Spanish translation
Fri, 16 Sep 2011 00:32:53 +0200 (2011-09-15)
changeset 5920 32c0c0d37b6a
parent 5919 f737843dd331
child 5921 43cb3139cebe
Spanish translation
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/es.lua	Fri Sep 16 00:18:21 2011 +0200
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/es.lua	Fri Sep 16 00:32:53 2011 +0200
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
 locale = {
---      ["..."] = "",
+	["..."] = "...",
 	[":("] = ":(",
 	["!!!"] = "!!!",
---      ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "",
---      ["Achievement Unlocked"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling, Tumbler
---      ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+	["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "¡Buena puntería!",
+	["Achievement Unlocked"] = "Logro conseguido", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling, Tumbler
+	["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "un minijuego de Hedgewars", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
 	["Aiming Practice"] = "Practica tu puntería", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
---      ["Ammo"] = "",
---      ["Ammo Depleted!"] = "",
---      ["ammo extended!"] = "",
---      ["Ammo is reset at the end of your turn."] = "",
---      ["Ammo Maniac!"] = "",
---      ["Available points remaining: "] = "",
---      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
---      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
---      ["Barrel Eater!"] = "",
---      ["Barrel Launcher"] = "",
-	["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "¡Batea pelotas hacia tus enemigos|y hazlos caer al agua!",
+	["Ammo"] = "Munición",
+	["Ammo Depleted!"] = "¡Munición agotada!",
+	["ammo extended!"] = "¡Munición aumentada!",
+	["Ammo is reset at the end of your turn."] = "",
+	["Ammo Maniac!"] = "¡Loco por la munición!",
+	["Available points remaining: "] = "Puntos restantes:",
+	["[Backspace]"] = "[Retroceso]",
+	["Bamboo Thicket"] = "Maraña de bambú",
+	["Barrel Eater!"] = "¡Tragabarriles!",
+	["Barrel Launcher"] = "Lanzador de barriles",
+	["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "¡Batea pelotas contra tus enemigos|y hazlos caer al agua!",
 	["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "¡Batea a tus enemigos fuera del campo de juego|a través de las canastas laterales!",
 	["Bazooka Training"] = "Entrenamiento con bazuca",
 	["Best laps per team: "] = "Mejores tiempos por equipo: ",
---      ["Best Team Times: "] = "",
+	["Best Team Times: "] = "Mejores tiempos del equipo: ",
 	["Bloody Rookies"] = "Reclutas", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
---      ["Boom!"] = "",
---      ["BOOM!"] = "",
---      ["Boss defeated!"] = "",
---      ["Boss Slayer!"] = "",
---      ["Build a track and race."] = "",
+	["Boom!"] = "¡Bum!",
+	["BOOM!"] = "¡BUM!",
+	["Boss defeated!"] = "¡Jefe derrotado!",
+	["Boss Slayer!"] = "¡Matajefes!",
+	["Build a track and race."] = "Dibuja un recorrido y compite.",
 	["CAPTURE THE FLAG"] = "Capturar la bandera",
---      ["Careless"] = "",
---      ["Change Weapon"] = "",
---      ["Clumsy"] = "",
+	["Careless"] = "Descuidado",
+	["Change Weapon"] = "Cambiar arma",
+	["Clumsy"] = "Patoso",
 	["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Nombre en clave: Trabajo en equipo",
---      ["Complete the track as fast as you can!"] = "",
+	["Complete the track as fast as you can!"] = "¡Completa el recorrido lo más rápido que puedas!",
 	["Congratulations!"] = "¡Felicidades!",
 	["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "¡Felicidades! Has destruido todos los objectivos|dentro del tiempo establecido.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
 	["Control pillars to score points."] = "Controla los pilares para anotar puntos.",
@@ -40,181 +40,180 @@
 	["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Patitos peligrosos",
---      ["Deadweight"] = "",
---      ["Demolition is fun!"] = "",
---      ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "",
---      ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "",
---      ["Double Kill!"] = "",
---      ["Drone Hunter!"] = "",
---      ["Drowner"] = "",
---      ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "",
---      ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "",
+	["Deadweight"] = "Peso muerto",
+	["Demolition is fun!"] = "¡Destruir es divertido!",
+	["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "¡No quedan más kamikazes!",
+	["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Acaba con los invasores para conseguir puntos.",
+	["Double Kill!"] = "¡Dos por uno!",
+	["Drone Hunter!"] = "Matadrones",
+	["Drowner"] = "Ahogado",
+	["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "Cada turno tendrás de 1 a 3 armas elegidas aleatoriamente",
+	["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Cada turno tendrás un arma elegida aleatoriamente",
 	["Eliminate all enemies"] = "Elimina a todos los enemigos",
 	["Eliminate all targets before your time runs out.|You have unlimited ammo for this mission."] = "Destruye todos los objetivos antes de que se agote el tiempo.|La munición en esta misión es ilimitada.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
 	["Eliminate Poison before the time runs out"] = "Acaba con los Tóxicos antes de que se agote el tiempo",
 	["Eliminate the Blue Team"] = "Elimina al Equipo azul",
---      ["Eliminate the enemy before the time runs out"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
---      ["Eliminate the enemy hogs to win."] = "",
---      ["Eliminate the enemy specialists."] = "",
-	["- Eliminate Unit 3378 |- Feeble Resistance must survive"] = "- Elimina a la Unidad 3378 |- Resustencia Fútil debe sobrevivir",
---      ["Energetic Engineer"] = "",
+	["Eliminate the enemy before the time runs out"] = "Acaba con el enemigo antes de que se agote el tiempo", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+	["Eliminate the enemy hogs to win."] = "Acaba con los erizos enemigos para ganar",
+	["Eliminate the enemy specialists."] = "Acaba con los Especialistas",
+	["- Eliminate Unit 3378 |- Feeble Resistance must survive"] = "- Elimina a la Unidad 3378 |- Resistencia Fútil debe sobrevivir",
+	["Energetic Engineer"] = "Ingeniero Eléctrico",
 	["Enjoy the swim..."] = "Disfruta del baño...",
---      ["[Enter]"] = "",
+	["[Enter]"] = "[Intro]",
 	["Fastest lap: "] = "Vuelta rápida: ",
 	["Feeble Resistance"] = "Resistencia Fútil",
---      ["Fire"] = "",
+	["Fire"] = "Fuego",
 	["Flag captured!"] = "¡Bandera capturada!",
 	["Flag respawned!"] = "¡Bandera restablecida!",
 	["Flag returned!"] = "¡Bandera recuperada!",
---      ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "",
---      ["Flamer"] = "",
---      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
---      ["fuel extended!"] = "",
---      ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "",
---      ["Game Modifiers: "] = "",
+	["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Las banderas y las bases se colocarán donde los equipos acaben su primer turno.",
+	["Flamer"] = "Incinerador",
+	["Friendly Fire!"] = "¡Fuego amigo!",
+	["fuel extended!"] = "¡Más combustible!",
+	["Game Modifiers: "] = "Modificadores: ",
 	["Game Started!"] = "¡El juego ha empezado!",
 	["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "¡Ves allí y elimínalo!",
---      ["Goal"] = "",
+	["Goal"] = "Objetivo",
 	["GO! GO! GO!"] = "¡VAMOS! ¡VAMOS! ¡VAMOS!",
 	["Good birdy......"] = "Buen pajarito......",
 	["Good luck out there!"] = "¡Buena suerte!",
---      ["Good so far!"] = "",
---      ["Good to go!"] = "",
---      ["GOTCHA!"] = "",
---      ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "",
---      ["Hahahaha!"] = "",
---      ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "",
---      ["Hapless Hogs"] = "",
---      [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = "",
---      ["Health crates extend your time."] = "",
---      ["Heavy"] = "",
+	["Good so far!"] = "¡Vamos bien!",
+	["Good to go!"] = "¡Sigue!",
+	["GOTCHA!"] = "¡TE PILLÉ!",
+	["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "Coge minas/explosivos",
+	["Hahahaha!"] = "¡Jajajaja!",
+	["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "¡Jajaja, eso SÍ que sería espectacular!",
+	["Hapless Hogs"] = "Pobres desgraciados",
+	[" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " pobres desgraciados restantes!",
+	["Health crates extend your time."] = "Los botiquines aumentan el tiempo disponible.",
+	["Heavy"] = "Pesado",
 	["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Baloncesto",
 	["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
---      ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "",
---      ["Hit Combo!"] = "",
+	["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Jeje, no es para tanto.",
+	["Hit Combo!"] = "¡Combo!",
 	["Hmmm..."] = "Mmm...",
 	["Hooray!"] = "¡Hurra!",
 	["Hunter"] = "Artillero", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
 	["Instructor"] = "Instructor", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
---      ["invaders destroyed"] = "",
---      ["It's a good thing SUDDEN DEATH is 99 turns away..."] = "",
---      ["Jumping is disabled"] = "",
---      ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "",
---      ["Keep it up!"] = "",
---      ["Killing spree!"] = "",
---      ["KILLS"] = "",
---      ["Last Target!"] = "",
---      ["[Left Shift]"] = "",
+	["invaders destroyed"] = "invasores destruídos",
+	["It's a good thing SUDDEN DEATH is 99 turns away..."] = "Menos mal que aún quedan 99 turnos hasta la MUERTE SÚBITA...",
+	["Jumping is disabled"] = "No se puede saltar",
+	["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "¡Kamikaze experto!",
+	["Keep it up!"] = "¡Sigue así!",
+	["Killing spree!"] = "¡Frenesí asesino!",
+	["KILLS"] = "MUERTES",
+	["Last Target!"] = "¡Último objetivo!",
+	["[Left Shift]"] = "[Shift izquierdo]",
 	["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "¡Atento, escoria!",
---      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
---      ["Mine Eater!"] = "",
---      ["|- Mines Time:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
-	["MISSION FAILED"] = "MISIÓN FALLIDA", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
---      ["MISSION SUCCESS"] = "",
+	["Lively Lifeguard"] = "Salvavidas dicharachero",
+	["Mine Deployer"] = "Plantador de minas",
+	["Mine Eater!"] = "¡Tragaminas!",
+	["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Retraso de las minas:", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+	["MISSION FAILED"] = "MISIÓN FRACASADA", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 	["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "MISIÓN COMPLETADA", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
---      ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "",
---      ["Multi-shot!"] = "",
---      ["Nameless Heroes"] = "",
---      ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "",
---      ["NEW CLAN RECORD: "] = "",
+	["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Movimiento: [Arriba], [Abajo], [Izquierda], [Derecha]",
+	["Multi-shot!"] = "¡Disparo múltiple!",
+	["Nameless Heroes"] = "Héroes anónimos",
+	["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "Barriles por turno",
 	["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NUEVA vuelta rápida: ",
---      ["New Mines Per Turn"] = "",
---      ["NEW RACE RECORD: "] = "",
---      ["Newton's Hammock"] = "",
---      ["NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"] = "",
+	["New Mines Per Turn"] = "Minas por turno",
+	["Newton's Hammock"] = "La hamaca de Newton",
 	["Not So Friendly Match"] = "Partido no-tan-amistoso", -- Basketball, Knockball
 	["Oh no! Just try again!"] = "¡Oh, no! ¿Por qué no lo intentas de nuevo?", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 	["Oh no! Time's up! Just try again."] = "¡Oh, no, se te acabó el tiempo! ¿Por qué no lo intentas de nuevo?", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
 	["Operation Diver"] = "Buzo",
 	["Opposing Team: "] = "Equipo enemigo: ",
 	["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Erizo patético #%d",
---      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
---      ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "",
---      ["Place more waypoints using [ENTER]"] = "",
---      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "",
---      ["points"] = "", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
+	["Pathetic Resistance"] = "Patética resistencia", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+	["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Armamento individualizado",
+	["Place more waypoints using [ENTER]"] = "Coloca más balizas presionando [INTRO]",
+	["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "Coloca más balizas usando el 'Bombardeo aéreo'",
+	["points"] = "puntos", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
 	["Poison"] = "Veneno",
---      ["Power Remaining"] = "",
---      ["Prepare yourself"] = "",
---      ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "",
---      ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "",
---      ["RACER"] = "",
+	["Power Remaining"] = "Energía restante",
+	["Prepare yourself"] = "Prepárate",
+	["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "Aprieta [Incrementar precisión] para saltar la intro",
+	["Race complexity limit reached."] = "Máximo de complejidad para el recorrido alcanzado.",
 	[" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = "- Vuelve a tu base con la bandera enemiga para anotar un punto | - El equipo que anote 3 puntos gana | - Sólo se puede anotar si tu propia bandera está en tu base | - Los erizos resucitan cuando mueren",
---      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
---      ["Round Limit"] = "",
---      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
---      ["Rounds Complete"] = "",
---      ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "",
+	["Round Limit:"] = "Límite de rondas:",
+	["Round Limit"] = "Límite de rondas",
+	["Rounds Complete: "] = "Rondas completadas: ",
+	["Rounds Complete"] = "Rondas completadas",
 	["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "REGLAS DEL JUEGO (Presiona ESC para leerlas)",
---      ["s|"] = "",
---      ["Save as many hapless hogs as possible!"] = "",
---      ["SCORE"] = "",
---      ["sec"] = "", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
+	["s|"] = "s|",
+	["Save as many hapless hogs as possible!"] = "¡Salva a tantos pobres desgraciados como puedas!",
+	["sec"] = "segundo", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 	["See ya!"] = "¡Hasta otra!",
---      ["selected!"] = "",
---      ["s"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
---      ["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "",
---      ["Shield Depleted"] = "",
---      ["Shield is fully recharged!"] = "",
---      ["Shield Master!"] = "",
---      ["Shield Miser!"] = "",
---      ["Shield OFF:"] = "",
---      ["Shield ON:"] = "",
---      ["Shield Seeker!"] = "",
+	["selected!"] = "¡Seleccionado!",
+	["s"] = "s", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
+	["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "¡Escudo mejorado! +30 puntos",
+	["Shield Depleted"] = "Escudo descargado",
+	["Shield is fully recharged!"] = "¡Escudo completamente cargado!",
+	["Shield Master!"] = "¡Experto del escudo!",
+	["Shield Miser!"] = "¡Novato con los escudos!",
+	["Shield OFF:"] = "Escudo desactivado:",
+	["Shield ON:"] = "Escudo activado:",
+	["Shield Seeker!"] = "¡A cubierto!",
 	["Shotgun Team"] = "Escopeteros",
 	["Shotgun Training"] = "Entrenamiento con escopeta",
---      ["shots remaining."] = "",
---      ["Silly"] = "",
---      ["Sinky"] = "",
+	["shots remaining."] = "disparos restantes.",
+	["Silly"] = "Idiota",
+	["Sinky"] = "Sumergible",
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "¡%s cayó y Equipo %d|anotó una falta!| |Puntuación:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "¡%s cayó y Equipo %d|anotó un tanto!| |Puntuación:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 	["Sniper Training"] = "Entrenamiento con rifle francotirador",
 	["Sniperz"] = "Francotiradores",
---      ["Sponge"] = "",
+	["Sponge"] = "Esponja",
 	["Spooky Tree"] = "Árbol tenebroso",
---      ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
---      ["Switched to "] = "",
+	["STATUS UPDATE"] = "ACTUALIZACIÓN DE ESTADO", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
+	["Switched to "] = "Cambiar a ",
 	["Team %d: "] = "Equipo %d",
---      ["Team Scores"] = "", -- Control, Space_Invasion
---      ["That Sinking Feeling"] = "",
---      ["That was pointless."] = "",
+	["Team Scores"] = "Puntuaciones", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+	["That Sinking Feeling"] = "Esa sensación de pesadez",
+	["That was pointless."] = "Eso era innecesario.",
 	["The enemy is hiding out on yonder ducky!"] = "¡El enemigo está escondido detrás del patito del fondo!",
---      ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "",
---      ["The Nameless One"] = "",
---      ["THE SPECIALISTS"] = "",
---      ["This one's tricky."] = "",
---      ["This rain is really something..."] = "",
---      ["TIME: "] = "",
---      ["Timed Kamikaze!"] = "",
---      ["Time Extended!"] = "",
---      ["Time Extension"] = "",
---      ["Toggle Shield"] = "",
+	["The flag will respawn next round."] = "La bandera reaparecerá en el próximo turno.",
+	["The Nameless One"] = "Anónimo",
+	["This one's tricky."] = "Esto va a ser complicado.",
+	["This rain is really something..."] = "Vaya que si llueve...",
+	["TIME: "] = "TIEMPO: ",
+	["Timed Kamikaze!"] = "¡Kamikaze de precisión!",
+	["Time Extended!"] = "¡Tiempo aumentado!",
+	["Time Extension"] = "¡Bonus de tiempo!",
+	["Toggle Shield"] = "Activad/desactivar escudo",
 	["Toxic Team"] = "Tóxicos", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
---      ["TRACK COMPLETED"] = "",
---      ["TRACK FAILED!"] = "",
 	["TrophyRace"] = "TrophyRace",
 	["T_T"] = "T_T",
---      ["Tumbling Time Extended!"] = "",
---      ["Turn Time"] = "",
---      ["Unit"] = "",
+	["Tumbling Time Extended!"] = "¡Tiempo de volteretas aumentado!",
+	["Turn Time"] = "Duración del turno",
+	["Unit"] = "Unidad",
 	["Unit 3378"] = "Unidad 3378",
---      ["Unit 835"] = "",
---      ["Unlimited Attacks"] = "",
---      ["Unstoppable!"] = "",
---      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+	["Unit 835"] = "Unidad 835",
+	["Unlimited Attacks"] = "Ataques ilimitados",
+	["Unstoppable!"] = "¡Imparable!",
+	["User Challenge"] = "Reto personal",
 	["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "¡Usa tu cuerda para llegar a la salida lo más rápido que puedas!",
-	["Victory for the "] = "La victoria es para", -- CTF_Blizzard, Capture_the_Flag
---      ["Waypoint placed."] = "",
---      ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "",
---      ["Weapons Reset"] = "",
---      ["Well done."] = "",
---      ["Will this ever end?"] = "",
---      ["WINNING TIME: "] = "",
---      ["You'd almost swear the water was rising!"] = "",
+	["Victory for the "] = "La victoria es para ", -- CTF_Blizzard, Capture_the_Flag
+	["Waypoint placed."] = "Baliza colocada.",
+	["Way-Points Remaining"] = "Balizas restantes",
+	["Weapons Reset"] = "Armamento reiniciado",
+	["Well done."] = "Bien hecho.",
+	["Will this ever end?"] = "¿Es que nunca se va a terminar?",
+	["You'd almost swear the water was rising!"] = "¡Pero si podría jurar que está subiendo el nivel del mar!",
 	["You have SCORED!!"] = "¡Has anotado!",
---      ["You saved"] = "",
+	["You saved"] = "¡Has salvado",
 	["You've failed. Try again."] = "Has fracasado. Inténtalo de nuevo.",
 	["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "¡Has llegado a la meta!| |Tiempo: ",
 	["'Zooka Team"] = "Bazuqueros",
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/es.txt	Fri Sep 16 00:18:21 2011 +0200
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/es.txt	Fri Sep 16 00:32:53 2011 +0200
@@ -52,23 +52,33 @@
 00:50=Bombardeo perforador aéreo
-00:51=Bola de tierra
+00:51=Bola de barro
+00:52=No hay arma seleccionada
+00:53=Cabina del tiempo
+00:55=Pistola de barro
 01:02=¡%1 venció!
 01:03=Volumen %1%
-01:05=¿Realmente deseas salir (Y / Esc)?
+01:05=¿Seguro que quieres salir (Y / Esc)?
 01:06=¡Muerte súbita!
 01:07=%1 restante
-01:10=Activar esta herramienta no hará que tu turno acabe.
+01:10=Usar esta herramienta no hará que acabe tu turno.
 01:11=Esta herramienta o arma todavía no está disponible.
 01:12=¡Última ronda antes de la muerte súbita!
 01:13=¡%1 rondas hasta la muerte súbita!
 01:14=¡Prepárate, %1!
+01:20=Nivel de elasticidad: %1
 ; Eventos
 ; El erizo (%1) ha muerto
@@ -433,6 +443,11 @@
 03:48=Pablo clavó un clavito
 03:49=Hace exactamente lo que dice
 03:50=Para los amantes de los topos
+03:51=Me la encontré por el suelo
+03:52=SIN USAR
+03:53=Tipo 40
+03:54=Construye algo
 ; Descripciones de armamento ( líneas delimitadas con | )
 04:00=Ataca a tus enemigos usando una sencilla granada.|Explotará una vez el temporizador llegue a cero.|1-5: ajustar temporizador.|Atacar: mantener presionado para lanzar más lejos.
@@ -485,6 +500,12 @@
 04:47=¡Dos bombas lapa, doble diversión!|Útiles para planear reacciones en cadena, atrincherarte...|¡o las dos cosas!.|Atacar: mantener presionado para lanzar más lejos (dos disparos).
 04:48=¿Por qué la gente siempre la toma con los topos?|¡Golpear erizos es aún más divertido!|Un buen mazazo puede reducir en un tercio la|vida de cualquier erizo y enterrarlo completamente.|Atacar: activar.
 04:49=¡Resucita a tus aliados!|Pero ten cuidado, también resucitarás a tus enemigos.|Atacar: mantener presionado para resucitar lentamente.|Arriba: acelerar resurrección.
+04:50=¿Alguien está oculto bajo tierra?|¡Desentiérralos con un bombardeo perforador!|El temporizador controla la profundidad a alcanzar.
+04:51=¿Qué hay más barato que el barro?|Un tiro gratis gracias a la bola de barro.|Hará que el enemigo salga volando|y escuece un poco si te entra en los ojos.
+04:52=SIN USAR
+04:53=Vive una trepidante aventura a través del|espacio y el tiempo mientras tus compañeros|siguen luchando en tu lugar.|Estate preparado para volver en cualquier momento,|o al llegar la Muerte súbita si te has quedado solo.|Aviso: no funciona durante la Muerte súbita,|si estás solo o si eres el rey.
+04:55=Esparce un chorro de pegajoso barro.|Construye puentes, entierra enemigos o cierra túneles.|¡Ten especial cuidado de no mancharte!
 ; Game goal strings
 05:00=Modos de juego
@@ -508,3 +529,4 @@
 05:18=Sin límite de ataques por turno
 05:19=El arsenal se restaura al final de cada turno
 05:20=Los erizos no comparten arsenal
+05:21=Tag Team: los equipos del mismo clan se van turnando entre ellos.|Turno compartido: los equipos del mismo clan comparten la duración del turno.
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_es.ts	Fri Sep 16 00:18:21 2011 +0200
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_es.ts	Fri Sep 16 00:32:53 2011 +0200
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@
         <source>File error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Error de fichero</translation>
         <source>Cannot open file &apos;%1&apos; for writing</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>No se puede abrir el fichero &apos;%1&apos; en modo lectura</translation>
         <source>Cannot read file &apos;%1&apos;</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>No se puede leer &apos;%1&apos;</translation>
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@
         <source>Demo name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Nombre de la demo</translation>
         <source>Demo name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Nombre de la demo:</translation>
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
-        <translation type="unfinished">Establecer</translation>
+        <translation>Cambiar</translation>
@@ -305,14 +305,17 @@
-        <translation type="unfinished">Nick</translation>
+        <translation>Nick</translation>
         <source>Some one already uses
  your nickname %1
 on the server.
 Please pick another nickname:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ya hay alguien conectado
+como %1 en estos momentos
+en el servidor.
+Por favor, introduce otro nick:</translation>
@@ -365,11 +368,11 @@
-        <translation>Conectando...</translation>
+        <translation>Estableciendo conexión...</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished">Cancelar</translation>
+        <translation>Cancelar</translation>
@@ -404,11 +407,11 @@
         <source>Drawn Maps</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mapas dibujados a mano</translation>
         <source>All files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Todos los ficheros</translation>
@@ -773,21 +776,21 @@
         <source>The Windows version of Hedgewars supports Xfire. Make sure to add Hedgewars to its game list so your friends can see you playing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>La versión de Hedgewars para Windows soporta Xfire. Recuerda agregar Hedgewars a tu lista de juegos para que tus amigos puedan saber cuándo estás jugando.</translation>
         <source>Use the Molotov or Flame Thrower to temporary keep hedgehogs from passing terrain such as tunnels or platforms.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Puedes usar el cóctel molotov o el lanzallamas para evitar que erizos enemigos crucen túneles angostos o puentes.</translation>
         <source>The Homing Bee can be tricky to use. Its turn radius depends on its velocity, so try to not use full power.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>El abejorro puede ser complicado de usar. Su maniobrabilidad depende de su velocidad, así que intenta no lanzarlo a máxima potencia.</translation>
         <source>Downloadable Content</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Contenido adicional</translation>
@@ -816,15 +819,15 @@
-        <translation type="unfinished">Error</translation>
+        <translation>Error</translation>
         <source>Please enter room name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished">Por favor, introduce un nombre para la sala</translation>
+        <translation>Por favor, introduce un nombre para la sala</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished">OK</translation>
+        <translation>OK</translation>
@@ -1044,8 +1047,8 @@
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>%1 players online</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished">
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
+        <translation>
+            <numerusform>%1 jugadores conectados</numerusform>
@@ -1170,7 +1173,7 @@
         <source>Teams in each clan take successive turns sharing their turn time.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Los equipos del mismo clan alternan entre ellos compartiendo la duración de su turno.</translation>
         <source>Add an indestructible border around the terrain</source>
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@
         <source>Add an indestructible border along the bottom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Añade un borde indestructible en la parta inferior</translation>
@@ -1275,7 +1278,7 @@
-        <translation type="unfinished">Actualizar</translation>
+        <translation>Actualizar</translation>
@@ -1417,67 +1420,67 @@
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Deshabilitado</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Rojo/Cian</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cian/Rojo</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Rojo/Azul</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Azul/Rojo</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Rojo/Verde</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Verde/Rojo</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Izquierda-Derecha</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Arriba-Abajo</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Temblor</translation>
         <source>Red/Cyan grayscale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Rojo/Cian en escala de grises</translation>
         <source>Cyan/Red grayscale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cian/Rojo en escala de grises</translation>
         <source>Red/Blue grayscale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Rojo/Azul en escala de grises</translation>
         <source>Blue/Red grayscale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Azul/Rojo en escala de grises</translation>
         <source>Red/Green grayscale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Rojo/Verde en escala de grises</translation>
         <source>Green/Red grayscale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Verde/Rojo en escala de grises</translation>
@@ -1724,27 +1727,27 @@
         <source>Stereo rendering</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Estereoscopía</translation>
         <source>Game Options</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Opciones de juego</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Estilo</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Modo de juego</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished">Contraseña</translation>
+        <translation>Contraseña</translation>
         <source>% Get Away Time</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>% duración de retirada</translation>
@@ -1755,7 +1758,7 @@
         <source>hedgehog %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>erizo %1</translation>
@@ -1939,7 +1942,7 @@
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>más</translation>
@@ -2115,11 +2118,11 @@
         <source>Tag Team</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tag team</translation>
         <source>Add Bottom Border</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Añadir borde inferior</translation>
@@ -2162,39 +2165,39 @@
         <source>slot 1</source>
-        <translation>posición 1</translation>
+        <translation>fila 1</translation>
         <source>slot 2</source>
-        <translation>posición 2</translation>
+        <translation>fila 2</translation>
         <source>slot 3</source>
-        <translation>posición 3</translation>
+        <translation>fila 3</translation>
         <source>slot 4</source>
-        <translation>posición 4</translation>
+        <translation>fila 4</translation>
         <source>slot 5</source>
-        <translation>posición 5</translation>
+        <translation>fila 5</translation>
         <source>slot 6</source>
-        <translation>posición 6</translation>
+        <translation>fila 6</translation>
         <source>slot 7</source>
-        <translation>posición 7</translation>
+        <translation>fila 7</translation>
         <source>slot 8</source>
-        <translation>posición 8</translation>
+        <translation>fila 8</translation>
         <source>slot 9</source>
-        <translation>posición 9</translation>
+        <translation>fila 9</translation>
         <source>timer 1 sec</source>