2009-04-19 unc0rr Patch by koda:
2009-04-19 unc0rr Chef hat
2009-04-19 unc0rr Please koda with console output
2009-04-19 unc0rr Move health sorter to visual gears:
2009-04-19 unc0rr Some work to try prevent stack memory leak
2009-04-18 unc0rr Patch by koda:
2009-04-17 unc0rr patch by koda:
2009-04-17 unc0rr - More verbose output
2009-04-17 unc0rr Don't crash engine after round in reduced quality mode
2009-04-17 unc0rr Commit part of koda's patch which applies cleanly:
2009-04-17 unc0rr Fix disconnection from server
2009-04-14 unc0rr koda's patch
2009-04-13 unc0rr Add two more maps to build system
2009-04-13 unc0rr Add basketball to build system
2009-04-13 unc0rr Fix message being sent to users of 0.9.10 0.9.10-release
2009-04-13 unc0rr Fix some locale files installation
2009-04-13 unc0rr Add castle and halloween to install
2009-04-13 unc0rr Update release doc
2009-04-13 unc0rr Silence net debug messages
2009-04-13 unc0rr - Fix training
2009-04-13 unc0rr Set version to 0.9.10, protocol to 25
2009-04-13 unc0rr Three more hats
2009-04-13 unc0rr Update changelog in server
2009-04-13 unc0rr Less verbose server output
2009-04-13 unc0rr Disable feel of editing for built-in schemes
2009-04-13 unc0rr update about page
2009-04-13 unc0rr Update changelog
2009-04-13 unc0rr Russian voicepack
2009-04-13 unc0rr Update translation from patches tracker on fireforge
2009-04-13 unc0rr - Add gameServer to build system
2009-04-13 unc0rr Update russian translation
2009-04-13 unc0rr Some polishing
2009-04-12 unc0rr - One more hat
2009-04-12 unc0rr make use of bath.ogg
2009-04-12 unc0rr nemo's schemes patch
2009-04-12 unc0rr Fix previous commit
2009-04-12 unc0rr New hat + 2 soundtracks
2009-04-12 unc0rr More contrasting lightbulb
2009-04-12 unc0rr Prevent server from crashing when get SqlNull value
2009-04-12 unc0rr koda's fix
2009-04-12 unc0rr Add Shoppa game scheme
2009-04-12 unc0rr Predefine some ammo schemes
2009-04-12 unc0rr nemo's patch + ropes ammo scheme hack
2009-04-12 unc0rr - Apply koda's patch
2009-04-12 unc0rr - Another way of defining official server
2009-04-12 unc0rr Better SQL statement, allows NULL rid
2009-04-11 unc0rr Remove some stuff
2009-04-11 unc0rr Remove Codec dir
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