Sat, 23 Jun 2012 22:39:00 -0400 nemo Second part of the change. Make collision check use the new mask bit.
Wed, 06 Jun 2012 17:56:39 -0400 nemo Make it AI survival almost definitely impossible by adding a 3rd pass to FindGear. 1st pass normal, 2nd pass allow close to objects, 3rd pass, allow overlapping objects.
Mon, 04 Jun 2012 08:11:47 -0400 nemo Make watching AI v AI on ai survival a bit more entertaining
Sun, 03 Jun 2012 11:02:12 -0400 nemo warp sound when AI survival hog respawns. attempt at a bit of a crate spawn animation (moar sparkles and a quick fadein)
Fri, 18 May 2012 13:35:22 -0400 nemo Add an emergency return to the timebox in the case of death of rest of team. Also add a small visual effect to AI survival
Sat, 12 May 2012 22:13:56 +0400 unc0rr Make pas2c even more happier with uGears.c, allow assigning arrays in some cases
Fri, 11 May 2012 20:01:57 +0400 unc0rr Make pas2c happier with uSound
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