2018-11-01 alfadur fix overflow check in airmine handling
2018-11-01 alfadur prevent minigun bullet land impacts from pushing hedgehogs
2018-10-31 Wuzzy Stop using dsUnknown, replace with concrete damage sources
2018-10-27 Wuzzy New taunt: Runaway, when something is about to blow up near current hog
2018-10-27 Wuzzy Add 7 new taunts
2018-10-27 Wuzzy Add Grenade taunt when grenade close to hog is about to blow up
2018-10-27 alfadur and finally make the bat hit moving gears for completeness
2018-10-27 alfadur make whip hit moving gears
2018-10-27 alfadur make kamikaze hit moving gears as well
2018-10-27 alfadur make firepunch hit moving gears (airmines are not amused)
2018-10-27 alfadur prevent firepunch from hitting the same gear multiple times
2018-10-26 Wuzzy Clear gmLeft/gmRight after using landspray/flamethrower to prevent accidental walking
2018-10-26 Wuzzy Fix resurrector handling turn time manually, use correct ammoprop instead
2018-10-26 Wuzzy Fix seduction not stopping if hog took damage before attack was complete
2018-10-26 Wuzzy Add sound for landspray
2018-10-26 Wuzzy Add ice beam idle sound
2018-10-26 Wuzzy Add flamethrower sound
2018-10-26 Wuzzy If u play Piano, you can now hear the notes if sound effects OR music is enabled
2018-10-26 Wuzzy Refactor usage of sndRideOfTheValkyries, now can play if music is on and sound is off
2018-10-25 Wuzzy Fix freezer ray extending with low fuel usage when firing straight up/down while holding up/down key
2018-10-24 Wuzzy Fix hog can drop more than 2 s. mines if first one was dropped from utility, then stop using that utility
2018-10-09 nemo bunch more of those shortstring/ansistrings
2018-10-05 Wuzzy Rename amDuck and related symbols to amCreeper, gtCreeper, etc.
2018-10-05 Wuzzy Remove unused doStepDuck gear handler
2018-09-19 Wuzzy Clear gmSwitch before activating switcher
2018-09-04 Wuzzy Fix player rankings getting confused if a clan was revived
2018-09-01 Wuzzy Fix damage not being displayed if hog drowns in water with 100% opacity (like in Compost theme)
2018-08-11 Wuzzy Add separate TotalRounds var for Lua to count the *actual* number of rounds that have been played
2018-08-08 Wuzzy Refactor text color variable names, export 2 color values to Lua
2018-08-08 Wuzzy Use full string for sidFuel and avoid string concatenation
2018-08-07 Wuzzy Fix drill rocket exploding when digging at bounce/wrap world edge
2018-08-06 Wuzzy Fix cake walking through land when reaching wrap world edge
2018-08-06 Wuzzy Remove unused variables of creeper handler
2018-08-06 Wuzzy Fix projectiles reacing incorrectly with land just behind the wrap world edge
2018-08-06 Wuzzy Add bounce effect to cake when it touches bounce edge
2018-08-06 Wuzzy Fix cake rotation angle after bounce from bounce edge
2018-08-02 Wuzzy Make cake bounce off bounce edge, stop cake at wrap edge to prevent other bug
2018-08-03 nemo hijack the duck for an attempted resurrection of the creeper. initial pass.
2018-08-02 Wuzzy Fix hammer/pickhammer not digging land with gfSolidLand on
2018-08-02 Wuzzy Backed out changeset 0d920e370a78
2018-08-02 Wuzzy Fix hammer shoving gears into indestructible land
2018-08-01 Wuzzy Add support for infinite fly time of jetpack and Birdy
2018-07-30 Wuzzy Fix freeze ray not working through wrap world edge; add DrawLineWrapped
2018-07-27 Wuzzy Use wrap-aware doMakeExplosion instead of DrawExplosion in uHandlersMess
2018-07-10 Wuzzy Refactor collision mask checks, remove hardcoded numbers
2018-07-10 Wuzzy Refactor: lfCurrentHog→lfCurHogCrate, lfNotCurrentMask→lfNotCurHogCrate
2018-05-29 alfadur bullet bubbles
2018-05-28 alfadur ensure shotgun works with portals and make it hit airmines
2018-05-28 nemo allow freezing airmines outside the Land area too. Make the top of frozen mine a little flatter
2018-05-27 nemo make the mine slippery too since it has the ice finish - add a gmDelete to the gear if you want it to *not* explode when hit ☺
2018-05-26 nemo Make mine active/hunting glow a bit more obvious. Add frozen sprite, increase ice beam mine "hit" radius a bit
2018-05-24 nemo make all bullets function similar to machinegun bullets (can hit/shove objects without checkin)
2018-05-24 nemo zero damage on air mine too
2018-05-24 nemo Allow freezing airmines because whyyy not
2018-05-03 alfadur fix trace when bullets skip on water
2018-05-02 nemo real droplet fix - default density is fine - also add back in the underwater bullet trails
2018-04-24 Wuzzy Partial fix of Pas2C parsing problems (part 1: uGearsHandlersMess)
2018-04-13 alfadur Stop minigun sound when gtMinigun is destroyed
2018-04-12 alfadur Fix bullet trails overlapping when the pass through wrap or bounce world edge
less more (0) -300 -100 -60 tip