Wed, 23 Jun 2010 21:39:14 +0200
changeset 3545 b07ee704f35d
parent 3541 f4f90987e0fa (current diff)
parent 3544 aad64e15ca03 (diff)
child 3546 ccf4854df294
--- a/gameServer/CMakeLists.txt	Wed Jun 23 21:18:48 2010 +0200
+++ b/gameServer/CMakeLists.txt	Wed Jun 23 21:39:14 2010 +0200
@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@
+    HandlerUtils.hs
+    RoomsAndClients.hs
-    Utils.hs
-    RoomsAndClients.hs
+    Utils.hs
--- a/gameServer/HWProtoInRoomState.hs	Wed Jun 23 21:18:48 2010 +0200
+++ b/gameServer/HWProtoInRoomState.hs	Wed Jun 23 21:39:14 2010 +0200
@@ -24,21 +24,22 @@
 handleCmd_inRoom ["PART"] = return [MoveToLobby "part"]
 handleCmd_inRoom ["PART", msg] = return [MoveToLobby $ "part: " `B.append` msg]
-handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)
-    | null paramStrs = [ProtocolError "Empty config entry"]
-    | isMaster client =
-        [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{params = Map.insert paramName paramStrs (params r)}),
-        AnswerOthersInRoom ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)]
-    | otherwise = [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
-    where
-        client = clients IntMap.! clID
+handleCmd_inRoom ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)
+    | null paramStrs = return [ProtocolError "Empty config entry"]
+    | otherwise = do
+        chans <- roomOthersChans
+        cl <- thisClient
+        if isMaster cl then
+           return [
+                ModifyRoom (\r -> r{params = Map.insert paramName paramStrs (params r)}),
+                AnswerClients chans ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)]
+            else
+            return [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
-handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ("ADD_TEAM" : name : color : grave : fort : voicepack : flag : difStr : hhsInfo)
-    | length hhsInfo == 15 && clientProto client < 30 = handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ("ADD_TEAM" : name : color : grave : fort : voicepack : " " : flag : difStr : hhsInfo)
-    | length hhsInfo /= 16 = [ProtocolError "Corrupted hedgehogs info"]
-    | length (teams room) == 6 = [Warning "too many teams"]
+handleCmd_inRoom ("ADD_TEAM" : name : color : grave : fort : voicepack : flag : difStr : hhsInfo)
+    | length hhsInfo /= 16 = return [ProtocolError "Corrupted hedgehogs info"]
+{-    | length (teams room) == 6 = [Warning "too many teams"]
     | canAddNumber <= 0 = [Warning "too many hedgehogs"]
     | isJust findTeam = [Warning "There's already a team with same name in the list"]
     | gameinprogress room = [Warning "round in progress"]
@@ -60,7 +61,8 @@
         hhsList [] = []
         hhsList (n:h:hhs) = HedgehogInfo n h : hhsList hhs
         newTeamHHNum = min 4 canAddNumber
 handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["REMOVE_TEAM", teamName]
     | noSuchTeam = [Warning "REMOVE_TEAM: no such team"]
     | nick client /= teamowner team = [ProtocolError "Not team owner!"]
@@ -105,16 +107,18 @@
         findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) $ teams room
         client = clients IntMap.! clID
         room = rooms IntMap.! (roomID client)
-handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["TOGGLE_READY"] =
-    [ModifyClient (\c -> c{isReady = not $ isReady client}),
-    ModifyRoom (\r -> r{readyPlayers = readyPlayers r + (if isReady client then -1 else 1)}),
-    AnswerThisRoom [if isReady client then "NOT_READY" else "READY", nick client]]
-    where
-        client = clients IntMap.! clID
+handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_READY"] = do
+    cl <- thisClient
+    chans <- roomClientsChans
+    return [
+        ModifyClient (\c -> c{isReady = not $ isReady cl}),
+        ModifyRoom (\r -> r{readyPlayers = readyPlayers r + (if isReady cl then -1 else 1)}),
+        AnswerClients chans [if isReady cl then "NOT_READY" else "READY", nick cl]
+        ]
 handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["START_GAME"] =
     if isMaster client && (playersIn room == readyPlayers room) && (not . gameinprogress) room then
         if enoughClans then
--- a/gameServer/HWProtoLobbyState.hs	Wed Jun 23 21:18:48 2010 +0200
+++ b/gameServer/HWProtoLobbyState.hs	Wed Jun 23 21:39:14 2010 +0200
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 handleCmd_lobby ["JOIN_ROOM", roomName, roomPassword] = do
     (ci, irnc) <- ask
     let ris = allRooms irnc
-    let cl =  irnc `client` ci
+    cl <- thisClient
     let maybeRI = find (\ri -> roomName == name (irnc `room` ri)) ris
     let jRI = fromJust maybeRI
     let jRoom = irnc `room` jRI
--- a/gameServer/HWProtoNEState.hs	Wed Jun 23 21:18:48 2010 +0200
+++ b/gameServer/HWProtoNEState.hs	Wed Jun 23 21:39:14 2010 +0200
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
     let cl = irnc `client` ci
     if not . B.null $ nick cl then return [ProtocolError "Nickname already chosen"]
-        if haveSameNick irnc then return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["WARNING", "Nickname already in use"], ByeClient ""]
-            else 
+        if haveSameNick irnc (nick cl) then return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["WARNING", "Nickname already in use"], ByeClient ""]
+            else
             if illegalName newNick then return [ByeClient "Illegal nickname"]
                 return $
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
                     AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["NICK", newNick] :
                     [CheckRegistered | clientProto cl /= 0]
-        haveSameNick irnc = False --isJust $ find (\cl -> newNick == nick cl) $ IntMap.elems clients
+    haveSameNick irnc clNick = isJust $ find (\cl -> newNick == clNick) $ map (client irnc) $ allClients irnc
 handleCmd_NotEntered ["PROTO", protoNum] = do
     (ci, irnc) <- ask
--- a/gameServer/HandlerUtils.hs	Wed Jun 23 21:18:48 2010 +0200
+++ b/gameServer/HandlerUtils.hs	Wed Jun 23 21:39:14 2010 +0200
@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
 roomOthersChans = do
     (ci, rnc) <- ask
     let ri = clientRoom rnc ci
+    return $ map (sendChan . client rnc) $ filter (/= ci) (roomClients rnc ri)
+roomClientsChans :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [ClientChan]
+roomClientsChans = do
+    (ci, rnc) <- ask
+    let ri = clientRoom rnc ci
     return $ map (sendChan . client rnc) (roomClients rnc ri)
 thisClientChans :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [ClientChan]