2018-08-02 Wuzzy Fix hammer/pickhammer not digging land with gfSolidLand on
2018-08-02 Wuzzy Cap hedgehog health to prevent overflow bugs
2018-08-01 Wuzzy Add Lua globals: AMMO_INFINITE and NoPointX
2018-08-01 Wuzzy Add support for infinite fly time of jetpack and Birdy
2018-08-01 Wuzzy Lua: Allow to use negative value for AddTeam to select a default clan color
2018-07-30 Wuzzy Lua API: Add IsHogHidden
2018-07-30 Wuzzy Lua: Add GetVampiric, GetLaserSight
2018-07-10 Wuzzy Refactor: lfCurrentHog→lfCurHogCrate, lfNotCurrentMask→lfNotCurHogCrate
2018-07-10 Wuzzy Lua API: Add parameter forceDisplay to ShowMission to prevent manual hiding
2018-07-08 Wuzzy Fix GetAmmo getting wrong ammo count
2018-07-07 Wuzzy New Lua API function: GetAmmo, to get ammo config
2018-07-02 nemo somehow scale was omitted from this catch-all VG init. late addition to the struct perhaps.
2018-05-18 nemo 0.9.24 merge of physfs tweak
2018-05-18 nemo Make wrapping a lua and its sidecar actually work. 0.9.24
2018-05-04 Wuzzy Make EnableSwitchHog() more robust against failure, return gear UID
2018-05-04 Wuzzy Lua API: Add EnableSwitchHog to manually enable hog switching
2018-05-03 Wuzzy Fix GetAmmoTimer implementation, swap arguments
2018-05-03 Wuzzy Lua API: GetAmmoTimer, to get the player-set timer for an ammo
2018-05-03 Wuzzy Lua API: Add 5th parameter showExtra to SetAmmoTexts to hide extra text
2018-04-29 nemo Seed reset seems fine when moved out of the loader. Also bump protocol
2018-04-29 nemo Back out 12847:1aba77b2e4ac This both does NOT fix the seed mismatch with shoppa map preview *AND* breaks otherwise identical scripts with different file encodings due to multiple lua calls.
2018-04-21 Wuzzy New Lua call: Retreat, to force turn into Retreat time
2018-03-23 Wuzzy Add new game flag gfSwitchHog, enable hog switching at turn start
2018-03-22 Wuzzy Lua API: Add Explode function
2018-03-15 Wuzzy Lua API: Fix not updating CursorX/CursorY properly when moving cursor at screen border
2018-03-12 Wuzzy Lua API: Add SkipTurn() to replace ParseCommand("skip")
2018-03-08 Wuzzy Lua API: PlaySound: Add 3rd parameter instaVoice to instantly play voice
2018-03-08 Wuzzy Lua API: Add SetSoundMask to disable playing certain sounds
2018-03-07 Wuzzy Lua: Rename global variable “L” to “LOCALE”
2018-02-23 Wuzzy Lua API: Fix SetWind not updating flake direction
2018-02-20 Wuzzy Lua API: Remove empty functions CampaignLock and CampaignUnlock
2018-02-20 Wuzzy Expose 5 land flags to Lua for use with SetGearCollisionMask
2018-02-20 Wuzzy Fix inconsistent name of SetGearAIHints
2018-02-16 Wuzzy Lua API: Add functons: GetTeamIndex and GetTeamClan
2018-02-16 Wuzzy Add SetTeamLabel to Lua API, can set arbitrary string as team label
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: AddAmmo unselects weapons before it would remove current ammo from current hog
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: Add HealHog to heal hog with visual effects + message
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: Add SpawnSupplyCrate
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: Add GetTeamName
2018-02-08 Wuzzy Lua API: Add GetWind function to get current wind
2018-02-08 Wuzzy Lua API: Add SetVampiric and SetLaserSight
2018-02-07 Wuzzy Lua API: Add WriteLnToChat
2017-11-30 nemo er. should be true I think? also... maybe this should be somewhere else
2017-11-30 nemo This is a desyncing change. But... We might need a new release anyway. ☹
2017-10-24 Wuzzy Lua API: Fix Goals text being cut off at ca. 255 characters
2017-10-10 Wuzzy Lua API: Remove BorderColor variable from onGameInit
2017-09-30 sheepluva fix some fpc hints
2017-09-29 sheepluva pas2c happiness initiative 2017, continued
2017-09-29 sheepluva fix some things that annoy pas2c and whitespaces
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Lua API: Add ReadyTimeLeft variable
2017-09-26 Wuzzy New Lua API function: GetTeamStats, to get team stats
2017-09-22 nemo mix it up some more. also had screwed up -- inside quotes
2017-09-22 nemo should be harder to dodge than a xor
2017-09-20 nemo ranges for alnum were silly. also lets not fail to same value
2017-09-20 nemo Data is not part of the path
2017-09-12 nemo Try to prevent the script safety checking from totally screwing up localisation. Also untested.
2017-09-12 nemo This should be ok right?
2017-09-11 nemo Totally untested. Trying to ensure scripts loaded more or less match.
2017-04-28 Wuzzy Lua: Fix SwitchHog breaking the ammo menu of the new hog
2016-02-23 unc0rr Dump best time ghost on console 0.9.22
2017-04-27 Wuzzy Lua: Fix HideHog causing engine crash when provided with invalid gear ID or hog was hidden
2017-04-25 Wuzzy Lua API: SendAchevementsStatsOff, SendGameResultOff, SendRankingStatsOff
2017-04-24 nemo Move sidecar lua load to prior to script load. This should let the script use it for dependencies.
2017-04-22 Wuzzy Lua variable: AmmoTypeMax (maximum ammo type ID for iterating)
2017-04-20 nemo For testing purposes, drop tointeger and pushint since Lua uses ptrdiff causing inconsistent behaviour if we try to get a longword value from tointeger on 64 bit vs 32bit. This should improve script reliability a bit
2017-04-19 Wuzzy New Lua call: EndTurn to end turn
2017-04-05 Wuzzy Remove Lua function SetAmmoStore
2016-12-10 sheepluva Fix ScriptExists() destroying lua stack (fixes Bug #146)
2016-11-27 Wuzzy Add PlaceRubber to Lua API
2016-11-23 Wuzzy Add GetHogFort to Lua API
2016-11-20 Wuzzy Expose number of air mines in Lua variable AirMinesNum
2016-11-19 Wuzzy Allow to ignore overwritten ammo name in GetAmmoName
2016-11-19 Wuzzy GetAmmoName now returns ammo name overwritten by SetAmmoTexts
2016-05-09 Wuzzy Add SetAmmoDescriptionAppendix to Lua API, see issue 82
2016-05-09 Wuzzy Add Lua API function SetAmmoTexts (see issue 82)
2016-11-14 Wuzzy Lua API: Add GetVisualGearType, onVisualGearAdd, onVisualGearDelete
2016-11-14 Wuzzy Add WorldEdge to Lua API to expose/change world edge type
2016-09-15 sheepluva fix typo and hopefully also pas2c
2016-09-15 sheepluva Lua API: IsHogLocal(gearUid)
2016-09-15 sheepluva Lua API: GetAmmoName(ammoType)
2016-09-04 sheepluva Lua API: fix incorrect error message. thanks to TheAnachron and rhino for pointing this out
2016-05-15 sheepluva drop SysUtils inclusion from 5 files where it is not needed anymore
2016-05-15 sheepluva always include uUtils _after_ SysUtils
2016-04-26 Wuzzy fix for issue 71: Lua API: “Theme” variable is set to empty string initially
2016-04-26 sheepluva Lua-API - GetClanColor: Verify argument and display error message on fail (instead of engine crash)
2016-04-23 koda Add missing functions to fully disable lua at compile time
2016-04-23 koda uscript cosmetics
2016-03-25 sheepluva fix check for wrong value
2016-02-23 unc0rr Dump best time ghost on console
2016-02-22 nemo remove unused path functions
2016-01-31 unc0rr Bye-bye TryDo
2016-01-23 sheepluva Lua API: SetCinematicMode(enable)
2016-01-16 sheepluva update some old google code links in the code/etc. thanks Wuzzy for the heads-up
2015-12-29 nemo Make weapon damage in most cases be a structure value and also expose it to lua. Needs testing/review due to conditions at time of doing this (w/ one arm, dizzy/tingling due to sodium citrate), and just number of places changed..
2015-11-07 sheepluva merge orphan head (while discarding all its changes) to make koda and his hg-git happy
2015-10-28 nemo few more missing nil checks in crate spawn
2015-10-03 nemo Add nil check in fake crate spawn for if crate fails to spawn
2015-09-17 sheepluva add TODO
2015-09-13 nemo aaand make sure the commented out line matches
2015-09-13 nemo Add damage to gear values to mess with
2015-09-02 sheepluva fix internal function name
2015-09-02 sheepluva also expose MapFeatureSize in onPreviewInit
2015-09-02 sheepluva Lua API: expose MapFeatureSize during init
2015-09-02 sheepluva fix on-code documentation of EraseSprite
2015-09-01 sheepluva Lua API: SetMaxBuildDistance([ distInPx ]) -- set to 0 for no limit; call with no param to reset to default
2015-08-17 nemo add missing state binds in lua
2015-08-10 sheepluva more copyright fixes
2015-07-30 mikade GetHogVoicepack,GetHogFlag,GetHogGrave
2015-07-19 sheepluva add some chat message colors
2015-06-08 nemo ambiguous
2015-06-03 nemo cursor x/y when targeting for mikade's visual effects. this is not synced
2015-04-10 nemo tweak erase
2015-04-09 nemo also erase
2015-04-08 nemo fix copypasta typo, failure to bump offset of lf params
2015-04-08 nemo Add options to set colouring, behind existing land, and horizontal/vertical flipping to PlaceSprite
2015-02-14 nemo Add placement of airmines in engine outside of hog proximity. Has a bug, only protecting 1st team. Also fix a spelling error and rename gstHHChooseTarget to gstChooseTarget
2015-01-25 nemo Add generic getter/setter for a bunch of more obscure gear structure values
2015-01-25 nemo Add a couple of more variable bindings, make all the set visual gear values optional, to allow skipping trailing params or specifying ones in the middle as nil to not set. Should make using it more convenient in simple cases.
2014-12-14 sheepluva Issue 865: gfResetHealth is not exposed to Lua
2014-12-11 sheepluva fix size of PtrInt. enable tests for pas2c (all passing now)
2014-12-08 nemo Use FreeAndNil across the board. Even if we are immediately assigning after, probably avoids accidental mistakes. Also free neglected owner tex on shutdown, and delete hog gears using the normal deletion procedure if for any reason they still exist (EndGame call?).
2014-12-03 sheepluva tweaking the lua test function thingy
2014-12-03 nemo set globals in commandline lua
2014-12-03 sheepluva fix some things I messed up with the drawing functions
2014-12-02 sheepluva update changelog
2014-12-02 sheepluva move functionality of Draw.lua into engine
2014-12-02 nemo switch mapgen to enum. should still try and make sure the values are backwards compatible if possible.
2014-11-30 nemo expose FlightTime to lua, disable in-air flame harming moving hogs ☹ aaaand override that in ClimbHome ☺
2014-11-30 nemo Wuzzy's changes to climbhome w/ some tweaks by me
2014-11-29 sheepluva fix some pas2c related issues
2014-11-27 sheepluva new implementation for Lua API DismissTeam. all hedgehogs of the team are now removed without using teamgone
2014-11-23 sheepluva small cleanup
2014-11-19 sheepluva make gear ability to speak somewhat less ironic
2014-11-19 sheepluva update changelog a little
2014-11-15 unc0rr Fix use of uninitialized variable
2014-10-01 sheepluva use constants for mapgen, expose those to lua
2014-07-25 unc0rr Forced sprites placing mode, exposed to scripts (not tested at all)
2014-07-01 sheepluva add assignment I forgot
2014-07-01 sheepluva lua api: allow to specify layer when adding visual gear
2014-06-16 sheepluva various tweaks
2014-06-14 sheepluva clean up halting a little
2014-06-13 sheepluva fix pas2c build for real this time...
2014-06-13 sheepluva fix some pas2c related overloading issue
2014-06-13 sheepluva whoops, pas2c I owe you
2014-06-13 sheepluva state file name and line number in lua error messages
2014-06-13 sheepluva lua api: SetNextWeapon()
2014-06-12 sheepluva lua api: DismissTeam(teamname)
2014-06-12 sheepluva lua api: SetWeapon(ammoType)
2014-06-12 sheepluva fix broken speech bubble display in chat. caused by r1a6b9a98147c one line was forgotten when moving some code
2014-06-12 sheepluva more of the same
2014-06-12 sheepluva fix TryPlaceOnLand's ambiguity/messup wrt to making terrain indestructible (had boolean parameter for indestructible AND landflags parameters that could contain lfIndestructibly)
2014-06-12 sheepluva further WIP (better error messages)
2014-06-12 sheepluva placeSprite accepts any amount of landflags now; further WIP wrt cleanup/fixing
2014-06-12 sheepluva expose lfIndestructable, lfIce and lfBounce
2014-06-12 unc0rr Fix pas2c build
2014-06-12 sheepluva make enums crash-safe. and other fixes
2014-06-11 sheepluva WIP: PlaceSprite for lua API. also changed PlaceGirder so that it will return true/false for whether placing was successful too
2014-06-11 sheepluva fix possible engine crash that a lua script could cause by passing an invalid geartype to addgear
2014-06-11 sheepluva tiny lua documentation fix
2014-05-30 sheepluva get rid of fpc warnings/hints
2014-05-07 sheepluva rolling back the rest
2014-04-28 sheepluva minimal changes for compatibility with lua 5.2, thanks to v4hn for fixing standard library loads. note: ALSO compatibile with (internal) lua 5.1, until something bothers to upgrade bundled lua version
2014-03-20 nemo hm. I think I forgot to commit this when adding speech bubble change
2014-02-23 nemo Allow lua drawn maps (shoppamap, tunnels, diagonal maze etc) to generate previews.
2014-02-16 unc0rr Fix setting lc_endluatest result
2014-02-11 unc0rr - pas2c recognizes typecasts in initialization expressions
2014-02-10 unc0rr - Pas2C: make use of 'external' function decorator
2014-02-09 unc0rr It compiles \o/
2014-02-07 unc0rr Revert 88929358d2e1 in favor of ansistrings implementation in pas2c
2014-02-04 sheepluva update FSF address. note: two sdl include files (by Sam Lantinga) still have the old FSF address in their copyright - but I ain't gonna touch their copyright headers
2014-01-26 unc0rr Some love to pas2c
2014-01-21 koda merge
2014-01-21 sheepluva luaAPI:
2014-01-21 sheepluva let log know when a test finished properly, so that an unexpected termination (segfault, divbyzero, etc) is easier to tell apart from test fail
2014-01-21 sheepluva * fix divbyzero found by GetGravity test (cWindSpeed was used where cMaxWindSpeed should have been)
2014-01-21 koda partial merge of the webgl branch
2014-01-17 unc0rr Convert some ansistrings to pchars
2014-01-17 sheepluva update copyright to 2014
2014-01-14 sheepluva simple mechanism to run lua-based test cases. experimental - I will back it out if it turns out to be nonsense
2014-01-14 sheepluva fix seteffect documentation, lua wiki misled me there
2014-01-14 unc0rr GravRacer, GravHigh, GravMutant, Grav... uhm... shoppamap? Easy! Gravity script could be combined with any other script now.
2014-01-04 unc0rr Fix build (no idea what's going on in this branch btw) webgl
2014-01-04 unc0rr merge default webgl
2014-01-03 nemo tweak
2014-01-03 nemo hey, if unc0rr can screw with gravity...
2014-01-01 unc0rr Special script parameter variable in game scheme
2013-12-24 unc0rr Rework of No Gravity script:
2013-12-22 unc0rr - Fix typo in frontend debug output
2013-12-13 cairo add SetHogTeamName
2013-12-08 nemo revert r938d1c08d0d1 in favour of putting it in the chat log. I think this addresses main concern about missing text. There've been complaints in past too about conversation in bubbles not being visible in history. If the objection is that r938d1c08d0d1 offers a more æsthetic solution, I think it should augment this, be flagged, and fix the visual issues first.
2013-12-04 sheepluva here have some lua love: make parameter count error messages more helpful to lua devs
2013-12-04 sheepluva lua call SetAmmoDelay(ammotype, delay). note: as the engine does not yet support per-clan/team/hog ammo delay values, lua scripters will have to keep track of individual delays and set them accordingly before a hedgehog's turn (if they want usage cool-down behavior)
2013-12-04 sheepluva fix misspelled variable name (cosmetic change)
2013-12-04 nemo sethogname/hat need to wrap entire operation around test of hog/gear
2013-11-25 sheepluva unbreak various parts of campaign variable loading/saving
2013-11-03 unc0rr Quick and simple implementation of afk mode (toggled by /pause)
2013-10-29 unc0rr - More HealthTex to clan structure
2013-10-28 koda merge spacecampaign
2013-09-25 Periklis Ntanasis merge with default spacecampaign
2013-09-19 Periklis Ntanasis use consts for TStatInfo enum spacecampaign
2013-10-21 nemo This test is intended to avoid repeatedly calling 5 ScriptSetIntegers each script call, that won't ever change after the map is created.
2013-10-13 unc0rr Unbreak access to Data dir in profile broken in r8b48c27201af
2013-10-11 koda merge with latest defaul, fixing compiling with fpc, parsing and rendering with pas2c, some minor problems with compiling with clang webgl
2013-08-23 unc0rr Store TrophyRace records in database
2013-08-05 unc0rr Declare achievements in console statistics output
2013-08-13 unc0rr gfShoppaBorder
2013-06-27 nemo Make add/delete consistent (this has bugged me for so long)
2013-06-27 unc0rr Refactoring: get rid of GSHandlers.inc
2013-06-27 unc0rr Refactoring: VGSHandlers.inc -> uVisualGearsHandlers.pas
2013-06-18 unc0rr engine links webgl
2013-06-21 nemo removed redundant band, added touch of consistency w/ everywhere else
2013-06-18 koda fix a few loose ends here webgl
2013-06-17 unC0Rr uscript rendering webgl
2013-06-17 koda really update with default webgl
2013-06-12 koda heavily rework lua discovery and linking, needs testing but it's more similar to what we do for other libraries now
2013-06-11 koda aaaaand let's not forget about lua, which has also a slightly revised build process
2013-06-17 koda update with default webgl
2013-06-10 Periklis Ntanasis changed variable and function name
2013-06-10 Periklis Ntanasis removing sendstats(uScript) from luaAPI
2013-06-08 Periklis Ntanasis fix non changing graph title and sendstat health
2013-06-08 Periklis Ntanasis correct health statsend for lua scritps
2013-06-06 Periklis Ntanasis made lua scripts able to turn off automatic game stats
2013-06-06 Periklis Ntanasis LuaAPI sendstat finds correct clan colors by team names on siPlayerKills
2013-06-03 Periklis Ntanasis added sendstat and sendstats support for lua scripts
2013-08-23 unc0rr Store TrophyRace records in database 0.9.19
2013-08-05 unc0rr Declare achievements in console statistics output 0.9.19
2013-06-04 koda update branch webgl
2013-05-29 unc0rr bump copyright year for Andrey entries
2013-05-12 nemo don't draw a border if there's already a bottom border, avoid placing objects over gaps in the floor
2013-05-12 nemo suggestion of unc0rr's to fix issue w/ random maps in campaign. load sidecar packages in physfs for lua. should be useful also for lua that does custom layouts
2013-04-02 koda update webgl branch webgl
2013-02-09 nemo this should not be exposed
2013-01-29 nemo fix EndGame call. w/o a proper exit, demos weren't being saved
2013-01-26 koda update branch webgl
2013-01-10 martin_bede Fix tons of warnings
2013-01-09 unc0rr Fix build
2013-01-07 martin_bede lua API functions to enable or disable game flags
2012-12-25 koda update branch with default webgl
2012-12-05 nemo kinda treat graves like hedgehogs for the purpose of looking up hog info flibqtfrontend
2012-11-30 Joe Doyle (Ginto8) Move global variables to units that use them
2012-11-21 koda updated branch webgl
2012-11-20 unc0rr Fix build
2012-11-20 koda physfs compilation on windows
2012-11-18 koda linking phsyfs on osx
2012-11-16 unc0rr We need custom script loading function in lua now physfslayer
2012-11-16 unc0rr Implement reader in C ffs physfslayer
2012-11-15 unc0rr Script loading via physfs which doesn't work: physfslayer
2012-11-11 koda merge xymeng's gsoc engine with a few updates (and further checks on symbol definitions) webgl
2012-11-14 unc0rr Get rid of Pathz and UserPathz physfslayer
2012-11-08 nemo this wasn't needed IMO
2012-11-07 unc0rr Try to beat AI in Mutant!
2012-10-29 nemo consistent line endings
2012-10-29 nemo fix reserved hats from scripting
2012-10-23 nemo Flag script parsecommands to avoid echoing to net
2012-10-21 nemo fix trophyrace. also tweak it a little
2012-10-14 nemo First pass at cleaver.
2012-10-07 nemo Set default collision mask for gears at currenthedgehog X/Y to FF7F, expose mask to scripting as well. This should resolve the collision part of bug #420
2012-10-01 unc0rr - Fix warnings and hints
2012-09-02 nemo LAND_HEIGHT/LAND_WIDTH need setting later now
2012-08-30 nemo Checking merge against latest trunk
2012-08-22 nemo extra nil check for lua hog switch
2012-08-21 nemo allow lua to specify template by number
2012-08-17 nemo This union hasn't been needed for 5 years, and makes using other headers harder.
2012-08-08 nemo Allow scripting to delete gears
2012-07-25 nemo Changes for the benefit of pas2c. Use downto in for loops to avoid repeated calls of Random/GetRandom. Wrap nots.
2012-08-30 nemo checkpoint merge
2012-07-20 nemo oh yeah, these too
2012-07-10 Wolfgang Steffens Merge
2012-07-04 nemo free up power for use by script
2012-07-04 nemo Allow script to set number of ammo in a crate. untested.
2012-06-27 nemo This is necessary because commands can contain 0s, and StrPas used by LuaPas halts at the first 0. It might be necessary to change the base string handling.
2012-06-25 Wolfgang Steffens retaining SDL surfaces in order to allow recreating atlases from scratch without
2012-06-24 nemo Step 1. Add current hedgehog as top bit of bottom byte.
2012-06-25 belphegorr The first campaign commit with a lot of changes...
2012-05-31 mikade Add a GetTag method so that SetTag doesn't feel lonely.
2012-05-28 nemo Add onGameTick20 to try and encourage lua to be a bit more efficient. Rewrite Space Invasion to use it. Top speed of aliens is 25% higher now, although that could be changed, I kinda liked it. Change parameter order of div().
2012-05-12 unc0rr More magic
2012-05-11 unc0rr sysutils -> SysUtils
2012-05-07 koda invert LUA symbol meaning and avoid hints when compiling without it
2012-05-03 nemo Switch effects to longint for convenience of tracking ice states. I could add a new Hedgehog value, but since we have this effects list being all useless as booleans anyway...
2012-05-01 koda breaking news, we don't support typed consts anymore
2012-04-24 unc0rr Get rid of overloaded functions in uAmmo
2012-03-27 nemo At mikade's request. give scripting access to the map name prior to override.
2012-03-17 nemo eh. guess they really should be here
2012-03-17 nemo Adding leftX/rightX/topY to simplify determining bounds based on map playing area.
2012-03-13 nemo tweak take 2
2012-03-13 nemo Small tweak to return something more useful in the negative 0 case on dX
2012-03-11 nemo Add div to allow safe integer division from lua
2012-03-10 nemo Recount team health if modifying hedgehog health
2012-02-29 nemo oops
2012-02-26 nemo oops
2012-02-26 nemo make onAmmoStoreInit optional in the case of onNewAmmoStore
2012-02-26 nemo pass indexes for the clan/team/hedgehog
2012-02-26 nemo copypasta fail
2012-02-26 nemo Add a new script hook. onNewAmmoStore. This will allow scripts like The Specialists to define separate ammo sets for each hog
2012-02-17 koda the most important commit of the year
2012-01-17 lovelacer A partial reformatting of the pascal code to have consistent syntax. Things that are still inconsistent.
2012-01-16 nemo Also allow lua to change gfPerHogAmmo/gfSharedAmmo even if lua does not define new ammo stores
2012-01-15 nemo Assign ammo counts as well, in case the game flags were changed by the script
2012-01-11 enveezee Push RopePercent to lua to fix rope if not set
2011-12-30 unc0rr Fix build
2011-12-12 Henek added SetAmmoStore to lua for convinience
2011-12-11 Henek enable lua to also set rope length percent
2011-12-30 unc0rr Start refactoring uGears. Breaks build.
2011-11-27 unc0rr Countless imporvements to the parser and countless help to the parser in sources.
2011-11-26 koda fix compiling with LUA_DISABLED
2011-11-24 koda GSoC 2011: Android port - merged mainstream
2011-11-14 nemo Remove a bunch of unnecessary nil checks. FreeTexture does its own nil check.
2011-11-13 nemo oops 0.9.17
2011-11-13 nemo this should allow overriding static maps from lua
2011-11-12 Xeli merge...i think hedgeroid
2011-11-10 nemo fix map/template override, remove some pointless command calls
2011-10-28 koda one dangerous merge hedgeroid
2011-10-16 koda merge the changes applied to 0.9.16
2011-10-10 nemo expose border color to lua
2011-10-05 unc0rr - Frontend: don't pass /script for missions
2011-09-27 nemo this needs to actually return something
2011-09-25 Xeli merge hedgeroid
2011-09-24 koda warnings round also for ios
2011-09-25 nemo merge from default. Pulls in sheepluva's frontend work, and unbreaks engine cmake. 0.9.16
2011-09-19 nemo return nil for position if no gear
2011-09-16 Xeli merge hedgeroid
2011-09-14 mikade Revert currently unneccessary changes to uScript.
2011-09-14 mikade merge
2011-09-14 mikade Expose some vars for tracking the border.
2011-09-14 sheepluva lua: boolean TestRectForObstacle(x1, y1, x2, y2, landOnly)
2011-09-09 sheepluva Scripting: Update screen dimensions on screen resize and introduce onScreenResize() event.
2011-09-01 Xeli merge + changed the tardis image to egg.png because the data folder isn't up to date hedgeroid
2011-08-29 nemo Check for nil from SpawnCustomCrate
2011-08-24 nemo oops
2011-08-24 nemo Scripting changes. Add override of mapgen, templatefilter. Expose waterline, add "GetAmmoCount". Default to amNothing in uAmmos if entry is not found.
2011-08-24 = Xeli merg with the latest rev of 22nd (end of GSoC) hedgeroid
2011-08-21 Xeli merge hedgeroid
2011-08-21 nemo Try to avoid overlapping voices for major statements (not things like byebye or oof)
2011-08-20 nemo This really should have been a TPoint for consistency
2011-08-17 Xeli merge hedgeroid
2011-08-17 nemo At mikade's request, expose screenheight/screenwidth and allow setting tag zoom level
2011-08-15 Xeli merge hedgeroid
2011-08-12 nemo Revert ParseCommandOverride change since it appears to be badly screwing up scripting. Need to find out why. This backs out 7f57d0c7816a and the recent workaround.
2011-08-12 nemo extend the workaround. FIXME still applies
2011-08-12 nemo oops. accidentaly committed test move of voice line (the FIXME still applies though)
2011-08-12 nemo sheepluva pointed out there are 2 StrPas in pascal, in different units. Do conversion in LuaPas instead
2011-08-11 Xeli merge hedgeroid
2011-08-12 nemo This is a WTF checkin. Seriously. Someone needs to look at this to find out why it is behaving as it is.
2011-08-09 Xeli merge hedgeroid
2011-08-10 nemo return visual gear in hogsay
2011-08-08 nemo gear state flag names for scripting
2011-08-07 nemo Expose TargetX/TargetY to scripting
2011-08-04 Xeli merge hedgeroid
2011-08-01 nemo add getter for effects. untested.
2011-07-06 Xeli small fix to have LUA_DISABLED working again hedgeroid
2011-07-01 unc0rr Merge
2011-06-30 unc0rr Tiny optimization: convert smooth wind indicator change gear into visual gear
2011-06-29 nemo Fix random weapons with per-hog ammo, fix ammo store loadout number in scripting for per-clan and per-hog ammo, add an advanced script hook into parsecommand to override values, add check for empty map in chSetMap, load script earlier in game params from frontend
2011-06-28 Henek fake crates now with complementary poison
2011-06-26 Henek now scripts can create unique crates: dummy (empty) crates and booby traps. scripts can also set health crate values
2011-06-21 mikade PianoStrike exploit fix for Capture The Flag.
2011-06-20 nemo Allow scripting to set arbitrary weapon counts
2011-06-16 mikade Fully playable version of Space Invasion (fingers crossed). No bugs known.
2011-06-14 nemo check alternate script loading path
2011-06-13 nemo Enable ~/.hedgewars/Data (or platform equivalent) to override/extend pretty much everything in system Data dir. Obviously desyncing can occur, so this is at user's own risk. Should simplify map etc install. Needs testing.
2011-04-08 sheepluva comments
2011-04-07 nemo redundant now
2011-04-07 nemo For mikade - bit more flexibility in script captions
2011-03-30 nemo not useful for visual gears, and apparently not helpful for consistency
2011-03-29 nemo eh. 1,000,000 might be better...
2011-03-29 nemo oops. vg dX/dY - just for consistency
2011-03-29 nemo dX/dY will return int * 100,000
2011-03-26 koda fix a couple of loose ends
2011-03-17 Henek added game mode Tag Team, mostly untested, please test :)
2011-03-16 Henek added GetCurAmmoType to lua
2011-03-05 Henek added PlaceGirder to lua
2011-03-01 koda Happy 2011 :)
2011-01-31 Henek make Random Weapons and No Jumping use the new custom goal function
2011-01-31 nemo oops 2
2011-01-30 nemo oops
2011-01-30 nemo Reset things using team colour on change in SetClanColor in lua. This routine had better have been worth it.
2011-01-29 Henek added dummy for tardis and ugly icons for tardis and structure
2011-01-29 nemo expose set clan color for Cairo. might also be useful for betrayals in campaign mode or somesuch
2011-01-28 sheepluva lua: getter and setter for hedgehog hats
2011-01-22 Henek added GetGearRaduis and minor Tracker things
2011-01-18 nemo SwitchHog in scripting
2011-01-17 koda code cleanup
2011-01-11 nemo update collision in set gear position
2010-12-29 nemo add a couple of variables to speed up UID lookups. Based on the assumption new visual gears and gears will tend to be at the end of the list. Set them on successful lookup or script gear creation, clear on delete. Oh also pick up a couple of TrevInc's translation changes
2010-12-29 nemo return nil values if an invalid visual gear is passed to the get, add a check in Control map lua
2010-12-26 nemo add a GetGearElasticity since Mikade kept asking for it. (actually return *10000 to handle it being an hwFloat - I assume large values will just overflow to negative)
2010-12-22 nemo FindPlace in lua now returns null for failure to find a place, and accepts a 5th parameter to try finding a place without considering proximity (note that this can place a gear right next to mines).
2010-12-21 Henek added MapHasBorder function for lua and finnished Random Weapons gameplay, might still change though
2010-12-16 nemo oops, forgot world offset, also add a kind of hack to the already hackish set function for visual gears
2010-12-15 nemo add optional state parameter to hogsay
2010-12-14 nemo oops. forgot the getter.
2010-12-14 nemo Add an input mask for setting of gear messages. Intended for intercepting user messages. This is totally untested. I don't think it should desync but seriously needs a lot of testing. Esp the doPut behaviour.
2010-12-13 Henek added team flag to AddTeam and made AI team allowed to have custom flags. added GetGearVelocity and SetGearVelocity and removed CopyPV2. changed knockball to use use these functions instead.
2010-12-13 nemo add PlaySound(soundType, hogGearUID) -- this roundabout way to reference a team seems to be how things are done in lua right now. might need changing in future
2010-12-10 Henek lua access to data dir by GetDataPath and made a new scripting translation system with Locale.lua as library and .lua files under Locale. Updated maps Basketball and Knockball to this new system.
2010-12-10 nemo return RGBA
2010-12-10 nemo clan color fetch
2010-12-09 nemo add missing setter for botlevel
2010-12-08 nemo these should probably be expressly integer
2010-12-08 nemo band/bor/bnot to support Lua 5.1 lack of binary ops
2010-12-08 nemo Eh. Since you asked. AddAmmo hook for Lua
2010-12-04 nemo add nil check
2010-12-03 nemo add visual gear registration
2010-12-03 nemo forgot the passed in uid
2010-12-02 nemo Add an extra pass in FindPlace for AI resurrection mode to try to make it unwinnable, add DeleteGear, DeleteVisualGear, AddVisualGear, GetVisualGearValues, SetVisualGearValues to Lua
2010-11-22 Henek fix SetEffect, last parameter was not a boolean
2010-11-21 unc0rr uDebug
2010-11-21 Henek fix key binds for lua created teams and added wind control
2010-11-21 unc0rr uCaptions
2010-11-18 unC0Rr Haven't found a better place than uIO for OutError
2010-11-18 unC0Rr Move some stuff from uMisc to uUtils
2010-11-18 unC0Rr Introduce uCommands.pas
2010-11-18 nemo remove some more PHedgehog casts
2010-11-17 unc0rr Some more
2010-11-17 unc0rr uTeams
2010-11-17 unC0Rr Move variables from uMisc to uVariables
2010-11-17 unC0Rr Introduce unit uTypes in order to remove some cyclic unit dependencies
2010-11-13 Henek clean up and lua update, very minor
2010-11-11 Henek added getrandom and addcaption to lua
2010-11-10 Henek added function GetHogTeamName to lua, makes TeamsCount more useful
2010-11-10 Henek added TeamsCount and TotalTurns to lua as requested by mikade
2010-11-08 Henek added missing game modifiers to lua
2010-11-08 Henek fix so gfDisableWind can infact be used in lua
2010-11-07 Henek update and fix some lua stuff
2010-10-28 koda disable gfMines and update variable names (landadds -> minesnum, cLandAdditions -> cLandMines)
2010-10-26 koda restore king mode
2010-10-12 smaxx (none)
2010-09-30 smaxx Engine/Frontend:
2010-09-26 koda enable Lua for iOS (hooks for frontend to be done)
2010-09-22 smaxx Engine:
2010-09-22 smaxx Engine:
2010-09-22 smaxx Engine:
2010-09-10 smaxx Engine:
2010-09-06 nemo Change all use of curslot/idx to CurAmmoType to try and avoid some bugs with use of last weapon.
2010-08-26 smaxx Engine:
2010-08-26 smaxx Engine:
2010-08-23 smaxx Engine:
2010-08-23 burp lua function SetEffect to set and remove THogEffects
2010-08-23 burp GetHogLevel lua function
2010-08-21 burp SpawnCustomCrateAt: spawn crate at random position for x=y=0, also let it return the gear, and luabindings the gear uid
2010-08-12 smaxx Engine:
2010-08-10 burp * SpawnCustomCrateAt procedure + lua bindings
2010-08-06 smaxx Engine:
2010-08-04 smaxx Engine:
2010-08-04 smaxx Engine:
2010-08-04 smaxx Engine:
2010-07-31 koda remove trailing spaces from end of line
2010-06-23 smaxx General:
2010-05-02 smxx Engine:
2010-04-25 smxx Engine:
2010-04-16 smxx Engine/Frontend:
2010-04-12 smxx Engine:
2010-04-02 sheepluva * add some kind of SniperRifle training mission
2010-03-31 smxx General:
2010-03-30 smxx Maps:
2010-03-24 smxx Engine:
2010-03-22 unc0rr Clean Augean stables
2010-03-22 nemo Just tidying up a bit. Comments, moving uMisc to end of frees in case ones above it need logging
2010-03-21 unc0rr In pascal unit is a namespace
2010-03-21 koda fix a rotation glitch
2010-03-16 smxx Engine:
2010-03-16 smxx Engine:
2010-03-15 smxx Engine:
2010-03-14 smxx Engine:
2010-03-14 smxx Engine:
2010-03-06 smxx Engine:
2010-03-06 unc0rr Replace tabs with spaces using 'expand -t 4' command
2010-03-03 smxx Engine:
2010-03-01 smxx Engine:
2010-02-25 smxx Engine:
2010-02-15 smxx Engine:
2010-02-10 koda add a new way to fetch version info from pascal to c
2010-02-10 smxx Engine:
2010-02-10 smxx Engine:
2010-02-10 smxx Engine:
2010-02-10 smxx Engine:
2010-02-10 smxx Engine:
2010-02-10 smxx Engine:
2010-02-10 smxx Engine:
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