author unC0Rr
Wed, 18 Sep 2024 14:10:51 +0200
changeset 16065 7b8d96fc8799
parent 15791 ba0688ba8fbd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove old code

locale = {
["!!!"] = "!!!",
["..."] = "...",
["011101000"] = "011101000", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["011101001"] = "011101001", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["10 weapon schemes"] = "10武器方案", -- Continental_supplies
["15+%d damage, %d invulnerable left"] = "15+%d伤害,无敌还有%d", -- Continental_supplies
["1-5, Precise + 1-4: Choose structure type"] = "1-5,精确+ 1-4: 选择结构类型", -- Construction_Mode
["+1 barrel!"] = "+1油桶", -- Tumbler
["%.1f seconds were remaining."] = "还有%.1f秒", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["%.1fs"] = "%.1f秒", -- Racer, TechRacer
["+1 Grenade"] = "+1手榴弹", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["+1 mine!"] = "+1地雷", -- Tumbler
["+1 point"] = "+1分", -- Mutant
["-1 point"] = "-1分", -- Mutant
["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "自杀-1分", -- Mutant
["+1 to the Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "让对手喂鱼+1分", -- Mutant
["+1 to the Mutant for killing anyone"] = "变种人杀死对手+1分", -- Mutant
["+2 for becoming the Mutant"] = "成为变种人+2分", -- Mutant
["30 minutes later..."] = "30分钟后", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["%.3fs"] = "%.3f秒", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["5 additional enemies will be spawned during the game."] = "五个额外的敌人会在游戏中出现", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["5 Deadly Hogs"] = "致命五刺猬", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["6 more seconds added to the clock"] = "加6秒", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "大约一个月前,机器人来到,并说你们是食人族", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Above-average pilot"] = "平均水平之上的飞行员", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Accuracy Bonus! +15 points"] = "准确奖励!+15分", -- Space_Invasion
["Accuracy bonus: +%d points"] = "准确奖励: +%d分", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
["Achievement gotten: %s"] = "获得成就: %s", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling, User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, Basic_Training_-_Rope, Tumbler
["A Classic Fairytale"] = "经典童话故事", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["A crate critical to this mission has been destroyed."] = "这个任务的一个关键箱子被破坏", -- SimpleMission
["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "实际上,你不值得活着!拿着这个……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["A cy-what?"] = "一个机器-什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Add %d"] = "添加%d", -- HedgeEditor
["Admit what?"] = "承认什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Adventurous"] = "Adventurous", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["A frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "狂乱的迷你游戏", -- Frenzy
["Africa"] = "非洲", -- Continental_supplies
["A frozen adventure"] = "一个冰冻的冒险", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "Leaks A Lot背叛了他的部落后加入了食人族", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["After that incident he went underground and started working on his plan to steal the device."] = "在那次严重事件后,他进入地下开始偷走设备的计划", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "被敌人间谍吓到后,Leaks A Lot 和 Dense Cloud 去打猎放松一下", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["After you killed an enemy, you'll lose the weapon that he is named after."] = "杀死敌人后,会失去跟敌人同样名字的武器", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["After you left the moon, my other loyal minions came and resurrected me so I could complete my master plan."] = "你离开月球后,我的其他忠诚部下来到并复活我,这样我就能完成我的伟大计划", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "和食人族的又一件事情", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["A Hedgewars minigame"] = "迷你游戏", -- Capture_the_Flag
["A Hedgewars mini-game"] = "迷你游戏", -- Racer, Space_Invasion, TechRacer, Tumbler
["A Hedgewars tag game"] = "迷你游戏", -- Mutant
["Ahhh, home, sweet home. Made it in %d seconds."] = "回到家了,用时%d秒", -- ClimbHome
["Aim at the ceiling and hold [Attack] pressed until the rope attaches."] = "瞄准天花板,长按[攻击]直到绳索连接", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Aiming practice"] = "瞄准练习", -- TargetPractice
["Aiming Practice"] = "瞄准练习", --火箭筒、霰弹枪、狙击枪
["Aim: [Up]/[Down]"] = "瞄准: [上]/[下]", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade, Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Air Attack"] = "空袭", -- Construction_Mode
["Air General"] = "空军将军", -- Battalion
["Air Mine Placement Mode"] = "浮空雷放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["AIR MINE PLACEMENT MODE"] = "浮空雷放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["A leap in a leap"] = "一跳一跳", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Alex"] = "Alex", -- 
["Alien! I wish to be moved!"] = "外星人,我希望能转移", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "机器人的一个小礼物", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Al.Kaholic"] = "Al.Kaholic", -- 
["All But Last"] = "除了最后一个", -- WxW
["All But Last: You must not solely attack the team with the least health"] = "除了最后一个: 你不能攻击血量最少的队伍", -- WxW
["All gone...everything!"] = "一切都消失了…一切!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Allies"] = "Allies", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01, A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["All right, I'll admit it!"] = "好吧,我承认了!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "好吧,我们只需要到达岛屿的另一边", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["All right, you got me!"] = "好吧,你懂我的!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["All the other places are protected by our flight-inhibiting weapons."] = "所有其他地方都受到我们的飞行抑制武器保护", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["All the saucer pilots dream to come here one day in order to compete with the best!"] = "所有飞碟飞行员都梦想有一天来到这里,和最优秀的人比赛", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["All they do is sit around and judge us!"] = "他们做的只有坐下和审判我们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["All this to please our beloved “elders” … hick …"] = "这些都是为了取悦我们心爱的“长辈”", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["All walls touched!"] = "碰到所有墙壁了", -- WxW
["All you do is take long walks when everyone else works."] = "其他人工作的时候你在散步", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["All your hedgehogs must be above the marked height!"] = "你的所有刺猬都要在标记的高度之上", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Also, you should know that the only place where you can fly is the left-most part of this area."] = "并且,你应该知道这个地区的最左边是唯一能飞的地方", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Always being considered weak and fragile."] = "一直被当做美丽的花瓶", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Amazing! I was never beaten in a race before!"] = "令人惊叹!之前我没有在竞赛中输过!", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Ammo depleted!"] = "弹药耗尽!", -- Space_Invasion
["Ammo: %d"] = "弹药: %d", -- Tumbler
["Ammo is reset at the end of your turn."] = "你的回合结束后弹药重置",
["Ammo Limit: Hogs can’t have more than 1 ammo per type"] = "弹药限制: 每个类型武器的数量不能超过一", -- Highlander
["Ammo Maniac! +5 points!"] = "弹药狂人!+5分", -- Space_Invasion
["A mysterious Box"] = "一个神秘的箱子", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["And how am I alive?!"] = "我怎么还活着?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["And I just forgot the checkpoint of my main mission. Great, just great!"] = "我忘了主要任务的检查点,好,太好了!", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["… and I think they are up to something. Something bad!"] = "… 而且我认为他们要搞事,搞坏事", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Andrey"] = "Andrey", -- 
["And so happened that Leaks A Lot failed to complete the challenge! He landed, pressured by shame ..."] = "Leaks A Lot 没能完成挑战", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["And so it began..."] = "就这样开始了……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["And so the cyborgs took over the island."] = "就这样机器人控制了这个岛屿", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["...and so the cyborgs took over the world..."] = "……就这样机器人控制了这个世界……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "就这样他们发现机器人不是无敌的……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["… and then I took a stroll …"] = "……然后我去闲逛了……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["And what do they do in the meantime? Nothing!"] = "在同一时间他们做了什么?什么都没做!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["And where's all the weed?"] = "所有杂草在哪里?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "你相信我?哦,太可爱了!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["And you need to move to the top!"] = "你需要走到上面!", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["An experimental editing tool for missions and more"] = "一个实验性的编辑工具用于任务和更多", -- HedgeEditor
["Anno 1032"] = "Anno 1032", -- Continental_supplies
["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "Anno 1032: [爆炸会造成大范围的强烈冲击,不会影响靠近目标的刺猬]", -- Continental_supplies
["An object has been destroyed before it took enough damage."] = "一个对象在它造成足够伤害前被破坏了", -- SimpleMission
["Antarctica"] = "南极洲", -- Continental_supplies
["Antarctic summer: Every 4th turn you get 1 girder, 1 mudball, 2 sine guns and 1 portable portal device."] = "南极的夏天: 每四个回合,你会得到1大梁、1泥球、2正弦枪、1便携传送设备", -- Continental_supplies
["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "南极的夏天: 每四个回合给你1大梁/泥球、2正弦枪/传送门", -- Continental_supplies
["Anti-Gravity Device Part (+1)"] = "反重力设备部件(+1)", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01, A_Space_Adventure:fruit02, A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Anton"] = "Anton", -- 
["An unexpected event!"] = "一个意外事件!", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Anyway, the aliens accept me for who I am."] = "不管怎样,外星人接受了我是谁", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["A random hedgehog will inherit the weapons of his deceased team-mates."] = "一个随机刺猬会继承死了的队友的武器", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["Arashi"] = "Arashi", -- 
["Area"] = "地区", -- Continental_supplies
["Areas surrounded by a green dashed outline are portal-proof and repel portals."] = "绿色轮廓包围的地区防传送门和排斥传送门", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Areas surrounded by a security border are indestructible."] = "安全边界包围的地区不可破坏", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Areas with a green dashed outline are portal-proof."] = "有绿色轮廓的地区防传送门", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Areas with a security outline are indestructible."] = "有安全轮廓的地区不可破坏", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Are we there yet?"] = "我们到了吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "你因某事指责我?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Are you helping the aliens?"] = "你在帮助外星人?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "你说我们会为你的娱乐死掉很多人?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Argh, the boredom!"] = "啊,无聊啊!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Artur Detour"] = "Artur Detour", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["As a reward for your performance, here's some new technology!"] = "作为你的表现的奖励,这是一些新科技!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Ash"] = "Ash", -- 
["A Shoppa minigame"] = "一个 Shoppa 迷你游戏", -- WxW
["Asia"] = "亚洲", -- Continental_supplies
["As long you don't touch the ground, you can|re-use the same rope as often as you like."] = "只要你还没碰到地面,就能重新使用绳索", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["A smuggler! Prepare for battle"] = "一个走私者!准备战斗", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["A Space Adventure"] = "一个太空冒险", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01, A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Assault Team"] = "突击小队", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Asteroid"] = "Asteroid", -- Big_Armory
["As the ammo is sparse, you might want to reuse ropes while mid-air."] = "弹药稀少,你可能要在空中重新使用绳索", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["As the challenge was completed, Leaks A Lot set foot on the ground..."] = "Leaks A Lot挑战完成", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["As you are more experienced, I want you to lead them to battle."] = "你更有经验,我想要你带领他们去战斗", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["As you can see I have survived our last encounter and I had time to plot my master plan!"] = "如你所见,我在我们上一次遭遇中活下来,我有时间实现我的伟大计划", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["As you can see, there is no way to get on the other side!"] = "如你所见,这里没有路到另一边", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["As you probably noticed, these rubber bands|are VERY elastic. Hedgehogs and many other|things will bounce off without taking any damage."] = "你可能注意到,这些橡皮筋很有弹性,|可以弹走刺猬和大部分东西", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["As you've seen, the dropped grenade roughly fell into your flying direction."] = "如你所见,手榴弹只会掉到你的飞碟下面", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Athlete"] = "运动员", -- Battalion
["Attack: Activate"] = "攻击: 激活", -- Racer
["Attack Captain Lime before he attacks back."] = "先发制人, 攻击Captain Lime", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Attack From Rope: %s"] = "从绳索攻击: %s", -- WxW
["Attack From Rope: You may only attack from a rope."] = "从绳索攻击: 你只能在绳索上攻击", -- WxW
["Attack rule: %s"] = "攻击规则: %s", -- WxW
["Attack: Select this continent"] = "攻击: 选择这个大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["Attack: [Space]"] = "攻击: [Space]", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade, Basic_Training_-_Movement, Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Attack: Tap the [Bomb]"] = "攻击: [Bomb]", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade, Basic_Training_-_Movement, Basic_Training_-_Rope, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Attack the assassins before they attack back."] = "先发制人,攻击刺客", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Attack: Throw ball"] = "攻击: 扔球", -- Knockball
["At the end of the game your health was %d."] = "游戏的最后你还有%d血量", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["At the start of the game each enemy hog has only the weapon that he is named after."] = "在游戏的开始,每个敌人刺猬只有相同名字的武器", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["Australia"] = "澳大利亚", -- Continental_supplies
["Available weapon specials:"] = "可用的武器特别模式:", -- Continental_supplies
["Average pilot"] = "平均水平的飞行员", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Avoid bazookas, red and blue invaders."] = "避开火箭炮、红蓝入侵者", -- Space_Invasion
["Axes"] = "Axes", -- Bazooka_Battlefield
["Aye! Fellow! Let me exit this chamber of doom!"] = "喂,老兄!让我离开这个房间", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Back Breaker"] = "Back Breaker", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Back in the village, after telling the villagers about the threat..."] = "回到村子,告诉村民关于威胁之后……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Back in the village, the two tribes finally started to live in harmony."] = "回到村子,两个部落终于和睦相处", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Back Jump: [Backspace] ×2"] = "后跳: [Backspace]×2", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Back Jump: Double-tap the [Curvy Arrow]"] = "后跳: 双击[Curvy Arrow]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Back Jumping (1/2)"] = "后跳(1/2)", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Back Jumping (2/2)"] = "后跳(2/2)", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Backstab"] = "背刺", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Backwards jump: Press [Backspace] twice"] = "后跳: 按两次[Backspace]", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Backwards jump: Tap the [Curvy Arrow] twice"] = "后跳: 按两次[Curvy Arrow]", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Bacon"] = "Bacon", -- 
["Bad Guy"] = "Bad Guy", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
["Badmad"] = "Badmad", -- portal
["Bad Team"] = "Bad Team", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
["Bad timing"] = "坏时机", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Baggy"] = "Baggy", -- 
["Balrog"] = "Balrog", -- 
["Bamboo Thicket"] = "竹林",
["Barrel Launcher"] = "油桶发射器",
["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "油桶放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["BARREL PLACEMENT MODE"] = "油桶放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Barrier unlocked!"] = "障碍解锁了!", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Baseballbat"] = "棒球棒", -- Continental_supplies
["Baseball bat specials cannot be used close to other hogs."] = "棒球棒不能在非常靠近其他刺猬的时候使用", -- Continental_supplies
["Baseball Bat with Ball"] = "棒球棒和球", -- Knockball
["Base damage has been modified to 12 per shot."] = "基础伤害被修改为每发12", -- Battalion
["Based on what you've learned, destroy the target on the girder and as always, land safely!"] = "用你学到的东西,破坏大梁上的目标,安全地着陆!", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Basically this is a combination of diving and launching."] = "本质上这是潜水和发射的结合", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Basic Bazooka Training"] = "基础火箭炮训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Basic Grenade Training"] = "基础手榴弹训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Basic Movement Training"] = "基础移动训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Basic Rope Training"] = "基础绳索训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Basic Training"] = "基础训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade, Basic_Training_-_Movement, Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Basketball"] = "篮球", -- Basketball
["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "挥动棒球把敌人打下海",
["Battalion"] = "Battalion", -- Battalion
["Battle Starts Now!"] = "战斗现在开始!", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Batty"] = "Batty", -- 
["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "把敌人打进篮筐",
["Bazooka Battlefield"] = "火箭炮战场", -- Bazooka_Battlefield
["Bazooka Master"] = "火箭炮大师", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Bazookas are influenced by wind."] = "火箭炮受风力影响", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Bazooka Training"] = "火箭炮训练",
["Bearded Beast"] = "Bearded Beast", -- 
["Be careful, the future of Hogera is in your hands!"] = "注意,Hogera的未来在你手上!", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Be careful, your fuel is limited from now on!"] = "注意,从现在开始你的燃料受到限制", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Be careful, your gadgets won't work in the bandit area. You should get an ice gun."] = "注意,你的小工具在强盗的领地不起作用,你应该找一把冰冻枪", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Beep Loopers"] = "Beep Loopers", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Beginner"] = "新手", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Behind these trees on the east side there is Secret Base 17."] = "东边的树木后面就是秘密基地17", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Below-average pilot"] = "平均水平之下的飞行员", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Besides, why would I choose certain death?"] = "此外,为什么我要选择死亡?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Best laps per team: "] = "每队一圈最佳速度: ",
["Best team times: "] = "队伍最佳时间: ", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Better get yourself another health crate to heal your wounds."] = "最好得到另一个医疗箱治疗你的伤口", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Better luck next time!"] = "祝你下次好运!", -- ClimbHome
["Better Safe Than Sorry"] = "安全比抱歉要好", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["Beware, any damage taken will stay until you complete the moon's main mission"] = "当心,任何受到的伤害会停留,直到你完成月球的主要任务", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Beware of mines: They explode after 3 seconds."] = "当心地雷: 他们在3秒后爆炸", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Beware of mines: They explode after 5 seconds."] = "当心地雷: 他们在5秒后爆炸", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "当心,如果你太慢就会死!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Beware, though! Many smugglers come often to explore these tunnels and scavenge whatever valuable items they can find."] = "当心,经常有很多走私者探索这些隧道,并搜寻值钱的东西", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Beware, though, you will only be able to move slowly through the water."] = "当心,你只能慢慢地穿过这些水", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Big Armory"] = "大军械库", -- Big_Armory
["Billy Frost"] = "Billy Frost", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Bingo"] = "Bingo", -- 
["Bio-Filter: Aggressively removes enemies."] = "生物过滤器: 积极清除敌人", -- Construction_Mode
["Bio-Filter"] = "生物过滤器", -- Construction_Mode
["Biomechanic Team"] = "Biomechanic Team", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Bitter"] = "Bitter", -- 
["Blanka"] = "Blanka", -- 
["Blender"] = "Blender", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Bloodpie"] = "Bloodpie", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Bloodrocutor"] = "Bloodrocutor", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Bloodsucker"] = "Bloodsucker", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Blue"] = "蓝", -- 
["Blue Team"] = "蓝队", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
["Bob"] = "Bob", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Bobo"] = "Bobo", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
["Bone Jackson"] = "Bone Jackson", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Bonely"] = "Bonely", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Bones"] = "Bones", -- 
["Boom!"] = "Boom!", 
["BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! %s are the masters of destruction with %d destroyed invaders."] = "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! %s 是破坏大师,消灭了%d个入侵者", -- Space_Invasion
["Boom! %s has destroyed %d invaders."] = "Boom! %s 消灭了%d个入侵者", -- Space_Invasion
["BOOM! %s really didn't like the invaders, so they decided to destroy as much as %d of them."] = "BOOM! %s 真的不喜欢入侵者,所以他们决定%d敌人来一个杀一个", -- Space_Invasion
["Boris"] = "Boris", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Boss defeated! +30 points!"] = "打败首领!+30分", -- Space_Invasion
["Boss Slayer! +25 points!"] = "首领杀手!+25分", -- Space_Invasion
["Both Barrels"] = "两个油桶", -- 
["Both your hedgehogs must survive."] = "你的两个刺猬都要活下来", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
["Bottom Feeder"] = "喂鱼人", -- Mutant
["Bounciness"] = "弹性", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Bouncing Bomb"] = "弹性炸弹", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Bouncy Boomerang"] = "弹性回力镖", -- Continental_supplies
["Bouncy Girder: [4]"] = "弹性大梁: [4]", -- HedgeEditor
["Bouncy Land: [4]"] = "弹性地面: [4]", -- HedgeEditor
["Bouncy Land"] = "弹性地面", -- HedgeEditor
["Bounty: Get 6 weapons for each kill (even on own hogs)."] = "赏金: 每杀一个得到六个武器(即使是自己人)", -- Continental_supplies
["Bozo"] = "Bozo", -- 
["Brain Blower"] = "Brain Blower", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Brainiac"] = "Brainiac", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Brainila"] = "Brainila", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Brain Stu"] = "Brain Stu", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Brain Teaser"] = "Brain Teaser", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Brigadier Briggs"] = "Brigadier Briggs", -- 
["Bruce"] = "Bruce", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Brutal Lily"] = "Brutal Lily", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Brutus"] = "Brutus", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "建造堡垒并消灭你的敌人", -- Construction_Mode
["Build an awesome race track by placing|waypoints which the hedgehogs have to|touch in any order to finish a round."] = "建造一个赛道,放置刺猬必须触碰的路标", -- Racer
["Build a track and race."] = "建造赛道并竞赛",
["Builder"] = "Builder", -- Battalion
["Build one of multiple different structures|to aid you in victory, at the cost of energy."] = "消耗能量建造多个不同结构", -- Construction_Mode
["Bullseye"] = "靶心", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Bunny"] = "Bunny", -- 
["burp"] = "burp", -- 
["Bushes"] = "Bushes", -- Bazooka_Battlefield
["Bushi"] = "Bushi", -- 
["Buster"] = "Buster", -- 
["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "但事实证明这并非易事", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["But I want my sandals!"] = "但我想要我的拖鞋!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["But one thing's for sure:"] = "但有一件事是确定的:", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["But that's impossible!"] = "但那不可能!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["But the ones alive are stronger in their heart!"] = "但活着的那一个内心比其他人强大", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["But … they kidnapped you!"] = "但……他们绑架了你!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["But...we died!"] = "但是……我们死了!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["But where can we go?"] = "但我们能去哪里?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["But why did you betray us?!"] = "但为什么你要背叛我们?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["But why would they help us?"] = "但为什么他们要帮助我们?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "但你是食人族,这就是你做的事", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "但你说了你会让她走!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["But you saved me!"] = "但你救了我!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["By the way, not only bazookas will bounce on water, but also greandes and many other things."] = "顺便说一下,不只是火箭炮会在水面弹跳,手榴弹和许多其他东西也行", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["By the way, not only bazookas will bounce on water, but also grenades and many other things."] = "顺便说一下,不只是火箭炮会在水面弹跳,手榴弹和许多其他东西也行", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["By the way, you can turn around without walking|by holding down Precise when you hit a walk control."] = "顺便说一下,你可以按着精确键+方向键不用走路就能转身", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["C-1"] = "C-1", -- portal
["C-2"] = "C-2", -- portal
["Callahan"] = "Callahan", -- 
["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "叫我“Beep”,因为我是一个多好的……人!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Cannibals"] = "食人族", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Cannibal Sentry"] = "食人族哨兵", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Cannibals?! You're the cannibals!"] = "食人族?!你才是食人族!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Can you do it?"] = "你能做到吗?", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Cappy"] = "Cappy", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Captain Lime"] = "Captain Lime", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01, A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Captain Lime offered his help if you assist him in battle."] = "如果你在战斗中帮助Captain Lime,他会给你提供帮助", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Capture The Flag"] = "夺取光环", -- Capture_the_Flag, CTF_Blizzard
["Careful, hedgehogs can't swim!"] = "小心,刺猬不会游泳!", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Careless"] = "Careless",
["Carol"] = "Carol", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Challenge completed!"] = "挑战完成!", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge, User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling, SpeedShoppa
["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "挑战完成", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Challenge failed!"] = "挑战失败", -- SpeedShoppa
["Challenge objectives"] = "挑战目标", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02, A_Space_Adventure:desert03, A_Space_Adventure:final, A_Space_Adventure:fruit03, A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Challenge over!"] = "挑战结束", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Challenge"] = "挑战", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge, User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling, SpeedShoppa, ClimbHome
["Change bounciness: Tap [B]"] = "改变弹力: 按[B]", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Change Content: [Left], [Right]"] = "改变内容: [左]/[右]", -- HedgeEditor
["Change detonation timer: Tap the [Clock]"] = "改变引爆定时器: 按[Clock]", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Change direction: [Left]/[Right]"] = "改变方向: [左]/[右]", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Change Health Boost: [Left], [Right]"] = "改变加血: [左]/[右]", -- HedgeEditor
["Change Health: [Left], [Right]"] = "改变血量: [左]/[右]", -- HedgeEditor
["Change modification mode: [Left], [Right]"] = "改变修改模式: [左]/[右]", -- HedgeEditor
["Change Placement Mode: [Up], [Down]"] = "改变放置模式: [上]/[下]", -- HedgeEditor
["Change Rotation: [Left], [Right]"] = "改变旋转: [左]/[右]", -- HedgeEditor
["Change Sprite Frame: [Precise]+[Left], [Precise]+[Right]"] = "改变Sprite Frame: [精确]+[左],[精确]+[右]", -- HedgeEditor
["Change Sprite: [Left], [Right]"] = "改变Sprite: [左]/[右]", -- HedgeEditor
["Change Timer: [Left], [Right]"] = "改变定时器: [左]/[右]", -- HedgeEditor
["Change weapon: [Long jump] or [Slot 1]-[Slot 3]"] = "改变武器: [远跳]或[槽位1-3]", -- Tumbler
["Charmander"] = "Charmander", -- 
["Chasing the blue hog"] = "追逐蓝刺猬", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Cheater"] = "Cheater", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Checkpoint reached!"] = "到达检查点!", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos, A_Space_Adventure:ice01, A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Chef"] = "厨师", -- Battalion, HedgeEditor
["Chester"] = "Chester", -- 
["Chicken"] = "Chicken", -- 
["Chief Sandologist"] = "Chief Sandologist", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Chikorita"] = "Chikorita", -- 
["Choose location: Left click"] = "选择位置: 左键", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Choose location: Tap the [Target] button, then tap on the spot you want to choose"] = "选择位置: 按[Target],然后按下你想选的位置", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Choose Selection/Placement/Deletion: [Left], [Right]"] = "选择/放置/删除: [左]/[右]", -- HedgeEditor
["Choose your continent wisely, as your decision will be permanent."] = "明智地选择你的大陆,你的决定会是永久的", -- Continental_supplies
["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "选择你的阵营!如果你想加入奇怪的人,走近他。否则离远点。如果你决定攻……没什么……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Chunli"] = "Chunli", -- 
["Clark Kent"] = "Clark Kent", -- 
["Cleaver"] = "菜刀", -- Construction_Mode
["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "菜刀放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["CLEAVER PLACEMENT MODE"] = "菜刀放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Climb Home"] = "爬回家", -- ClimbHome
["Closing in"] = "逼近", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Clown"] = "小丑", -- HedgeEditor
["Clowns"] = "小丑", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
["Cluck-cluck time: [Fire an egg ~ Sabotages and cures poison ~ Cannot be fired close to another hog]"] = "Cluck-cluck 时间: [发射一个蛋,妨害和治疗中毒,不能靠得太近发射]", -- Continental_supplies
["Clumsy"] = "Clumsy",
["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "集束炸弹训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
["Collateral Damage"] = "Collateral Damage", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Collateral Damage II"] = "Collateral Damage II", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["- Collect all the blue crates"] = "- 收集所有蓝箱子", -- HedgeEditor
["Collect all the crates, but remember, our time in this life is limited!"] = "收集所有箱子,记住时间有限!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Collect or destroy all the health crates."] = "收集或破坏所有医疗箱", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Collect or destroy the final crate to finish the training."] = "收集或破坏最后的箱子来完成训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["- Collect the blue crate"] = "- 收集蓝箱子", -- HedgeEditor
["Collect the crate and attack!"] = "收集箱子并攻击!", -- WxW
["Collect the crate on the right."] = "收集右边的箱子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Collect the crates within the time limit!|If you fail, you'll have to try again."] = "在限制的时间内收集箱子,如果你失败了就要重来", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Collect the first crate to begin!"] = "收集第一个箱子以开始", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Collect the freezer and get the device part from Thanta."] = "收集冰冻枪并从Thanta那里得到设备部件", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Collect the green and purple invaders."] = "收集绿色和紫色入侵者", -- Space_Invasion
["Collect the remaining crates to complete the training."] = "收集剩余的箱子来完成训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Collect the weapon crate and drop|a grenade from rope to destroy the barrels."] = "收集武器箱并从绳索丢下手榴弹来破坏油桶", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Collect the weapon crate at the left coast!"] = "在左边海岸收集武器箱", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Color Squad"] = "颜色小队", -- 
["Come closer and die! … burp …"] = "靠近并去死!……打嗝……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Come closer, so that your training may continue!"] = "靠近点,这样你的训练就能继续", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Comet"] = "Comet", -- Big_Armory
["Commander"] = "指挥官", -- HedgeEditor
["Compete to use as few planes as possible!"] = "比赛尽量少用飞机", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Complete all main and side missions to complete the spacetrip mission."] = "完成所有主要和支线任务来完成太空旅行任务", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Complete the obstacle course."] = "完成障碍课程", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Complete the remaining side missions to complete this mission."] = "完成剩余的支线任务来完成这个任务", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Complete the track as fast as you can!"] = "尽快完成赛道",
["Completion time: %.2fs"] = "完成时间: %.2f秒", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Comrades! Sail me away!"] = "同志,我们走", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Configuration accepted."] = "配置已接受", -- WxW
["Configuration phase"] = "配置阶段", -- WxW
["Congrats! You won!"] = "恭喜!你赢了!", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Congratulations"] = "恭喜", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Congratulations, you acquired the device part!"] = "恭喜,你得到了设备部件!", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Congratulations, you are the best!"] = "恭喜,你是最棒的!", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["Congratulations, you are the fastest!"] = "恭喜,你是最快的!", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Congratulations, you collected the device part!"] = "恭喜,你收集了设备部件!", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Congratulations! You have completed the obstacle course!"] = "恭喜,你完成了障碍课程!", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Congratulations! You have destroyed all targets within the time."] = "恭喜,你在时间内破坏了所有目标!", -- TargetPractice
["Congratulations, you have saved Hogera!"] = "恭喜,你救了Hogera!", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Congratulations! You have truly mastered this challenge! Don't forget to save the demo."] = "恭喜,你真正地掌握了这个挑战,别忘了保存demo", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Congratulations! You've completed the Basic Rope Training!"] = "恭喜,你完成了基础绳索训练!", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "恭喜!你在规定时间内消灭了全部目标。", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
["Congratulations! You win."] = "恭喜,你赢了", -- Big_Armory
["Congratulations, you won!"] = "恭喜,你赢了!", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01, A_Space_Adventure:death02, A_Space_Adventure:desert01, A_Space_Adventure:desert02, A_Space_Adventure:fruit02, A_Space_Adventure:fruit03, A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Congratulations!"] = "恭喜",
["Conquering the galaxy"] = "征服星系", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "建造模式", -- Construction_Mode
["Construction Mode tool"] = "建造模式工具", -- Construction_Mode
["Construction Station: Allows placement of|    girders, rubber, mines, sticky mines|    and barrels."] = "建造站: 允许放置大梁、橡皮筋、地雷、黏性地雷和油桶", -- Construction_Mode
["Construction Station"] = "建造站", -- Construction_Mode
["Continental supplies"] = "大陆的物资", -- Continental_supplies
["Continent selection"] = "选择大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["Continents: Select a continent at the beginning."] = "大陆: 在开头选择一个大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["Control"] = "控制", -- Control
["Control pillars to score points."] = "控制柱子得分",
["Controls: Hold the Attack key (space by default) to|fire the rope, then, once attached use:|Left and Right to swing the rope;|Up and Down to contract and expand."] = "控制: 按着攻击键发射绳索,连上后|左和右摇晃,上和下伸缩", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Copper"] = "Copper", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
["Corn"] = "Corn", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Corporal Calvin"] = "Corporal Calvin", -- 
["Corporationals"] = "Corporationals", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Corpsemonger"] = "Corpsemonger", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Corpse Thrower"] = "Corpse Thrower", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Cost"] = "消耗", -- Construction_Mode
["Cost: %d"] = "消耗: %d", -- Construction_Mode
["Cotton Needer"] = "Cotton Needer", -- Mutant
["Count Hogula"] = "Count Hogula", -- 
["Coward"] = "懦夫", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Crate Before Attack: %s"] = "攻击之前的箱子: %s", -- WxW
["Crate Before Attack: You must collect a crate before you can attack."] = "攻击之前的箱子: 你必须在你能攻击之前收集一个箱子", -- WxW
["Crate Placer"] = "箱子放置器", -- Construction_Mode
["Crates: Crates drop more often with a higher chance of bonus ammo"] = "箱子: 箱子经常掉落有更高机会得到额外武器", -- Battalion
["Crates: Crates drop randomly and may be empty"] = "箱子: 箱子随机掉落而且可能是空的", -- Battalion
["Crates: Crates drop randomly with chance of being empty"] = "箱子: 箱子随机掉落,有可能是空的", -- Battalion
["Crates left: %d"] = "箱子还有: %d", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Crates Left:"] = "箱子还有:", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Crates per turn: %d"] = "每个回合的箱子: %d", -- WxW
["Crazy Gravity: Gravity randomly changes within a range from %i%% to %i%% with a period of %s"] = "疯狂的重力: 重力会随机改变,一段时间%s内从%i%%到%i%%", -- Gravity
["Crazy Runner"] = "Crazy Runner", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Cricket Time"] = "板球时间", -- Continental_supplies
["Cricket time: [Fire away a 1 sec mine! ~ Cannot be fired close to another hog]"] = "板球时间: [发射一个一秒的地雷,不能靠得太近发射]", -- Continental_supplies
["CTF_Blizzard"] = "CTF_暴风雪", -- CTF_Blizzard
["Cursor: Build structure"] = "光标: 建造结构", -- Construction_Mode
["Cursor: Mode action"] = "光标: 模式动作", -- HedgeEditor
["|Cursor: Place crate"] = "|光标: 放置箱子", -- Construction_Mode
["Cursor: Place waypoint"] = "光标: 放置路径点", -- Racer
["Cutlass Cain"] = "Cutlass Cain", -- 
["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Cybernetic Empire",
["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "机器人,外星人这么称呼自己", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Dahmer"] = "Dahmer", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Daisy"] = "Daisy", -- 
["DAMMIT, ROOKIE! GET OFF MY HEAD!"] = "新手,别站在我的头上",
["DAMMIT, ROOKIE!"] = "妈的,新手!",
["+%d ammo"] = "+%d弹药", -- Battalion
["+%d Ammo"] = "+%d弹药", -- Space_Invasion
["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "危险的小鸭子",
["Dark Strawberry"] = "Dark Strawberry", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["+%d"] = "+%d", -- Battalion
["%d crate(s) remaining"] = "剩余%d箱子", -- SpeedShoppa
["%d damage was dealt in this game."] = "这场游戏造成了%d伤害", -- Mutant
["%d / %d"] = "%d / %d", -- Battalion
["%d | %d"] = "%d | %d", -- Mutant
["%d/%d"] = "%d/%d", -- SpeedShoppa
["Deadly Grape"] = "Deadly Grape", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Deadweight"] = "Deadweight",
["Deal 15 damage + 10% of your hog’s health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back."] = "你附近的所有刺猬造成15伤害+你血量的10%,并返回2/3", -- Continental_supplies
["Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle."] = "对圈中所有敌人造成15伤害", -- Continental_supplies
["Deer"] = "Deer", -- 
["Defeat all enemies!"] = "打败所有敌人!", -- portal
["Defeat!"] = "战胜!", -- HedgeEditor
["Defeat Professor Hogevil!"] = "打败Hogevil教授!", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["Defeat the cannibals!"] = "打败食人族!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "打败食人族!|手榴弹提示: [1-5]设置定时器,[上]/[下]调整方向,[空格]蓄力投掷", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "打败机器人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Defeat the enemy!"] = "打败敌人!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Delete Waypoint"] = "删除路径点", -- HedgeEditor
["Deletion Mode: [5]"] = "删除模式: [5]", -- HedgeEditor
["Deletion Mode"] = "删除模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Deletition Mode"] = "删除模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Demolition is fun!"] = "破坏很好玩!",
["Demo"] = "Demo", -- The_Specialists
["Dense Cloud"] = "Dense Cloud", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "Dense Cloud一定已经告诉他们所有事情……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Dense Cloud?! What are you doing?!"] = "Dense Cloud?!你在做什么?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Depleted Kamikaze! +5 points!"] = "耗尽神风特攻队!+5分", -- Space_Invasion
["Derp"] = "Derp", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
["Desert Storm"] = "沙漠风暴", -- 
["Destroy all targets with no more than 10 bazookas."] = "破坏所有目标,不超过10火箭炮", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Destroy all targets with no more than 5 bazookas."] = "破坏所有目标,不超过5火箭炮", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Destroy all the targets!"] = "破坏所有目标!", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Destroyer of planes"] = "飞机破坏者", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "Leaks A Lot消灭他!他要为我们许多人的死亡负责", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Destroy invaders and collect bonuses to score points."] = "消灭入侵者并收集奖励得分", -- Space_Invasion
["- Destroy the enemy"] = "- 消灭敌人", -- HedgeEditor
["- Destroy the red target"] = "- 破坏红色目标", -- HedgeEditor
["- Destroy the red targets"] = "- 破坏红色目标", -- HedgeEditor
["Destroy the targets!"] = "破坏目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["+%d flamer fuel!"] = "+%d喷火器燃料", -- Tumbler
["+%d health"] = "+%d血量", -- Mutant
["%d-Hit Combo! +%d points!"] = "%d连击,+%d分", -- Space_Invasion
["Did anyone follow you?"] = "有人跟着你吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Did I miss something?"] = "我错过什么了吗?", -- Space_Invasion
["Did not finish"] = "没有完成", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Did you really think I've changed?"] = "你真的认为我改变了?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Did you really think that I've changed?"] = "你真的认为我改变了?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Did you really think that we needed the help of one of you?"] = "你真的认为我需要你们的帮助?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Did you see him coming?"] = "你有看到他来吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Did you warn the village?"] = "你有警告村子吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Die, die, die!"] = "死,死,死!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Difficulty: "] = "难度: ", -- Continental_supplies
["Difficulty: Easy"] = "难度: 简单", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Difficulty: Hard"] = "难度: 困难", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Dimitry"] = "Dimitry", -- 
["%d invaders have been destroyed in this game."] = "这场游戏有%d入侵者被消灭", -- Space_Invasion
["Disabled"] = "禁用", -- WxW
["Disguise as a Rockhopper Penguin"] = "假装成Rockhopper企鹅", -- Continental_supplies
["Disguise as a Rockhopper Penguin: [Swap place with a random enemy hog in the circle]"] = "假装成Rockhopper企鹅: [跟圈里的一个随机敌人交换位置]", -- Continental_supplies
["Displacer"] = "Displacer", -- 
["Diver"] = "潜水员", -- User_Mission_-_Diver
["%d ms"] = "%d毫秒", -- HedgeEditor
["Doing stuff a monkey could do."] = "做一个猴子也能做的事情", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Domination game"] = "支配游戏", -- Control
["Donald"] = "Donald", -- 
["Do not destroy the crates!"] = "不要破坏箱子!", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Do not laugh, inexperienced one, for he speaks the truth!"] = "不要笑,经验不足的人,他讲的是事实!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Do not let his words fool you, young one! He will stab you in the back as soon as you turn away!"] = "不要让他愚弄你,年轻人,他会在你转身后立刻在背后捅你一刀", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Don't be foolish, son, there will be more."] = "别傻了,孩子,还会有更多", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Don't blow up the crate."] = "不要炸掉箱子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Don't destroy the device crate!"] = "不要破坏设备箱子!", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Don't eliminate Captain Lime before collecting the last crate!"] = "在收集最后的箱子前不要消灭Captain Lime", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Don't hit me, you fools!"] = "别打我,你这个傻子!", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Don't hit yourself!"] = "别打自己!", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Don't touch the flames!"] = "不要碰火焰!", -- ClimbHome
["Don't you dare harming our tribe!"] = "你敢伤害我们的部落!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Double Kill!"] = "双杀!",
["Double kill!"] = "双杀!", -- Mutant
["Do you have any idea how bad an exploding arrow hurts?"] = "你知道爆炸箭的伤害有多糟糕吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "你知道这个草有多值钱吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Do you have any idea what it's like in the village for a woman?"] = "你知道这对一个女人来说在村子里像什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Do you know where they are?"] = "你知道他们在哪吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "你认为自己是某种神?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Dragon's Lair"] = "龙的巢穴", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Dr. Banting"] = "Dr. Banting", -- 
["Dr. Barnard"] = "Dr. Barnard", -- 
["Dr. Blackwell"] = "Dr. Blackwell", -- 
["Dr. Cornelius"] = "Dr. Cornelius", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos, A_Space_Adventure:death01
["Dr. Crushing"] = "Dr. Crushing", -- 
["Dr. Drew"] = "Dr. Drew", -- 
["Dr. Harvey"] = "Dr. Harvey", -- 
["Dr. Hollows"] = "Dr. Hollows", -- 
["Dr. Horace"] = "Dr. Horace", -- 
["Drills"] = "Drills", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Drill Strike"] = "钻地空袭", -- Construction_Mode
["Dr. Jenner"] = "Dr. Jenner", -- 
["Dr. Jung"] = "Dr. Jung", -- 
["Drone Hunter! +10 points!"] = "Drone 猎人!+10分", -- Space_Invasion
["Drop a ball of dirt which turns into a|cluster on impact. Doesn’t end turn."] = "丢下一个泥球,撞击时变成一粒炸弹,不会结束回合", -- Continental_supplies
["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "丢下炸弹: [丢下一些英雄的风,撞击时变成炸弹]", -- Continental_supplies
["- Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured"] = "- 掉落的光环可重新夺取或被送回", -- Capture_the_Flag
["Dropping a weapon while in water would just drown it, but launching one would work."] = "在水中丢下的武器会沉下去,发射的那个会起作用", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Drop weapon (while on rope): [Long Jump]"] = "丢下武器(在绳索时): [远跳]", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Drowner"] = "Drowner",
["Dr. Parkinson"] = "Dr. Parkinson", -- 
["Drunk greenhorn"] = "喝醉的新手", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Drunk with power, perhaps!"] = "喝醉了有力量,大概吧", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["%d sec"] = "%d秒", -- Construction_Mode
["+%d seconds!"] = "+%d秒", -- Tumbler
["Dubloon Devil"] = "Dubloon Devil", -- 
["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "老兄,所有植物都没了!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "老兄,你能看到Ramon和Spiky吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Dude, it's unbearable!"] = "老兄,这是难以忍受的!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Dude, let me out!"] = "老兄,让我出去!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Dude, that outfit is so cool!"] = "老兄,这衣服真酷!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Dude, that's so cool!"] = "老兄,太酷了!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Dude, this is boring!"] = "老兄,这很无聊!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Dude, we really need a new shaman..."] = "老兄,我们真的需要一个新的萨满……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Dude, what's this place?!"] = "老兄,这是哪里?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Dude, where are we?"] = "老兄,我们在哪?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "老兄,哇!我经历了最奇怪的事情!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Dude, wow, you're so cute!"] = "老兄,哇,你真可爱!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Dud Mine Placement Mode"] = "哑弹地雷放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["DUD MINE PLACEMENT MODE"] = "哑弹地雷放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Duration"] = "持续时间", -- Continental_supplies
["During the final testing of the device an accident happened."] = "在设备最后测试的时候,发生了意外", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["During the game you can get new RC planes by collecting the weapon crates."] = "在游戏中你可以收集武器箱子获得新的遥控飞机", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["Dust Storm"] = "沙尘暴", -- Continental_supplies
["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "沙尘暴: [对圈中所有敌人造成15伤害]", -- Continental_supplies
["Each time you destroy all the targets on your current level you'll get teleported to the next level."] = "每次你破坏了当前关卡的所有目标后,你会传送到下一个关卡", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["Each time you play this missions enemy hogs will play in a random order."] = "每次你玩这个任务,敌人刺猬会随机顺序玩", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "每个回合只有一秒!", -- Frenzy
["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "每个回合你得到1-3随机武器",
["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "每个回合你得到1随机武器",
["Each turn you'll have only one rope to use."] = "每个回合你只有一个绳索可用", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Eagle Eye"] = "鹰眼", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "鹰眼: [闪现到子弹打中的位置,一发子弹]", -- Continental_supplies
["Ear Sniffer"] = "Ear Sniffer", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["EASY"] = "简单", -- Continental_supplies
["Eckles"] = "Eckles", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
["Eclipse"] = "Eclipse", -- Big_Armory
["Editing Commands: (Use while no weapon is selected)"] = "编辑命令: (未选择武器时使用)", -- HedgeEditor
["Ehm, okay ..."] = "嗯,好吧……", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Elderbot"] = "Elderbot", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Elimate your captor."] = "消灭你的捕获者", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
["Eliminate all targets before your time runs out.|You have unlimited ammo for this mission."] = "时间结束前消灭全部目标。无限弹药。", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
["Eliminate the enemy before the time runs out."] = "时间结束前消灭敌人", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
["Eliminate the enemy hogs to win."] = "消灭敌人获胜",
["Eliminate the enemy."] = "消灭敌人", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock, User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
["Eliminate Unit 3378."] = "消灭单位3378", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork
["Eliminate WatchBot 4000."] = "消灭监视机器人4000", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2
["Eliminate your captor."] = "消灭你的捕获者", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
["Elite pilot"] = "精英飞行员", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Elmo"] = "Elmo", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Enabled"] = "启用", -- WxW
["Enemy kills: Collect victim's weapons and +%d%% of its base health"] = "杀死敌人: 收集受害者的东西,+%d%%他的基础血量", -- Battalion
["Energetic Engineer"] = "充满活力的工程师",
["Engineer"] = "工程师", -- HedgeEditor, The_Specialists
["Enjoy the swim..."] = "游水愉快",
["Entered boredom phase! Discrepancies detected …"] = "进入厌倦阶段!检测到差异……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Epilogue"] = "后记", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["ERROR [getHogInfo]: Hog is nil!"] = "错误[getHogInfo]: 刺猬是nil!", -- Battalion
["Eugene"] = "Eugene", -- 
["Europe"] = "欧洲", -- Continental_supplies
["Everyone knows this."] = "大家都知道这个", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Every single time!"] = "每一次!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Everything looks OK..."] = "所有东西看起来没问题……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Every time you kill an enemy hog your ammo will get reset next turn."] = "每次你杀死敌人,你的弹药会在下个回合重置", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["Everywhere I look, I see hogs walking around …"] = "我看到的每个地方,都有刺猬在走动", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "太对了,那是我的梦", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Except me, of course! I just saved a whole planet!"] = "除了我,当然!我刚救了这个星球!", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Experienced beginner"] = "有经验的新手", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Explore the tunnel with the other hedgehogs and search for the device."] = "和其他刺猬探索隧道找到设备", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Exploring the tunnel"] = "正在探索隧道", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Eye Chewer"] = "Eye Chewer", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Fair Wind"] = "Fair Wind", -- 
["Fall Damage"] = "坠落伤害", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Fallen Angel"] = "Fallen Angel", -- Tentacle_Terror
["Family Reunion"] = "家庭团聚", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Fastest escape: %d turns"] = "最快逃离: %d回合", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["Fastest lap: %.3fs by %s"] = "最快一圈: %.3f秒 by %s", -- TrophyRace
["Fastest lap: "] = "最快一圈: ",
["Feeble Resistance"] = "Feeble Resistance",
["Fell From Grace"] = "Fell From Grace", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Fell From Heaven"] = "Fell From Heaven", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Fell From Heaven is the best! Fell From Heaven is the greatest!"] = "Fell From Heaven是最好的!Fell From Heaven是最棒的!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Femur Lover"] = "Femur Lover", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Fierce Competition! +8 points!"] = "凶猛的比赛!+8分", -- Space_Invasion
["Fiery Water"] = "Fiery Water", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Fiery Water?! Are you drunk again?"] = "Fiery Water,你又喝醉了?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Fighting instead of cultivating a beautiful friendship."] = "战斗而不是培养友谊", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Fight: Press [Attack]"] = "战斗: 按[攻击]", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Filthy Blue"] = "Filthy Blue", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
["Final Challenge:"] = "最后的挑战:", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Finally! We're out of this hellhole. Now go save the princess, %s!"] = "终于!我们从地狱出来了,现在去救公主,%s!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Finally you are here!"] = "你终于来了", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01, A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Final result"] = "最终结果", -- Mutant
["Final Targets"] = "最后的目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Final team scores:"] = "最后的队伍分数:", -- Space_Invasion
["Find all the parts of the anti-gravity device."] = "找到反重力设备的所有部件", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Find a way to detonate all the explosives and stay alive!"] = "想办法引爆所有爆炸物并活下来", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "找到你的部落!|穿过湖泊", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Finish this challenge as fast as possible to earn bonus points."] = "尽快完成这个挑战获得奖励分数", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Finish waypoint placement"] = "完成路径点放置", -- Racer
["Finish your training."] = "完成你的训练", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Finite Ropes"] = "有限的绳索", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Fire a rocket with napalm."] = "发射带有凝固汽油弹的火箭", -- Continental_supplies
["Fire: [Precise]"] = "开火: [精确]", -- Space_Invasion, Tumbler
["Fire some exploding medicine that will heal 15 health to all hogs in its effect radius."] = "射击一些爆炸的药物会治疗它的影响半径内的所有刺猬", -- Continental_supplies
["Fire your hedgehog like a sticky mine."] = "发射你的刺猬,就像一个黏性地雷", -- Continental_supplies
["First aid kits?!"] = "急救包?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["First Blood"] = "第一滴血", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["- First clan to capture the flag wins"] = "- 第一个夺得光环的战队赢", -- Capture_the_Flag
["- First clan to score %d captures wins"] = "- 第一个%d分的战队赢", -- Capture_the_Flag
["First killer will mutate"] = "第一个杀手会变异", -- Mutant
["First Steps"] = "第一步", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["- First team to capture the flag wins"] = "- 第一个夺得光环的队伍赢", -- Capture_the_Flag
["- First team to score %d captures wins"] = "- 第一个%d分的队伍赢", -- Capture_the_Flag
["Fishy"] = "Fishy", -- 
["Flag captured!"] = "夺得光环!",
["Flag respawned!"] = "光环重生!",
["Flag returned!"] = "光环归还!",
["Flamer"] = "喷火器",
["Flaming Worm"] = "Flaming Worm", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Flare"] = "Flare", -- Continental_supplies
["Flawless victory!"] = "完美的胜利!", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Flee: Press [Jump]"] = "逃走: 按[跳]", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Flesh for Brainz"] = "Flesh for Brainz", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Flower Power"] = "Flower Power", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Fly around and hurl explosives to your enemies."] = "到处飞并丢炸弹向敌人", -- Tumbler
["Flying Saucer Training"] = "飞碟训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Fly into space to fight off the invaders with barrels!"] = "飞到太空并用油桶击退入侵者", -- Space_Invasion
["Fly to the meteorite and detonate the explosives"] = "飞到陨石并引爆炸弹", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Follow the path and destroy the next target."] = "沿着这条路,破坏下一个目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["For each kill you win %d seconds."] = "每次击杀获得%d秒", -- RopeKnocking
["Forgetfulness: You will lose all your weapons each turn."] = "健忘: 每个回合你会失去所有武器", -- Continental_supplies
["For the next crate, you have to do back jumps."] = "为拿到下一个箱子,你需要后跳", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Four Eyes"] = "Four Eyes", -- 
["Frankie"] = "Frankie", -- 
["Frank"] = "Frank", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "释放Dense Cloud并继续任务", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["FRENZY"] = "FRENZY", -- Frenzy
["Friendly Fire!"] = "友伤!",
["Friendly kills: Clear killer's pool and -%d%% of its base health"] = "杀死友军: 清除杀手的职业武器和工具,-%d%%他的基础血量", -- Battalion
["From the second turn and beyond the water rises."] = "从第二个回合开始水面上升", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["Frozen Bandits"] = "Frozen Bandits", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Fruit"] = "水果", -- 
["Fruit Assassins"] = "水果刺客", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Fruity"] = "Fruity", -- 
["Fuel: %d"] = "燃料: %d", -- Tumbler
["Fuzzy Beard"] = "Fuzzy Beard", -- 
["“g=150”, where 150 is 150% of normal gravity."] = "“g=150”就是正常重力的150%", -- Gravity
["“g=50, g2=150, period=4000” for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 ms."] = "“g=50, g2=150, period=4000”,重力从50改成150,持续时间4000毫秒", -- Gravity
["Galaxy Guardians"] = "Galaxy Guardians", -- Big_Armory
["Game over!"] = "游戏结束", -- Space_Invasion
["Game Started!"] = "游戏开始!",
["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "游戏?这对你是一个游戏?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Gangsters"] = "Gangsters", -- 
["GasBomb"] = "毒气炸弹", -- Continental_supplies
["Gas Gargler"] = "Gas Gargler", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Gasp! A smuggler!"] = "喘气,一个走私者!", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Gasp!"] = "喘气!", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Gathering fruits all day long."] = "一天都在采集水果", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Gear Placement Tool"] = "物体放置工具", -- HedgeEditor
["General information"] = "一般信息", -- Continental_supplies
["General information:"] = "一般信息", -- Continental_supplies
["General Lemon"] = "General Lemon", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Generator"] = "发电机", -- Construction_Mode
["Generator: Generates energy."] = "发电机: 产生能量", -- Construction_Mode
["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "让Dense Cloud离开深坑", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Get him, Spike!"] = "拿下他,Spike!", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "过去干掉他!",
["Get on the head of the mole."] = "到鼹鼠的头上去", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Get past the flower."] = "穿过花朵", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Get ready to fight!"] = "准备战斗!", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Get that crate!"] = "拿到那个箱子!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Get the crate on the other side of the island!|"] = "拿到岛屿另一边的箱子|", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Get the crate on the other side of the island."] = "拿到岛屿另一边的箱子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Get the final crate to the right to complete the training."] = "拿到最后的箱子到右边完成训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Get the highest score to win."] = "拿到最高分获胜", -- Space_Invasion
["Get the next crate by jumping over the abyss."] = "跳过深渊拿到箱子", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Getting ready"] = "准备好", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos, A_Space_Adventure:desert01, A_Space_Adventure:desert02, A_Space_Adventure:ice01, A_Space_Adventure:ice02, A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Getting Started"] = "开始了", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Getting to the device"] = "取得设备", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Get to the crate using your flying saucer!"] = "用你的飞碟取得箱子", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Get to the target using your rope!"] = "用你的绳索到达目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!"] = "让你的队友离开他们的自然监狱并且救公主", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "让你的队友离开他们的自然监狱并且救公主|提示: 钻洞能解决所有问题|提示: 在钻之前放一个大梁是好主意|提示: 你的所有刺猬都要在标记的高度之上|提示: Leaks A Lot需要非常靠近公主", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Giggles"] = "Giggles", -- 
["Gimme Bones"] = "Gimme Bones", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Girder"] = "大梁", -- Construction_Mode
["Girder Placement Mode"] = "大梁放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["GIRDER PLACEMENT MODE"] = "大梁放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Give a hog a preset identity and weapons"] = "给一个刺猬预设的身份和武器", -- HedgeEditor
["Give an entire team themed hats and names"] = "给一整个队伍主题帽子和名字", -- HedgeEditor
["Glark"] = "Glark", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Glasses"] = "Glasses", -- 
["Glassy"] = "Glassy", -- 
["Goal Definition Mode"] = "目标定义模式", -- HedgeEditor
["GOAL DEFINITION MODE"] = "目标定义模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Goal: Score %d points or more to win!"] = "目标: 得%d分或更多获胜", -- Mutant
["Go and collect the crate"] = "出发并收集箱子", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Godai"] = "Godai", -- 
["Go down and save these PAotH hogs!"] = "去下面救这些星球协会刺猬", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Go, get him again!"] = "去,再抓到他", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Goggles"] = "Goggles", -- 
["Goggs"] = "Goggs", -- 
["GO! GO! GO!"] = "GO! GO! GO!",
["Good birdy......"] = "乖鸟儿……",
["Good bye!"] = "再见", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Good idea, they'll never find us there!"] = "好主意,他们绝不会找到我们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Good job!"] = "干得好", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer, Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Good job! Defeat the rest of the aliens!"] = "干得好,打败剩下的外星人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Good job! Now destroy the final targets to finish the training."] = "干得好,现在破坏最后的目标完成训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Good luck!"] = "祝你好运", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01, A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Good luck...or else!"] = "祝你好远……或其他", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Good luck out there!"] = "祝你好运",
["Good so far!"] = "到目前为止很好",
["Good to go!"] = "Good to go!",
["Good! You now control Cappy."] = "好,现在你控制Cappy了", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Go on top of the flower."] = "到花的顶部", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Go, quick!"] = "去,快点", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Gorkij"] = "Gorkij", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Go surf!"] = "去冲浪", -- WxW
["Got 1 more saucer and 8 more seconds added to the clock"] = "获得1飞碟和8秒时间", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Got 1 more saucer"] = "获得1飞碟", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Go to Thanta and get the device part!"] = "接近Thanta拿到设备部件", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Go to the surface!"] = "去到表面", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Go to the target."] = "去到目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Go to the upper platform and get the weapons in the crates!"] = "到上面的平台拿箱子里的武器", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Got the saucer!"] = "获得飞碟", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Got to go back."] = "要回去了", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Got you? You're acting weird."] = "懂你?你很奇怪", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Grab mines/barrels: [High jump]"] = "拿走地雷/油桶: [高跳]", -- Tumbler
["Gravity: 100%"] = "重力: 100%", -- Gravity
["Great!"] = "很好", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "选得好,Steve,介意我这么叫你吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Great! Let’s kill all these enemies, using portals."] = "很好,让我们用传送门杀死所有敌人", -- portal
["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "干得好,现在用你的棒球棒打|提示: 你可以右键换武器", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "很好,援助很快会联系你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Green"] = "Green", -- 
["Green Bananas"] = "Green Bananas", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Green double rings also give you a new flying saucer."] = "绿色双环会给你新的飞碟", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Green Hog Grape"] = "Green Hog Grape", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Green hogs won't intentionally hurt you."] = "绿色刺猬不会故意伤害你", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Greenhorn"] = "新手", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Green Lipstick Bullet"] = "绿色口红子弹", -- Continental_supplies
["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "绿色口红子弹: [有毒,无伤害]", -- Continental_supplies
["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "你好,Dense Cloud", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Greetings from the Navy, %s (%s), for being a distance of %d away from the mainland!"] = "海军的问候,%s(%s),远离大陆已有%d距离", -- ClimbHome
["Greetings, %s!"] = "你好,%s", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Grenades explode after 1 to 5 seconds (you decide)."] = "手榴弹在1-5秒后爆炸(由你决定)", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Grenades with high bounciness bounce a lot and behave chaotic."] = "高弹性的手榴弹跳得很高, 行为难测", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Grenade Training"] = "手榴弹训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Grenadiers"] = "手榴弹兵", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Grenadier"] = "手榴弹兵", -- Target_Practice_-_Grenade_easy, Target_Practice_-_Grenade_hard, HedgeEditor
["Grey"] = "Grey", -- 
["Guards"] = "卫兵", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Guile"] = "Guile", -- 
["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "伙计们,你们认为那里有更多食人族吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["HAHA!"] = "哈哈", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Haha!"] = "哈哈", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Haha! Come!"] = "哈哈,来", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Hahahaha!"] = "哈哈哈",
["Haha, I love the look on your face!"] = "哈哈,我喜欢看你的表情", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "我也不会……",
["Haha, that was just a coincidence!"] = "哈哈,那只是一个巧合", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Hammer"] = "锤子", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
["Hannibal"] = "Hannibal", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Hapless Hogs"] = "Hapless Hogs",
[" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " Hapless Hogs left!",
["Happy with your race track?|Then stop building and start racing!"] = "对你的赛道满意吗?|停止建造开始比赛", -- Racer
["HARD"] = "困难", -- Continental_supplies
["Hard flying"] = "艰难飞行", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Harris"] = "Harris", -- 
["Harry Potter"] = "Harry Potter", -- 
["Harry"] = "Harry", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
["H"] = "H", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos, A_Space_Adventure:death01
["Hatless Jerry"] = "Hatless Jerry", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "不是幻觉,你的部落死了,无关你的选择", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Haven't found it yet ..."] = "还没找到……", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "我们有先攻击你吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["H confirmed that there isn't such a PAotH activity logged."] = "H 确认这不是星球协会活动记录", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Healing Station"] = "治疗站", -- Construction_Mode
["Healing Station: Heals nearby hogs."] = "治疗站: 治疗附近的刺猬", -- Construction_Mode
["Health and Mission Panel"] = "血量和任务面板", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Health"] = "血量", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "医疗箱放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["HEALTH CRATE PLACEMENT MODE"] = "医疗箱放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Health: %d"] = "血量: %d", -- HedgeEditor
["Health: Hogs lose up to 7% base health per turn"] = "血量: 刺猬每个回合最高失去%7基础血量", -- Battalion
["Health Modification Mode"] = "血量修改模式", -- HedgeEditor
["HEALTH MODIFICATION MODE"] = "血量修改模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Heavenly Defense"] = "Heavenly Defense", -- Tentacle_Terror
["Heavy"] = "Heavy",
["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "Heavy Cannfantry", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Heckles"] = "Heckles", -- 
["Heck, you even executed one of your own!"] = "你甚至执行了自己的一个", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Hedge-cogs"] = "Hedge-cogs", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["HEDGEEDITOR"] = "刺猬编辑器", -- HedgeEditor
["HedgeEditor tool"] = "刺猬编辑器工具", -- HedgeEditor
["Hedgehog"] = "刺猬", -- 
["Hedgehog Projectile"] = "刺猬炮弹", -- Continental_supplies
["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "刺猬炮弹: [像黏性炸弹一样发射你的刺猬]", -- Continental_supplies
["Hedgehogs can not be deleted."] = "刺猬不能被删除", -- HedgeEditor
["Hedgehogs left: %d"] = "刺猬剩余: %d", -- User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling
["Hedgehogs will be revived after their death."] = "刺猬死后会被救活", -- Mutant
["Hedgehogs will start in the first waypoint."] = "刺猬会在第一个路径点开始", -- Racer
["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "Hedgibal Lecter", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["He doesn't know it but this device is a part of the anti-gravity device."] = "他不知道这个,但这个设备是反重力设备的一部分", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["He has captured the rest of the PAotH team and awaits to capture you!"] = "他抓住了星球协会的剩余队伍,在等着抓你", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "水面在上升",
["Height over time"] = "高度图表", -- ClimbHome
["He is a very tough and very determined hedgehog. I would be extremely careful if I were you."] = "他是非常坚韧和坚定的刺猬,如果我是你,我会非常小心", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Helena"] = "Helena", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Hell Army"] = "Hell Army", -- portal
["Hello again, %s!"] = "再次问好,%s", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Help Disabled"] = "帮助已禁用", -- HedgeEditor
["Help Enabled"] = "帮助已启用", -- HedgeEditor
["Helpers: Each team starts with %d helper points"] = "工具: 每个队伍有%d工具分数", -- Battalion
["Helpers: Hogs will get 1 out of 2 helpers randomly each turn"] = "工具: 每个回合随机得到本职业两种之一工具", -- Battalion
["Help me, Leaks!"] = "救我,Leaks", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Help me, please!!!"] = "救我,求你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Help me, please!"] = "救我,求求你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["He moves like an eagle in the sky."] = "他移动像天空的鹰", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["He must be in the village already."] = "他一定已经在村子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["HeneK"] = "HeneK", -- 
["Here, let me help you!"] = "来,让我帮你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Here, let me help you save her!"] = "来,让我帮你救她", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Here...pick your weapon!"] = "来……挑你的武器", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Here! Take it!"] = "来,拿着它", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Here we go!"] = "我们开始吧", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Here you will find the current mission instructions."] = "在这里你能看到当前的任务指示", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Here you will learn how to fly the flying saucer|and get so learn some cool tricks."] = "在这里你会学到怎么开飞碟|还有一些很酷的技巧", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Heroic Wind"] = "英雄的风", -- Continental_supplies
["He's so brave..."] = "他多勇敢……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["He was the lab assistant of Dr. Goodhogan, the inventor of the anti-gravity device."] = "他是Dr.Goodhogan的实验室助手,反重力设备的发明者", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["He won't be selling us out anymore!"] = "他不会再出卖我们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Hey, don't forget us! We still need to climb up!"] = "嘿,别忘了我们,我们还要爬上去", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Hey, guys!"] = "嘿,伙计们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Hey guys!"] = "嘿,伙计们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Hey! I was supposed to collect it!"] = "嘿,应该由我收集它", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Hey, %s! Finally you have come!"] = "嘿,%s,你终于来了", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Hey, %s! Look, someone is stealing the saucer!"] = "嘿,%s,看,有人在偷飞碟", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Hey! This is cheating!"] = "嘿,这是作弊", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Hidden"] = "Hidden", -- portal
["High Gravity: Gravity is %i%%"] = "高重力: 重力是%i%%", -- Gravity
["High Jump: [Backspace]"] = "高跳: [Backspace]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["High Jump: Tap the [Curvy Arrow] shortly"] = "高跳: 短按[Curvy Arrow]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["--- Highland ---"] = "---高地---", -- Battalion
["Highlander: Eliminate hogs to take their weapons"] = "高地人: 消灭刺猬拿走他们的武器", -- Highlander
["Highland: Hogs get %d random weapons from their pool"] = "高地: 刺猬从他们的职业获得%d随机武器", -- Battalion
["--- Highland Mode ---"] = "---高地模式---", -- Battalion
["High Target"] = "高目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Hightime"] = "高时间", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Hightower"] = "高塔", -- 
["Hill Guard"] = "Hill Guard", -- Bazooka_Battlefield
["Hi! Nice to meet you."] = "嗨,很高兴遇见你", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["--- Hint ---"] = "---提示---", -- Battalion
["Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "提示: 对话可以按[精确]跳过", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything."] = "提示: 钻洞可以解决所有问题", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Hint: Hold down [M] to review the mission texts."] = "提示: 按着[M]查看任务信息", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Hint: If this mission panel disappears, you can|see it again by hitting the Pause or Quit key."] = "提示: 如果任务面板消失,按暂停或退出就能看到", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying."] = "提示: 在钻地前放一个大梁是个好主意", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Hint: It might be easier if you vary the angle only slightly."] = "提示: 如果你稍微改变角度就会简单点", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Hint: Just select the parachute, it opens automatically when you fall."] = "提示: 选择降落伞,它会在掉落时自动打开", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
--    ["Hint: Kills won't transfer a hog's pool to the killer's pool"] = "", -- Battalion我没有翻译这一句,画蛇添足
["Hint: Launch the bazooka horizontally at full power."] = "提示: 水平全力发射火箭炮", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Hint: Pause the game to review the mission texts."] = "提示: 暂停游戏查看任务信息", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Hint: Select the blow torch, aim and press [Fire]. Press [Fire] again to stop."] = "提示: 选择焊枪,瞄准并按[Fire], 再按[Fire]到顶部", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Hint: Select the low gravity and press [Fire]."] = "提示: 选择低重力并按[Fire]", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Hint: Select the rope, [Up] or [Down] to aim, [Attack] to fire, directional keys to move."] = "提示: 选择绳索,上下瞄准,攻击发射,方向移动", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Attack].|P.S.: You can use it mid-air."] = "提示: 选择升龙拳并按[攻击]|你可以在空中使用", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Hint: %s needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "提示: %s需要非常靠近公主", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Hint: The rope only bends around objects.|When it doesn't hit anything, it's always straight."] = "提示: 绳索只在碰到物体时弯曲|没碰到东西,一直是直的", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Hint: To jump higher, wait a bit before you hit “High Jump” a second time."] = "提示: 要跳得更高,等一下再跳第二次", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Hint: To place a girder, select it,|then use [Left] and [Right] to select angle and length,|then choose a location for the girder."] = "提示: 要放置大梁,选择它|然后用[左]/[右]选择角度和长度|然后选择一个位置", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Hint: Use the quit key to see the team’s continent."] = "提示: 用退出键看队伍的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["Hint: When you shorten the rope, you move faster!|And when you lengthen it, you move slower."] = "提示: 绳索短,移动快,绳索长,移动慢", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Hint: you might want to stay out of sight and take all the crates...|"] = "提示: 你可能需要避免进入敌人的视线,拿到所有箱子……|", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Hint: You might want to stay out of sight and take all the crates ..."] = "提示: 你可能需要避免进入敌人的视线,拿到所有箱子……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["His arms are so strong!"] = "他的手臂多强壮!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["hits"] = "hits", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Hit the “Switch Hedgehog” key until you have|selected Cappy, the hedgehog with the cap!"] = "按“切换刺猬”键,直到你选中Cappy,有帽子的刺猬", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Hmm … it's going slower than expected."] = "呃……它比想象中的要慢", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Hmmm...actually...I didn't either."] = "呃……实际上……两个都不", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Hmmm, I’ll have to find some way of moving him off this anti-portal surface."] = "呃……我必须想办法把他从这个反传送门表层移走", -- portal
["'s a draw. How unfortunate!"] = "呃……这是平局,多不幸!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Hmmm...perhaps a little more time will help."] = "呃……或许多一点时间会有帮助", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Hmmm..."] = "呃...",
["Hm ... Now I ran out of fuel."] = "呃……现在没油了", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Hog 100"] = "刺猬 100", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog 1"] = "刺猬 1", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog 3x5"] = "刺猬 3x5", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog 7+7"] = "刺猬 7+7", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog D"] = "刺猬 D", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog decar"] = "刺猬 decar", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog dertien"] = "刺猬 dertien", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog %d"] = "刺猬 %d", -- SimpleMission
["Hog EOF"] = "刺猬 EOF", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hogera is definitely the last planet I saved!"] = "Hogera肯定是我救的最后一个星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Hogera is safe!"] = "Hogera安全了!", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Hog exi"] = "刺猬 exi", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog Hephaestus"] = "刺猬 Hephaestus", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog Identity Mode"] = "刺猬身份模式", -- HedgeEditor
["HOG IDENTITY MODE"] = "刺猬身份模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Hog III"] = "刺猬 III", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hogminator"] = "Hogminator", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Hog nueve"] = "刺猬 nueve", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog octo"] = "刺猬 octo", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog onze"] = "刺猬 onze", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hog Saturn"] = "刺猬 Saturn", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hogs in sight!"] = "圈中有刺猬", -- Continental_supplies
["Hog Solo and GB"] = "刺猬 Solo 和绿色香蕉", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Hog Solo"] = "刺猬 Solo", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos, A_Space_Adventure:death01, A_Space_Adventure:death02, A_Space_Adventure:desert01, A_Space_Adventure:desert02, A_Space_Adventure:desert03, A_Space_Adventure:final, A_Space_Adventure:fruit01, A_Space_Adventure:fruit02, A_Space_Adventure:fruit03, A_Space_Adventure:ice01, A_Space_Adventure:ice02, A_Space_Adventure:moon01, A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["- Hogs will be revived"] = "- 刺猬会重生", -- Capture_the_Flag
["- Hogs will drop the flag when killed"] = "- 刺猬被杀会掉落光环", -- Capture_the_Flag
["Hog two"] = "刺猬 two", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Hold [Attack] to attach the rope."] = "长按[攻击]发射绳索", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Hold the Attack key pressed for more power."] = "长按攻击键蓄力攻击", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Holy shit!"] = "Holy shit!", -- Mutant
["Homing Bee"] = "蜜蜂枪", -- Construction_Mode
["Honda"] = "Honda", -- 
["Honest Lee"] = "Honest Lee", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Hooks"] = "Hooks", -- 
["Hooray! I actually did it! Hogera is safe!"] = "万岁!我真的做到了,Hogera安全了!", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Hooray! I've found it, now I have to get back to Captain Lime!"] = "万岁!我找到了,现在回去找Captain Lime", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Hooray! You are a champion!"] = "万岁!你是冠军!", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Hopeless case"] = "绝望的情况", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Hop on top of the next flower and advance to the left coast."] = "登上下一朵花的顶部,前进到左边海岸", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Horns"] = "Horns", -- 
["Hostage Situation"] = "人质情况", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["How can I ever repay you for saving my life?"] = "你救了我,我要怎么报答?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["How come in a village full of warriors, it's up to me to save it?"] = "怎么会在一个全是战士的村子,由我来拯救它?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["How could you betray us?"] = "你怎能背叛我们?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["How difficult would you like it to be?"] = "你想玩什么难度?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["HOW DO THEY KNOW WHERE WE ARE?"] = "他们怎么知道我们在哪?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["However, if you fail to do so, she dies a most violent death, just like your friend! Muahahaha!"] = "然而,如果你不这样做,她会死得很惨,就像你的朋友,哈哈哈", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["However, if you fail to do so, she dies a most violent death! Muahahaha!"] = "然而,如果你不这样做,她会死得很惨,哈哈哈", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["However, my mates don't agree with me on letting you go..."] = "然而,我的同伴不同意让你走……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["However, the army of %s is about to attack any moment now."] = "然而,%s的军队随时要进攻了", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["How to Rope"] = "怎么使用绳索", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["How would you like being discriminated against?"] = "你想受到歧视吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Huh?"] = "哈?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Hunter"] = "猎人", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
["I ain't gonna sit around no more!"] = "我不要再呆在这里!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I already said I'm sorry!"] = "我已经说了我很抱歉!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I always suspected him!"] = "我一直怀疑他!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I am going to leave the kids play by themselves."] = "我打算让他们自己玩过家家", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I am not ready for this planet yet. I should visit it when I have found all the other device parts."] = "我还没准备好去这个星球,我应该在找到所有设备部件后参观它", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["I am sorry but I was looking for a device that may be hidden somewhere around here."] = "抱歉,我在找可能藏在这里的一个设备", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["I believe there's more of them."] = "我相信那里还有更多食人族", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I cannot let you go any further! … burp …"] = "我不能再让你走了……打嗝……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I can see you have been training diligently."] = "我能看到你一直在努力训练", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["I can't believe how blind we were."] = "我不能相信我们有多瞎", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I can't believe it worked!"] = "我不敢相信它有用", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["I can't believe this!"] = "我不相信这个!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["I can't believe what I'm hearing!"] = "我不敢相信听到了什么!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I can't let you go further because …"] = "我不能再让你走了,因为……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I can't wait any more, I have to save myself!"] = "我不能再等了,我要救自己", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Ice Jake"] = "Ice Jake", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["I could just teleport myself there..."] = "我可以传送自己到那……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Icy Girder: [3]"] = "冰大梁: [3]", -- HedgeEditor
["Icy Land: [3]"] = "冰地面: [3]", -- HedgeEditor
["Icy Land"] = "冰地面", -- HedgeEditor
["I'd better get going myself."] = "我最好自己去", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Identity Thief"] = "Identity Thief", -- Mutant
["I didn't until about a month ago."] = "我一个月前才知道", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["I don't care. It's worth a fortune! Good bye, you idiot!"] = "我不在乎,它值很多钱!再见,你这傻瓜!", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["I don't know how you did that. But good work!|The next one should be easy as cake for you!"] = "我不知道你怎么做到的,但做得好|下一个对你应该很轻松", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["I don't know if I can forget what you've done!"] = "我希望我能忘记你做了什么", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I don't know who I can trust anymore."] = "我不知道还能相信谁", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I don't like your tone! You're hurting me!"] = "我不喜欢你的语气,你伤害了我", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I feel something...a place! They will arrive near the circles!"] = "我感觉到了什么……一个地方!他们会达到圆圈附近", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["If only I had a way..."] = "如果我有办法", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["If only I were given a chance to explain my being here..."] = "如果我有机会解释我怎么在这里……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["If only one enemy is left, you'll get bonus ammo."] = "如果还剩下一个敌人,你会得到额外弹药", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["I forgot that she's the daughter of the chief, too..."] = "我也忘了她是首领的女儿", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I found it! Hooray!"] = "我找到它了,万岁", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["If some good old explosives were enough to save Hogera …"] = "如果爆炸物足以拯救Hogera", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["If they try coming here, they can have a taste of my delicious knuckles!"] = "如果他们试图来这里,他们就能尝到我美味的拳头", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["If you agree to provide the information we need, you will be spared!"] = "如果你提供我们需要的信息,我就放了你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["If you can get that crate fast enough, your beloved \"princess\" may go free."] = "如果你能尽快得到箱子,你最爱的“公主”就能自由", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["If you decide to help us, though, we will no longer need to find a new governor for the island."] = "如果你决定帮助我们,我就不需要给这个岛屿找一个新管理者", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["If you don't want to slip away, you have to keep moving!"] = "如果你不想滑走,你必须保持移动", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!"] = "如果你卡住了,使用沙漠之鹰或重开任务", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "如果你卡住了,使用沙漠之鹰或重开任务|", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["If you help us you can keep the device if you find it but we'll keep everything else."] = "如果你帮助我们,找到设备后可以带走,但我要其他东西", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["If you hurt an enemy, you'll get one third of the damage dealt."] = "如果你伤害了一个敌人,你会得到造成伤害的三分之一", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["If you injure a hedgehog you'll get 35% of the damage dealt."] = "如果你伤害了一个刺猬,你会得到造成伤害的35%", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["If you just don’t care …"] = "如果你不在乎……", -- Continental_supplies
["If you kill a hedgehog with the respective weapon your health points will be set to 100."] = "如果你用各自的武器杀死一个刺猬,你的血量会设为100", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["If you kill an enemy, your health will be set to 100."] = "如果你杀死一个敌人,你的血量会设为100", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["If you know what I mean..."] = "如果你明白我的意思……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["If you miss a shot while trying to|re-attach, your rope is gone, too!"] = "如果你再次发射绳索失败,绳索就没了", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["If you say so..."] = "如果你这么说……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["If you skip a turn then the turn time left will be added to your next turn."] = "如果你跳过一个回合,剩余回合时间会加到下一回合", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["If you wish to replay, there are other possible endings, too!"] = "如果你想再玩一次,还有其他可能的结局", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Igmund"] = "Igmund", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
["I grew sick of the oppression! I broke free!"] = "我受够了压迫,我挣脱了!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I guess I can't go far without fuel!"] = "我猜没有燃料不能走多远", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["I guess we lost him!"] = "我猜我们跟丢他了", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "我猜你必须杀了他们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "我来给你提供一个机会……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["I have heard that the local tribes say that many years ago some PAotH scientists were dumping their waste here."] = "我听本地部落说,很多年前一些星球协会科学家在这里倒垃圾", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["I have more important things to do!"] = "我还有很多重要的事要做", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "我不知道那鼹鼠消失到哪里……你能看到它吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["I have only 3 hogs available and they are all cadets."] = "我只有三个刺猬可用,他们都受过训练", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["I have to follow that alien."] = "我必须跟着那个外星人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I have to get back to the village!"] = "我必须回到村子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["I have to reach the surface as quickly as I can."] = "我必须尽快回到地面", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["I hope you are prepared for a small challenge, young one."] = "我希望你准备好应对一个小挑战,年轻人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["I just don't want to sink to your level."] = "我只是不想陷入你的麻烦事", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I just forgot all checkpoints of incomplete missions."] = "我忘了没完成的任务的所有检查点", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["I just found out that they have captured your princess!"] = "我刚发现他们抓了你的公主", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["I just want the strange device you found!"] = "我只想要你找到的奇怪设备", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["I just wonder where Ramon and Spiky disappeared..."] = "我只是好奇Ramon和Spiky消失去哪里……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["I know and I'm terribly sorry!"] = "我知道,并且很抱歉", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I know, my hero!"] = "我知道,我的英雄", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I know that your resources are low due to the battle but I'll send two of my best hogs to assist you."] = "我知道因为战斗你的资源很少,但我会派出两个最好的刺猬帮助你", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["I … like being with you, too."] = "我……也喜欢和你在一起", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I'll get him!"] = "我会抓到他", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["I'll hold them off while you return to the village!"] = "我会在你回到村子时拖延他们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["I'll let you know whatever I know about him if you manage to catch me 3 times."] = "如果你能抓到我三次,我就告诉你关于他的事情", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["I'll make good use of it."] = "我会好好使用它", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["I'll protect you!"] = "我会保护你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I love Dense Cloud now!"] = "我现在喜欢Dense Cloud", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I love you."] = "我爱你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I'm afraid I can't let you proceed!"] = "我恐怕不能让你继续下去", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I'm afraid we cannot afford that."] = "我担心我们不能承担", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Imagine those targets are the wolves that killed your parents! Take your anger out on them!"] = "想象那些目标是你的仇人,对他们发泄怒火", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["I'm...alive? How? Why?"] = "我……还活着?怎么?为什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I'm a ninja."] = "我是一个忍者", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["I marked the place of their arrival. You're welcome!"] = "我标记了他们到达的位置,不客气", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I may lost this battle, but I haven't lost the war yet!"] = "我输了这次战斗,但我还没输了这个战争", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["I'm certain that this is a misunderstanding, fellow hedgehogs!"] = "我确定这是误会,刺猬同志", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["I mean, none of you ceased to live."] = "我是说,你们都不会死", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["I'm getting old for this!"] = "I'm getting old for this!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["I'm getting thirsty..."] = "我渴了……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["I'm glad this is over!"] = "我很高兴这一切结束了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I'm here to help you rescue her."] = "我来帮你救她", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["I'm living a dream!"] = "我活在梦里", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I'm not sure about that!"] = "我不确定", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["IMPORTANT: To see the mission panel again, hold the mission panel key."] = "重要: 要再次看到任务面板,按任务面板键", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["IMPORTANT: To see the mission panel again, pause the game."] = "重要: 要再次看到任务面板,暂停游戏", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
[" are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "令人印象深刻……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["%i ms"] = "%i毫秒", -- Gravity
["I'm so glad this is finally over!"] = "我很高兴这一切终于结束了", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["I'm so scared!"] = "我很害怕", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["I'm still low on hogs. If you are not afraid I could use a set of extra hands."] = "我的刺猬还是很少,如果你不担心,我可以用一套额外的手", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["I'm still with the aliens."] = "我还跟外星人在一起", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I'm terribly sorry!"] = "我非常抱歉", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I'm the spy! I've been giving you out!"] = "我是间谍,我一直在出卖你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["In am also entrusting you with some rope."] = "我给你一些绳子", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["In case you haven't noticed, I'm a woman, too!"] = "如果你还没注意到,我也是一个女人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Increase the dust storm damage by sacrificing|your invulnerable ammo."] = "牺牲你的无敌的弹药来增加沙尘暴的伤害", -- Continental_supplies
["Incredible..."] = "不可思议的……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Indestructible Girder: [2]"] = "不可破坏的大梁: [2]", -- HedgeEditor
["Indestructible Land: [2]"] = "不可破坏的地面: [2]", -- HedgeEditor
["Indestructible Land"] = "不可破坏的地面", -- HedgeEditor
["In each round, the worst hedgehog of the round is eliminated."] = "每个回合最差的刺猬会淘汰", -- TrophyRace
["I need to find the others!"] = "我需要找到其他人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "我需要到达岛屿的一边,快", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["I need to move the tribe!"] = "我需要转移部落", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["I need to prevent their arrival!"] = "我需要阻止他们到达", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I need to warn the others."] = "我需要警告其他人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "事实上,你是唯一行为怪异的那个", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Initial health: %d"] = "初始血量: %d", -- Continental_supplies
["Initiate escape wish!"] = "发起逃跑愿望", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["In order to get to the other side, you need to get rid of the crates first."] = "为了到达另一边,你需要先得到箱子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Insanity!"] = "神经病!", -- Mutant
["Inside %d"] = "%d里面", -- WxW
["Inside"] = "里面", -- WxW
["Instructions"] = "指令", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Instructor"] = "指导员", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
["Insufficient Power"] = "能量不足", -- Construction_Mode
["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "有趣的主意,哈哈", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "有趣,上次你说你杀了一个食人族", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["In the Ice Planet Flying Saucer Stadium ..."] = "在冰雪星球飞碟体育场", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "同时,拿着这些回到你的“朋友”身边", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["In the stadium, where the best pilots compete ..."] = "在体育场,最好的飞行员比赛的地方", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["In this accident, Professor Hogevil lost all his spines on his head!"] = "在这个事故,Hogevil教授失去了头上所有的刺", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["In this mission you get %d%% fuel."] = "在这个任务你得到了%d%%燃料", -- User_Mission_-_Diver
["In this mission you have infinite time."] = "在这个任务你有无限时间", -- portal
["Invalid Placement"] = "无效的放置", -- Construction_Mode
["Invasion"] = "入侵", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["In your best (and only) flight you took out %d crates with one RC plane!"] = "在你最好的(并且唯一)的飞行中,一个遥控飞机得到了%d箱子", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["In your best flight you took out %d crates with one RC plane."] = "在你最好的飞行中,一个遥控飞机得到了%d箱子", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["I regret to end your little odyssey."] = "我后悔结束你的小奥德赛", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "我亲眼看到了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["I see..."] = "我看看……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["I see you already took care of your enemies."] = "我看到你已经照顾了你的敌人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "我看到你已经做了信仰之跃", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["I see you would like his punishment to be more...personal..."] = "我看你会希望他受到的处罚更……个人的……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["I sense another wave of cannibals heading my way!"] = "我感觉到另一波食人族正在前来", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I sense another wave of cannibals heading our way!"] = "我感觉到另一波食人族正在前来", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["%i s"] = "%i秒", -- Gravity
["I should get myself a portal device, maybe this crate has one."] = "我应该弄一个传送设备,这个箱子可能有一个", -- portal
["I should go now, goodbye!"] = "我现在该走了,再见", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["I shouldn't have drunk that last pint."] = "我不应该喝那么多", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Is this place in my head?"] = "这个地方在我的头里面?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["I still can't believe he sold us out like that."] = "我还是不能相信他就这样出卖我们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I still can't believe you forgave her!"] = "我还是不能相信你原谅她", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I still have to get rid of the crates."] = "我还是必须拿到箱子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Itami"] = "Itami", -- 
["It doesn't matter. I won't let that alien hurt my daughter!"] = "没关系,我不会让那个外星人伤害我的女儿", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["I think I love you!"] = "我想我喜欢你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I think we are safe here."] = "我想我们在这里是安全的", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I thought their shaman died when he tried our medicine!"] = "我想他们的萨满在吃我们的药时死了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["It is called 'Hogs of Steel'."] = "叫做“铁之刺猬”", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["It is time to practice your fighting skills."] = "是时候练习你的战斗技能", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["It must be a childhood trauma..."] = "这一定是童年创伤", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["It must be the aliens!"] = "这一定是外星人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["It must be the aliens' deed."] = "这一定是外星人的行为", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["It must be the cyborgs again!"] = "这一定又是机器人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["It needs some practice, but you have infinite lives."] = "这需要一些训练,但你有无限的生命", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["I told you, I just found them."] = "我告诉过你,这是捡到的", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["It only works in teleportation nodes of your own clan."] = "这只有在你的战队的传送节点生效", -- Construction_Mode
["It's a good thing SUDDEN DEATH is 99 turns away..."] = "我们很快就要淹没了",
["It's all about the right carrots, you know."] = "一切都是关于正确的胡萝卜,你知道", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["It's always up to women to clear up the mess men created!"] = "一直是女人在清理男人造成的脏乱", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["It's amazing how quickly our lives can change."] = "我们的生活这么快就改变了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["It's an ancient ritual of theirs."] = "这是他们的古代仪式", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["IT'S A SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION!"] = "这是一个严重的身体状况", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["It's a shame, I forgot how to do that!"] = "很丢脸,我忘了怎么做", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["It's a shame, really!"] = "丢脸,真的", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["It seems that Professor Hogevil has prepared for your arrival!"] = "看来Hogevil教授已经准备好迎接你的到来", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["It's empty!"] = "这是空的", -- Battalion
["It's impossible to communicate with the spirits without a shaman."] = "有可能不需要萨满,和灵魂交流", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["It's not that easy, so listen carefully:"] = "不是那么简单,所以认真听:", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["It's over..."] = "结束了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["It's precious to me!"] = "这对我来说很珍贵", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["It's time you learned that your actions have consequences!"] = "是时候你该知道你的行动的后果", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["It's worth more than wood!"] = "这比木头值钱", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["It's your fault you're there!"] = "你在那,是你的错", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["It wants our brains!"] = "它想要我们的脑子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["It was all a trick?!"] = "这是一个恶作剧?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["It was all just bad luck!"] = "只是运气不好", -- ClimbHome
["It was completely useless!"] = "设备完全没用", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["It was fun to watch."] = "看着很有趣", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["It was fun to watch, though."] = "看着很有趣", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["It was not a dream, unwise one!"] = "这不是梦,愚蠢的人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["It wasn't her fault!"] = "这不是她的错", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["It would be wiser to steal the space ship while the PAotH guards are taking a brake!"] = "最好是在星球协会卫兵休息时偷走太空船", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Ivan"] = "Ivan", -- 
["I've made it! Yeah!"] = "我做到了,耶!", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["I've seen this before. They just appear out of thin air."] = "我之前见过,他们就这样在空中出现", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["I've thought that the best way to get the device is to let you collect most of the parts for me!"] = "我想得到设备的最好方法是你为我收集大部分部件", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["I want to play a game..."] = "我想玩一个游戏", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["I want to see how it handles this!"] = "我想看它怎么处理这个", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["I was heading home, you see!"] = "我在回家,你看!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I was so scared."] = "我很害怕", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["I was told that as the leader of the king's guard, no one knows this world better than you!"] = "有人告诉我,作为国王卫兵的首领,没人比你更懂这个世界", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["I will never hand you the parts!"] = "我绝不会把部件交给你", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["I wish to help you, %s!"] = "我希望帮助你,%s", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["I wonder where Dense Cloud is..."] = "我想知道Dense Cloud在哪……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["I wonder why I'm so angry all the time..."] = "我想知道为什么我总是那么生气", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["I won't let you kill her!"] = "我不会让你杀了她", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["I won't let you kill the tribe!"] = "我不会让你杀了部落", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["I would gladly help you if we won this battle but under these circumstances I'll only help you if you fight for our side."] = "如果我们赢了这场战斗,我很高兴帮助你,但这种情况下,你站在我们这边才会得到帮助", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Jack"] = "Jack", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Jason"] = "Jason", -- 
["Jeremiah"] = "Jeremiah", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Jetpack"] = "Jetpack", -- Big_Armory
["Jigglypuff"] = "Jigglypuff", -- 
["Jim Morgan"] = "Jim Morgan", -- 
["Jimmy"] = "Jimmy", -- 
["Jingo"] = "Jingo", -- 
["Joe"] = "Joe", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["John"] = "John", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["John Snow"] = "John Snow", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Jolly Roger"] = "Jolly Roger", -- 
["Jones"] = "Jones", -- 
["Judas"] = "Judas", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Juicy"] = "Juicy", -- 
["Jumping"] = "跳跃", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Jumping is disabled"] = "跳跃已禁用",
["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "开玩笑的,你们不会死", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Just look at Leaks, may he rest in peace!"] = "看看Leaks,愿他安息", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Just on a walk."] = "只是散步", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "只要等到我把手放在那外伤,啊", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Kaboom!"] = "Kaboom", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Kaboom! Hahahaha! Take this, stupid meteorite!"] = "Kaboom, 哈哈哈,笨陨石", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Kamikaze"] = "神风特攻队", -- Construction_Mode
["Kamikaze Expert! +15 points!"] = "神风特攻队专家,+15分", -- Space_Invasion
["Keep it up!"] = "保持下去",
["Ken"] = "Ken", -- 
["Kenshi"] = "Kenshi", -- 
["Kerguelen"] = "Kerguelen", -- Continental_supplies
["key."] = "key.", -- Continental_supplies
["Kill all enemy hedgehogs in a single turn."] = "在一个回合杀死所有敌人", -- Big_Armory
["Kill him or skip your turn."] = "杀死他,或者跳过", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Killing spree!"] = "杀戮狂欢",
["Killing the specialists"] = "杀死专家", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["KILL IT!"] = "杀了它", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Kills: %d"] = "杀死: %d", -- Space_Invasion
["Kill the aliens!"] = "杀死外星人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Kill the cannibal!"] = "杀死食人族", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Kill The Leader"] = "杀死领先者", -- WxW
["Kill The Leader: You must also hit the team with the most health."] = "杀死领先者: 你必须攻击最多血量的队伍", -- WxW
["Kill the traitor, %s, or spare his life!"] = "杀死叛徒,%s,或饶他一命", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["--- King ---"] = "---国王---", -- Battalion
["King"] = "国王", -- Battalion
["--- King Mode ---"] = "---国王模式", -- Battalion
["Knight"] = "骑士", -- Battalion
["Knives"] = "Knives", -- 
["Knockball"] = "Knockball", -- Knockball
["Knockball weapon"] = "Knockball武器", -- Knockball
["Knock off the enemies from the left-most place of the map!"] = "在地图的最左边击退敌人", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["koda"] = "Koda", -- 
["Kostya"] = "Kostya", -- 
["Lady Mango"] = "Lady Mango", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01, A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["LandFlag Modification Mode"] = "LandFlag修改模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Land mines explode instantly."] = "地雷立即爆炸", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2
["Lassard"] = "Lassard", -- 
["Last Resort: Having less than 25% base health gives kamikaze"] = "最后的手段: 少于25%基础血量给神风特攻队", -- Battalion
["Last Target!"] = "最后的目标",
["Launch a bouncy ball which explodes into a crate."] = "发射一个弹性球,爆炸后变成箱子", -- Continental_supplies
["Launch some bazookas to destroy the targets!"] = "发射一些火箭炮破坏目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Leader"] = "Leader", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Leaderbot"] = "Leaderbot", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Lead your allies to battle and eliminate all the enemies!"] = "带领你的盟友战斗,消灭所有敌人", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Leaks A Lot"] = "Leaks A Lot", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Leaks A Lot, depressed for killing his loved one, failed to save the village..."] = "Leaks A Lot很沮丧,他喜欢的人死了,没能拯救村子,", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Leaks A Lot gave his life for his tribe! He should have survived!"] = "Leaks A Lot 为部落付出生命,他应该活下来的", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "Leaks A Lot 一定还活着", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Leap of Faith"] = "信仰之跃", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Led Heart"] = "Led Heart", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Lee"] = "Lee", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Left and right"] = "左和右", -- WxW
["Left, right and roof"] = "左,右和顶部", -- WxW
["[Left], [Right]: Change between identities."] = "[左]/[右]: 改变身份", -- HedgeEditor
["[Left], [Right]: Change health value."] = "[左]/[右]: 改变血量", -- HedgeEditor
["Left/right: Choose crate contents"] = "[左]/[右]: 选择箱子内容", -- Construction_Mode
["Left/right: Choose structure type"] = "[左]/[右]: 选择结构类型", -- Construction_Mode
["Left/right: Choose structure type|Cursor: Build structure"] = "[左]/[右]: 选择结构类型|光标: 建造结构", -- Construction_Mode
["Legs"] = "Legs", -- 
["Less tools, more fun"] = "更少工具,更多乐趣", -- Battalion
["Lestat"] = "Lestat", -- portal
["Let a continent provide your weapons!"] = "让一个大陆提供你的武器", -- Continental_supplies
["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "让我测试你的技能,你愿意?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Let's get started!"] = "让我们开始", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Let's go!"] = "Let's go!", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Let's go home!"] = "让我们回家", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Let's go, %s!"] = "Let's go,%s!", -- WxW
["Let's head back to the village!"] = "让我们回到村子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Let's see what your comrade does now!"] = "让我们看看你的同志现在做什么", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Let's show those cannibals what we're made of!"] = "让我们向那些食人族展示我们是什么做成的", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "让他们尝尝我的狂怒", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Let us help, too!"] = "让我们帮忙", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Level 1 clear!"] = "关卡1完成", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["Level 2 clear!"] = "关卡2完成", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["Level Data Saved!"] = "关卡数据已保存", -- HedgeEditor
["Lightbender"] = "Lightbender", -- 
["Light Cannfantry"] = "Light Cannfantry", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Limited Ammo"] = "有限弹药", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Listen carefully! The bandit leader, Thanta, has recently found a very strange device."] = "认真听,强盗首领Thanta刚找到了一个非常奇怪的设备", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Listen up, maggot!"] = "听好,小子!", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "听好,小子!!",
["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "他们不知道会永远记住这次打猎……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Little Obstacle Course"] = "小障碍课程", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Lively Lifeguard"] = "精力充沛的救生员",
["Lonely Cries"] = "孤独的哭泣", -- Continental_supplies
["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 6 damage to all enemy hogs.]"] = "孤独的哭泣: [提升水面,如果圈中没有刺猬,并对所有敌人造成6伤害]", -- Continental_supplies
["Long Jump: [Enter]"] = "远跳: [Enter]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Long Jump: Tap the [Curvy Arrow] button for long"] = "远跳: [Curvy Arrow]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Long Live The Queen"] = "女王万岁", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Look around: [Mouse movement]"] = "到处看: [移动鼠标]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Look around: [Tap or swipe on the screen]"] = "到处看: [点或滑动屏幕]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Look, boss! There is the target!"] = "看,首领,那里有个目标", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Look, I had no choice!"] = "看,我没得选", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "注意,那里还有更多", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "注意,我们被食人族包围了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "看起来整个世界崩溃了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Look to the left and do a backwards jump towards the mushroom."] = "看向左边,用“后跳”跳上蘑菇", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Loon"] = "Loon", -- The_Specialists
["Loopy"] = "Loopy", -- 
["Losing Condition: Destroy"] = "失败条件: 破坏", -- HedgeEditor
["Low Gravity: Gravity is %i%%"] = "低重力: 重力是%i%%", -- Gravity
["Loyal Highlander: Eliminate enemy hogs to take their weapons"] = "忠诚的高地人: 消灭敌人并拿走他们的武器", -- Highlander
["Lt. Luke"] = "Lt. Luke", -- 
["Lucifer"] = "Lucifer", -- portal
["Luck: %d%% (modifier for crates)"] = "幸运: %d%%(箱子的修改器)", -- Battalion
["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "很幸运,我们设法抢到一些", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Ludicrous kill!"] = "Ludicrous Kill", -- Mutant
["Lugia"] = "Lugia", -- 
["Luigi"] = "Luigi", -- 
["Made it!"] = "做到了", -- ClimbHome
["Mahoney"] = "Mahoney", -- 
["Make fun of me when I fart …"] = "我放屁时取笑我", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Manual:"] = "手册:", -- HedgeEditor
["Many long forgotten things can be found in the same tunnels that we are about to explore!"] = "在我们将要探索的同一条隧道中,可以找到许多久违的事物", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Many meters below the surface ..."] = "表面以下很多米……", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["Mario"] = "Mario", -- 
["Mark gears for win/lose conditions"] = "标记物体-输赢条件", -- HedgeEditor
["Mark/unmark gear: [Left Click]"] = "标记/取消标记物体: [左键]", -- HedgeEditor
["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "- 第一回合大量武器奖励", -- Continental_supplies
["Max Citrus"] = "Max Citrus", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Maybe you should try an easier map next time."] = "你应该试一下简单的地图", -- Racer
["Maybe you should try an easier TechRacer map."] = "你应该试一下简单的TechRacer地图", -- TechRacer
["Maybe you should try easier waypoints next time."] = "你应该试一下简单的路径点", -- Racer
["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "愿祖先的灵魂在你所有的任务里帮助你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Meals"] = "Meals", -- 
["Medic"] = "Medic", -- Battalion
["Medicine"] = "药", -- Continental_supplies
["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "药: [引爆药物会治疗所有受到爆炸影响的刺猬]", -- Continental_supplies
["MEDIUM"] = "中等", -- Continental_supplies
["Mega kill!"] = "Mega kill!", -- Mutant
["Meiwes"] = "Meiwes", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["mikade"] = "mikade", -- 
["Mindy"] = "Mindy", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Mine Deployer"] = "地雷部署器",
["Mine Placement Mode"] = "地雷放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["MINE PLACEMENT MODE"] = "地雷放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Mines explode after %d s."] = "地雷%d秒后爆炸", -- Mutant
["Mines time: 0s-5s"] = "地雷时间: 0-5秒", -- SimpleMission
["Mines time: 0 seconds"] = "地雷时间: 0秒", -- portal, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape, A_Space_Adventure:desert01, A_Space_Adventure:final, A_Space_Adventure:fruit02, A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Mines time: 1.5 seconds"] = "地雷时间: 1.5秒", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["Mines time: %.1fs"] = "地雷时间: %.1f秒", -- SimpleMission
["Mines time: 1 second"] = "地雷时间: 1秒", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock, A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["Mines time: %.2fs"] = "地雷时间: %.2f秒", -- SimpleMission
["Mines time: 3 seconds"] = "地雷时间: 3秒", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Mines time: 5 seconds"] = "地雷时间: 5秒", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Mines time: %ds"] = "地雷时间: %d秒", -- SimpleMission
["Mine Strike"] = "地雷空袭", -- Construction_Mode
["Minion"] = "Minion", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Minions"] = "Minions", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Mission failed!"] = "任务失败", -- Big_Armory
["Mission failure in %d s"] = "任务失败在%d秒", -- Big_Armory
["Mission"] = "任务", -- HedgeEditor
["Mission lost!"] = "任务失败", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Mission Panel"] = "任务面板", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Mission panel: [M]"] = "任务面板: [M]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Mission succeeded!"] = "任务成功", -- portal, User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, SimpleMission, HedgeEditor
["Mission won!"] = "任务胜利", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Mister Pear"] = "Mister Pear", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01, A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Mixed %d"] = "混合%d", -- WxW
["Mixed"] = "混合", -- WxW
["Modes: Activate “highland”, “king” or “points” mode by putting mode=<name>|into the script parameter"] = "模式: 把mode=***放入脚本参数|激活“highland”, “king” 或 “points”模式", -- Battalion
["Modifiers: Unlimited ammo, per-hog ammo"] = "修改器: 无限弹药,每个刺猬弹药", -- Battalion
["Modifiers: Unlimited ammo, shared clan ammo"] = "修改器: 无限弹药,战队共享弹药", -- Battalion
["Modifiers: Unlimited attacks, per-hog ammo"] = "修改器: 无限攻击,每个刺猬弹药", -- Battalion
["Modifiers: Unlimited attacks, shared clan ammo"] = "修改器: 无限攻击,战队共享弹药", -- Battalion
["Modify Sprite under Cursor: [Left Click]"] = "修改光标下的Sprite: [左键]", -- HedgeEditor
["Molly"] = "Molly", -- 
["Molotov"] = "燃烧瓶", -- Continental_supplies
["Monster kill!"] = "Monster kill!", -- Mutant
["Monsters"] = "Monsters", -- 
["Mooney"] = "Mooney", -- 
["Morris"] = "Morris", -- 
["Most mines are not active."] = "大多数地雷没有激活", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["Most of the destructible terrain in marked with blue color"] = "大多数可破坏的地形用蓝色标记", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Most of the destructible terrain is marked with dashed lines."] = "大多数可破坏的地形用虚线标记", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Most of the time you'll be able to use the freezer only."] = "大多数时间你只能用冰冻枪", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "移动: [上下左右]",
["Mr Mango"] = "Mr Mango", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Mudkip"] = "Mudkip", -- 
["Multi-shot! +15 points!"] = "多次射击,+15分", -- Space_Invasion
["Multi-Use: You can take and use the same ammo type multiple times in a turn"] = "多次使用: 你可以在一个回合多次使用相同类型的武器", -- Highlander
["Muriel"] = "Muriel", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Muscle Dissolver"] = "Muscle Dissolver", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Mushroom Kingdom"] = "蘑菇王国", -- 
["Mutant"] = "变种人", -- Mutant
["My First Bazooka"] = "我的第一个火箭炮", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["My flying saucer stopped working!"] = "我的飞碟停止工作了", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Nade Boy"] = "Nade Boy", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Nah, probably everyone was just stupid."] = "呐,可能每个人都是笨蛋", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Name"] = "名字", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Nancy Screw"] = "Nancy Screw", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Napalm"] = "凝固汽油弹", -- Construction_Mode
["Napalm Rocket"] = "凝固汽油弹火箭", -- Continental_supplies
["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "凝固汽油弹火箭: [用凝固汽油弹点燃炸弹]", -- Continental_supplies
["Naranja Jed"] = "Naranja Jed", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Naughty Ninja"] = "Naughty Ninja", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
["Near a PAotH base on the moon ..."] = "在月球的星球协会基地附近……", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Near Secret Base 17 of PAotH in the rural Hogland ..."] = "在rural Hogland的星球协会的秘密基地17附近……", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["nemo"] = "nemo", -- 
["Neutralize your enemies and be careful!"] = "消灭你的敌人", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["New barrels per turn: %d"] = "每个回合新的油桶: %d", -- Tumbler
["New clan record: %.1fs"] = "新的战队记录: %.1f秒", -- Racer, TechRacer
["NEW fastest lap: "] = "新的最快一圈: ",
["New mines per turn: %d"] = "每个回合新的地雷: %d", -- Tumbler
["New race record: %.1fs"] = "新的竞赛记录: %.1f秒", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Newton and the Hammock"] = "牛顿和吊床", -- User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
["Next target is ready!"] = "下一个目标已准备好", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Next time you play \"Searching in the dust\" you'll have an RC plane available."] = "下一次你玩“尘中搜索”会得到一个可用的遥控飞机", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["Nice!"] = "Nice!", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Nicely done, meatbags!"] = "做得好,肉包!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Nice! Now hurry and get down! You have to rescue my friends!"] = "很好,现在赶快下来,你必须救出我的朋友", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Nice, then I should get the part as soon as possible!"] = "很好,然后我应该尽快得到部件", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Nice work!"] = "做得好", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Nice work, meatbags!"] = "做得好,肉包!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Nice work, %s!"] = "做得好,%s", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Nilarian"] = "Nilarian", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Ninja"] = "忍者", -- Battalion, HedgeEditor, The_Specialists
["Ninpo"] = "Ninpo", -- 
["Nobody Laugh"] = "没人笑", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
["Nobody managed to finish the race. What a shame!"] = "没人能够完成竞赛", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Nobody takes walks every day!"] = "没有人每天都散步", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["No continent selected"] = "没选择大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["No, I am afraid I had to travel light."] = "不,恐怕我不得不轻装旅行", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "不,我回来帮你出去……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "不……我想知道他们消失去哪了?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Nom-Nom"] = "Nom-Nom", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["NomNom"] = "NomNom", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["No Multi-Use: Once you used an ammo, you can’t take it again in this turn"] = "不能多次使用: 使用武器后本回合不能再用", -- Highlander
["Noo, Thanta has to stay alive!"] = "不,Thanta还活着", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "不,这是一个很快的鼹鼠,可以肯定", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["No! Please, help me!"] = "不,请帮助我", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["No problem, Captain!"] = "没问题,船长", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["No problem, I would do anything for H!"] = "没问题,我会为H做任何事", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["No radar pings left!"] = "雷达探测没有了", -- Space_Invasion
["NORMAL"] = "普通", -- Continental_supplies
["Normal Girder: [1]"] = "普通大梁: [1]", -- HedgeEditor
["Normal Land: [1]"] = "普通地面: [1]", -- HedgeEditor
["Normal Land"] = "普通地面", -- HedgeEditor
["Normally, the mission panel disappears after a few seconds."] = "任务面板通常几秒后消失", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Normal Rubber: [1]"] = "普通橡皮筋: [1]", -- HedgeEditor
["North America"] = "北美", -- Continental_supplies
["Not being able to fight or hunt."] = "不能够战斗或打猎", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Note: Some weapons have a second option (See continent information). Find and use them with the \""] = "注意: 一些武器有第二个选项(看大陆信息),找到并使用它们with the \"", -- Continental_supplies
["Note: Some weapons have a second option (See continent information). Find and use them with the \"%s\" key."] = "注意: 一些武器有第二个选项(看大陆信息),找到并使用它们%s键", -- Continental_supplies
["Note: This basic training assumes default controls."] = "注意: 这个基础训练使用默认控制", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Note: Walking is disabled in this mission."] = "注意: 在这个任务不能走动", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Note: We only give you grenades if you stay in your flying saucer."] = "注意: 我们只在你停留在飞碟的时候给你手榴弹", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Nothing of interest has happened."] = "没发生有趣的事情", -- Space_Invasion
["Not now, Fiery Water!"] = "不是现在,Fiery Water", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Not So Friendly Match"] = "不是那么友善的比赛", -- Basketball, Knockball
["Not you again! My head still hurts from last time!"] = "又是你,自从上次,我的头现在还痛", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["No waypoint to be removed!"] = "没有能移除的路径点", -- Racer
["Now collect the 2 crates to the far left and right."] = "现在收集两个箱子,到达左边和右边的远处", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Now collect the next crate!"] = "现在收集下一个箱子", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Now dive just one more time and collect the next crate."] = "现在再潜水一次,收集下一个箱子", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["No, we made sure of that!"] = "不,我们保证过", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Now find the next target! |Tip: Normally you lose health by falling down, so be careful!"] = "现在找到下一个目标|提示: 掉下去通常会掉血,小心点", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Now for the supreme discipline of saucer flying, the underwater attack."] = "现在是飞碟的最高训练,水下攻击", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Now go and don't waste more of my time, you coward!"] = "现在走,不要浪费我的时间,你这个胆小鬼", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Now go and play the menu mission to complete the campaign."] = "现在回到菜单做任务完成战役", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["Now go to the next crate."] = "现在去拿下一个箱子", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["No! What have I done?! What have YOU done?!"] = "不,我做了什么,你做了什么?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["No. Where did he come from?"] = "不,他们从哪来的?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "现在我怎么到达另一边?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Now I have to climb these trees"] = "现在我要爬上这些树", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["No Wind Influcence"] = "没有风力影响", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["No Wind Influence"] = "没有风力影响", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Now let's try to drop weapons while flying!"] = "现在让我们试着在飞行时丢下武器", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Now listen carefully! Below us there are tunnels that have been created naturally over the years"] = "现在认真听,我们下面是经过很多年自然创造的隧道", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Now try to get out of this bounce house|and take the next crate."] = "现在试着离开这个弹跳的房子|并拿到下一个箱子", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Now use it and go to the moon PAotH station to get more fuel!"] = "现在使用它,并到达月球星球协会站,得到更多燃料", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Now you have the chance to try and claim the place that you deserve among the best."] = "现在你有机会去争取你应得的最好的位置", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "不,你和部落的人在那里更安全", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Objective completed! Now land safely."] = "目标完成,现在安全着陆", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Objectives"] = "目标", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Object Placer"] = "物体放置器", -- Construction_Mode
["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "消灭他们|提示: 你可能需要找掩护……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Obstacle"] = "障碍", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Obstacle course"] = "障碍课程", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Of course, but you're … special."] = "当然,但你是……特别的", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Of course I am!"] = "我当然是", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "当然,我必须救她,我期望什么?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Of course! It's all obvious now!"] = "当然,现在都显而易见了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Of course, I will observe the battle and intervene if necessary."] = "当然,我会观察战斗,如果有必要就干扰", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["OH, COME ON!"] = "OH, COME ON!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Oh man! Learn how to fly!"] = "Oh,学学怎么飞", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Oh, my!"] = "Oh, my!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Oh, my! I forgot something!"] = "Oh, my! 我忘了某件事", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Oh, my! This is even more entertaining than I've expected!"] = "Oh, my! 这比我想象的还要有趣", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Oh no, not %s!"] = "Oh no, 不要是%s", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Oh no, the companions have betrayed %s and stole the anti-gravity device part!"] = "Oh no, 同伴已经背叛%s,偷走了反重力设备部件", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Oh no! You have died. Try again!"] = "Oh no, 你死了,再试一次", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Oh! Please spare me. You can take all my treasures!"] = "Oh, 请饶了我,你可以拿走我所有的财宝", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Oh, silly me! I forgot that I'm the shaman."] = "Oh, 我傻了,我忘了我是萨满", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Oh, that. We were just having fun!"] = "Oh, 那个,我们只是在玩", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Oh yeah! You sure know how to rope!"] = "Oh yeah! 你当然知道怎么用绳索", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Oh yes! I got the device part! Now it belongs to me alone."] = "Oh yes! 我得到了设备部件,现在它只属于我", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Okay, I'll be extra careful!"] = "好的,我会额外小心", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Okay, now destroy the target|using the baseball bat."] = "好的,现在破坏目标|使用棒球棒", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Okay then!"] = "好吧", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Okay, then you have to go and take some of the weapons we have hidden in case of an emergency!"] = "好的,然后你必须走,并拿到我们防止意外藏起来的一些武器", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Old One Eye"] = "Old One Eye", -- 
["Oleg"] = "Oleg", -- 
["Olive"] = "Olive", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Omnivore"] = "杂食性动物", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "从前,在一个岛屿上有很多自然资源,岛上两个部落激烈冲突……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Once you set off the proximity trigger, Mr. Mine is not your friend"] = "一旦触发近距离触发器,地雷先生就不是你的朋友了", -- ClimbHome
["One does not simply rope to the moon!"] = "一个人不应该简单地用绳索去月球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["One flower: Incomplete side missions"] = "一朵花: 未完成支线任务", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["One shall not judge one by one's appearance!"] = "一个人不应该评判另一个人的外表", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "一个部落很和平,花时间打猎和训练,享受平静的生活", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Oneye"] = "Oneye", -- portal
["Only one hog per team allowed! Excess hogs will be removed"] = "只允许每个队伍一个刺猬,过量的刺猬会被移除", -- Mutant
["Only one hog per team allowed! Excess hogs will be removed."] = "只允许每个队伍一个刺猬,过量的刺猬会被移除", -- Mutant
["Only one team per clan allowed! Excess teams will be removed."] = "只允许每个战队一个队伍,过量的队伍会被移除", -- Mutant
["Only %s can be trusted with the crate."] = "%s只能信任箱子", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Only the best pilots can master the following stunts."] = "只有最好的飞行员能掌握下面的绝技", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Only two clans allowed! Excess hedgehogs will be removed."] = "只允许两个战队,过量的刺猬会被移除", -- CTF_Blizzard
["On the Ice Planet, where ice rules ..."] = "在冰雪统治的冰雪星球……", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["On the other side of the moon ..."] = "在月球的另一边", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["On the Planet of Sand, you have to double check your moves ..."] = "在沙的星球,你必须双倍检查你的行动……", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["On this map you get %d%% fuel."] = "在这个地图你得到%d%%燃料", -- TechRacer
["On this map you get infinite fuel."] = "在这个地图你得到无限燃料", -- TechRacer
["Oops...I dropped them."] = "噢……我放下它们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Oops, I've been spotted and I have no weapons! I am doomed!"] = "噢,我被发现了,而且没有武器,我完蛋了", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Oops! You have selected the wrong hedgehog! Just try again."] = "噢,你选择了错误的刺猬,再试一次", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Open ammo menu: [Right click]"] = "打开弹药菜单: [右键]", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade, Basic_Training_-_Movement, Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Open ammo menu: Tap the [Suitcase]"] = "打开弹药菜单: [Suitcase]", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade, Basic_Training_-_Movement, Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "打开那个箱子并继续", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Opposing Team: "] = "对方队伍: ",
["Orange"] = "Orange", -- 
["Orlando Boom!"] = "Orlando Boom!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Or let the next player place waypoints|if less than 2 waypoints have been placed."] = "或者让下一个玩家放置路径点|如果已经放置的路径点少于两个", -- Racer
["Or maybe this was all part of an evil plan, so evil that even Prof. Hogevil can't think of it!"] = "或者这个是一个邪恶计划的全部,即使Hogevil教授也没想到", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Oscillating Gravity: Gravity periodically changes within a range from %i%% to %i%% with a period of %s"] = "摆动的重力: 重力周期地改变,一段时间%s,从%i%%到%i%%", -- Gravity
["Other kills don't give you points."] = "其他杀死不会给你分数", -- Mutant
["Ouch! That must have hurt. %s (%s) hit the ground with %d damage points."] = "那一定很疼,%s(%s)砸到地面造成%d伤害", -- ClimbHome
["Ouch! That must have hurt. You mutilated your poor hedgehog hog with %d damage."] = "那一定很疼,你让可怜的刺猬残疾,%d伤害", -- ClimbHome
["Ouch! You just took fall damage."] = "你掉下来受伤了", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "我们的部落,我们漂亮的岛屿", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Out of ammo!"] = "弹药没了", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03, Tumbler
["Out of ammo! Try again!"] = "弹药没了,再试一次", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Over the Water"] = "穿过水面", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["PAotH"] = "PAotH", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos, A_Space_Adventure:death01, A_Space_Adventure:desert01, A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["PAotH has sent explosives but unfortunately the trigger mechanism seems to be faulty!"] = "星球协会已经发送了爆炸物,但不幸的是触发装置故障了", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Parachute"] = "降落伞", -- Continental_supplies
["Patches"] = "Patches", -- 
["Pathetic Hog #1"] = "可怜刺猬一号",
["Pathetic Hog #2"] = "可怜刺猬二号",
["Paul McHoggy"] = "Paul McHoggy", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01, A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Pause: [P]"] = "暂停: [P]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Pause: Tap the [Pause] button"] = "暂停: 按[暂停]键", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Penalty: If you violate above rule, you have to skip in the next turn."] = "惩罚: 如果你违反了上面的规则,下一回合必须跳过", -- WxW
["Penguin Roar"] = "企鹅吼叫", -- Continental_supplies
["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 10% of your hog’s health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "企鹅吼叫: [对周围刺猬造成15伤害+10%你的血量,得到2/3回血]", -- Continental_supplies
["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "企鹅吼叫: [对周围刺猬造成15伤害+10%你的血量,得到2/3回血]", -- Continental_supplies
["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "完美,接下来拿到下一个箱子,不要伤到自己", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Per-hog Ammo: Weapons are not shared between hogs"] = "每个刺猬弹药: 刺猬之间不共享武器", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
["Personal best: %.3f seconds"] = "个人最好成绩: %.3f秒", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Per team weapons"] = "每个队伍武器", -- Continental_supplies
["Pfew! That was close!"] = "呼,好险", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Phosphat"] = "Phosphat", -- portal
["Physicist"] = "物理学家", -- HedgeEditor
["Piano Strike"] = "钢琴空袭", -- Construction_Mode
["Pikachu"] = "Pikachu", -- 
["Pings left: %d"] = "雷达探测剩余: %d", -- Space_Invasion
["Pink"] = "Pink", -- 
["Pirates"] = "Pirates", -- 
["Place 2-%d waypoints using the waypoint placement tool."] = "使用路径点放置工具放置2-%d路径点", -- Racer
["Place 2 waypoints using the waypoint placement tool."] = "使用路径点放置工具放置2路径点", -- Racer
["Place air mines"] = "放置浮空雷", -- HedgeEditor
["Place barrels"] = "放置油桶", -- HedgeEditor
["Place cleavers"] = "放置菜刀", -- HedgeEditor
["Place/Delete Waypoint: [Left Click]"] = "放置/删除路径点: [左键]", -- HedgeEditor
["Place dud mines"] = "放置哑弹地雷", -- HedgeEditor
["Place Gears (and more): Gear Placement Tool"] = "放置物体(和更多): 物体放置工具", -- HedgeEditor
["Place Girder: Girder"] = "放置大梁: 大梁", -- HedgeEditor
["Place Girder: [Left Click]"] = "放置大梁: [左键]", -- HedgeEditor
["Place girders"] = "放置大梁", -- HedgeEditor
["Place health crates"] = "放置医疗箱", -- HedgeEditor
["Place hedgehogs: Place your hedgehogs at the start of the game."] = "放置刺猬: 在游戏开始时放置你的刺猬", -- WxW
["Placement Mode"] = "放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Place mines"] = "放置地雷", -- HedgeEditor
["Place, modify and delete gears (e.g. objects)|and waypoints, edit hedgehog settings, values,|victory conditions, and more."] = "放置,修改和删除物体和路径点|编辑刺猬设置,数值,胜利条件和更多", -- HedgeEditor
["Place Object: [Left Click]"] = "放置物体: [左键]", -- HedgeEditor
["Place or delete waypoints"] = "放置或删除路径点", -- HedgeEditor
["Place rubber"] = "放置橡皮筋", -- HedgeEditor
["Place Rubber: Rubber"] = "放置橡皮筋: 橡皮筋", -- HedgeEditor
["Place Sprite: [Left Click]"] = "放置Sprite: [左键]", -- HedgeEditor
["Place sprites to build land"] = "放置sprites以建造地面", -- HedgeEditor
["Place sticky mines"] = "放置黏性地雷", -- HedgeEditor
["Place targets"] = "放置目标", -- HedgeEditor
["Place utility crates"] = "放置工具箱", -- HedgeEditor
["Place Waypoint"] = "放置路径点", -- HedgeEditor
["Place waypoint"] = "放置路径点", -- Racer
["Place weapon crates"] = "放置武器箱", -- HedgeEditor
["- Place your clan flag at the end of your first turn"] = "- 第一个刺猬选好光环出现的位置|- 双方第一回合结束后出现光环", -- Capture_the_Flag
["- Place your team flag at the end of your first turn"] = "- 第一个刺猬选好光环出现的位置|- 双方第一回合结束后出现光环", -- Capture_the_Flag
["Planes used: %d"] = "已使用飞机: %d", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Planes Used"] = "已使用飞机", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Planes Used:"] = "已使用飞机:", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Planets with all missions completed will be marked with two flowers."] = "完成所有任务的星球会标记两朵花", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Planets with completed main missions will be marked with a flower."] = "完成主线任务的星球会标记一朵花", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Play with me!"] = "和我玩", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Please click on a crate."] = "请点击一个箱子", -- HedgeEditor
["Please click on a gear."] = "请点击一个物体", -- HedgeEditor
["Please click on a hedgehog, barrel, health crate or dud mine."] = "请点击一个刺猬、油桶、医疗箱或哑弹地雷", -- HedgeEditor
["Please click on a hedgehog."] = "请点击一个刺猬", -- HedgeEditor
["Please place the waypoint further away from the waterline"] = "请远离水面放置路径点", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Please place the waypoint in the air and within the map boundaries"] = "请在空中放置路径点,不能超出边界", -- TechRacer
["Please place the waypoint in the air, within the map boundaries"] = "请在空中放置路径点,不能超出边界", -- Racer
["Please place your hedgehog first!"] = "请先放置你的刺猬", -- WxW
["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "请停止释放你的“烟雾信号”", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Please wait …"] = "请等待……", -- WxW
["Point Blank Combo! +5 points!"] = "Point Blank Combo! +5分", -- Space_Invasion
["--- Points ---"] = "---分数---", -- Battalion
["--- Points Mode ---"] = "---分数模式---", -- Battalion
["Poison"] = "Poison", 
["Poisonous Apple"] = "Poisonous Apple", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Poisonous, deals no damage."] = "有毒,无伤害", -- Continental_supplies
["Pokémon"] = "Pokémon", -- 
["Poor %s (%s) died %d times."] = "可怜的%s(%s)死了%d次", -- Mutant
["Population"] = "人口", -- Continental_supplies
["Porkey"] = "Porkey", -- 
["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "传送门提示: 一个是终点,一个是入口|", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Portal hint: One goes to the destination, the other one is the entrance.|"] = "传送门提示: 一个是终点,其他是入口|", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Portal Mind Challenge"] = "传送门思维挑战", -- portal
["Precise Aim: [Left Shift]"] = "精确瞄准: [左Shift]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Precise Aim: [Left Shift] + [Up]/[Down]"] = "精确瞄准: [左Shift]+[上]/[下]", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Precise flying"] = "精确飞行", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["Precise: Remove previous waypoint"] = "精确: 移除上一个路径点", -- Racer
["Precise shooting"] = "精确射击", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Predator"] = "Predator", -- portal
["Prepare for battle!"] = "准备战斗", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Prepare to fight"] = "准备战斗", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Prepare to flee!"] = "准备逃跑", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Prepare yourself, %s!"] = "准备好,%s", -- The_Specialists
["Press [Attack] (space bar by default) to start,|repeadedly tap the up, left and right movement keys to accelerate."] = "按[攻击](默认是空格)开始|重复按上左右加速", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Press [Attack] (space bar by default) to start,|repeatedly tap the up, left and right movement keys to accelerate."] = "按[攻击](默认是空格)开始|重复按上左右加速", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Press [Attack] to begin."] = "按[攻击]开始", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Press [Attack] to confirm."] = "按[攻击]确认", -- Continental_supplies
["Press [Attack] to select this continent!"] = "按[攻击]选择这个大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["Press [Left] and [Right] to change the difficulty."] = "按[左]和[右]改变难度", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Long Jump] to jump forwards."] = "按[左]或[右]移动,[远跳]向前跳", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Press [Long jump] to accept this configuration and begin placing hedgehogs."] = "按[远跳]接受这个配置并开始放置刺猬", -- WxW
["Press [Long jump] to accept this configuration and start the game."] = "按[远跳]接受这个配置并开始游戏", -- WxW
["Press [M] to see the mission texts"] = "按[M]看任务信息", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "按[精确]跳过开头动画",
["Press [Up] and [Down] to move between menu items.|Press [Attack], [Left], or [Right] to toggle."] = "按[上]和[下]在菜单项目中移动|按[攻击][左][右]切换", -- WxW
["Prestigious Pilot"] = "有声望的飞行员", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Princess"] = "公主", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Princess Peach"] = "Princess Peach", -- 
["Problems, dude? Chillax!"] = "老兄,有问题?Chillax!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Professional pilot"] = "专业飞行员", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Professional stunt pilot"] = "专业绝技飞行员", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Professor"] = "教授", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01, A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Professor Hogevil, then known as James Hogus, worked for PAotH back in my time."] = "Hogevil教授,当时称为James Hogus,为星球协会工作", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Professor's Team"] = "教授的队伍", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["Prof. Hogevil"] = "Hogevil教授", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01, A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Protect the King: When the king dies, so does the team"] = "保护国王: 国王死了,队伍也死", -- Battalion
["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "保护你自己!|手榴弹提示: [1-5]设置定时器,[上]/[下]瞄准,长按[空格]投掷", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Purple"] = "Purple", -- 
["Pyro"] = "Pyro", -- HedgeEditor, The_Specialists
["Pyromancer"] = "Pyromancer", -- Battalion
["Quit: [Esc]"] = "退出: [Esc]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Race complexity limit reached"] = "到达竞赛复杂度限制", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Race failed!"] = "竞赛失败", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Racer"] = "Racer", -- Racer
["Racer tool"] = "Racer 工具", -- Racer
["Race"] = "竞赛", -- TrophyRace
["Rachel"] = "Rachel", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Radar: Off"] = "雷达: 关", -- WxW
["Radar: On"] = "雷达: 开", -- WxW
["Radar Ping: [High jump]"] = "雷达探测: [高跳]", -- Space_Invasion
["Radar: Show after crate drop"] = "雷达: 箱子掉落后显示", -- WxW
["Raging Buffalo"] = "Raging Buffalo", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Ramesses"] = "Ramesses", -- 
["Ramon"] = "Ramon", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Random continent"] = "随机大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["Rank: %s"] = "等级: %s", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Razac"] = "Razac", -- portal
["RC Plane Challenge"] = "遥控飞机挑战", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["RC Plane"] = "遥控飞机", -- Construction_Mode
["Reach and destroy the final target to win."] = "到达并破坏最后的目标获胜", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Read the challenge objectives from within the mission for more details."] = "在任务里阅读挑战目标获得更多细节", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02, A_Space_Adventure:desert03, A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Ready for Battle?"] = "准备战斗?", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "真的吗?你认为能用你的小玩具伤害我?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Red"] = "Red", -- 
["Reflector Shield"] = "反射盾", -- Construction_Mode
["Reflector Shield: Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "反射盾: 反射敌人的炮弹", -- Construction_Mode
["Regurgitator"] = "Regurgitator", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Reinforcements! +2 of each weapon!"] = "援军,每个武器+2", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["Reinforcements"] = "援军", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Release rope: [Attack]"] = "释放绳索: [攻击]", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Remember: Hold down [Left Shift] to prevent slipping"] = "记住: 一直按[左Shift]防滑", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Remember! Many will seek the anti-gravity device! Now go, hurry up!"] = "记住,很多人在找反重力设备,快点去", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "记住: 绳索只在碰到物体时弯曲|没碰到东西,一直是直的", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "记住这个,可怜的动物: 当那天来到,你会为盲目的忠诚后悔", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Remember this, pathetic animal: When the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "记住这个,可怜的动物: 当那天来到,你会为盲目的忠诚后悔", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Replenishment: Weapons are restocked on turn start of a new hog"] = "补充: 在回合开始补充刺猬的武器", -- Highlander
["Repositioning Mode"] = "调整位置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["REPOSITIONING MODE"] = "调整位置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Rescue the imprisoned PAotH team and get the fuel!"] = "解救被监禁的星球协会队伍并得到燃料", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Respawner"] = "重生器", -- Construction_Mode
["Respawner: Resurrects dead hogs."] = "重生器: 复活死亡的刺猬", -- Construction_Mode
["Resurrector"] = "复活器", -- Construction_Mode
["Retract/Extend rope: [Up]/[Down]"] = "伸缩绳索:[上]/[下]", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["- Return the enemy flag to your base to score"] = "- 把敌人的光环带到你的基地得分", -- Capture_the_Flag
["Return to Leaks A Lot!"] = "回去找Leaks A Lot", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Return to the mission menu by pressing the \"Go back\" button."] = "按“返回”回到任务菜单", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Return to the Surface"] = "回到表面", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Return to the training menu by pressing the “Go back” button."] = "按“返回”回到训练菜单", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Rider"] = "Rider", -- portal
["Rifleman"] = "Rifleman", -- Battalion
["Righteous Beard"] = "Righteous Beard", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Ripe"] = "Ripe", -- 
["Rise the water if nobody else is in the circle and deal 6 damage to all enemy hogs."] = "如果圈中没人,提升水面,并对所有敌人造成6伤害", -- Continental_supplies
["Robert Yellow Apple"] = "Robert Yellow Apple", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Rocket"] = "Rocket", -- Big_Armory
["Ronald"] = "Ronald", -- portal
["Roof"] = "顶部", -- WxW
["Rope-knocking Challenge"] = "绳索撞击挑战", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Rope Master"] = "绳索大师", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Ropes and Crates"] = "绳索和箱子", -- Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_Ropes
["Ropes can be fired again in the air!"] = "绳索可以在空中再次发射", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Rope Team"] = "绳索队伍", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Rope Training"] = "绳索训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Rope Weapons"] = "绳索武器", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Roshi"] = "Roshi", -- 
["Rot Molester"] = "Rot Molester", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Rotten"] = "Rotten", -- 
["Round draw"] = "平局", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Round %d (Sudden Death in round %d)"] = "%d局(突然死亡在%d局)", -- Battalion
["Round limit: %d"] = "回合限制: %d", -- Racer
["Round Limit: %d"] = "回合限制: %d", -- Space_Invasion
["Round limit:"] = "回合限制:", -- TechRacer
["Rounds complete: %d/%d"] = "回合完成: %d/%d", -- Racer, Space_Invasion, TechRacer
["Round's slowest lap: %.3fs by %s"] = "回合最慢的一圈: %s的%.3f秒", -- TrophyRace
["RS1"] = "红色草莓1", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["RS2"] = "红色草莓2", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Rubber"] = "橡皮筋", -- Construction_Mode, HedgeEditor
["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "橡皮筋放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["RUBBER PLACEMENT MODE"] = "橡皮筋放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Rules:"] = "规则:", -- Capture_the_Flag
["RULES:"] = "规则:", -- Frenzy
["Rules: "] = "规则: ", -- Mutant
["Run away, you coward!"] = "走开,你这个胆小鬼", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Running displacement algorithm …"] = "正在运行取代算法", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Running for survival"] = "快逃命", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["Rusted Diego"] = "Rusted Diego", -- 
["Rusty Joe"] = "Rusty Joe", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Ryu"] = "Ryu", -- 
["%s (+1)"] = "%s (+1)", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["%s: %.1fs"] = "%s: %.1f秒", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Sabotage all hogs in the circle and fire a cluster above you.|Sabotaged hogs lose health and have to deal with a very high gravity during their turn."] = "妨害圈中所有的刺猬,并在你头上发射一粒炸弹|受到妨害的刺猬掉血,并在他们的回合必须对付高重力", -- Continental_supplies
["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "妨害/Flare: [妨害圈中所有刺猬造成~1伤害,或发射一粒炸弹到空中]", -- Continental_supplies
["Saint"] = "Saint", -- HedgeEditor, The_Specialists
["Salivaslurper"] = "Salivaslurper", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Salty Dog"] = "Salty Dog", -- 
["Salvation"] = "拯救", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "现在拯救更近一步……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Sam"] = "Sam", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Sandals?! I thought you left your ring!"] = "拖鞋?! 我以为你弄丢了你的戒指", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["%s and GB"] = "%s 和绿色香蕉", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["%s and %s enter the battlefield"] = "%s和%s进入战场", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Sandstorm"] = "沙暴", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Sandy"] = "Sandy", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["%s arrived at the Desert Planet!"] = "%s到达了沙漠星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["%s arrived at the Fruit Planet!"] = "%s到达了水果星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["%s arrived at the Ice Planet!"] = "%s到达了冰雪星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["%s arrived at the meteorite!"] = "%s到达了陨石", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["%s arrived at the moon!"] = "%s到达了月球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["%s arrived at the Planet of Death!"] = "%s到达了死亡星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Save as many hogs as possible!"] = "尽可能拯救刺猬", -- User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling
["Save Fell From Heaven!"] = "救Fell From Heaven", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Save Leaks A Lot!|Hint: The switch hedgehog utility might be of help to you."] = "拯救Leaks A Lot!|提示: 切换刺猬工具可能对你很有帮助", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Save Level: [Precise]+[4]"] = "保存关卡: [精确]+[4]", -- HedgeEditor
["Save the princess! All your hogs must survive!|Hint: Kill the cyborgs first! Use the ammo very carefully!|Hint: You might want to spare a girder for cover!"] = "拯救公主,你的所有刺猬必须活着|提示: 先杀死机器人,小心使用弹药|提示: 你可能要节省大梁用来掩护", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Save the princess by collecting the crate in under 12 turns!"] = "在12回合内收集箱子救公主", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Saving Hogera"] = "拯救Hogera", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["%s barely made it past the hogosphere."] = "%s勉强通过了hogosphere", -- ClimbHome
["%s bravely climbed up to a dizzy height of %d to reach home."] = "%s勇敢地爬上让人眩晕的%d高度,回到家", -- ClimbHome
["Scallywag"] = "Scallywag", -- 
["Scalp Muncher"] = "Scalp Muncher", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Scenario"] = "场景", -- Big_Armory, portal, User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock, User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
["Scientist"] = "科学家", -- Battalion
["%s climbed home in %d seconds!"] = "%s用了%d秒爬回家", -- ClimbHome
["%s (contd.)"] = "%s (contd.)", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Score: %d"] = "分数: %d", -- Space_Invasion
["Score goal: %d"] = "分数目标: %d", -- Control
["Score graph"] = "分数图表", -- Mutant, Space_Invasion
["Score points by killing other hedgehogs."] = "杀死其他刺猬得分", -- Mutant
["Score points by killing other hedgehogs (see below)."] = "杀死其他刺猬得分(看下面)", -- Mutant
["Scores: "] = "分数: ", -- Capture_the_Flag
["Scores"] = "分数", -- Mutant
["Scores:"] = "分数:", -- Mutant
["Scoring: "] = "分数: ", -- Mutant
["%s couldn't escape, try again!"] = "%d没能逃离,再试一次", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Script parameter examples:"] = "脚本参数示例:", -- Gravity
["%s (+%d)"] = "%s (+%d)", -- Battalion
["%s: %d"] = "%s: %d", -- Capture_the_Flag, Control
["%s (%d)"] = "%s (%d)", -- Continental_supplies
["%s: %d (deaths: %d)"] = "%s: %d (死亡: %d)", -- Mutant
["%s (%d), %d sec"] = "%s (%d), %d秒", -- Continental_supplies
["%s: Did not finish"] = "%s: 没有完成", -- Racer, TechRacer
["%s did not finish the race."] = "%s没有完成竞赛", -- Racer, TechRacer
["%s didn't expect that."] = "%s没想到", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s died … and lives again!"] = "%s死了……又活了", -- Construction_Mode
["%s doesn’t really know how to handle a rope properly."] = "%s真不知道怎么正确地操作绳索", -- ClimbHome
["%s, %d sec"] = "%s,%d秒", -- Continental_supplies
["Search for the device with the help of the other hedgehogs."] = "在其他刺猬的帮助下搜索设备", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Searching in the dust"] = "在尘土中搜索", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Searching the stars!"] = "搜索星星", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Seduction"] = "诱惑", -- Continental_supplies
["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy finds us!"] = "似乎每次你去“散步”,敌人都找到我们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["See that crate farther on the right?"] = "看看右边远处的箱子?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["See ya!"] = "再见!",
["Segmentation Paul"] = "Segmentation Paul", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Select a placement mode and read the infos|in the mission panel to learn how to use it."] = "选择一个放置模式|阅读任务面板的信息,学会怎么使用它", -- HedgeEditor
["Select continent!"] = "选择大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["Select continent"] = "选择大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["Selection Mode"] = "选择模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Select, modify, or delete girders, rubbers and sprites"] = "选择,修改,删除大梁,橡皮筋和sprites", -- HedgeEditor
["Select/Place/Delete Gear: [Left Click]"] = "选择/放置/删除物体: [左键]", -- HedgeEditor
["Select, reposition and delete gears"] = "选择,调整位置和删除物体", -- HedgeEditor
["Select Rope"] = "选择绳索", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Select “Switch Hedgehog” from the ammo menu and|hit the “Attack” key."] = "从弹药菜单选择“切换刺猬”|并按“攻击”键", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Select “Switch Hedgehog” from the ammo menu and|hit the “Attack” key to proceed."] = "从弹药菜单选择“切换刺猬”|并按“攻击”键继续", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Select the current continent."] = "选择当前的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["Select the rope to begin!"] = "选择绳索开始", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Select this item for a random continent."] = "选择这个项目,随机一个大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["Select Weapon"] = "选择武器", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Select weapon: [Left click]"] = "选择武器: [左键]", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Select win/lose condition: [Left], [Right]"] = "选择输/赢条件: [左]/[右]", -- HedgeEditor
["Select your continent/weaponset: with the \"Up\" or \"Down\" keys. You can also select one with the weapons menu."] = "选择你的大陆/武器集: [上]/[下],你也可以在武器菜单选择一个", -- Continental_supplies
["Select your continent/weaponset: With the \"Up\" or \"Down\" keys. You can also select one with the weapons menu."] = "选择你的大陆/武器集: [上]/[下],你也可以在武器菜单选择一个", -- Continental_supplies
["Select your continent with [Up]/[Down] or by selecting a representative weapon."] = "[上]/[下]或者选择代表性的武器选择你的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["%s enters the battlefield"] = "%s进入战场", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Sergey"] = "Sergey", -- 
["%s escaped successfully!"] = "%s成功逃离", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Set bounciness: [Left Shift] + [1]-[5]"] = "设置弹力: [左Shift]+[1-5]", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Set detonation timer: [1]-[5]"] = "设置引爆定时器: [1-5]", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Set Health: [Left Click]"] = "设置血量: [左键]", -- HedgeEditor
["Set Identity: [Left Click]"] = "设置身份: [左键]", -- HedgeEditor
["Set period to negative value for random gravity."] = "设置时间为负数以随机重力", -- Gravity
["Set the health of hogs, health crates, barrels and duds"] = "设置刺猬,医疗箱,油桶和哑弹地雷的血量", -- HedgeEditor
["Set to %d"] = "设为%d", -- HedgeEditor
["%s exploded."] = "%s爆炸了", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s fell from a high cliff."] = "%s从悬崖掉下", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s fell too fast."] = "%s掉得太快", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s fell victim to a weapon filter"] = "%s成为一个武器过滤器的受害者", -- Construction_Mode
["%s felt unstable."] = "%s感觉不稳定", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s felt victim to rope-knocking."] = "%s成为绳索撞击的受害者", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s flew like a rock."] = "%s像石头一样飞", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s gets an extra life"] = "%s得到额外的生命", -- Construction_Mode
["%s goes the way of the lemming."] = "%s走向旅鼠的道路", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Sgt. Smith"] = "Sgt. Smith", -- 
["%s had it coming."] = "%s即将来到", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s had no chance."] = "%s没有机会", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "……每个早晨和世界分享你的美丽,我的公主", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["%s has been killed before taking enough damage first."] = "%s在先造成足够伤害前被杀了", -- SimpleMission
["%s has been knocked out."] = "%s被撞出去了", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s has been rescued from death"] = "%s被从死亡中解救", -- Construction_Mode
["%s has dropped the flag!"] = "%s掉下了光环", -- CTF_Blizzard
["%s has fallen victim to gravity."] = "%s成为重力的受害者", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s has mutated! +2 points"] = "%s变异了,+2分", -- Mutant
["%s has passed the best height of %s!"] = "%s超过了%s的最高记录", -- ClimbHome
["%s has scored!"] = "%s得分", -- Capture_the_Flag
["%s has to refuel the saucer."] = "%s必须给飞碟加油", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["%s hates Newton."] = "%s恨牛顿", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["She endangered the whole tribe!"] = "她快把整个部落灭绝", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["sheepluva"] = "sheepluva", -- 
["Sheepy"] = "Sheepy", -- 
["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "她在那个高的东西后面", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Shield boosted! +%d power"] = "护盾增加,+%d能量", -- Space_Invasion
["Shield depleted"] = "护盾耗尽", -- Space_Invasion
["Shield is fully recharged!"] = "护盾完全充能",
["Shield Master! +10 points!"] = "护盾大师,+10分", -- Space_Invasion
["Shield Miser! +%d points!"] = "护盾小气鬼,+%d分", -- Space_Invasion
["Shield OFF: %d power remaining"] = "护盾关: 还有%d能量", -- Space_Invasion
["Shield ON: %d power remaining"] = "护盾开: 还有%d能量", -- Space_Invasion
["Shield Seeker! +10 points!"] = "护盾寻找者,+10分", -- Space_Invasion
["Shinobi"] = "Shinobi", -- 
["%s hit the ground."] = "%s砸到地面", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Shoppa Love"] = "Shoppa Love", -- Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_Hedgelove
["Shotgun"] = "霰弹枪", -- Continental_supplies
["Sigh."] = "叹气", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Silly"] = "Silly",
["Silver"] = "Silver", -- 
["Sine Gun"] = "正弦枪", -- Construction_Mode
["Sinky"] = "Sinky",
["Sirius Lee"] = "Sirius Lee", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["%s is dead, who was critical to this mission!"] = "%s死了,谁是这个任务的重要人物", -- SimpleMission
["%s is eliminated!"] = "%s淘汰了", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s is now as poor as a church mouse"] = "%s现在像一个可怜的教堂老鼠", -- Construction_Mode
["%s is now a zombie hedgehog"] = "%s现在是一个刺猬丧尸", -- Construction_Mode
["%s is suddenly low on ammo"] = "%s突然缺少弹药", -- Construction_Mode
["Skulls"] = "Skulls", -- Bazooka_Battlefield
["Slimer"] = "Slimer", -- 
["Slippery"] = "Slippery", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["%s lost all the weapons"] = "%s失去所有武器", -- Construction_Mode
["%s lost, try again!"] = "%s输了,再试一次", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01, A_Space_Adventure:death02, A_Space_Adventure:desert01, A_Space_Adventure:desert02, A_Space_Adventure:desert03, A_Space_Adventure:final, A_Space_Adventure:fruit01, A_Space_Adventure:fruit02, A_Space_Adventure:fruit03, A_Space_Adventure:ice01, A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["Slot %d: %s"] = "槽位%d: %s", -- Frenzy
["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "槽位按键(默认F1-F10)", -- Frenzy
["Slowpoke"] = "Slowpoke", -- 
["%s made it past the hogosphere."] = "%s通过了hogosphere", -- ClimbHome
["%s managed to pass half of the distance towards home."] = "%s设法通过了回家的一半路程", -- ClimbHome
["%s may choose the rules."] = "%s可以选择规则", -- WxW
["Smith 0.97"] = "Smith 0.97", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Smith 0.98"] = "Smith 0.98", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Smith 0.99a"] = "Smith 0.99a", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Smith 0.99b"] = "Smith 0.99b", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Smith 0.99f"] = "Smith 0.99f", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Smith 1.0"] = "Smith 1.0", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Smugglers"] = "走私者", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["%s must collect the final crates."] = "%s必须收集最后的箱子", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["%s must skip this turn for rule violation."] = "%s违反规则必须跳过这个回合", -- WxW
["Sneaks"] = "Sneaks", -- Bazooka_Battlefield
["%s never got the ninja diploma."] = "%s从没得到忍者文凭", -- ClimbHome
["%s never wanted to reach for the sky in the first place."] = "%s从没想一步登天", -- ClimbHome
["Sniper! +8 points!"] = "狙击手,+8分", -- Space_Invasion
["Sniper"] = "狙击手", -- HedgeEditor, The_Specialists
["Sniper Rifle"] = "狙击枪", -- Continental_supplies
["Sniper Training"] = "狙击训练",
["So, as promised I have brought you where I think that the device you are looking for is hidden."] = "所以,按照承诺,我带你去你寻找的设备所隐藏的地方", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["So far, you had infinite ropes, but in the|real world, ropes are usually limited."] = "你有无限的绳索|但真实世界的绳索通常是有限的", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["So humiliating..."] = "好丢脸……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["So, I believe that it's a good place to start."] = "所以,我相信这里是开始的好地方", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["So, I kindly ask for your help."] = "所以我请你帮忙", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["So I shook my fist in the air!"] = "所以我在空气中打了一拳", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Soldier"] = "战士", -- HedgeEditor, The_Specialists
["So, let me tell you what I know about Professor Hogevil."] = "所以,让我告诉你关于Hogevil教授的事情", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Some parts of the land are indestructible."] = "地面的某些部分是不可破坏的", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Some sick game of yours?!"] = "你的某种恶心游戏?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Some weapons can be dropped from the rope."] = "某些武器可以从绳索丢下", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Somewhere else on the planet of fruits, Captain Lime helps %s"] = "水果星球的某个地方,Captain Lime帮助%s", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Somewhere else on the planet of fruits, %s gets closer to the device"] = "水果星球的某个地方,%s接近了设备", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Somewhere on the Planet of Fruits a terrible war is about to begin ..."] = "水果星球的某个地方,一个可怕的战争就要开始……", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Somewhere on the uninhabitable Death Planet ..."] = "不适合居住的死亡星球的某个地方……", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["So, now I got the last part and I have your friends captured."] = "所以,现在我得到了最后的部件,并抓住了你的朋友", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["So, %s, here we are ..."] = "所以,%s,我们到了……", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["So the princess was never heard of again ..."] = "所以再没有听说过公主……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["So, uhmm, how did you manage to teleport them so far?"] = "所以,呃,你怎么做到把他们传送得那么远?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Sour"] = "Sour", -- 
["South America"] = "南美", -- Continental_supplies
["So? What will it be?"] = "所以,你的选择是什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["So you are able to launch projectiles into your aiming direction, always at full power."] = "所以你要瞄准目标发射炮弹(飞行中总是全力发射)", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["So you are interested in Professor Hogevil, huh?"] = "所以你对Hogevil教授感兴趣?", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["So you basically did the dirty work for us."] = "所以你基本上为我们做脏活", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Space Invasion"] = "太空入侵", -- Space_Invasion
["SPACE INVASION"] = "太空入侵", -- Space_Invasion
["Spacetrip"] = "太空旅行", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Spawn the crate and attack!"] = "创造箱子并攻击", -- WxW
["Specials: Kings and air generals drop helpers, not weapons"] = "特别: 国王和空军将军掉下工具,不是武器", -- Battalion
["Special weapons:"] = "特别模式武器:", -- Continental_supplies
["Special Weapons:"] = "特别模式武器:", -- Continental_supplies
["Speckles"] = "Speckles", -- 
["Specs"] = "Specs", -- 
["Specs Appeal"] = "Specs Appeal", -- 
["Spectator"] = "Spectator", -- 
["Speed Roping"] = "Speed Roping", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Speed Shoppa"] = "Speed Shoppa", -- SpeedShoppa
["Spike"] = "Spike", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Spikes"] = "Spikes", -- 
["Spiky Cheese"] = "Spiky Cheese", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["%s, place the first hedgehog!"] = "%s,放置第一个刺猬", -- WxW
["Spleenlover"] = "Spleenlover", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Sponge"] = "Sponge",
["Spooky Tree"] = "怪树",
["Sprite Erasure Mode"] = "Sprite删除模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Sprite Modification Mode"] = "Sprite修改模式", -- HedgeEditor
["SPRITE MODIFICATION MODE"] = "Sprite修改模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "Sprite放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["SPRITE PLACEMENT MODE"] = "Sprite放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "Sprite测试模式", -- Construction_Mode
["Squirtle"] = "Squirtle", -- 
["Squishy"] = "Squishy", -- 
["%s reached home in %.3f seconds. Congratulations!"] = "%s用时%.3f秒回到家,恭喜", -- ClimbHome
["%s: %s"] = "%s: %s", -- Continental_supplies
["%s (%s) destroyed %d invaders in one round."] = "%s (%s) 一个回合消灭了%d入侵者", -- Space_Invasion
["%s (%s) does not have to feel ashamed for their best height of %d."] = "%s (%s) 不必对他们最高记录%d感到惭愧", -- ClimbHome
["%s, select your continent!"] = "%s,选择你的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["%s (%s) gave short shrift to the invaders: Longest combo of %d!"] = "%s (%s) 给了入侵者短暂的忏悔: 最长的连击%d", -- Space_Invasion
["%s (%s) has been invited to join the Planetary Association of the Hedgehogs, it destroyed a staggering %d invaders in just one round!"] = "%s (%s) 被邀请加入刺猬星球协会,它一回合消灭了%d入侵者", -- Space_Invasion
["%s (%s) has captured the flag %d times."] = "%s (%s) 夺走光环%d次", -- Capture_the_Flag
["%s (%s) hate life and suicided %d times."] = "%s (%s) 讨厌生活并自杀%d次", -- Mutant
["%s should try the rope training mission first."] = "%s应该先试试绳索训练", -- ClimbHome
["%s (%s) is addicted to killing: %d invaders destroyed in one round."] = "%s (%s) 沉迷杀戮: 一回合消灭了%d入侵者", -- Space_Invasion
["%s (%s) is a hardened hunter: No misses and %d hits in its best round!"] = "%s (%s) 是一个老练的猎人: 它最好的一回合没有失手打了%d次", -- Space_Invasion
["%s (%s) is a tumbleweed: %d points in one round."] = "%s (%s) 是一个风滚草: 一回合%d分", -- Space_Invasion
["%s (%s) is good at this: %d points in only one round!"] = "%s (%s) 擅长这个: 一回合%d分", -- Space_Invasion
["%s (%s) is Rambo in a hedgehog costume! He destroyed %d invaders in one round."] = "%s (%s) 是穿着刺猬衣服的Rambo,他一回合消灭了%d入侵者", -- Space_Invasion
["%s skipped ninja classes."] = "%d跳过了忍者课", -- ClimbHome
["%s spawned at a really bad position."] = "%s 出现在一个很糟糕的位置", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s splatted."] = "%s 扑通一声", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s (%s) reached a decent peak height of %d."] = "%s (%s) 到达一个相当好的高度%d", -- ClimbHome
["%s (%s) reached a peak height of %d."] = "%s (%s) 到达高度%d", -- ClimbHome
["%s (%s) reached for the sky and beyond with a height of %d!"] = "%s (%s) 为了到达天空和更远,高度%d", -- ClimbHome
["%s (%s) reached home in %.3f seconds."] = "%s (%s) 在%.3f秒回到家", -- ClimbHome
["%s (%s) shot %d invaders and never missed in the best round!"] = "%s (%s) 在最好的回合射击了%d入侵者并且没有失手", -- Space_Invasion
["%s (%s) struck like a meteor: %d points in only one round!"] = "%s (%s) 像陨石一样袭击: 一个回合%d分", -- Space_Invasion
["%s still had a long way to go."] = "%s还有很长的路要走", -- ClimbHome
["%s stumbled."] = "%s绊倒了", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s (%s) tumbles like no other: %d points in one round."] = "%s (%s) 像其他人一样翻滚: 一个回合%d分", -- Space_Invasion
["%s stumpled."] = "%s绊倒了", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s (%s) was certainly not afraid of heights: Peak height of %d!"] = "%s (%s) 真的不怕高: 高度%d", -- ClimbHome
["%s (%s) was lightning-fast! Longest combo of %d, absolutely insane!"] = "%s (%s) 快如闪电,最长的连击%d", -- Space_Invasion
["%s (%s) was on fire: Longest combo of %d."] = "%s (%s) 着火了: 最长的连击%d", -- Space_Invasion
["%s (%s) was panicly afraid of the water and decided to get in a safe distance of %d from it."] = "%s (%s) 怕水并爬到安全距离%d", -- ClimbHome
["%s (%s) was the best baby tumbler: %d points in one round."] = "%s (%s) 是最好的baby tumbler: 一个回合%d分", -- Space_Invasion
["%s (%s) was the greediest hedgehog and collected %d crates."] = "%s (%s) 是最贪婪的刺猬,收集了%d箱子", -- Mutant
["%s (%s) was undoubtedly the very best professional tumbler in this game: %d points in one round!"] = "%s (%s) 无疑是最棒的tumbler: 一个回合%d分", -- Space_Invasion
["Star"] = "Star", -- Big_Armory
["Status update"] = "状态更新", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Status Update"] = "状态更新", -- Space_Invasion
["Stay away from our weapons!"] = "远离我们的武器", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Stay there, comrades!"] = "停在那里,同志们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Stay there to flee!"] = "停在那里以逃跑", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Steel Eye"] = "Steel Eye", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Step 1: Activate your flying saucer but do NOT move yet!"] = "第一步: 激活你的飞碟但不要移动", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Step 1: Start roping"] = "第一步: 吊在空中", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Step 2: Select grenade"] = "第二步: 选择手榴弹", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Step 2: Select your grenade."] = "第二步: 选择你的手榴弹", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Step 3: Drop the grenade"] = "第三步: 丢下手榴弹", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Step 3: Start flying and get yourself right above the target."] = "第三步: 飞到目标上面", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Step 4: Drop your grenade by pressing the [Long jump] key."] = "第四步: 按[远跳]丢手榴弹", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Step 5: Get away quickly and land safely anywhere."] = "第五步: 快速离开,安全地着陆", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Step By Step"] = "一步一步", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Steve"] = "Steve", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Sticky Mine"] = "黏性地雷", -- Continental_supplies
["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "黏性地雷放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["STICKY MINE PLACEMENT MODE"] = "黏性地雷放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Stop, comrades!"] = "停下,同志们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Stop right there, puny worms!"] = "就停在那,小虫子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Street Fighters"] = "Street Fighters", -- 
["Strength: %d (multiplier for ammo)"] = "强度: %d(弹药的乘数)", -- Battalion
["Strong knockback, but no poison."] = "强力击退,无毒", -- Continental_supplies
["Stronglings"] = "Stronglings", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Structure Placement Mode"] = "结构放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["Structure Placer"] = "结构放置器", -- Construction_Mode
["Stupid, stupid Hogerians!"] = "愚蠢的刺猬", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Subtract %d"] = "减去%d", -- HedgeEditor
["--- Sudden Death ---"] = "---突然死亡---", -- Battalion
["Summer Squash"] = "Summer Squash", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Sundaland"] = "Sundaland", -- Continental_supplies
["Sunflame"] = "Sunflame", -- Big_Armory
["Super weapons: A few crates contain very powerful weapons."] = "超级武器: 少量箱子包含非常强大的武器", -- WxW
["Super weapons: %s"] = "超级武器: %s", -- WxW
["Supplies: Each continent gives you unique weapons, specials and health."] = "补给: 每个大陆给你唯一的武器,特别模式和血量", -- Continental_supplies
["Support Station: Allows placement of crates."] = "支援站: 允许放置箱子", -- Construction_Mode
["Support Station"] = "支援站", -- Construction_Mode
["Sure!"] = "当然!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Surf Before Crate: %s"] = "箱子之前冲浪: %s", -- WxW
["Surf Before Crate: You must bounce off the water once before you can get crates."] = "箱子之前冲浪: 你必须在能够拿到箱子之前在水面弹跳一次", -- WxW
["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "冲浪者,+15分", -- Space_Invasion
["Surfer!"] = "冲浪者", -- WxW
["Surprise supplies: Get 1-3 random weapons each turn."] = "惊喜补给: 每个回合得到1-3随机武器", -- Continental_supplies
["Survive!"] = "幸存", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["%s violated the “All But Last” rule and will be penalized."] = "%s 违反了“All But Last”规则,会受到惩罚", -- WxW
["%s violated the “Kill The Leader” rule and will be penalized."] = "%s 违反了“Kill The Leader”规则,会受到惩罚", -- WxW
["Swap place with a random enemy in the circle."] = "和圈中一个随机敌人交换位置", -- Continental_supplies
["%s was a good target."] = "%s是一个好目标", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s was close to home."] = "%s离家很近", -- ClimbHome
["%s was damn close to home."] = "%s离家非常近", -- ClimbHome
["%s was doomed from the beginning."] = "%s一开始就毁灭了", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s was extracted from the scheme"] = "%s是从方案中提取的", -- Continental_supplies
["%s was good, but not good enough."] = "%s很好,但不够好", -- ClimbHome
["%s was knocked away."] = "%s撞走了", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s was really unlucky."] = "%s真的很不幸", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s was shoved away."] = "%s推走了", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["%s was smashed."] = "%s粉碎了", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Sweet"] = "Sweet", -- 
["%s went over a quarter of the way towards home."] = "%s走过了四分之一回家的路", -- ClimbHome
["%s! Why?!"] = "%s!为什么?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "摇晃,Leaks A Lot,在风的翅膀", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Swing: [Left]/[Right]"] = "摇晃: [左]/[右]", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["%s wins, congratulations!"] = "%s赢了,恭喜", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["%s wins!"] = "%s赢了", -- Racer, Space_Invasion, TechRacer, ClimbHome
["%s wins with a best time of %.1fs."] = "%s以最好时间%.1f秒赢了", -- Racer, TechRacer
["switch"] = "切换", -- Continental_supplies
["Switch: Drop ball of dirt from parachute (once)"] = "切换: 从降落伞丢下泥球(一次)", -- Continental_supplies
["Switched to "] = "切换到",
["Switch Hedgehog (1/3)"] = "切换刺猬(1/3)", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Switch Hedgehog (2/3)"] = "切换刺猬(2/3)", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Switch Hedgehog (3/3)"] = "切换刺猬(3/3)", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Switch Hedgehog (Failed!)"] = "切换刺猬(失败)", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Switch hedgehog: [Tabulator]"] = "切换刺猬: [Tabulator]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Switch Hog"] = "切换刺猬", -- Construction_Mode
["Switch: Select weapon special"] = "切换: 选择武器特别模式", -- Continental_supplies
["Switch: Toggle crate radar"] = "切换: 切换箱子雷达", -- WxW
["%s won!"] = "%s赢了", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Swords"] = "Swords", -- Bazooka_Battlefield
["Syntax Errol"] = "Syntax Errol", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["%s, you may choose the rules."] = "%s,你可以选择规则", -- WxW
["szczur"] = "szczur", -- 
["Tackleberry"] = "Tackleberry", -- 
["Tails"] = "Tails", -- 
["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "讨论关于混合信号……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Tall Potato"] = "Tall Potato", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Tap [Pause] to see the mission texts"] = "按[Pause]看任务信息", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Tap the “rotating arrow” button on the left|until you have selected Cappy, the hedgehog with the cap!"] = "按左边的“旋转箭头”按钮|直到你选中Cappy,有帽子的刺猬", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Target"] = "目标", -- HedgeEditor
["Target Placement Mode"] = "目标放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["TARGET PLACEMENT MODE"] = "目标放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Target Practice: Bazooka (easy)"] = "目标练习: 火箭炮(简单)", -- Target_Practice_-_Bazooka_easy
["Target Practice: Bazooka (hard)"] = "目标练习: 火箭炮(困难)", -- Target_Practice_-_Bazooka_hard
["Target Practice: Grenade (easy)"] = "目标练习: 手榴弹(简单)", -- Target_Practice_-_Grenade_easy
["Target Practice: Grenade (hard)"] = "目标练习: 手榴弹(困难)", -- Target_Practice_-_Grenade_hard
["Target Practice: Homing Bee"] = "目标练习: 蜜蜂枪", -- Target_Practice_-_Homing_Bee
["Target Practice: Shotgun"] = "目标练习: 霰弹枪", -- Target_Practice_-_Shotgun
["Target Puncher"] = "目标捶打者", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Targets left: %d"] = "目标剩余: %d", -- TargetPractice
["Tatsujin"] = "Tatsujin", -- 
["Tatters"] = "Tatters", -- 
["Team %d"] = "队伍%d", -- SimpleMission
["Team %d: "] = "队伍%d: ",
["Team highscore: %d"] = "队伍高分: %d", -- Utils
["Team Identity Mode"] = "队伍身份模式", -- HedgeEditor
["TEAM IDENTITY MODE"] = "队伍身份模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Team lowscore: %d"] = "队伍低分: %d", -- Utils
["Teams are tied! Continue playing rounds until we have a winner!"] = "队伍平手,继续玩直到出现胜者", -- Space_Invasion
["Team's best time: %.3fs"] = "队伍最佳时间: %.3f秒", -- Utils
["Team Scores:"] = "队伍分数:", -- Control
["Team scores:"] = "队伍分数:", -- Space_Invasion
["Team's longest time: %.3fs"] = "队伍最长时间: %.3f秒", -- Utils
["Team's top accuracy: %d%"] = "队伍最高准确度: %d%", -- Utils
["Teamwork 2"] = "团队工作2", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2
["Teamwork"] = "团队工作", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork
["TechRacer"] = "TechRacer", -- TechRacer
["Teleporation Node"] = "传送节点", -- Construction_Mode
["Teleportation Mode"] = "传送模式", -- Construction_Mode
["Teleportation Node: Allows teleportation|    between other nodes."] = "传送节点: 允许在节点之间传送", -- Construction_Mode
["Teleportation Node"] = "传送节点", -- Construction_Mode
["Teleport"] = "传送", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "传送提示: 只要用鼠标选择目的地", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Teleport hint: Just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "传送提示: 只要用鼠标选择目的地", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Teleport to the impact location."] = "传送到子弹打中的位置", -- Continental_supplies
["Teleport to the top of the map, expect fall damage!"] = "传送到地图顶部,预计掉落伤害", -- Continental_supplies
["Teleport unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "传送未成功,请传送到一个战队的传送器影响范围内", -- Construction_Mode
["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "传送未成功,请传送到一个战队的传送器影响范围内", -- Construction_Mode
["Tentacle Terror"] = "恐怖触手", -- Tentacle_Terror
["Textile industry: Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "纺织工业: 每两个回合给你一个降落伞", -- Continental_supplies
["Thanks!"] = "谢谢", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Thanks, dude! It really means a lot to me."] = "谢谢老兄,这对我意义重大", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Thanks, man! It really means a lot to me."] = "谢谢老兄,这对我意义重大", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Thank you, Dr. Cornelius."] = "谢谢你,Dr. Cornelius", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Thank you for meeting me on such a short notice!"] = "谢谢你在通知后立刻和我见面", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Thank you, my hero!"] = "谢谢你,我的英雄", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "谢谢你,Leaks A Lot", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Thank you, oh, thank you, my heroes!"] = "谢谢你,我的英雄", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Thanta"] = "Thanta", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["That is, indeed, very weird..."] = "那是,确实,非常古怪", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["That makes it almost invaluable!"] = "那让它几乎无敌", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["That ought to show them!"] = "他们应该尝到苦头了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["That's all, folks!"] = "那就是全部,大伙", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["That's for my father!"] = "那是给我父亲的", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["That shaman sure knows what he's doing!"] = "那个萨满肯定知道他在做什么", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["That Sinking Feeling"] = "淹没的感觉",
["That's just the way it works, you know."] = "那就是它的工作方式", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["That's not our problem!"] = "那不是我们的问题", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["That's typical of you!"] = "那是你的典型", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["That's why he always wears a hat since then."] = "那就是为什么他从那时起一直戴帽子", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["That traitor won't be killing us anymore!"] = "那个叛徒不会再杀我们了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["That was just mean!"] = "那真是卑鄙", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["That was pointless. The flag will respawn next round."] = "那是没意义的,光环会在下一个回合重生", -- CTF_Blizzard
["The adventure begins!"] = "冒险开始了", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["The air bombs are weaker than usual."] = "空袭炸弹比通常的要弱", -- Battalion
["The aliens respect me, even worship me!"] = "外星人尊重我,甚至崇拜我", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["The ally units share their ammo."] = "盟友单位共享他们的弹药", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["The ammo of %s has been vaporized"] = "%s的弹药被蒸发", -- Construction_Mode
["The answer is ... entertainment. You'll see what I mean."] = "答案是……娱乐,你会明白我的意思", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "答案是……娱乐,你会明白我的意思", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["The anti-portal surface is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him. Dropping something could hurt him enough to kill him."] = "地上全是反传送表层,我没有东西能杀了他。丢下某些能伤害他的东西来杀了他", -- portal
["The big bang"] = "大爆炸", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["The Boss"] = "首领", -- 
["The boss has fallen! Retreat!"] = "首领倒下了,撤退", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["The Bull's Eye"] = "靶心", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "洞穴隐藏得很好,他们不会发现我们在那里", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["The clan of the Red Strawberry wants to take over the dominion and overthrow King Pineapple."] = "红色草莓的氏族想要推翻Pineapple国王接管统治", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["The continent of cowards"] = "懦夫的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["The continent of dust"] = "尘土的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["The continent of firearms"] = "火枪的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["The continent of greed"] = "贪婪的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["The continent of guerilla tactics"] = "游击战术的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["The continent of ice and science"] = "冰和科学的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["The continent of medicine"] = "医学的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["The continent of ninjas"] = "忍者的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["The continent of sports"] = "运动的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["The Crate Frenzy"] = "The Crate Frenzy", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The Customer is King"] = "The Customer is King", -- Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_ShoppaKing
["The device part has been stolen!"] = "设备部件被偷了", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["The device part is hidden in one of the crates! Go and get it!"] = "设备部件隐藏在其中一个箱子,去拿到它", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["The Devs"] = "The Devs", -- 
["The Dilemma"] = "The Dilemma", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["The editor weapons and tools have been added!"] = "武器和工具编辑器已添加", -- HedgeEditor
["The editor weapons and tools have been removed!"] = "武器和工具编辑器已移除", -- HedgeEditor
["The enemies aren't many anyway, it is going to be easy!"] = "敌人不是很多,应该很简单", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["The enemy can't move but it might be a good idea to stay out of sight!"] = "敌人不能移动,但呆在视线外是个好主意", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["The enemy has taken a crate which we really needed!"] = "敌人拿走了我们真正需要的箱子", -- SimpleMission
["The enemy hogs play in a random order."] = "敌人刺猬随机顺序游玩", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["The enemy is hiding out on yonder ducky!"] = "敌人藏在那边的鸭子!",
["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "我的敌人的敌人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["The explosion is weaker than usual."] = "爆炸比通常要弱", -- Battalion
["The fastest hedgehog was %s from %s with a time of %.3fs."] = "最快的刺猬是%s从%s,时间%.3f秒", -- TrophyRace
["The fight begins!"] = "战斗开始", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["The final part"] = "最后的部件", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["The final targets are quite tricky. You need to aim well."] = "最后的目标很难打中,你需要好好瞄准", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["The First Blood"] = "第一滴血", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The First Encounter"] = "第一次遭遇", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["The first hedgehog to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "第一个杀人的刺猬会成为变种人", -- Mutant
["The first hedgehog which scores %d or more wins the game."] = "第一个得分%d或更多的刺猬获胜", -- Mutant
["The first stop"] = "第一站", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["The first turn will last 25 sec and every other turn 15 sec."] = "第一回合25秒,其他回合15秒", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["The flag will respawn next round."] = "光环会在下一回合重生", 
["The flood has stopped! Challenge over."] = "洪水停止了,挑战结束", -- User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling
["The food bites back"] = "食物反咬一口", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["The forgotten continent"] = "遗忘的大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "最后一个箱子的大伞应该能帮助你降落", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The Great Escape"] = "大逃离", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
["- The green target must survive"] = "- 绿色的目标必须幸存", -- HedgeEditor
["- The green targets must survive"] = "- 绿色的目标必须幸存", -- HedgeEditor
["The guardian"] = "守护者", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["The hardships of the war turned %s (%s) into a killing machine: %d invaders destroyed in one round!"] = "战争的艰难把%s(%s)变成杀戮机器: 一个回合消灭了%d入侵者", -- Space_Invasion
["The health of your current hedgehog|is shown at the top right corner."] = "你当前刺猬的血量显示在右上角", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["The hedgehog with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "分数最少(或者死最多次)的刺猬变成喂鱼人", -- Mutant
["The Hospital"] = "The Hospital", -- 
["The Individualist"] = "The Individualist", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "他们的建筑当时很原始, 即使是一个没有文明的岛屿", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["The Iron Curtain"] = "The Iron Curtain", -- 
["The Journey Back"] = "归途", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["The king of %s has died!"] = "%s的国王死了", -- Battalion
["The last encounter"] = "最后的遭遇", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["The last surviving clan wins."] = "最后活着的战队赢", -- TrophyRace
["The leader escaped. Defeat the rest of the aliens!"] = "首领逃走了,打败剩下的外星人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["The leader seems scared, he will probably flee."] = "首领似乎很害怕,他可能会逃走", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["The Leap of Faith"] = "信仰之跃", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The meteorite has come too close and the anti-gravity device isn't powerful enough to stop it now."] = "陨石靠得太近,反重力设备不够强大以停止它", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["The Moonwalk"] = "The Moonwalk", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["The Mutant has super weapons and a lot of health."] = "变种人有超级武器和很多血量", -- Mutant
["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "变种人有超级武器和很多血量", -- Mutant
["The Mutant loses health quickly, but gains health by killing."] = "变种人掉血很快,但杀人会加血", -- Mutant
["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "变种人掉血很快,如果他不保持杀人得分", -- Mutant
["The Navy greets %s for managing to get in a distance of %d away from the mainland!"] = "海军问候%s,因为他设法远离大陆%d距离", -- ClimbHome
["The next 4 times you play the \"The last encounter\" mission you'll get 20 more hit points and a laser sight."] = "接下来四次你玩“最后的遭遇”任务,会得到额外20血量和一个激光瞄准", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["The next crate is an utility crate."] = "下一个箱子是工具箱", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "下一个很难|提示: 你必须多次摇晃", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["The next target can only be reached by something called “bouncing bomb”."] = "下一个目标只能由“弹跳炸弹”碰到", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["The next target is high in the sky."] = "下一个目标在天上", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "那他们怎么继续出现?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["The Ninja-Samurai Alliance"] = "忍者武士联盟", -- 
["Then prepare for battle!"] = "那就准备战斗", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["Then what am I?"] = "那我是什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["The only woman, huh?"] = "唯一的女人,唔?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["The oppression of the elders, of course!"] = "长辈的压迫,当然", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["The opression of the elders, of course!"] = "长辈的压迫,当然", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["The other hog has died, he should have survived!"] = "其他刺猬都死了,他应该还活着", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "其他全是食人族,花时间吃刺猬的器官……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The Police"] = "The Police", -- 
["The power of love! No, wait, the power of the aliens!"] = "爱的力量,不,等一下,外星人的力量", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["The RC plane only carries 2 weak bombs."] = "遥控飞机只携带两个弱炸弹", -- Battalion
["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "有不同的结构可以帮助你", -- Construction_Mode
["There are no snarky comments this time."] = "这次没有刻薄的评论", -- Space_Invasion
["There is one below us!"] = "我们下面有一个", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["There must be a spy among us!"] = "那一定是我们中间的间谍", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "那里有更多食人族?他们什么时候变得这么饥饿?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "没有什么比看到你每个早晨和世界分享你的美丽更让我满足,我的公主", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["There's nothing more satisfying to us than seeing you share your beauty..."] = "没有什么比看到你分享你的美丽更让我们满足……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["There's nothing more satisfying to us than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "没有什么比看到你每个早晨和世界分享你的美丽更让我们满足,我的公主", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["The respawner respawns %s"] = "重生器重生了%s", -- Construction_Mode
["The Rising"] = "The Rising", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The rope won't get reset."] = "绳索不会被重置", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02
["The Savior"] = "The Savior", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["The score and deaths are shown next to the team bar."] = "分数和死亡在队伍栏旁边显示", -- Mutant
["These girders are slippery, like ice."] = "这些大梁像冰一样滑", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["These primitive people are so funny!"] = "这些原始人真搞笑", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["These weapon specials cannot be used close to other hogs."] = "这些武器特别不能靠近其他刺猬使用", -- Continental_supplies
["The Shadow Falls"] = "暗影降临", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["The Showdown"] = "The Showdown", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["The Slaughter"] = "The Slaughter", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The Society of Perfectionists greets %s (%s): No misses and %d hits in its best round."] = "完美主义者协会问候%s(%s): 在他最好的回合攻击%d次没有失手", -- Space_Invasion
["The Specialists: Each hedgehog starts with its own weapon set"] = "专家: 每个刺猬有自己的武器集", -- The_Specialists
["The spinning arrows above your hedgehog show|which hedgehog is selected right now."] = "你的刺猬的上面显示的旋转箭头表示正在选择他", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["The spirits of the ancerstors are surely pleased, Leaks A Lot."] = "祖先的灵魂一定很高兴,Leaks A Lot", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The spirits of the ancestors are surely pleased, Leaks A Lot."] = "祖先的灵魂一定很高兴,Leaks A Lot", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The targets will guide you through the training."] = "目标会指引你通过训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["The team continued their quest of finding the rest of the tribe."] = "队伍继续他们寻找剩余部落的任务", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["The teams are tied for the fastest time."] = "队伍的最快时间平手", -- Racer, TechRacer
["The teams were tied, so an additional round has been played to determine the winner."] = "队伍平手,所以要再玩一个回合决定胜者", -- Space_Invasion
["The teams were tied, so %d additional rounds have been played to determine the winner."] = "队伍平手,所以要再玩%d回合决定胜者", -- Space_Invasion
["The time that you have left when you reach the blue hedgehog will be added to the next turn."] = "你碰到蓝色刺猬的剩余时间会添加到下一回合", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["The Torment"] = "The Torment", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The truth about Professor Hogevil"] = "关于Hogevil教授的真相", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["The tunnel entrance is over there."] = "隧道的入口在那里", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["The tunnel is about to get flooded!"] = "隧道就要淹没了", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["The Tunnel Maker"] = "The Tunnel Maker", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["The Ultimate Weapon"] = "终极武器", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The Union"] = "联盟", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["The Union: You can select a hedgehog at the start of your turns."] = "联盟: 你可以在回合开始选择一个刺猬", -- Continental_supplies
["The village, unprepared, was destroyed by the cyborgs..."] = "村子,没有准备好,被机器人摧毁了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["The walk of Fame"] = "The walk of Fame", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["The wasted youth"] = "The wasted youth", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The way you handled your little internal conflicts …"] = "你处理你的小内部冲突的方式……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["The weapon in that last crate was bestowed upon us by the ancients!"] = "最后的箱子里的武器是祖先赋予我们的", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The what?!"] = "The what?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["The wind whispers that you are ready to become familiar with tools, now..."] = "风声低语你准备好变得熟悉工具,现在……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["The wrong hedgehog has taken the crate."] = "错误的刺猬拿到了箱子", -- SimpleMission
["They are all waiting back in the village, haha."] = "他们都在村子里等着,哈哈", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["They are up there! Take this rope and hurry!"] = "他们在那里,拿着这个绳索并赶快", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["They Call Me Bullseye! +16 points!"] = "他们叫我靶心,+16分", -- Space_Invasion
["They have weapons we've never seen before!"] = "他们有我们从没见过的武器", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["They keep appearing like this. It's weird!"] = "他们一直这样出现,有点奇怪", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["They killed %s! You bastards!"] = "他们杀了%s,你这个混蛋", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["They must be trying to weaken us!"] = "他们一定是在试图削弱我们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["They never learn"] = "They never learn", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["They stumbled upon a pile of weapons, they seemed to be getting closer."] = "他们绊倒在一堆武器,他们似乎更接近了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["They told us to wear these clothes. They said that this is the newest trend."] = "他们叫我们穿上这些衣服,他们说这是新潮流", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["They've been manipulating us all this time!"] = "他们一直在操控我们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["They won't hesitate to attack you in order to rob you!"] = "他们不会犹豫攻击并抢劫你", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["The Zoo"] = "The Zoo", -- 
["Thighlicker"] = "Thighlicker", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Things are going to get messy around here."] = "这里的事情越来越乱", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["This allows to select any hedgehog in your team!"] = "这个允许你选择队伍中任意刺猬", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["This allows you to create a crate anywhere|within your clan's area of influence,|at the cost of energy."] = "这个允许你在战队的影响范围内|任何地方创造一个箱子", -- Construction_Mode
["This allows you to create and place mines,|sticky mines and barrels anywhere within your|clan's area of influence at the cost of energy."] = "这个允许你在战队的影响范围内|任何地方创造和放置一个地雷、黏性地雷和油桶", -- Construction_Mode
["This allows you to create and place mines,|sticky mines and barrels anywhere within your|clan's area of influence at the cost of energy.|Up/down: Choose object type|Left/right: Choose timer (for mines)|Cursor: Place object"] = "这个允许你在战队的影响范围内|任何地方创造和放置一个地雷、黏性地雷和油桶|上/下: 选择物体|左/右: 选择定时器(地雷)|光标: 放置物体", -- Construction_Mode
["This almost concludes our tutorial."] = "我们的教程就要结束了", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["This also increases the effectiveness of Medicine."] = "这个能增加药效", -- Continental_supplies
["This game wasn’t really exciting."] = "这个游戏不是真的刺激", -- Space_Invasion
["This is a new personal best, congratulations!"] = "这是新的个人最佳记录,恭喜", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02, A_Space_Adventure:desert02, A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["This is a new personal best time, congratulations!"] = "这是新的个人最佳时间,恭喜", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02, A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["This is Cappy."] = "这个是Cappy", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["This is it! It's time to make Fell From Heaven fall for me..."] = "就是这个,是时候让Fell From Heaven爱上我……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["This island is the only place left on Earth with grass on it!"] = "这个岛屿是地球上唯一有草的地方", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["This is seems like a wealthy hedgehog, nice ..."] = "好像是个有钱的刺猬,很好……", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["This is the mission panel."] = "这是任务面板", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["This is the Olympic stadium of saucer flying."] = "这是飞碟的奥林匹克体育场", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["This is the Olympic Stadium of Saucer Flying."] = "这是飞碟的奥林匹克体育场", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["This is typical!"] = "这是典型的", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["This must be some kind of sorcery!"] = "这一定是某种巫术", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["This must be the caves!"] = "这一定是洞穴", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["This one's tricky."] = "这个有点难,打个洞",
["This planet seems dangerous!"] = "这个星球似乎很危险", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["This rain is really something..."] = "下大雨了",
["This round’s award for ultimate disappointment goes to: Everyone!"] = "这个回合的终极失望奖给: 每个人", -- ClimbHome
["This seems like a wealthy hedgehog, nice ..."] = "好像是个有钱的刺猬,很好……", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["This %s is so naive! I'm going to shoot this fool so I can keep that device for myself!"] = "这个%s真幼稚,我打算射击这个傻子,自己留着设备", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["This was an awesome performance! But this challenge can be finished with even just one RC plane. Can you figure out how?"] = "真是精彩的表演,但这个挑战可以只用一个遥控飞机完成,你能做到吗", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["This will be fun!"] = "这会很有趣", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["This will be useful when I need a new platform or if I want to rise."] = "这会很有用,当我需要一个新的平台,或者我想要上升", -- portal
["This will certainly come in handy."] = "这肯定会派上用场", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2
["This will certianly come in handy."] = "这肯定会派上用场", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2
["Thompson"] = "Thompson", -- 
["Those aliens are destroying the island!"] = "这些外星人正在破坏岛屿", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Those were scheduled for disposal anyway."] = "不管怎样,这些都是预定要处理的", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Throw a 1 second mine!"] = "投掷一个1秒的地雷", -- Continental_supplies
["Throw a baseball at your foes|and send them flying!"] = "向你的敌人投掷一个棒球|让他们起飞", -- Knockball
["Throw a grenade to destroy the target!"] = "投掷一个手榴破坏毁目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Throw some grenades to destroy the targets!"] = "投掷一些手榴破坏毁目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Thug #%d"] = "暴徒#%d", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["Tie-breaking round %d"] = "打破平局的回合%d", -- Space_Invasion
["Timbers"] = "Timbers", -- 
["Time: %.1fs"] = "时间: %.1f秒", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Time: %.3fs by %s"] = "时间: %s的%.3f秒", -- TrophyRace
["Time: %.3fs"] = "时间: %.3f秒", -- TrophyRace
["Time Box"] = "时光箱", -- Construction_Mode
["Timed Kamikaze! +10 points!"] = "Timed神风特攻队,+10分", -- Space_Invasion
["Time extended! +%dsec"] = "时间延长,+%d秒", -- Space_Invasion
["Time extension: %ds"] = "时间延长: %d秒", -- Tumbler
["Time for a more interesting stunt, but first just collect the next crate!"] = "更有趣的绝技时间,但先收集下一个箱子", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Timer"] = "定时器", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Time's up!"] = "时间到", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, SpeedShoppa, Space_Invasion
["Time’s up!"] = "时间到", -- TargetPractice
["Time to run!"] = "逃跑时间", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Tip: Changing your aim while flying is very difficult, so adjust it before you take off."] = "提示: 在飞行时改变瞄准是很难的,所以在起飞前调整好", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Tip: Don't remain for too long in the water, or you won't make it."] = "提示: 不要在水里停留太长时间", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Tip: If you get stuck in this training, use \"Skip turn\" to restart the current objective."] = "提示: 如果你在这个训练卡住,使用“跳过回合”来重新开始当前目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Tip: See the \"esc\" key (this menu) if you want to see the currently playing teams continent, or that continents specials."] = "提示: 按“Esc”如果你想看当前游玩的队伍的大陆,或者大陆的特别模式", -- Continental_supplies
["Tip: See the \"Esc\" key (this menu) if you want to see the currently playing teams continent, or that continents specials."] = "提示: 按“Esc”如果你想看当前游玩的队伍的大陆,或者大陆的特别模式", -- Continental_supplies
["Tip: The rope physics are different than in the real world, |use it to your advantage!"] = "提示: 绳索的物理效果不同于真实世界|利用它为你带来好处", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Tip: You can change your flying saucer|in mid-flight by hitting the [Attack] key twice."] = "提示: 你可以在空中按两次[攻击]改变你的飞碟", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Tiyuri"] = "Tiyuri", -- 
["Toad"] = "Toad", -- 
["To begin, walk to the crate to the right."] = "走到右边的箱子", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["To begin with the training, hit the attack key!"] = "按攻击键开始训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["To begin with the training, select the bazooka from the ammo menu!"] = "从弹药菜单选择火箭炮开始训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["To begin with the training, select the grenade from the ammo menu!"] = "从弹药菜单选择手榴弹开始训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["To begin with the training, tap the attack button!"] = "按攻击键开始训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["To finish hedgehog selection, just do anything|with him, like walking."] = "要完成刺猬选择,随便做点什么,比如走动", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["To get over the next obstacles, keep some distance from the wall before you back jump."] = "克服下一个障碍,后跳前和墙壁保持一点距离", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["To get over the water, you have to do multiple|rope shots and swings."] = "要越过水面,你必须多次发射绳索和摇晃", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Toggle Editing Weapons and Tools: [Precise]+[2]"] = "切换编辑武器和工具: [精确]+[2]", -- HedgeEditor
["Toggle Help: [Precise]+[1]"] = "切换帮助: [精确]+[1]", -- HedgeEditor
["Toggle Placement/Deletion: [Left], [Right]"] = "切换放置/删除: [左]/[右]", -- HedgeEditor
["Toggle Shield: [Long jump]"] = "切换护盾: [远跳]", -- Space_Invasion
["To help you, of course!"] = "当然是来帮你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["To launch a projectile in mid-flight, hold [Precise] and press [Long jump]."] = "要在飞行中发射炮弹,长按[精确]和按[远跳]", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Tony"] = "Tony", -- 
["Too bad! Then you should really leave!"] = "太糟糕了,然后你真的该离开", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Too slow! Try again ..."] = "太慢了,再试一次", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Top-class elite pilot"] = "顶级精英飞行员", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["To reach higher ground, walk to a ledge, look to the left, then do a back jump."] = "要到达更高的地面,走到墙边,看向左边,后跳", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Torn Muscle"] = "Torn Muscle", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["To the caves..."] = "去洞穴……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Touch all waypoints as fast as you can!"] = "尽快触碰所有路径点", -- Racer
["- Touch the sparkles near your base to teleport"] = "- 触碰你的基地附近的火花来传送", -- CTF_Blizzard
["To win the game, %s has to get the bottom crates and come back to the surface."] = "要在游戏中获胜,%s必须得到底部的箱子并回到表面", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["To win the game you had to collect the 2 crates with no specific order."] = "要在游戏中获胜,你必须收集两个箱子(无指定顺序)", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["To win the game you have to eliminate Professor Hogevil."] = "要在游戏中获胜,你必须干掉Hogevil教授", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["To win the game you have to find the right crate."] = "要在游戏中获胜,你必须找到正确的箱子", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["To win the game you have to go next to Thanta."] = "要在游戏中获胜,你必须靠近Thanta", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["To win the game you have to go to the surface."] = "要在游戏中获胜,你必须去到表面", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["To win the game you have to pass into the rings in time."] = "要在游戏中获胜,你必须在时间内进入环", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["To win the game you have to stand next to Thanta."] = "要在游戏中获胜,你必须站在Thanta旁边", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Toxic Team"] = "Toxic Team", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
["Track completed!"] = "赛道完成", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Training"] = "训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer, Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Training complete!"] = "训练完成", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Traitors"] = "叛徒", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Traitors don't get to shout around here!"] = "叛徒别在这里大叫", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Trapper"] = "Trapper", -- HedgeEditor
["Travel carefully as your fuel is limited"] = "旅行小心因为你的燃料是有限的", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Travel to all the neighbor planets and collect all the pieces"] = "旅行到所有邻近行星收集所有部件", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Treasure: Massive weapon bonus in first turn."] = "宝藏: 第一回合大量武器奖励", -- Continental_supplies
["Tribe"] = "部落", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["TrophyRace"] = "TrophyRace",
["Trunks"] = "Trunks", -- 
["Try again!"] = "再试一次", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Try it now and dive here to collect the crate on the right girder."] = "现在在这里试着潜水来收集右边大梁的箱子", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Try not to get spotted by the guards!"] = "试着不被卫兵发现", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Try out different bounciness levels to reach difficult targets."] = "试着用不同的弹力炸到困难的目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Try to be smart and eliminate them quickly. This way you might scare off the rest!"] = "试着尽快消灭他们,这样你可能吓跑剩下的", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Try to keep as many allies alive as possible."] = "试着尽可能让盟友活下来", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Try to land softly, as you can still take fall damage!"] = "缓慢着陆,不然你会受到坠落伤害", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["Try to protect the chief! You won't lose if he dies, but it is advised that he survives."] = "试着保护首领,如果他死了你不会输,但是建议让他活着", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Try to reach and destroy the next target quickly."] = "试着快速接近并破坏下一个目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Tumbler"] = "Tumbler", -- Tumbler
["Turn around: [Left Shift] + [Left]/[Right]"] = "转身: [左Shift]+[左]/[右]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Turning Around"] = "转身", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Turns: Hogs get %d random weapon(s) from their pool"] = "回合: 刺猬从他们职业得到%d随机武器", -- Battalion
["Turns: King's health is set to %d%% of the team health"] = "回合: 国王的血量设为队伍血量的%d%%", -- Battalion
["Turns left: %d"] = "剩余回合: %d", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Turns: Refill %d weapon and %d helper points|and randomize weapons and helpers based on team points"] = "回合: 基于队伍分数重新装满%d武器和%d工具分数|和随机武器和工具", -- Battalion
["Turns until arrival: %d"] = "回合直到到达: %d", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Turn Time: %dsec"] = "回合时间: %d秒", -- Space_Invasion
["Twenty-Twenty"] = "Twenty-Twenty", -- 
["Two flowers: All missions complete"] = "两朵花: 所有任务完成", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Two little hogs cooperating, getting past obstacles..."] = "两个小刺猬合作通过障碍", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Ugly Mug"] = "Ugly Mug", -- 
["Uhm...I met one of them and took his weapons."] = "呃……我遇到他们其中一个并拿走他的武器", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Uhmm, it's … uhm … my ring!"] = "呃……这是……我的戒指", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Uhmm...ok no."] = "呃……好吧,不是", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Ukemi"] = "Ukemi", -- 
["Ultra kill!"] = "Ultra kill", -- Mutant
["unC0Rr"] = "unC0Rr", -- 
["Under Construction"] = "建造", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Under normal circumstances we could easily defeat them but we have kindly sent most of our men to the Kingdom of Sand to help with the annual dusting of the king's palace."] = "在正常情况我们可以轻松打败他们,但我们好心地派出大部分人去沙之王国,帮助国王宫殿的每年打扫", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Under the meteorite’s shadow ..."] = "陨石的阴影之下", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Under the meteorites shadow ..."] = "陨石的阴影之下", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Unexpected Igor"] = "Unexpected Igor", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Unique new weapons"] = "新的唯一武器", -- Continental_supplies
["Unit"] = "单位",
["Unit 0x0007"] = "单位 0x0007", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Unit 189"] = "单位 189", -- 
["Unit 234"] = "单位 234", -- 
["Unit 333"] = "单位 333", -- 
["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "单位 334a$7%;.*", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Unit 3378"] = "单位 3378",
["Unit 485"] = "单位 485", -- 
["Unit 527"] = "单位 527", -- 
["Unit 638"] = "单位 638", -- 
["Unit 709"] = "单位 709", -- 
["Unit 835"] = "单位 835",
["Unit 881"] = "单位 881", -- User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
["Unit 883"] = "单位 883", -- 
["United We Stand"] = "团结则存", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Unlike bazookas, grenades are not influenced by wind."] = "不像火箭炮,手榴弹不受风力影响", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Unlimited Attacks: Attacks don't end your turn"] = "无限攻击: 攻击不会结束你的回合", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
["Unlucky Sods"] = "Unlucky Sods", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Unstoppable!"] = "无人能挡!",
["Unsuspecting Louts"] = "Unsuspecting Louts", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Up/Down: Adjust dust storm damage"] = "上/下: 调整沙尘暴伤害", -- Continental_supplies
["Up/Down: Browse through continents"] = "上/下: 浏览大陆", -- Continental_supplies
["Up/Down: Change placement mode"] = "上/下: 改变放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Up/down: Choose crate type"] = "上/下: 选择箱子类型", -- Construction_Mode
["Up/down: Choose object type|1-5/Switch/Left/Right: Choose mine timer|Cursor: Place object"] = "上/下: 选择物体类型|1-5/切换/上/下: 选择地雷定时器", -- Construction_Mode
["Upper-class elite pilot"] = "上等精英飞行员", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Upside-Down World"] = "颠倒的世界", -- Continental_supplies
["Use it wisely!"] = "明智地使用它", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Use it with precaution!"] = "小心使用", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["User Challenge"] = "玩家挑战",
["!"] = "!", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
["User Mission"] = "玩家任务", -- HedgeEditor
["Use the attack key twice to change the flying saucer while being in air."] = "升空时按两次攻击键改变飞碟", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Use the attack key twice to change the flying saucer while floating in mid-air."] = "飞行时按两次攻击键改变飞碟", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["Use the bazooka and the flying saucer to get the freezer."] = "使用火箭炮和飞碟得到冰冻枪", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Use the flying saucer from the crate to fly to the moon."] = "使用从箱子里得到的飞碟飞到月球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Use the flying saucer to fly the other planets."] = "使用飞碟飞到其他星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Use the flying saucer to fly to the other planets."] = "使用飞碟飞到其他星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Use the parachute to get the next crate."] = "使用降落伞得到下一个箱子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "使用传送门枪得到下一个箱子,然后使用新的武器到达终点|", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Use the RC plane and destroy the all the targets."] = "使用遥控飞机破坏所有目标", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["Use the rope in order to catch the blue hedgehog"] = "使用绳索追上蓝色刺猬", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Use the rope to complete the obstacle course!"] = "使用绳索完成障碍课程", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "使用绳索登上鼹鼠的头,年轻人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Use the rope to get to the crate"] = "使用绳索接近箱子", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Use the rope to get to the target!"] = "使用绳索接近目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "使用绳索把你的敌人撞下去", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Use the rope to quickly get to the surface!"] = "使用绳索快速到达表面", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["Use the saucer and fly away"] = "使用飞碟飞走", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Use the saucer and fly to the moon"] = "使用飞碟飞到月球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Use the shield to protect yourself from bazookas."] = "使用护盾保护自己不受火箭炮伤害", -- Space_Invasion
["Use the structure placer to place structures."] = "使用结构放置器放置结构", -- Construction_Mode
["Use your ammo wisely."] = "明智地使用你的弹药", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Use your available weapons in order to eliminate the enemies."] = "使用可用的武器消灭敌人", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02, A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Use your ready time to think."] = "使用你的准备时间来思考", -- Frenzy
["Use your rope to collect all crates as fast as possible."] = "使用绳索尽快收集所有箱子", -- SpeedShoppa
["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "使用绳索尽快从起点到达终点",
["Use your rope to get to the next target, then destroy it!"] = "使用绳索接近下一个目标,然后破坏它", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "工具箱放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["UTILITY CRATE PLACEMENT MODE"] = "工具箱放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Utility crates extend your time."] = "工具箱延长你的时间", -- Tumbler
["Variants: Hogs will be randomized from 12 different variants"] = "职业: 刺猬会随机变成12个不同的职业之一", -- Battalion
["Variants: Kings and air generals are disabled"] = "职业: 国王和空军将军被禁用", -- Battalion
["Variants: The last hog of each team will be a king"] = "职业: 每个队伍最后一个的刺猬变成国王", -- Battalion
["Vedgies"] = "Vedgies", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Vega"] = "Vega", -- 
["Vegan Jack"] = "Vegan Jack", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Very valuable, haha!"] = "非常值钱,哈哈", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Victory!"] = "胜利", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Victory Condition: Collect"] = "胜利条件: 收集", -- HedgeEditor
["Victory Condition: Destroy"] = "胜利条件: 破坏", -- HedgeEditor
["Victory for %s!"] = "%s胜利", -- Capture_the_Flag
["Violence is not the answer to your problems!"] = "暴力不是你的问题的答案", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Visit the planets of Ice, Desert and Fruit before you proceed to the Death Planet"] = "在你继续死亡星球之前,参观冰冻、沙漠和水果星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Vladimir"] = "Vladimir", -- 
["Void"] = "Void", -- Big_Armory
["Voldemort"] = "Voldemort", -- portal
["Voltorb"] = "Voltorb", -- 
["Wait a moment …"] = "等一下……", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Walking on Ice"] = "冰上行走", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Walk: [Left] and [Right]"] = "行走: [左]/[右]", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Walk: [Left]/[Right]"] = "行走: [左]/[右]", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Wall Before Crate: You must touch the marked wall before you can get crates."] = "箱子之前的墙壁: 在你能得到箱子之前,你必须触碰标记的墙壁", -- WxW
["Walls Before Crate: You must touch the %d marked walls before you can get crates."] = "箱子之前的墙壁: 在你能得到箱子之前,你必须触碰%d标记的墙壁", -- WxW
["Wall set: No walls"] = "墙壁设置: 无", -- WxW
["Wall set: %s (%d walls)"] = "墙壁设置: %s(%d墙壁)", -- WxW
["Wall set: %s"] = "墙壁设置: %s", -- WxW
["Walls left: %d"] = "墙壁剩余: %d", -- WxW
["Wall to wall"] = "墙到墙", -- WxW
["Waluigi"] = "Waluigi", -- 
["Wario"] = "Wario", -- 
["Warming Up"] = "热身", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["Warning: Fire cake detected"] = "警告: 检测到火蛋糕", -- ClimbHome
["Warning: Never ever leave the flying saucer while in water!"] = "警告: 在水里千万不要离开飞碟", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["WARNING: Sabotage detected!"] = "警告: 检测到妨害", -- Continental_supplies
["Warrior"] = "战士", -- Battalion
[" was extracted from the scheme|- This continent will be able to use the specials from the other continents!"] = "- 是从方案中提取|- 这个大陆可以从其他大陆使用特别模式", -- Continental_supplies
["WatchBot 4000"] = "WatchBot 4000", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2
["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "小心脚下,年轻人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Watermelon Heart"] = "Watermelon Heart", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Water: Rises by 37 per turn"] = "水面: 每个回合上升37", -- Battalion
["Waypoint Editing Mode"] = "路径点编辑模式", -- HedgeEditor
["WAYPOINT EDITING MODE"] = "路径点编辑模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Waypoint placed. Available points remaining: %d"] = "路径点已放置,可用路径点还有: %d", -- Racer
["Waypoint placement phase"] = "路径点放置阶段", -- Racer
["Waypoint removed. Available points: %d"] = "路径点已移除,可用的路径点: %d", -- Racer
["Waypoints remaining: %d"] = "路径点还有: %d", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Weaklings"] = "Weaklings", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "我们都知道当你害怕时发生了什么", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "武器箱放置模式", -- Construction_Mode
["WEAPON CRATE PLACEMENT MODE"] = "武器箱放置模式", -- HedgeEditor
["Weapon Filter"] = "武器过滤器", -- Construction_Mode
["Weapon Filter: Dematerializes all ammo|    carried by enemies entering it."] = "武器过滤器: 进入的敌人的所有弹药消失", -- Construction_Mode
["weaponschemes"] = "武器方案", -- Continental_supplies
["Weapons: Each team starts with %d weapon points"] = "武器: 每个队伍有%d武器分数", -- Battalion
["Weapons: Hogs will get 1 out of 3 weapons randomly each turn"] = "武器: 每个回合刺猬会随机得到本职业三种之一的武器", -- Battalion
["Weapons: Nearly every hog variant gets 1 kamikaze"] = "武器: 几乎每个刺猬职业得到一个神风特攻队", -- Battalion
["Weapon specials: Some weapons have special modes (see weapon description)."] = "武器特别模式: 某些武器有特别模式(看武器描述)", -- Continental_supplies
["Weapons reset: The weapons are reset after each turn."] = "武器重置: 每个回合之后武器重置", -- WxW
["We are indeed."] = "我们确实是", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["We can't defeat them!"] = "我们没办法打败他们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["We can't hold them up much longer!"] = "我不能拖住他们更久", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["We can't let them take over our little island!"] = "我们不能让他们接管我们的小岛", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["We come in peace! Just let our friends go!"] = "我们为和平而来,让我们的朋友走", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We could just have blown up the meteorite from the the beginning!"] = "我们可以在开头直接炸了陨石!", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["We don't have time for that now!"] = "我们现在没有时间找戒指", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We have lost an object which was critical to this mission."] = "我们失去了这个任务中的一个重要物品", -- SimpleMission
["We have no time to waste..."] = "我们没有时间可以浪费……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["We have nowhere else to live!"] = "我们没有其它地方可以生活", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["We have spotted the enemy! We'll attack when the enemies start gathering!"] = "我们发现了敌人,我们会在敌人开始聚集的时候攻击", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["We have to find our folk!"] = "我们必须找到我们的人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We have to hurry! Are you armed?"] = "我们必须赶快,你武装了吗?", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["We have to protect the village!"] = "我们必须保护村子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["We have to unite and defeat those cylergs!"] = "我们必须联合打败那些cylergs", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Welcome home! Please take a seat"] = "欢迎回家,请坐", -- ClimbHome
["Welcome, Leaks A Lot!"] = "欢迎,Leaks A Lot", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Welcome, %s, surprised to see me?"] = "欢迎,%s,看到我很惊讶?", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["Welcome to the Death Planet!"] = "欢迎来到死亡星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Welcome to the Desert Planet!"] = "欢迎来到沙漠星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Welcome to the Fruit Planet!"] = "欢迎来到水果星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Welcome to the meteorite!"] = "欢迎来到陨石", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Welcome to the moon!"] = "欢迎来到月球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Welcome to the Planet of Ice!"] = "欢迎来到冰雪星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Well done."] = "做得好",
["Well done! Let's destroy the next target!"] = "做得好,让我们破坏下一个目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Well done! The next target awaits."] = "做得好,下一个目标在等着", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["We'll give you a problem then!"] = "我们给你一个问题", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["We'll play a game first."] = "我们先来玩一个游戏", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["We'll spare your life for now!"] = "我们现在饶你一命", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Well, that escalated quickly!"] = "好吧,越来越快了", -- ClimbHome
["Well that was an unnecessary act of violence."] = "好吧,那是一个没有必要的暴力行为", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Well, that was an unnecessary act of violence."] = "好吧,那是一个没有必要的暴力行为", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Well, that was a waste of time."] = "浪费时间", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["We'll use our communicators to contact you."] = "我们会用我们的通讯器联系你", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Well, well! Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen?"] = "这是不是你见过的最可爱的事情?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Well, yes. This was a cyborg television show."] = "是的,这是一个机器人电视节目", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Well, you're about to wake up!"] = "好,你就要醒了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We made sure noone followed us!"] = "我们确保没人跟着我们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["We need it to get split into at least two parts."] = "我们需要它分成至少两个部分", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["We need to go back!"] = "我们需要回去", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We need to hurry!"] = "我们需要赶快", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We need to move!"] = "我们需要转移", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["We need to prevent their arrival!"] = "我们需要阻止他们到达", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["We need to warn the village."] = "我们需要警告村子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["We need you to go there and detonate them yourself! Good luck!"] = "我们需要你去那里引爆它们,祝你好运", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["We oppressed her, the only woman in the tribe!"] = "我们压迫了她,部落里唯一的女人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["We're terribly sorry!"] = "我们很抱歉", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["We risk our lives going through challenges."] = "我们冒着生命危险经历挑战", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We should better report this and continue our watch!"] = "我们最好报告这个并继续监视", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["We should head back to the village now."] = "我们应该现在回去村子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["We, the youth, have to constantly prove our value."] = "我们,年轻人,必须不断地证明我们的价值", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We trusted you, you fool!"] = "我们信任你,你个傻子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We were trying to save her and we got lost."] = "我们试着救她,失败了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["We were your home! Your family!"] = "我们是你的家庭,你的家人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We won't accept you destroying our village!"] = "我们不会接受你破坏我们的村子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We won't let you hurt any more of us!"] = "我们不会再让你伤害我们", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["We won't let you hurt her!"] = "我们不会让你伤害她", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["We work and work until we sweat blood."] = "我们工作和工作,直到我们流血", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["What?! A cannibal? Here? There is no time to waste! Come, you are prepared."] = "什么?!一个食人族?这里?没有时间可浪费,来,你准备好了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["What?!"] = "什么?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["What a douche!"] = "真是个傻瓜", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["What am I, yo?"] = "那我吃什么……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["What are you doing at a distance so great, young one?"] = "你在这么远的地方做什么,年轻人?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["What are you doing? Let her go!"] = "你在做什么?让她走", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["What a ride!"] = "What a ride", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["What a strange cave!"] = "多么奇怪的洞穴", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["What a strange feeling!"] = "多么奇怪的感觉", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["What could you possibly forget in that cage?"] = "你可能会忘记那个笼子里的什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["What does it look like?"] = "它看起来像什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["What do my faulty eyes observe? A spy!"] = "我的眼睛看到了什么?一个间谍!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["What do you say? Are you in?"] = "如何?你在听吗?", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["What do you say? Will you fight for us?"] = "如何?你会和我们战斗?", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["What do you want to do?"] = "你想做什么?", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Whatever floats your boat..."] = "你爱做什么做什么……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["What?! For all this struggle I just win some ... time? Oh dear!"] = "什么?!我所有的奋斗只赢得一点……时间?", -- portal
["What has %s ever done to you?"] = "%s对你做了什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["What? Here? How did they find us?!"] = "什么?这里?他们怎么找到我们的?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["What? Is it over already?"] = "什么?已经结束了?", -- ClimbHome
["What is it that you forgot?"] = "你忘记的是什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["What is this place?"] = "这个地方是哪里?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["What oppression? You were the most unoppressed member of the tribe!"] = "什么压迫?你是部落里最不受到压迫的人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["What shall we do with the traitor?"] = "我们要对叛徒做什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["What's in the box, you ask? Let's find out!"] = "你问箱子里有什么?让我们看看", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["What the?"] = "What the?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["WHAT?! You're the ones attacking us!"] = "什么?!你就是攻击我们的那个!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["When?"] = "什么时候?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["When I find it..."] = "当我找到它……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["When you're in mid-air, you can continue to aim|and fire another rope if you're not attached."] = "你在空中的时候,可以继续瞄准和发射绳索", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Where are all these crates coming from?!"] = "这些箱子都是从哪来的?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Where are they?!"] = "他们在哪里?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Where did that alien run?"] = "外星人跑去哪里?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Where did you get the exploding apples?"] = "你在哪里得到爆炸苹果?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Where did you get the exploding apples and the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"] = "你在哪里得到爆炸苹果和发射许多箭的魔法弓?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Where did you get the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"] = "你在哪里得到发射许多箭的魔法弓?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Where did you get the weapons in the forest, Dense Cloud?"] = "你在森林的哪里得到武器,Dense Cloud?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Where do you get that?!"] = "你在哪里得到那个?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Where have you been?!"] = "你去了哪里?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Where have you been?"] = "你去了哪里?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["While in modification mode, you can change|the LandFlag by clicking on an object."] = "在修改模式,你可以点击一个对象改变LandFlag", -- HedgeEditor
["White Tee"] = "White Tee", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Who's there?! I'll get you!"] = "谁在那里?!我会抓到你", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Why?"] = "为什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Why are you doing this?"] = "为什么你这么做?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Why are you helping us, uhm...?"] = "为什么你帮助我们,呃……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Why can't he just let her go?!"] = "为什么他就不能让她走?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["… why did I risk my life to collect all the parts of the anti-gravity device?"] = "……为什么我要冒着生命危险收集反重力设备的所有部件?", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["Why did you do this?"] = "你为什么要这么做?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Why did you kill your father?"] = "为什么你杀了你的父亲?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Why do men keep hurting me?"] = "为什么男人一直伤害我?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Why do you always have to call me names?"] = "为什么你一直必须叫我名字?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Why do you keep betraying us?"] = "为什么你一直背叛我们?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Why do you not like me?"] = "为什么你不喜欢我?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Why do you want to take over our island?"] = "为什么你想要接管我们的岛屿?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Why me?!"] = "为什么是我?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Why %s? Why?"] = "为什么,%s,为什么?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Why, why, why, why!"] = "为什么,为什么!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Why would they do this?"] = "他们为什么这样做?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["- Will get 1-3 random weapons"] = "- 会得到1-3随机武器", -- Continental_supplies
["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "- 会得到1-3随机武器", -- Continental_supplies
["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "- 每两个回合会给你一个降落伞", -- Continental_supplies
["Will this ever end?"] = "这一切会结束吗?",
["Will you give me the other parts?"] = "你会给我其它部件吗?", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["Win"] = "赢", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
["Wind"] = "风", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Winner: %s"] = "胜者: %s", -- Mutant
["Winning time: %s"] = "获胜时间: %s", -- Racer, TechRacer
["Wise Oak"] = "Wise Oak", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["With Dense Cloud on the land of shadows, I'm the village's only hope..."] = "Dense Cloud在阴影之地,我是村子的唯一希望……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["With low bounciness, it barely bounces at all, but it is much more predictable."] = "低弹力几乎不跳,但更容易预测", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["With the rest of the tribe gone, it was up to %s to save the village."] = "部落剩下的人走了,到%s上场拯救村子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Worry not, for it is a peaceful animal! There is no reason to be afraid..."] = "别担心,这是一个和平的动物,没有理由害怕……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Wow, what a dream!"] = "哇,一个梦!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Xeli"] = "Xeli", -- 
["Xerxes"] = "Xerxes", -- 
["Y3K1337"] = "Y3K1337", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Yay, we won!"] = "耶,我们赢了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Y Chwiliad"] = "Y Chwiliad", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Yeah...I think it's a 'he', lol."] = "耶……我想这是一个“他”,笑", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Yeah, sure! I died. Hilarious!"] = "耶,当然,我死了,非常有趣", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Yeah, sure! I died. Hillarious!"] = "耶,当然,我死了,非常有趣", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Yeah, take that!"] = "耶,拿着那个", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Yeah? Watcha gonna do? Cry?"] = "你要做什么?哭吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Yeah, well, for some dude to be happy, some other dude has to suffer."] = "很好,一些人开心,一些人受苦", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Yellow"] = "Yellow", -- 
["Yellow Pepper"] = "Yellow Pepper", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Yellow Watermelons"] = "Yellow Watermelons", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["Yes!"] = "是的!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Yes, but you're … different!"] = "是的,但你是……不同的!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "Yes,你现在准备好进入真实世界了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Yeti"] = "Yeti", -- 
["Yikes!"] = "Yikes", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["Yo, dude! Get away from our weapons!"] = "老兄,离开我们的武器", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "老兄,我们也在这里", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Yo, escort my buttocks!"] = "Yo,护送我的臀部", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Yoshi"] = "Yoshi", -- 
["Yo, the aliens gave me plants. Medicinal plants. Lots of it."] = "外星人给了我植物,药草,很多", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!|Your score will be based on your height."] = "你离家很远,水面在上升,尽可能爬到高处|你的分数基于你的高度", -- ClimbHome
["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "你有机会改变自己的生活……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["You are in control of all the active ally units."] = "你能控制所有激活的盟友单位", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["You are indeed the best PAotH pilot."] = "你是最好的星球协会飞行员", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["You are out of danger, time to go to the moon!"] = "你安全了,是时候去月球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "你在玩弄我们的生命", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["You are sabotaged, RUN!"] = "你被妨害了,快跑", -- Continental_supplies
["You are the one who fled! So, you are alive."] = "你是逃跑的那个,所以,你活着", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["You bear impressive skills, %s!"] = "你拥有令人印象深刻的技能,%s", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["You can also hold down the key for “Precise Aim” to prevent slipping."] = "你可以一直按着“精确瞄准”来阻止滑动", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["You can always trust me!"] = "你可以一直信任我", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["You can always trust me! I love you!"] = "你可以一直信任我,我爱你", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["You can avoid some battles."] = "你可以避开一些战斗", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
["You can change the detonation timer of grenades."] = "你可以改变手榴弹的引爆定时器", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["You can choose another planet by replaying this mission."] = "你可以重新游玩这个任务,选择另一个星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You can dive with your flying saucer!"] = "你可以用飞碟潜水", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["You can even change your aiming direction in mid-flight if you first hold [Precice] and then press [Up] or [Down]."] = "你甚至可以在飞行中改变瞄准方向,长按[精确]再按[上]或[下]", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["You can even change your aiming direction in mid-flight if you first hold [Precise] and then press [Up] or [Down]."] = "你甚至可以在飞行中改变瞄准方向,长按[精确]再按[上]或[下]", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["You can further customize the race by changing the scheme script paramater."] = "你可以改变方案脚本参数,进一步自定义竞赛", -- TechRacer
["You can further customize the race by changing the scheme script parameter."] = "你可以改变方案脚本参数,进一步自定义竞赛", -- TechRacer
["You can only use the sniper rifle or the watermelon bomb."] = "你只能用狙击枪或西瓜炸弹", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["You can practice moving around and using utilities in this mission.|However, it will never end!"] = "你可以练习到处移动,使用这个任务的工具|无论如何,它永远不会结束", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["You can set the bounciness of grenades (and grenade-like weapons)."] = "你可以设置手榴弹的弹性(和类似手榴弹的武器)", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["- You can switch between hogs at the start of your turns. (Not first one)"] = " 你可以在你的回合开始切换刺猬(不是第一个)", -- Continental_supplies
["You can’t open a portal on the blue surface."] = "你不能在蓝色表层打开传送门", -- portal
["You can use the other 2 hogs to assist you."] = "你可以使用其他两个刺猬帮助你", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["You can use the rope to reach new places."] = "你可以使用绳索到达新位置", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["You choose well, %s!"] = "你选得好,%s", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["You completed the mission in %.3f seconds."] = "你用%.3f秒完成任务", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["You completed the mission in %d rounds."] = "你用%d回合完成任务", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02, A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["You couldn't have come to a worse time, %s!"] = "你不可能来过更糟糕的时刻,%s", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["You couldn't possibly believe that after refusing my offer I'd just let you go!"] = "你不可能相信拒绝我的提议之后我会让你走", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["You'd almost swear the water was rising!"] = "我不会游泳,你呢……",
["You'd better watch your steps..."] = "你最好小心脚下……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["You defended yourself against Captain Lime."] = "你保卫自己对抗Captain Lime", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["You defended yourself against %s."] = "你保卫自己对抗%s", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["You did great, %s! However, we aren't out of danger yet!"] = "你做得很好,%s,然而,我们还没有脱离危险", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You did not make it in time, try again!"] = "你没有在时间内完成,再试一次", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["You don't deserve my sacrifice!"] = "你不值得我牺牲", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You drove Professor Hogevil away."] = "你赶走了Hogevil教授", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["You drove the minions away."] = "你赶走了手下", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["You earned the \"Rope Master\" achievement for finishing in under 50 seconds."] = "在50秒内完成,你获得“绳索大师”成就", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["You endangered your whole tribe, you bastard!"] = "你让整个部落快要灭绝,你这个混蛋", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You failed!"] = "你失败了", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["You failed to kill all enemies in a single turn."] = "你没能在一个回合杀死所有敌人", -- Big_Armory
["You failed to kill all enemies in this turn."] = "你没能在这个回合杀死所有敌人", -- Big_Armory
["You fought bravely and you helped us win this battle!"] = "你勇敢地帮助我们赢得战斗", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["You give me no choice!"] = "你让我没的选择", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You got a killer mask there, amigo!"] = "你在那里得到一个杀手面具,amigo!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["You got me!"] = "你抓到我了", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["You had %.1fs remaining on the clock (+%d points)."] = "你剩下%.1f秒(+%d分)", -- TargetPractice
["You had %.2fs remaining on the clock (+%d points)."] = "你剩下%.2f秒(+%d分)", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
["You have 7 turns until the next wave arrives.|Make sure the arriving cannibals are greeted appropriately!|If the hog dies, the cause is lost.|Hint: you might want to use some mines..."] = "你有7回合直到下一波到达|确保到达的食人族受到适当的迎接|提示: 你可能要用一些地雷……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You have 7 turns until the next wave arrives.|Make sure the arriving cannibals are greeted appropriately!|If the hog dies, the cause is lost.|Hint: You might want to use some mines ..."] = "你有7回合直到下一波到达|确保到达的食人族受到适当的迎接|提示: 你可能要用一些地雷……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You have acquired the last device part."] = "你得到了最后的设备部件", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["You have activated Switch Hedgehog!"] = "你激活了切换刺猬", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["You have beaten the challenge!"] = "你打败了挑战", -- ClimbHome
["You have beaten the team record, congratulations!"] = "你打破了队伍记录,恭喜", -- Utils
["You have been giving us out to the enemy, haven't you!"] = "你把我们送给敌人,你没有吗?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You have chosen the perfect moment to leave."] = "你选择了完美时刻离开", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["You have chosen to fight!"] = "你选择战斗", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["You have chosen to flee."] = "你选择逃跑", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["You have collected %d out of %d crate(s)."] = "你收集了%d箱子(总数%d)", -- SpeedShoppa
["You have collected the “Switch Hedgehog” utility!"] = "你选择了“切换刺猬”工具", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["You have completed the Basic Bazooka Training!"] = "你完成了基础火箭炮训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["You have completed the Basic Grenade Training!"] = "你完成了基础手榴弹训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
["You have completed the Basic Movement Training!"] = "你完成了基础移动训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["You have completed this challenge in %.2f s (+%d points)."] = "你用%.2f秒完成了这个挑战(+%d分)", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["You have destroyed all targets!"] = "你破坏了所有目标", -- TargetPractice
["You have destroyed all the targets."] = "你破坏了所有目标", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["You have destroyed %d of %d targets."] = "你破坏了%d目标(总数%d)", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["You have destroyed %d of %d targets (+%d points)."] = "你破坏了%d目标(总数%d)(+%d分)", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, TargetPractice
["You have dropped %d missiles."] = "你丢下了%d导弹", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["You have eliminated all visible enemy hedgehogs!"] = "你消灭了所有看得见的敌人", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["You have eliminated Professor Hogevil."] = "你消灭了Hogevil教授", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["You have eliminated the evil minions."] = "你消灭了邪恶的手下", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["You have escaped successfully."] = "你成功地逃离", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["You have failed to complete your task, young one!"] = "你没能完成你的任务,年轻人", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["You have failed to save the tribe!"] = "你没能拯救部落", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You have finally figured it out!"] = "你终于弄清楚了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["You have finished the Basic Rope Training!"] = "你完成了基础绳索训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["You have finished the bazooka training!"] = "你完成了火箭炮训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["You have finished the challenge in %.3f s."] = "你用%.3f秒完成挑战", -- SpeedShoppa
["You have finished the challenge!"] = "你完成挑战", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["You have finished the Flying Saucer Training!"] = "你完成了飞碟训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["You have finished the target practice!"] = "你完成了目标训练", -- TargetPractice
["You have kidnapped our whole tribe!"] = "你绑架了我们的整个部落", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["You have killed all enemies."] = "你杀了所有敌人", -- Big_Armory
["You have killed an innocent hedgehog!"] = "你杀死了一个无辜的刺猬", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You have killed %d of 16 hedgehogs (+%d points)."] = "你杀死了%d刺猬(总数16)(+%d分)", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["You have killed %d of %d hedgehogs (+%d points)."] = "你杀死了%d刺猬(总数%d)(+%d分)", -- RopeKnocking
["You have launched %d bazookas."] = "你发射了%d火箭炮", -- Target_Practice_-_Bazooka_easy, Target_Practice_-_Bazooka_hard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["You have launched %d homing bees."] = "你发射了%d蜜蜂", -- Target_Practice_-_Homing_Bee
["You have made %d shots."] = "你射击了%d次", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
["You have managed to catch the blue hedgehog in %.3f seconds."] = "你用%.3f秒抓住了蓝色刺猬", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["You have never worked a bit in your life!"] = "在你的生命里从来没有做过一点工作", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You have nothing to be afraid of now."] = "你现在不用担心了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["You haven't rescued anyone."] = "你还没有解救任何人", -- User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling
["You have perfectly beaten the challenge!"] = "你完美地打败了挑战", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["You have proven yourself worthy to see our most ancient secret!"] = "你证明了自己值得看我们最古老的秘密", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["You have proven yourselves worthy!"] = "你证明了自己有价值", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["You have reached the take-off area successfully!"] = "你成功地到达起飞区域", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["You have rescued H and Dr. Cornelius."] = "你解救了H和Dr. Cornelius", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["You have SCORED!!"] = "你得分了",
["You have shot %d times."] = "你射击了%d次", -- TargetPractice
["You have successfully eliminated Professor Hogevil."] = "你成功地消灭了Hogevil教授", -- A_Space_Adventure:death01
["You have successfully finished the campaign!"] = "你成功地完成了战役", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["You have successfully finished the sniper rifle training!"] = "你成功地完成了狙击枪训练", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
["You have thrown %d cluster bombs."] = "你投掷了%d集束炸弹", -- Target_Practice_-_Cluster_Bomb
["You have thrown %d grenades."] = "你投掷了%d手榴弹", -- Target_Practice_-_Grenade_easy, Target_Practice_-_Grenade_hard
["You have to be careful and must not die!"] = "你必须小心而且不能死", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You have to catch the other hog 3 times."] = "你必须抓到其他刺猬三次", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["You have to complete the main mission on moon in order to travel to other planets."] = "你必须完成月球上的主要任务才能旅行到其他星球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You have to continue alone from now on."] = "你现在必须一个人继续", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You have to destroy all the explosives without dying!"] = "你必须破坏所有爆炸物,不能死掉", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
["You have to destroy all the targets."] = "你必须破坏所有目标", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["You have to destroy the target above by dropping a grenade on it from your flying saucer."] = "你必须从你的飞碟丢手榴弹破坏上面的目标", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["You have to destroy two targets, but the previous technique would be very difficult or dangerous to use."] = "你必须破坏两个目标,但手榴弹炸不到上面", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["You have to drop the grenade from rope!"] = "你必须从绳索丢手榴弹", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["You have to eliminate all the enemies."] = "你必须消灭所有敌人", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02, A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["You have to eliminate all the visible enemies."] = "你必须消灭所有看得见的敌人", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["You have to get the weapons and rescue the PAotH researchers."] = "你必须得到武器并解救星球协会研究员", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
["You have to get to the left-most land and remove any enemy hog from there."] = "你必须到达最左边的地面,干掉那里的敌人", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["You have to go back to the moon!"] = "你必须回到月球", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You have to move upwards, not downwards, %s!"] = "你必须上去,不是下去,%s", -- ClimbHome
["You have to reach the left-most place on the map."] = "你必须到达地图上最左边的位置", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["You have to stand very close to him"] = "你必须站在他旁边", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["You have to travel again"] = "你必须再次旅行", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You have to try again!"] = "你必须再试一次", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You have triggered the secret Do-Not-Rope-to-the-Moon Defense System."] = "你触发了秘密的“不要用绳索去月球”防御系统", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You have unlocked the target radar!"] = "你解锁了目标雷达", -- TargetPractice
["You have used %d flying saucers."] = "你使用了%d飞碟", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["You have used %d RC planes."] = "你使用了%d遥控飞机", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["You have used only 1 RC plane. Outstanding!"] = "你只用了一个遥控飞机,优秀!", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["You have violated PAotH regulations!"] = "你违反了星球协会条例", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You have won the game by proving true cooperative skills!"] = "你证明真正的合作技巧,赢了游戏", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["You just appeared out of thin air!"] = "你在空中出现", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You just can't let it go, can you!"] = "你就不能让它走吗", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You just committed suicide..."] = "你自杀了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["You just got yourself some extra health.|The more health your hedgehogs have, the better!"] = "你得到了一点额外血量|你的刺猬的血量越多越好", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["You killed my father, you monster!"] = "你杀了我的父亲,你这个怪物", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You know...taking a stroll."] = "你知道……散一下步", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "你知道什么?我什么都不后悔", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You'll get an extra sniper rifle every time you kill an enemy hog with a limit of max 4 rifles."] = "你以最多4狙击枪的限制杀死敌人会得到一个额外的狙击枪", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["You'll get an extra teleport every time you kill an enemy hog with a limit of max 2 teleports."] = "你以最多2传送的限制杀死敌人会得到一个额外的传送", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["You'll get extra time in case you need it when you pass a ring."] = "当你通过一个环的时候会得到额外的时间", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02
["You'll have only 2 watermelon bombs during the game."] = "你在游戏中只有两个西瓜炸弹", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["You'll have only one RC plane at the start of the mission."] = "你在任务开始只有一个遥控飞机", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["You'll have to eliminate Captain Lime at the end."] = "你必须在最后消灭Captain Lime", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["You'll have to eliminate %s at the end."] = "你必须在最后消灭%s", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["You'll lose if you die or if your time is up."] = "你死了或时间到就会输", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["You'll see what I mean!"] = "你会明白我的意思", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["You lost your target, try again!"] = "你失去了你的目标,再试一次", -- TargetPractice
["You may find it handy."] = "你会发现它很好用", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "你只能从绳索攻击", -- WxW
["You may only place 1 Extra Time crate per turn."] = "你每个回合只能放置一个额外时间箱子", -- Construction_Mode
["You may only place %d crates per round."] = "你每个回合只能放置%d箱子", -- Construction_Mode
["- You may only score when your flag is in your base"] = "- 只有当你的光环在你的基地时得分", -- Capture_the_Flag
["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "你这个肉包太慢了,你知道吗!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "你可能需要找一个办法立即杀死到达的食人族", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You must attack from a rope, after you collected a crate!"] = "你必须在收集一个箱子之后从绳索攻击", -- WxW
["You must first collect a crate before you attack!"] = "你必须在你攻击前收集一个箱子", -- WxW
["You must survive the flood in order to score."] = "你必须在洪水中活下来才能得分", -- User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling
["You never give me plants!"] = "你从来没有给我植物", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "年轻人,你告诉我们,他们不需要萨满就能立即改变位置?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["You now have infinite fuel, grenades and bazookas for fun."] = "你现在有无限的燃料、手榴弹、火箭炮来玩", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["You only get 1 rope this time, don't waste it!"] = "你这次只有一个绳索,不要浪费", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["You only have 2 flying saucers this time."] = "你这次只有两个飞碟", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["You only have one flying saucer this time."] = "你这次只有一个飞碟", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
["You probably know what to do next..."] = "你可能知道接下来要做什么……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Your accuracy was %.1f%%."] = "你的准确度是%.1f%%", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, TargetPractice
["Your accuracy was %.1f%% (+%d points)."] = "你的准确度是%.1f%%(+%d分)", -- TargetPractice
["Your ammo is limited this time."] = "这次你的弹药有限", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["Your deaths will be avenged, %s!"] = "你的死会被复仇,%s", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Your death will not be in vain, Dense Cloud!"] = "你的死不会是徒劳的,Dense Cloud", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["You're a coward!"] = "你是个懦夫", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You're...alive!? But we saw you die!"] = "你……还活着?!可是我看到你死了", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You're a pathetic liar!"] = "你是个可怜的骗子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You're funny!"] = "你好有趣", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["You're getting pretty good! |Tip: When you shorten you rope, you move faster!|And when you lengthen it, you move slower."] = "你做得很好|提示: 绳索短,移动快,绳索长,移动慢", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["You're on your way to freeing your tribe!"] = "你在用你的方式解放你的部落", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You're pathetic! You are not worthy of my attention..."] = "你真可怜,你不值得我注意", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["You're probably wondering why I bought you back..."] = "你可能想知道为什么我带你回来……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["You're probably wondering why I brought you back ..."] = "你可能想知道为什么我带你回来……", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Your escape took you %d turns."] = "你的逃离用了你%d回合", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["You're so brave! I feel safe with you."] = "你真勇敢,我感觉和你一起很安全", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["You're some piece of hypocrite junkie!"] = "你是某些伪君子垃圾的碎片", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You're terrorizing the forest...We won't catch anything like this!"] = "你在威胁森林……我们不会抓到像这样的东西", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["You retrieved the lost part."] = "你找回了遗失的部件", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit02
["Your fastest escape so far: %d turns"] = "你至今最快的逃离: %d回合", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert02
["Your fastest victory so far: %d rounds"] = "你至今最快的胜利: %d回合", -- A_Space_Adventure:death02, A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["Your first destination is the moon in order to get more fuel."] = "你在月球的第一个目标是得到更多燃料", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
["Your hedgehog died!"] = "你的刺猬死了", -- User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling
["Your hedgehog has been revived!"] = "你的刺猬被复活了", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade, Basic_Training_-_Movement, Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Your hedgehog was panicly afraid of the water and decided to go in a safe distance of %d from it."] = "你的刺猬怕水并爬到安全距离%d", -- ClimbHome
["Your height over time"] = "高度图表", -- ClimbHome
["Your hogs must survive!"] = "你的刺猬必须活下来", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Your movement skills will be evaluated now."] = "现在要评价你的移动技能", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Your next task is to collect some crates by using the rope!"] = "你的下一个任务是用绳索收集一些箱子", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Your personal best time so far: %.3f seconds"] = "你至今最佳时间: %.3f秒", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice02, A_Space_Adventure:moon02
["Your rank: %s"] = "你的等级: %s", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Your rope is gone! Try again!"] = "你的绳索没了,再试一次", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["You saved %d of 8 hegehogs."] = "你救了%d/8刺猬", -- User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling
["You see, hedgehog spikes are very, very valuable."] = "你看,刺猬spikes非常有价值", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You see the wind strength at the bottom right corner."] = "你可以在右下角看到风力", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["You see the wind strength at the top."] = "你可以在顶部看到风力", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
["You should have known that we don't rely on meatbags!"] = "你应该知道我们不会依赖肉包", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You should know this more than anyone, Leaks!"] = "你应该比任何人都了解,Leaks", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["You speak great truth, Hannibal. Here, take a sip!"] = "你说了大实话,Hannibal,来,尝一口", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["You've been assaulting us, we have been just defending ourselves!"] = "你袭击我们,我们只是保护自己", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "你已经达到目标| |时间: ",
["You will be avenged!"] = "你会被复仇的", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["You will fail if you run out of ammo and there are still targets available."] = "如果这里还有目标,而你没有弹药,你会失败", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert03
["You will gain some extra ammo from the crates the next time you play the \"Getting to the device\" mission."] = "下一次你玩“取得设备”任务会从箱子得到一些额外弹药", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
["You will play every 3 turns."] = "你会游玩每3回合", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "- 你每次杀死会收到2-4武器(即使是自己的刺猬)", -- Continental_supplies
["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "你不会相信在我身上发生了什么事", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "啊,我打赌即使我拯救了村子,他们会一直崇拜她", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Yumme Gunpowder"] = "Yumme Gunpowder", -- 
["Zealandia"] = "Zealandia", -- Continental_supplies
["Zombie"] = "Zombie", -- 
["Zombi"] = "Zombi", -- portal
["'Zooka Team"] = "'Zooka Team",
["Zoom: [Pinch] with 2 fingers"] = "缩放: 两个手指捏", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Zoom: [Rotate mouse wheel]"] = "缩放: 鼠标滚轮", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
["Zork"] = "Zork", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen