2015-11-09 antonc27 Merge from default ios-revival
2015-11-09 antonc27 - Small size adjustments for footer labels on GameConfig screen ios-revival
2015-11-09 antonc27 - Re-style forward jump button for mobile ios-revival
2015-11-09 antonc27 - Fixed problem with previewImage when receiving memory warning on Missions screen ios-revival
2015-11-04 Vittorio Giovara Let initialization happen in the appropriate function 0.9.22
2015-11-04 Vittorio Giovara Specify the enum type for Pixel and Sample formats 0.9.22
2015-11-04 Vittorio Giovara Update libav API, keeping forward and backward compatibility 0.9.22
2015-11-04 koda Enable cmake policy 26 0.9.22
2015-11-03 sheepluva closing 0.9.21 branch 0.9.21
2015-11-10 sheepluva use SDL2 to copy to clipboard sdl2transition
2015-11-10 sheepluva use SDL2 to paste clipboard contents sdl2transition
2015-11-10 sheepluva merge default sdl2transition
2015-11-10 Vittorio Giovara multiline cmake directories
2015-11-10 sheepluva drop FindSDL1or2 cmake module sdl2transition
2015-11-10 Vittorio Giovara travis: Trim down the number of tests
2015-11-10 sheepluva drop support for SDL 1.2 sdl2transition
2015-11-09 sheepluva fix hedgehog on parachute facing in wrong direction if parachute opens during double-jump
2015-11-09 unc0rr - Fix check which was supposed to prevent sending same record to different checkers
2015-11-09 hwmirror merge
2015-11-09 Vittorio Giovara Merge pull request #33 from bananaoomarang/cmakeWarnings
2015-04-26 Milo Mordaunt Remove quotes when checking Haskell Modules to adopt new CMake
2015-11-09 unc0rr Pass correct script name for scripts with spaces in name
2015-11-09 hwmirror Merge with github pull requests
2015-11-09 hwmirror Merge from github
2015-10-06 sheepluva Merge pull request #36 from LocutusOfBorg/italian
2015-10-06 Gianfranco Costamagna Update italian tips
2015-10-05 Gianfranco Costamagna Translate italian missions
2015-10-01 sheepluva Merge pull request #35 from LocutusOfBorg/fedora
2015-10-01 Gianfranco Costamagna Add metadata for license (From Fedora)
2015-10-01 Gianfranco Costamagna Add multiarch location to library (From Fedora)
2015-11-09 unc0rr Oops, fix the fix
2015-11-08 sheepluva update changelog
2015-11-08 unc0rr Fix replay sanity check
2015-11-07 unc0rr Store some more details on game config in the database
2015-11-07 sheepluva fix google code links in readme
2015-11-07 Vittorio Giovara Add markdown extension to README so github can render it more nicely
2015-11-07 sheepluva merge orphan head (while discarding all its changes) to make koda and his hg-git happy
2015-11-07 koda videorec: Drop setting x264 preset
2015-11-07 sheepluva merging ios-revival brain into default. includes updates to russian translation and general translation fixes
2015-11-06 antonc27 - Small corrections for rus localization of stats messages ios-revival
2015-11-06 antonc27 - 'iOS Deployment Target' bump to 8.0 ios-revival
2015-11-06 antonc27 - Merge from default ios-revival
2015-11-06 antonc27 - Restored Turkish localization ios-revival
2015-11-05 antonc27 - Support screen refactoring: ios-revival
2015-11-05 antonc27 - Appirater: ios-revival
2015-11-05 antonc27 - Update rus localization for 'About' screen ios-revival
2015-11-05 antonc27 - 'About' screen on iOS now is up-to-date with Qt front-end 'About' ios-revival
2015-11-05 antonc27 - Missed localization for 'Clear All' button on SavedGamesVirewController ios-revival
2015-11-05 antonc27 - Rus localization for following multiplayer missions: ios-revival
2015-11-05 sheepluva fix bug reported by S.D.: throwing a sticking mine into a bouncy pit never ends turn. see also http://hedgewars.org/node/6350
2015-11-05 antonc27 - 'ClimbHome' map deprecated as it crashes ios-revival
2015-11-05 antonc27 - 'Cheese' map not blacklisted anymore ios-revival
2015-11-05 antonc27 - Rus localization for following game styles: ios-revival
2015-11-04 Vittorio Giovara Let initialization happen in the appropriate function
2015-11-04 Vittorio Giovara Specify the enum type for Pixel and Sample formats
2015-11-04 Vittorio Giovara Update libav API, keeping forward and backward compatibility
2015-11-04 antonc27 - Disabled non-adapted for mobile game styles ios-revival
2015-11-04 antonc27 - Added 'World Edge' flag for Scheme Settings ios-revival
2015-11-04 antonc27 - Refactoring for SingleSchemeViewController: checkValueString macro changed to helper method ios-revival
2015-11-04 antonc27 - Disabling generation of position-dependent code for 'Distro Adhoc' config ios-revival
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