2017-12-24 unc0rr Preview rendering seems to work now qmlfrontend
2017-12-24 unc0rr And more refactoring... qmlfrontend
2017-12-23 unc0rr More refactoring in attempt to move away from frontlib qmlfrontend
2017-12-22 unc0rr Start hacking new frontend qmlfrontend
2017-12-17 unc0rr Start removing flib functionality qmlfrontend
2017-12-16 unc0rr Merge default. This branch is up-to-date and code is working. qmlfrontend
2017-12-16 unc0rr Add new qmlfrontend project template
2017-12-16 unc0rr Improve this code a bit more
2017-12-06 unc0rr Quick dirty fix for building
2017-12-05 nemo bump proto
2017-12-05 nemo 0.9.23 branch 0.9.23
2017-12-05 nemo rock the duck a bit - also replace a few other values with realtick that seemed like they should probably animate in pause
2017-11-30 nemo er. should be true I think? also... maybe this should be somewhere else
2017-11-30 nemo This is a desyncing change. But... We might need a new release anyway. ☹
2017-11-29 alfadur Fix chat input key being sometimes registered twice
2017-11-25 nemo At the very least we should match the gameserver length which seems to be 40, not 60
2017-11-25 nemo Should probably have gl context stuff in its own unit separate from store, but, don't close the gl context before anything that might still want to do gl operations
2017-11-25 nemo init priority and scale
2017-11-23 nemo hate SDL blit...
2017-11-22 nemo infinite attack resets flags so probably should skip this
2017-11-19 unc0rr Update checker a bit
2017-11-17 Wuzzy Added tag 0.9.23-release for changeset 8610462e3d33
2017-11-17 nemo alt damage should default to false
2017-11-15 nemo remove the annoying ????
2017-11-13 Wuzzy Remove 2 unused number tags in Construction Mode GUI 0.9.23-release
2017-11-13 unc0rr - More files to ignore
2017-11-13 unc0rr Bump protocol version and add new version info to game server
2017-11-12 Wuzzy Update translations mentioned in changelog
2017-11-12 KoBeWi Finalize translation of pl.lua
2017-11-12 Wuzzy Backed out changeset 575c0de98505
2017-11-12 Wuzzy Fix grammar fail in cosmos.lua (string freeze compliant)
2017-11-12 KoBeWi Update pl.lua (>99% complete)
2017-11-09 alfadur animation tweak
2017-11-08 Wuzzy Fix incorrect check for cake gear type in ClimbHome
2017-11-08 nemo remove some more test redundancy and restore a missing and important nil check
2017-11-08 nemo just merging if statements
2017-11-06 unc0rr - Update .pro file
2017-11-03 Wuzzy Remove unused uCommands from uGearsHandlersMess
2017-11-03 Wuzzy Fix lastGameType not being updated if game type was demo or save (fixes a crash)
2017-11-03 Wuzzy Fix desyncs when forcing rope re-selection after missing a shot or hitting bounce world edge
2017-11-03 Wuzzy Fix desync when dropping weapon from parachute or jetpack
2017-11-03 Wuzzy Backed out changeset 28210d2a9a36 (fixes bug 553)
2017-11-02 nemo initialise previousGameState to something valid and not gsSuspend
2017-11-01 Wuzzy Add Lua problems to the troubleshooting section of INSTALL.md
2017-11-01 koda travis: Install qt4 with a brew tap
2017-11-01 unc0rr Don't send taunt message for automatically happening taunt animation
2017-10-31 Wuzzy Remove newlines at end of Gravity mission panel
2017-10-31 Wuzzy Fix frontend not sending script param if empty
2017-10-31 Wuzzy Fix Battialion script showing “Round 0” at start
2017-10-31 Wuzzy Fix host not re-sending ammo scheme after editing an existing ammo scheme
2017-10-31 KoBeWi Update Polish tips and mission map descriptions
2017-10-31 Wuzzy Update changelog regarding wrap world edge bugs
2017-10-31 KoBeWi Add Polish translation for campaigns and new missions
2017-10-30 KoBeWi Update pl.txt translation file
2017-10-30 Wuzzy Backed out changeset c162995831d8
2017-10-30 Wuzzy Backed out changeset 058a5d373e4a
2017-10-30 Wuzzy Backed out changeset d08afea02908
2017-10-30 KoBeWi Minor pl.txt update
2017-10-30 KoBeWi Update and complete Polish frontend translation
2017-10-30 Wuzzy Fix Hedgewars going into suspension mode (game freezes) when windows got minimized
2017-10-30 KoBeWi Update Polish translation (frontend, 3 strings missing)
2017-10-29 Wuzzy Fix broken cancel button on the login window (bug 373)
2017-10-29 Wuzzy ACF6: Make sure player only gets portal gun at the portal sequence, and not a pile full of weapons and ropes
2017-10-29 Wuzzy ACF3: Mention mines time in a sequence where it has been forgotten
2017-10-29 Wuzzy ACF2: Fix Lua error spam when Leaks A Lot died in same turn as weaklings, also do other minor tweaks
2017-10-28 Wuzzy Fix some German translations in ClimbHome and ACF
2017-10-28 Wuzzy Add comments for all A Classic Fairytale missions to summarize the story in a flow chart-like fashion
2017-10-28 Wuzzy Use SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode to detect mouse movements, fixes xinput issues
2017-10-28 Wuzzy HedgeEditor: Define fallback flag/voice/fort/grave when saving level data
2017-10-28 Wuzzy HedgeEditor: Don't change mode in background when pressing left/right w/o amAirAttack selected
2017-10-28 Wuzzy Fix ammo menu, placement and camera movement keys not working in ammo menu
2017-10-28 Wuzzy Fix CheckWorldWrap not correctly checking for bounce edge. Also fix teleport @ bounce edge
2017-10-27 unc0rr Update cabal file
2017-10-27 Wuzzy Fix bad LuaGoals comparison for pas2c builds
2017-10-27 Wuzzy Update small preview image of Basketball and BasketballField maps
2017-10-27 Wuzzy ACF7: Fix two weird thinking bubbles which should be speech bubbles
2017-10-27 Wuzzy ACF7: Fix no animation starting for some possible scenes
2017-10-27 Wuzzy Oops. Changelog was wrong, the error message spam was for ACF8, not ACF7
2017-10-27 Wuzzy ACF7: Fix possible Lua error spam in intro sequence
2017-10-27 Wuzzy Fix some German typos and change a translation word (Ziele → Zielscheiben)
2017-10-26 Wuzzy Disable hog control after winning target practice challenge
2017-10-26 Wuzzy ACF5: Fix final animation being stuck when the cyborg's way to the right is blocked
2017-10-26 Wuzzy Animate library: Add new parameter maxMoveTime to AnimMove
2017-10-26 unc0rr Slightly update russian localization
2017-10-26 Wuzzy ACF7: Set correct hog position after skipping start anim
2017-10-26 Wuzzy ACF2: Mention that both hogs must survive
2017-10-26 Wuzzy ACF, mission 2: Fix various mission breakages when heroes died together with enemies
2017-10-26 Wuzzy Change SD music for Halloween and Hoggywood themes (old tracks)
2017-10-26 Wuzzy Fix German typo in de.lua
2017-10-26 Wuzzy Expose the gotten achievements of Bamboo Thicked and Dangerous Ducklings in the stats screen
2017-10-26 Wuzzy Add sparkle's name to Rope Knock Challenge
2017-10-26 Wuzzy Update credits for Fruit.ogg
2017-10-26 Wuzzy Complete music credits for Jungle.ogg by alfadur
2017-10-26 nemo oops
2017-10-26 alfadur jungle music
2017-10-25 nemo checksum immediately after loading because surface2tex does surface manipulation. also add some FIXMEs
2017-10-25 Wuzzy Make gtDuck use DirAngle instead of Angle for rotation
2017-10-25 Wuzzy Fix sometimes ammo schemes not being saved after changing before an ammo scheme got deleted in session
2017-10-25 nemo one more pattern
2017-10-25 unc0rr Use maybeNick from Utils, fixes empty nickname inserted in ROOMS protocol command parameters. Not tested, but builds, and it's Haskell...
2017-10-24 nemo you know what... I think everything would have been fine if we'd simply required all this hog stuff to be in the same block...
2017-10-24 nemo w is in pixels, so presumably this needs to be *4
2017-10-24 nemo use pitch for surfaces, land_width x2 since 16 bit
2017-10-24 unc0rr Modernize Cargo.toml a bit
2017-10-24 unc0rr Remove silly toUtf8 which caused bug with default team name
2017-10-24 Wuzzy Add a few random team names and fix typos
2017-10-24 nemo 2nd try... just shortcircuit most of onGameTick20 when we are between turns.
2017-10-24 nemo this should probably sidestep that thing unc0rr keeps bringing up. untested. but then, I've never had it happen. I think what happens is onGameTick20 is called in same tick as onNewTurn and before it...
2017-10-24 Wuzzy Update README.md: Add game description, controls, getting started guide for n00bs, fix typos, reorganize sections
2017-10-24 Wuzzy Rewrite INSTALL file: Markdown format, add troubleshooting section, more detailed build instructions, etc.
2017-10-24 Wuzzy ACF mission 5: Take away switch and always play with deployed hog in final mission stage
2017-10-24 Wuzzy Lua API: Fix Goals text being cut off at ca. 255 characters
2017-10-24 Wuzzy More changelog updates
2017-10-24 Wuzzy Changelog: Add 0.9.23 highlights, change headers, reorganize 0.9.23 engine updates, fix typos, mention some features
2017-10-23 Wuzzy Use Gear^.Boom to calculate cake party faces
2017-10-23 Wuzzy Fix cake party face not working across wrap world border
2017-10-23 Wuzzy Make air mines follow hedgehogs across wrap world edge
2017-10-23 Wuzzy Make GearsNear and CheckGearNear check gears across wrap world edge
2017-10-23 Wuzzy Add KoBeWi to credits
2017-10-23 Wuzzy Update changelog
2017-10-23 Wuzzy HedgeEditor: Fix broken napalm/mine strike/drill strike
2017-10-23 Wuzzy Rope Knock Challenge: Don't count hog kills after hero hurt itself
2017-10-23 Wuzzy Rope knock challenge: Add names of developers and Shoppa tournament players who ranked 1st/2nd/3rd
2017-10-22 Wuzzy Fix bee homing incorrectly when target is across wrap world edge
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Wrap around target coordinates when clicking on other side of wrap-around world edge
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Move CalcWorldWrap to uUtils.pas
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Add Wuzzy to credits
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Fix AddAmmo setting ammo to 99 when trying to add infinite ammo
2017-10-21 nemo add copherneue
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Fix division by 0 in sniper rifle training
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Sniper rifle training: Fix missing victory sound, also disable controls at the end
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Sniper rifle mission: Faster dynamite blow-up, also skip with precise
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Sniper rifle training: Fix general camera weirdness
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Sniper rifle mission: Fix targets spawning twice in dynamite scenes, jacking up the total amount of targets
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Fix small German typo
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Fix GCC warnings: -Wimplicit-fallthrough and -Wint-in-bool-context
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Fix PhysFS 3.0.0 deprecation warnings for error reporting
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Fix compiler getting nervous about C++11 dependency
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Update hedgewars_de.ts translation
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Run lupdate
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Update Big Armory mission image (duck position)
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Fix first ammo row being invisible when there's only one weapon in the first row
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Fix a few German typos and weird grammar
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Update German Lua and campaign translations
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Run update_lua_locale_files.sh
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Turn loc_gen.txt into an executable Shell script
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Fix bubbles drawn on the wrong side when hog drowns and faces right
2017-10-20 Wuzzy Increase chance for AI to use tardis over skip
2017-10-20 Wuzzy AI player checks if it can use tardis before selecting it
2017-10-19 nemo extend land digest to all surfaces that could possibly be loaded into Land[] - i.e. ones that impact sync
2017-10-18 Wuzzy AI hogs use timebox instead of skip if clueless what to do
2017-10-18 Wuzzy AI doesn't use extra damage/vampirism/invulnerable again if already active
2017-10-18 Wuzzy Move amNothing from F1 slot to new special hidden weapon slot. Move amDuck to F1
2017-10-18 Wuzzy Add air mine, cleaver to Highlander ammo scheme, and remove resurrector
2017-10-18 Wuzzy Fix rubber duck not being used in Highlander
2017-10-16 Wuzzy Also drop air mine and rubber duck from Construction Mode crates
2017-10-15 Wuzzy Highlander: Mention the "max. 1 ammo per type" rule in mission panel
2017-10-15 Wuzzy Loyal Highlander: loyal=true in Highlander script param, you only get stuff for *enemy* kills
2017-10-13 Wuzzy Fix failure to update all cloud layers properly when entering Sudden Death
2017-10-13 nemo mark up sprites for uStore loading. critical is for ones needed for proper gameplay, checksum is for ones where the game will desync if they don't match. will add checksumming next...
2017-10-13 Wuzzy Don't switch back to rope/chute/jetpack if selected ammo is not ammoprop_AltUse
2017-10-12 Wuzzy Explain TropyRace's knockout rule in the mission panel
2017-10-12 Wuzzy QTfrontend: Fix flickering and bad offset of control config popup
2017-10-12 Wuzzy Add missing variable in uWorld.pas in videorec builds
2017-10-12 Wuzzy Fix incorrect hints about molotov cocktail insta-booming barrels
2017-10-11 Wuzzy Rope: Keep rope selected if sliding on ground and secondary weapon selected
2017-10-11 Wuzzy Remove unused variable in uWorld.pas
2017-10-11 nemo wind blowing around mines off-turn was too annoying.
2017-10-11 Wuzzy Keep rope/jetpack/parachute selected when destroyed and having secondary ammo selected
2017-10-11 Wuzzy Fix rope angle possible to go below 0° if having secondary weapon selected
2017-10-11 Wuzzy Fix faulty stats screen translation in English locale
2017-10-11 Wuzzy Don't let player save ammo scheme with pre-installed name, even case-insensitively
2017-10-10 Wuzzy Fix "at least 2 teams" warning not updated when net team is added/removed
2017-10-10 Wuzzy Fix cursor still being visible after using piano strike
2017-10-10 Wuzzy Change DLC icon (thanks, nemo!)
2017-10-10 Wuzzy Mark custom maps/forts/scripts with circle icon instead of icon
2017-10-10 Wuzzy Mark custom forts with asterisk in team editor
2017-10-10 Wuzzy Lua API: Remove BorderColor variable from onGameInit
2017-10-10 Wuzzy Construction Mode: Fix Lua error spam when using time box with filters on map
2017-10-10 Wuzzy Fix hog holding nothing in hand when choosing napalm or piano strike
2017-10-10 Wuzzy Eliminate some possible spoilers in stats screen of ASA: fruit02
2017-10-09 Wuzzy Fix player being able to switch to dying hog
2017-10-08 Wuzzy Remove spaces from grave names
2017-10-08 Wuzzy Add 7 graves
2017-10-08 Wuzzy No longer jiggle sticky mines if using portable portal device
2017-10-08 Wuzzy Update German and English locale files
2017-10-08 alfadur Improve error messages when feedback or DLC fail to reach Internet
2017-10-08 Enrico Update Italian translation (it.lua)
2017-10-08 Wuzzy Fix short sound breakdown shortly after using time box
2017-10-08 Wuzzy Fix team getting inf. ammo when stockpiling >= 100 ammo
2017-10-08 Wuzzy Fix possibility to accidentally destroy team by entering an already existing team name
2017-10-07 Wuzzy Fix old team name not being removed after renaming team in frontend
2017-10-07 nemo extend overridable graphics/sounds to 8 of each, for lua scripters who really like having their own sprites/sounds. these should not be used in the engine.
2017-10-07 Wuzzy Make sure new teams start with an unique name
2017-10-07 Wuzzy Names of new or copied game schemes are now unique
2017-10-07 Wuzzy Rework weapon scheme handling in frontend and fix a couple of bugs
2017-10-06 Wuzzy Fix molotov cocktails bouncing off vertically off rubber
2017-10-06 Wuzzy Fix argument bug in default name of copy of copy of ammo scheme
2017-10-06 Wuzzy Strip invalid PNG profiles from PNGs
2017-10-06 alfadur Fix splash screen on Windows
2017-10-06 Wuzzy Less stupid resetPosition comment in uCursor.pas
2017-10-06 Wuzzy Fix camera going crazy when starting game with mouse centered
2017-10-06 Wuzzy Use https links in README files
2017-10-06 alfadur (Hopefully) fix game camera being shifted on Windows 10
2017-10-06 Wuzzy Fix teleport allowing you to teleport in land if you clicked beyond the wrap-around border
2017-10-05 Wuzzy ClimbHome: Fix final team scoring 0 if hog took damage
2017-10-05 Wuzzy ClimbHome: Make sure hog faces left on turn start
2017-10-05 Wuzzy Climb Home: Fix game getting stuck when player reaches home
2017-10-05 Wuzzy Add test case for testing that mines don't move for a very long time
2017-10-05 Wuzzy Destroy rope when attempting to shoot it through wrap / bouncy world edge
2017-10-05 Wuzzy Fix cursor often jumping to center when putting target while moving cursor
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Show selected weapon again when using it in inf attack mode
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Remove ScriptParam from HedgeEditor
2017-10-04 Wuzzy HedgeEditor: Also save hog effects (e.g. poison) and looking direction
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Clean up internal HedgeEditor TODO list
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Add translator comment for "toggle team bars"
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Fix Birdy descending into water if hog took damage before it got picked up (bug 160)
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Add README files to explain the tests directory
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Put Testing dir into .hgignore and .gitignore
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Fix cake taking >200s to explode when it's completely stuck and can't move (bug 194)
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Add test case to test if cake explodes in time when stuck in tight space
2017-10-03 Wuzzy Remove broken “Play again” button in stats page after an online game
2017-10-03 Wuzzy Relicense my contributions from WTFPL to CC-0
2017-10-02 Wuzzy Add 6 hats from the hat thread, the TheMadCharles' barrelhider hat (CC BY 3.0) and 12 hairless hat variants
2017-10-02 Wuzzy Update German translation (especially de.txt)
2017-10-02 nemo fine. I will
2017-10-02 Wuzzy Reduce number of initial teams: 4 human, 2 AI teams
2017-10-02 Wuzzy Create 5 human teams + 5 AI teams on first start
2017-10-02 Wuzzy Make multipy sign in QTfrondend translatable and update hedgewars_en.ts
2017-10-02 Wuzzy Add a bunch of announcer messages in English
2017-10-02 Wuzzy Use generic team names for non-themed random teams; add a bunch of more random team names
2017-10-01 Wuzzy Nobody Laugh mission: Set bot level to maximum
2017-10-01 Wuzzy Battalion: Only show collected ammo to local player
2017-10-01 Wuzzy Change some HedgeEditor menu icons
2017-09-30 Wuzzy Change Highlander.cfg to select Default by default
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ACF6: Set correct position of native after skipping
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ACF1, fruit01, WxW: Make sure the selection dialogues never disappear on their own
2017-09-30 Wuzzy Merge sheepluva's changes
2017-09-30 Wuzzy TrophyRace: Fix game never eliminating any hogs after a hog skipped or ran out of time
2017-09-30 sheepluva fix some fpc hints
2017-09-30 Wuzzy Fix broken format string in de.lua, breaking Tumbler script
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ASA, moon01, desert01: Enable skip for hero only if there is turn-based play
2017-09-30 sheepluva fix copypasta fail that caused segfaults (esp. in pas2c)
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ASA, moon01: Don't save checkpoint if player was first detected, and then grabbed the weapons
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ASA, moon01: Fix various turn-based and gameplaying bugs
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ASA, moon01: Move escape dialog into a proper animation dialogue
2017-09-30 Wuzzy Merge sheepluva's changes
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ACF7: Don't make princess disappear instantly after victory
2017-09-30 sheepluva workaround to fix pas2c mistyping a constant as bool
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ACF5: Fix position of Fiery Water when skipping start anim.
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ACF5: Spare traitor's life with skip instead of precise
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ASA, fruit01: Change choice keys
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ASA, fruit01: Show mission text when reaching launch pad with enemies
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ASA, fruit01: Improve mission texts and choice dialog handling
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ACF1: Change rope challenge confirm key to [Attack]
2017-09-30 Wuzzy ACF1: Fix princess/elder flying very weirdly when punching to direction they look at
2017-09-29 Wuzzy ACF1: Force player to press jump to confirm difficulty dialog
2017-09-29 Wuzzy ASA, ice01: Fix turn ready caption
2017-09-29 sheepluva make hellfire test a bit less seed-sensitive
2017-09-29 Wuzzy ASA, moon01: Fix minions sometimes taking double turns
2017-09-29 sheepluva pas2c happiness initiative 2017, continued
2017-09-29 sheepluva change return codes to avoid overlap with fpc ones
2017-09-29 Wuzzy ASA, Spacetrip: Fix guards taking 2 turns in succession
2017-09-29 sheepluva make PHYSFS_setBuffer() known to pas2c
2017-09-29 sheepluva fix some things that annoy pas2c and whitespaces
2017-09-29 Wuzzy Merge sheepluva's changes
2017-09-29 Wuzzy A Space Adventure: Add outro sequence / epilogue in the final mission
2017-09-29 sheepluva don't use colorkey for land spray
2017-09-29 sheepluva rename ifTransparent to ifColorKey
2017-09-29 sheepluva currently irrelevant sdl call adjustment
2017-09-29 Wuzzy ASA, ice01: Fix losing turn early in game
2017-09-29 Wuzzy ASA, desert01: Fix smugglers sometimes getting multiple turns
2017-09-29 Wuzzy Fix rope detection in ASA desert01
2017-09-29 Wuzzy Use Default voice in A Space Adventure campaign
2017-09-29 Wuzzy Change graves of teams in missions for greater variety
2017-09-29 Wuzzy ACF1: Fix graphical deagle shot glitch after shooting final target
2017-09-29 Wuzzy ASA, fruit02: Minor refactor
2017-09-29 Wuzzy ASA, fruit02: Fail mission if player let wrong hog collect device part
2017-09-28 Wuzzy ASA, fruit02: End turn when reaching surface
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Separate crates in ASA final mission
2017-09-28 Wuzzy ASA, fruit01: Use 1 hog instead of 2 for Captain Lime
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Fix stats screen caption showing only one winner if multiple teams have won
2017-09-28 Wuzzy ASA fruit03: Fix skipping not adding to turn time in next turn
2017-09-28 Wuzzy A Space Adventure: Remove or shorten intro sequences of side missions
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Lua API: Add ReadyTimeLeft variable
2017-09-28 Wuzzy ASA: Improve displaying of mission panels all over the place
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Fix typo in Polish translation
2017-09-28 Wuzzy ASA: Explain team abbreviations + update changelog
2017-09-28 Wuzzy ASA fruit02: Refactor captain lime hog, use 1 gear only instead of 2
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Fix team colors of most teams in A Space Adventure to denote correct ally status
2017-09-28 Wuzzy ACF8: Fix mission panel being shown after victory (if the leader fled)
2017-09-28 Wuzzy ACF7: Mention mines time
2017-09-27 Wuzzy Don't play “missed” taunt if a target has been hit
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ASA: Fix 2 important fruit planet mission unlocking bugs
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ASA, Spacetrip: Fix stats screen messages when running out of fuel
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ASA, death02: Use GetAmmoName for the enemy hog names
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ASA,desert03: Fix no victory after destroying all targets
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ASA, desert03: Change box appearance, don't lose as long there are still flames in game
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ASA, Spacetrip: Reset turn time on successful Moon landing
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ASA, Spacetrip: Drop weapons on player when landing on moon by rope
2017-09-27 Wuzzy Update ChangeLog for ASA, increase spacetrip turn time to 20s
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ASA, Spacetrip: Better behaviour when entering mission while stuck on woon w/o fuel
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ASA, Spacetrip: Fix not properly recognizing crate collection
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ASA: Update mission texts properly after watching dialog
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ASA: Spacetrip: Fix guards ignoring stealing completely, fix various other game logic fails
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ACF: Replace TurnTimeLeft=0 with EndTurn(true)
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ACF: Use skull grave for cannibal teams (for real)
2017-09-27 Wuzzy Fix ACF2 mission sometimes being unwinnable after returning to Leaks A Lot
2017-09-27 Wuzzy Infinite skips in ACF5
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ACF2: Convert to EndTurn
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ACF2: Remove restart option when cooperating with cyborg
2017-09-27 Wuzzy Disable SD in ACF6 and ASA: The first stop
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ACF6: Fix error message spam when falling into water when took last rope crate w/o touching ground
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ACF2: Fix weird skip ammos
2017-09-27 Wuzzy Shorten a mission text in ACF, mission 2
2017-09-27 Wuzzy ACF1: Fix various problems with the parachute section
2017-09-26 Wuzzy Improve the mission texts in ACF, mission 1
2017-09-26 Wuzzy ACF, mission 3: Fix broken sequence when princess got caged (failed parcours)
2017-09-26 Wuzzy ACF, mission 3: Put in 3 girders per girder crate
2017-09-26 Wuzzy ACF, epilogue: Play default epilogue if campaign var is not found in team
2017-09-26 Wuzzy Add ca. 10 announcer messages
2017-09-26 Wuzzy Use correct kill counts for the remaining ASA missions as well
2017-09-26 Wuzzy Show correct kill counts in all ASA missions (fixes #147)
2017-09-26 Wuzzy ASA, The first stop: Fix team ranking and kills in stats screen (bug 147)
2017-09-26 Wuzzy New Lua API function: GetTeamStats, to get team stats
2017-09-26 Wuzzy ASA, the final battle: Fix mission panel not appearing if you watched the dialog
2017-09-26 Wuzzy ASA, death01: Slightly change professor's response if he got killed on the moon
2017-09-26 Wuzzy ASA, The first stop: Take possibility into account that whole team can be wiped out
2017-09-26 Wuzzy ASA, a frozen adventure: Save bazooka and excess freezers in checkpoints
2017-09-26 Wuzzy ASA: Reset checkpoint after completing checkpointed mission
2017-09-26 Wuzzy ASA, a frozen adventure: Retain bazooka on checkpoint 2
2017-09-26 Wuzzy Improve and fix poor messaging in ASA: A frozen adventure
2017-09-25 Wuzzy ASA, Getting to the device: Add fake crate for the device part with proper collect message
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Remove infinite teleport from ASA: Searching in the dust
2017-09-25 Wuzzy ASA: Searching in the dust: Fix incorrect crate content display after collecting device part
2017-09-25 Wuzzy ASA, Searching in the dust: Fix Hog Solo being able to rope past all smugglers
2017-09-25 Wuzzy ASA: Inform the player about a checkpoint reset
2017-09-25 Wuzzy ASA: Reset mission checkpoints when going to Spacetrip
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Fix ASA: A frozen adventure not working when starting from checkpoint
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Remove checkpoints in ASA: Searching in the dust
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Remove checkpoints in ASA: Getting to the device
2017-09-25 Wuzzy ASA, Spacetrip: Improve messages when running out of fuel
2017-09-25 Wuzzy ASA, Spacetrip: Fix mission fail if touching ground in flying saucer but still got fuel
2017-09-25 Wuzzy ASA, Spacetrip mission: Fix poor detection of crate collection
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Fix first ASA mission rapidly skipping turns on failure
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Fix hard-to-read blue team color in ASA campaign
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Use EndTurn to replace TurnTimeLeft=0 in ASA campaign (fixes #225)
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Fix crate types in A Space Adventure and some user missions
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Fix crate types (weapon/utility) in A Classic Fairytale missions
2017-09-25 Wuzzy ACF mission 6: Fix incorrect crate types (weapon vs utility)
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Fix mines not working in first turn in ACF, mission 6 (bug 180)
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Remove explicit (and redundant) SD message in ACF mission 6
2017-09-25 Wuzzy ACF, mission 6: Fix messages, now they imply that destroying crates is also OK
2017-09-24 Wuzzy Remove white stripes in flags of armenia, ireland, turkey
2017-09-23 Wuzzy Write documentation to explain those files in Data/Names
2017-09-23 Wuzzy Randomized teams now can have any random hats (not just from types.ini)
2017-09-23 Wuzzy Clean up name .cfg files, remove implicit defaults
2017-09-23 Wuzzy More random names: angel, morbid, pokemon-like, viking, darth vader, stormtrooper, war-themed
2017-09-23 Wuzzy Chance that clicking the random hats button produces a set of equal hats
2017-09-23 Wuzzy Use completely random hats when clicking on "Random hats" button in team editor
2017-09-23 Wuzzy Fix random teams rarely being empty
2017-09-23 Wuzzy Stop PhysFS from complaining when a random name .cfg file is missing
2017-09-23 Wuzzy Add random female hedgehog names
2017-09-23 Wuzzy Add more random team names and hats
2017-09-23 Wuzzy Add a bunch of random team names
2017-09-23 Wuzzy Add many random hedgehog names for more variety
2017-09-22 nemo mix it up some more. also had screwed up -- inside quotes
2017-09-22 nemo should be harder to dodge than a xor
2017-09-22 Wuzzy Fix charging sound continuing to play on hog damage (#236)
2017-09-22 Wuzzy Fix the key for toggling team bars being incorrectly described in the settings page
2017-09-22 Wuzzy Backed out changeset c19e5ece5b3f
2017-09-22 Wuzzy Upddate changelog for previous commit
2017-09-22 Wuzzy Fix rotatemask (hedgehog info) key toggling team bars instead of changing hedgehog tags
2017-09-22 Wuzzy Fix more typos in de.txt
2017-09-22 Wuzzy Add some German announcer messages (mostly by Topf)
2017-09-22 Wuzzy Unstretch and recolor 5 poorly made flags
2017-09-22 Wuzzy Fix a couple of German typos
2017-09-22 Wuzzy Use misc icon for description group box in videos page
2017-09-22 Wuzzy Add folder icon for main menu
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Change game scheme icon in options menu
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Make string “Check now” in Apple build translatable
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Tweak the network and lag icons to be closer to Hedgewars style
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Change icon for frontend group box in options menu
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Fix typo in German translation of hedgewars.desktop
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Remove Description keys in hedgewars.desktop, they violate the spec and are redundant
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Rewrite missing IP/nick warning of the ban dialog
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Provide translator context for a few less obvious engine strings
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Simplify error messages in record play page and fix poor grammar.
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Fix typo: “Youtube” instead of “YouTube”
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Add translator comments for demo replay page error message
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Clarify the default license of media files in CREDITS file
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Allow skipping in two ASA missions
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Disable Sudden Death for a couple of ASA missions
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Use new turn ending method in moon02.lua
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Fix incorrect crate messages when collecting crates in ACF mission 1
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Fix vgtAmmo showing air attack icon if frame is amNothing
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Show “Empty!” when collecting ammo crate with amNothing or 0 ammo
2017-09-20 Wuzzy Show “Ammo Type (+∞)” when taking crate w/ infinite ammo
2017-09-20 Wuzzy Fix ammo tooltip icon being white
2017-09-20 Wuzzy Increase maximum event string message count to 255
2017-09-20 Enrico Update Italian translation
2017-09-20 nemo ranges for alnum were silly. also lets not fail to same value
2017-09-20 nemo Data is not part of the path
2017-09-12 nemo Try to prevent the script safety checking from totally screwing up localisation. Also untested.
2017-09-12 nemo this probably isn't helpful
2017-09-12 nemo This should be ok right?
2017-09-11 nemo Totally untested. Trying to ensure scripts loaded more or less match.
2017-09-05 sheepluva fix buffered read going into inf recursion loop
2017-09-05 sheepluva fix physfs using inflateCopy() (not part of miniz)
2017-09-03 sheepluva PHYSFS: fix off-by-one error
2017-09-01 nemo remove the collision addition for hogs again.
2017-08-10 alfadur block spawning on ice slopes
2017-08-09 nemo So, was trying to allow spawning on level surfaces of ice but not girders, but seems to be failing. We'll call this WIP
2017-08-09 nemo Add checkins so that spawning on top of things is possible too
2017-08-09 nemo trying to eliminate that annoying impact sound for gears that are well under the water and not even exiting it. sheepluva might want to look this over since this is modifying his code and should perhaps be part of the addSplashForGear checks, but hadn't had much luck getting him to examine it past year or so
2017-08-09 nemo don't spawn things on ice. it's too unpredictable what'll happen to them
2017-07-30 nemo while we're tweaking this phrase, "with" feels awkward
2017-07-28 sheepluva cleanup/fix .hgignore
2017-07-28 Worldblender bug #238 install the .desktop file too
2017-07-28 Worldblender use gender neutral language
2017-07-18 nemo Add .git, remove glob from things that aren't globs.
2017-07-16 antonc27 - Add .gitignore (duplicated from .hgignore)
2017-07-14 antonc27 - Fix fpc download link for travis iOS build
2017-07-14 Anton Malmygin Merge pull request #48 from LocutusOfBorg/trusty
2017-07-10 Gianfranco Costamagna travis: move to trusty environment
2017-03-17 tariqbenezza french language updates
2017-07-13 antonc27 - Bump iOS version
2017-07-08 sheepluva fix issue 199: video recording crashed when trying to freeEverything twice
2017-07-02 Janne Uusitupa update finnish
2017-06-15 nemo bug #230 - Precise aiming is disabled after firing first Deagle shot (when held down)
2017-06-15 Wuzzy Mutant: Fix turn skip of next hog after mutating when TurnTimeLeft = 0
2017-05-17 Wuzzy HedgeEditor: Add 2 names to Mushroom Kingdom team identidy to get a full set of 8 hogs
2017-05-17 Wuzzy Complete and update German Lua translation (de.lua)
2017-05-17 Wuzzy Sort strings in de.lua alphabetically
2017-05-17 Wuzzy Fix even more bad/broken loc()'s in scripts (hopefully the last one)
2017-05-16 Wuzzy Fix 3 more incorrect uses of loc() in scripts
2017-05-16 Wuzzy Fix various loc() syntax errors in scripts
2017-05-14 Wuzzy Add Anachron into credits for the Battalion style
2017-05-14 Wuzzy Battalion: RC Plane gets 2 bombs, set air bomb dmg to 20
2017-05-14 Wuzzy Battalion: Extend weapon tooltips for modified weapons
2017-05-14 Wuzzy Battalion: Make mutated hog names translatable
2017-05-14 Wuzzy Update readme link in Battalion script
2017-05-14 Wuzzy Show Battalion mission panel for the default time
2017-05-14 Wuzzy Battalion: Rename “Air-General” to “Air General”
2017-05-14 Wuzzy Battalion: Don't show SD count at start (it's shown in each round anyway)
2017-05-14 Wuzzy Rewrite all Battalion strings to be more translator-friendly
2017-05-14 sheepluva Remove IceGun from default Highlander weaponset
2017-05-14 sheepluva Added tag 0.9.23-alpha for changeset 8cc070640fd1
2017-05-14 sheepluva New Game-Style: Battalion (version 0.33)
2017-05-12 Wuzzy Lua refactor: Replace ParseCommand('setweap… with SetWeapon
2017-05-12 Wuzzy Remove the buggy /finish chat command
2017-05-08 Wuzzy Add many, many English announcer messages for crate drops
2017-05-07 Wuzzy Add a few (adapted) announcer messages suggested by Star and Moon
2017-05-04 Wuzzy Fix skipping in Racer causing the next team to be skipped, too 0.9.23-alpha
2017-05-04 Wuzzy Stop telling the player to build a track in Racer when it is already built
2017-05-04 Wuzzy Fix in-game mission name display of Newton and the Hammock
2017-05-04 Wuzzy No more chat slang in Dangerous Ducklings
2017-05-04 Wuzzy Fix incomplete German mission translation of The Great Escape
2017-05-04 unc0rr Fix fail to detect base package when built with ghc 8
2017-05-01 unc0rr Update racer scripts 0.9.22
2016-02-05 unC0Rr Racer maps #18 and #19 0.9.22
2015-04-14 unC0Rr Racer challenge map #17 0.9.22
2017-05-04 Wuzzy Fix overlapping crates in ACF mission 8
2017-05-04 Wuzzy Construction Mode: Move pick hammer and blow torch into weapon crates (game default)
2017-05-04 Wuzzy Update Molotov Cocktail help: Mention insta-explosion on barrels
2017-05-04 Wuzzy Add 15 main menu tips
2017-05-03 Wuzzy Update de.txt and hedgewars_de.ts
2017-05-03 Wuzzy Complete the strings in hedgewars_en.ts (mostly to fix plural forms)
2017-05-02 Wuzzy Make the Mr Mine message in ClimbHome translatable
2017-05-02 Wuzzy Lock ammo scheme for ClimbHome mission map (script forces all ammos anyway)
2017-05-02 Wuzzy Add note in Diver scenario that jetpack only has 50% fuel
2017-05-02 Wuzzy Mention overwritten fuel in ammo description of UFO in TechRacer
2017-04-30 Wuzzy Add big fat developer warning to all racing scripts about compability
2017-04-29 sheepluva very elaborate change to the confusing and convoluted code for detecting (non-)linked SDL-libs versions in frontend
2017-04-29 sheepluva fix build. sorry 'bout that.
2017-04-29 sheepluva whoops, temp file was committed...
2017-04-29 sheepluva merge
2017-04-29 sheepluva cmake: Fix SDL2 header version detection
2017-04-28 Wuzzy Update ChangeLog.txt, mostly for campaign bugfixes
2017-04-28 Wuzzy ACF, mission 3: Add mission strings to remind the player of the main goal
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