Patch by nemo (polished by me)
Mon, 19 Jan 2009 15:25:22 +0000
changeset 1712 f5b916de40f0
parent 1711 3f80fb49d21b
child 1713 194ed95f9e8d
Patch by nemo (polished by me)
--- a/hedgewars/	Mon Jan 19 13:02:33 2009 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/	Mon Jan 19 15:25:22 2009 +0000
@@ -2013,7 +2013,19 @@
 	HHGear^.Message := HHGear^.Message and not gm_Attack;
 	AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtAirBomb, 0, Gear^.dX * _0_5, Gear^.dY * _0_5, 0);
-	end;
+    end;
+// Ride of the Valkyries
+// This does actually work, interestingly, if music is turned off
+// However, I'm not actually sure how this works with game state, and some
+// sort of flag specific to the purpose of avoiding duplicate playSounds might be better.  Can't use lastChan reasonably, unfortunately
+if ((HHGear^.Message and gm_LJump) <> 0)
+	and ((Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) = 0) then
+    begin
+    Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gsttmpFlag;
+    PauseMusic;
+    playSound(sndRideOfTheValkyries, false, nil);
+    end;
 // pickup bonuses
 t:= CheckGearNear(Gear, gtCase, 36, 36);
@@ -2022,28 +2034,29 @@
-if ((Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0) then
+if ((Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0)
+	or CheckGearDrowning(Gear) then
-	HHGear^.Message:= 0;
-	//HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and (not gstNotKickable);
-	doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 25, EXPLAutoSound);
-	for i:= 0 to 25 do
+	StopSound(sndRCPlane);
+	StopSound(sndRideOfTheValkyries);
+	ResumeMusic;
+	if ((Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0) then
-		dX:= AngleCos(i * 16) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
-		dY:= AngleSin(i * 16) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
-		AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, dY, 0);
-		AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, -dY, 0);
+		doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 25, EXPLAutoSound);
+		for i:= 0 to 25 do
+			begin
+			dX:= AngleCos(i * 16) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
+			dY:= AngleSin(i * 16) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
+			AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, dY, 0);
+			AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, -dY, 0);
+			end;
+		DeleteGear(Gear)
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
 	TurnTimeLeft:= 14 * 125;
-	ParseCommand('/taunt '#1, true)
-	end;
-if CheckGearDrowning(Gear) then
-	begin
-	AfterAttack;
-	TurnTimeLeft:= 14 * 125;
+	HHGear^.Message:= 0;
 	ParseCommand('/taunt '#1, true)
@@ -2058,4 +2071,4 @@
 Gear^.Tag:= hwSign(HHGear^.dX);
 if HHGear^.dX.isNegative then Gear^.Angle:= 4096 - Gear^.Angle;
 Gear^.doStep:= @doStepRCPlaneWork
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/hedgewars/	Mon Jan 19 13:02:33 2009 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/	Mon Jan 19 15:25:22 2009 +0000
@@ -151,7 +151,10 @@
                                  PlaySound(sndLaugh, false, CurrentTeam^.voicepack)
                     amFirePunch: CurAmmoGear:= AddGear(hwRound(X) + hwSign(dX) * 10, hwRound(Y), gtFirePunch, 0, xx, _0, 0);
-                         amWhip: CurAmmoGear:= AddGear(hwRound(X) + hwSign(dX) * 10, hwRound(Y), gtWhip, 0, SignAs(_1, dX), - _0_8, 0);
+                         amWhip: begin
+                                 CurAmmoGear:= AddGear(hwRound(X) + hwSign(dX) * 10, hwRound(Y), gtWhip, 0, SignAs(_1, dX), - _0_8, 0);
+                                 PlaySound(sndWhipCrack, false, nil)
+                                 end;
                   amBaseballBat: CurAmmoGear:= AddGear(hwRound(X) + hwSign(dX) * 10, hwRound(Y), gtShover, 0, xx * _0_5, yy * _0_5, 0);
                     amParachute: CurAmmoGear:= AddGear(hwRound(X), hwRound(Y), gtParachute, 0, _0, _0, 0);
                     amAirAttack: AddGear(Ammo^[CurSlot, CurAmmo].Pos, 0, gtAirAttack, 0, _0, _0, 0);
@@ -161,7 +164,10 @@
                      amTeleport: CurAmmoGear:= AddGear(0, 0, gtTeleport, 0, _0, _0, 0);
                        amSwitch: CurAmmoGear:= AddGear(hwRound(X), hwRound(Y), gtSwitcher, 0, _0, _0, 0);
                        amMortar: FollowGear:= AddGear(hwRound(X), hwRound(Y), gtMortar,  0, xx*cMaxPower/cPowerDivisor, yy*cMaxPower/cPowerDivisor, 0);
-                       amRCPlane: CurAmmoGear:= AddGear(hwRound(X), hwRound(Y), gtRCPlane,  0, xx * cMaxPower / cPowerDivisor / 4, yy * cMaxPower / cPowerDivisor / 4, 0);
+                      amRCPlane: begin
+                                 CurAmmoGear:= AddGear(hwRound(X), hwRound(Y), gtRCPlane,  0, xx * cMaxPower / cPowerDivisor / 4, yy * cMaxPower / cPowerDivisor / 4, 0);
+                                 PlaySound(sndRCPlane, true, nil)
+                                 end;
                        amKamikaze: CurAmmoGear:= AddGear(hwRound(X), hwRound(Y), gtKamikaze, 0, xx * _0_5, yy * _0_5, 0);
                          amCake: begin
                                  CurAmmoGear:= AddGear(hwRound(X) + hwSign(dX) * 3, hwRound(Y), gtCake, 0, xx, _0, 0);
--- a/hedgewars/SDLh.pas	Mon Jan 19 13:02:33 2009 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/SDLh.pas	Mon Jan 19 15:25:22 2009 +0000
@@ -367,6 +367,9 @@
 function  Mix_PlayChannelTimed(channel: LongInt; chunk: PMixChunk; loops: LongInt; ticks: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external SDL_MixerLibName;
 function  Mix_PlayMusic(music: PMixMusic; loops: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external SDL_MixerLibName;
+function  Mix_PausedMusic(music: PMixMusic): LongInt; cdecl; external SDL_MixerLibName;
+function  Mix_PauseMusic(music: PMixMusic): LongInt; cdecl; external SDL_MixerLibName;
+function  Mix_ResumeMusic(music: PMixMusic): LongInt; cdecl; external SDL_MixerLibName;
 function  Mix_HaltChannel(channel: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external SDL_MixerLibName;
 (*  SDL_image *)
--- a/hedgewars/uConsts.pas	Mon Jan 19 13:02:33 2009 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uConsts.pas	Mon Jan 19 15:25:22 2009 +0000
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
 			sndEnemyDown, sndCoward, sndHurry, sndWatchIt, sndKamikaze,
 			sndCake, sndOw1, sndOw4, sndFirePunch1, sndFirePunch2,
 			sndFirePunch3, sndFirePunch4, sndFirePunch5, sndFirePunch6,
-			sndMelon, sndHellish, sndYoohoo);
+			sndMelon, sndHellish, sndYoohoo, sndRCPlane, sndWhipCrack,
+			sndRideOfTheValkyries);
 	TAmmoType  = (amGrenade, amClusterBomb, amBazooka, amUFO, amShotgun, amPickHammer,
 			amSkip, amRope, amMine, amDEagle, amDynamite, amFirePunch, amWhip,
@@ -473,55 +474,58 @@
 	Soundz: array[TSound] of record
-			FileName: String[19];
+			FileName: String[25];
 			Path    : TPathType;
 			end = (
-			(FileName: 'grenadeimpact.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndGrenadeImpact
-			(FileName:     'explosion.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndExplosion
-			(FileName:  'throwpowerup.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndThrowPowerUp
-			(FileName:  'throwrelease.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndThrowRelease
-			(FileName:        'splash.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndSplash
-			(FileName: 'shotgunreload.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndShotgunReload
-			(FileName:   'shotgunfire.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndShotgunFire
-			(FileName:   'graveimpact.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndGraveImpact
-			(FileName:      'minetick.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndMineTicks
-			(FileName:    'pickhammer.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndPickhammer
-			(FileName:           'gun.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndGun
-			(FileName:           'ufo.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndUFO
-			(FileName:         'Jump1.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndJump1
-			(FileName:         'Jump2.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndJump2
-			(FileName:         'Jump3.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndJump3
-			(FileName:        'Yessir.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndYesSir
-			(FileName:         'Laugh.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndLaugh
-			(FileName:     'Illgetyou.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndIllGetYou
-			(FileName:      'Incoming.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndIncoming
-			(FileName:        'Missed.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndMissed
-			(FileName:        'Stupid.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndStupid
-			(FileName:    'Firstblood.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirstBlood
-			(FileName:        'Boring.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndBoring
-			(FileName:        'Byebye.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndByeBye
-			(FileName:      'Sameteam.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndSameTeam
-			(FileName:        'Nutter.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndNutter
-			(FileName:'Reinforcements.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndReinforce
-			(FileName:       'Traitor.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndTraitor
-			(FileName:'Youllregretthat.ogg';Path: ptVoices),// sndRegret
-			(FileName:     'Enemydown.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndEnemyDown
-			(FileName:        'Coward.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndCoward
-			(FileName:         'Hurry.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndHurry
-			(FileName:       'Watchit.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndWatchIt
-			(FileName:      'Kamikaze.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndKamikaze
-			(FileName:         'cake2.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndCake
-			(FileName:           'Ow1.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndOw1
-			(FileName:           'Ow4.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndOw4
-			(FileName:    'Firepunch1.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch1
-			(FileName:    'Firepunch2.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch2
-			(FileName:    'Firepunch3.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch3
-			(FileName:    'Firepunch4.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch4
-			(FileName:    'Firepunch5.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch5
-			(FileName:    'Firepunch6.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch6
-			(FileName:         'Melon.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndMelon
-			(FileName:       'Hellish.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndHellish
-			(FileName:        'Yoohoo.ogg'; Path: ptSounds) // sndYoohoo
+			(FileName:        'grenadeimpact.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndGrenadeImpact
+			(FileName:            'explosion.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndExplosion
+			(FileName:         'throwpowerup.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndThrowPowerUp
+			(FileName:         'throwrelease.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndThrowRelease
+			(FileName:               'splash.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndSplash
+			(FileName:        'shotgunreload.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndShotgunReload
+			(FileName:          'shotgunfire.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndShotgunFire
+			(FileName:          'graveimpact.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndGraveImpact
+			(FileName:             'minetick.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndMineTicks
+			(FileName:           'pickhammer.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndPickhammer
+			(FileName:                  'gun.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndGun
+			(FileName:                  'ufo.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndUFO
+			(FileName:                'Jump1.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndJump1
+			(FileName:                'Jump2.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndJump2
+			(FileName:                'Jump3.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndJump3
+			(FileName:               'Yessir.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndYesSir
+			(FileName:                'Laugh.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndLaugh
+			(FileName:            'Illgetyou.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndIllGetYou
+			(FileName:             'Incoming.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndIncoming
+			(FileName:               'Missed.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndMissed
+			(FileName:               'Stupid.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndStupid
+			(FileName:           'Firstblood.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirstBlood
+			(FileName:               'Boring.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndBoring
+			(FileName:               'Byebye.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndByeBye
+			(FileName:             'Sameteam.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndSameTeam
+			(FileName:               'Nutter.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndNutter
+			(FileName:       'Reinforcements.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndReinforce
+			(FileName:              'Traitor.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndTraitor
+			(FileName:       'Youllregretthat.ogg';Path: ptVoices),// sndRegret
+			(FileName:            'Enemydown.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndEnemyDown
+			(FileName:               'Coward.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndCoward
+			(FileName:                'Hurry.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndHurry
+			(FileName:              'Watchit.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndWatchIt
+			(FileName:             'Kamikaze.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndKamikaze
+			(FileName:                'cake2.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndCake
+			(FileName:                  'Ow1.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndOw1
+			(FileName:                  'Ow4.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndOw4
+			(FileName:           'Firepunch1.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch1
+			(FileName:           'Firepunch2.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch2
+			(FileName:           'Firepunch3.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch3
+			(FileName:           'Firepunch4.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch4
+			(FileName:           'Firepunch5.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch5
+			(FileName:           'Firepunch6.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch6
+			(FileName:                'Melon.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndMelon
+			(FileName:              'Hellish.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndHellish
+			(FileName:               'Yoohoo.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndYoohoo
+			(FileName:              'rcplane.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndRCPlane
+			(FileName:            'whipcrack.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndWhipCrack
+			(FileName:'ride_of_the_valkyries.ogg'; Path: ptSounds) // sndRideOfTheValkyries
 	Ammoz: array [TAmmoType] of record
--- a/hedgewars/uSound.pas	Mon Jan 19 13:02:33 2009 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uSound.pas	Mon Jan 19 15:25:22 2009 +0000
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 procedure SoundLoad;
 procedure PlaySound(snd: TSound; infinite: boolean; voicepack: PVoicepack);
 procedure PlayMusic;
+procedure PauseMusic;
+procedure ResumeMusic;
 procedure StopSound(snd: TSound);
 function  ChangeVolume(voldelta: LongInt): LongInt;
@@ -43,11 +45,11 @@
 uses uMisc, uConsole;
 const chanTPU = 12;
-var Mus: PMixMusic = nil;
-	Volume: LongInt;
+var Volume: LongInt;
 	lastChan: array [TSound] of LongInt;
 	voicepacks: array[0..cMaxTeams] of TVoicepack;
 	defVoicepack: PVoicepack;
+	Mus: PMixMusic = nil;
 function  AskForVoicepack(name: shortstring): Pointer;
 var i: Longword;
@@ -152,7 +154,7 @@
 if (not isSoundEnabled)
 	or (MusicFN = '')
-	or (not isMusicEnabled)then exit;
+	or (not isMusicEnabled) then exit;
 s:= PathPrefix + '/Music/' + MusicFN;
 WriteToConsole(msgLoading + s + ' ');
@@ -177,4 +179,18 @@
 ChangeVolume:= Volume * 100 div MIX_MAX_VOLUME
+procedure PauseMusic;
+if (MusicFN = '') or (not isMusicEnabled) then exit;
+procedure ResumeMusic;
+if (MusicFN = '') or (not isMusicEnabled) then exit;
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/rcplane.ogg has changed
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/ride_of_the_valkyries.ogg has changed
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/whipcrack.ogg has changed