY KNOW WHERE WE ARE???"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("We have to protect the village!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {leaks}})
-  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
-  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, RestoreWave, {2}}, swh = false})
-  for i = 5, 8 do
-    table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i])}})
-  end
-  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, Wave2Reaction, {}}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, SpawnCrates, {2}}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, SpawnHealthCrates, {2}}, swh = false})
-  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {cannibals[5]}})
-  AddSkipFunction(wave2Anim, SkipWave2Anim, {})
-function SetupHogDeadAnim(gear)
-  hogDeadAnim = {}
-  if nativesNum == 0 then
-    return
-  end
-  local hogDeadStrings = {loc("They killed ") .. gear ..loc("! You bastards!"), 
-                          gear .. loc("! Why?!"), 
-                          loc("That was just mean!"), 
-                          loc("Oh no, not ") .. gear .. "!"}
-  table.insert(hogDeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {CurrentHedgehog, hogDeadStrings[nativesNum], SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
-function SetupFinalAnim()
-  local found = 0
-  local hogs = {}
-  local i = 1
-  if nativesNum >= 2 then
-    while found < 2 do
-      if  nativesDead[i] ~= true then
-        found = found + 1
-        hogs[found] = natives[i]
-      end
-      i = i + 1
-    end
-    if chiefDead ~= true then
-      hogs[2] = chief
-    end
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {hogs[1], CondNeedToTurn, {hogs[1], hogs[2]}}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[1], loc("We can't hold them up much longer!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[1], loc("We need to move!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[2], loc("But where can we go?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[1], loc("To the caves..."), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[2], loc("Good idea, they'll never find us there!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
-  else
-    for i = 1, 5 do
-      if nativesDead[i] ~= true then
-        hogs[1] = natives[i]
-      end
-    end
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[1], loc("I need to move the tribe!"), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
-    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[1], loc("The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"), SAY_THINK, 7000}})
-  end
-function RestoreWave(index)
-  for i = (index - 1) * 4 + 1, index * 4 do
-    RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
-    cannibalHidden[i] = false
-  end
-function GetVariables()
-  m2DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2DenseDead"))
-  if m2DenseDead == 1 then
-    denseDead = true
-  end
-  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
-function SetupPlace()
-  if m2DenseDead == 1 then
-    sdrmv = 1
-    DeleteGear(dense)
-  end
-  for i = 1, 8 do
-    HideHog(cannibals[i])
-    cannibalHidden[i] = true
-  end
-  HideHog(cyborg)
-function SetupEvents()
-  AddEvent(CheckWaveDead, {1}, DoWaveDead, {1}, 0)
-  AddEvent(CheckWaveDead, {2}, DoWaveDead, {2}, 0)
-function SetupAmmo()
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[1], amGrenade, 4)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[1], amBazooka, 4)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[1], amShotgun, 4)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[1], amMine, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amGrenade, 4)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amBazooka, 4)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amShotgun, 4)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amMine, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amMolotov, 2)
-  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amFlamethrower, 3)
-function AddHogs()
-	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
-	leaks = AddHog(loc("Leaks A Lot"), 0, 100, "Rambo")
-  dense = AddHog(loc("Dense Cloud"), 0, 100, "RobinHood")
-  water = AddHog(loc("Fiery Water"), 0, 100, "pirate_jack")
-  buffalo = AddHog(loc("Raging Buffalo"), 0, 100, "zoo_Bunny")
-  chief = AddHog(loc("Righteous Beard"), 0, 100, "IndianChief")
-  natives = {leaks, dense, water, buffalo, chief}
-  nativesNum = 5
-  AddTeam(loc("Light Cannfantry"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate", "cm_vampire")
-  for i = 1, 4 do
-    cannibals[i] = AddHog(HogNames[i], 2, 40, "Zombi")
-  end
-  AddTeam(loc("Heavy Cannfantry"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate", "cm_vampire")
-  for i = 5, 8 do
-    cannibals[i] = AddHog(HogNames[i], 2, 55, "vampirichog")
-  end
-  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
-  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
-  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks,   unpack(leaksPos))
-  AnimSetGearPosition(dense,   unpack(densePos))
-  AnimSetGearPosition(water,   unpack(waterPos))
-  HogTurnLeft(water, true)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(buffalo, unpack(buffaloPos))
-  HogTurnLeft(buffalo, true)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(chief,   unpack(chiefPos))
-  HogTurnLeft(chief, true)
-  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 0, 0)
-  for i = 1, 8 do
-    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
-  end
-function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
-  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
-  if xl > xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
-  elseif xl < xd then
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
-    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
-  end
-function SpawnHealthCrates(index)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
-  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
-  healthCratesSpawned[index] = true
-function SpawnCrates(index)
-  if index == 1 then
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(1943, 408, amBazooka)
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(1981, 464, amGrenade)
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(1957, 459, amShotgun)
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(1902, 450, amDynamite)
-    SpawnUtilityCrate(1982, 405, amPickHammer)
-    SpawnUtilityCrate(2028, 455, amRope)
-    SpawnUtilityCrate(2025, 464, amTeleport)
-  else
-    SpawnUtilityCrate(1982, 405, amBlowTorch)
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(2171, 428, amMolotov)
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(2364, 346, amFlamethrower)
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(2521, 303, amBazooka)
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(2223, 967, amGrenade)
-    SpawnAmmoCrate(1437, 371, amShotgun)
- end
-  cratesSpawned[index] = true
-function CheckWaveDead(index)
-  for i = (index - 1) * 4 + 1, index * 4 do
-    if cannibalDead[i] ~= true then
-      return false
-    end
-  end
-  return true
-function DoWaveDead(index)
-  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  SetState(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
-  if index == 1 then
-    AddAnim(wave2Anim)
-    AddFunction({func = AfterWave2Anim, args = {}})
-  elseif index == 2 then
-    SetupFinalAnim()
-    AddAnim(finalAnim)
-    AddFunction({func = AfterFinalAnim, args = {}})
-  end
------------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 1
-	GameFlags = 0
-	TurnTime = 60000 
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 0
-	MinesTime = 3000
-	Explosives = 2
-	Delay = 10 
-  Map = "Hogville"
-	Theme = "Nature"
-  SuddenDeathTurns = 3000
-  AddHogs()
-  AnimInit()
-function onGameStart()
-  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
-  GetVariables()
-  SetupAmmo()
-  SetupPlace()
-  AnimationSetup()
-  SetupEvents()
-  AddAnim(startAnim)
-  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
-function onGameTick()
-  AnimUnWait()
-  if ShowAnimation() == false then
-    return
-  end
-  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
-  CheckEvents()
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-  if gear == dense then
-    denseDead = true
-    nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
-    nativesDead[2] = true
-    if sdrmv == 1 then
-      freshDead = nil
-    else
-      freshDead = loc("Dense Cloud")
-    end
-  elseif gear == leaks then
-    leaksDead = true
-    nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
-    nativesDead[1] = true
-    freshDead = loc("Leaks A Lot")
-  elseif gear == chief then
-    chiefDead = true
-    nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
-    nativesDead[5] = true
-    freshDead = loc("Righteous Beard")
-  elseif gear == water then
-    waterDead = true
-    nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
-    nativesDead[3] = true
-    freshDead = loc("Fiery Water")
-  elseif gear == buffalo then
-    buffaloDead = true
-    nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
-    nativesDead[4] = true
-    freshDead = loc("Raging Buffalo")
-  else
-    for i = 1, 8 do
-      if gear == cannibals[i] then
-        cannibalDead[i] = true
-      end
-    end
-  end
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 4, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amWhip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amHammer, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amLandGun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amSnowball, 8, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amGirder, 4, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amParachute, 4, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 8, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amSkip, 8, 0, 0, 0)
-  SetAmmo(amRope, 5, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amBlowTorch, 3, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amLowGravity, 0, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amDynamite, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amBazooka, 0, 0, 0, 4)
-  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 5)
-  SetAmmo(amMine, 0, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amMolotov, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amFlamethrower, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-  SetAmmo(amTeleport, 0, 0, 0, 2)
-  SetAmmo(amFlamethrower, 0, 0, 0, 3)
-function onNewTurn()
-  if AnimInProgress() then
-    TurnTimeLeft = -1
-    return
-  end
-  if freshDead ~= nil and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Natives") then
-    SetupHogDeadAnim(freshDead)
-    AddAnim(hogDeadAnim)
-    AddFunction({func = AfterHogDeadAnim, args = {}})
-  end
-function onPrecise()
-  if GameTime > 2500 then
-    SetAnimSkip(true)
-  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+file(GLOB Config *.ini)
+file(GLOB Missions *.lua)
+file(GLOB Packs *.hwp)
+    ${Config}
+    ${Missions}
+    ${Packs}
+    DESTINATION "${SHAREPATH}Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/backstab.lua	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1101 @@
+choiceAccepted = 1
+choiceRefused = 2
+choiceAttacked = 3
+choiceEliminate = 1
+choiceSpare = 2
+leaksNum = 1
+denseNum = 2
+waterNum = 3
+buffaloNum = 4
+chiefNum = 5
+girlNum = 6
+wiseNum = 7
+spyKillStage = 1
+platformStage = 2
+wave3Stage = 3
+tmpVar = 0
+nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
+               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
+               loc("Wise Oak"), loc("Eagle Eye"), loc("Flaming Worm")}
+nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
+              "tiara", "AkuAku", "None", "None"}
+nativePos = {{887, 329}, {1050, 288}, {1731, 707},
+             {830, 342}, {1001, 290}, {773, 340},
+             {953, 305}, {347, 648}, {314, 647}}
+nativeDir = {"Right", "Left", "Left", 
+             "Right", "Left", "Right", 
+             "Left", "Right", "Right"}
+cannibalNames = {loc("Brain Teaser"), loc("Bone Jackson"), loc("Gimme Bones"), 
+                 loc("Hedgibal Lecter"), loc("Bloodpie"), loc("Scalp Muncher"),
+                 loc("Back Breaker"), loc("Dahmer"), loc("Meiwes"),
+                 loc("Ear Sniffer"), loc("Regurgitator"), loc("Muriel")}
+cannibalPos = {{3607, 1472}, {3612, 1487}, {3646, 1502}, 
+               {3507, 195},  {3612, 1487}, {840, 1757}, 
+               {3056, 1231}, {2981, 1222}, {2785, 1258}}
+cannibalDir = {"Left", "Left", "Left",
+               "Left", "Right", "Right",
+               "Left", "Left", "Left"}
+cyborgPos = {1369, 574}
+cyborgPos2 = {1308, 148}
+deployedPos = {2522, 1365}
+natives = {}
+nativeDead = {}
+nativeHidden = {}
+nativeRevived = {}
+nativesNum = 0
+cannibals = {}
+cannibalDead = {}
+cannibalHidden = {}
+speakerHog = nil
+spyHog = nil
+deployedHog = nil
+deployedDead = false
+cyborgHidden = false
+needToAct = 0
+m2Choice = 0
+m2DenseDead = 0
+m4DenseDead = 0
+m4BuffaloDead = 0
+m4WaterDead = 0
+m4ChiefDead = 0
+m4LeaksDead = 0
+needRevival = false
+gearr = nil
+startElimination = 0
+stage = 0
+choice = 0
+highJumped = false
+TurnsLeft = 0
+startNativesNum = 0
+startAnim = {}
+afterChoiceAnim = {}
+wave2Anim = {}
+wave2DeadAnim = {}
+wave3DeadAnim = {}
+vCircs = {}
+function Wave2Reaction()
+  local i = 1
+  local gearr = nil
+  while nativeDead[i] == true do
+    i = i + 1
+  end
+  gearr = natives[i]
+  if nativeDead[denseNum] ~= true and band(GetState(natives[denseNum]), gstDrowning) == 0 then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, EmitDenseClouds, {"Left"}}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {dense, "Left"}})
+  end
+  if nativeDead[buffaloNum] ~= true and band(GetState(natives[buffaloNum]), gstDrowning) == 0 then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[buffaloNum], loc("Let them have a taste of my fury!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}}) 
+  end
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}}) 
+function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
+  local dif
+  if dir == "Left" then
+    dif = 10
+  else
+    dif = -10
+  end
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[denseNum], 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[denseNum], 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[denseNum], GetX(natives[denseNum]) + dif, GetY(natives[denseNum]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+function SaySafe()
+  local i = 1
+  while gearr == nil do
+    if nativeDead[i] ~= true and nativeHidden[i] ~= true then
+      gearr = natives[i]
+    end
+    i = i + 1
+  end
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("We are indeed."), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("I think we are safe here."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+function ReviveNatives()
+  for i = 1, 7 do
+    if nativeHidden[i] == true and nativeDead[i] ~= true then
+      RestoreHog(natives[i])
+      nativeHidden[i] = false
+      nativeRevived[i] = true
+      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i])}})
+    end
+  end
+function WonderAlive()
+  if nativeRevived[waterNum] == true then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("I'm...alive? How? Why?"), SAY_THINK, 3500}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[waterNum], 800}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[waterNum], "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[waterNum], 800}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[waterNum], "Right"}})
+  end
+  if nativeRevived[leaksNum] == true and nativeRevived[denseNum] == true then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("But why would they help us?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("It must be the aliens!"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("You just appeared out of thin air!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("But...we died!"), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("This must be the caves!"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("Dude, where are we?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[leaksNum], 800}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Right"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[denseNum], "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[leaksNum], 800}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[denseNum], "Right"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[leaksNum], 800}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Right"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[denseNum], "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[leaksNum], 800}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[denseNum], "Right"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[leaksNum], natives[girlNum]}}})
+    if nativeDead[chiefNum] ~= true then
+      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Right"}})
+    end
+  elseif nativeRevived[leaksNum] == true then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Why would they do this?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("It must be the aliens' deed."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("Do not laugh, inexperienced one, for he speaks the truth!"), SAY_SAY, 10000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Yeah, sure! I died. Hillarious!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("You're...alive!? But we saw you die!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("???"), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Wow, what a dream!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    if nativeDead[chiefNum] ~= true then
+      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Right"}})
+    end
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[leaksNum], natives[wiseNum]}}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[leaksNum], gearr}}})
+  elseif nativeRevived[denseNum] == true then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("Dude, that's so cool!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("It must be the aliens' deed."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("But that's impossible!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("It was not a dream, unwise one!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("Exactly, man! That was my dream."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("You're...alive!? But we saw you die!"), SAY_SAY,  6000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("???"), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+    if nativeDead[chiefNum] ~= true then
+      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Right"}})
+    end
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[denseNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[denseNum], natives[wiseNum]}}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[denseNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[denseNum], gearr}}})
+  end
+function ExplainAlive()
+  if needRevival == true and m4WaterDead == 1 then
+    RestoreCyborg()
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos))
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {water, HideCyborg, {}}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {water}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You're probably wondering why I bought you back..."), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+  end
+function SpyDebate()
+  if m2Choice == choiceAccepted then
+    spyHog = natives[denseNum]
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("What shall we do with the traitor?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = SetHealth, swh = false, args = {natives[denseNum], 26}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[wiseNum], GetGearPosition(natives[denseNum]), vgtExplosion, 0, true}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("Here, let me help you!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    if nativeDead[chiefNum] == true then
+      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("I forgot that she's the daughter of the chief, too..."), SAY_THINK, 7000}})
+      AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("You killed my father, you monster!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+    end
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("Look, I had no choice!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("You have been giving us out to the enemy, haven't you!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("You're a pathetic liar!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], loc("I told you, I just found them."), SAY_SAY, 4500}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[denseNum], EmitDenseClouds, {"Left"}}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Where did you get the weapons in the forest, Dense Cloud?"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Not now, Fiery Water!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  else
+    spyHog = natives[waterNum]
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("What shall we do with the traitor?"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = SetHealth, swh = false, args = {natives[waterNum], 26}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[wiseNum], nativePos[denseNum][1] + 50, nativePos[denseNum][2], vgtExplosion, 0, true}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("I can't believe what I'm hearing!"), SAY_SAY, 5500}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("You know what? I don't even regret anything!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("Are you accusing me of something?"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("You know...taking a stroll."), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("Where have you been?!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  end
+  if nativeRevived[waterNum] == true then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("You won't believe what happened to me!"), SAY_SAY, 5500}})
+  end
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], loc("Hey, guys!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimMove, args = {natives[waterNum], "Left", nativePos[denseNum][1] + 50, nativePos[denseNum][2]}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimJump, args = {natives[waterNum], "back"}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[waterNum], "Right"}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimMove, args = {natives[waterNum], "Left", 1228, 412}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimJump, args = {natives[waterNum], "long"}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimJump, args = {natives[waterNum], "long"}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimJump, args = {natives[waterNum], "long"}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[waterNum], "Left"}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("There must be a spy among us!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("We made sure noone followed us!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], loc("What? Here? How did they find us?!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+function AnimationSetup()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], SaySafe, {}}})
+  if needRevival == true then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, ReviveNatives, {}}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], WonderAlive, {}}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, ExplainAlive, {}}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], RestoreWave, {1}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[1], unpack(cannibalPos[1])}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[2], unpack(cannibalPos[2])}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[3], unpack(cannibalPos[3])}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[leaksNum], 1000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], SpyDebate, {}}})
+  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
+function SetupWave2Anim()
+  for i = 7, 1, -1 do
+    if nativeDead[i] ~= true then
+      speakerHog = natives[i]
+    end
+  end
+  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[4], unpack(cannibalPos[4])}})
+  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[5], unpack(cannibalPos[5])}})
+  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[6], unpack(cannibalPos[6])}})
+  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("Look out! There's more of them!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  AddSkipFunction(wave2Anim, SkipWave2Anim, {})
+function PutCircles()
+  if circlesPut then
+    return
+  end
+  vCircs[1] = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true)
+  vCircs[2] = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true)
+  vCircs[3] = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true)
+  SetVisualGearValues(vCircs[1], cannibalPos[7][1], cannibalPos[7][2], 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 120, 3, 0xff00ffff)
+  SetVisualGearValues(vCircs[2], cannibalPos[8][1], cannibalPos[8][2], 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 120, 3, 0xff00ffff)
+  SetVisualGearValues(vCircs[3], cannibalPos[9][1], cannibalPos[9][2], 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 120, 3, 0xff00ffff)
+  circlesPut = true
+function SetupWave2DeadAnim()
+  for i = 7, 1, -1 do
+    if nativeDead[i] ~= true then
+      deployedHog = natives[i]
+    end
+  end
+  if nativeDead[wiseNum] ~= true and band(GetState(natives[wiseNum]), gstDrowning) == 0 then
+    if nativesNum > 1 then
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[wiseNum], 1500}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("What a strange feeling!"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I need to warn the others."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("If only I had a way..."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("Oh, silly me! I forgot that I'm the shaman."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], TeleportNatives, {}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], TurnNatives, {natives[wiseNum]}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], CondNeedToTurn, {natives[wiseNum], deployedHog}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I sense another wave of cannibals heading our way!"), SAY_SAY, 6500}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I feel something...a place! They will arrive near the circles!"), SAY_SAY, 7500}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], PutCircles, {}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, swh = false, args = {vCircs[1]}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[wiseNum], 1500}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("We need to prevent their arrival!"), SAY_SAY, 4500}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("Go, quick!"), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], DeployHog, {}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], RestoreCyborg, {}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, swh = false, args = {cyborg, cyborgPos2[1], cyborgPos2[2]}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, IsolateNatives, {}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, PutCGI, {}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I want to see how it handles this!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {deployedHog}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, 0, 0}})
+--      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, DeployHog, {}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborg, {}}})
+    else
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[wiseNum], 1500}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("What a strange feeling!"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I sense another wave of cannibals heading my way!"), SAY_THINK, 6500}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I feel something...a place! They will arrive near the circles!"), SAY_SAY, 7500}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], PutCircles, {}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, swh = false, args = {vCircs[1]}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("I need to prevent their arrival!"), SAY_THINK, 4500}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("If only I had a way..."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], loc("Oh, silly me! I forgot that I'm the shaman."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
+    end
+  else
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 1500}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, RestoreCyborg, {}}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, cyborgPos2[1], cyborgPos2[2]}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, TeleportNatives, {}}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, TurnNatives, {cyborg}}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Oh, my! This is even more entertaining than I've expected!"), SAY_SAY, 7500}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I believe there's more of them."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I marked the place of their arrival. You're welcome!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], PutCircles, {}}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, swh = false, args = {vCircs[1]}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {deployedHog, DeployHog, {}}})
+    if nativesNum > 1 then
+--      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[wiseNum], RestoreCyborg, {}}})
+--      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, swh = false, args = {cyborg, cyborgPos2[1], cyborgPos2[2]}})
+--      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, IsolateNatives, {}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, PutCGI, {}}})
+      table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I want to see how it handles this!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+    end
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {deployedHog}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, 0, 0}})
+    table.insert(wave2DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborg, {}}})
+  end
+  AddSkipFunction(wave2DeadAnim, SkipWave2DeadAnim, {})
+function IsolateNatives()
+  PlaceGirder(710, 299, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(690, 299, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(761, 209, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(921, 209, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(1081, 209, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(761, 189, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(921, 189, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(1081, 189, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(761, 169, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(921, 169, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(1081, 169, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(761, 149, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(921, 149, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(1081, 149, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(761, 129, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(921, 129, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(1081, 129, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(1120, 261, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(1140, 261, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(1160, 261, 2)
+  AddAmmo(deployedHog, amDEagle, 0)
+  AddAmmo(deployedHog, amFirePunch, 0)
+function PutCGI()
+  AddVisualGear(710, 299, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(690, 299, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(761, 209, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(921, 209, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(1081, 209, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(761, 189, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(921, 189, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(1081, 189, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(761, 169, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(921, 169, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(1081, 169, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(761, 149, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(921, 149, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(1081, 149, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(761, 129, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(921, 129, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(1081, 129, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(1120, 261, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(1140, 261, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+  AddVisualGear(1160, 261, vgtExplosion, 0, true)
+function TeleportNatives()
+  nativePos[waterNum] = {1100, 288}
+  for i = 1, 7 do
+    if nativeDead[i] ~= true then 
+      AnimTeleportGear(natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i]))
+    end
+  end
+function TurnNatives(hog)
+  for i = 1, 7 do
+    if nativeDead[i] == false then
+      if GetX(natives[i]) < GetX(hog) then
+        AnimTurn(natives[i], "Right")
+      else
+        AnimTurn(natives[i], "Left")
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function DeployHog()
+  AnimSwitchHog(deployedHog)
+  AnimTeleportGear(deployedHog, unpack(deployedPos))
+  if deployedHog ~= natives[wiseNum] then
+    AnimSay(deployedHog, loc("Why me?!"), SAY_THINK, 2000)
+  end
+function SetupAfterChoiceAnim()
+  for i = 7, 1, -1 do
+    if nativeDead[i] ~= true then
+      if natives[i] ~= spyHog then
+        speakerHog = natives[i]
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if choice == choiceEliminate then
+    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {speakerHog, 1500}})
+    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("He won't be selling us out anymore!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+    if nativeDead[girlNum] ~= true and m4ChiefDead == 1 then
+      table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], loc("That's for my father!"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
+    end
+    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("Let's show those cannibals what we're made of!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  else
+    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {natives[leaksNum], CondNeedToTurn, {speakerHog, spyHog}}})
+    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("We'll spare your life for now!"), SAY_SAY, 4500}})
+    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {spyHog, loc("May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("I just don't want to sink to your level."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+    table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("Let's show those cannibals what we're made of!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  end
+  table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[8], loc("Let us help, too!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {speakerHog, "Left", SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(afterChoiceAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {speakerHog, loc("No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  AddSkipFunction(afterChoiceAnim, SkipAfterChoiceAnim, {})
+function SetupHogDeadAnim(gear)
+  hogDeadAnim = {}
+  if nativesNum == 0 then
+    return
+  end
+  local hogDeadStrings = {loc("They killed ") .. gear .. loc("! You bastards!"), 
+                          gear .. loc("! Why?!"), 
+                          loc("That was just mean!"), 
+                          loc("Oh no, not ") .. gear .. "!",
+                          loc("Why ") .. gear .. loc("? Why?"),
+                          loc("What has ") .. gear .. loc(" ever done to you?!")}
+  table.insert(hogDeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {CurrentHedgehog, hogDeadStrings[7 - nativesNum], SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+function AfterHogDeadAnim()
+  freshDead = nil
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+--------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
+function AfterAfterChoiceAnim()
+  stage = 0
+  AddEvent(CheckWaveDead, {1}, DoWaveDead, {1}, 0)
+  AddAmmo(speakerHog, amSwitch, 100)
+  SetGearMessage(speakerHog, 0)
+  SetState(speakerHog, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = -1
+  ShowMission(loc("Backstab"), loc("The food bites back"), loc("Defeat the cannibals"), 1, 4000)
+  SpawnCrates()
+function SkipAfterChoiceAnim()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AnimSwitchHog(speakerHog)
+function AfterWave2Anim()
+  AddEvent(CheckWaveDead, {2}, DoWaveDead, {2}, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  SetState(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  SpawnCrates()
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+function SkipWave2DeadAnim()
+  TeleportNatives()
+  IsolateNatives()
+  DeployHog()
+  HideCyborg()
+  PutCircles()
+function SpawnPlatformCrates()
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(2494, 1262, amMine)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(2574, 1279, amSMine)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(2575, 1267, amMine)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(2617, 1259, amSMine)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2579, 1254, amMine)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2478, 1243, amMine)
+function AfterWave2DeadAnim()
+  TurnsLeft = 7
+  stage = platformStage
+  SpawnPlatformCrates()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckTurnsOver, {}, DoTurnsOver, {3}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckWaveDead, {3}, DoWaveDead, {3}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckDeployedDead, {}, DoDeployedDead, {}, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  ShowMission(loc("Backstab"), loc("Drills"), loc("You have 7 turns until the next wave arrives.|Make sure the arriving cannibals are greeted appropriately!|If the hog dies, the cause is lost.|Hint: you might want to use some mines..."), 1, 12000)
+function DoTurnsOver()
+  stage = wave3Stage
+  RestoreWave(3)
+function SkipWave2Anim()
+  AnimSwitchHog(speakerHog)
+function SkipStartAnim()
+  AnimSetGearPosition(natives[waterNum], nativePos[denseNum][1] + 50, nativePos[denseNum][2])
+  RestoreWave(1)
+  ReviveNatives()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  SetState(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  if m2Choice == choiceAccepted then
+    spyHog = natives[denseNum]
+  else
+    spyHog = natives[waterNum]
+  end
+  SetHealth(spyHog, 26)
+function AfterStartAnim()
+  AnimSwitchHog(natives[leaksNum])
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  stage = spyKillStage
+  AddEvent(CheckChoice, {}, DoChoice, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckKilledOther, {}, DoKilledOther, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckChoiceRefuse, {}, DoChoiceRefuse, {}, 0)
+  ShowMission(loc("Backstab"), loc("Judas"), loc("Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"), 1, 8000)
+function CheckTurnsOver()
+  return TurnsLeft == 0
+function CheckDeployedDead()
+  return deployedDead
+function DoDeployedDead()
+  ShowMission(loc("Backstab"), loc("Brutus"), loc("You have failed to save the tribe!"), 0, 6000)
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Tribe"))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function CheckChoice()
+  return choice ~= 0 and tmpVar == 0
+function CheckDeaths()
+  for i = 1, 7 do
+    if natives[i] ~= spyHog and band(GetState(natives[i]), gstAttacked) ~= 0 then
+      return true
+    end
+  end
+  return false
+function DoChoice()
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckChoiceRefuse)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  SetupAfterChoiceAnim()
+  AddAnim(afterChoiceAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterAfterChoiceAnim, args = {}})
+function CheckChoiceRefuse()
+  return highJumped == true and StoppedGear(CurrentHedgehog)
+function DoChoiceRefuse()
+  choice = choiceSpare
+function CheckKilledOther()
+  if stage ~= spyKillStage then
+    return false
+  end
+  return (nativesNum < startNativesNum and choice ~= choiceEliminate) or
+          (nativesNum < startNativesNum - 1 and choice == choiceEliminate)
+function DoKilledOther()
+  ShowMission(loc("Backstab"), loc("Brutus"), loc("You have killed an innocent hedgehog!"), 0, 6000)
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Tribe"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function CheckWaveDead(index)
+  for i = (index - 1) * 3 + 1, index * 3 do
+    if cannibalDead[i] ~= true or CurrentHedgehog == cannibals[i] then
+      return false
+    end
+  end
+  return true
+function DoWaveDead(index)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  needToAct = index
+function AddWave3DeadAnim()
+  AnimSwitchHog(deployedHog)
+  AnimWait(deployedHog, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = HideNatives, args = {}})
+  AddFunction({func = SetupWave3DeadAnim, args = {}})
+  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {wave3DeadAnim}})
+  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterWave3DeadAnim, args = {}}}})
+function HideNatives()
+  for i = 1, 9 do
+    if nativeDead[i] ~= true and natives[i] ~= deployedHog then
+      if nativeHidden[i] ~= true then
+        HideHog(natives[i])
+        nativeHidden[i] = true
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function SetupWave3DeadAnim()
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {deployedHog, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {deployedHog, loc("That ought to show them!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {deployedHog, loc("Guys, do you think there's more of them?"), SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {deployedHog, unpack(nativePos[wiseNum]), vgtFeather, 0, true, true}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {deployedHog, 1000}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {deployedHog, loc("Where are they?!"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {deployedHog, RestoreCyborg, {}}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, 4040, 782}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("These primitive people are so funny!"), SAY_THINK, 6500}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {cyborg, "Right", 4060, 0}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {deployedHog}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {deployedHog, 1}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {deployedHog, HideCyborg, {}}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {deployedHog, loc("I need to find the others!"), SAY_THINK, 4500}})
+  table.insert(wave3DeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {deployedHog, loc("I have to follow that alien."), SAY_THINK, 4500}})
+function SkipWave3DeadAnim()
+  AnimSwitchHog(deployedHog)
+function AfterWave3DeadAnim()
+  if nativeDead[leaksNum] == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5LeaksDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5LeaksDead", "0")
+  end
+  if nativeDead[denseNum] == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5DenseDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5DenseDead", "0")
+  end
+  if nativeDead[waterNum] == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5WaterDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5WaterDead", "0")
+  end
+  if nativeDead[buffaloNum] == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5BuffaloDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5BuffaloDead", "0")
+  end
+  if nativeDead[girlNum] == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5GirlDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5GirlDead", "0")
+  end
+  if nativeDead[wiseNum] == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5WiseDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5WiseDead", "0")
+  end
+  if nativeDead[chiefNum] == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5ChiefDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M5ChiefDead", "0")
+  end
+  SaveCampaignVar("M5Choice", "" .. choice)
+  if progress and progress<5 then
+    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "5")
+  end
+  for i = 1, 7 do 
+    if natives[i] == deployedHog then
+      SaveCampaignVar("M5DeployedNum", "" .. i)
+    end
+  end
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Tribe"))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Assault Team"))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Reinforcements"))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function SpawnCrates()
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amDrill)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amGrenade)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amBazooka)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amDynamite)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amGrenade)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amMine)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amShotgun)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amFlamethrower)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amMolotov)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amSMine)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, amMortar)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(0, 0, amRope)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(0, 0, amRope)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(0, 0, amParachute)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(0, 0, amParachute)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
+function RestoreWave(index)
+  for i = (index - 1) * 3 + 1, index * 3 do
+    if cannibalHidden[i] == true then
+      RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
+      AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
+      FollowGear(cannibals[i])
+      cannibalHidden[i] = false
+    end
+  end
+function GetVariables()
+  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
+  m2DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2DenseDead"))
+  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
+  m4DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4DenseDead"))
+  m4LeaksDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4LeaksDead"))
+  m4ChiefDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4ChiefDead"))
+  m4WaterDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4WaterDead"))
+  m4BuffaloDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4BuffaloDead"))
+function HideCyborg()
+  if cyborgHidden == false then
+    HideHog(cyborg)
+    cyborgHidden = true
+  end
+function RestoreCyborg()
+  if cyborgHidden == true then
+    RestoreHog(cyborg)
+    cyborgHidden = false
+  end
+function SetupPlace()
+  startNativesNum = nativesNum
+  HideHog(cyborg)
+  cyborgHidden = true
+  for i = 1, 9 do
+    HideHog(cannibals[i])
+    cannibalHidden[i] = true
+  end
+  if m4LeaksDead == 1 then
+    HideHog(natives[leaksNum])
+    nativeHidden[leaksNum] = true
+    needRevival = true
+  end
+  if m4DenseDead == 1 then
+    if m2Choice ~= choiceAccepted then
+      DeleteGear(natives[denseNum])
+      startNativesNum = startNativesNum - 1
+      nativeDead[denseNum] = true
+    else
+      HideHog(natives[denseNum])
+      nativeHidden[denseNum] = true
+      needRevival = true
+    end
+  end
+  if m4WaterDead == 1 then
+    HideHog(natives[waterNum])
+    nativeHidden[waterNum] = true
+    needRevival = true
+  end
+  if m4ChiefDead == 1 then
+    DeleteGear(natives[chiefNum])
+    startNativesNum = startNativesNum - 1
+    nativeDead[chiefNum] = true
+    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[girlNum], unpack(nativePos[buffaloNum]))
+    nativePos[girlNum] = nativePos[buffaloNum]
+  end
+  if m4BuffaloDead == 1 then
+    startNativesNum = startNativesNum - 1
+    nativeDead[buffaloNum] = true
+    DeleteGear(natives[buffaloNum])
+  end
+  PlaceGirder(3568, 1461, 1)
+  PlaceGirder(440, 523, 5)
+  PlaceGirder(350, 441, 1)
+  PlaceGirder(405, 553, 5)
+  PlaceGirder(316, 468, 1)
+  PlaceGirder(1319, 168, 0)
+function SetupAmmo()
+  AddAmmo(natives[girlNum], amSwitch, 0)
+function AddHogs()
+	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+  for i = 1, 7 do
+    natives[i] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
+  end
+  nativesNum = 7
+  AddTeam(loc("Tribe"), 29438, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+  for i = 8, 9 do
+    natives[i] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
+  end
+  AddTeam(loc("Assault Team"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate", "cm_vampire")
+  for i = 1, 6 do
+    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 1, 50, "vampirichog")
+  end
+  AddTeam(loc("Reinforcements"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate", "cm_vampire")
+  for i = 7, 9 do
+    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 1, 50, "vampirichog")
+  end
+  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
+  for i = 1, 9 do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i]))
+    AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDir[i])
+  end
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 0, 0)
+  for i = 1, 9 do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], cannibalPos[i][1], cannibalPos[i][2] + 40)
+    AnimTurn(cannibals[i], cannibalDir[i])
+  end
+function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
+  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
+  if xl > xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
+  elseif xl < xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
+  end
+-----------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
+function onGameInit()
+	Seed = 2
+	GameFlags = gfSolidLand
+	TurnTime = 60000 
+	CaseFreq = 0
+	MinesNum = 0
+	MinesTime = 3000
+	Explosives = 0
+	Delay = 10 
+  Map = "Cave"
+	Theme = "Nature"
+  SuddenDeathTurns = 3000
+  AddHogs()
+  AnimInit()
+function onGameStart()
+  GetVariables()
+  SetupAmmo()
+  SetupPlace()
+  AnimationSetup()
+  AddAnim(startAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
+function onGameTick()
+  AnimUnWait()
+  if ShowAnimation() == false then
+    return
+  end
+  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
+  CheckEvents()
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+  for i = 1, 7 do
+    if gear == natives[i] then
+      if nativeDead[i] ~= true then
+        freshDead = nativeNames[i]
+      end
+      nativeDead[i] = true
+      nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
+    end
+  end
+  for i = 1, 9 do
+    if gear == cannibals[i] then
+      cannibalDead[i] = true
+    end
+  end
+  if gear == spyHog and stage == spyKillStage then
+    freshDead = nil
+    choice = choiceEliminate
+    tmpVar = 1
+  end
+  if gear == deployedHog then
+    deployedDead = true
+  end
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 4, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amWhip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amHammer, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amLandGun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSnowball, 8, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amGirder, 4, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amParachute, 4, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 8, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amSkip, 8, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amRope, 5, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amBlowTorch, 3, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amLowGravity, 0, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amDynamite, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amBazooka, 4, 0, 0, 4)
+  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 4, 0, 0, 4)
+  SetAmmo(amMine, 2, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amSMine, 2, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amMolotov, 2, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amFlamethrower, 2, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 4, 0, 0, 4)
+  SetAmmo(amTeleport, 0, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amDrill, 0, 0, 0, 4)
+  SetAmmo(amMortar, 0, 0, 0, 4)
+j = 0
+function onNewTurn()
+  tmpVar = 0
+  if AnimInProgress() then
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+    return
+  end
+  if GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Tribe") then
+    TurnTimeLeft = 0
+    return
+  end
+  TurnsLeft = TurnsLeft - 1
+  if stage == platformStage then
+    AddCaption(TurnsLeft .. " turns until arrival!")
+  end
+  if stage == spyKillStage then
+    if CurrentHedgehog == spyHog or GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) ~= loc("Natives") then
+      TurnTimeLeft = 0
+    else
+      SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+      --AnimSwitchHog(natives[leaksNum])
+      TurnTimeLeft = -1
+    end
+  else
+    if freshDead ~= nil and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Natives") then
+      SetupHogDeadAnim(freshDead)
+      AddAnim(hogDeadAnim)
+      AddFunction({func = AfterHogDeadAnim, args = {}})
+    end
+  end
+  if needToAct > 0 then
+    if needToAct == 1 then
+      RestoreWave(2)
+      SetupWave2Anim()
+      AddAnim(wave2Anim)
+      AddFunction({func = AfterWave2Anim, args = {}})
+    elseif needToAct == 2 then
+      SetupWave2DeadAnim()
+      AddAnim(wave2DeadAnim)
+      AddFunction({func = AfterWave2DeadAnim, args = {}})
+    elseif needToAct == 3 then
+      AnimSwitchHog(deployedHog)
+      AddFunction({func = AddWave3DeadAnim, args = {}})
+    end
+    needToAct = 0
+  end
+function onPrecise()
+  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
+    SetAnimSkip(true)
+    return
+  end
+  if stage == spyKillStage then
+    highJumped = true
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/campaign.ini	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+[Mission 1]
+Name=First Blood
+[Mission 2]
+Name=The Shadow Falls
+[Mission 3]
+Name=The Journey Back
+[Mission 4]
+Name=United We Stand
+[Mission 5]
+[Mission 6]
+Name=Dragon's Lair
+[Mission 7]
+Name=Family Reunion
+[Mission 8]
+Name=Long Live The Queen
+[Mission 9]
+Name=The Enemy Of My Enemy
+[Mission 10]
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/dragon.lua	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+local map = 
+	"\0\91\4\253\131\0\88\0\46\0\0\91\0\49\131\15\196\0\53\0\15\196\0\53\131\15\196\4\250\0\255\242\7\179\131\1\128\7\214\0",
+	"\1\113\7\207\131\3\182\7\157\0\3\175\7\143\131\6\58\7\200\0\6\76\7\193\131\6\188\7\129\0\6\188\7\129\131\6\248\6\216\0",
+	"\6\248\6\216\131\7\52\8\14\0\10\206\8\0\131\11\203\6\65\0\11\203\6\65\131\12\18\7\66\0\12\18\7\69\131\16\0\7\69\0",
+	"\0\109\1\1\131\2\111\0\49\0\2\111\0\49\131\3\133\1\18\0\3\140\1\18\131\4\162\0\165\0\4\162\0\165\131\5\135\1\29\0",
+	"\5\145\1\22\131\8\84\0\232\0\8\84\0\232\131\9\26\0\70\0\9\26\0\70\131\10\5\1\4\0\10\48\0\243\131\10\2\1\8\0",
+	"\10\58\0\243\131\10\118\1\15\0\10\118\1\15\131\10\234\1\173\0\11\10\1\177\131\12\11\1\22\0\12\39\1\40\131\12\243\2\9\0",
+	"\12\243\2\9\131\13\106\0\165\0\13\131\0\176\131\15\186\1\78\0\1\244\0\81\136\0\120\0\84\0\1\99\0\123\137\0\130\0\215\0",
+	"\0\158\0\130\143\0\158\0\130\0\2\216\0\88\138\4\165\0\102\0\4\91\0\127\142\3\129\0\197\0\3\69\0\134\142\3\69\0\134\0",
+	"\4\215\0\120\143\8\88\0\134\0\8\187\0\84\139\8\187\0\84\0\8\239\0\70\135\8\239\0\70\0\8\60\0\187\138\5\99\0\222\0",
+	"\5\61\0\197\138\5\61\0\197\0\9\99\0\81\137\10\23\0\218\0\9\187\0\77\137\11\31\1\117\0\10\30\0\88\137\15\161\0\109\0",
+	"\15\126\0\225\144\13\177\0\116\0\15\150\0\144\139\15\157\1\26\0\10\202\0\169\152\12\246\0\169\0\10\72\0\144\145\11\122\1\36\0",
+	"\11\17\1\121\141\11\17\1\121\0\12\229\1\194\138\12\229\1\194\0\12\208\1\85\150\12\208\1\85\0\12\148\1\15\147\12\148\1\15\0",
+	"\13\145\0\208\147\13\145\0\208\0\6\238\7\45\135\7\10\7\238\0\6\220\7\150\135\6\206\7\242\0\6\174\7\175\135\6\135\8\7\0",
+	"\6\118\7\214\135\6\62\7\238\0\6\30\7\245\140\3\217\7\210\0\3\161\7\221\138\255\252\7\231\0\15\242\7\165\148\11\115\7\175\0",
+	"\11\196\6\164\138\11\10\8\4\0\11\210\7\31\141\11\210\7\31\0\14\216\2\72\166\14\216\2\72\0\14\213\4\4\166\14\213\4\4\0",
+	"\13\216\1\159\148\13\216\1\159\0\13\159\2\143\148\13\159\2\143\0\13\230\3\69\145\13\230\3\69\0\13\163\4\11\145\13\166\4\11\0",
+	"\13\237\4\208\145\13\237\4\208\0\14\195\5\61\145\14\195\5\61\0\13\78\1\254\136\13\78\1\254\0\12\239\2\93\136\12\239\2\93\0",
+	"\12\250\2\227\136\12\250\2\227\0\13\71\3\59\136\13\71\3\59\0\13\1\3\168\136\13\1\3\168\0\12\243\4\32\136\12\246\4\32\0",
+	"\13\40\4\130\136\13\43\4\134\0\13\92\4\243\136\13\92\4\243\0\13\142\5\135\136\13\142\5\135\0\14\33\5\106\136\14\33\5\106\0",
+	"\14\111\5\208\136\14\121\5\216\0\15\13\5\237\136\15\13\5\237\0\15\73\5\128\136\15\73\5\128\0\15\84\4\243\136\15\84\4\243\0",
+	"\14\199\6\33\133\14\199\6\33\0\14\97\6\44\133\14\83\6\44\0\14\9\5\240\133\14\9\5\240\0\13\226\5\163\133\13\226\5\163\0",
+	"\13\170\5\233\133\13\170\5\233\0\13\71\5\205\133\13\71\5\205\0\13\61\5\117\133\13\61\5\117\0\13\22\5\40\133\13\22\5\40\0",
+	"\12\253\4\211\133\12\253\4\211\0\12\197\4\169\133\12\197\4\169\0\12\204\4\106\133\12\204\4\106\0\12\162\4\46\133\12\162\4\42\0",
+	"\12\194\3\200\133\12\194\3\196\0\12\201\3\84\133\12\201\3\84\0\12\253\3\62\133\12\253\3\62\0\12\169\2\241\133\12\169\2\241\0",
+	"\12\187\2\167\133\12\187\2\167\0\12\158\2\93\133\12\158\2\93\0\12\162\2\9\133\12\162\2\9\0\12\123\1\205\132\12\123\1\205\0",
+	"\12\84\1\251\132\12\84\1\251\0\12\91\2\55\132\12\95\2\55\0\12\63\2\139\132\12\63\2\139\0\12\120\2\164\132\12\120\2\164\0",
+	"\12\81\2\206\132\12\81\2\206\0\12\106\3\17\132\12\109\3\20\0\12\137\3\73\132\12\137\3\73\0\12\84\3\122\132\12\84\3\122\0",
+	"\12\137\3\150\132\12\137\3\150\0\12\95\3\217\132\12\95\3\217\0\12\134\3\231\132\12\134\3\231\0\12\106\4\63\132\12\106\4\63\0",
+	"\12\137\4\120\132\12\141\4\120\0\12\88\4\179\132\12\88\4\183\0\12\134\4\190\132\12\134\4\190\0\12\158\4\232\132\12\165\4\232\0",
+	"\12\215\5\15\132\12\215\5\15\0\12\91\4\243\130\12\91\4\243\0\12\144\5\26\130\12\144\5\26\0\12\176\5\54\130\12\176\5\54\0",
+	"\12\225\5\82\130\12\225\5\82\0\13\4\5\117\130\13\1\5\117\0\12\239\5\166\130\12\239\5\166\0\13\8\5\184\130\13\11\5\184\0",
+	"\13\8\5\226\130\13\8\5\226\0\13\54\6\12\130\13\57\6\12\0\13\106\6\2\130\13\106\5\254\0\13\138\6\12\130\13\138\6\12\0",
+	"\13\184\6\30\130\13\187\6\30\0\13\223\5\254\130\13\223\5\254\0\13\149\6\69\130\13\145\6\69\0\13\128\6\33\130\13\128\6\33\0",
+	"\13\85\6\40\130\13\85\6\40\0\12\232\6\2\130\12\232\6\2\0\12\204\5\205\130\12\204\5\201\0\12\183\5\159\130\12\183\5\156\0",
+	"\12\211\5\128\130\12\211\5\128\0\12\165\5\103\130\12\165\5\103\0\12\123\5\64\130\12\120\5\64\0\12\81\5\71\130\12\81\5\71\0",
+	"\12\84\5\18\130\12\84\5\18\0\12\39\4\243\130\12\39\4\243\0\12\35\4\194\130\12\35\4\194\0\12\63\4\127\130\12\63\4\127\0",
+	"\12\91\4\106\130\12\91\4\106\0\12\53\4\60\130\12\53\4\60\0\12\74\4\25\130\12\84\4\21\0\12\120\4\4\130\12\120\4\4\0",
+	"\12\42\3\231\130\12\42\3\231\0\12\39\3\189\130\12\42\3\186\0\12\60\3\175\130\12\60\3\175\0\12\39\3\133\130\12\39\3\133\0",
+	"\12\70\3\73\130\12\70\3\73\0\12\25\3\77\130\12\25\3\77\0\12\42\3\13\130\12\46\3\13\0\12\81\3\31\130\12\81\3\31\0",
+	"\12\32\2\213\130\12\32\2\213\0\12\14\2\178\130\12\14\2\178\0\12\42\2\181\130\12\46\2\181\0\12\14\2\128\130\12\14\2\128\0",
+	"\12\39\2\100\130\12\42\2\100\0\12\74\2\104\130\12\77\2\104\0\12\106\2\135\130\12\109\2\135\0\12\39\2\72\130\12\39\2\69\0",
+	"\12\35\2\37\130\12\35\2\37\0\12\32\2\2\130\12\32\2\2\0\12\28\1\226\130\12\28\1\223\0\12\63\1\208\130\12\63\1\208\0",
+	"\12\84\1\173\130\12\84\1\170\0\12\63\1\159\130\12\60\1\159\0\12\39\1\113\130\12\39\1\113\0\12\14\1\96\130\12\11\1\96\0",
+	"\11\228\1\131\130\11\228\1\135\0\12\7\1\149\130\12\7\1\149\0\12\21\1\177\130\12\25\1\177\0\11\242\1\201\130\11\242\1\201\0",
+	"\13\226\6\58\130\13\226\6\58\0\14\16\6\40\130\14\16\6\40\0\13\208\6\86\130\13\208\6\86\0\13\247\6\111\130\13\247\6\114\0",
+	"\13\184\6\121\130\13\184\6\121\0\13\198\6\146\130\13\201\6\146\0\13\244\6\139\130\13\244\6\139\0\13\223\6\185\130\13\223\6\185\0",
+	"\13\173\6\199\130\13\173\6\199\0\13\159\6\171\130\13\159\6\171\0\13\138\6\220\130\13\138\6\220\0\13\184\6\238\130\13\184\6\238\0",
+	"\13\208\6\223\130\13\208\6\223\0\13\216\7\10\130\13\216\7\10\0\13\184\7\10\130\13\180\7\10\0\13\142\7\38\130\13\142\7\41\0",
+	"\13\128\7\6\130\13\128\7\6\0\13\85\7\34\130\13\89\7\34\0\13\89\7\3\130\13\89\7\3\0\13\117\6\220\130\13\121\6\220\0",
+	"\13\75\6\195\130\13\75\6\195\0\13\110\6\164\130\13\110\6\164\0\13\156\6\125\130\13\156\6\125\0\13\106\6\135\130\13\106\6\135\0",
+	"\13\103\6\100\130\13\103\6\100\0\13\64\6\143\130\13\64\6\143\0\13\47\6\104\130\13\47\6\104\0\13\71\6\79\130\13\71\6\79\0",
+	"\13\40\6\65\130\13\36\6\65\0\13\8\6\44\130\13\1\6\44\0\13\8\6\76\130\13\8\6\76\0\13\1\6\132\130\13\1\6\132\0",
+	"\13\33\6\135\130\13\33\6\135\0\13\26\6\178\130\13\22\6\178\0\13\47\6\202\130\13\50\6\202\0\13\54\6\245\130\13\54\6\245\0",
+	"\13\22\7\3\130\13\22\7\3\0\13\43\7\27\130\13\43\7\27\0\12\253\6\248\130\12\250\6\248\0\12\253\6\220\130\12\253\6\220\0",
+	"\12\215\6\174\130\12\225\6\174\0\12\253\6\174\130\12\253\6\174\0\12\215\6\121\130\12\215\6\121\0\12\229\6\76\130\12\229\6\76\0",
+	"\12\201\6\51\130\12\201\6\51\0\12\190\6\19\130\12\190\6\19\0\12\151\5\223\130\12\151\5\223\0\12\148\5\194\130\12\151\5\194\0",
+	"\12\155\5\159\130\12\155\5\156\0\12\144\5\121\130\12\144\5\121\0\12\95\5\110\130\12\95\5\110\0\12\102\5\156\130\12\102\5\159\0",
+	"\12\99\5\216\130\12\106\5\219\0\12\148\6\40\130\12\148\6\40\0\12\127\6\19\130\12\127\6\19\0\12\176\6\104\130\12\176\6\104\0",
+	"\12\141\6\72\130\12\141\6\72\0\12\162\6\139\130\12\162\6\143\0\12\172\6\181\130\12\172\6\181\0\12\204\6\216\130\12\208\6\216\0",
+	"\12\201\7\3\130\12\201\7\3\0\12\236\7\24\130\12\236\7\24\0\12\120\6\146\130\12\120\6\146\0\12\123\6\104\130\12\123\6\104\0",
+	"\12\123\6\185\130\12\123\6\185\0\12\162\6\227\130\12\162\6\227\0\12\134\6\241\130\12\134\6\241\0\12\155\7\10\130\12\155\7\10\0",
+	"\12\190\7\41\130\12\190\7\41\0\11\228\1\96\129\11\228\1\96\0\11\200\1\121\129\11\200\1\121\0\11\193\1\156\129\11\196\1\156\0",
+	"\11\221\1\170\129\11\221\1\170\0\11\217\1\208\129\11\217\1\208\0\11\245\1\230\129\11\245\1\230\0\11\245\2\16\129\11\245\2\16\0",
+	"\12\14\2\62\129\12\18\2\62\0\11\242\2\93\129\11\242\2\93\0\11\235\2\178\129\11\235\2\178\0\11\231\2\238\129\11\235\2\238\0",
+	"\12\4\2\252\129\12\4\2\252\0\11\252\3\34\129\11\252\3\34\0\11\235\3\87\129\11\238\3\87\0\12\11\3\119\129\12\11\3\119\0",
+	"\12\4\3\168\129\12\4\3\168\0\11\245\3\200\129\11\245\3\200\0\11\252\3\238\129\11\252\3\242\0\12\11\4\7\129\12\11\4\7\0",
+	"\11\245\4\60\129\11\238\4\60\0\11\224\4\74\129\11\221\4\74\0\11\210\4\137\129\11\210\4\137\0\11\228\4\151\129\11\231\4\151\0",
+	"\11\242\4\130\129\11\242\4\130\0\12\4\4\113\129\12\7\4\113\0\12\28\4\102\129\12\28\4\102\0\12\11\4\141\129\12\11\4\141\0",
+	"\11\249\4\162\129\11\249\4\162\0\11\221\4\116\129\11\221\4\116\0\11\214\4\106\129\11\217\4\102\0\12\4\4\211\129\12\4\4\211\0",
+	"\11\249\5\8\129\11\252\5\8\0\12\39\5\11\129\12\42\5\11\0\12\56\5\50\129\12\60\5\47\0\12\46\5\96\129\12\49\5\96\0",
+	"\12\70\5\113\129\12\70\5\113\0\12\56\5\166\129\12\63\5\166\0\12\70\5\145\129\12\74\5\145\0\12\70\5\194\129\12\77\5\194\0",
+	"\12\70\5\237\129\12\74\5\237\0\12\106\5\240\129\12\109\5\240\0\12\99\6\33\129\12\99\6\33\0\12\88\6\72\129\12\88\6\72\0",
+	"\12\91\6\107\129\12\95\6\107\0\12\77\6\146\129\12\81\6\146\0\12\88\6\181\129\12\91\6\181\0\12\91\6\220\129\12\99\6\220\0",
+	"\12\113\7\10\129\12\116\7\10\0\8\116\4\18\179\8\116\4\18\0\9\205\3\73\156\9\205\3\73\0\10\83\2\146\144\10\83\2\146\0",
+	"\10\153\2\44\136\10\153\2\44\0\10\181\1\240\132\10\181\1\240\0\10\199\1\205\131\10\199\1\205\0\10\209\1\184\129\10\209\1\184\0",
+	"\8\42\2\167\150\8\42\2\167\0\8\53\1\240\141\8\53\1\237\0\8\67\1\135\134\8\67\1\135\0\11\224\5\8\129\11\224\5\8\0",
+	"\11\200\5\8\129\11\200\5\8\0\11\182\5\8\129\11\182\5\8\0\11\154\5\4\129\11\154\5\4\0\11\129\5\8\129\11\129\5\8\0",
+	"\11\119\3\84\129\11\119\3\84\0\11\140\3\87\129\11\140\3\87\0\11\165\3\87\129\11\165\3\87\0\11\182\3\87\129\11\182\3\87\0",
+	"\11\203\3\87\129\11\203\3\87\0\9\33\6\223\132\9\33\8\11\0\9\33\6\188\129\9\33\6\188\0\0\123\1\26\136\0\211\2\223\0",
+	"\0\211\2\223\136\0\120\3\84\0\0\130\3\101\136\0\211\4\53\0\0\204\4\53\136\0\120\4\151\0\0\130\3\193\136\0\127\4\63\0",
+	"\0\130\3\31\136\0\130\1\201\0\0\91\4\253\130\0\91\6\76\0\7\94\3\136\138\7\94\3\136\0\7\24\3\77\135\7\24\3\77\0",
+	"\6\238\3\24\132\6\241\3\24\0\6\223\2\238\131\6\223\2\238\0\6\220\2\209\129\6\220\2\209\0\7\87\4\14\133\7\87\4\14\0",
+	"\7\38\4\0\131\7\38\4\0\0\7\6\3\242\130\7\6\3\242\0\6\241\3\228\129\6\241\3\228\0\6\227\3\217\128\6\227\3\217\0",
+	"\0\109\4\197\135\0\162\5\99\0\0\144\5\121\135\0\123\6\9\0\0\127\5\92\135\0\127\5\92\0\0\127\5\54\135\0\127\5\54\0",
+	"\0\134\6\23\132\0\236\6\97\0\0\236\6\97\132\1\106\6\135\0\1\117\6\135\132\1\177\6\143\0\2\234\7\80\130\3\69\7\80\0",
+	"\3\69\7\80\130\3\84\7\101\0\3\84\7\101\130\3\87\7\129\0\3\87\7\129\130\3\84\7\150\0\0\183\5\103\130\1\92\5\159\0",
+	"\1\11\5\138\130\0\253\5\180\0\0\253\5\180\130\0\158\5\166\0\0\239\4\60\131\1\166\4\95\0\2\104\3\133\131\3\84\3\129\0",
+	"\4\162\2\181\131\4\162\3\147\0\3\115\2\26\131\4\74\2\30\0\2\23\1\54\131\2\230\1\54\0\0\204\2\5\131\1\194\2\5\0",
+	"\4\74\2\33\131\5\226\1\223\0\0\225\5\121\197\1\135\5\163\0\0\204\5\173\197\1\1\5\173\0\0\179\5\152\131\1\57\5\163\0",
+	"\1\57\5\159\131\1\106\5\219\0\0\165\5\226\130\0\253\5\230\0\0\253\5\230\130\1\8\5\159\0\1\254\6\86\131\1\254\6\86\0",
+	"\1\254\6\33\131\1\254\6\33\0\1\254\5\230\131\1\254\5\230\0\1\254\5\170\131\1\254\5\170\0\1\254\5\113\131\1\254\5\113\0",
+	"\1\251\6\5\129\1\251\6\5\0\1\254\5\201\129\1\254\5\201\0\1\254\5\138\129\1\254\5\138\0\1\254\6\58\129\1\254\6\58\0",
+	"\1\254\5\78\129\1\254\5\78\0\2\2\5\40\131\2\2\5\40\0\2\2\4\246\131\2\2\4\246\0\1\237\4\204\131\1\237\4\204\0",
+	"\2\40\4\190\131\2\40\4\190\0\6\160\7\52\223\7\27\7\126\0\1\219\4\172\204\1\219\4\172\0\2\37\4\183\197\2\37\4\183\0",
+	"\3\98\3\122\131\3\126\3\84\0\3\126\3\84\131\3\126\3\52\0\3\126\3\41\131\3\80\3\24\0\3\80\3\24\131\3\112\2\248\0",
+	"\3\112\2\248\131\3\98\2\188\0",
+choiceAccepted = 1
+choiceRefused = 2
+choiceAttacked = 3
+choiceEliminate = 1
+choiceSpare = 2
+leaksNum = 1
+denseNum = 2
+waterNum = 3
+buffaloNum = 4
+chiefNum = 5
+girlNum = 6
+wiseNum = 7
+nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
+               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
+               loc("Wise Oak")}
+nativeUnNames = {loc("Zork"), loc("Steve"), loc("Jack"),
+                 loc("Lee"), loc("Elmo"), loc("Rachel"),
+                 loc("Muriel")}
+nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
+              "tiara", "AkuAku"}
+nativePos = {257, 1950}
+cyborgNames = {loc("Syntax Errol"), loc("Segmentation Paul"), loc("Unexpected Igor"), loc("Jeremiah")}
+cyborgPos = {745, 1847}
+cyborgsPos = {{2937, 831}, {2945, 1264}, {2335, 1701}, {448, 484}}
+cyborgsDir = {"Left", "Left", "Left", "Right"}
+cratePos = {
+            {788, 1919, amGirder, 2}, {412, 1615, amGirder, 1},
+            {209, 1474, amSniperRifle, 1}, {1178, 637, amDEagle, 1},
+            {633, 268, amDEagle, 1}, {3016, 1545, amDEagle, 1},
+            {249, 1377, amRope, 3}, {330, 1018, amGirder, 1},
+            {888, 647, amRope, 3}, {2116, 337, amRope, 3},
+            {1779, 948, amRope, 3}, {3090, 1066, amRope, 3},
+            {947, 480, amBazooka, 3}, {1097, 480, amMortar, 3},
+            {1139, 451, amSnowball, 3}, {1207, 468, amShotgun, 3},
+            {1024, 393, amSniperRifle, 2}, {998, 391, amDynamite, 2},
+            {1024, 343, amRope, 2}, {998, 341, amRope, 2}
+           }
+reactions = {loc("Yeah, take that!"), loc("Bullseye"), loc("Die, die, die!")}
+secondPos = {{1010, 510}, {1067, 510}}
+natives = {}
+native = nil
+cyborgs = {}
+cyborg = {}
+cyborgsLeft = 0
+gearDead = {}
+hedgeHidden = {}
+startAnim = {}
+killAnim = {}
+killedAnim = {}
+freshDead = nil
+crates = {}
+cratesNum = 0
+jetCrate = nil
+function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
+  local dif
+  if dir == "Left" then
+    dif = 10
+  else
+    dif = -10
+  end
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {native, 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {native, 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {native, GetX(native) + dif, GetY(native) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+function AnimationSetup()
+  startAnim = {}
+  local m = m5DeployedNum
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {native, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {native, loc("With the rest of the tribe gone, it was up to ") .. nativeNames[m5DeployedNum] .. loc(" to save the village."), 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {native, loc("But it proved to be no easy task!"), 2000}})
+  for i = 1, 4 do
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = FollowGear, swh = false, args = {cyborgs[i]}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {native, 1000}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = FollowGear, swh = false, args = {native}})
+  if m == leaksNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("What a strange cave!"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Now how do I get on the other side?!"), SAY_THINK, 5500}})
+  elseif m == denseNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Dude, what's this place?!"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {native, EmitDenseClouds, {"Right"}}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("And where's all the weed?"), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+  elseif m == waterNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Is this place in my head?"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("I shouldn't have drunk that last pint."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
+  elseif m == buffaloNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Where did that alien run?"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("When I find it..."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+  elseif m == girlNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("This is typical!"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("It's always up to women to clear up the mess men created!"), SAY_THINK, 8500}})
+  elseif m == chiefNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("What is this place?"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("It doesn't matter. I won't let that alien hurt my daughter!"), SAY_THINK, 8500}})
+  elseif m == wiseNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 50, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Every single time!"), SAY_THINK, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {native, "Right", nativePos[1] + 200, 0}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("How come in a village full of warriors, it's up to me to save it?"), SAY_THINK, 8500}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {native, RestoreHedge, {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Greetings, ") .. nativeUnNames[m] .. "!", SAY_SAY, 2500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("As you can see, there is no way to get on the other side!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I wish to help you, ") .. nativeUnNames[m] .. "!", SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {native}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {native, HideHedge, {cyborg}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Talk about mixed signals..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
+function SetupKillAnim()
+  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {native, loc("Well, that was a waste of time."), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
+  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {native, RestoreHedge, {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}}})
+  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
+  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, native}}})
+  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You bear impressive skills, ") .. nativeUnNames[m5DeployedNum] .. "!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("However, my mates don't agree with me on letting you go..."), SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I guess you'll have to kill them."), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
+  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {native}})
+  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {native, 1}})
+  table.insert(killAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {native, HideHedge, {cyborg}}})
+  AddSkipFunction(killAnim, SkipKillAnim, {})
+function SetupKilledAnim()
+  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 500}})
+  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, unpack(secondPos[2])}})
+  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {native, unpack(secondPos[1])}})
+  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, native}}})
+  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Nice work, ") .. nativeUnNames[m5DeployedNum] .. "!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("As a reward for your performance, here's some new technology!"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
+  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Use it wisely!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(secondPos[2])}})
+  table.insert(killedAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {native}})
+  AddSkipFunction(killedAnim, SkipKilledAnim, {})
+--------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
+function SkipStartAnim()
+  AnimSwitchHog(native)
+  AnimWait(native, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
+function AfterStartAnim()
+  SetGearMessage(native, 0)
+  cratesNum = 0
+  for i = 1, 6 do
+    crates[i] = SpawnAmmoCrate(unpack(cratePos[i]))
+    cratesNum = cratesNum + 1
+  end
+  FollowGear(native)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckGearsDead, {{crates[1], crates[2]}}, PutCrates, {2}, 0) 
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+  ShowMission(loc("Dragon's Lair"), loc("Obstacle course"), loc("In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|") ..
+                                                  loc("As the ammo is sparse, you might want to reuse ropes while mid-air.|") ..
+                                                  loc("If you wish to restart the course, hold [Precise] while your turn ends (e.g with Skip)!|") ..
+                                                  loc("The enemy can't move but it might be a good idea to stay out of sight!|") ..
+                                                  loc("You have ") .. SuddenDeathTurns .. loc(" turns until Sudden Death! Better hurry!"), 1, 0)
+function SkipKillAnim()
+  AnimSwitchHog(native)
+  AnimWait(native, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
+function AfterKillAnim()
+  PutWeaponCrates()
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+  AddEvent(CheckCyborgsDead, {}, DoCyborgsDead, {}, 0)
+  ShowMission(loc("Dragon's Lair"), loc("The Slaughter"), loc("Kill the aliens!"), 1, 2000)
+function SkipKilledAnim()
+  AnimSetGearPosition(native, unpack(secondPos[1]))
+  AnimSwitchHog(native)
+  AnimWait(native, 1)
+function AfterKilledAnim()
+  HideHedge(cyborg)
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+  SetGearMessage(native, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amPortalGun, 100)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2259, 755, amTeleport, 2)
+  SpawnHealthCrate(secondPos[1][1] + 30, secondPos[1][2])
+  ShowMission(loc("Dragon's Lair"), loc("The what?!"), loc("Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|")..
+                                             loc("Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|")..
+                                             loc("Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"), 1, 0)
+function CheckCyborgsDead()
+  return cyborgsLeft == 0
+function NullifyAmmo()
+  AddAmmo(native, amRope, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amGirder, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amLowGravity, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amBazooka, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amSniperRifle, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amDEagle, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amDynamite, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amFirePunch, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amBaseballBat, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amMortar, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amSnowball, 0)
+  AddAmmo(native, amShotgun, 0)
+function DoCyborgsDead()
+  NullifyAmmo()
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  SetupKilledAnim()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(killedAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterKilledAnim, args = {}})
+function PutWeaponCrates()
+  for i = 1, 8 do
+    cratesNum = cratesNum + 1
+    crates[cratesNum] = SpawnAmmoCrate(unpack(cratePos[cratesNum]))
+  end
+  FollowGear(native)
+function DoCratesTaken()
+  SetupKillAnim()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(killAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterKillAnim, args = {}})
+function PutCrates(index)
+  if index <= 7 then
+    cratesNum = cratesNum + 1
+    crates[cratesNum] = SpawnUtilityCrate(unpack(cratePos[cratesNum]))
+    AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {crates[cratesNum]}, PutCrates, {index + 1}, 0)
+    FollowGear(native)
+  else
+    AddEvent(StoppedGear, {native}, DoCratesTaken, {}, 0)
+  end
+  if index == 4 then
+    AnimSay(native, loc("I'm a ninja."), SAY_THINK, 0)
+  end
+function CheckMissionFinished()
+  return gearDead[jetCrate] == true
+function DoMissionFinished()
+  AddCaption(loc("Salvation was one step closer now..."))
+  if progress and progress<6 then
+    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "6")
+  end
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  DeleteGear(cyborg)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function CheckGearsDead(gearList)
+  for i = 1, # gearList do
+    if gearDead[gearList[i]] ~= true then
+      return false
+    end
+  end
+  return true
+function CheckGearDead(gear)
+  return gearDead[gear]
+function EndMission()
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  DeleteGear(cyborg)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function CheckFreshDead()
+  return freshDead ~= nil
+function CyborgDeadReact()
+  freshDead = nil
+  if cyborgsLeft == 0 then
+    return
+  end
+  AnimSay(native, reactions[cyborgsLeft])
+function HideHedge(hedge)
+  if hedgeHidden[hedge] ~= true then
+    HideHog(hedge)
+    hedgeHidden[hedge] = true
+  end
+function RestoreHedge(hedge)
+  if hedgeHidden[hedge] == true then
+    RestoreHog(hedge)
+    hedgeHidden[hedge] = false
+  end
+function GetVariables()
+  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
+  m5DeployedNum = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DeployedNum"))
+function SetupPlace()
+  for i = 1, 7 do
+    if i ~= m5DeployedNum then 
+      DeleteGear(natives[i])
+    else
+      native = natives[i]
+    end
+  end
+  HideHedge(cyborg)
+  jetCrate = SpawnUtilityCrate(3915, 1723, amJetpack)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1071, 1913, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1098, 1919, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1136, 1923, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1170, 1930, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1203, 1924, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1228, 1939, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1264, 1931, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1309, 1938, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1352, 1936, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1386, 1939, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1432, 1942, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1483, 1950, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1530, 1954, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1579, 1959, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1000, 1903, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(957, 1903, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(909, 1910, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(889, 1917, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  ------ STICKY MINE LIST ------
+  tempG = AddGear(1199, 733, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+  tempG = AddGear(1195, 793, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+  tempG = AddGear(1201, 861, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+  tempG = AddGear(682, 878, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+  tempG = AddGear(789, 876, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+function SetupEvents()
+  AddNewEvent(CheckMissionFinished, {}, DoMissionFinished, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {native}, EndMission, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckFreshDead, {}, CyborgDeadReact, {}, 1)
+function SetupAmmo()
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amBazooka, 100)
+--  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amSniperRifle, 100)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amShotgun, 100)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amSwitch, 100)
+function AddHogs()
+	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+  for i = 1, 7 do
+    natives[i] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 200, nativeHats[i])
+    gearDead[natives[i]] = false
+  end
+  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
+  gearDead[cyborg] = false
+  AddTeam(loc("011101000"), 14483455, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  for i = 1, 4 do
+    cyborgs[i] = AddHog(cyborgNames[i], 2, 100, "cyborg2")
+    gearDead[cyborgs[i]] = false
+  end
+  cyborgsLeft = 4
+  for i = 1, 7 do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePos))
+  end
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos))
+  for i = 1, 4 do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i]))
+    AnimTurn(cyborgs[i], cyborgsDir[i])
+  end
+function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
+  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
+  if xl > xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
+  elseif xl < xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
+  end
+-----------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
+function onGameInit()
+	Seed = 0
+	GameFlags = gfSolidLand + gfDisableLandObjects + gfDisableWind + gfDisableGirders
+	TurnTime = 60000 
+	CaseFreq = 0
+	MinesNum = 20
+	MinesTime = 3000
+	Explosives = 6
+	Delay = 10 
+  MapGen = 2
+	Theme = "City"
+  SuddenDeathTurns = 25
+	for i = 1, #map do
+		ParseCommand('draw ' .. map[i])
+	end
+  AddHogs()
+  AnimInit()
+function onGameStart()
+  GetVariables()
+  SetupAmmo()
+  SetupPlace()
+  AnimationSetup()
+  SetupEvents()
+  AddAnim(startAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
+  ShowMission(loc("Dragon's Lair"), loc("Y Chwiliad"), loc("Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"), 1, 0)
+function onGameTick()
+  AnimUnWait()
+  if ShowAnimation() == false then
+    return
+  end
+  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
+  CheckEvents()
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+  gearDead[gear] = true
+  if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+    if GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("011101000") then
+      freshDead = GetHogName(gear)
+      cyborgsLeft = cyborgsLeft - 1
+    end
+  end
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 3, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 2, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amGirder, 0, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amLowGravity, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+function onNewTurn()
+  if AnimInProgress() then
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+    return
+  end
+  if GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("011101000") then
+    SetInputMask(band(0xFFFFFFFF, bnot(gmLeft + gmRight + gmLJump + gmHJump)))
+    for i = 1, 4 do
+      if gearDead[CurrentHedgehog] ~= true and gearDead[native] ~= true then
+        if gearDead[cyborgs[i]] ~= true and GetX(cyborgs[i]) < GetX(native) then
+          HogTurnLeft(cyborgs[i], false)
+        else
+          HogTurnLeft(cyborgs[i], true)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    if TotalRounds % 6 == 0 then
+      AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amSniperRifle, 1)
+      AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amDEagle, 1)
+    end
+    TurnTimeLeft = 30000
+  elseif GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("011101001") then
+    TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  else
+    SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+    AddCaption(loc("Turns until Sudden Death: ") .. SuddenDeathTurns - TotalRounds)
+  end
+function onPrecise()
+  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
+    SetAnimSkip(true)
+  end
+  if AnimInProgress() == false then
+  end
+function onPreciseUp()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/enemy.lua	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+choiceAccepted = 1
+choiceRefused = 2
+choiceAttacked = 3
+choiceEliminate = 1
+choiceSpare = 2
+leaksNum = 1
+denseNum = 2
+waterNum = 3
+buffaloNum = 4
+chiefNum = 5
+girlNum = 6
+wiseNum = 7
+ramonNum = 8
+spikyNum = 9
+denseScene = 1
+princessScene = 2
+waterScene = 3
+cyborgScene = 4
+nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
+               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
+               loc("Wise Oak"), loc("Ramon"), loc("Spiky Cheese")
+              }
+nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
+              "tiara", "AkuAku", "rasta", "hair_yellow"}
+nativePos = {{1259, 120}, {2378, 796}, {424, 1299}, {3322, 260}, {1022, 1550}}
+nativeDir = {"Right", "Left", "Right", "Left", "Right"}
+cannibalNames = {loc("Honest Lee"), loc("Vegan Jack"), loc("Sirius Lee"),
+                 loc("Brutal Lily")}
+cannibalPos = {{162, 266}, {2159, 1517}, {3311, 1621}, {1180, 1560}}
+cannibalDir = {"Right", "Left", "Left", "Right"}
+cannibalsNum = 4
+playersDir = {"Right", "Left", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Left", "Right"}
+playersAntiDir = {"Left", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Left", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left"}
+cyborgNames = {loc("Smith 0.97"), loc("Smith 0.98"), loc("Smith 0.99a"),
+               loc("Smith 0.99b"), loc("Smith 0.99f"), loc("Smith 1.0")}
+cyborgPos = {{2162, 20}, {2458, 564}, {542, 1133}, {3334, 1427}}
+cyborgDir = "Right"
+cyborgsNum = 6
+cyborgsPos = {{1490, 330}, {1737, 1005}, {2972, 922}, {1341, 1571},
+              {751, 543}, {3889, 907}}
+cyborgsDir = {"Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left"}
+leaderPos = {3474, 151}
+leaderDir = "Left"
+natives = {}
+origNatives = {}
+cyborgs = {}
+cyborg = nil
+cannibals = {}
+players = {}
+leader = nil
+gearDead = {}
+hedgeHidden = {}
+startAnim = {}
+finalAnim = {}
+function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
+  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
+  if xl > xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
+  elseif xl < xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
+  end
+function CondNeedToTurn2(hog1, hog2)
+  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
+  if xl > xd then
+    AnimTurn(hog1, "Left")
+    AnimTurn(hog2, "Right")
+  elseif xl < xd then
+    AnimTurn(hog2, "Left")
+    AnimTurn(hog1, "Right")
+  end
+function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
+  local dif
+  if dir == "Left" then
+    dif = 10
+  else
+    dif = -10
+  end
+  if dir == nil then
+    dx, dy = GetGearVelocity(dense)
+    if dx < 0 then 
+      dif = 10
+    else 
+      dif = -10
+    end
+  end
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+function RestoreNatives(cgi)
+  for i = 1, playersNum do
+    RestoreHedge(players[i])
+    AnimOutOfNowhere(players[i], GetGearPosition(players[i]))
+  end
+function AnimationSetup()
+  SetupCyborgStartAnim()
+  SetupPeopleStartAnim()
+  SetupEnemyStartAnim()
+  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
+function SetupCyborgStartAnim()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[2])}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[3])}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 1800}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[4])}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Everything looks OK..."), SAY_THINK, 2500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("This will be fun!"), SAY_THINK, 2500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimJump, args = {cyborg, "high"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, RestoreNatives, {true}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("HAHA!"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {players[1]}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[4])}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = HideHedge, swh = false, args = {cyborg}})
+function SetupPeopleStartAnim()
+  for i = 1, playersNum do
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {players[i], playersAntiDir[i]}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {players[1], 800}})
+  for i = 1, playersNum do
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {players[i], playersDir[i]}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {players[1], 800}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("What is this place?"), SAY_SHOUT, 2500}})
+  if m5LeaksDead == 1 then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("And how am I alive?!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[1], CondNeedToTurn, {players[1], players[2]}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[2], loc("It must be the cyborgs again!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[3], loc("Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[4], CondNeedToTurn, {players[4], cannibals[1]}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[4], CondNeedToTurn, {players[1], cannibals[1]}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("Cannibals?! You're the cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("WHAT?! You're the ones attacking us!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("You have kidnapped our whole tribe!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("You've been assaulting us, we have been just defending ourselves!"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("I can't believe this!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Have we ever attacked you first?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("Yes!"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("When?"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("Uhmm...ok no."), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("But you're cannibals. It's what you do."), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Where do you get that?!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("Everyone knows this."), SAY_SHOUT, 2500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("I didn't until about a month ago."), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[4], loc("Hmmm...actually...I didn't either."), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("A cy-what?"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("They told us to wear these clothes. They said that this is the newest trend."), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("They've been manipulating us all this time!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("They must be trying to weaken us!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("We have to unite and defeat those cylergs!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("We can't let them take over our little island!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+function RestoreCyborgs(cgi)
+  if cyborgsRestored == true then
+    return
+  end
+  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
+    RestoreHedge(cyborgs[i])
+    if cgi == true then
+      AnimOutOfNowhere(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i]))
+    end
+  end
+  RestoreHedge(leader)
+  AnimOutOfNowhere(leader, unpack(leaderPos))
+  cyborgsRestored = true
+function SetupEnemyStartAnim()
+  local gear
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cannibals[1], RestoreCyborgs, {true}}})
+  if m8EnemyFled == 1 then
+    gear = leader
+  else
+    gear = cyborgs[2]
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[1], CondNeedToTurn, {players[4], gear}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[1], CondNeedToTurn, {players[1], gear}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("You have finally figured it out!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Why do you want to take over our island?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("This island is the only place left on Earth with grass on it!"), SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("It's worth more than wood!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("That makes it almost invaluable!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("We have nowhere else to live!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("That's not our problem!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("We'll give you a problem then!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {gear}})
+function SetupFinalAnim()
+  finalAnim = {
+    {func = AnimGearWait, args = {cyborg, 1000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Nicely done, meatbags!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You have won the game by proving true cooperative skills!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You have proven yourselves worthy!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Game? Was this a game to you?!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Well, yes. This was a cyborg television show."), SAY_SAY, 5500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("It is called 'Hogs of Steel'."), SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"), SAY_SAY, 8000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Our tribe, our beautiful island!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("All gone...everything!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("But the ones alive are stronger in their heart!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Just kidding, none of you have died!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I mean, none of you ceased to live."), SAY_SAY, 5000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You'll see what I mean!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("They are all waiting back in the village, haha."), SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("You are playing with our lives here!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Do you think you're some kind of god?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Interesting idea, haha!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}},
+    {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {players[1]}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {players[1], 1}},
+    {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[4])}},
+    {func = HideHedge, swh = false, args = {cyborg}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("What a douche!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}},
+  }
+--------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
+function SkipStartAnim()
+  RestoreNatives()
+  RestoreCyborgs()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AnimSwitchHog(cyborgs[1])
+  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
+function AfterStartAnim()
+  ShowMission(loc("The Enemy Of My Enemy"), loc("The Union"), loc("Defeat the cyborgs!"), 1, 0)
+  PutWeaponCrates()
+  PutHealthCrates()
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function PutHealthCrates()
+  for i = 1, 10 do
+    SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0)
+  end
+function PutWeaponCrates()
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(2399, 622, amNapalm, 2)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(2199, -18, amBee, 2)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(2088, 430, amBee, 2)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(237, 20, amMortar, 4)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(312, 1107, amMolotov, 3)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(531, 1123, amWatermelon, 2)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(1253, 1444, amFlamethrower, 5)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(994, 1364, amBaseballBat, 3)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(1104, 1553, amMine, 6)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(2277, 803, amDynamite, 2)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(1106, 184, amRCPlane, 3)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(1333, 28, amSMine, 4)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(90, 279, amAirAttack, 2)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(288, 269, amBee, 2)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(818, 1633, amBaseballBat, 2)
+function CheckNativesDead()
+  return nativesLeft == 0
+function CheckCannibalsDead()
+  return cannibalsLeft == 0
+function CheckPlayersDead()
+  return playersLeft == 0
+function CheckCyborgsDead()
+  return (cyborgsLeft == 0 and (leader == nil or gearDead[leader] == true))
+function DoNativesDead()
+  nativesDeadFresh = true
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function DoCannibalsDead()
+  cannibalsDeadFresh = true
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function DoPlayersDead()
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNativesDead)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckCannibalsDead)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckCyborgsDead)
+  playersDeadFresh = true
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function DoCyborgsDead()
+--  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNativesDead)
+--  RemoveEventFunc(CheckCannibalsDead)
+  cyborgsDeadFresh= true
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function CheckGearsDead(gearList)
+  for i = 1, # gearList do
+    if gearDead[gearList[i]] ~= true then
+      return false
+    end
+  end
+  return true
+function CheckGearDead(gear)
+  return gearDead[gear]
+function FailedMission()
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  AnimOutOfNowhere(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[1]))
+  if CheckCyborgsDead() then
+    AnimSay(cyborg, loc("'s a draw. How unfortunate!"), SAY_THINK, 6000)
+  elseif leader ~= nil then
+    CondNeedToTurn2(cyborg, leader)
+    AddAnim({{func = AnimSay, args = {leader, loc("Yay, we won!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}},
+             {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Nice work!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}})
+  else
+    CondNeedToTurn2(cyborg, cyborgs[1])
+    AddAnim({{func = AnimSay, args = {cyborgs[1], loc("Yay, we won!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}},
+             {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Nice work!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}})
+  end
+  AddFunction({func = LoseMission, args = {}})
+function LoseMission()
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Cannibals"))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function WonMission()
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  CondNeedToTurn2(cyborg, players[1])
+  SetupFinalAnim()
+  AddAnim(finalAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = WinMission, args = {}})
+function WinMission()
+  if progress and progress<9 then
+    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "9")
+  end
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function HideHedge(hedge)
+  if hedgeHidden[hedge] ~= true then
+    HideHog(hedge)
+    hedgeHidden[hedge] = true
+  end
+function RestoreHedge(hedge)
+  if hedgeHidden[hedge] == true then
+    RestoreHog(hedge)
+    hedgeHidden[hedge] = false
+  end
+function GetVariables()
+  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
+  m5DeployedNum = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DeployedNum"))
+  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
+  m5Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5Choice"))
+  m2DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2DenseDead"))
+  m4DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4DenseDead"))
+  m5DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DenseDead"))
+  m4LeaksDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4LeaksDead"))
+  m5LeaksDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5LeaksDead"))
+  m4ChiefDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4ChiefDead"))
+  m5ChiefDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5ChiefDead"))
+  m4WaterDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4WaterDead"))
+  m5WaterDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5WaterDead"))
+  m4BuffaloDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4BuffaloDead"))
+  m5BuffaloDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5BuffaloDead"))
+  m5WiseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5WiseDead"))
+  m5GirlDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5GirlDead"))
+  m8DeployedDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8DeployedDead"))
+  m8PrincessDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8PrincessDead"))
+  m8RamonDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8RamonDead"))
+  m8SpikyDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8SpikyDead"))
+  m8DeployedLeader = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8DeployedLeader"))
+  m8PrincessLeader = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8PrincessLeader"))
+  m8EnemyFled = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8EnemyFled"))
+  m8Scene = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8Scene"))
+function SetupPlace()
+  for i = 1, playersNum do
+    HideHedge(players[i])
+  end
+  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
+    HideHedge(cyborgs[i])
+  end
+  if leader ~= nil then
+    HideHedge(leader)
+  end
+function SetupEvents()
+  AddNewEvent(CheckPlayersDead, {}, DoPlayersDead, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckNativesDead, {}, DoNativesDead, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckCannibalsDead, {}, DoCannibalsDead, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckCyborgsDead, {}, DoCyborgsDead, {}, 0)
+function SetupAmmo()
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amClusterBomb, 100)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amMortar, 100)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amDynamite, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amAirAttack, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amTeleport, 100)
+  if leader ~= nil then
+    AddAmmo(leader, amClusterBomb, 100)
+    AddAmmo(leader, amMortar, 100)
+    AddAmmo(leader, amDynamite, 100)
+    AddAmmo(leader, amAirAttack, 3)
+    AddAmmo(leader, amTeleport, 100)
+  end
+function AddHogs()
+  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
+	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+  natives[1] = AddHog(nativeNames[leaksNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[leaksNum])
+  if m5DeployedNum ~= leaksNum and m8DeployedLeader == 0 then
+    natives[2] = AddHog(nativeNames[m5DeployedNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[m5DeployedNum])
+  end
+  table.insert(natives, AddHog(nativeNames[ramonNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[ramonNum]))
+  table.insert(natives, AddHog(nativeNames[spikyNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[spikyNum]))
+  if m8PrincessLeader == 0 then
+    table.insert(natives, AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 0, 100, "tiara"))
+  end
+  nativesNum = #natives
+  nativesLeft = nativesNum
+  cannibalsLeft = cannibalsNum
+  for i = 1, nativesNum do
+    table.insert(players, natives[i])
+  end
+	AddTeam(loc("Cannibals"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+  for i = 1, cannibalsNum do
+    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 0, 100, "Zombi")
+    table.insert(players, cannibals[i])
+  end
+  playersNum = #players
+  playersLeft = playersNum
+  AddTeam(loc("Hedge-cogs"), 14483455, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
+    cyborgs[i] = AddHog(cyborgNames[i], 2, 80, "cyborg2")
+  end
+  if m8EnemyFled == 1 then
+    AddTeam(loc("Leader"), 14483455, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+    if m8Scene == denseScene then
+      leader = AddHog(loc("Dense Cloud"), 2, 200, nativeHats[denseNum])
+    elseif m8Scene == waterScene then
+      leader = AddHog(loc("Fiery Water"), 2, 200, nativeHats[waterNum])
+    elseif m8Scene == princessScene then
+      leader = AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 2, 200, "tiara")
+    else
+      leader = AddHog(loc("Nancy Screw"), 2, 200, "cyborg2")
+    end
+  end
+  cyborgsLeft = cyborgsNum
+  for i = 1, nativesNum do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i]))
+    AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDir[i])
+  end
+  for i = 1, cannibalsNum do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
+    AnimTurn(cannibals[i], cannibalDir[i])
+  end
+  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i]))
+    AnimTurn(cyborgs[i], cyborgsDir[i])
+  end
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[1]))
+  AnimTurn(cyborg, cyborgDir)
+  if leader ~= nil then
+    AnimSetGearPosition(leader, unpack(leaderPos))
+    AnimTurn(leader, leaderDir[i])
+  end
+-----------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
+function onGameInit()
+	Seed = 0
+	GameFlags = gfSolidLand
+	TurnTime = 60000 
+	CaseFreq = 0
+	MinesNum = 0
+	MinesTime = 3000
+	Explosives = 0
+	Delay = 10 
+  Map = "Islands"
+	Theme = "EarthRise"
+  SuddenDeathTurns = 20
+  GetVariables()
+  AnimInit()
+  AddHogs()
+function onGameStart()
+  SetupAmmo()
+  SetupPlace()
+  AnimationSetup()
+  SetupEvents()
+  AddAnim(startAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
+function onGameTick()
+  AnimUnWait()
+  if ShowAnimation() == false then
+    return
+  end
+  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
+  CheckEvents()
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+  gearDead[gear] = true
+  if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+    if GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Natives") then
+      for i = 1, nativesLeft do
+        if natives[i] == gear then
+          table.remove(natives, i)
+          table.remove(players, i)
+          nativesLeft = nativesLeft - 1
+          playersLeft = playersLeft - 1
+        end
+      end
+    elseif GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Cannibals") then
+      for i = 1, cannibalsLeft do
+        if cannibals[i] == gear then
+          table.remove(cannibals, i)
+          table.remove(players, nativesLeft + i)
+          cannibalsLeft = cannibalsLeft - 1
+          playersLeft = playersLeft - 1
+        end
+      end
+    elseif GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Hedge-cogs") then
+      for i = 1, cyborgsLeft do
+        if cyborgs[i] == gear then
+          table.remove(cyborgs, i)
+        end
+      end
+      cyborgsLeft = cyborgsLeft - 1
+    end
+  end
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amBazooka, 8, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 7, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amParachute, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amRope, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amBlowTorch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+function onNewTurn()
+  if AnimInProgress() then
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+    return
+  end
+  if playersDeadFresh then
+    playersDeadFresh = false
+    FailedMission()
+  elseif cyborgsDeadFresh then
+    cyborgsDeadFresh = false
+    WonMission()
+  elseif nativesDeadFresh and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Cannibals") then
+    AnimSay(CurrentHedgehog, loc("Your deaths will be avenged, cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 0)
+    nativesDeadFresh = false
+  elseif cannibalsDeadFresh and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Natives") then
+    AnimSay(CurrentHedgehog, loc("Your deaths will be avenged, cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 0)
+    cannibalsDeadFresh = false
+  end
+function onPrecise()
+  if GameTime > 3000 and AnimInProgress() then
+    SetAnimSkip(true)
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/epil.lua	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+leaksNum = 1
+denseNum = 2
+waterNum = 3
+buffaloNum = 4
+chiefNum = 5
+girlNum = 6
+wiseNum = 7
+ramonNum = 8
+spikyNum = 9
+princessNum = 10
+denseScene = 1
+princessScene = 2
+waterScene = 3
+cyborgScene = 4
+nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
+               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
+               loc("Wise Oak"), loc("Ramon"), loc("Spiky Cheese"),
+               loc("Fell From Heaven")
+              }
+nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
+              "tiara", "AkuAku", "rasta", "hair_yellow", "tiara"}
+nativePosCyborg = {{1900, 508}, {480, 1321}, {2927, 873},
+             {1325, 905}, {3190, 1424}, {1442, 857},
+             {1134, 1278}, {2881, 853}, {2974, 897},
+             {2033, 511}}
+nativeDirCyborg = {"Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Left"}
+nativePosPrincess = {{1930, 508}, {480, 1321}, {2927, 873},
+             {1325, 905}, {3190, 1424}, {2033, 511},
+             {1134, 1278}, {2881, 853}, {2974, 897},
+             {1900, 508}}
+nativeDirPrincess = {"Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Right"}
+nativePosDense = {{1930, 508}, {2285, 772}, {2927, 873},
+             {1325, 905}, {3190, 1424}, {1442, 857},
+             {1134, 1278}, {480, 1321}, {2974, 897},
+             {2033, 511}}
+nativeDirDense = {"Right", "Left", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Left"}
+nativePosWater = {{1900, 508}, {2033, 511}, {2285, 772},
+             {1325, 905}, {3190, 1424}, {1442, 857},
+             {1134, 1278}, {480, 1321}, {2974, 897},
+             {1980, 511}}
+nativeDirWater = {"Right", "Left", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Left"}
+prisonPos = {2285, 772}
+brainNum = 1
+corpseNum = 2
+brutalNum = 3
+earNum = 4
+hanniNum = 5
+cannibalNames = {loc("Brainiac"), loc("Corpse Thrower"), loc("Brutal Lily"), loc("Ear Sniffer"), loc("Hannibal")}
+cannibalHats = {"Zombi", "AkuAku", "Zombi", "Zombi", "IndianChief"}
+cannibalPos = {{533, 1304}, {1184, 1282}, {1386, 883}, {2854, 834}, {3243, 1415}}
+cannibalDir = {"Left", "Left", "Left", "Right", "Left"}
+natives = {}
+cannibals = {}
+traitor = nil
+crate = nil
+startAnim = {}
+gearDead = {}
+--------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
+function SkipStartAnim()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AnimSwitchHog(natives[1])
+function AfterStartAnim()
+  crate = SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckCrateTaken, {}, DoCrateTaken, {}, 1)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  ShowMission("Epilogue", "That's all folks!", "You have successfully finished the campaign!|If you wish to replay, there are other possible endings, too!|You can practice moving around and using utilities in this mission.|However, it will never end!", 1, 0)
+function CheckCrateTaken()
+  return gearDead[crate]
+function DoCrateTaken()
+  crate = SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0)
+function AnimationSetup()
+  if m8Scene == cyborgScene then 
+    SetupAnimCyborg()
+  elseif m8Scene == princessScene then
+    SetupAnimPrincess()
+  elseif m8Scene == waterScene then
+    SetupAnimWater()
+  else
+    SetupAnimDense()
+  end
+  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
+function SetupAnimWater()
+  startAnim = {
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 3000}},
+    {func = AnimCaption, args = {natives[ramonNum], "Back in the village, the two tribes finally started to live in harmony.", 5000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[ramonNum], "You got a killer mask there, amigo!", SAY_SAY, 5500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[brainNum], "Thanks, man! It really means a lot to me.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "So, uhmm, how did you manage to teleport them so far?", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[corpseNum], "It's all about the right carrots, you know.", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "Of course! It's all obvious now!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "I can't believe how blind we were...", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Fighting instead of cultivating a beautiful friendship.", SAY_SAY, 8500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], "One shall not judge one by one's appearance!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "You speak great truth, Hannibal. Here, take a sip!", SAY_SAY, 7500}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "It's amazing how quickly our lives can change...", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], "Aye! Fellow! Let me exit this chamber of doom!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Right"}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "It's your fault you're there!", SAY_SAY, 5000}},
+    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Left"}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "I always suspected him!", SAY_SAY, 3000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Nobody takes walks every day!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I don't know who I can trust anymore.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "Everywhere I look, I see hogs walking around...", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "...and I think they are up to something. Something bad!", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
+    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Right", nativePosWater[princessNum][1] - 30, nativePosWater[princessNum][2]}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "You can always trust me! I love you!", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I know and I'm terribly sorry!", SAY_SAY, 5000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I love Dense Cloud now!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Right"}},
+    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[denseNum], "Left", nativePosWater[princessNum][1] + 20, nativePosWater[princessNum][2]}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], "Problems, dude? Chillax!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Left"}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "(T_T)", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[leaksNum]}},
+  }
+function SetupAnimDense()
+  startAnim = {
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 3000}},
+    {func = AnimCaption, args = {natives[ramonNum], "Back in the village, the two tribes finally started to live in harmony.", 5000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[ramonNum], "You got a killer mask there, amigo!", SAY_SAY, 5500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[brainNum], "Thanks, man! It really means a lot to me.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "So, uhmm, how did you manage to teleport them so far?", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[corpseNum], "It's all about the right carrots, you know.", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "Of course! It's all obvious now!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "I can't believe how blind we were...", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Fighting instead of cultivating a beautiful friendship.", SAY_SAY, 8500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], "One shall not judge one by one's appearance!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "You speak great truth, Hannibal. Here, take a sip!", SAY_SAY, 7500}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], "...And then I took a stroll...", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "It's amazing how quickly our lives can change...", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], "Dude, let me out!", SAY_SAY, 3000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], "I already said I'm sorry!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Right"}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "Traitors don't get to shout around here!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Left"}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "I still can't believe he sold us out like that.", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I don't know who I can trust anymore.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Right", nativePosDense[princessNum][1] - 30, nativePosDense[princessNum][2]}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "You can always trust me!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I know, my hero!", SAY_SAY, 3000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "...xoxo...", SAY_SAY, 2000}},
+    {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[leaksNum]}},
+  }
+function SetupAnimCyborg()
+  startAnim = {
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 3000}},
+    {func = AnimCaption, args = {natives[denseNum], "Back in the village, the two tribes finally started to live in harmony.", 5000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], "Dude, that outfit is so kool!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[brainNum], "Thanks, dude! It really means a lot to me.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "So, uhmm, how did you manage to teleport them so far?", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[corpseNum], "It's all about the right carrots, you know.", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "Of course! It's all obvious now!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "I can't believe how blind we were...", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Fighting instead of cultivating a beautiful friendship.", SAY_SAY, 8500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], "One shall not judge one by one's appearance!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "You speak great truth, Hannibal. Here, take a sip!", SAY_SAY, 7500}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], "...And then I took a stroll...", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "I'm glad this is over!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[princessNum], "Right", nativePosCyborg[princessNum][1] + 30, nativePosCyborg[princessNum][2]}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I was so scared.", SAY_SAY, 2500}},
+    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Right", nativePosCyborg[princessNum][1], nativePosCyborg[princessNum][2]}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "You have nothing to be afraid of now.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "I'll protect you!", SAY_SAY, 3000}},
+    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Left"}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "You're so brave...I feel safe with you.", SAY_SAY, 6500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I think I love you!", SAY_SAY, 3500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], " being with you too.", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
+  }
+function SetupAnimPrincess()
+  startAnim = {
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 3000}},
+    {func = AnimCaption, args = {natives[denseNum], "Back in the village, the two tribes finally started to live in harmony.", 5000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[denseNum], "Dude, that outfit is so kool!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[brainNum], "Thanks, dude! It really means a lot to me.", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "So, uhmm, how did you manage to teleport them so far?", SAY_SAY, 8000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[corpseNum], "It's all about the right carrots, you know.", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[wiseNum], "Of course! It's all obvious now!", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "I can't believe how blind we were...", SAY_SAY, 4500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "Fighting instead of cultivating a beautiful friendship.", SAY_SAY, 8500}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], "One shall not judge one by one's appearance!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[chiefNum], "You speak great truth, Hannibal. Here, take a sip!", SAY_SAY, 7500}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimVisualGear, args = {cannibals[hanniNum], cannibalPos[hanniNum][1], cannibalPos[hanniNum][2], vgtSmoke, 0, true}},
+    {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[buffaloNum], "So I shook my fist in the air!", SAY_SAY, 5000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[brutalNum], "Well that was an unnecessary act of violence.", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[waterNum], "...And then I took a stroll...", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "I'm glad this is over!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], "I still can't believe you forgave her!", SAY_SAY, 6000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], "She endangered the whole tribe!", SAY_SAY, 5000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "It wasn't her fault!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "We oppressed her, the only woman in the tribe!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], "The only woman, huh?", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], "Then what am I?", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Of course, but you're...special.", SAY_SAY, 5000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[girlNum], "Sure!", SAY_SAY, 2000}},
+    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[leaksNum], "Left"}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[leaksNum], "We're terribly sorry!", SAY_SAY, 4000}},
+    {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[princessNum], "I don't know if I can forget what you've done!", SAY_SAY, 7000}},
+    {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[princessNum], "Left"}},
+    {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[princessNum], "Left", nativePosPrincess[princessNum][1] - 10, nativePosPrincess[princessNum][2]}},
+    {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[leaksNum]}}
+  }
+function GetVariables()
+  m8Scene = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8Scene"))
+function AddHogs()
+	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+  for i = 1, 5 do
+    natives[i] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
+  end
+	AddTeam(loc("More Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+  for i = 6, 10 do
+    natives[i] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
+  end
+	AddTeam(loc("Cannibals"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+  for i = 1, 5 do
+    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 0, 100, cannibalHats[i])
+  end
+  if m8Scene == denseScene or m8Scene == waterScene then
+    AddTeam(loc("Traitors"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+    if m8Scene == denseScene then
+      DeleteGear(natives[2])
+      natives[2] = AddHog(nativeNames[2], 0, 100, nativeHats[2])
+    else
+      DeleteGear(natives[3])
+      natives[3] = AddHog(nativeNames[3], 0, 100, nativeHats[3])
+    end
+  end
+  SetGearPositions()
+function SetGearPositions()
+  if m8Scene == cyborgScene then
+    for i = 1, 10 do
+      AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePosCyborg[i]))
+      AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDirCyborg[i])
+    end
+  elseif m8Scene == waterScene then
+    for i = 1, 10 do
+      AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePosWater[i]))
+      AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDirWater[i])
+    end
+  elseif m8Scene == denseScene then
+    for i = 1, 10 do
+      AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePosDense[i]))
+      AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDirDense[i])
+    end
+  else
+    for i = 1, 10 do
+      AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePosPrincess[i]))
+      AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDirPrincess[i])
+    end
+  end
+  for i = 1, 5 do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
+    AnimTurn(cannibals[i], cannibalDir[i])
+  end
+function SetupPlace()
+  if m8Scene == denseScene or m8Scene == waterScene then
+    PlaceGirder(2296, 798, 4)
+    PlaceGirder(2296, 700, 4)
+    PlaceGirder(2225, 750, 2)
+    PlaceGirder(2245, 750, 2)
+    PlaceGirder(2265, 750, 2)
+    PlaceGirder(2305, 750, 2)
+    PlaceGirder(2345, 750, 2)
+    PlaceGirder(2365, 750, 2)
+  end
+  if m8Scene == denseScene then
+    traitor = natives[denseNum]
+  elseif m8Scene == waterScene then
+    traitor = natives[waterNum]
+  end
+-----------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
+function onGameInit()
+	Seed = 1
+	GameFlags = gfOneClanMode
+	TurnTime = 60000 
+	CaseFreq = 0
+	MinesNum = 0
+	MinesTime = 3000
+	Explosives = 0
+	Delay = 10 
+  Map = "Hogville"
+	Theme = "Nature"
+  SuddenDeathTurns = 3000
+  GetVariables()
+  AddHogs()
+  AnimInit()
+function onGameStart()
+  SetupPlace()
+  AnimationSetup()
+  AddAnim(startAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
+function onGameTick()
+  AnimUnWait()
+  if ShowAnimation() == false then
+    return
+  end
+  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
+  CheckEvents()
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+  gearDead[gear] = true
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+  SetAmmo(amAirStrike, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amBazooka, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amBlowTorch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+	SetAmmo(amClusterBomb,9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amDrill, 9, 0, 0, 4)
+  SetAmmo(amDynamite, 9, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amFlamethrower, 9, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amGirder, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amHammer, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amJetpack, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amLandGun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amLowGravity, 9, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amMine, 9, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amMolotov, 9, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amMortar, 9, 0, 0, 4)
+  SetAmmo(amNapalm, 9, 0, 0, 4)
+  SetAmmo(amParachute, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amPortalGun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amRope, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amRCPlane, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSMine, 9, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSnowball, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amTeleport, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+	SetAmmo(amWatermelon, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amWhip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+function onNewTurn()
+  if AnimInProgress() then
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+    return
+  end
+  if CurrentHedgehog == traitor then
+    TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  else
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+  end
+function onPrecise()
+  if GameTime > 2500 then
+    SetAnimSkip(true)
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/family.lua	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+local map = 
+	"\255\242\4\218\132\0\53\4\253\0\0\53\4\253\132\0\102\5\92\0\0\102\5\92\132\0\106\5\205\0\0\106\5\205\132\1\1\6\37\0",
+	"\1\1\6\37\132\1\124\6\160\0\1\113\6\160\132\2\157\6\111\0\2\164\6\107\132\2\252\6\178\0\2\252\6\178\132\3\224\4\179\0",
+	"\3\224\4\179\132\3\38\2\209\0\3\38\2\209\132\4\109\3\179\0\4\109\3\179\132\5\124\3\172\0\5\128\3\172\132\6\69\4\239\0",
+	"\6\69\4\239\132\7\175\4\32\0\7\172\4\46\132\8\116\5\18\0\3\38\2\213\132\3\41\1\244\0\3\41\1\244\132\3\94\2\245\0",
+	"\8\127\5\8\132\8\127\0\14\0\8\127\0\14\132\8\194\5\29\0\8\194\5\29\132\9\36\5\82\0\9\29\5\75\132\9\180\5\103\0",
+	"\9\194\5\92\132\10\51\6\5\0\10\51\6\5\132\10\216\5\152\0\10\227\5\145\132\11\189\5\212\0\11\189\5\212\132\12\91\5\131\0",
+	"\12\91\5\131\132\12\253\5\191\0\12\253\5\191\132\13\149\5\106\0\13\149\5\106\132\16\11\5\106\0\14\19\5\110\132\14\16\4\236\0",
+	"\14\16\4\236\132\15\66\4\236\0\15\66\4\236\132\15\66\5\110\0\14\79\4\194\132\15\6\4\194\0\14\255\4\176\132\14\255\4\49\0",
+	"\14\255\4\49\132\14\76\4\53\0\14\76\4\53\132\14\76\4\201\0\14\125\4\74\128\14\128\4\187\0\14\188\4\77\128\14\185\4\179\0",
+	"\14\111\4\39\129\14\76\3\252\0\14\72\3\249\129\14\72\3\147\0\14\72\3\147\129\14\97\3\235\0\14\97\3\235\129\14\146\4\28\0",
+	"\14\202\4\28\129\14\248\3\238\0\14\248\3\238\129\15\17\3\133\0\15\17\3\133\129\15\27\3\235\0\15\27\3\235\129\14\230\4\49\0",
+	"\1\124\6\220\130\1\244\7\13\0\1\244\7\13\130\2\104\6\206\0\2\100\6\206\130\2\30\6\178\0\2\12\6\181\130\1\135\6\213\0",
+	"\3\172\7\136\130\15\41\7\136\0\15\41\7\136\130\15\41\7\62\0\15\41\7\62\130\3\175\7\52\0\3\175\7\52\130\3\126\6\206\0",
+	"\3\126\6\206\130\3\122\7\133\0\3\122\7\133\130\3\186\7\136\0\8\123\7\94\136\9\173\7\101\0\8\88\7\66\130\8\88\7\119\0",
+	"\9\212\7\69\130\9\212\7\126\0\8\155\0\14\133\8\151\5\11\0\8\190\2\160\131\8\194\5\1\0\14\83\3\235\131\14\114\4\21\0",
+	"\15\10\3\196\131\15\10\3\235\0\15\10\3\235\131\14\220\4\32\0\14\65\5\47\137\15\20\5\36\0\15\41\5\82\132\15\41\5\82\0",
+	"\3\94\3\17\138\4\137\5\124\0\3\221\3\119\138\5\57\4\250\0\4\102\4\67\160\5\26\4\74\0\4\113\5\36\161\5\142\4\222\0",
+	"\4\42\5\216\169\9\89\6\26\0\6\100\5\22\145\8\134\5\64\0\6\255\4\197\140\7\161\4\120\0\7\214\4\204\146\7\214\4\204\0",
+	"\10\55\6\97\147\11\13\5\247\0\11\59\6\26\146\11\224\6\30\0\12\95\6\16\153\14\55\6\90\0\13\173\5\226\153\15\196\5\212\0",
+	"\15\172\7\91\152\15\165\5\230\0\15\235\7\221\142\255\238\7\207\0\14\248\6\188\152\3\217\6\178\0\3\112\6\83\143\3\31\7\101\0",
+	"\3\73\7\143\140\3\73\7\143\0\15\62\7\13\140\15\62\7\13\0\15\101\7\157\140\15\101\7\157\0\2\181\6\220\141\1\205\7\108\0",
+	"\2\86\6\160\137\2\150\6\128\0\2\26\6\153\134\1\96\6\195\0\1\82\6\241\136\1\226\7\59\0\2\157\7\98\155\2\157\7\98\0",
+	"\1\64\7\80\149\255\249\7\27\0\1\4\6\174\148\0\25\6\86\0\0\211\6\58\139\0\7\5\219\0\0\35\5\159\142\0\4\5\47\0",
+	"\8\123\0\14\199\8\187\0\11\0\16\14\5\99\199\16\14\7\245\0\255\235\4\218\199\255\238\8\25\0\8\67\2\72\202\8\208\2\72\0",
+	"\8\141\1\251\202\8\141\0\74\0\8\201\2\143\195\8\204\4\49\0\8\84\2\185\205\8\204\2\188\0\8\99\2\230\205\8\187\2\230\0",
+	"\8\165\3\41\131\8\144\3\3\0\8\144\3\3\131\8\60\2\248\0\8\60\2\248\131\7\252\3\59\0\7\252\3\59\131\8\137\3\31\0",
+	"\8\56\3\20\131\8\102\3\20\0\8\60\3\13\194\8\60\3\13\0\8\60\3\3\128\8\60\3\31\0\7\238\3\66\128\7\214\3\84\0",
+	"\7\217\3\87\128\7\217\3\98\0\7\217\3\87\128\7\200\3\91\0\6\209\4\70\208\8\18\4\95\0\0\11\4\225\131\0\0\8\21\0",
+	"\15\224\5\99\131\15\245\7\252\0\15\242\5\191\192\15\196\6\33\0\15\196\6\33\192\15\245\6\209\0\15\245\6\209\192\15\193\7\115\0",
+	"\15\193\7\115\192\15\235\8\18\0\15\249\5\223\196\15\217\6\40\0\15\217\6\40\196\16\4\6\188\0\15\245\6\16\196\16\21\7\77\0",
+	"\16\0\6\245\196\15\214\7\112\0\15\207\7\129\196\16\0\8\4\0\15\245\7\80\196\16\4\7\207\0\15\221\5\85\196\16\11\5\184\0",
+choiceAccepted = 1
+choiceRefused = 2
+choiceAttacked = 3
+choiceEliminate = 1
+choiceSpare = 2
+leaksNum = 1
+denseNum = 2
+waterNum = 3
+buffaloNum = 4
+chiefNum = 5
+girlNum = 6
+wiseNum = 7
+nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
+               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
+               loc("Wise Oak"), loc("Ramon"), loc("Spiky Cheese")
+              }
+nativeUnNames = {loc("Zork"), loc("Steve"), loc("Jack"),
+                 loc("Lee"), loc("Elmo"), loc("Rachel"),
+                 loc("Muriel")}
+nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
+              "tiara", "AkuAku", "rasta", "hair_yellow"}
+nativePos = {{110, 1310}, {984, 1907}, {1040, 1907}}
+nativePos2 = {196, 1499}
+cyborgNames = {loc("Unit 0x0007"), loc("Hogminator"), loc("Carol"), 
+               loc("Blender"), loc("Elderbot"), loc("Fiery Water")}
+cyborgsDif = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1}
+cyborgsHealth = {45, 45, 45, 40, 40, 20}
+cyborgPos = {945, 1216}
+cyborgsNum = 6
+cyborgsPos = {{2243, 1043}, {3588, 1227}, {2781, 1388},
+              {3749, 1040}, {2475, 1338}, {3853, 881}}
+cyborgsDir = {"Left", "Left", "Left", "Left", "Left", "Right"}
+princessPos = {3737, 1181}
+crateConsts = {}
+reactions = {}
+nativeMidPos = {1991, 841}
+cyborgMidPos = {2109, 726}
+nativeMidPos2 = {2250, 1071}
+natives = {}
+native = nil
+cyborgs = {}
+cyborg = nil
+gearDead = {}
+hedgeHidden = {}
+startAnim = {}
+midAnim = {}
+freshDead = nil
+crates = {}
+cratesNum = 0
+function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
+  local dif
+  if dir == "Left" then
+    dif = 10
+  else
+    dif = -10
+  end
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {natives[1], GetX(natives[1]) + dif, GetY(natives[1]) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+function AnimationSetup()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {natives[1], "Right", unpack(nativePos2)}})
+  if m5DeployedNum == leaksNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Those aliens are destroying the island!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
+  elseif m5DeployedNum == denseNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Dude, all the plants are gone!"), SAY_THINK, 3500}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("What am I, yo?"), SAY_THINK, 3500}})
+  elseif m5DeployedNum == girlNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Fell From Heaven is the best! Fell From Heaven is the greatest!"), SAY_THINK, 7000}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"), SAY_THINK, 7500}})
+  elseif m5DeployedNum == chiefNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("I'm getting old for this!"), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+  elseif m5DeployedNum == waterNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("I'm getting thirsty..."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+  elseif m5DeployedNum == buffaloNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("I wonder why I'm so angry all the time..."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("It must be a childhood trauma..."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"), SAY_THINK, 6500}})
+  elseif m5DeployedNum == wiseNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("I could just teleport myself there..."), SAY_THINK, 4500}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("It's a shame, I forgot how to do that!"), SAY_THINK, 4500}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[1], RestoreHedge, {cyborg}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[2], "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {natives[3], "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Hello again, ") .. nativeUnNames[m5DeployedNum] .. "!", SAY_SAY, 2500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I just found out that they have captured your princess!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  if m5DeployedNum == girlNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  elseif m5DeployedNum == denseNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[1], EmitDenseClouds, {"Right"}}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("She's behind that tall thingy."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = FollowGear, swh = false, args = {princess}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, swh = false, args = {princess, 1000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = FollowGear, swh = false, args = {cyborg}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I'm here to help you rescue her."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[2], loc("Yo, dude, we're here, too!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[3], loc("We were trying to save her and we got lost."), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("That's typical of you!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Why are you helping us, uhm...?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
+  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {natives[1], RestoreHedge, {cyborg}}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgMidPos)}}) 
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {natives[1], unpack(nativeMidPos)}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Here, let me help you save her!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Thanks!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {natives[1], unpack(nativeMidPos2)}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], loc("Why can't he just let her go?!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
+  AddSkipFunction(midAnim, SkipMidAnim, {})
+--------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
+function AfterMidAnim()
+  HideHedge(cyborg)
+  SetupPlace3()
+  SetGearMessage(natives[1], 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckPrincessFreed, {}, DoPrincessFreed, {}, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  ShowMission(loc("Family Reunion"), loc("Salvation"), loc("Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"), 1, 7000)
+  vCirc = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true)
+  SetVisualGearValues(vCirc, 2625, 1500, 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 120, 3, 0xff00ffff)
+function SkipMidAnim()
+  AnimTeleportGear(natives[1], unpack(nativeMidPos2))
+  SkipStartAnim()
+function SetupPlace3()
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2086, 1887, amRope, 1)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2147, 728, amBlowTorch, 2)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2778, 1372, amPickHammer, 3)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2579, 1886, amPickHammer, 3)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2622, 1893, amGirder, 1)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2671, 1883, amPortalGun, 3)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2831, 1384, amGirder, 3)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2725, 1387, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2760, 1351, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2805, 1287, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2831, 1376, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2684, 1409, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2637, 1428, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2278, 1280, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2311, 1160, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2339, 1162, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2362, 1184, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2407, 1117, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2437, 1143, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2472, 1309, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2495, 1331, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2536, 1340, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2569, 1360, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2619, 1379, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+	SetTimer(AddGear(2596, 1246, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+function SkipStartAnim()
+  AnimSwitchHog(natives[1])
+  AnimWait(natives[1], 1)
+function AfterStartAnim()
+  HideHedge(cyborg)
+  SetupPlace2()
+  SetGearMessage(natives[1], 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {natives[1]}, EndMission, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {natives[2]}, EndMission, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {natives[3]}, EndMission, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {princess}, EndMission, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckCyborgsDead, {}, DoCyborgsDead, {}, 0)
+  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
+    AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {cyborgs[i]}, DoCyborgDead, {i}, 0)
+  end
+  AddNewEvent(CheckOutOfCluster, {}, DoOutOfCluster, {}, 1)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckOutOfGrenade, {}, DoOutOfGrenade, {}, 1)
+--  AddNewEvent(CheckNeedToHide, {}, DoNeedToHide, {}, 1)
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+  ShowMission(loc("Family Reunion"), loc("Hostage Situation"), loc("Save the princess! All your hogs must survive!|Hint: Kill the cyborgs first! Use the ammo very carefully!|Hint: You might want to spare a girder for cover!"), 1, 7000)
+function SetupPlace2()
+	PlaceGirder(709, 564, 7)
+	PlaceGirder(591, 677, 7)
+	PlaceGirder(473, 794, 7)
+	PlaceGirder(433, 933, 5)
+	PlaceGirder(553, 1052, 5)
+	PlaceGirder(674, 1170, 5)
+	PlaceGirder(710, 1310, 7)
+	PlaceGirder(648, 1427, 5)
+  PlaceGirder(2110, 980, 0)
+	SpawnAmmoCrate(814, 407, amBazooka, 4)
+	clusterCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(862, 494, amClusterBomb, 4)
+	SpawnAmmoCrate(855, 486, amBee, 3)
+	grenadeCrate1 = SpawnAmmoCrate(849, 459, amGrenade, 4)
+	SpawnAmmoCrate(2077, 847, amWatermelon, 3)
+	grenadeCrate2 = SpawnAmmoCrate(2122, 847, amGrenade, 3)
+	SpawnUtilityCrate(747, 1577, amPickHammer, 1)
+	SpawnUtilityCrate(496, 1757, amGirder, 2)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(1809, 1880, amGirder, 1)
+	SpawnUtilityCrate(530, 1747, amPortalGun, 1)
+function CheckPrincessFreed()
+  if GetX(natives[1]) == nil or GetX(natives[2]) == nil or GetX(natives[3]) == nil or GetX(princess) == nil then
+    return false
+  end
+  return math.abs(GetX(natives[1]) - GetX(princess)) <= 15 and math.abs(GetY(natives[1]) - GetY(princess)) <= 15 and StoppedGear(natives[1]) 
+        and GetY(natives[2]) < 1500 and GetY(natives[3]) < 1500 and StoppedGear(natives[2]) and StoppedGear(natives[3])
+function DoPrincessFreed()
+  AnimSay(princess, loc("Thank you, my hero!"), SAY_SAY, 0)
+  if progress and progress<7 then
+    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "7")
+  end
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function CheckCyborgsDead()
+  return cyborgsLeft == 0
+function DoCyborgsDead()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  RestoreHedge(princess)
+--  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNeedToHide)
+  AddAnim(midAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterMidAnim, args = {}})
+function DoCyborgDead(index)
+  if cyborgsLeft == 0 then
+    return
+  end
+  if index == 1 then
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(1700, 407, amBazooka, 3)
+  elseif index == 2 then
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(1862, 494, amClusterBomb, 3)
+  elseif index == 3 then
+  	SpawnAmmoCrate(1855, 486, amBee, 1)
+  elseif index == 4 then
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(1849, 459, amGrenade, 3)
+  elseif index == 5 then
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(2122, 847, amGrenade, 3)
+  elseif index == 6 then
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(2077, 847, amWatermelon, 1)
+  end
+function CheckGearsDead(gearList)
+  for i = 1, # gearList do
+    if gearDead[gearList[i]] ~= true then
+      return false
+    end
+  end
+  return true
+function CheckGearDead(gear)
+  return gearDead[gear]
+function EndMission()
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckPrincessFreed)
+  AddCaption("So the princess was never heard of again...")
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function CheckOutOfCluster()
+  return CheckGearDead(clusterCrate) and GetAmmoCount(natives[1], amClusterBomb) == 0
+function CheckOutOfGrenade()
+  return CheckGearDead(grenadeCrate1) and CheckGearDead(grenadeCrate2) and GetAmmoCount(natives[1], amGrenade) == 0
+function DoOutOfCluster()
+  if (GetX(natives[1]) == nil) then
+    return
+  end
+  clusterCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(GetX(natives[1]) - 50, GetY(natives[1]) - 50, amClusterBomb, 3)
+function DoOutOfGrenade()
+  if (GetX(natives[1]) == nil) then
+    return
+  end
+  grenadeCrate2 = SpawnAmmoCrate(GetX(natives[1]) - 50, GetY(natives[1]) - 50, amGrenade, 3)
+function CheckNeedToHide()
+  if gearDead[princess] == true then
+    return false
+  end
+  return TurnTimeLeft == 0
+function DoNeedToHide()
+  HideHedge(princess)
+function HideHedge(hedge)
+  if hedgeHidden[hedge] ~= true then
+    HideHog(hedge)
+    hedgeHidden[hedge] = true
+  end
+function RestoreHedge(hedge)
+  if hedgeHidden[hedge] == true then
+    RestoreHog(hedge)
+    hedgeHidden[hedge] = false
+  end
+function GetVariables()
+  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
+  m5DeployedNum = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DeployedNum"))
+  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
+  m5Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5Choice"))
+function SetupPlace()
+  SetHogHat(natives[1], nativeHats[m5DeployedNum])
+  SetHogName(natives[1], nativeNames[m5DeployedNum])
+  if m2Choice ~= choiceAccepted or m5Choice ~= choiceEliminate then
+    DeleteGear(cyborgs[cyborgsNum])
+    cyborgsNum = cyborgsNum - 1
+  end
+  HideHedge(cyborg)
+function SetupAmmo()
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amBazooka, 100)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amGrenade, 100)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amClusterBomb, 100)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amSniperRifle, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amDynamite, 100)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amBaseballBat, 100)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amMolotov, 100)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amWatermelon, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amAirStrike, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amDrillStrike, 1)
+function AddHogs()
+	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+  for i = 7, 9 do
+    natives[i-6] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
+    gearDead[natives[i-6]] = false
+  end
+  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
+  princess = AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 0, 333, "tiara")
+  gearDead[cyborg] = false
+  gearDead[princess] = false
+  AddTeam(loc("Biomechanic Team"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
+    cyborgs[i] = AddHog(cyborgNames[i], cyborgsDif[i], cyborgsHealth[i], "cyborg2")
+    gearDead[cyborgs[i]] = false
+  end
+  cyborgsLeft = cyborgsNum
+  for i = 1, 3 do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i]))
+  end
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos))
+  AnimSetGearPosition(princess, unpack(princessPos))
+  AnimTurn(princess, "Left")
+  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i]))
+    AnimTurn(cyborgs[i], cyborgsDir[i])
+  end
+function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
+  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
+  if xl == nil or xd == nil then
+    return
+  end
+  if xl > xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
+  elseif xl < xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
+  end
+-----------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
+function onGameInit()
+	Seed = 0
+	GameFlags = gfSolidLand + gfDisableLandObjects + gfDisableGirders
+	TurnTime = 60000 
+	CaseFreq = 0
+	MinesNum = 0
+	MinesTime = 3000
+	Explosives = 0
+	Delay = 10 
+  MapGen = 2
+	Theme = "Hell"
+  SuddenDeathTurns = 35
+	for i = 1, #map do
+		ParseCommand('draw ' .. map[i])
+	end
+  AddHogs()
+  AnimInit()
+function onGameStart()
+  GetVariables()
+  SetupAmmo()
+  SetupPlace()
+  AnimationSetup()
+  AddAnim(startAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
+function onGameTick()
+  AnimUnWait()
+  if ShowAnimation() == false then
+    return
+  end
+  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
+  CheckEvents()
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+  gearDead[gear] = true
+  if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+    if GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Biomechanic Team") then
+      cyborgsLeft = cyborgsLeft - 1
+    end
+  end
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+	SetAmmo(amBazooka, 0, 0, 0, 8)
+	SetAmmo(amClusterBomb,0, 0, 0, 8)
+	SetAmmo(amBee, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+	SetAmmo(amGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 8)
+	SetAmmo(amWatermelon, 0, 0, 0, 2)
+	SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+	SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+	SetAmmo(amGirder, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+	SetAmmo(amPortalGun, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+function onNewTurn()
+  if AnimInProgress() then
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+    return
+  end
+  if GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("011101001") then
+    if CheckCyborgsDead() ~= true then
+      for i = 1, 3 do
+        if gearDead[natives[i]] ~= true then
+          HideHedge(natives[i])
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  else
+    for i = 1, 3 do
+      if gearDead[natives[i]] ~= true then
+        RestoreHedge(natives[i])
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function onPrecise()
+  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
+    SetAnimSkip(true)
+    return
+  end
+--  HideHedge(princess)
+--  for i = 1, 5 do
+--    DeleteGear(cyborgs[i])
+--  end
+--  AddAmmo(natives[1], amTeleport, 100)
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/first_blood.hwp has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/first_blood.lua	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+startDialogue = {}
+damageAnim = {}
+onShroomAnim = {}
+onFlowerAnim = {}
+tookParaAnim = {}
+tookPunchAnim = {}
+onMoleHeadAnim = {}
+tookRope2Anim = {}
+challengeAnim = {}
+challengeFailedAnim = {}
+challengeCompletedAnim = {}
+beforeKillAnim = {}
+closeCannim = {}
+cannKilledAnim = {}
+cannKilledEarlyAnim = {}
+princessDamagedAnim = {}
+elderDamagedAnim = {}
+pastMoleHeadAnim = {}
+targets = {}
+crates = {}
+targXdif2 = {2755, 2638, 2921, 2973, 3162, 3067, 3062, 1300}
+targYdif2 = {1197, 1537, 1646, 1857, 1804, 1173, 1167, 1183}
+targXdif1 = {2749, 2909, 2770, 2836, 1558, 1305}
+targYdif1 = {1179, 1313, 1734, 1441, 1152, 1259}
+targetPosX = {{821, 866, 789}, {614, 656, 638}, {1238, 1237, 1200}}
+targetPosY = {{1342, 1347, 1326}, {1112, 1121, 1061}, {1152, 1111, 1111}}
+crateNum = {6, 8}
+stage = 1
+cratesCollected = 0
+chalTries = 0
+targetsDestroyed = 0
+targsWave = 1
+tTime = -1
+difficulty = 0
+cannibalVisible = false
+cannibalKilles = false
+youngdamaged = false
+youngKilled = false
+elderDamaged = false
+princessDamaged = false
+elderKilled = false
+princessKilled = false
+rope1Taken = false
+paraTaken = false
+rope2Taken = false
+punchTaken = false
+canKilled = false
+desertTaken = false
+challengeFailed = false
+deleteCrate = false
+difficultyChoice = false
+princessFace = "Left"
+elderFace = "Left"
+goals = {
+  [startDialogue] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("First Steps"), loc("Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"), 1, 4000},
+  [onShroomAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("A leap in a leap"), loc("Go on top of the flower"), 1, 4000},
+  [onFlowerAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("Hightime"), loc("Collect the crate on the right.|Hint: Select the rope, [Up] or [Down] to aim, [Space] to fire, directional keys to move.|Ropes can be fired again in the air!"), 1, 7000},
+  [tookParaAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("Omnivore"), loc("Get on the head of the mole"), 1, 4000},
+  [onMoleHeadAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Leap of Faith"), loc("Use the parachute ([Space] while in air) to get the next crate"), 1, 4000},
+  [tookRope2Anim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Rising"), loc("Do the deed"), 1, 4000},
+  [tookPunchAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Slaughter"), loc("Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."), 1, 5000},
+  [challengeAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Crate Frenzy"), loc("Collect the crates within the time limit!|If you fail, you'll have to try again."), 1, 5000},
+  [challengeFailedAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Crate Frenzy"), loc("Collect the crates within the time limit!|If you fail, you'll have to try again."), 1, 5000},
+  [challengeCompletedAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The Ultimate Weapon"), loc("Destroy the targets!|Hint: [Up], [Down] to aim, [Space] to shoot"), 1, 5000},
+  [beforeKillAnim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The First Blood"), loc("Kill the cannibal!"), 1, 5000},
+  [closeCannim] = {loc("First Blood"), loc("The First Blood"), loc("KILL IT!"), 1, 5000}
+function Skipanim(anim)
+  AnimSwitchHog(youngh)
+  if goals[anim] ~= nil then
+    ShowMission(unpack(goals[anim]))
+  end
+  if anim == startDialogue then
+    HogTurnLeft(princess, false)
+  end
+function SkipDamageAnim(anim)
+  SwitchHog(youngh)
+  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+function SkipOnShroom()
+  Skipanim(onShroomAnim)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(elderh, 2700, 1278)
+function AnimationSetup()
+  AddSkipFunction(damageAnim, SkipDamageAnim, {damageAnim})
+  table.insert(damageAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {youngh, 500}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = damageAnim})
+  table.insert(damageAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Watch your steps, young one!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
+  table.insert(damageAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {youngh, 500}})
+  AddSkipFunction(princessDamagedAnim, SkipDamageAnim, {princessDamagedAnim})
+  table.insert(princessDamagedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {princess, 500}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = princessDamagedAnim})
+  table.insert(princessDamagedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Why do men keep hurting me?"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+  table.insert(princessDamagedAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {youngh, 500}})
+  AddSkipFunction(elderDamagedAnim, SkipDamageAnim, {elderDamagedAnim})
+  table.insert(elderDamagedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {elderh, 500}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = elderDamagedAnim})
+  table.insert(elderDamagedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Violence is not the answer to your problems!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(elderDamagedAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {youngh, 500}})
+  AddSkipFunction(startDialogue, Skipanim, {startDialogue})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimWait, args = {youngh, 3500}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = startDialogue})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {youngh, loc("Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."),  5000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {youngh, loc("One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."), 5000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {youngh, loc("The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."), 5000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {youngh, loc("And so it began..."), 1000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("What are you doing at a distance so great, young one?"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Come closer, so that your training may continue!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {youngh, loc("This is it! It's time to make Fell From Heaven fall for me..."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimJump, args = {youngh, "long"}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {princess, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("First Steps"), loc("Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"), 1, 4000}}) 
+  AddSkipFunction(onShroomAnim, SkipOnShroom, {onShroomAnim})
+  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("I can see you have been training diligently."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = onShroomAnim})
+  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("The wind whispers that you are ready to become familiar with tools, now..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Open that crate and we will continue!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {elderh, "Right", 2700, 0}})
+  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {elderh, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("He moves like an eagle in the sky."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  table.insert(onShroomAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("A leap in a leap"), loc("Go on top of the flower"), 1, 4000}}) 
+  AddSkipFunction(onFlowerAnim, Skipanim, {onFlowerAnim})
+  table.insert(onFlowerAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("See that crate farther on the right?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(onFlowerAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(onFlowerAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("His arms are so strong!"), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+  table.insert(onFlowerAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  table.insert(onFlowerAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("Hightime"), loc("Collect the crate on the right.|Hint: Select the rope, [Up] or [Down] to aim, [Space] to fire, directional keys to move.|Ropes can be fired again in the air!"), 1, 7000}}) 
+  AddSkipFunction(tookParaAnim, Skipanim, {tookParaAnim})
+  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {youngh, 1000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = tookParaAnim})
+  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Worry not, for it is a peaceful animal! There is no reason to be afraid..."), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("We all know what happens when you get frightened..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {youngh, loc("So humiliating..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("Omnivore"), loc("Get on the head of the mole"), 1, 4000}}) 
+  table.insert(tookParaAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  AddSkipFunction(onMoleHeadAnim, Skipanim, {onMoleHeadAnim})
+  table.insert(onMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = onMoleHeadAnim})
+  table.insert(onMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(onMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("He's so brave..."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+  table.insert(onMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The Leap of Faith"), loc("Use the parachute ([Space] while in air) to get the next crate"), 1, 4000}}) 
+  table.insert(onMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  AddSkipFunction(pastMoleHeadAnim, Skipanim, {pastMoleHeadAnim})
+  table.insert(pastMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("I see you have already taken the leap of faith."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = pastMoleHeadAnim})
+  table.insert(pastMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Get that crate!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(pastMoleHeadAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  AddSkipFunction(tookRope2Anim, Skipanim, {tookRope2Anim})
+  table.insert(tookRope2Anim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc(" are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."), SAY_SAY, 5000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = tookRope2Anim})
+  table.insert(tookRope2Anim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("You probably know what to do next..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(tookRope2Anim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The Rising"), loc("Do the deed"), 1, 4000}}) 
+  table.insert(tookRope2Anim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  AddSkipFunction(tookPunchAnim, Skipanim, {tookPunchAnim})
+  table.insert(tookPunchAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("It is time to practice your fighting skills."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(tookPunchAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Imagine those targets are the wolves that killed your parents! Take your anger out on them!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(tookPunchAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The Slaughter"), loc("Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."), 1, 5000}}) 
+  table.insert(tookPunchAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  AddSkipFunction(challengeAnim, Skipanim, {challengeAnim})
+  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("I hope you are prepared for a small challenge, young one."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = challengeAnim})
+  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Your movement skills will be evaluated now."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Collect all the crates, but remember, our time in this life is limited!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("How difficult would you like it to be?")}})
+  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  table.insert(challengeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {youngh, 500}})
+  AddSkipFunction(challengeFailedAnim, Skipanim, {challengeFailedAnim})
+  table.insert(challengeFailedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Hmmm...perhaps a little more time will help."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = challengeFailedAnim})
+  table.insert(challengeFailedAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The Crate Frenzy"), loc("Collect the crates within the time limit!|If you fail, you'll have to try again."), 1, 5000}}) 
+  table.insert(challengeFailedAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  AddSkipFunction(challengeCompletedAnim, Skipanim, {challengeCompletedAnim})
+  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("The spirits of the ancerstors are surely pleased, Leaks A Lot."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = challengeCompletedAnim})
+  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("You have proven yourself worthy to see our most ancient secret!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("The weapon in that last crate was bestowed upon us by the ancients!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Use it with precaution!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The Ultimate Weapon"), loc("Destroy the targets!|Hint: [Up], [Down] to aim, [Space] to shoot"), 1, 5000}}) 
+  table.insert(challengeCompletedAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  AddSkipFunction(beforeKillAnim, Skipanim, {beforeKillAnim})
+  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("What do my faulty eyes observe? A spy!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = beforeKillAnim})
+  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, args = {cannibal}})
+  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cannibal, 1000}})
+  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibal, loc("Oh, my!"), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The First Blood"), loc("Kill the cannibal!"), 1, 5000}}) 
+  table.insert(beforeKillAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  AddSkipFunction(closeCannim, Skipanim, {closeCannim})
+  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("I see you would like his punishment to be more...personal..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}, skipFunc = Skipanim, skipArgs = closeCannim})
+  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibal, loc("I'm certain that this is a misunderstanding, fellow hedgehogs!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibal, loc("If only I were given a chance to explain my being here..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Do not let his words fool you, young one! He will stab you in the back as soon as you turn away!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Here...pick your weapon!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimShowMission, args = {youngh, loc("First Blood"), loc("The First Blood"), loc("KILL IT!"), 1, 5000}}) 
+  table.insert(closeCannim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {youngh}})
+  table.insert(cannKilledAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(cannKilledEarlyAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {elderh, loc("What?! A cannibal? Here? There is no time to waste! Come, you are prepared."), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+function CheckNeedToTurn(gear)
+  if youngKilled then
+    return false
+  end
+  if gear == princess then
+    if princessKilled ~= true then
+      if (GetX(princess) > GetX(youngh) and princessFace == "Right")
+        or (GetX(princess) < GetX(youngh) and princessFace == "Left") then
+      --if (GetX(princess) > GetX(youngh))
+       -- or (GetX(princess) < GetX(youngh)) then
+        return true
+      end
+    end
+  else
+    if elderKilled ~= true then
+      if (GetX(elderh) > GetX(youngh) and elderFace == "Right")
+        or (GetX(elderh) < GetX(youngh) and elderFace == "Left") then
+        return true
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  return false
+function DoNeedToTurn(gear)
+  if gear == princess then
+    if GetX(princess) > GetX(youngh) then
+      HogTurnLeft(princess, true)
+      princessFace = "Left"
+    elseif GetX(princess) < GetX(youngh) then
+      HogTurnLeft(princess, false)
+      princessFace = "Right"
+    end
+  else
+    if GetX(elderh) > GetX(youngh) then
+      HogTurnLeft(elderh, true)
+      elderFace = "Left"
+    elseif GetX(elderh) < GetX(youngh) then
+      HogTurnLeft(elderh, false)
+      elderFace = "Right"
+    end
+  end
+function CheckDamage()
+  return youngdamaged and StoppedGear(youngh) 
+function DoOnDamage()
+  AddAnim(damageAnim)
+  youngdamaged = false
+  AddFunction({func = ResetTurnTime, args = {}})
+function CheckDeath()
+  return youngKilled
+function DoDeath()
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckKilledOthers)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckDamage)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckDamagedOthers)
+  FinishThem()
+  ShowMission(loc("First Blood"), loc("The wasted youth"), loc("Leaks A Lot gave his life for his tribe! He should have survived!"), 2, 4000)
+function CheckDamagedOthers()
+  return (princessDamaged and StoppedGear(princess)) or (elderDamaged and StoppedGear(elderh))
+function CheckKilledOthers()
+  return princessKilled or elderKilled
+function DoOnDamagedOthers()
+  if princessDamaged then
+    AddAnim(princessDamagedAnim)
+  end
+  if elderDamaged then
+    AddAnim(elderDamagedAnim)
+  end
+  elderDamaged = false
+  princessDamaged = false
+  AddFunction({func = ResetTurnTime, args = {}})
+function DoKilledOthers()
+  AddCaption(loc("After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."))
+  FinishThem()
+function CheckMovedUntilJump()
+   return GetX(youngh) >= 2343
+function DoMovedUntilJump()
+  ShowMission(loc("First Blood"), loc("Step By Step"), loc("Hint: Double Jump - Press [Backspace] twice"), -amSkip, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckOnShroom, {}, DoOnShroom, {}, 0)
+function CheckOnShroom()
+  return GetX(youngh) >= 2461 and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoOnShroom()
+  ropeCrate1 = SpawnUtilityCrate(2751, 1194, amRope)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(onShroomAnim)
+  AddEvent(CheckOnFlower, {}, DoOnFlower, {}, 0)
+function CheckOnFlower()
+  return rope1Taken and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoOnFlower()
+  AddAmmo(youngh, amRope, 100)
+  paraCrate = SpawnUtilityCrate(3245, 1758, amParachute)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(onFlowerAnim)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookParaCrate, {}, DoTookParaCrate, {}, 0)
+function CheckTookParaCrate()
+  return paraTaken and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoTookParaCrate()
+  AddAmmo(youngh, amParachute, 100)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(tookParaAnim)
+  AddEvent(CheckOnMoleHead, {}, DoOnMoleHead, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckPastMoleHead, {}, DoPastMoleHead, {}, 0)
+function CheckOnMoleHead()
+  x = GetX(youngh)
+  return x >= 3005 and x <= 3126 and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function CheckPastMoleHead()
+  x = GetX(youngh)
+  y = GetY(youngh)
+  return x < 3005 and y > 1500 and StoppedGear(youngh) 
+function DoPastMoleHead()
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckOnMoleHead)
+  ropeCrate2 = SpawnUtilityCrate(2782, 1720, amRope)
+  AddAmmo(youngh, amRope, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(pastMoleHeadAnim)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookRope2, {}, DoTookRope2, {}, 0)
+function DoOnMoleHead()
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckPastMoleHead)
+  ropeCrate2 = SpawnUtilityCrate(2782, 1720, amRope)
+  AddAmmo(youngh, amRope, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(onMoleHeadAnim)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookRope2, {}, DoTookRope2, {}, 0)
+function CheckTookRope2()
+  return rope2Taken and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoTookRope2()
+  AddAmmo(youngh, amRope, 100)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(tookRope2Anim)
+  punchCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(2460, 1321, amFirePunch)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookPunch, {}, DoTookPunch, {})
+function CheckTookPunch()
+  return punchTaken and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoTookPunch()
+  AddAmmo(youngh, amFirePunch, 100)
+  AddAmmo(youngh, amRope, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(tookPunchAnim)
+  targets[1] = AddGear(1594, 1185, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+  targets[2] = AddGear(2188, 1314, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+  targets[3] = AddGear(1961, 1318, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+  targets[4] = AddGear(1961, 1200, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+  targets[5] = AddGear(1800, 900, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckTargDestroyed, {}, DoTargDestroyed, {}, 0)
+function CheckTargDestroyed()
+  return targetsDestroyed == 5 and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoTargDestroyed()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(challengeAnim)
+  targetsDestroyed = 0
+  AddFunction({func = SetChoice, args = {}})
+  ropeCrate3 = SpawnAmmoCrate(2000, 1200, amRope)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookRope3, {}, AddAmmo, {youngh, amRope, 100}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckCratesColled, {}, DoCratesColled, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckChallengeWon, {}, DoChallengeWon, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckTimesUp, {}, DoTimesUp, {}, 1)
+function CheckChoice()
+  return difficulty ~= 0
+function DoChoice()
+  difficultyChoice = false
+  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+  StartChallenge(120000 + chalTries * 20000)
+function CheckCratesColled()
+  return cratesCollected == crateNum[difficulty]
+function DoCratesColled()
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckTimesUp)
+  TurnTimeLeft = -1
+  AddCaption(loc("As the challenge was completed, Leaks A Lot set foot on the ground..."))
+function CheckChallengeWon()
+  return cratesCollected == crateNum[difficulty] and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoChallengeWon()
+  desertCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(1240, 1212, amDEagle)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(challengeCompletedAnim)
+  AddEvent(CheckDesertColled, {}, DoDesertColled, {}, 0)
+function CheckTookRope3()
+  return rope3Taken
+function CheckTimesUp()
+  return TurnTimeLeft == 100
+function DoTimesUp()
+  challengeFailed = true
+  deleteCrate = true
+  DeleteGear(crates[1])
+  TurnTimeLeft = -1
+  AddCaption(loc("And so happenned that Leaks A Lot failed to complete the challenge! He landed, pressured by shame..."))
+  AddEvent(CheckChallengeFailed, {}, DoChallengeFailed, {}, 0)
+function CheckChallengeFailed()
+  return challengeFailed and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoChallengeFailed()
+  challengeFailed = false
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(challengeFailedAnim)
+  chalTries = chalTries + 1
+  difficulty = 0
+  AddFunction({func = SetChoice, args = {}})
+function CheckDesertColled()
+  return desertTaken and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoDesertColled()
+  AddAmmo(youngh, amDEagle, 100)
+  PutTargets(1)
+  AddEvent(CheckTargetsKilled, {}, DoTargetsKilled, {}, 1)
+  AddEvent(CheckCannibalKilled, {}, DoCannibalKilledEarly, {}, 0)
+  ShowMission(loc("First Blood"), loc("The Bull's Eye"), loc("[Up], [Down] to aim, [Space] to shoot!"), 1, 5000)
+function CheckTargetsKilled()
+  return targetsDestroyed == 3 and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoTargetsKilled()
+  targetsDestroyed = 0
+  targsWave = targsWave + 1
+  if targsWave > 3 then
+    RemoveEventFunc(CheckTargetsKilled)
+    SetState(cannibal, gstVisible)
+    cannibalVisible = true
+    SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+    AddAnim(beforeKillAnim)
+    AddEvent(CheckCloseToCannibal, {}, DoCloseToCannibal, {}, 0)
+    AddEvent(CheckCannibalKilled, {}, DoCannibalKilled, {}, 0)
+  else
+    PutTargets(targsWave)
+  end
+function CheckCloseToCannibal()
+  if CheckCannibalKilled() then
+    return false
+  end
+  return math.abs(GetX(cannibal) - GetX(youngh)) <= 400 and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoCloseToCannibal()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(closeCannim)
+  AddFunction({func = SpawnAmmoCrate, args = {targetPosX[1][1], targetPosY[1][1], amWhip}})
+  AddFunction({func = SpawnAmmoCrate, args = {targetPosX[1][2], targetPosY[1][2], amBaseballBat}})
+  AddFunction({func = SpawnAmmoCrate, args = {targetPosX[1][3], targetPosY[1][3], amHammer}})
+function CheckCannibalKilled()
+  return cannibalKilled and StoppedGear(youngh)
+function DoCannibalKilled()
+  AddAnim(cannKilledAnim)
+  if not progress then
+    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "1")
+  end
+function DoCannibalKilledEarly()
+  AddAnim(cannKilledEarlyAnim)
+  DoCannibalKilled()
+function StartChallenge(time)
+  cratesCollected = 0
+  PutCrate(1)
+  TurnTimeLeft = time
+  ShowMission(loc("First Blood"), loc("The Crate Frenzy"), loc("Collect the crates within the time limit!|If you fail, you'll have to try again."), 1, 5000) 
+function SetChoice()
+  SetInputMask(band(0xFFFFFFFF, bnot(gmAnimate+gmAttack+gmDown+gmHJump+gmLJump+gmSlot+gmSwitch+gmTimer+gmUp+gmWeapon)))
+  difficultyChoice = true
+  ShowMission(loc("First Blood"), loc("The Torment"), loc("Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"), 0, 4000)
+  AddEvent(CheckChoice, {}, DoChoice, {}, 0) 
+function SetTime(time)
+  TurnTimeLeft = time
+function ResetTurnTime()
+  TurnTimeLeft = tTime
+  tTime = -1
+function PutCrate(i)
+  if i > crateNum[difficulty] then
+    return
+  end
+  if difficulty == 1 then
+    crates[1] = SpawnAmmoCrate(targXdif1[i], targYdif1[i], amRope)
+  else
+    crates[1] = SpawnAmmoCrate(targXdif2[i], targYdif2[i], amRope)
+  end
+function PutTargets(i)
+  targets[1] = AddGear(targetPosX[i][1], targetPosY[i][1], gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+  targets[2] = AddGear(targetPosX[i][2], targetPosY[i][2], gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+  targets[3] = AddGear(targetPosX[i][3], targetPosY[i][3], gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+function FinishThem()
+  SetHealth(elderh, 0)
+  SetHealth(youngh, 0)
+  SetHealth(princess, 0)
+-----------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
+function onGameInit()
+	Seed = 69 
+	GameFlags = gfInfAttack + gfSolidLand + gfDisableWind 
+	TurnTime = 100000 
+	CaseFreq = 0
+	MinesNum = 0
+	MinesTime = 3000
+	Explosives = 0
+	Delay = 10 
+	Map = "A_Classic_Fairytale_first_blood"
+	Theme = "Nature"
+	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+	youngh = AddHog(loc("Leaks A Lot"), 0, 100, "Rambo")
+  elderh = AddHog(loc("Righteous Beard"), 0, 99, "IndianChief")
+  princess = AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 0, 300, "tiara")
+  AnimSetGearPosition(princess, 1911, 1361)
+  HogTurnLeft(princess, true)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(elderh, 2667, 1208)
+  HogTurnLeft(elderh, true)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(youngh, 1862, 1362)
+  HogTurnLeft(youngh, false)
+  AddTeam(loc("Cannibals"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate","cm_vampire")
+  cannibal = AddHog(loc("Brainiac"), 0, 5, "Zombi")
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cannibal, 525, 1256)
+  HogTurnLeft(cannibal, false)
+  AnimInit()
+  AnimationSetup()
+function onGameStart()
+  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = -1
+  FollowGear(youngh)
+	ShowMission(loc("A Classic Fairytale"), loc("First Blood"), loc("Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."), -amSkip, 0)
+  SetState(cannibal, gstInvisible)
+  AddAnim(startDialogue)
+  princessFace = "Right"
+  AddEvent(CheckNeedToTurn, {princess}, DoNeedToTurn, {princess}, 1)
+  AddEvent(CheckNeedToTurn, {elderh}, DoNeedToTurn, {elderh}, 1)
+  AddEvent(CheckDamage, {}, DoOnDamage, {}, 1)
+  AddEvent(CheckDeath, {}, DoDeath, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckDamagedOthers, {}, DoOnDamagedOthers, {}, 1)
+  AddEvent(CheckKilledOthers, {}, DoKilledOthers, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckMovedUntilJump, {}, DoMovedUntilJump, {}, 0)
+function onGameTick()
+  AnimUnWait()
+  if ShowAnimation() == false then
+    return
+  end
+  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
+  CheckEvents()
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+  if gear == ropeCrate1 then
+    rope1Taken = true
+  elseif gear == paraCrate then
+    paraTaken = true
+  elseif gear == ropeCrate2 then
+    rope2Taken = true
+  elseif gear == ropeCrate3 then
+    rope3Taken = true
+  elseif gear == crates[1] and deleteCrate == true then
+    deleteCrate = false
+  elseif gear == crates[1] and challengeFailed == false then
+    crates[1] = nil
+    cratesCollected = cratesCollected + 1
+    PutCrate(cratesCollected + 1)
+  elseif gear == punchCrate then
+    punchTaken = true
+  elseif gear == desertCrate then
+    desertTaken = true
+  elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget then
+    i = 1
+    while targets[i] ~= gear do
+      i = i + 1
+    end
+    targets[i] = nil
+    targetsDestroyed = targetsDestroyed + 1 
+  elseif gear == cannibal then
+    cannibalKilled = true
+  elseif gear == princess then
+    princessKilled = true
+  elseif gear == elderh then
+    elderKilled = true
+  elseif gear == youngh then
+    youngKilled = true
+  end
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+  SetAmmo(amWhip, 0, 0, 0, 8)
+  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 0, 0, 0, 8)
+  SetAmmo(amHammer, 0, 0, 0, 8)
+function onNewTurn()
+  if CurrentHedgehog == cannibal and cannibalVisible == false then
+    SetState(cannibal, gstInvisible)
+  end
+  SwitchHog(youngh)
+  FollowGear(youngh)
+  TurnTimeLeft = -1
+function onGearDamage(gear, damage)
+  if gear == youngh then
+    youngdamaged = true
+    tTime = TurnTimeLeft
+  elseif gear == princess then
+    princessDamaged = true
+    tTime = TurnTimeLeft
+  elseif gear == elderh then
+    elderDamaged = true
+    tTime = TurnTimeLeft
+  elseif gear == cannibal then
+    cannibalVisible = true
+    cannibalDamaged = true
+    SetState(cannibal, 0)
+  end
+function onPrecise()
+  if GameTime > 2000 then
+    SetAnimSkip(true)
+  end
+function onLeft()
+  if difficultyChoice == true then
+    difficulty = 1
+  end
+function onRight()
+  if difficultyChoice == true then
+    difficulty = 2
+  end
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/journey.hwp has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/journey.lua	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1077 @@
+choiceAccepted = 1
+choiceRefused = 2
+choiceAttacked = 3
+endStage = 1
+cannibalNum = 8
+cannibalNames = {loc("John"), loc("Flesh for Brainz"), loc("Eye Chewer"), loc("Torn Muscle"),
+                 loc("Nom-Nom"), loc("Vedgies"), loc("Brain Blower"), loc("Gorkij")}
+cannibalPos = {{2471, 1174}, {939, 1019}, {1953, 902}, {3055, 1041},
+               {1121, 729}, {1150, 718}, {1149, 680}, {1161, 773}}
+startLeaksPosDuo = {3572, 1426}
+startEventXDuo = 3300
+startDensePosDuo = {3454, 1471}
+startCyborgPosDuo = {3202, 1307}
+midDensePosDuo = {1464, 1410}
+midCyborgPosDuo = {1264, 1390}
+m2Choice = 0
+m2DenseDead = 0
+m2RamonDead = 0
+m2SpikyDead = 0
+TurnsLeft = 0
+stage = 0
+--cyborgHidden = false
+--princessHidden = false
+blowTaken = false
+fireTaken = false
+gravityTaken = false
+sniperTaken = false
+girderTaken = false
+girder1Taken = false
+girder2Taken = false
+leaksDead = false
+denseDead = false
+princessDead = false
+cyborgDead = false
+cannibalDead = {}
+hedgeHidden = {}
+startAnim = {}
+startAnimAD = {}
+startAnimAL = {}
+startAnimRL = {}
+pastFlowerAnimAL = {}
+pastFlowerAnimRL = {}
+pastFlowerAnim = {}
+outPitAnimAL = {}
+outPitAnimRL = {}
+outPitAnim = {}
+midAnim = {}
+midAnimAD = {}
+failAnim = {}
+failAnimAD = {}
+endAnim = {}
+endAnimAD = {}
+endAnimAL = {}
+endAnimRL = {}
+endFailAnim = {}
+endFailAnimAD = {}
+winAnim = {}
+winAnimAD = {}
+--/////////////////////////Animation Functions///////////////////////
+function AfterMidFailAnim()
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function AfterMidAnimAlone()
+  SetupCourse()
+  for i = 5, 8 do
+    RestoreHedge(cannibals[i])
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
+  end
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amDEagle, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckGirderTaken, {}, DoGirderTaken, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckOnFirstGirder, {}, DoOnFirstGirder, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookSniper, {}, DoTookSniper, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckFailedCourse, {}, DoFailedCourse, {}, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
+  TurnsLeft = 12
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("Collateral Damage"), loc("Save the princess by collecting the crate in under 12 turns!"), 0, 6000)
+  -----------------------///////////////------------
+  --AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 417, 1800)
+function SkipEndAnimAlone()
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  RestoreHedge(princess)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 437, 1700)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(princess, 519, 1722)
+function SkipEndAnimDuo()
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  RestoreHedge(princess)
+  if princessHidden then
+    RestoreHog(princess)
+    princessHidden = false
+  end
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 437, 1700)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(princess, 519, 1722)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 763, 1760)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 835, 1519)
+  HogTurnLeft(leaks, true)
+  HogTurnLeft(dense, true)
+function AfterEndAnimAlone()
+  stage = endStage
+  SwitchHog(leaks)
+  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = -1
+  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("Collateral Damage II"), loc("Save Fell From Heaven!"), 1, 4000)
+  AddEvent(CheckLost, {}, DoLost, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckWon, {}, DoWon, {}, 0)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckFailedCourse)
+function AfterEndAnimDuo()
+  stage = endStage
+  SwitchHog(leaks)
+  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = -1
+  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("Collateral Damage II"), loc("Save Fell From Heaven!"), 1, 4000)
+  AddEvent(CheckLost, {}, DoLost, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckWon, {}, DoWon, {}, 0)
+function SkipMidAnimAlone()
+  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 2656, 1842)
+  AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
+  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+  AnimWait(dense, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {princess}})
+  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
+function AfterStartAnim()
+  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+  local goal = loc("Get the crate on the other side of the island!|")
+  local hint = loc("Hint: you might want to stay out of sight and take all the crates...|")
+  local stuck = loc("If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|")
+  local conds = loc("Leaks A Lot must survive!")
+  if m2DenseDead == 0 then
+    conds = loc("Your hogs must survive!")
+  end
+  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("Adventurous"), goal .. hint .. stuck .. conds, 0, 7000)
+function SkipStartAnim()
+  AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
+function PlaceCratesDuo()
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(3090, 827, amBaseballBat)
+  girderCrate1 = SpawnUtilityCrate(2466, 1814, amGirder)
+  girderCrate2 = SpawnUtilityCrate(2630, 1278, amGirder)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2422, 1810, amParachute)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(3157, 1009, amLowGravity)
+  sniperCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(784, 1715, amSniperRifle)
+function PlaceMinesDuo()
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2920, 1448, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2985, 1338, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(3005, 1302, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(3030, 1270, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(3046, 1257, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2954, 1400, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2967, 1385, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2849, 1449, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2811, 1436, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2773, 1411, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2732, 1390, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2700, 1362, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2642, 1321, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2172, 1417, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2190, 1363, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2219, 1332, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1201, 1207, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1247, 1205, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1295, 1212, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1356, 1209, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1416, 1201, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1466, 1201, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1678, 1198, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1738, 1198, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1796, 1198, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1637, 1217, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1519, 1213, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+function AfterPastFlowerAnim()
+  PlaceMinesDuo()
+  AddEvent(CheckDensePit, {}, DoDensePit, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookGirder1, {}, DoTookGirder1, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookGirder2, {}, DoTookGirder2, {}, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("The Savior"), loc("Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"), 1, 5000)
+function SkipPastFlowerAnim()
+  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 2656, 1842)
+  AnimSwitchHog(dense)
+  AnimWait(dense, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
+function AfterOutPitAnim()
+  SetupCourseDuo()
+  RestoreHedge(cannibals[5])
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amDEagle, 0)
+  HideHedge(cannibals[5])
+  AddEvent(CheckTookFire, {}, DoTookFire, {}, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("They never learn"), loc("Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"), 1, 5000)
+function SkipOutPitAnim()
+  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, unpack(midDensePosDuo))
+  AnimSwitchHog(dense)
+  AnimWait(dense, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}})
+function RestoreCyborg(x, y, xx, yy)
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  RestoreHedge(princess)
+  AnimOutOfNowhere(cyborg, x, y)
+  AnimOutOfNowhere(princess, xx, yy)
+  HogTurnLeft(princess, false)
+  return true
+function RestoreCyborgOnly(x, y)
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  SetState(cyborg, 0)
+  AnimOutOfNowhere(cyborg, x, y)
+  return true
+function TargetPrincess()
+  ParseCommand("setweap " .. string.char(amDEagle))
+  SetGearMessage(cyborg, gmUp)
+  return true
+function HideCyborg()
+  HideHedge(cyborg)
+  HideHedge(princess)
+function HideCyborgOnly()
+  HideHedge(cyborg)
+function SetupKillRoom()
+  PlaceGirder(2342, 1814, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(2294, 1783, 0)
+  PlaceGirder(2245, 1814, 2)
+function SetupCourseDuo()
+  PlaceGirder(1083, 1152, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1087, 1150, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1133, 1155, 0)
+  PlaceGirder(1135, 1152, 0)
+  PlaceGirder(1135, 1078, 0)
+  PlaceGirder(1087, 1016, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(1018, 921, 5)
+  PlaceGirder(1016, 921, 5)
+  PlaceGirder(962, 782, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(962, 662, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(962, 661, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(962, 650, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(962, 630, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(1033, 649, 0)
+  PlaceGirder(952, 650, 0)
+  fireCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(1846, 1100, amFirePunch)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(1900, 1100, amPickHammer)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(950, 674, amDynamite)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(994, 825, amRope)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(570, 1357, amLowGravity)
+function DumpMines()
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2261, 1835, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2280, 1831, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2272, 1809, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2290, 1815, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2278, 1815, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2307, 1811, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2286, 1820, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2309, 1813, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2303, 1822, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2317, 1827, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2312, 1816, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2316, 1812, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2307, 1802, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2276, 1818, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2284, 1816, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2292, 1811, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2295, 1814, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2306, 1811, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2292, 1815, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2314, 1815, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2286, 1813, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2275, 1813, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2269, 1814, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2273, 1812, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2300, 1808, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2322, 1812, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2323, 1813, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2311, 1811, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2303, 1809, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2287, 1808, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2282, 1808, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2277, 1809, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2296, 1809, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2314, 1818, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+function SetupAnimRefusedDied()
+  SetupAnimAcceptedDied()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I just wonder where Ramon and Spiky disappeared..."), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
+function SetupAnimAttacked()
+  SetupAnimAcceptedDied()
+  startAnim = {}
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {leaks, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I wonder where Dense Cloud is..."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("He must be in the village already."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I'd better get going myself."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+  midAnim = {}
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 500}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {1300, 1200, 1390, 1200}}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {cyborg}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, TargetPrincess, {}}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Welcome, Leaks A Lot!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I want to play a game..."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Help me, please!!!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("If you can get that crate fast enough, your beloved \"princess\" may go free."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("However, if you fail to do so, she dies a most violent death! Muahahaha!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Good luck...or else!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {leaks, 2656, 1842}})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, HideCyborg, {}}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(midAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Hey! This is cheating!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  AddSkipFunction(midAnim, SkipMidAnimAlone, {})
+function SetupAnimAcceptedDied()
+  table.insert(startAnimAD, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, args = {leaks, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("With Dense Cloud on the land of shadows, I'm the village's only hope..."), SAY_THINK, 7000}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 500}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {1300, 1200, 1390, 1200}}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {cyborg}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, TargetPrincess, {}}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Welcome, Leaks A Lot!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I want to play a game..."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Help me, please!!!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("If you can get that crate fast enough, your beloved \"princess\" may go free."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("However, if you fail to do so, she dies a most violent death, just like your friend! Muahahaha!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Good luck...or else!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {leaks, 2656, 1842}})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, HideCyborg, {}}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(midAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Hey! This is cheating!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  AddSkipFunction(midAnimAD, SkipMidAnimAlone, {})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {2299, 1687, 2294, 1841}}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {leaks, 2090, 1841}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, SetupKillRoom, {}}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {cyborg, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {princess, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {leaks, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 1000}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You have failed to complete your task, young one!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("It's time you learned that your actions have consequences!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("No! Please, help me!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {cyborg}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, DumpMines, {}}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, KillPrincess, {}}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 12000}})
+  table.insert(failAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("No! What have I done?! What have YOU done?!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {437, 1700, 519, 1722}}})
+  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {princess, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Help me, Leaks!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("But you said you'd let her go!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"), SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(endAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I won't let you kill her!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  AddSkipFunction(endAnimAD, SkipEndAnimAlone, {})
+  table.insert(endFailAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Leaks A Lot, depressed for killing his loved one, failed to save the village..."), 3000}})
+  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {princess, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, princess}}})
+  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("How can I ever repay you for saving my life?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"), SAY_SAY, 10000}})
+  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Let's go home!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(winAnimAD, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."), 2000}})
+  startAnim = startAnimAD
+  midAnim = midAnimAD
+  failAnim = failAnimAD
+  endAnim = endAnimAD
+  endFailAnim = endFailAnimAD
+  winAnim = winAnimAD
+function SetupAnimAcceptedLived()
+  table.insert(startAnimAL, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, dense}}})
+  table.insert(startAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+  table.insert(startAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("We have no time to waste..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnimAL, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {leaks}})
+  AddSkipFunction(startAnimAL, SkipStartAnim, {})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, RestoreCyborgOnly, {unpack(startCyborgPosDuo)}}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Well, well! Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen?"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Two little hogs cooperating, getting past obstacles..."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Let me test your skills a little, will you?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, 2456, 1842}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, 2656, 1842}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, dense}}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Why are you doing this?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("To help you, of course!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, 3781, 1583}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborgOnly, {}}})
+  AddSkipFunction(pastFlowerAnimAL, SkipPastFlowerAnim, {})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, RestoreCyborgOnly, {unpack(midCyborgPosDuo)}}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, unpack(midDensePosDuo)}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {dense, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("OH, COME ON!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Let's see what your comrade does now!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, 3781, 1583}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimAL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborgOnly, {}}})
+  AddSkipFunction(outPitAnimAL, SkipOutPitAnim, {})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {437, 1700, 519, 1722}}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {leaks, 763, 1760}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, 835, 1519}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {leaks, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {dense, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {princess, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Help me, please!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("What are you doing? Let her go!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Yeah? Watcha gonna do? Cry?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("We won't let you hurt her!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  AddSkipFunction(endAnim, SkipEndAnimDuo, {})
+  table.insert(endFailAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Leaks A Lot, depressed for killing his loved one, failed to save the village..."), 3000}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {princess, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, princess}}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Thank you, oh, thank you, my heroes!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("How can I ever repay you for saving my life?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("There's nothing more satisfying to us than seeing you share your beauty..."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Let's go home!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."), 2000}})
+  startAnim = startAnimAL
+  pastFlowerAnim = pastFlowerAnimAL
+  outPitAnim = outPitAnimAL
+function SetupAnimRefusedLived()
+  table.insert(startAnimRL, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, dense}}})
+  table.insert(startAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  AddSkipFunction(startAnimRL, SkipStartAnim, {})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, RestoreCyborgOnly, {unpack(startCyborgPosDuo)}}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Well, well! Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen?"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Two little hogs cooperating, getting past obstacles..."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Let me test your skills a little, will you?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, 2456, 1842}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, 2656, 1842}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, dense}}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Why are you doing this?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You couldn't possibly believe that after refusing my offer I'd just let you go!"), SAY_SAY, 9000}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You're funny!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, 3781, 1583}})
+  table.insert(pastFlowerAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborgOnly, {}}})
+  AddSkipFunction(pastFlowerAnimRL, SkipPastFlowerAnim, {})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, RestoreCyborgOnly, {unpack(midCyborgPosDuo)}}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, unpack(midDensePosDuo)}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimTurn, args = {dense, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("OH, COME ON!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Let's see what your comrade does now!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, 3781, 1583}})
+  table.insert(outPitAnimRL, {func = AnimCustomFunction, swh = false, args = {cyborg, HideCyborgOnly, {}}})
+  AddSkipFunction(outPitAnimRL, SkipOutPitAnim, {})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, RestoreCyborg, {437, 1700, 519, 1722}}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {leaks, 763, 1760}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {dense, 835, 1519}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {leaks, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {dense, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {cyborg, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {princess, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Help me, please!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("What are you doing? Let her go!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Yeah? Watcha gonna do? Cry?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(endAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("We won't let you hurt her!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  AddSkipFunction(endAnim, SkipEndAnimDuo, {})
+  table.insert(endFailAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Leaks A Lot, depressed for killing his loved one, failed to save the village..."), 3000}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {princess, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, princess}}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("Thank you, oh, thank you, my heroes!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {princess, loc("How can I ever repay you for saving my life?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("There's nothing more satisfying to us than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"), SAY_SAY, 10000}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Let's go home!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(winAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."), 2000}})
+  startAnim = startAnimRL
+  pastFlowerAnim = pastFlowerAnimRL
+  outPitAnim = outPitAnimRL
+function KillPrincess()
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Cannibal Sentry"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+--/////////////////////////////Misc Functions////////////////////////
+function HideHedge(hedge)
+  if hedgeHidden[hedge] ~= true then
+    HideHog(hedge)
+    hedgeHidden[hedge] = true
+  end
+function RestoreHedge(hedge)
+  if hedgeHidden[hedge] == true then
+    RestoreHog(hedge)
+    hedgeHidden[hedge] = false
+  end
+function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
+  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
+  if xl > xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
+  elseif xl < xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
+  end
+function SetupPlaceAlone()
+  ------ AMMO CRATE LIST ------
+  --SpawnAmmoCrate(3122, 994, amShotgun)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(3124, 952, amBaseballBat)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(2508, 1110, amFirePunch)
+  ------ UTILITY CRATE LIST ------
+  blowCrate = SpawnUtilityCrate(3675, 1480, amBlowTorch)
+  gravityCrate = SpawnUtilityCrate(3448, 1349, amLowGravity)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(3212, 1256, amGirder)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(3113, 911, amParachute)
+  sniperCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(784, 1715, amSniperRifle)
+  ------ MINE LIST ------
+  SetTimer(AddGear(3328, 1399, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(3028, 1262, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2994, 1274, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2956, 1277, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2925, 1282, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2838, 1276, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2822, 1278, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2786, 1283, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2766, 1270, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2749, 1231, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2717, 1354, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2167, 1330, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2201, 1321, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(2239, 1295, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 3781, 1583)
+  --AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 1650, 1583)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[1], amShotgun, 100)
+  AddAmmo(leaks, amSwitch, 0)
+function SetupPlaceDuo()
+  PlaceCratesDuo()
+  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, unpack(startLeaksPosDuo))
+  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, unpack(startDensePosDuo))
+function SetupEventsDuo()
+  AddEvent(CheckPastFlower, {}, DoPastFlower, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckLeaksDead, {}, DoLeaksDead, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckDenseDead, {}, DoDenseDead, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookSniper2, {}, DoTookSniper2, {}, 0)
+function SetupEventsAlone()
+  AddEvent(CheckLeaksDead, {}, DoLeaksDead, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookBlowTorch, {}, DoTookBlowTorch, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookLowGravity, {}, DoTookLowGravity, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckOnBridge, {}, DoOnBridge, {}, 0)
+function StartMission()
+  if m2DenseDead == 1 then
+    DeleteGear(dense)
+    if m2Choice == choiceAccepted then
+      SetupAnimAcceptedDied()
+    elseif m2Choice == choiceRefused then
+      SetupAnimRefusedDied()
+    else
+      SetupAnimAttacked()
+    end
+    SetupPlaceAlone()
+    SetupEventsAlone()
+    AddAnim(startAnim)
+    AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
+  else
+    if m2Choice == choiceAccepted then
+      SetupAnimAcceptedLived()
+    else
+      SetupAnimRefusedLived()
+    end
+    SetupPlaceDuo()
+    SetupEventsDuo()
+    AddAnim(startAnim)
+    AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
+  end
+  HideHedge(cyborg)
+  HideHedge(princess)
+  for i = 5, 8 do
+    HideHedge(cannibals[i])
+  end
+function SetupCourse()
+  ------ GIRDER LIST ------
+  PlaceGirder(1091, 1150, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1091, 989, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1091, 829, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1091, 669, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1091, 668, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1091, 669, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1088, 667, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1091, 658, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1091, 646, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1091, 607, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1091, 571, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1376, 821, 6)
+  PlaceGirder(1145, 1192, 1)
+  PlaceGirder(1169, 1076, 3)
+  PlaceGirder(1351, 1082, 4)
+  PlaceGirder(1469, 987, 3)
+  PlaceGirder(1386, 951, 0)
+  PlaceGirder(1465, 852, 3)
+  PlaceGirder(1630, 913, 0)
+  PlaceGirder(1733, 856, 7)
+  PlaceGirder(1688, 713, 5)
+  PlaceGirder(1556, 696, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(1525, 696, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(1457, 697, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(1413, 700, 3)
+  PlaceGirder(1270, 783, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(1207, 825, 2)
+  PlaceGirder(1135, 775, 1)
+  ------ UTILITY CRATE LIST ------
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(1590, 628, amParachute)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(1540, 100, amDynamite)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2175, 1815, amLowGravity)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2210, 1499, amFirePunch)
+  girderCrate = SpawnUtilityCrate(2300, 1663, amGirder)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(610, 1394, amPickHammer)
+  ------ BARREL LIST ------
+  SetHealth(AddGear(1148, 736, gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0), 20)
+function PlaceCourseMines()
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1215, 1193, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1259, 1199, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1310, 1198, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1346, 1196, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1383, 1192, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1436, 1196, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1487, 1199, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1651, 1209, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1708, 1209, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1759, 1190, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+  SetTimer(AddGear(1815, 1184, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+--////////////////////////////Event Functions////////////////////////
+function CheckTookFire()
+  return fireTaken
+function DoTookFire()
+  AddAmmo(leaks, amFirePunch, 100)
+function CheckTookGirder1()
+  return girder1Taken
+function CheckTookGirder2()
+  return girder2Taken
+function DoTookGirder1()
+  AddAmmo(dense, amGirder, 2)
+function DoTookGirder2()
+  AddAmmo(dense, amGirder, 3)
+function CheckDensePit()
+  return GetY(dense) < 1250 and StoppedGear(dense)
+function DoDensePit()
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {outPitAnim}})
+  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterOutPitAnim, args = {}}}})
+function CheckPastFlower()
+  if denseDead == true or leaksDead == true then
+    return false
+  end
+  return (GetX(dense) < startEventXDuo and StoppedGear(dense))
+      or (GetX(leaks) < startEventXDuo and StoppedGear(leaks))
+function DoPastFlower()
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {pastFlowerAnim}})
+  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterPastFlowerAnim, args = {}}}})
+function CheckLeaksDead()
+  return leaksDead
+function DoLeaksDead()
+  AddCaption(loc("The village, unprepared, was destroyed by the cyborgs..."))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
+function CheckDenseDead()
+  return denseDead
+function DoDenseDead()
+  AddCaption(loc("The village, unprepared, was destroyed by the cyborgs..."))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
+function CheckTookBlowTorch()
+  return blowTaken
+function DoTookBlowTorch()
+  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("The Tunnel Maker"), loc("Hint: Select the BlowTorch, aim and press [Fire]. Press [Fire] again to stop.|Don't blow up the crate."), 0, 6000)
+function CheckTookLowGravity()
+  return gravityTaken
+function DoTookLowGravity()
+  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("The Moonwalk"), loc("Hint: Select the LowGravity and press [Fire]."), 0, 6000)
+function CheckOnBridge()
+  return leaksDead == false and GetX(leaks) < 1651 and StoppedGear(leaks)
+function DoOnBridge()
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  RestoreHedge(princess)
+  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {midAnim}})
+  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterMidAnimAlone, args = {}}}})
+function CheckGirderTaken()
+  return girderTaken
+function DoGirderTaken()
+  AddAmmo(leaks, amGirder, 2)
+--  AddAmmo(leaks, amGirder, 3)
+function CheckOnFirstGirder()
+  return leaksDead == false and GetX(leaks) < 1160 and StoppedGear(leaks)
+function DoOnFirstGirder()
+  PlaceCourseMines()
+  ShowMission(loc("The Journey Back"), loc("Slippery"), loc("You'd better watch your steps..."), 0, 4000)
+function CheckTookSniper()
+  return sniperTaken and StoppedGear(leaks)
+function DoTookSniper()
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  RestoreHedge(princess)
+  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {endAnim}})
+  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterEndAnimAlone, args = {}}}})
+function CheckTookSniper2()
+  return sniperTaken and StoppedGear(leaks) and StoppedGear(dense)
+function DoTookSniper2()
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  RestoreHedge(princess)
+  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {endAnim}})
+  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterEndAnimDuo, args = {}}}})
+function CheckLost()
+  return princessDead
+function DoLost()
+  AddAnim(endFailAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = ParseCommand, args = {'teamgone ' .. loc('Natives')}})
+function CheckWon()
+  return cyborgDead and not princessDead
+function DoWon()
+  if progress and progress<3 then
+    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "3")
+  end
+  AddAnim(winAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = FinishWon, args = {}})
+function FinishWon()
+  SwitchHog(leaks)
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Cannibal Sentry"))
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function CheckFailedCourse()
+  return TurnsLeft == 0
+function DoFailedCourse()
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  RestoreHedge(princess)
+  AnimWait(cyborg, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = AddAnim, args = {failAnim}})
+  AddFunction({func = AddFunction, args = {{func = AfterMidFailAnim, args = {}}}})
+--////////////////////////////Main Functions/////////////////////////
+function onGameInit()
+	Seed = 0
+	GameFlags = gfSolidLand + gfDisableWind
+	TurnTime = 40000 
+	CaseFreq = 0
+	MinesNum = 0
+	MinesTime = 3000
+	Explosives = 0
+	Delay = 5
+    Map = "A_Classic_Fairytale_journey"
+    Theme = "Nature"
+    SuddenDeathTurns = 3000
+	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+	leaks = AddHog(loc("Leaks A Lot"), 0, 100, "Rambo")
+  dense = AddHog(loc("Dense Cloud"), 0, 100, "RobinHood")
+  AddTeam(loc("Cannibal Sentry"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate","cm_vampire")
+  cannibals = {}
+  for i = 1, 4 do
+    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 3, 40, "Zombi")
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
+  end
+  for i = 5, 8 do
+    cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 3, 40, "Zombi")
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], 0, 0)
+  end
+  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Y3K1337"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
+  princess = AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 0, 200, "tiara")
+  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 0, 0)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, 0, 0)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 0, 0)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(princess, 0, 0)
+  AnimInit()
+function onGameStart()
+  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
+  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
+  m2DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2DenseDead"))
+  m2RamonDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2RamonDead"))
+  m2SpikyDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2SpikyDead"))
+  StartMission()
+function onGameTick()
+  AnimUnWait()
+  if ShowAnimation() == false then
+    return
+  end
+  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
+  CheckEvents()
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+  if gear == blowCrate then
+    blowTaken = true
+  elseif gear == fireCrate then
+    fireTaken = true
+  elseif gear == gravityCrate then
+    gravityTaken = true
+  elseif gear == leaks then
+    leaksDead = true
+  elseif gear == dense then
+    denseDead = true
+  elseif gear == cyborg then
+    cyborgDead = true
+  elseif gear == princess then
+    princessDead = true
+  elseif gear == girderCrate then
+    girderTaken = true
+  elseif gear == girderCrate1 then
+    girder1Taken = true
+  elseif gear == girderCrate2 then
+    girder2Taken = true
+  elseif gear == sniperCrate then
+    sniperTaken = true
+  else
+    for i = 1, 4 do
+      if gear == cannibals[i] then
+        cannibalDead[i] = true
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+  SetAmmo(amBlowTorch, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+  SetAmmo(amParachute, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+  SetAmmo(amGirder, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amLowGravity, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 1, 0, 0, 1)
+  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amRope, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+  SetAmmo(amDynamite, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+  SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+function onNewTurn()
+  if AnimInProgress() then
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+  elseif stage == endStage and CurrentHedgehog ~= leaks then
+    AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
+    SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+  elseif GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) ~= loc("Natives") then
+    for i = 1, 4 do
+      if cannibalDead[i] ~= true then
+        if GetX(cannibals[i]) < GetX(leaks) then
+          HogTurnLeft(cannibals[i], false)
+        else
+          HogTurnLeft(cannibals[i], true)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    SetInputMask(band(0xFFFFFFFF, bnot(gmLeft + gmRight + gmLJump + gmHJump)))
+    TurnTimeLeft = 20000
+  else
+    SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+    TurnsLeft = TurnsLeft - 1
+  end
+function onPrecise()
+  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
+    SetAnimSkip(true)
+    return
+  end
+--  AddAmmo(leaks, amRope, 100)
+--  RemoveEventFunc(CheckPastFlower)
+--  DeleteGear(sniperCrate)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/queen.lua	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+local map =
+	"\16\7\0\225\132\15\200\1\40\0\15\200\1\40\132\15\105\8\81\0\16\14\1\64\143\15\200\7\249\0\13\50\7\252\132\12\243\7\172\0",
+	"\12\236\7\168\132\12\127\6\192\0\12\127\6\192\132\11\52\6\223\0\11\52\6\223\132\10\62\8\35\0\8\201\8\4\132\8\63\7\126\0",
+	"\8\63\7\126\132\8\4\6\58\0\8\0\6\65\132\7\147\6\241\0\7\133\6\195\132\7\20\4\151\0\7\143\6\195\132\7\140\6\234\0",
+	"\7\17\4\151\132\5\191\4\222\0\5\191\4\222\132\3\136\3\252\0\3\136\3\252\132\2\12\4\151\0\2\12\4\151\132\1\138\5\15\0",
+	"\1\138\5\15\132\1\54\5\156\0\1\54\5\156\132\0\130\5\64\0\0\130\5\64\132\255\214\5\135\0\8\141\1\85\179\8\141\1\85\0",
+	"\10\30\2\220\139\10\30\2\220\0\11\77\1\142\131\11\77\1\142\0\10\188\0\113\129\10\188\0\113\0\255\235\0\162\132\0\130\0\225\0",
+	"\0\130\0\229\0\0\127\0\236\132\255\231\0\250\0\0\28\0\215\136\0\4\0\211\0\0\95\5\212\154\0\95\7\238\0\0\246\6\2\154",
+	"\1\71\8\0\0\1\205\5\145\154\2\132\4\239\0\3\98\4\141\154\1\135\5\216\0\3\179\4\151\154\6\213\5\247\0\6\223\5\124\151",
+	"\6\185\5\22\0\6\181\5\29\151\6\37\5\64\0\0\179\5\198\148\0\179\5\198\0\6\216\4\253\148\6\216\4\253\0\1\230\7\147\153",
+	"\8\32\8\18\0\1\187\6\174\153\7\179\7\108\0\2\199\5\177\179\6\128\6\167\0\7\231\7\10\143\7\231\6\202\0\12\148\8\4\156",
+	"\10\241\8\11\0\11\112\7\101\156\12\56\7\91\0\1\89\5\223\199\4\11\5\208\0\4\67\5\212\200\4\172\6\58\0\4\172\6\58\200",
+	"\5\36\5\212\0\5\40\5\194\200\4\169\5\57\0\4\169\5\57\200\4\42\5\205\0\4\130\5\142\200\4\218\5\205\0\4\137\5\194\200",
+	"\4\179\5\251\0\255\245\1\198\133\0\77\1\198\0\0\77\1\198\133\0\102\1\226\0\0\102\1\230\133\255\221\1\244\0\255\245\0\148\195",
+	"\255\231\1\11\0\0\32\0\162\195\255\231\0\169\0\0\60\0\158\195\0\32\0\172\0\0\21\0\176\195\255\242\0\222\0\255\245\0\215\195",
+	"\0\7\0\246\0\255\245\0\243\195\0\11\1\33\0\0\4\1\4\195\0\56\1\36\0\255\245\1\173\195\0\35\1\110\0\255\242\1\180\195",
+	"\255\224\2\9\0\255\238\1\240\195\0\28\2\30\0\0\21\2\19\195\0\102\2\23\0\16\18\1\1\195\16\35\0\222\0\16\14\1\11\195",
+	"\16\7\2\9\0\16\0\2\16\195\16\35\3\34\0\16\11\2\252\195\16\11\4\208\0\16\11\4\208\195\16\0\6\55\0\16\0\6\55\195",
+	"\16\14\8\25\0",
+choiceAccepted = 1
+choiceRefused = 2
+choiceAttacked = 3
+choiceEliminate = 1
+choiceSpare = 2
+leaksNum = 1
+denseNum = 2
+waterNum = 3
+buffaloNum = 4
+chiefNum = 5
+girlNum = 6
+wiseNum = 7
+denseScene = 1
+princessScene = 2
+waterScene = 3
+cyborgScene = 4
+nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), 
+               loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"),
+               loc("Wise Oak"), loc("Ramon"), loc("Spiky Cheese")
+              }
+nativeSaveNames = {"M8DeployedDead", "M8RamonDead", "M8SpikyDead", "M8PrincessDead"}
+nativeUnNames = {loc("Zork"), loc("Steve"), loc("Jack"),
+                 loc("Lee"), loc("Elmo"), loc("Rachel"),
+                 loc("Muriel")}
+nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief",
+              "tiara", "AkuAku", "rasta", "hair_yellow"}
+nativePos = {{1474, 1188}, {923, 986}, {564, 1120}, {128, 1315}}
+nativesNum = 4
+nativesLeft = 4
+cyborgNames = {loc("Artur Detour"), loc("Led Heart"), loc("Orlando Boom!"), loc("Nilarian"), 
+               loc("Steel Eye"), loc("Rusty Joe"), loc("Hatless Jerry"), loc("Gas Gargler")}
+cyborgsDif = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}
+cyborgsHealth = {100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100}
+cyborgPos = {1765, 1145}
+cyborgsTeamNum = {4, 3}
+cyborgsNum = 7
+cyborgsPos = {{2893, 1717}, {2958, 1701}, {3027, 1696}, {3096, 1698},
+              {2584, 655},  {2047, 1534}, {115, 179}, {2162, 1916}}
+cyborgsDir = {"Left", "Left", "Left", "Left", "Left", "Left", "Right", "Left"}
+crateConsts = {}
+reactions = {}
+enemyPos = {4078, 195}
+natives = {}
+origNatives = {}
+cyborgs = {}
+cyborg = nil
+gearDead = {}
+hedgeHidden = {}
+scene = 0
+enemyFled = "0"
+deployedLeader = "0"
+princessLeader = "0"
+startAnim = {}
+fleeAnim = {}
+finalAnim = {}
+leaderDeadAnim = {}
+function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
+  local dif
+  if dir == "Left" then
+    dif = 10
+  else
+    dif = -10
+  end
+  if dir == nil then
+    dx, dy = GetGearVelocity(dense)
+    if dx < 0 then 
+      dif = 10
+    else 
+      dif = -10
+    end
+  end
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+function AnimationSetup()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {enemy, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, swh = false, args = {natives[1], "The team continued their quest of finding the rest of the tribe.", 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, swh = false, args = {natives[1], "They stumbled upon a pile of weapons, they seemed to be getting closer.", 4500}})
+  if scene == denseScene then
+    if m5DeployedNum == denseNum then
+      deployedLeader = "1"
+      SetupDenseAnimDeployed()
+    else
+      SetupDenseAnim()
+    end
+  elseif scene == waterScene then
+    if m5DeployedNum == waterNum then
+      deployedLeader = "1"
+      SetupWaterAnimDeployed()
+    else
+      SetupWaterAnim()
+    end
+  elseif scene == princessScene then
+    princessLeader = "1"
+    SetupPrincessAnim()
+  else
+    SetupCyborgAnim()
+  end
+  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipAnim, {startAnim})
+  AddSkipFunction(fleeAnim, SkipAnim, {fleeAnim})
+  AddSkipFunction(leaderDeadAnim, SkipAnim, {leaderDeadAnim})
+function SetupLeaderDeadAnim()
+  local gear = nil
+  if CheckCyborgsDead() then
+    return
+  end
+  for i = nativesLeft, 1, -1 do
+    if band(GetState(natives[i]), gstDrowning) == 0 then
+      gear = natives[i]
+    end
+  end
+  if gear == nil then
+    return
+  end
+  table.insert(leaderDeadAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, args = {gear}})
+  table.insert(leaderDeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, "That traitor won't be killing us anymore!", SAY_THINK, 6000}})
+function SetupDenseAnim()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yo, dude! Get away from our weapons!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Dense Cloud?! What are you doing?!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "What does it look like?", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Are you helping the aliens?!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Lolz, I love the look on your face!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Did you really think that I'd changed?", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "But why did you betray us?!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yo, the aliens gave me plants...medicinal plants...lots of it.", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You never give me plants!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Besides, why would I choose certain death?", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Do you have any idea how bad an exploding arrow hurts?", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Dude, it's unbearable!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You're a coward!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You endangered your whole tribe, you bastard!", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yeah, well, for some dude to be happy, some other dude has to suffer.", SAY_SHOUT, 11000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "That's just the way it works, you know.", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You're some piece of hypocrite junkie!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Why do you always have to call me names?", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, EmitDenseClouds, {}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Make fun of me when I fart...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "IT'S A SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You don't deserve my sacrifice!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "I won't let you kill the tribe!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Dude, this is boring!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I ain't gonna sit around no more!", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yo, escort my buttocks!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
+function SetupDenseAnimDeployed()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, EmitDenseClouds, {}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[3], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[2], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I'm afraid I can't let you proceed!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "???", SAY_THINK, 0}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[2], "???", SAY_THINK, 0}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[3], "???", SAY_THINK, 1000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Dude, wow, you're so cute!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Did you really think I'd change?", SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I'm still with the aliens.", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {enemy, unpack(enemyPos)}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "WHAT?!", SAY_THINK, 1000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[3], "But you saved me!", SAY_THINK, 2500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Haha, that was just a coincidence!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I was heading home, you see!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We were your home! Your family...", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "How could you betray us?!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yo, the aliens gave me plants...medicinal plants...lots of it.", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You never give me plants!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Besides, why would I choose certain death?", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Do you have any idea how bad an exploding arrow hurts?", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Dude, it's unbearable!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You're a coward!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You endangered your whole tribe, you bastard!", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yeah, well, for some dude to be happy, some other dude has to suffer.", SAY_SHOUT, 11000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "That's just the way it works, you know.", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You're some piece of hypocrite junkie!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Why do you always have to call me names?", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, EmitDenseClouds, {}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Make fun of me when I fart...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "IT'S A SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You don't deserve my sacrifice!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "I won't let you kill the tribe!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Dude, this is boring!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I ain't gonna sit around no more!", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yo, escort my buttocks!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
+function SetupWaterAnim()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Stay there, comrades!", SAY_SHOUT, 2500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Come closer and die...burp!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Fiery Water?! Are you drunk again?", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Drunk with power, perhappss!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The power of love! No, wait, the power of the aliens!", SAY_SHOUT, 7500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We trusted you, you fool!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Why do you keep betraying us?", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Why, why, why, why!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I grew sick of the oppression! I brock free!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "What oppression?! You were the most unoppressed member of the tribe!", SAY_SHOUT, 10000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The opression of the elders, of course!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  if m5DeployedNum == leaksNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You should know this more than anyone, Leaks!", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  elseif m5LeaksDead == 1 then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Just look at Leaks, may he rest in peace!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We, the youth, have to constantly prove our value...", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We work and work until we sweat blood...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We risk our lives going through challenges...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All this to please our beloved 'elders'...hick...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "And what do they do in the meantime? NOTHING!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All they do is sit around and judge us!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You have never worked a bit in your life!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "All *you* do is take long walks when everyone else works.", SAY_SHOUT, 9000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Anyway, the aliens accept me for who I am.", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We won't accept you destroying our village!", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Argh, the borrdommm!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I have more important things to do!", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Comrades! Sail me away!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
+function SetupWaterAnimDeployed()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[3], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[2], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Stop, comrades!", SAY_SHOUT, 2500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I cannot let you go any farther...burp!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Fiery Water?! Are you drunk again?", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Drunk with power, perhappss!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The power of love! No, wait, the power of the aliens!", SAY_SHOUT, 7500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {enemy, unpack(enemyPos)}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[3], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[2], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We trusted you, you fool!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Why do you keep betraying us?", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Why, why, why, why!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I grew sick of the oppression! I brock free!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "What oppression?! You were the most unoppressed member of the tribe!", SAY_SHOUT, 10000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The opression of the elders, of course!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Just look at Leaks, may he rest in peace!", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We, the youth, have to constantly prove our value...", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We work and work until we sweat blood...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We risk our lives going through challenges...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All this to please our beloved 'elders'...hick...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "And what do they do in the meantime? NOTHING!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All they do is sit around and judge us!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "You have never worked a bit in your life!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "All *you* do is take long walks when everyone else works.", SAY_SHOUT, 9000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Anyway, the aliens accept me for who I am.", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We won't accept you destroying our village!", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Argh, the borrdommm!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I have more important things to do!", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Comrades! Sail me away!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
+function SetupPrincessAnim()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[3], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[2], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Oh, my! I forgot something!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "We need to go back!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "What could you possibly forget in that cage?", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I don't like your tone! You're hurting me!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "I'm terribly sorry!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "What is it that you forgot?", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Uhmm, it' ring!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "It's precious to me!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We don't have time for that now!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We have to find our folk!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "But I want my sandals!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Sandals?! I thought you left your ring!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All right, you got me...", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Got you? You're acting weird...", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You just can't let it go, can you!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "All right, I'll admit it!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Admit what?", SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You give me no choice!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I can't let you go further because...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I'm the spy! I've been giving you out!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {enemy, unpack(enemyPos)}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[3], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[2], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {enemy, CondNeedToTurn, {natives[1], enemy}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "But...they kidnapped you!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Oh, that. We were just having fun!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "It's an ancient ritual of theirs.", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Why did you do this?", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  if m5ChiefDead == 1 then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Why did you kill your father?", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Do you have any idea what it's like in the village for a woman?", SAY_SHOUT, 10000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "How would you like being discriminated against?", SAY_SHOUT, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Not being able to fight, hunt...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Gathering fruits all day long...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Doing stuff a monkey could do...", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Always being considered weak and fragile...", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  if m5DeployedNum == girlNum then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a woman, too!", SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Yes, but you're...different!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Of course I am...", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The aliens respect me, even worship me!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I'm living a dream!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Well, you're about to wake up!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "'s going slower than expected.", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I am going to leave the kids play by themselves.", SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Alien! I wish to be moved!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
+function SetupCyborgAnim()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Stop right there, puny worms!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Stay away from our weapons!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We come in peace! Just let our friends go!", SAY_SHOUT, 5500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I'm afraid we cannot afford that...", SAY_SHOUT, 4500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You see, hedgehog spikes are very very valuable.", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Very valuable, haha!", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Don't you dare harm our tribe!", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "It's a shame, really!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "I regret to end your little odyssey.", SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "It was fun to watch...", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "The way you handled your little internal conflicts...", SAY_SHOUT, 6500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Did you really think that we needed the help of one of you?", SAY_SHOUT, 7500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "You should have known that we don't rely on meatbags!", SAY_SHOUT, 7500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "It was fun to watch though...", SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
+  if m5Choice == choiceEliminate then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Heck, you even executed one of your own!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "It was all a trick?!", SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "Some sick game of yours?!", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {natives[1], "We won't let you hurt any more of us!", SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Entered boredom phase! Discrepancies detected...", SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Initiate escape wish!", SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {enemy, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {enemy, "Running displacement algorithm...", SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {natives[1]}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {natives[1], 1}})
+  table.insert(fleeAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {enemy, 0, 0}})
+function SetupFinalAnim()
+  local found = 0
+  local gears = {}
+  for i = nativesLeft, 1, -1 do
+    if band(GetState(natives[i]), gstDrowning) == 0 then
+      found = found + 1
+      gears[found] = natives[i]
+    end
+  end
+  if found == 0 then
+    return
+  else
+    for i = 1, found do
+      table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {gears[1], CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, gears[i]}}})
+    end
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, "Nice work, meatbags!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, "You're on your way to freeing your tribe!", SAY_SAY, 5500}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gears[1], "Do you know where they are?", SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gears[found], "We need to hurry!", SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, "Haha! Come!", SAY_SAY, 2000}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimJump, args = {cyborg, "high"}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, GetGearPosition(cyborg)}})
+    for i = 1, found do
+      table.insert(finalAnim, {func = HideHedge, swh = false, args = {gears[i]}})
+    end
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = SetState, swh = false, args = {cyborg, gstInvisible}})
+  end
+--------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
+function AfterStartAnim()
+  SetGearMessage(natives[1], 0)
+  ShowMission("Long Live The Queen", "Closing in", "Defeat the enemy!|The leader seems scared, he will probably flee.", 1, 0)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2207, 44), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(519, 1519), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(826, 895), 25)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(701, 1046, amGirder, 3)
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+function SkipAnim(anim)
+  if anim == startAnim then
+    SetGearPosition(enemy, unpack(enemyPos))
+  end
+  if GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) ~= loc("Natives") then
+    TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  end
+  AnimWait(enemy, 1)
+function AfterFleeAnim()
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(130, 455), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2087, 50), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2143, 54), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(70, 1308), 25)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  HideHedge(enemy)
+  ShowMission("Long Live The Queen", "Coward", "The leader escaped. Defeat the rest of the aliens!", 1, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+function AfterLeaderDeadAnim()
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(130, 455), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2087, 50), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2143, 54), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(70, 1308), 25)
+  ShowMission("Long Live The Queen", "Bullseye", "Good Job! Defeat the rest of the aliens!", 1, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function CheckTurnsOver()
+  return TotalRounds > 6
+function DoTurnsOver()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  enemyFled = "1"
+  AddAnim(fleeAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterFleeAnim, args = {}})
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckGearDead, {enemy})
+function CheckNativesDead()
+  return nativesLeft == 0
+function DoNativesDead()
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckTurnsOver)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckGearDead)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckCyborgsDead)
+  AddCaption("...and the cyborgs took over the island.")
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function CheckCyborgsDead()
+  return (cyborgsLeft == 0 and (gearDead[enemy] == true or enemyFled == "1"))
+function KillEnemy()
+  if enemyFled == "1" then
+    ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Leaderbot"))
+  end
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function DoCyborgsDead()
+  SaveCampaignVariables()
+  RestoreHedge(cyborg)
+  PlaceGirder(3292, 922, 4)
+  SetGearPosition(cyborg, 3290, 902)
+  SetupFinalAnim()
+  AddAnim(finalAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = KillEnemy, args = {}})
+function DoLeaderDead()
+  leaderDead = true
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  SetupLeaderDeadAnim()
+  AddAnim(leaderDeadAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterLeaderDeadAnim, args = {}})
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckTurnsOver)
+function CheckGearsDead(gearList)
+  for i = 1, # gearList do
+    if gearDead[gearList[i]] ~= true then
+      return false
+    end
+  end
+  return true
+function CheckGearDead(gear)
+  return gearDead[gear]
+function HideHedge(hedge)
+  if hedgeHidden[hedge] ~= true then
+    HideHog(hedge)
+    hedgeHidden[hedge] = true
+  end
+function RestoreHedge(hedge)
+  if hedgeHidden[hedge] == true then
+    RestoreHog(hedge)
+    hedgeHidden[hedge] = false
+  end
+function GetVariables()
+  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
+  m5DeployedNum = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DeployedNum"))
+  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
+  m5Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5Choice"))
+  m2DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2DenseDead"))
+  m4DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4DenseDead"))
+  m5DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DenseDead"))
+  m4LeaksDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4LeaksDead"))
+  m5LeaksDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5LeaksDead"))
+  m4ChiefDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4ChiefDead"))
+  m5ChiefDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5ChiefDead"))
+  m4WaterDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4WaterDead"))
+  m5WaterDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5WaterDead"))
+  m4BuffaloDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M4BuffaloDead"))
+  m5BuffaloDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5BuffaloDead"))
+  m5WiseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5WiseDead"))
+  m5GirlDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5GirlDead"))
+function SaveCampaignVariables()
+  for i = 1, 4 do
+    if gearDead[origNatives[i]] ~= true then
+      SaveCampaignVar(nativeSaveNames[i], "0")
+    else
+      SaveCampaignVar(nativeSaveNames[i], "1")
+    end
+  end
+  SaveCampaignVar("M8DeployedLeader", deployedLeader)
+  SaveCampaignVar("M8PrincessLeader", princessLeader)
+  SaveCampaignVar("M8EnemyFled", enemyFled)
+  SaveCampaignVar("M8Scene", "" .. scene)
+  if progress and progress<8 then
+    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "8")
+  end
+function SetupPlace()
+  HideHedge(cyborg)
+  SetHogHat(natives[1], nativeHats[m5DeployedNum])
+  SetHogName(natives[1], nativeNames[m5DeployedNum])
+  if m5DeployedNum == denseNum then
+    dense = natives[1]
+  else
+    dense = enemy
+  end
+  if m2Choice == choiceAccepted and m5Choice ~= choiceEliminate then
+    scene = denseScene
+    SetHogHat(enemy, nativeHats[denseNum])
+    SetHogName(enemy, nativeNames[denseNum])
+    dense = enemy
+  elseif m2Choice == choiceAccepted then
+    scene = cyborgScene
+    SetHogHat(enemy, "cyborg2")
+    SetHogName(enemy, loc("Nancy Screw"))
+  elseif m5Choice == choiceEliminate then
+    scene = princessScene
+    SetHogHat(enemy, "tiara")
+    SetHogName(enemy, loc("Fell From Heaven"))
+  else
+    scene = waterScene
+    SetHogHat(enemy, nativeHats[waterNum])
+    SetHogName(enemy, nativeNames[waterNum])
+  end
+  for i = 1, 4 do 
+    if GetHogName(natives[i]) == GetHogName(enemy) then
+      AnimSetGearPosition(enemy, GetGearPosition(natives[i]))
+      DeleteGear(natives[i])
+      DeleteGear(cyborgs[cyborgsLeft])
+    end
+  end
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(34, 395, amBee, 2)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(33, 374, amRCPlane, 1)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(74, 393, amAirAttack, 3)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(1313, 1481, amBazooka, 8)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(80, 360, amSniperRifle, 4)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(1037, 1494, amShotgun, 7)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(1037, 1472, amMolotov, 3)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(1146, 1503, amMortar, 8)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(1147, 1431, amPortalGun, 2)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(1219, 1542, amRope, 5)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(1259, 1501, amJetpack, 2)
+function SetupEvents()
+  AddNewEvent(CheckNativesDead, {}, DoNativesDead, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckGearDead, {enemy}, DoLeaderDead, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckTurnsOver, {}, DoTurnsOver, {}, 0)
+  AddNewEvent(CheckCyborgsDead, {}, DoCyborgsDead, {}, 0)
+function SetupAmmo()
+  AddAmmo(natives[1], amPickHammer, 2)
+  AddAmmo(natives[1], amBazooka, 0)
+  AddAmmo(natives[1], amGrenade, 0)
+  AddAmmo(natives[1], amShotgun, 0)
+  AddAmmo(natives[1], amAirStrike, 0)
+  AddAmmo(natives[1], amMolotov, 0)
+function AddHogs()
+	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+  for i = 7, 9 do
+    natives[i-6] = AddHog(nativeNames[i], 0, 100, nativeHats[i])
+    origNatives[i-6] = natives[i-6]
+  end
+  natives[4] = AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 0, 133, "tiara")
+  origNatives[4] = natives[4]
+  nativesLeft = nativesNum
+  AddTeam(loc("Beep Loopers"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  for i = 1, cyborgsTeamNum[1] do
+    cyborgs[i] = AddHog(cyborgNames[i], cyborgsDif[i], cyborgsHealth[i], "cyborg2")
+  end
+  AddTeam(loc("Corporationals"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  for i = cyborgsTeamNum[1] + 1, cyborgsNum do
+    cyborgs[i] = AddHog(cyborgNames[i], cyborgsDif[i], cyborgsHealth[i], "cyborg2")
+  end
+  cyborgsLeft = cyborgsTeamNum[1] + cyborgsTeamNum[2]
+  AddTeam(loc("Leaderbot"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  enemy = AddHog(loc("Name"), 2, 200, "cyborg1")
+  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
+  SetGearPosition(cyborg, 0, 0)
+  for i = 1, nativesNum do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i]))
+  end
+  AnimSetGearPosition(enemy, unpack(enemyPos))
+  AnimTurn(enemy, "Left")
+  for i = 1, cyborgsNum do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i]))
+    AnimTurn(cyborgs[i], cyborgsDir[i])
+  end
+function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
+  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
+  if xl > xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
+  elseif xl < xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
+  end
+-----------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
+function onGameInit()
+	Seed = 0
+	GameFlags = gfDisableGirders + gfDisableLandObjects
+	TurnTime = 60000 
+	CaseFreq = 0
+	MinesNum = 0
+	MinesTime = 3000
+	Explosives = 0
+	Delay = 10 
+  MapGen = 2
+	Theme = "Hell"
+  SuddenDeathTurns = 20
+	for i = 1, #map do
+		ParseCommand('draw ' .. map[i])
+	end
+  GetVariables()
+  AnimInit()
+  AddHogs()
+function onGameStart()
+  SetupAmmo()
+  SetupPlace()
+  AnimationSetup()
+  SetupEvents()
+  AddAnim(startAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
+function onGameTick()
+  AnimUnWait()
+  if ShowAnimation() == false then
+    return
+  end
+  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
+  CheckEvents()
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+  local toRemove = nil
+  gearDead[gear] = true
+  if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+    if GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Beep Loopers") or GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Corporationals") then
+      cyborgsLeft = cyborgsLeft - 1
+    elseif GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Natives") then
+      for i = 1, nativesLeft do
+        if natives[i] == gear then
+          toRemove = i
+        end
+      end
+      table.remove(natives, toRemove)
+      nativesLeft = nativesLeft - 1
+    end
+  end
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amBazooka, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amAirStrike, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amMolotov, 5, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+function onNewTurn()
+  if AnimInProgress() then
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+    return
+  end
+  if GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("011101001") then
+    TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  end
+function onPrecise()
+  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
+    SetAnimSkip(true)
+--  else
+--    DeleteGear(cyborgs[1])
+--    table.remove(cyborgs, 1)
+--    if cyborgsLeft == 0 then
+--      DeleteGear(enemy)
+--    end
+  end
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/shadow.hwp has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/shadow.lua	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+startStage = 0
+spyStage = 1
+wave1Stage = 2
+wave2Stage = 3
+cyborgStage = 4
+ramonStage = 5
+aloneStage = 6
+duoStage = 7
+interSpyStage = 8
+interWeakStage = 9
+acceptedReturnStage = 10
+refusedReturnStage = 11
+attackedReturnStage = 12
+loseStage = 13
+ourTeam = 0
+weakTeam = 1
+strongTeam = 2
+cyborgTeam = 3
+leaksNr = 0
+denseNr = 1
+choiceAccept = 1
+choiceRefuse = 2
+choiceAttack = 3
+HogNames = {loc("Brainiac"), loc("Corpsemonger"), loc("Femur Lover"), loc("Glark"), loc("Bonely"), loc("Rot Molester"), loc("Bloodrocutor"), loc("Muscle Dissolver"), loc("Bloodsucker")}
+cannibalPos = {{3108, 1127}, 
+               {2559, 1080}, {3598, 1270}, {3293, 1177}, {2623, 1336}, 
+               {3418, 1336}, {3447, 1335}, {3481, 1340}, {3507, 1324}} 
+densePos = {2776, 1177}
+leaksPos = {2941, 1172}
+cyborgPos = {1113, 1818}
+startDialogue = {}
+weaklingsAnim = {}
+stronglingsAnim = {}
+acceptedAnim = {}
+acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim = {}
+acceptedDiedFinalAnim = {}
+refusedAnim = {}
+refusedFinalAnim = {}
+attackedAnim = {}
+attackedFinalAnim = {}
+lastHogTeam = ourTeam
+lastOurHog = leaksNr
+lastEnemyHog = 0
+stage = 0
+choice = 0
+brainiacDead = false
+cyborgHidden = false
+leaksHidden = false
+denseHidden = false
+cyborgAttacked = false
+retryReturn = false
+shotgunTaken = false
+grenadeTaken = false
+spikyDead = false
+ramonDead = false
+denseDead = false
+leaksDead = false
+ramonHidden = false
+spikyHidden = false
+grenadeUsed = false
+shotgunUsed = false
+hogNr = {}
+cannibalDead = {}
+isHidden = {}
+--------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
+function AfterRefusedAnim()
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2045, 1575, amSwitch)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2365, 1495, amShotgun)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2495, 1519, amGrenade)
+  SpawnUtilityCrate(2620, 1524, amRope)
+  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The Showdown"), loc("Save Leaks A Lot!|Hint: The Switch utility might be of help to you."), 1, 6000)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckDenseDead)
+  AddEvent(CheckStronglingsDead, {}, DoStronglingsDeadRefused, {}, 0)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amGrenade, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amGrenade, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amGrenade, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amGrenade, 1)
+  stage = ramonStage
+  SwitchHog(cannibals[9])
+  FollowGear(ramon)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  SetGearMessage(ramon, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
+  AnimWait(ramon, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = HideHog, args = {cyborg}})
+function SkipRefusedAnim()
+  RefusedStart()
+  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 2645, 1146)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(ramon, 2218, 1675)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(spiky, 2400, 1675)
+function AfterStartDialogue()
+  stage = spyStage
+  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("Play with me!"), loc("Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"), 1, 6000)
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+function StartSkipFunc()
+  SetState(cannibals[1], 0)
+  AnimTurn(leaks, "Right")
+  AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
+  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+function AfterWeaklingsAnim()
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[2], amShotgun, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[2], amGrenade, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[3], amShotgun, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[3], amGrenade, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[4], amShotgun, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[4], amGrenade, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amShotgun, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amGrenade, 1)
+  AddAmmo(leaks, amSkip, 4)
+  AddAmmo(dense, amSkip, 4)
+  AddEvent(CheckWeaklingsKilled, {}, DoWeaklingsKilled, {}, 0)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2757, 1030), 50)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2899, 1009), 50)
+  stage = wave1Stage
+  SwitchHog(dense)
+  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("Why do you not like me?"), loc("Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."), 1, 6000)
+function SkipWeaklingsAnim()
+  for i = 2, 5 do
+    if isHidden[cannibals[i]] == true then
+      RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
+      isHidden[cannibals[i]] = false
+    end
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
+    SetState(cannibals[i], 0)
+  end
+  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+function AfterStronglingsAnim()
+  stage = cyborgStage
+  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The Dilemma"), loc("Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."), 1, 8000)
+  AddEvent(CheckChoice, {}, DoChoice, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckRefuse, {}, DoRefuse, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckAccept, {}, DoAccept, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckConfront, {}, DoConfront, {}, 0)
+  AddAmmo(dense, amSwitch, 0)
+  AddAmmo(dense, amSkip, 0)
+  AddAmmo(leaks, amSwitch, 0)
+  AddAmmo(leaks, amSkip, 0)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(2557, 1030), 50)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(3599, 1009), 50)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function SkipStronglingsAnim()
+  for i = 6, 9 do
+    if isHidden[cannibals[i]] == true then
+      RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
+      isHidden[cannibals[i]] = false
+    end
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
+    SetState(cannibals[i], 0)
+  end
+  if cyborgHidden == true then
+    RestoreHog(cyborg)
+    cyborgHidden = false
+  end
+  SetState(cyborg, 0)
+  SetState(dense, 0)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 1350, 1315)
+  FollowGear(dense)
+  HogTurnLeft(dense, true)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 1250, 1315)
+  SwitchHog(dense)
+  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+function RestartReturnAccepted()
+  retryReturn = false
+  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, 1350, 1310)
+  AddAmmo(dense, amGirder, 2)
+  AddAmmo(dense, amParachute, 2)
+  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The walk of Fame"), loc("Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"), 1, 6000)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNeedGirder)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNeedWeapons)
+  AddEvent(CheckNeedGirder, {}, DoNeedGirder, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckNeedWeapons, {}, DoNeedWeapons, {}, 0)
+function AfterAcceptedAnim()
+  stage = acceptedReturnStage
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(1370, 810, amGirder)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(1300, 810, amParachute)
+  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The walk of Fame"), loc("Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"), 1, 6000)
+  AddEvent(CheckTookWeapons, {}, DoTookWeapons, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckNeedGirder, {}, DoNeedGirder, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckNeedWeapons, {}, DoNeedWeapons, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckRestartReturnAccepted, {}, RestartReturnAccepted, {}, 1)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckDenseDead)
+  SwitchHog(dense)
+  AnimWait(dense, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = HideHog, args = {cyborg}})
+function SkipAcceptedAnim()
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos))
+  SetState(cyborg, gstInvisible)
+  AnimSwitchHog(dense)
+  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+function AfterAttackedAnim()
+  stage = aloneStage
+  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The Individualist"), loc("Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"), 1, 8000)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amGrenade, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amFirePunch, 0)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amBaseballBat, 0)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amGrenade, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amFirePunch, 0)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amBaseballBat, 0)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amGrenade, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amFirePunch, 0)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amBaseballBat, 0)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amGrenade, 1)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amFirePunch, 0)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amBaseballBat, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+  AddEvent(CheckStronglingsDead, {}, DoStronglingsDeadAttacked, {}, 0)
+  SwitchHog(leaks)
+  AnimWait(dense, 1)
+  AddFunction({func = HideHog, args = {cyborg}})
+function SkipAttackedAnim()
+  if denseDead == false then
+    DeleteGear(dense)
+  end
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(2551, 994, amGrenade)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(3551, 994, amGrenade)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(3392, 1101, amShotgun)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(3192, 1101, amShotgun)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos))
+  SetState(cyborg, gstInvisible)
+  AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
+  SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+function SpawnCrates()
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(2551, 994, amGrenade)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(3551, 994, amGrenade)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(3392, 1101, amShotgun)
+  SpawnAmmoCrate(3192, 1101, amShotgun)
+  return true
+function EmitDenseClouds(anim, dir)
+  local dif
+  if dir == "Left" then 
+    dif = 10
+  else
+    dif = -10
+  end
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+function BlowDenseCloud()
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = DeleteGear, args = {dense}, swh = false}) 
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense), GetY(dense), vgtBigExplosion, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 1200}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + 20, GetY(dense), vgtExplosion, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 100}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + 10, GetY(dense), vgtExplosion, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 100}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) - 10, GetY(dense), vgtExplosion, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 100}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) - 20, GetY(dense), vgtExplosion, 0, true}, swh = false})
+function SetupAcceptedSurvivedFinalAnim()
+  table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, dense}}})
+  table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Pfew! That was close!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  if grenadeUsed and shotgunUsed then
+    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Where did you get the exploding apples and the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"), SAY_SAY, 9000}})
+  elseif grenadeUsed then
+    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Where did you get the exploding apples?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  elseif shotgunUsed then
+    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Where did you get the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+  else
+    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Did you warn the village?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("No, I came back to help you out..."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  end
+  if grenadeUsed or shotgunUsed then
+    table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Uhm...I met one of them and took his weapons."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  end
+  table.insert(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("We should head back to the village now."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+function AnimationSetup()
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."), 6000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."), 4000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"), SAY_SAY, 9000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."), SAY_SAY, 5000}}) 
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, EmitDenseClouds, {startDialogue, "Right"}}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 2000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("You're terrorizing the forest...We won't catch anything like this!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("..."), SAY_THINK, 1000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[1], 0}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[1], unpack(cannibalPos[1])}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {leaks, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cannibals[1], "Right"}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimWait, args = {cannibals[1], 1000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cannibals[1], "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimWait, args = {cannibals[1], 1000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cannibals[1], "Right"}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("I can't believe it worked!"), SAY_THINK, 3500}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("That shaman sure knows what he's doing!"), SAY_THINK, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Yeah...I think it's a 'he', lol."), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("It wants our brains!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cannibals[1], "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Not you again! My head still hurts from last time!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startDialogue, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {leaks}})
+  AddSkipFunction(startDialogue, StartSkipFunc, {})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {leaks, 1000}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, dense}}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Did you see him coming?"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("No. Where did he come from?"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, UnHideWeaklings, {}}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[2], unpack(cannibalPos[2])}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[2], 0}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[3], 0}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[3], unpack(cannibalPos[3])}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[4], 0}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[4], unpack(cannibalPos[4])}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[5], 0}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[5], unpack(cannibalPos[5])}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[3], loc("Are we there yet?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}}) 
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("This must be some kind of sorcery!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3500}})
+  table.insert(weaklingsAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {leaks}})
+  AddSkipFunction(weaklingsAnim, SkipWeaklingsAnim, {})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {leaks, 1000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, UnHideStronglings, {}}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, CondNeedToTurn, {leaks, dense}}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {leaks, 0}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {dense, 0}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I thought their shaman died when he tried our medicine!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("I saw it with my own eyes!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Then how do they keep appearing?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("It's impossible to communicate with the spirits without a shaman."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("We need to warn the village."), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[6], 0}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[6], unpack(cannibalPos[6])}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[7], 0}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[7], unpack(cannibalPos[7])}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[8], 0}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[8], unpack(cannibalPos[8])}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cannibals[9], 0}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[9], unpack(cannibalPos[9])}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 400}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[7], loc("What a ride!"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {leaks, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 700}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {leaks, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("We can't defeat them!"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I'll hold them off while you return to the village!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, args = {cyborg}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {cyborg, loc("30 minutes later...")}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 2000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSetGearPosition, args = {dense, 1420, 1315}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {dense, "Left", 1400, 0}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, EmitDenseClouds, {stronglingsAnim, "Left"}}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {dense, "Left", 1350, 0}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cyborg, 1250, 1320}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimRemoveState, args = {cyborg, gstInvisible}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimGearWait, args = {cyborg, 2000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Greetings, cloudy one!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I have come to make you an offering..."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You are given the chance to turn your life around..."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("If you agree to provide the information we need, you will be spared!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("If you decide to help us, though, we will no longer need to find a new governor for the island."), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("If you know what I mean..."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("So? What will it be?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(stronglingsAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
+  AddSkipFunction(stronglingsAnim, SkipStronglingsAnim, {})
+  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Whatever floats your boat..."), SAY_SAY, 4500}})
+  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cyborg, gstInvisible}})
+  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
+  table.insert(acceptedAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {dense}})
+  AddSkipFunction(acceptedAnim, SkipAcceptedAnim, {}) 
+  table.insert(acceptedDiedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Pfew! That was close!"), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+  table.insert(acceptedDiedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Your death will not be in vain, Dense Cloud!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
+  table.insert(acceptedDiedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("You will be avenged!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I see..."), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You just committed suicide..."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cyborg, gstInvisible}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("If you say so..."), SAY_THINK, 3000}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimFollowGear, args = {cyborg}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 700}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, RefusedStart, {}}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {dense, 2645, 1146}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {ramon, 2218, 1675}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {spiky, 2400, 1675}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {spiky, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 1700}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {spiky, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 1700}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {spiky, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(refusedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {spiky, loc("Dude, we really need a new shaman..."), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  AddSkipFunction(refusedAnim, SkipRefusedAnim, {})
+  table.insert(refusedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("It's over..."), SAY_SAY, 2000}})
+  table.insert(refusedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Let's head back to the village!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, CondNeedToTurn, {cyborg, dense}}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, SetHealth, {cyborg, 200}}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 2000}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You're pathetic! You are not worthy of my attention..."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, BlowDenseCloud, {}}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 2000}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Incredible..."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos)}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimGiveState, args = {cyborg, gstInvisible}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {leaks}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I wonder where Dense Cloud is..."), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I can't wait any more, I have to save myself!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, SpawnCrates, {}}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 1500}})
+  table.insert(attackedAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Where are all these crates coming from?!"), SAY_THINK, 5500}})
+  AddSkipFunction(attackedAnim, SkipAttackedAnim, {})
+  table.insert(attackedFinalAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 2000}})
+  table.insert(attackedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I have to get back to the village!"), SAY_THINK, 5000}})
+  table.insert(attackedFinalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."), SAY_THINK, 7000}})
+function RefusedStart()
+  if ramonHidden == true then
+    RestoreHog(ramon)
+    ramonHidden = false
+  end
+  if spikyHidden == true then
+    RestoreHog(spiky)
+    spikyHidden = false
+  end
+  SetState(ramon, 0)
+  SetState(spiky, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(ramon, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(spiky, 0)
+function AddHogs()
+	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+  ramon = AddHog(loc("Ramon"), 0, 100, "rasta")
+	leaks = AddHog(loc("Leaks A Lot"), 0, 100, "Rambo")
+  dense = AddHog(loc("Dense Cloud"), 0, 100, "RobinHood")
+  spiky = AddHog(loc("Spiky Cheese"), 0, 100, "hair_yellow")
+  AddTeam(loc("Weaklings"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate","cm_vampire")
+  cannibals = {}
+  cannibals[1] = AddHog(loc("Brainiac"), 5, 20, "Zombi")
+  for i = 2, 5 do
+    cannibals[i] = AddHog(HogNames[i], 1, 20, "Zombi")
+    hogNr[cannibals[i]] = i - 2
+  end
+  AddTeam(loc("Stronglings"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate","cm_vampire")
+  for i = 6, 9 do
+    cannibals[i] = AddHog(HogNames[i], 2, 30, "vampirichog")
+    hogNr[cannibals[i]] = i - 2
+  end
+  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Y3K1337"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
+function PlaceHogs()
+  HogTurnLeft(leaks, true)
+  for i = 2, 9 do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cyborgPos))
+    AnimTurn(cannibals[i], "Left")
+    cannibalDead[i] = false
+  end
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[1], cannibalPos[1][1], cannibalPos[1][2])
+  AnimTurn(cannibals[1], "Left")
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, cyborgPos[1], cyborgPos[2])
+  AnimSetGearPosition(ramon, 2218, 1675)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(skiky, 2400, 1675)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(dense, densePos[1], densePos[2])
+  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks, leaksPos[1], leaksPos[2]) 
+function VisiblizeHogs()
+  for i = 1, 9 do
+    SetState(cannibals[i], gstInvisible)
+  end
+  SetState(cyborg, gstInvisible)
+  SetState(ramon, gstInvisible)
+  SetState(spiky, gstInvisible)
+function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
+  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
+  if xl > xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
+  elseif xl < xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
+  end
+function HideHogs()
+  for i = 2, 9 do
+    HideHog(cannibals[i])
+    isHidden[cannibals[i]] = true
+  end
+  HideHog(cyborg)
+  cyborgHidden = true
+  HideHog(ramon)
+  HideHog(spiky)
+  ramonHidden = true
+  spikyHidden = true
+function HideStronglings()
+  for i = 6, 9 do
+    HideHog(cannibals[i])
+    isHidden[cannibals[i]] = true
+  end
+function UnHideWeaklings()
+  for i = 2, 5 do
+    RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
+    isHidden[cannibals[i]] = false
+    SetState(cannibals[i], gstInvisible)
+  end
+function UnHideStronglings()
+  for i = 6, 9 do
+    RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
+    isHidden[cannibals[i]] = false
+    SetState(cannibals[i], gstInvisible)
+  end
+  RestoreHog(cyborg)
+  cyborgHidden = false
+  SetState(cyborg, gstInvisible)
+function ChoiceTaken()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  if choice == choiceAccept then
+    AddAnim(acceptedAnim)
+    AddFunction({func = AfterAcceptedAnim, args = {}})
+  elseif choice == choiceRefuse then
+    AddAnim(refusedAnim)
+    AddFunction({func = AfterRefusedAnim, args = {}})
+  else
+    AddAnim(attackedAnim)
+    AddFunction({func = AfterAttackedAnim, args = {}})
+  end
+function KillCyborg()
+  RestoreHog(cyborg)
+  DeleteGear(cyborg)
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function CheckBrainiacDead()
+  return brainiacDead
+function DoBrainiacDead()
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(weaklingsAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterWeaklingsAnim, args = {}})
+  stage = interSpyStage
+function CheckWeaklingsKilled()
+  for i = 2, 5 do
+    if cannibalDead[i] == false then
+      return false
+    end
+  end
+  return true
+function DoWeaklingsKilled()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  AddAnim(stronglingsAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterStronglingsAnim, args = {}})
+  stage = interWeakStage
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Weaklings"))
+function CheckRefuse()
+  return GetX(dense) > 1400 and StoppedGear(dense)
+function DoRefuse()
+  choice = choiceRefuse
+function CheckAccept()
+  return GetX(dense) < 1300 and StoppedGear(dense)
+function DoAccept()
+  choice = choiceAccept
+function CheckConfront()
+  return cyborgAttacked and StoppedGear(dense)
+function DoConfront()
+  choice = choiceAttack
+function CheckChoice()
+  return choice ~= 0
+function DoChoice()
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckConfront)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckAccept)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckRefuse)
+  ChoiceTaken()
+function CheckNeedGirder()
+  return GetX(dense) > 1640 and StoppedGear(dense)
+function DoNeedGirder()
+  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("Under Construction"), loc("To place a girder, select it, use [Left] and [Right] to select angle and length, place with [Left Click]"), 1, 6000)
+function CheckNeedWeapons()
+  return GetX(dense) > 2522 and StoppedGear(dense)
+function DoNeedWeapons()
+  grenadeCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(2550, 800, amGrenade)
+  shotgunCrate = SpawnAmmoCrate(2610, 850, amShotgun)
+  AddCaption(loc("A little gift from the cyborgs"))
+function CheckTookWeapons()
+  return shotgunTaken and grenadeTaken
+function DoTookWeapons()
+  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The guardian"), loc("Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"), 1, 8000)
+  AddAmmo(dense, amSkip, 100)
+  AddAmmo(dense, amSwitch, 100)
+  AddAmmo(leaks, amSkip, 100)
+  AddAmmo(leaks, amSwitch, 100)
+  stage = duoStage
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNeedGirder)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckNeedWeapons)
+  RemoveEventFunc(CheckRestartReturnAccepted)
+  AddEvent(CheckStronglingsDead, {}, DoStronglingsDead, {}, 0)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amGrenade, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[6], amShotgun, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amGrenade, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[7], amShotgun, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amGrenade, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[8], amShotgun, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amGrenade, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[9], amShotgun, 2)
+  SetGearMessage(leaks, 0)
+  SetGearMessage(dense, 0)
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+function DoStronglingsDead()
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  if denseDead == true then
+    AddAnim(acceptedDiedFinalAnim)
+    SaveCampaignVar("M2DenseDead", "1")
+  else
+    SetupAcceptedSurvivedFinalAnim()
+    AddAnim(acceptedSurvivedFinalAnim)
+    SaveCampaignVar("M2DenseDead", "0")
+  end
+  SaveCampaignVar("M2RamonDead", "0")
+  SaveCampaignVar("M2SpikyDead", "0")
+  AddFunction({func = KillCyborg, args = {}})
+  if progress and progress<2 then
+    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "2")
+  end
+  SaveCampaignVar("M2Choice", "" .. choice)
+function DoStronglingsDeadRefused()
+  if denseDead == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M2DenseDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M2DenseDead", "0")
+  end
+  if ramonDead == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M2RamonDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M2RamonDead", "0")
+  end
+  if spikyDead == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M2SpikyDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M2SpikyDead", "0")
+  end
+  AddAnim(refusedFinalAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = KillCyborg, args = {}})
+  if progress and progress<2 then
+    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "2")
+  end
+  SaveCampaignVar("M2Choice", "" .. choice)
+function DoStronglingsDeadAttacked()
+  SaveCampaignVar("M2DenseDead", "1")
+  SaveCampaignVar("M2RamonDead", "0")
+  SaveCampaignVar("M2SpikyDead", "0")
+  if progress and progress<2 then
+    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "2")
+  end
+  SaveCampaignVar("M2Choice", "" .. choice)
+  AddAnim(attackedFinalAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = KillCyborg, args = {}})
+function CheckStronglingsDead()
+  if leaksDead == true then
+    return false
+  end
+  for i = 6, 9 do
+    if cannibalDead[i] == false then
+      return false
+    end
+  end
+  return true
+function CheckLeaksDead()
+  return leaksDead
+function DoDead()
+  AddCaption(loc("...and so the cyborgs took over the world..."))
+  stage = loseStage
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("Natives"))
+function CheckDenseDead()
+  return denseDead and choice ~= choiceAttack 
+function CheckRestartReturnAccepted()
+  return retryReturn
+-----------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
+function onGameInit()
+	Seed = 334 
+	GameFlags = gfSolidLand + gfDisableWind + gfPerHogAmmo
+	TurnTime = 50000 
+	CaseFreq = 0
+	MinesNum = 0
+	MinesTime = 3000
+	Explosives = 0
+	Delay = 10 
+	Map = "A_Classic_Fairytale_shadow"
+	Theme = "Nature"
+    SuddenDeathTurns = 3000
+  AddHogs()
+  PlaceHogs()
+  VisiblizeHogs()
+  AnimInit()
+  AnimationSetup()
+function onGameStart()
+  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
+  HideHogs()
+  AddAmmo(leaks, amSwitch, 100)
+  AddAmmo(dense, amSwitch, 100)
+  AddEvent(CheckLeaksDead, {}, DoDead, {}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckDenseDead, {}, DoDead, {}, 0)
+  AddAnim(startDialogue)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterStartDialogue, args = {}})
+  AddEvent(CheckBrainiacDead, {}, DoBrainiacDead, {}, 0)
+  ShowMission(loc("The Shadow Falls"), loc("The First Encounter"), loc("Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."), 1, 0)
+function onGameTick()
+  AnimUnWait()
+  if ShowAnimation() == false then
+    return
+  end
+  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
+  CheckEvents()
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+  if gear == cannibals[1] then
+    brainiacDead = true
+  elseif gear == grenadeCrate then
+    grenadeTaken = true
+  elseif gear == shotgunCrate then
+    shotgunTaken = true
+  elseif gear == dense then
+    denseDead = true
+  elseif gear == leaks then
+    leaksDead = true
+  elseif gear == ramon then
+    ramonDead = true
+  elseif gear == spiky then
+    spikyDead = true
+  else
+    for i = 2, 9 do
+      if gear == cannibals[i] then
+        cannibalDead[i] = true
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function onGearAdd(gear)
+  if GetGearType(gear) == gtGrenade and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Natives") then
+    grenadeUsed = true
+  elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtShotgunShot and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Natives") then
+    shotgunUsed = true
+  end
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 6, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 3, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amWhip, 4, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 4, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amHammer, 2, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amLandGun, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSnowball, 7, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amGirder, 0, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amParachute, 0, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 0, 0, 0, 8)
+  SetAmmo(amRope, 0, 0, 0, 6)
+function onNewTurn()
+  if AnimInProgress() then
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+--  elseif stage == interSpyStage and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) ~= loc("Natives") then
+--    TurnTimeLeft = 0
+--    SetState(CurrentHedgehog, gstInvisible)
+  elseif stage == cyborgStage then
+    if CurrentHedgehog ~= dense then
+      TurnTimeLeft = 0
+    else
+      TurnTimeLeft = -1
+    end
+  elseif stage == acceptedReturnStage then
+    SwitchHog(dense)
+    FollowGear(dense)
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+  end
+function onGearDamage(gear, damage)
+  if gear == cyborg and stage == cyborgStage then
+    cyborgAttacked = true
+  end
+function onPrecise()
+  if GameTime > 2500 and AnimInProgress() then
+    SetAnimSkip(true)
+    return
+  end
+  if stage == acceptedReturnStage then
+    retryReturn = true
+--  else
+--    for i = 1, 9 do
+--      DeleteGear(cannibals[i])
+--    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A_Classic_Fairytale/united.lua	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+choiceAccept = 1
+choiceRefuse = 2
+choiceAttack = 3
+leaksPos = {2067, 509}
+densePos = {1882, 503}
+waterPos = {3100, 930}
+buffaloPos = {2609, 494}
+chiefPos = {2538, 617}
+cannibalPos = {{2219, 1339}, {2322, 1357}, {805, 784}, {3876, 1048},
+              {1101, 916}, {2854, 1408}, {1974, 486}, {1103, 961}}
+HogNames = {loc("Olive"), loc("Brain Stu"), loc("Brainila"), loc("Salivaslurper"),
+            loc("Spleenlover"), loc("Thighlicker"), loc("NomNom"), loc("Mindy")}
+natives = {}
+cannibals = {}
+cannibalDead = {}
+cannibalHidden = {}
+cratesSpawned = {}
+healthCratesSpawned = {}
+sdrmv = 0
+denseDead = false
+leaksDead = false
+waterDead = false
+buffaloDead = false
+chiefDead = false
+nativesDead = {}
+m2Choice = 0
+m2DenseDead = 0
+startAnim = {}
+wave2Anim = {}
+finalAnim = {}
+--------------------------Anim skip functions--------------------------
+function AfterHogDeadAnim()
+  freshDead = nil
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+function AfterStartAnim()
+  local goal = loc("Defeat the cannibals!|")
+  local chiefgoal = loc("Try to protect the chief! You won't lose if he dies, but it is advised that he survives.")
+  TurnTimeLeft = TurnTime
+  ShowMission(loc("United We Stand"), loc("Invasion"), goal .. chiefgoal, 1, 6000)
+function SkipStartAnim()
+  AnimSetGearPosition(water, 2467, 754)
+  if cratesSpawned[1] ~= true then
+    SpawnCrates(1)
+  end
+  if healthCratesSpawned[1] ~= true then
+    SpawnHealthCrates(1)
+  end
+  if cannibalHidden[1] == true then
+    RestoreWave(1)
+  end
+  AnimSwitchHog(leaks)
+function SkipWave2Anim()
+  if cratesSpawned[2] ~= true then
+    SpawnCrates(2)
+  end
+  if healthCratesSpawned[2] ~= true then
+    SpawnHealthCrates(2)
+  end
+  if cannibalHidden[5] == true then
+    RestoreWave(2)
+  end
+  AnimSwitchHog(cannibals[5])
+function AfterWave2Anim()
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function AfterFinalAnim()
+  if leaksDead == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M4LeaksDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M4LeaksDead", "0")
+  end
+  if chiefDead == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M4ChiefDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M4ChiefDead", "0")
+  end
+  if buffaloDead == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M4BuffaloDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M4BuffaloDead", "0")
+  end
+  if waterDead == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M4WaterDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M4WaterDead", "0")
+  end
+  if denseDead == true then
+    SaveCampaignVar("M4DenseDead", "1")
+  else
+    SaveCampaignVar("M4DenseDead", "0")
+  end
+  if progress and progress<4 then
+    SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "4")
+  end
+  ParseCommand("teamgone " .. loc("011101001"))
+  TurnTimeLeft = 0
+function Wave2Reaction()
+  local i = 1
+  local gearr = nil
+  while nativesDead[i] == true do
+    i = i + 1
+  end
+  gearr = natives[i]
+  if denseDead ~= true and band(GetState(dense), gstDrowning) == 0 then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("I'm so scared!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, EmitDenseClouds, {"Left"}}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {dense, "Left"}})
+  end
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimSay, args = {gearr, loc("There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}}) 
+function EmitDenseClouds(dir)
+  local dif
+  if dir == "Left" then
+    dif = 10
+  else
+    dif = -10
+  end
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}})
+  AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false})
+function AnimationSetup()
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Back in the village, after telling the villagers about the threat..."), 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCaption, args = {leaks, loc("Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."), 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"), SAY_SAY, 8000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("That is, indeed, very weird..."), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {buffalo, loc("If they try coming here, they can have a taste of my delicious knuckles!"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {buffalo, loc("Haha!"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}})
+  if denseDead == false then
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("I'm not sure about that!"), SAY_SAY, 3400}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("They have weapons we've never seen before!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {dense, SpawnCrates, {1}}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {dense, loc("Oops...I dropped them."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  else
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I'm not sure about that!"), SAY_SAY, 3400}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("They have weapons we've never seen before!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, SpawnCrates, {1}}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 1000}})
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("They keep appearing like this. It's weird!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("Did anyone follow you?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("No, we made sure of that!"), SAY_SAY, 3500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, SpawnHealthCrates, {1}}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {leaks, 1000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("First aid kits?!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("I've seen this before. They just appear out of thin air."), SAY_SAY, 7000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {water, "Left", 3000, 0}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimJump, args = {water, "long"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {water, "Left", 2655, 0}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {water, "Right"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimJump, args = {water, "back"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimJump, args = {water, "back"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {water, "Left"}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimMove, args = {water, "Left", 2467, 754}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {water, loc("Hey guys!"), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("..."), SAY_THINK, 1500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("Where have you been?"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {water, loc("Just on a walk."), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("You have chosen the perfect moment to leave."), SAY_SAY, 6000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {chief, RestoreWave, {1}}})
+  for i = 1, 4 do
+    table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i])}})
+  end
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {chief, 1500}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {leaks, loc("HOW DO THEY KNOW WHERE WE ARE???"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {chief, loc("We have to protect the village!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {leaks}})
+  AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {})
+  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, RestoreWave, {2}}, swh = false})
+  for i = 5, 8 do
+    table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimOutOfNowhere, args = {cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i])}})
+  end
+  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, Wave2Reaction, {}}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, SpawnCrates, {2}}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {leaks, SpawnHealthCrates, {2}}, swh = false})
+  table.insert(wave2Anim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {cannibals[5]}})
+  AddSkipFunction(wave2Anim, SkipWave2Anim, {})
+function SetupHogDeadAnim(gear)
+  hogDeadAnim = {}
+  if nativesNum == 0 then
+    return
+  end
+  local hogDeadStrings = {loc("They killed ") .. gear ..loc("! You bastards!"), 
+                          gear .. loc("! Why?!"), 
+                          loc("That was just mean!"), 
+                          loc("Oh no, not ") .. gear .. "!"}
+  table.insert(hogDeadAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {CurrentHedgehog, hogDeadStrings[nativesNum], SAY_SHOUT, 4000}})
+function SetupFinalAnim()
+  local found = 0
+  local hogs = {}
+  local i = 1
+  if nativesNum >= 2 then
+    while found < 2 do
+      if  nativesDead[i] ~= true then
+        found = found + 1
+        hogs[found] = natives[i]
+      end
+      i = i + 1
+    end
+    if chiefDead ~= true then
+      hogs[2] = chief
+    end
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {hogs[1], CondNeedToTurn, {hogs[1], hogs[2]}}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[1], loc("We can't hold them up much longer!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[1], loc("We need to move!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[2], loc("But where can we go?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[1], loc("To the caves..."), SAY_SAY, 2500}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[2], loc("Good idea, they'll never find us there!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}})
+  else
+    for i = 1, 5 do
+      if nativesDead[i] ~= true then
+        hogs[1] = natives[i]
+      end
+    end
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[1], loc("I need to move the tribe!"), SAY_THINK, 4000}})
+    table.insert(finalAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {hogs[1], loc("The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"), SAY_THINK, 7000}})
+  end
+function RestoreWave(index)
+  for i = (index - 1) * 4 + 1, index * 4 do
+    RestoreHog(cannibals[i])
+    cannibalHidden[i] = false
+  end
+function GetVariables()
+  m2DenseDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2DenseDead"))
+  if m2DenseDead == 1 then
+    denseDead = true
+  end
+  m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice"))
+function SetupPlace()
+  if m2DenseDead == 1 then
+    sdrmv = 1
+    DeleteGear(dense)
+  end
+  for i = 1, 8 do
+    HideHog(cannibals[i])
+    cannibalHidden[i] = true
+  end
+  HideHog(cyborg)
+function SetupEvents()
+  AddEvent(CheckWaveDead, {1}, DoWaveDead, {1}, 0)
+  AddEvent(CheckWaveDead, {2}, DoWaveDead, {2}, 0)
+function SetupAmmo()
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[1], amGrenade, 4)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[1], amBazooka, 4)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[1], amShotgun, 4)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[1], amMine, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amGrenade, 4)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amBazooka, 4)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amShotgun, 4)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amMine, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amMolotov, 2)
+  AddAmmo(cannibals[5], amFlamethrower, 3)
+function AddHogs()
+	AddTeam(loc("Natives"), 29439, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
+	leaks = AddHog(loc("Leaks A Lot"), 0, 100, "Rambo")
+  dense = AddHog(loc("Dense Cloud"), 0, 100, "RobinHood")
+  water = AddHog(loc("Fiery Water"), 0, 100, "pirate_jack")
+  buffalo = AddHog(loc("Raging Buffalo"), 0, 100, "zoo_Bunny")
+  chief = AddHog(loc("Righteous Beard"), 0, 100, "IndianChief")
+  natives = {leaks, dense, water, buffalo, chief}
+  nativesNum = 5
+  AddTeam(loc("Light Cannfantry"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate", "cm_vampire")
+  for i = 1, 4 do
+    cannibals[i] = AddHog(HogNames[i], 2, 40, "Zombi")
+  end
+  AddTeam(loc("Heavy Cannfantry"), 14483456, "Skull", "Island", "Pirate", "cm_vampire")
+  for i = 5, 8 do
+    cannibals[i] = AddHog(HogNames[i], 2, 55, "vampirichog")
+  end
+  AddTeam(loc("011101001"), 14483456, "ring", "UFO", "Robot", "cm_star")
+  cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1")
+  AnimSetGearPosition(leaks,   unpack(leaksPos))
+  AnimSetGearPosition(dense,   unpack(densePos))
+  AnimSetGearPosition(water,   unpack(waterPos))
+  HogTurnLeft(water, true)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(buffalo, unpack(buffaloPos))
+  HogTurnLeft(buffalo, true)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(chief,   unpack(chiefPos))
+  HogTurnLeft(chief, true)
+  AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, 0, 0)
+  for i = 1, 8 do
+    AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i]))
+  end
+function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2)
+  xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2)
+  if xl > xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}})
+  elseif xl < xd then
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}})
+    AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}})
+  end
+function SpawnHealthCrates(index)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
+  SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0), 25)
+  healthCratesSpawned[index] = true
+function SpawnCrates(index)
+  if index == 1 then
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(1943, 408, amBazooka)
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(1981, 464, amGrenade)
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(1957, 459, amShotgun)
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(1902, 450, amDynamite)
+    SpawnUtilityCrate(1982, 405, amPickHammer)
+    SpawnUtilityCrate(2028, 455, amRope)
+    SpawnUtilityCrate(2025, 464, amTeleport)
+  else
+    SpawnUtilityCrate(1982, 405, amBlowTorch)
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(2171, 428, amMolotov)
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(2364, 346, amFlamethrower)
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(2521, 303, amBazooka)
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(2223, 967, amGrenade)
+    SpawnAmmoCrate(1437, 371, amShotgun)
+ end
+  cratesSpawned[index] = true
+function CheckWaveDead(index)
+  for i = (index - 1) * 4 + 1, index * 4 do
+    if cannibalDead[i] ~= true then
+      return false
+    end
+  end
+  return true
+function DoWaveDead(index)
+  SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  SetState(CurrentHedgehog, 0)
+  if index == 1 then
+    AddAnim(wave2Anim)
+    AddFunction({func = AfterWave2Anim, args = {}})
+  elseif index == 2 then
+    SetupFinalAnim()
+    AddAnim(finalAnim)
+    AddFunction({func = AfterFinalAnim, args = {}})
+  end
+-----------------------------Main Functions----------------------------
+function onGameInit()
+	Seed = 1
+	GameFlags = 0
+	TurnTime = 60000 
+	CaseFreq = 0
+	MinesNum = 0
+	MinesTime = 3000
+	Explosives = 2
+	Delay = 10 
+  Map = "Hogville"
+	Theme = "Nature"
+  SuddenDeathTurns = 3000
+  AddHogs()
+  AnimInit()
+function onGameStart()
+  progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress"))
+  GetVariables()
+  SetupAmmo()
+  SetupPlace()
+  AnimationSetup()
+  SetupEvents()
+  AddAnim(startAnim)
+  AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}})
+function onGameTick()
+  AnimUnWait()
+  if ShowAnimation() == false then
+    return
+  end
+  ExecuteAfterAnimations()
+  CheckEvents()
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+  if gear == dense then
+    denseDead = true
+    nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
+    nativesDead[2] = true
+    if sdrmv == 1 then
+      freshDead = nil
+    else
+      freshDead = loc("Dense Cloud")
+    end
+  elseif gear == leaks then
+    leaksDead = true
+    nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
+    nativesDead[1] = true
+    freshDead = loc("Leaks A Lot")
+  elseif gear == chief then
+    chiefDead = true
+    nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
+    nativesDead[5] = true
+    freshDead = loc("Righteous Beard")
+  elseif gear == water then
+    waterDead = true
+    nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
+    nativesDead[3] = true
+    freshDead = loc("Fiery Water")
+  elseif gear == buffalo then
+    buffaloDead = true
+    nativesNum = nativesNum - 1
+    nativesDead[4] = true
+    freshDead = loc("Raging Buffalo")
+  else
+    for i = 1, 8 do
+      if gear == cannibals[i] then
+        cannibalDead[i] = true
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+  SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 4, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amWhip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amHammer, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amLandGun, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amSnowball, 8, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amGirder, 4, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amParachute, 4, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amSwitch, 8, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amSkip, 8, 0, 0, 0)
+  SetAmmo(amRope, 5, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amBlowTorch, 3, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amLowGravity, 0, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amDynamite, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amBazooka, 0, 0, 0, 4)
+  SetAmmo(amGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 5)
+  SetAmmo(amMine, 0, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amMolotov, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amFlamethrower, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amShotgun, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+  SetAmmo(amTeleport, 0, 0, 0, 2)
+  SetAmmo(amFlamethrower, 0, 0, 0, 3)
+function onNewTurn()
+  if AnimInProgress() then
+    TurnTimeLeft = -1
+    return
+  end
+  if freshDead ~= nil and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == loc("Natives") then
+    SetupHogDeadAnim(freshDead)
+    AddAnim(hogDeadAnim)
+    AddFunction({func = AfterHogDeadAnim, args = {}})
+  end
+function onPrecise()
+  if GameTime > 2500 then
+    SetAnimSkip(true)
+  end
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/CMakeLists.txt	Sun Jun 30 21:37:29 2013 -0400
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Jul 01 20:04:32 2013 +0300
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-add_subdirectory("A Classic Fairytale")
 file(GLOB Scripts *.lua)