set flake to non critical, no touches until game is starding, moved some variables to be initialized in the right place
Wed, 25 Aug 2010 00:17:51 +0200 (2010-08-24)
changeset 3765 ebfe7c9b3085
parent 3764 eb91c02f2d84
child 3766 36b625111609
set flake to non critical, no touches until game is starding, moved some variables to be initialized in the right place
--- a/hedgewars/hwengine.pas	Tue Aug 24 17:03:44 2010 +0200
+++ b/hedgewars/hwengine.pas	Wed Aug 25 00:17:51 2010 +0200
@@ -263,11 +263,6 @@
-    // those values still aren't perfect
-    cLeftScreenBorder:= round(-cMinZoomLevel * cScreenWidth);
-    cRightScreenBorder:= round(cMinZoomLevel * cScreenWidth + LAND_WIDTH);
-    cScreenSpace:= cRightScreenBorder - cLeftScreenBorder;
     ControllerInit(); // has to happen before InitKbdKeyTable to map keys
--- a/hedgewars/uMisc.pas	Tue Aug 24 17:03:44 2010 +0200
+++ b/hedgewars/uMisc.pas	Wed Aug 25 00:17:51 2010 +0200
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
     // originally from uConsts
     Pathz: array[TPathType] of shortstring;
     CountTexz: array[1..Pred(AMMO_INFINITE)] of PTexture;
-    LAND_WIDTH  :longint;
-    LAND_HEIGHT :longint;
-    LAND_WIDTH_MASK  :longWord;
-    LAND_HEIGHT_MASK :longWord;
-    cMaxCaptions : LongInt;
+    LAND_WIDTH       : LongInt;
+    LAND_HEIGHT      : LongInt;
+    LAND_WIDTH_MASK  : LongWord;
+    LAND_HEIGHT_MASK : LongWord;
+    cMaxCaptions     : LongInt;
     // init flags
     cScreenWidth    : LongInt = 1024;
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@
     //userNick is in uChat
     recordFileName  : shortstring = '';
-    cLeftScreenBorder     : LongInt = 0;
-    cRightScreenBorder    : LongInt = 0;
-    cScreenSpace          : LongInt = 0;
+    cLeftScreenBorder     : LongInt;
+    cRightScreenBorder    : LongInt;
+    cScreenSpace          : LongInt;
     cCaseFactor     : Longword;
     cLandAdditions  : Longword;
@@ -786,6 +786,11 @@
     ScreenFade      := sfNone;
+    // those values still aren't perfect
+    cLeftScreenBorder:= round(-cMinZoomLevel * cScreenWidth);
+    cRightScreenBorder:= round(cMinZoomLevel * cScreenWidth + LAND_WIDTH);
+    cScreenSpace:= cRightScreenBorder - cLeftScreenBorder;
     if isPhone() then
         cMaxCaptions:= 3
--- a/hedgewars/uStore.pas	Tue Aug 24 17:03:44 2010 +0200
+++ b/hedgewars/uStore.pas	Wed Aug 25 00:17:51 2010 +0200
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
         if ((cReducedQuality and rqNoBackground) = 0) or (not (ii in [sprSky, sprSkyL, sprSkyR, sprHorizont, sprHorizontL, sprHorizontR, sprFlake, sprSplash, sprDroplet])) then // FIXME: hack
             if AltPath = ptNone then
-                if ii in [sprHorizontL, sprHorizontR, sprSkyL, sprSkyR] then // FIXME: hack
+                if ii in [sprHorizontL, sprHorizontR, sprSkyL, sprSkyR, sprFlake] then // FIXME: hack
                     tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[Path] + '/' + FileName, ifAlpha or ifTransparent)
                     tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[Path] + '/' + FileName, ifAlpha or ifTransparent or ifCritical)
@@ -406,30 +406,29 @@
             if tmpsurf <> nil then
                 if getImageDimensions then
-                    begin
+                begin
                     imageWidth:= tmpsurf^.w;
                     imageHeight:= tmpsurf^.h
-                    end;
+                end;
                 if getDimensions then
-                    begin
+                begin
                     Width:= tmpsurf^.w;
                     Height:= tmpsurf^.h
-                    end;
+                end;
                 if (ii in [sprSky, sprSkyL, sprSkyR, sprHorizont, sprHorizontL, sprHorizontR]) then
-                    begin
+                begin
                     Texture:= Surface2Tex(tmpsurf, true);
                     Texture^.Scale:= 2
-                    end
+                end
-                    begin
+                begin
                     Texture:= Surface2Tex(tmpsurf, false);
                     if (ii = sprWater) and ((cReducedQuality and (rq2DWater or rqClampLess)) = 0) then // HACK: We should include some sprite attribute to define the texture wrap directions
-                    begin
                         glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
-                    end;
                 glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY, priority);
-                if saveSurf then Surface:= tmpsurf else SDL_FreeSurface(tmpsurf)
+                if saveSurf then
+                    Surface:= tmpsurf else SDL_FreeSurface(tmpsurf)
                 Surface:= nil
@@ -452,29 +451,24 @@
 // name of weapons in ammo menu
 for ai:= Low(TAmmoType) to High(TAmmoType) do
     with Ammoz[ai] do
-        begin
+    begin
         TryDo(trAmmo[NameId] <> '','No default text/translation found for ammo type #' + intToStr(ord(ai)) + '!',true);
         tmpsurf:= TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(Fontz[CheckCJKFont(trAmmo[NameId],fnt16)].Handle, Str2PChar(trAmmo[NameId]), cWhiteColorChannels);
         TryDo(tmpsurf <> nil,'Name-texture creation for ammo type #' + intToStr(ord(ai)) + ' failed!',true);
         tmpsurf:= doSurfaceConversion(tmpsurf);
         NameTex:= Surface2Tex(tmpsurf, false);
-        end;
+    end;
 // number of weapons in ammo menu
 for i:= Low(CountTexz) to High(CountTexz) do
-    begin
     tmpsurf:= TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(Fontz[fnt16].Handle, Str2PChar(IntToStr(i) + 'x'), cWhiteColorChannels);
     tmpsurf:= doSurfaceConversion(tmpsurf);
     CountTexz[i]:= Surface2Tex(tmpsurf, false);
-    end;
-//not working anymore, where are LandSurface and StoreSurface defined?
-//SDL_SaveBMP_RW(LandSurface, SDL_RWFromFile('LandSurface.bmp', 'wb'), 1);
-//SDL_SaveBMP_RW(StoreSurface, SDL_RWFromFile('StoreSurface.bmp', 'wb'), 1);
@@ -492,7 +486,7 @@
     _l, _r, _t, _b: real;
     VertexBuffer, TextureBuffer: array [0..3] of TVertex2f;
-if (SourceTexture^.h = 0) or (SourceTexture^.w = 0) then exit;
+if (SourceTexture = nil) or (SourceTexture^.h = 0) or (SourceTexture^.w = 0) then exit;
 // don't draw anything outside the visible screen space (first check fixes some sprite drawing, e.g. hedgehogs)
 if (abs(X) > W) and ((abs(X + W / 2) - W / 2) > cScreenWidth / cScaleFactor) then
--- a/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/Classes/OverlayViewController.m	Tue Aug 24 17:03:44 2010 +0200
+++ b/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/Classes/OverlayViewController.m	Wed Aug 25 00:17:51 2010 +0200
@@ -328,6 +328,9 @@
     NSSet *allTouches = [event allTouches];
     UITouch *first, *second;
+    if (isGameRunning == NO)
+        return;
     // hide in-game menu
     if (isPopoverVisible)
         [self dismissPopover];