- Remove old hwserv code
Thu, 01 May 2008 15:14:32 +0000
changeset 895 6aee2f335726
parent 894 2ca76a7f3121
child 896 93df8ac94382
- Remove old hwserv code - Introduce rooms (CREATE and JOIN commands handling)
--- a/netserver/HWProto.hs	Thu May 01 14:30:12 2008 +0000
+++ b/netserver/HWProto.hs	Thu May 01 15:14:32 2008 +0000
@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@
 import Miscutils
 import Maybe (fromMaybe)
-handleCmd :: ClientInfo -> [ClientInfo] -> [RoomInfo] -> [String] -> (ClientInfo, [RoomInfo], [ClientInfo], [String])
-handleCmd_noInfo :: ClientInfo -> [ClientInfo] -> [RoomInfo] -> [String] -> (ClientInfo, [RoomInfo], [ClientInfo], [String])
-handleCmd_noRoom :: ClientInfo -> [ClientInfo] -> [RoomInfo] -> [String] -> (ClientInfo, [RoomInfo], [ClientInfo], [String])
+fromRoom :: String -> [ClientInfo] -> [ClientInfo]
+fromRoom roomName clients = filter (\cl -> roomName == room cl) clients
 -- 'noInfo' clients state command handlers
+handleCmd_noInfo :: ClientInfo -> [ClientInfo] -> [RoomInfo] -> [String] -> (ClientInfo, [RoomInfo], [ClientInfo], [String])
 handleCmd_noInfo client clients rooms ("NICK":newNick:[]) =
 	if not . null $ nick client then
 		(client, rooms, [client], ["ERROR", "The nick already chosen"])
@@ -35,18 +36,42 @@
 -- 'noRoom' clients state command handlers
---handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ("CREATE":newRoom:[]) =
+handleCmd_noRoom :: ClientInfo -> [ClientInfo] -> [RoomInfo] -> [String] -> (ClientInfo, [RoomInfo], [ClientInfo], [String])
+handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ("CREATE":newRoom:roomPassword:[]) =
+	if haveSameRoom then
+		(client, rooms, [client], ["WARNING", "There's already a room with that name"])
+	else
+		(client{room = newRoom, isMaster = True}, (RoomInfo newRoom roomPassword):rooms, [client], ["JOIN", newRoom, nick client])
+	where
+		haveSameRoom = not . null $ filter (\room -> newRoom == name room) rooms
+handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ("CREATE":newRoom:[]) =
+	handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["CREATE", newRoom, ""]
+handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ("JOIN":roomName:roomPassword:[]) =
+	if noRoom then
+		(client, rooms, [client], ["WARNING", "There's no room with that name"])
+	else
+		(client{room = roomName}, rooms, client : fromRoom roomName clients, ["JOIN", roomName, nick client])
+	where
+		noRoom = null $ filter (\room -> roomName == name room) rooms
+handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ("JOIN":roomName:[]) =
+	handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["JOIN", roomName, ""]
 handleCmd_noRoom client _ rooms _ = (client, rooms, [client], ["ERROR", "Bad command or incorrect parameter"])
+-- state-independent comman handlers	
+handleCmd :: ClientInfo -> [ClientInfo] -> [RoomInfo] -> [String] -> (ClientInfo, [RoomInfo], [ClientInfo], [String])
 handleCmd client clients rooms ("QUIT":xs) =
 	if null (room client) then
 		(client, rooms, [client], ["QUIT"])
-		(client, rooms, clients, ["QUIT", nick client])
+		(client, rooms, fromRoom (room client) clients, ["QUIT", nick client])
+-- check state and call state-dependent commmand handlers
 handleCmd client clients rooms cmd =
 	if null (nick client) || protocol client == 0 then
 		handleCmd_noInfo client clients rooms cmd
--- a/netserver/Miscutils.hs	Thu May 01 14:30:12 2008 +0000
+++ b/netserver/Miscutils.hs	Thu May 01 15:14:32 2008 +0000
@@ -26,36 +26,6 @@
 		password :: String
-sendMsg :: Handle -> String -> IO()
-sendMsg clientHandle str = finally (return ()) (hPutStrLn clientHandle str >> hFlush clientHandle) -- catch exception when client tries to send to other
-sendAll :: [Handle] -> String -> IO[()]
-sendAll clientsList str = mapM (\x -> sendMsg x str) clientsList
-sendOthers :: [Handle] -> Handle -> String -> IO[()]
-sendOthers clientsList clientHandle str = sendAll (filter (/= clientHandle) clientsList) str
-extractCmd :: String -> (String, [String])
-extractCmd str = if ws == [] then ("", []) else (head ws, tail ws)
-		where ws = words str
-manipState :: TVar[a] -> ([a] -> [a]) -> IO()
-manipState state op =
-	atomically $ do
-			ls <- readTVar state
-			writeTVar state $ op ls
-manipState2 :: TVar[ClientInfo] -> TVar[RoomInfo] -> ([ClientInfo] -> [RoomInfo] -> ([ClientInfo], [RoomInfo], Bool)) -> IO Bool
-manipState2 state1 state2 op =
-	atomically $ do
-			ls1 <- readTVar state1
-			ls2 <- readTVar state2
-			let (ol1, ol2, res) = op ls1 ls2
-			writeTVar state1 ol1
-			writeTVar state2 ol2
-			return res
 tselect :: [ClientInfo] -> STM (String, ClientInfo)
 tselect = foldl orElse retry . map (\ci -> (flip (,) ci) `fmap` readTChan (chan ci))
@@ -63,4 +33,3 @@
 maybeRead s = case reads s of
 	[(x, rest)] | all isSpace rest -> Just x
 	_         -> Nothing
--- a/netserver/hwserv.hs	Thu May 01 14:30:12 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-module Main where
-import Network
-import IO
-import System.IO
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import Control.Exception (finally)
-import Miscutils
-handleCmd :: Handle -> TVar[ClientInfo] -> TVar[RoomInfo] -> (String, [String]) -> IO()
-handleCmd clientHandle clientsList roomsList ("SAY", param) = do
-		ls <- atomically(readTVar clientsList)
-		sendOthers (map (\x -> handle x) ls) clientHandle (concat param)
-		return ()
-handleCmd clientHandle clientsList roomsList ("CREATE", [roomname]) = do
-		res <- manipState2 clientsList roomsList (hcCreate)
-		if res then sendMsg clientHandle ("JOINED " ++ roomname) else sendMsg clientHandle "Already exists"
-		where
-			hcCreate ci ri = if (null $ filter (\ xr -> roomname == name xr) ri) then
-				(map
-					(\ xc
-						-> if (clientHandle == handle xc) then
-								xc {isMaster = True, room = roomname}
-							else
-								xc)
-					ci,
-					(RoomInfo roomname "") : ri, True)
-				else
-					(ci, ri, False)
-handleCmd clientHandle clientsList roomsList ("LIST", []) = do
-		rl <- atomically $ readTVar roomsList
-		sendMsg clientHandle (unlines $ map (\x -> name x) rl)
-handleCmd clientHandle _ _ ("PING", _) = sendMsg clientHandle "PONG"
-handleCmd clientHandle _ _ (_, _) = sendMsg clientHandle "Unknown cmd or bad syntax"
-clientLoop :: Handle -> TVar[ClientInfo] -> TVar[RoomInfo] -> IO()
-clientLoop clientHandle clientsList roomsList = do
-		cline <- hGetLine clientHandle
-		let (cmd, params) = extractCmd cline
-		handleCmd clientHandle clientsList roomsList (cmd, params)
-		if cmd /= "QUIT" then clientLoop clientHandle clientsList roomsList else return ()
-main = do
-	clientsList <- atomically $ newTVar[]
-	roomsList <- atomically $ newTVar[]
-	bracket
-		(listenOn $ Service "hedgewars")
-		(sClose)
-		(loop clientsList roomsList)
-		where
-			loop clist rlist sock = accept sock >>= addClient clist rlist >> loop clist rlist sock
-			addClient clist rlist (chandle, hostname, port) = do
-				putStrLn $ "Client connected: " ++ show hostname
-				hSetBuffering chandle LineBuffering
-				manipState clist (\x -> (ClientInfo chandle "" "" False):x) -- add client to list
-				forkIO $ finally
-					(clientLoop chandle clist rlist)
-					(do
-					manipState clist (\x -> filter (\x -> chandle /= handle x) x) -- remove client from list
-					hClose chandle)