GCI task: season greetings
Mon, 16 Jan 2012 10:22:21 +0100 (2012-01-16)
changeset 6579 fc52f7c22c9b
parent 6578 d4ad42283125
child 6580 6155187bf599
GCI task: season greetings
--- a/QTfrontend/hedgewars.qrc	Sun Jan 15 22:01:50 2012 -0500
+++ b/QTfrontend/hedgewars.qrc	Mon Jan 16 10:22:21 2012 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
     <qresource prefix="/">
         <file alias="Ammos.png">../share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos.png</file>
-		  <file>res/css/qt.css</file>
-		  <file>res/css/chat.css</file>
+        <file>res/css/qt.css</file>
+        <file>res/css/chat.css</file>
+        <file>res/css/christmas.css</file>
+        <file>res/css/easter.css</file>
+        <file>res/css/birthday.css</file>		  
@@ -34,6 +37,9 @@
+        <file>res/BackgroundChristmas.png</file>
+        <file>res/BackgroundEaster.png</file>
+        <file>res/BackgroundBirthday.png</file>
@@ -95,6 +101,9 @@
+	<file>res/Flake.png</file>
+	<file>res/Egg.png</file>
+	<file>res/Confetti.png</file>
--- a/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp.in	Sun Jan 15 22:01:50 2012 -0500
+++ b/QTfrontend/hwconsts.cpp.in	Mon Jan 16 10:22:21 2012 +0100
@@ -71,3 +71,6 @@
 bool haveServer = ${HAVE_NETSERVER};
 bool isDevBuild = ${HW_DEV};
+int season = SEASON_NONE;
+int years_since_foundation = 0;
--- a/QTfrontend/hwconsts.h	Sun Jan 15 22:01:50 2012 -0500
+++ b/QTfrontend/hwconsts.h	Mon Jan 16 10:22:21 2012 +0100
@@ -56,24 +56,32 @@
 extern bool haveServer;
 extern bool isDevBuild;
+//Current season, SEASON_NONE by default
+extern int season;
+//On the day of hedgewars birthday (Oct 31st) this variable is assigned
+//with number of years past 2004 (foundation of hedgewars)
+//Could be used to implement a text/graphic like "This is the xxth birthday of hedgewars" or similar
+extern int years_since_foundation;
 #define HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM           8
 #define AMMOLINE_DEFAULT_QT     "939192942219912103223511100120100000021111010101111101"
-#define AMMOLINE_DEFAULT_PROB   "040504054160065554655446477657666666615551010111541111"
+#define AMMOLINE_DEFAULT_PROB   "040504054160065554655446477657666666615551010111541101"
 #define AMMOLINE_DEFAULT_DELAY  "000000000000020550000004000700400000000022000000060000"
-#define AMMOLINE_DEFAULT_CRATE  "131111031211111112311411111111111111121111110111111111"
+#define AMMOLINE_DEFAULT_CRATE  "131111031211111112311411111111111111121111110111111101"
-#define AMMOLINE_CRAZY_QT       "999999999999999999299999999999999929999999990999999229"
-#define AMMOLINE_CRAZY_PROB     "111111011111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111"
+#define AMMOLINE_CRAZY_QT       "999999999999999999299999999999999929999999990999999209"
+#define AMMOLINE_CRAZY_PROB     "111111011111111111111111111111111111111111110111111101"
 #define AMMOLINE_CRAZY_DELAY    "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
-#define AMMOLINE_CRAZY_CRATE    "131111031211111112311411111111111111121111010111111111"
+#define AMMOLINE_CRAZY_CRATE    "131111031211111112311411111111111111121111010111111101"
 #define AMMOLINE_PROMODE_QT     "909000900000000000000900000000000000000000000000000000"
 #define AMMOLINE_PROMODE_PROB   "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
 #define AMMOLINE_PROMODE_DELAY  "000000000000020550000004000700400000000020000000000000"
-#define AMMOLINE_PROMODE_CRATE  "111111111111111111111111111111111111111110010111111111"
+#define AMMOLINE_PROMODE_CRATE  "111111111111111111111111111111111111111110010111111101"
 #define AMMOLINE_SHOPPA_QT      "000000990000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
 #define AMMOLINE_SHOPPA_PROB    "444441004424440221011212122242200000000200040001001100"
@@ -81,20 +89,25 @@
 #define AMMOLINE_SHOPPA_CRATE   "111111111111111111111111111111111111111110110111111100"
 #define AMMOLINE_CLEAN_QT       "101000900001000001100000000000000000000000000000100000"
-#define AMMOLINE_CLEAN_PROB     "040504054160065554655446477657666666615551010111541111"
+#define AMMOLINE_CLEAN_PROB     "040504054160065554655446477657666666615551010111541101"
 #define AMMOLINE_CLEAN_DELAY    "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
-#define AMMOLINE_CLEAN_CRATE    "131111031211111112311411111111111111121111110111111111"
+#define AMMOLINE_CLEAN_CRATE    "131111031211111112311411111111111111121111110111111101"
 #define AMMOLINE_MINES_QT       "000000990009000000030000000000000000000000000000000000"
 #define AMMOLINE_MINES_PROB     "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
 #define AMMOLINE_MINES_DELAY    "000000000000020550000004000700400000000020000000060000"
-#define AMMOLINE_MINES_CRATE    "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111"
+#define AMMOLINE_MINES_CRATE    "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111101"
 #define AMMOLINE_PORTALS_QT     "900000900200000000210000000000000011000009000000000000"
-#define AMMOLINE_PORTALS_PROB   "040504054160065554655446477657666666615551010111541111"
+#define AMMOLINE_PORTALS_PROB   "040504054160065554655446477657666666615551010111541101"
 #define AMMOLINE_PORTALS_DELAY  "000000000000020550000004000700400000000020000000060000"
-#define AMMOLINE_PORTALS_CRATE  "131111031211111112311411111111111111121111110111111111"
+#define AMMOLINE_PORTALS_CRATE  "131111031211111112311411111111111111121111110111111101"
+//Different seasons; assigned to season (int)
+#define SEASON_NONE 0
+#define SEASON_HWBDAY 4
+#define SEASON_EASTER 8
--- a/QTfrontend/main.cpp	Sun Jan 15 22:01:50 2012 -0500
+++ b/QTfrontend/main.cpp	Mon Jan 16 10:22:21 2012 +0100
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include <QMap>
 #include <QSettings>
 #include <QStringListModel>
+#include <QDate>
 #include "hwform.h"
 #include "hwconsts.h"
@@ -39,6 +40,50 @@
 #include "CocoaInitializer.h"
+//Determines the day of easter in year
+//from http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/easter.php,adapted to C/C++
+QDate calculateEaster(long year)
+    int c, n, k, i, j, l, m, d;
+    c = year/100;
+    n = year - 19*(year/19);
+    k = (c - 17)/25;
+    i = c - c/4 - (c - k)/3 + 19*n + 15;
+    i = i - 30*(i/30);
+    i = i - (i/28)*(1 - (i/28)*(29/(i + 1))*((21 - n)/11));
+    j = year + year/4 + i + 2 - c + c/4;
+    j = j - 7*(j/7);
+    l = i - j;
+    m = 3 + (l + 40)/44;
+    d = l + 28 - 31*(m / 4);
+    return QDate(year, m, d);
+//Checks season and assigns it to the variable season in "hwconsts.h"
+void checkSeason()
+   QDate date = QDate::currentDate();
+   //Christmas?
+   if (date.month() == 12 && date.daysInMonth() >= 24 
+	&& date.daysInMonth() <= 26)
+   //Hedgewars birthday?
+   else if (date.month() == 10 && date.daysInMonth() == 31)
+   {
+   	season = SEASON_HWBDAY;
+	years_since_foundation = date.year() - 2004;
+   }
+   //Easter?
+   else if (calculateEaster(date.year()) == date)
+	season = SEASON_EASTER;
+   else
+	season = SEASON_NONE;
 bool checkForDir(const QString & dir)
     QDir tmpdir;
@@ -244,11 +289,28 @@
     QString style = "";
+    QString fname;
+    checkSeason();
+    //For each season, there is an extra stylesheet
+    //Todo: change background for easter and birthday
+    //(simply replace res/BackgroundBirthday.png and res/BackgroundEaster.png
+    //with an appropriate background
+    switch (season)
+    {
+    case SEASON_CHRISTMAS : fname = "christmas.css";
+			    break;
+    case SEASON_EASTER : fname = "easter.css";
+			 break;
+    case SEASON_HWBDAY : fname = "birthday.css";
+			 break;
+    default : fname = "qt.css";
+    }
     // load external stylesheet if there is any
-    QFile extFile(dataMgr.findFileForRead("css/qt.css"));
+    QFile extFile(dataMgr.findFileForRead("css/" + fname));
-    QFile resFile(":/res/css/qt.css");
+    QFile resFile(":/res/css/" + fname);
     QFile & file = (extFile.exists()?extFile:resFile);
Binary file QTfrontend/res/BackgroundBirthday.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/BackgroundChristmas.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/BackgroundEaster.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/Confetti.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/Egg.png has changed
Binary file QTfrontend/res/Flake.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/QTfrontend/res/css/birthday.css	Mon Jan 16 10:22:21 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ *
+ * CSS-like definition of Qt frontend appearance
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.5/stylesheet.html
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * This file can be stored at different locations, but it will be read only
+ * once, based on first file found in this order:
+ *
+ *    <userdir>/Data/css/birthday.css
+ *    <datadir>/css/birthday.css
+ *    <internal default style-sheet> (:/res/css/birthday.css)
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+HWForm,QDialog {
+background-image: url(":/res/BackgroundBirthday.png");
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+background-color: #141250;
+* {
+color: #ffcc00;
+selection-background-color: #ffcc00;
+selection-color: #00351d;
+a { color:#c8c8ff; }
+QLineEdit, QListWidget, QTableView, QTextBrowser, QSpinBox, QComboBox,
+QComboBox QAbstractItemView, QMenu::item {
+background-color: rgba(13, 5, 68, 70%);
+QComboBox::separator {
+border: solid; border-width: 3px; border-color: #ffcc00;
+QPushButton, QListWidget, QTableView, QLineEdit, QHeaderView,
+QTextBrowser, QSpinBox, QToolBox, QComboBox,
+QComboBox QAbstractItemView, IconedGroupBox,
+.QGroupBox, GameCFGWidget, TeamSelWidget, SelWeaponWidget,
+QTabWidget::pane, QTabBar::tab {
+border: solid;
+border-width: 3px;
+border-color: #ffcc00;
+QPushButton:hover, QLineEdit:hover, QListWidget:hover,
+QSpinBox:hover, QToolBox:hover, QComboBox:hover {
+border-color: yellow;
+QLineEdit, QListWidget,QTableView, QTextBrowser,
+QSpinBox, QToolBox {
+border-radius: 10px;
+QLineEdit, QLabel, QHeaderView, QListWidget, QTableView,
+QSpinBox, QToolBox::tab, QComboBox, QComboBox QAbstractItemView,
+IconedGroupBox, .QGroupBox, GameCFGWidget, TeamSelWidget,
+SelWeaponWidget, QCheckBox, QRadioButton, QPushButton {
+font: bold 13px;
+SelWeaponWidget QTabWidget::pane, SelWeaponWidget QTabBar::tab:selected {
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+background-color: #000000;
+.QGroupBox,GameCFGWidget,TeamSelWidget,SelWeaponWidget {
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+border-radius: 16px;
+background-color: rgba(13, 5, 68, 70%);
+padding: 6px;
+/*  Experimenting with PaintOnScreen and border-radius on IconedGroupBox children didn't work out well
+IconedGroupBox QComboBox, IconedGroupBox QPushButton, IconedGroupBox QLineEdit,
+IconedGroupBox QSpinBox {
+border-radius: 0;
+IconedGroupBox, IconedGroupBox *, QTabWidget::pane, QTabBar::tab:selected, QToolBox::tab QWidget{" */
+IconedGroupBox, QTabWidget::pane, QTabBar::tab:selected, QToolBox::tab QWidget{
+background-color: #130f2c;
+QPushButton {
+border-radius: 8px;
+background-origin: margin;
+background-position: top left;
+background-color: rgba(18, 42, 5, 70%);
+border-color: white;
+QPushButton:focus {
+outline: none;
+QHeaderView {
+border-radius: 0;
+border-width: 0;
+border-bottom-width: 3px;
+background-color: #00351d;
+QTableView {
+alternate-background-color: #2f213a;
+gridline-color: transparent;
+QTabBar::tab {
+border-bottom-width: 0;
+border-radius: 0;
+border-top-left-radius: 6px;
+border-top-right-radius: 6px;
+padding: 3px;
+QTabBar::tab:!selected {
+color: #0d0544;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+background: transparent;
+width: 16px;
+height: 10px;
+QSpinBox::up-arrow {
+image: url(":/res/spin_up.png");
+QSpinBox::down-arrow {
+image: url(":/res/spin_down.png");
+QSpinBox::down-button {
+background: transparent;
+width: 16px;
+height: 10px;
+QComboBox {
+border-radius: 10px;
+padding: 3px;
+border-color: white;
+border: transparent;
+width: 25px;
+QComboBox::down-arrow {
+image: url(":/res/dropdown.png");
+VertScrArea {
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+IconedGroupBox {
+border-radius: 16px;
+padding: 2px;
+subcontrol-origin: margin;
+subcontrol-position: top left;
+text-align: left;
+left: 15px;
+top: -4px;
+image: url(":/res/checked.png");
+image: url(":/res/unchecked.png");
+background: transparent;
+QTabWidget::pane {
+border-top-width: 2px;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+margin: 3px;
+QMenu::item {
+background-color: #0d0544;
+border: 1px solid transparent;
+font: bold;
+padding: 2px 25px 2px 20px;
+QMenu::item:selected {
+background-color: #2d2564;
+QMenu::indicator {
+width: 16px;
+height: 16px;
+image: url(":/res/checked.png");
+image: url(":/res/unchecked.png");
+background-color: #0d0544;
+border: 1px solid #ffcc00;
+color: #a0a0a0;
+SquareLabel, ItemNum {
+background-color: #000000;
+QSlider::groove::horizontal {
+height: 2px;
+margin: 2px 0px;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+QSlider::handle::horizontal {
+border: 0px;
+margin: -2px 0px;
+border-radius: 3px;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+width: 8px;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/QTfrontend/res/css/christmas.css	Mon Jan 16 10:22:21 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ *
+ * CSS-like definition of Qt frontend appearance
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.5/stylesheet.html
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * This file can be stored at different locations, but it will be read only
+ * once, based on first file found in this order:
+ *
+ *    <userdir>/Data/css/christmas.css
+ *    <datadir>/css/christmas.css
+ *    <internal default style-sheet> (:/res/css/christmas.css)
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+HWForm,QDialog {
+background-image: url(":/res/BackgroundChristmas.png");
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+background-color: #141250;
+* {
+color: #ffcc00;
+selection-background-color: #ffcc00;
+selection-color: #00351d;
+a { color:#c8c8ff; }
+QLineEdit, QListWidget, QTableView, QTextBrowser, QSpinBox, QComboBox,
+QComboBox QAbstractItemView, QMenu::item {
+background-color: rgba(13, 5, 68, 70%);
+QComboBox::separator {
+border: solid; border-width: 3px; border-color: #ffcc00;
+QPushButton, QListWidget, QTableView, QLineEdit, QHeaderView,
+QTextBrowser, QSpinBox, QToolBox, QComboBox,
+QComboBox QAbstractItemView, IconedGroupBox,
+.QGroupBox, GameCFGWidget, TeamSelWidget, SelWeaponWidget,
+QTabWidget::pane, QTabBar::tab {
+border: solid;
+border-width: 3px;
+border-color: #ffcc00;
+QPushButton:hover, QLineEdit:hover, QListWidget:hover,
+QSpinBox:hover, QToolBox:hover, QComboBox:hover {
+border-color: yellow;
+QLineEdit, QListWidget,QTableView, QTextBrowser,
+QSpinBox, QToolBox {
+border-radius: 10px;
+QLineEdit, QLabel, QHeaderView, QListWidget, QTableView,
+QSpinBox, QToolBox::tab, QComboBox, QComboBox QAbstractItemView,
+IconedGroupBox, .QGroupBox, GameCFGWidget, TeamSelWidget,
+SelWeaponWidget, QCheckBox, QRadioButton, QPushButton {
+font: bold 13px;
+SelWeaponWidget QTabWidget::pane, SelWeaponWidget QTabBar::tab:selected {
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+background-color: #000000;
+.QGroupBox,GameCFGWidget,TeamSelWidget,SelWeaponWidget {
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+border-radius: 16px;
+background-color: rgba(13, 5, 68, 70%);
+padding: 6px;
+/*  Experimenting with PaintOnScreen and border-radius on IconedGroupBox children didn't work out well
+IconedGroupBox QComboBox, IconedGroupBox QPushButton, IconedGroupBox QLineEdit,
+IconedGroupBox QSpinBox {
+border-radius: 0;
+IconedGroupBox, IconedGroupBox *, QTabWidget::pane, QTabBar::tab:selected, QToolBox::tab QWidget{" */
+IconedGroupBox, QTabWidget::pane, QTabBar::tab:selected, QToolBox::tab QWidget{
+background-color: #130f2c;
+QPushButton {
+border-radius: 8px;
+background-origin: margin;
+background-position: top left;
+background-color: rgba(18, 42, 5, 70%);
+border-color: white;
+QPushButton:focus {
+outline: none;
+QHeaderView {
+border-radius: 0;
+border-width: 0;
+border-bottom-width: 3px;
+background-color: #00351d;
+QTableView {
+alternate-background-color: #2f213a;
+gridline-color: transparent;
+QTabBar::tab {
+border-bottom-width: 0;
+border-radius: 0;
+border-top-left-radius: 6px;
+border-top-right-radius: 6px;
+padding: 3px;
+QTabBar::tab:!selected {
+color: #0d0544;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+background: transparent;
+width: 16px;
+height: 10px;
+QSpinBox::up-arrow {
+image: url(":/res/spin_up.png");
+QSpinBox::down-arrow {
+image: url(":/res/spin_down.png");
+QSpinBox::down-button {
+background: transparent;
+width: 16px;
+height: 10px;
+QComboBox {
+border-radius: 10px;
+padding: 3px;
+border-color: white;
+border: transparent;
+width: 25px;
+QComboBox::down-arrow {
+image: url(":/res/dropdown.png");
+VertScrArea {
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+IconedGroupBox {
+border-radius: 16px;
+padding: 2px;
+subcontrol-origin: margin;
+subcontrol-position: top left;
+text-align: left;
+left: 15px;
+top: -4px;
+image: url(":/res/checked.png");
+image: url(":/res/unchecked.png");
+background: transparent;
+QTabWidget::pane {
+border-top-width: 2px;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+margin: 3px;
+QMenu::item {
+background-color: #0d0544;
+border: 1px solid transparent;
+font: bold;
+padding: 2px 25px 2px 20px;
+QMenu::item:selected {
+background-color: #2d2564;
+QMenu::indicator {
+width: 16px;
+height: 16px;
+image: url(":/res/checked.png");
+image: url(":/res/unchecked.png");
+background-color: #0d0544;
+border: 1px solid #ffcc00;
+color: #a0a0a0;
+SquareLabel, ItemNum {
+background-color: #000000;
+QSlider::groove::horizontal {
+height: 2px;
+margin: 2px 0px;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+QSlider::handle::horizontal {
+border: 0px;
+margin: -2px 0px;
+border-radius: 3px;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+width: 8px;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/QTfrontend/res/css/easter.css	Mon Jan 16 10:22:21 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ *
+ * CSS-like definition of Qt frontend appearance
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.5/stylesheet.html
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * This file can be stored at different locations, but it will be read only
+ * once, based on first file found in this order:
+ *
+ *    <userdir>/Data/css/easter.css
+ *    <datadir>/css/easter.css
+ *    <internal default style-sheet> (:/res/css/easter.css)
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+HWForm,QDialog {
+background-image: url(":/res/BackgroundEaster.png");
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+background-color: #141250;
+* {
+color: #ffcc00;
+selection-background-color: #ffcc00;
+selection-color: #00351d;
+a { color:#c8c8ff; }
+QLineEdit, QListWidget, QTableView, QTextBrowser, QSpinBox, QComboBox,
+QComboBox QAbstractItemView, QMenu::item {
+background-color: rgba(13, 5, 68, 70%);
+QComboBox::separator {
+border: solid; border-width: 3px; border-color: #ffcc00;
+QPushButton, QListWidget, QTableView, QLineEdit, QHeaderView,
+QTextBrowser, QSpinBox, QToolBox, QComboBox,
+QComboBox QAbstractItemView, IconedGroupBox,
+.QGroupBox, GameCFGWidget, TeamSelWidget, SelWeaponWidget,
+QTabWidget::pane, QTabBar::tab {
+border: solid;
+border-width: 3px;
+border-color: #ffcc00;
+QPushButton:hover, QLineEdit:hover, QListWidget:hover,
+QSpinBox:hover, QToolBox:hover, QComboBox:hover {
+border-color: yellow;
+QLineEdit, QListWidget,QTableView, QTextBrowser,
+QSpinBox, QToolBox {
+border-radius: 10px;
+QLineEdit, QLabel, QHeaderView, QListWidget, QTableView,
+QSpinBox, QToolBox::tab, QComboBox, QComboBox QAbstractItemView,
+IconedGroupBox, .QGroupBox, GameCFGWidget, TeamSelWidget,
+SelWeaponWidget, QCheckBox, QRadioButton, QPushButton {
+font: bold 13px;
+SelWeaponWidget QTabWidget::pane, SelWeaponWidget QTabBar::tab:selected {
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+background-color: #000000;
+.QGroupBox,GameCFGWidget,TeamSelWidget,SelWeaponWidget {
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+border-radius: 16px;
+background-color: rgba(13, 5, 68, 70%);
+padding: 6px;
+/*  Experimenting with PaintOnScreen and border-radius on IconedGroupBox children didn't work out well
+IconedGroupBox QComboBox, IconedGroupBox QPushButton, IconedGroupBox QLineEdit,
+IconedGroupBox QSpinBox {
+border-radius: 0;
+IconedGroupBox, IconedGroupBox *, QTabWidget::pane, QTabBar::tab:selected, QToolBox::tab QWidget{" */
+IconedGroupBox, QTabWidget::pane, QTabBar::tab:selected, QToolBox::tab QWidget{
+background-color: #130f2c;
+QPushButton {
+border-radius: 8px;
+background-origin: margin;
+background-position: top left;
+background-color: rgba(18, 42, 5, 70%);
+border-color: white;
+QPushButton:focus {
+outline: none;
+QHeaderView {
+border-radius: 0;
+border-width: 0;
+border-bottom-width: 3px;
+background-color: #00351d;
+QTableView {
+alternate-background-color: #2f213a;
+gridline-color: transparent;
+QTabBar::tab {
+border-bottom-width: 0;
+border-radius: 0;
+border-top-left-radius: 6px;
+border-top-right-radius: 6px;
+padding: 3px;
+QTabBar::tab:!selected {
+color: #0d0544;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+background: transparent;
+width: 16px;
+height: 10px;
+QSpinBox::up-arrow {
+image: url(":/res/spin_up.png");
+QSpinBox::down-arrow {
+image: url(":/res/spin_down.png");
+QSpinBox::down-button {
+background: transparent;
+width: 16px;
+height: 10px;
+QComboBox {
+border-radius: 10px;
+padding: 3px;
+border-color: white;
+border: transparent;
+width: 25px;
+QComboBox::down-arrow {
+image: url(":/res/dropdown.png");
+VertScrArea {
+background-position: bottom center;
+background-repeat: repeat-x;
+IconedGroupBox {
+border-radius: 16px;
+padding: 2px;
+subcontrol-origin: margin;
+subcontrol-position: top left;
+text-align: left;
+left: 15px;
+top: -4px;
+image: url(":/res/checked.png");
+image: url(":/res/unchecked.png");
+background: transparent;
+QTabWidget::pane {
+border-top-width: 2px;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+margin: 3px;
+QMenu::item {
+background-color: #0d0544;
+border: 1px solid transparent;
+font: bold;
+padding: 2px 25px 2px 20px;
+QMenu::item:selected {
+background-color: #2d2564;
+QMenu::indicator {
+width: 16px;
+height: 16px;
+image: url(":/res/checked.png");
+image: url(":/res/unchecked.png");
+background-color: #0d0544;
+border: 1px solid #ffcc00;
+color: #a0a0a0;
+SquareLabel, ItemNum {
+background-color: #000000;
+QSlider::groove::horizontal {
+height: 2px;
+margin: 2px 0px;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+QSlider::handle::horizontal {
+border: 0px;
+margin: -2px 0px;
+border-radius: 3px;
+background-color: #ffcc00;
+width: 8px;
--- a/QTfrontend/ui/widget/bgwidget.cpp	Sun Jan 15 22:01:50 2012 -0500
+++ b/QTfrontend/ui/widget/bgwidget.cpp	Mon Jan 16 10:22:21 2012 +0100
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #include "bgwidget.h"
+#include "hwconsts.h"
 SpritePosition::SpritePosition(QWidget * parent, int sw, int sh)
@@ -85,7 +86,24 @@
 BGWidget::BGWidget(QWidget * parent) : QWidget(parent), enabled(false)
     setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true);
-    sprite.load(":/res/Star.png");
+    QString fname;
+    //For each season, there is a replacement for the star (Star.png)
+    //Todo: change element for easter and birthday
+    //Simply replace Confetti.png and Egg.png with an appropriate graphic)
+    switch (season)
+    {
+    case SEASON_CHRISTMAS : fname = "Flake.png";
+			    break;
+    case SEASON_EASTER : fname = "Egg.png";
+			 break;
+    case SEASON_HWBDAY : fname = "Confetti.png";
+			 break;
+    default : fname = "Star.png";
+    }
+    sprite.load(":/res/" + fname);
@@ -164,7 +182,7 @@
 void BGWidget::stopAnimation()
-    repaint();
+	repaint();
 void BGWidget::init()