First release of the iOS guide
Mon, 27 Jun 2011 22:35:05 +0000 (2011-06-27)
changeset 115 3278ecf295a3
parent 114 e311af715b57
child 116 1c3643e4f6c5
First release of the iOS guide
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Jun 27 22:35:05 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#summary Instructions for building Hedgewars for iOS on Mac OS X
+#labels Phase-Implementation,Phase-Deploy,Phase-Support
+= Prerequisites =
+  * XCode must be installed, and you should have some skills in usig it
+  * We need Mercurial to grab external dependencies
+  * You should be familiar with the BuildingOnMac instructions
+== Necessary Libraries ==
+The library are exactly the same as usual, but they don't come in a precompiled version; so we will have to download the latest snapshot and build them on our own.
+All hard-to-find/hard-to-build libraries are bundled in the source, while SDL and SDL satellites are to be downloaded with HG. For easier handling all libraries come with an Xcode project file so that you just can use the graphical interface to build them; remember to build both Release and Debug for all the Architectures available.
+  * Tremor - misc/libtremor/Xcode - is an ogg variant suited for embedded devices
+  * Freetype - misc/libfreetype/Xcode - is a trimmed down version of the popular font rendering library
+  * Lua - misc/liblua/Xcode - can also be skipped if you specify LUA_DISABLED in hedgewars file
+=== Compiling SDL for iOS ===
+Since Hedgewars uses all four satellites besides the main SDL library things are going to get difficult. In fact most of the SDL_* libs don't come with a project file and/or can't be easily compiled (without a lot of hacking, that is).
+I'll try to explain what I did here to get my setup working, but in case of doubts or problems you should definitely drop by our IRC channel where we can give better help. Also unfortunately SDL has a high record of breaking during different commits (understandable since SDL1.3 is in beta) so what is written here might not be valid for older releases.
+Let's download the latest snapshot of the SDL family source code.
+hg clone
+hg clone
+hg clone
+hg clone
+hg clone
+We will now go into each of them
+   # SDL - quite easy, comes with a project file in Xcode-iPhoneOS that can be used to generate the library
+   # SDL_image - easy, you need to uncompress a tar file to get the project file but then you can compile the library
+   # SDL_net - surprise! No project file for iOS; i had to take the Mac one and change targets 
+   # SDL_ttf - the above applies here as well
+   # SDL_mixer - here's where the fun begins! Besides changing targets, you need to remove unnecessary decodes from the preprocessor macros; you'll find more details about this [ here]
+== Necessary Tools ==
+Besides the iOS SDK, you need a special variant of Freepascal to build the engine; luckily the whole process of getting it is well documented here:
+= Building process =
+And now we should be able to finally open the main Hedgewars.xcodeproj file! There are yet two steps before getting a working build. 
+   # select the target UpdateDataFolder and hit 'build' (not 'build and run') so the the resources folder gets filled with data; you should do this periodically or when there is new content in the share/hedgewars/Data folder
+   # set the proper linking path of all the libries maked in red; the bundled ones should have a correct path, while you need to tell Xcode where are SDL static libraries. In order to do that I suggest that you right click on a red library, press "Get Info", in the "Path" line press 'Choose' and locate the correct xcodeproj file. Luckily this step is done only once.
+You should be done by now! Hit "Build and Run" and the iOS Simulator should run! Note that for a bug in Freepascal Debug works only on the Simulator, while Release only for Device.
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