Many AI improvements, bots do think in separate thread
Tue, 20 Jun 2006 21:18:49 +0000 (2006-06-20)
changeset 66 9643d75baf1e
parent 65 8c4c6ad6ca99
child 67 3101306251e5
Many AI improvements, bots do think in separate thread
--- a/hedgewars/SDLh.pas	Tue Jun 20 20:08:17 2006 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/SDLh.pas	Tue Jun 20 21:18:49 2006 +0000
@@ -196,6 +196,8 @@
      PByteArray = ^TByteArray;
      TByteArray = array[0..32767] of Byte;
+     PSDL_Thread = Pointer;
 function  SDL_Init(flags: Longword): Integer; cdecl; external SDLLibName;
 procedure SDL_Quit; cdecl; external SDLLibName;
@@ -239,6 +241,9 @@
 procedure SDL_WM_SetCaption(title: PChar; icon: PChar); cdecl; external SDLLibName;
+function  SDL_CreateThread(fn: pointer; data: pointer): PSDL_Thread; cdecl; external SDLLibName;
+procedure SDL_WaitThread(thread: PSDL_Thread; status: PInteger); cdecl; external SDLLibName;
 (*  TTF  *)
 const {$IFDEF WIN32}
--- a/hedgewars/uAI.pas	Tue Jun 20 20:08:17 2006 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uAI.pas	Tue Jun 20 21:18:49 2006 +0000
@@ -40,75 +40,139 @@
 uses uTeams, uConsts, SDLh, uAIMisc, uGears, uAIAmmoTests, uAIActions, uMisc;
-var Targets: TTargets;
-    Actions, BestActions: TActions;
+var BestActions: TActions;
+    ThinkThread: PSDL_Thread = nil;
+    StopThinking: boolean;
 procedure FreeActionsList;
+if ThinkThread <> nil then
+   begin
+   StopThinking:= true;
+   SDL_WaitThread(ThinkThread, nil);
+   ThinkThread:= nil
+   end;
 BestActions.Count:= 0;
-BestActions.Pos:= 0;
+BestActions.Pos:= 0
-procedure TestAmmos(Me: PGear);
-var MyPoint: TPoint;
-    Time: Longword;
+procedure TestAmmos(var Actions: TActions; Me: PGear);
+var Time: Longword;
     Angle, Power, Score: integer;
     i: integer;
+    a, aa: TAmmoType;
-Mypoint.x:= round(Me.X);
-Mypoint.y:= round(Me.Y);
 for i:= 0 to Pred(Targets.Count) do
-  begin
-  Score:= TestBazooka(MyPoint,[i].Point, Time, Angle, Power);
-  if Actions.Score + Score +[i].Score > BestActions.Score then
-   begin
-   BestActions:= Actions;
-   inc(BestActions.Score, Score +[i].Score);
-   AddAction(BestActions, aia_Weapon, Longword(amBazooka), 500);
-   if (Angle > 0) then AddAction(BestActions, aia_LookRight, 0, 200)
-   else if (Angle < 0) then AddAction(BestActions, aia_LookLeft, 0, 200);
-   Angle:= integer(Me.Angle) - Abs(Angle);
-   if Angle > 0 then
-      begin
-      AddAction(BestActions, aia_Up, aim_push, 500);
-      AddAction(BestActions, aia_Up, aim_release, Angle)
-      end else if Angle < 0 then
-      begin
-      AddAction(BestActions, aia_Down, aim_push, 500);
-      AddAction(BestActions, aia_Down, aim_release, -Angle)
-      end;
-   AddAction(BestActions, aia_attack, aim_push, 300);
-   AddAction(BestActions, aia_attack, aim_release, Power);
-   end
-  end
+    if[i].Score >= 0 then
+       begin
+       a:= Low(TAmmoType);
+       aa:= a;
+       repeat
+        if Assigned(AmmoTests[a]) then
+           begin
+           Score:= AmmoTests[a](Me,[i].Point, Time, Angle, Power);
+           if Actions.Score + Score +[i].Score > BestActions.Score then
+              begin
+              BestActions:= Actions;
+              inc(BestActions.Score, Score +[i].Score);
+              AddAction(BestActions, aia_Weapon, Longword(a), 500);
+              if Time <> 0 then AddAction(BestActions, aia_Timer, Time div 1000, 400);
+              if (Angle > 0) then AddAction(BestActions, aia_LookRight, 0, 200)
+              else if (Angle < 0) then AddAction(BestActions, aia_LookLeft, 0, 200);
+              Angle:= integer(Me.Angle) - Abs(Angle);
+              if Angle > 0 then
+                 begin
+                 AddAction(BestActions, aia_Up, aim_push, 500);
+                 AddAction(BestActions, aia_Up, aim_release, Angle)
+                 end else if Angle < 0 then
+                 begin
+                 AddAction(BestActions, aia_Down, aim_push, 500);
+                 AddAction(BestActions, aia_Down, aim_release, -Angle)
+                 end;
+              AddAction(BestActions, aia_attack, aim_push, 300);
+              AddAction(BestActions, aia_attack, aim_release, Power);
+              end
+           end;
+        if a = High(TAmmoType) then a:= Low(TAmmoType)
+                               else inc(a)
+       until isInMultiShoot or (a = aa) or (CurrentTeam.Hedgehogs[CurrentTeam.CurrHedgehog].AttacksNum > 0)
+       end
 procedure Walk(Me: PGear);
+var Actions: TActions;
+    BackMe: TGear;
+    Dir, t, avoidt, steps: integer;
-procedure Think(Me: PGear);
 Actions.Score:= 0;
 Actions.Count:= 0;
 Actions.Pos:= 0;
+BackMe:= Me^;
+if (Me.State and gstAttacked) = 0 then TestAmmos(Actions, Me);
+avoidt:= CheckBonuses(Me);
+for Dir:= aia_Left to aia_Right do
+    begin
+    Me.Message:= Dir;
+    steps:= 0;
+    while HHGo(Me) do
+       begin
+       inc(steps);
+       Actions.Count:= 0;
+       AddAction(Actions, Dir, aim_push, 50);
+       AddAction(Actions, aia_WaitX, round(Me.X), 0);
+       AddAction(Actions, Dir, aim_release, 0);
+       t:= CheckBonuses(Me);
+       if t < avoidt then break
+       else if (t > 0) or (t > avoidt) then
+            begin
+            BestActions:= Actions;
+            exit
+            end;
+       if ((Me.State and gstAttacked) = 0)
+       and ((steps mod 4) = 0) then TestAmmos(Actions, Me);
+       if StopThinking then exit;
+       end;
+    Me^:= BackMe
+    end
+procedure Think(Me: PGear); cdecl;
+var BackMe: TGear;
+    StartTicks: Longword;
+{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}AddFileLog('Enter Think Thread');{$ENDIF}
+StartTicks:= GameTicks;
+ThinkingHH:= Me;
 BestActions.Score:= Low(integer);
 if Targets.Count > 0 then
-   Walk(Me)
+   begin
+   BackMe:= Me^;
+   Walk(@BackMe);
+   end;
+if StartTicks > GameTicks - 1000 then SDL_Delay(500);
+Me.State:= Me.State and not gstHHThinking;
+{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}AddFileLog('Exit Think Thread');{$ENDIF}
+ThinkThread:= nil
+procedure StartThink(Me: PGear);
+Me.State:= Me.State or gstHHThinking;
+StopThinking:= false;
+ThinkThread:= SDL_CreateThread(@Think, Me)
 procedure ProcessBot;
-var Me: PGear;
 with CurrentTeam.Hedgehogs[CurrentTeam.CurrHedgehog] do
-     if (Gear <> nil)and((Gear.State and gstHHDriven) <> 0) and (TurnTimeLeft < 29990) then
-        begin
-        Me:= CurrentTeam.Hedgehogs[CurrentTeam.CurrHedgehog].Gear;
-        if BestActions.Count = BestActions.Pos then Think(Me);
-        ProcessAction(BestActions, Me)
-        end
+     if (Gear <> nil)
+        and ((Gear.State and gstHHDriven) <> 0)
+        and (TurnTimeLeft < 29990)
+        and ((Gear.State and gstHHThinking) = 0) then
+           if (BestActions.Pos = BestActions.Count) then StartThink(Gear)
+                                                    else ProcessAction(BestActions, Gear)
--- a/hedgewars/uAIActions.pas	Tue Jun 20 20:08:17 2006 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uAIActions.pas	Tue Jun 20 21:18:49 2006 +0000
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
      actions[Count].Action:= Action;
      actions[Count].Param:= Param;
-     if Count > 0 then actions[Count].Time:= actions[Pred(Count)].Time + TimeDelta
+     if Count > 0 then actions[Count].Time:= TimeDelta
                   else actions[Count].Time:= GameTicks + TimeDelta;
      TryDo(Count < MAXACTIONS, 'AI: actions overflow', true);
@@ -105,7 +105,9 @@
+if Actions.Pos <= Actions.Count then
+   inc(Actions.actions[Actions.Pos].Time, GameTicks)
--- a/hedgewars/uAIAmmoTests.pas	Tue Jun 20 20:08:17 2006 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uAIAmmoTests.pas	Tue Jun 20 21:18:49 2006 +0000
@@ -1,19 +1,34 @@
 unit uAIAmmoTests;
-uses SDLh;
+uses SDLh, uGears, uConsts;
+function TestBazooka(Me: PGear; Targ: TPoint; out Time: Longword; out Angle, Power: integer): integer;
+function TestGrenade(Me: PGear; Targ: TPoint; out Time: Longword; out Angle, Power: integer): integer;
-function TestBazooka(Me, Targ: TPoint; out Time: Longword; out Angle, Power: integer): integer;
+type TAmmoTestProc = function (Me: PGear; Targ: TPoint; out Time: Longword; out Angle, Power: integer): integer;
+const AmmoTests: array[TAmmoType] of TAmmoTestProc =
+                 (
+{amGrenade}       TestGrenade,
+{amBazooka}       TestBazooka,
+{amUFO}           nil,
+{amShotgun}       nil,
+{amPickHammer}    nil,
+{amSkip}          nil,
+{amRope}          nil,
+{amMine}          nil,
+{amDEagle}        nil,
+{amDynamite}      nil
+                  );
 uses uMisc, uAIMisc;
-const cMyHHDamageScore = -3000;
 function Metric(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer): integer;
 Result:= abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)
-function TestBazooka(Me, Targ: TPoint; out Time: Longword; out Angle, Power: integer): integer;
+function TestBazooka(Me: PGear; Targ: TPoint; out Time: Longword; out Angle, Power: integer): integer;
 var Vx, Vy, r: real;
     rTime: real;
     Score: integer;
@@ -34,9 +49,7 @@
       dY:= dY + cGravity;
     until TestColl(round(x), round(y), 5) or (t <= 0);
-    if NoMyHHNear(round(x), round(y), 110) then
-         Result:= - Metric(round(x), round(y), Targ.x, Targ.y) div 16
-    else Result:= cMyHHDamageScore;
+    Result:= RateExplosion(Me, round(x), round(y), 101) - Metric(Targ.X, Targ.Y, round(x), round(y)) div 16
@@ -44,7 +57,7 @@
 rTime:= 10;
 Result:= Low(integer);
-  rTime:= rTime + 70 + random*200;
+  rTime:= rTime + 100 + random*250;
   Vx:= - cWindSpeed * rTime / 2 + (Targ.X - Me.X) / rTime;
   Vy:= cGravity * rTime / 2 - (Targ.Y - Me.Y) / rTime;
   r:= sqr(Vx) + sqr(Vy);
@@ -62,4 +75,51 @@
 until (rTime >= 5000)
+function TestGrenade(Me: PGear; Targ: TPoint; out Time: Longword; out Angle, Power: integer): integer;
+const tDelta = 10;
+var Vx, Vy, r: real;
+    Score: integer;
+    TestTime: Longword;
+    function CheckTrace: integer;
+    var x, y, dY: real;
+        t: integer;
+    begin
+    x:= Me.X;
+    y:= Me.Y;
+    dY:= -Vy;
+    t:= TestTime;
+    repeat
+      x:= x + Vx;
+      y:= y + dY;
+      dY:= dY + cGravity;
+      dec(t)
+    until TestColl(round(x), round(y), 5) or (t = 0);
+    if t < 50 then Result:= RateExplosion(Me, round(x), round(y), 101)
+              else Result:= Low(integer)
+    end;
+Result:= Low(integer);
+TestTime:= 0;
+  inc(TestTime, 1000);
+  Vx:= (Targ.X - Me.X) / (TestTime + tDelta);
+  Vy:= cGravity*((TestTime + tDelta) div 2) - (Targ.Y - Me.Y) / (TestTime + tDelta);
+  r:= sqr(Vx) + sqr(Vy);
+  if r <= 1 then
+     begin
+     Score:= CheckTrace;
+     if Result <= Score then
+        begin
+        r:= sqrt(r);
+        Angle:= DxDy2AttackAngle(Vx, Vy);
+        Power:= round(r * cMaxPower);
+        Time:= TestTime;
+        Result:= Score
+        end;
+     end
+until (TestTime = 5000)
--- a/hedgewars/uAIMisc.pas	Tue Jun 20 20:08:17 2006 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uAIMisc.pas	Tue Jun 20 21:18:49 2006 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 unit uAIMisc;
-uses SDLh, uConsts;
+uses SDLh, uConsts, uGears;
 type TTarget = record
                Point: TPoint;
@@ -11,15 +11,33 @@
                 ar: array[0..cMaxHHIndex*5] of TTarget;
-procedure FillTargets(var Targets: TTargets);
+procedure FillTargets;
+procedure FillBonuses;
+function CheckBonuses(Gear: PGear): integer;
 function DxDy2AttackAngle(const _dY, _dX: Extended): integer;
 function TestColl(x, y, r: integer): boolean;
-function NoMyHHNear(x, y, r: integer): boolean;
+function RateExplosion(Me: PGear; x, y, r: integer): integer;
+function HHGo(Gear: PGear): boolean;
+var ThinkingHH: PGear;
+    Targets: TTargets;
-uses uTeams, uMisc, uLand;
+uses uTeams, uMisc, uLand, uCollisions;
+const KillScore = 200;
+      MAXBONUS = 1024;
+type TBonus = record
+              X, Y: integer;
+              Radius: Longword;
+              Score: integer;
+              end;
+var bonuses: record
+             Count: Longword;
+             ar: array[0..Pred(MAXBONUS)] of TBonus;
+             end;
-procedure FillTargets(var Targets: TTargets);
+procedure FillTargets;
 var t: PTeam;
     i: Longword;
@@ -27,22 +45,61 @@
 t:= TeamsList;
 while t <> nil do
-      if t <> CurrentTeam then
-         for i:= 0 to cMaxHHIndex do
-             if t.Hedgehogs[i].Gear <> nil then
-                begin
-                with[Targets.Count], t.Hedgehogs[i] do
-                     begin
-                     Point.X:= Round(Gear.X);
-                     Point.Y:= Round(Gear.Y);
-                     Score:= 100 - Gear.Health
-                     end;
-                inc(Targets.Count)
-                end;
+      for i:= 0 to cMaxHHIndex do
+          if (t.Hedgehogs[i].Gear <> nil)
+             and (t.Hedgehogs[i].Gear <> ThinkingHH) then
+             begin
+             with[Targets.Count], t.Hedgehogs[i] do
+                  begin
+                  Point.X:= Round(Gear.X);
+                  Point.Y:= Round(Gear.Y);
+                  if t <> CurrentTeam then Score:=  Gear.Health
+                                      else Score:= -Gear.Health
+                  end;
+             inc(Targets.Count)
+             end;
       t:= t.Next
+procedure FillBonuses;
+var Gear: PGear;
+    procedure AddBonus(x, y: integer; r: Longword; s: integer);
+    begin
+[bonuses.Count].x:= x;
+[bonuses.Count].y:= y;
+[bonuses.Count].Radius:= r;
+[bonuses.Count].Score:= s;
+    inc(bonuses.Count);
+    TryDo(bonuses.Count <= MAXBONUS, 'Bonuses overflow', true)
+    end;
+bonuses.Count:= 0;
+Gear:= GearsList;
+while Gear <> nil do
+      begin
+      case Gear.Kind of
+           gtCase: AddBonus(round(Gear.X), round(Gear.Y), 32, 25);
+           gtMine: AddBonus(round(Gear.X), round(Gear.Y), 45, -50);
+           gtAmmo_Bomb: AddBonus(round(Gear.X), round(Gear.Y), 50, -100);
+           gtHedgehog: if Gear.Damage >= Gear.Health then AddBonus(round(Gear.X), round(Gear.Y), 50, -25);
+           end;
+      Gear:= Gear.NextGear
+      end
+function CheckBonuses(Gear: PGear): integer;
+var i: integer;
+Result:= 0;
+for i:= 0 to Pred(bonuses.Count) do
+    with[i] do
+         if sqrt(sqr(Gear.X - X) + sqr(Gear.Y - y)) <= Radius then
+            inc(Result, Score) 
 function DxDy2AttackAngle(const _dY, _dX: Extended): integer;
 const piDIVMaxAngle: Extended = pi/cMaxAngle;
@@ -67,22 +124,126 @@
 Result:=(((x+r) and $FFFFF800) = 0)and(((y+r) and $FFFFFC00) = 0) and (Land[y+r, x+r] <> 0);
-function NoMyHHNear(x, y, r: integer): boolean;
-var i: integer;
+function RateExplosion(Me: PGear; x, y, r: integer): integer;
+var i, dmg: integer;
-i:= 0;
-r:= sqr(r);
-Result:= true;
+Result:= 0;
+// add our virtual position
+with[Targets.Count] do
+     begin
+     Point.x:= round(Me.X);
+     Point.y:= round(Me.Y);
+     Score:= - ThinkingHH.Health
+     end;
+// rate explosion
+for i:= 0 to Targets.Count do
+    with[i] do
+         begin
+         dmg:= r - Round(sqrt(sqr(Point.x - x) + sqr(Point.y - y)));
+         if dmg > 0 then
+            begin
+            dmg:= dmg shr 1;
+            if dmg > abs(Score) then
+               if Score > 0 then inc(Result, KillScore)
+                            else dec(Result, KillScore * 3)
+            else
+               if Score > 0 then inc(Result, dmg)
+                            else dec(Result, dmg * 3)
+            end;
+         end;
+function HHGo(Gear: PGear): boolean;
+var pX, pY: integer;
+Result:= false;
-  with CurrentTeam.Hedgehogs[i] do
-       if Gear <> nil then
-          if sqr(Gear.X - x) + sqr(Gear.Y - y) <= r then
-             begin
-             Result:= false;
-             exit
-             end;
-until i > cMaxHHIndex
+pX:= round(Gear.X);
+pY:= round(Gear.Y);
+if pY + cHHRadius >= cWaterLine then exit;
+if (Gear.State and gstFalling) <> 0 then
+   begin
+   Gear.dY:= Gear.dY + cGravity;
+   if Gear.dY > 0.35 then exit;
+   Gear.Y:= Gear.Y + Gear.dY;
+   if TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
+      begin
+      Gear.State:= Gear.State and not (gstFalling or gstHHJumping);
+      Gear.dY:= 0
+      end;
+   continue
+   end;
+   {if ((Gear.Message and gm_LJump )<>0) then
+      begin
+      Gear.Message:= 0;
+      if not HHTestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1) then
+         if not TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, 0, -2, Sign(Gear.dX)) then Gear.Y:= Gear.Y - 2 else
+         if not TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, 0, -1, Sign(Gear.dX)) then Gear.Y:= Gear.Y - 1;
+      if not (TestCollisionXwithGear(Gear, Sign(Gear.dX))
+         or   HHTestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1)) then
+         begin
+         Gear.dY:= -0.15;
+         Gear.dX:= Sign(Gear.dX) * 0.15;
+         Gear.State:= Gear.State or gstFalling or gstHHJumping;
+         exit
+         end;
+      end;}
+   if (Gear.Message and gm_Left  )<>0 then Gear.dX:= -1.0 else
+   if (Gear.Message and gm_Right )<>0 then Gear.dX:=  1.0 else exit;
+   if TestCollisionXwithGear(Gear, Sign(Gear.dX)) then
+      begin
+      if not (TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, 0, -6, Sign(Gear.dX))
+         or TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1)) then Gear.Y:= Gear.Y - 1;
+      if not (TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, 0, -5, Sign(Gear.dX))
+         or TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1)) then Gear.Y:= Gear.Y - 1;
+      if not (TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, 0, -4, Sign(Gear.dX))
+         or TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1)) then Gear.Y:= Gear.Y - 1;
+      if not (TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, 0, -3, Sign(Gear.dX))
+         or TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1)) then Gear.Y:= Gear.Y - 1;
+      if not (TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, 0, -2, Sign(Gear.dX))
+         or TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1)) then Gear.Y:= Gear.Y - 1;
+      if not (TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, 0, -1, Sign(Gear.dX))
+         or TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1)) then Gear.Y:= Gear.Y - 1;
+      end;
+   if not TestCollisionXwithGear(Gear, Sign(Gear.dX)) then Gear.X:= Gear.X + Gear.dX;
+   if not TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
+   begin
+   Gear.Y:= Gear.Y + 1;
+   if not TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
+   begin
+   Gear.Y:= Gear.Y + 1;
+   if not TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
+   begin
+   Gear.Y:= Gear.Y + 1;
+   if not TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
+   begin
+   Gear.Y:= Gear.Y + 1;
+   if not TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
+   begin
+   Gear.Y:= Gear.Y + 1;
+   if not TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
+   begin
+   Gear.Y:= Gear.Y + 1;
+   if not TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
+      begin
+      Gear.Y:= Gear.Y - 6;
+      Gear.dY:= 0;
+      Gear.dX:= 0.0000001 * Sign(Gear.dX);
+      Gear.State:= Gear.State or gstFalling
+      end
+   end
+   end
+   end
+   end
+   end
+   end;
+if (pX <> round(Gear.X))and ((Gear.State and gstFalling) = 0) then
+   begin
+   Result:= true;
+   exit
+   end;
+until (pX = round(Gear.X)) and (pY = round(Gear.Y)) and ((Gear.State and gstFalling) = 0);