--- a/QTfrontend/SDLs.cpp Tue Dec 21 14:57:33 2010 -0500
+++ b/QTfrontend/SDLs.cpp Tue Dec 21 15:12:06 2010 -0500
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
if (music == NULL) {
- music = Mix_LoadMUS((datadir->absolutePath() + "/Music/main theme.ogg").toLocal8Bit().constData());
+ music = Mix_LoadMUS((datadir->absolutePath() + "/Music/main_theme.ogg").toLocal8Bit().constData());
Mix_VolumeMusic(MIX_MAX_VOLUME - 28);
--- a/QTfrontend/hwform.cpp Tue Dec 21 14:57:33 2010 -0500
+++ b/QTfrontend/hwform.cpp Tue Dec 21 15:12:06 2010 -0500
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
setMinimumSize(760, 580);
- setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
+ //setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
@@ -308,11 +308,13 @@
void HWForm::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
- if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape /*|| event->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace*/ )
+ if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape)
void HWForm::CustomizePalettes()
@@ -1170,7 +1172,7 @@
QStringList entries = tmpdir.entryList(QStringList("*#*.lua"));
for(int i = 0; (i < entries.count()) && (i <= team.CampaignProgress); i++)
- ui.pageCampaign->CBSelect->addItem(QString(entries[i]).replace(QRegExp("^(\\d+)#(.+)\\.lua"), QComboBox::tr("Mission") + " \\1: \\2"), QString(entries[i]).replace(QRegExp("^(.*)\\.lua"), "\\1"));
+ ui.pageCampaign->CBSelect->addItem(QString(entries[i]).replace(QRegExp("^(\\d+)#(.+)\\.lua"), QComboBox::tr("Mission") + " \\1: \\2").replace("_", " "), QString(entries[i]).replace(QRegExp("^(.*)\\.lua"), "\\1"));
void HWForm::AssociateFiles()
--- a/QTfrontend/hwform.h Tue Dec 21 14:57:33 2010 -0500
+++ b/QTfrontend/hwform.h Tue Dec 21 15:12:06 2010 -0500
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event);
void CustomizePalettes();
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event);
- void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
+ //void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
enum PageIDs {
--- a/QTfrontend/pages.cpp Tue Dec 21 14:57:33 2010 -0500
+++ b/QTfrontend/pages.cpp Tue Dec 21 15:12:06 2010 -0500
@@ -1063,7 +1063,10 @@
CBSelect->addItems(tmpdir.entryList(QStringList("*.lua")).replaceInStrings(QRegExp("^(.*)\\.lua"), "\\1"));
for(int i = 0; i < CBSelect->count(); i++)
+ {
CBSelect->setItemData(i, CBSelect->itemText(i));
+ CBSelect->setItemText(i, CBSelect->itemText(i).replace("_", " "));
+ }
pageLayout->addWidget(CBSelect, 1, 1);
--- a/QTfrontend/pages.h Tue Dec 21 14:57:33 2010 -0500
+++ b/QTfrontend/pages.h Tue Dec 21 15:12:06 2010 -0500
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
font14 = new QFont("MS Shell Dlg", 14);
- setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
+ //setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
virtual ~AbstractPage() {};
--- a/hedgewars/uScript.pas Tue Dec 21 14:57:33 2010 -0500
+++ b/hedgewars/uScript.pas Tue Dec 21 15:12:06 2010 -0500
@@ -1082,6 +1082,18 @@
lua_pushstring(L, str2pchar(Pathz[ptData]));
lc_getdatapath:= 1
+function lc_maphasborder(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;
+ if lua_gettop(L) <> 0 then
+ begin
+ LuaError('Lua: Wrong number of parameters passed to MapHasBorder!');
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ end
+ else
+ lua_pushboolean(L, hasBorder);
+ lc_maphasborder:= 1
procedure ScriptPrintStack;
@@ -1492,6 +1504,7 @@
lua_register(luaState, 'GetRandom', @lc_getrandom);
lua_register(luaState, 'SetWind', @lc_setwind);
lua_register(luaState, 'GetDataPath', @lc_getdatapath);
+lua_register(luaState, 'MapHasBorder', @lc_maphasborder);
ScriptClearStack; // just to be sure stack is empty
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/01#Boot Camp.lua Tue Dec 21 14:57:33 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-local teamnames = {}
-local hognames = {}
-teamnames[0] = {
- ["en"] = "Bloody Rookies",
- ["de"] = "Blutige Anfänger",
- ["pl"] = "Żótodzioby",
- ["sv"] = "Blodiga nybörjare",
- ["es"] = "Reclutas",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Recrutas",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Maldito Recrutas",
- ["sk"] = "Regruti"
-teamnames[1] = {
- ["en"] = "Instructors",
- ["de"] = "Ausbilder",
- ["pl"] = "Instruktor",
- ["sv"] = "Instruktör",
- ["es"] = "Instructores",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Instrutores",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Instrutores",
- ["sk"] = "Inštruktori"
-hognames[0] = {
- ["en"] = "Joker",
- ["de"] = "Joker",
- ["pl"] = "Joker",
- ["sv"] = "Joker",
- ["es"] = "Joker",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Joker",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Comediante",
- ["sk"] = "Komediant"
-hognames[1] = {
- ["en"] = "Harthog",
- ["de"] = "Harthog",
- ["pl"] = "Harthog",
- ["sv"] = "Harthog",
- ["es"] = "Harthog",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Harthog",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Harthog",
- ["sk"] = "Harthog"
-local caption = {
- ["en"] = "Boot Camp",
- ["de"] = "Grundausbildung",
- ["pl"] = "Poligon",
- ["sv"] = "Grundutbildning",
- ["es"] = "Campamento militar",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Acampamento militar",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Acampamento Militar",
- ["sk"] = "Výcvikový tábor"
-local subcaption = {
- ["en"] = "Follow the instructions!",
- ["de"] = "Befolge die Anweisungen!",
- ["pl"] = "Wykonuj polecenia!",
- ["sv"] = "Följ instruktioner!",
- ["es"] = "¡Sigue las órdenes!",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Segue as instruções!",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Siga as ordens!",
- ["sk"] = "Postupujte podľa inštrukcií!"
-local goals = {}
-goals[0] = {
- ["en"] = "Listen to your Drill Instructor and follow his lead!",
- ["de"] = "Höre deinem Ausbilder zu und befolge seine Anweisungen!",
- ["pl"] = "Słuchaj instruktora i wykonuj jego rozkazy!",
- ["sv"] = "Lyssna på din instruktör och gör som han säger!",
- ["es"] = "¡Escucha atentamente a tu instructor de maniobras y sigue sus órdenes!",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Ouve atentamente o teu Instrutor e segue as suas ordens!",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Escute seu instrutor de escavação e siga seu líder",
- ["sk"] = "Počúvajte vášho inštruktora výcviku a vykonávajte jeho rozkazy!"
-goals[1] = {
- ["en"] = "Destroy the target to finish this mission!",
- ["de"] = "Zerstöre das Ziel, um diese Mission abzuschließen!",
- ["pl"] = "Zniszcz cel by ukończyć misję!",
- ["sv"] = "Förstör målet för att avklara uppdraget!",
- ["es"] = "¡Destruye el objetivo para completar esta misión!",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Destrói o alvo para completar esta missão!",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Destrua o alvo para concluir a missão",
- ["sk"] = "Pre ukončenie misie zneškodnite cieľ!"
-goals[2] = {
- ["en"] = "Excellent! You've passed the Boot Camp!",
- ["de"] = "Ausgezeichnet! Du hast das Ausbildungslager bestanden!",
- ["pl"] = "Doskonale! Wyszedłeś cało z poligonu!",
- ["sv"] = "Brilliant! Du har klarat av grundutbildningen!",
- ["es"] = "¡Excelente! ¡Has completado la maniobra de hoy!",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Excelente! Completaste o treino para recrutas!",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Excelente! Você completou a manobra",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Výborne! Prešli ste výcvikovým táborom!"
-local failed = {
- ["en"] = "You failed! Follow the instructions and shoot the target only!",
- ["de"] = "Du hast versagt! Befolge die Anweisungen und schieß nur auf das Ziel!",
- ["pl"] = "Przegrałeś! Wykonuj instrukcje poprawnie i strzelaj tylko w podane cele!",
- ["sv"] = "Du har misslyckats! Följ instruktionerna och sjut endast på målen!",
- ["es"] = "¡Has fallado! ¡Sigue las instrucciones y destruye únicamente el objetivo!",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Falhaste! Segue as instruções e destrói apenas o alvo!",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Você falhou! Siga as instruções e atire somente no alvo",
- ["sk"] = "Prehrali ste! Nasledujte inštrukcie a strieľajte iba na cieľ!"
-local drill = {}
-drill[0] = {
- ["en"] = "Allright, maggot!",
- ["de"] = "Also gut, du Made!",
- ["pl"] = "Słuchaj mnie gnido!",
- ["sv"] = "Dåså, din mask!",
- ["es"] = "¡Muy bien, escoria!",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Bom trabalho verme!",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Parabéns escória",
- ["sk"] = "Počúvaj, ty červík!"
-drill[1] = {
- ["en"] = "Show that you aren't that useless.",
- ["de"] = "Zeig, dass du nicht so nutzlos bist.",
- ["pl"] = "Udowodnij, że nie jesteś bezwartościowy.",
- ["sv"] = "Visa att du inte är så värdelös!",
- ["es"] = "Demuéstrame que no eres tan inútil como pareces.",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Prova-me que não és tão inútil como pareces.",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Mostre que você não é um inútil.",
- ["sk"] = "Dokáž, že nie si na svete úplne zbytočným."
-drill[2] = {
- ["en"] = "Use [left] to move to the left!",
- ["de"] = "Benutze [Links], um nach links zu gehen!",
- ["pl"] = "Użyj [lewo] by poruszyć się w lewą stronę!",
- ["sv"] = "Använd [vänster] för att gå åt vänster!",
- ["es"] = "¡Aprieta [izquierda] para desplazarte a la izquierda!",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Carrega [esquerda] para te moveres para a esquerda!",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Use [esquerda] para mover para a esquerda",
- ["sk"] = "Stlačte [vľavo] pre pohyb doľava"
-drill[3] = {
- ["en"] = "Good! Now use [right] to come back!",
- ["de"] = "Gut! Nun komm mit [Rechts] zurück!",
- ["pl"] = "Dobzre, Teraz użyj [prawo] by wrócić!",
- ["sv"] = "Bra! Använd nu [höger] för att gå tillbaka!",
- ["es"] = "¡Muy bien! ¡Ahora presiona [derecha] para volver!",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Muito bem! Agora pressiona [direita] para voltar!",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Bom! Agora use [direita] para voltar",
- ["sk"] = "Dobre! Teraz použite [vpravo] a vráťte sa naspäť!"
-drill[4] = {
- ["en"] = "Excellent!",
- ["de"] = "Ausgezeichnet!",
- ["pl"] = "Wspaniale!",
- ["sv"] = "Utmärkt!",
- ["es"] = "¡Excelente!",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Excelente!",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Excelente!",
- ["sk"] = "Výborne!"
-drill[5] = {
- ["en"] = "Now jump to the left using [return]!",
- ["de"] = "Jetzt springe mit [Eingabetaste] nach links!",
- ["pl"] = "Teraz skocz w lewo używając [Enter]",
- ["sv"] = "Hoppa nu åt vänster med hjälp av [enter]!",
- ["es"] = "¡Ahora salta hacia la izquierda usando [intro]!",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Agora salta para a esquerda pressionando [retrocesso]!",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Agora pule para a esquerda usando [return]!",
- ["sk"] = "Teraz skočte doľava stlačením [enter]!"
-drill[6] = {
- ["en"] = "Use [up] and [down] to aim.",
- ["de"] = "Benutze [Hoch] und [Runter], um zu zielen.",
- ["pl"] = "Użyj klawiszy [góra] i [dół] by celować.",
- ["sv"] = "Använd [upp] och [ner] för att sikta!",
- ["es"] = "Presiora [arriba] y [abajo] para apuntar.",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Pressiona [cima] e [baixo] para apontar.",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Pressione [acima] e [abaixo] para mirar.",
- ["sk"] = "Stlačte [hore] a [dole] pre mierenie."
-drill[7] = {
- ["en"] = "Hold [space] to power up your shot and then release it to shoot.",
- ["de"] = "Halte [Leertaste], um deinen Schuss aufzuladen, und lasse dann rechtzeitig los.",
- ["pl"] = "Przytrzymaj spację by zwiększyć siłę strzału.",
- ["sv"] = "Håll ner [mellanslag] för att få kraft och släpp för att skjuta!",
- ["es"] = "Mantén presionada la [barra espaciadora] para controlar la fuerza del disparo y suéltala para disparar.",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Mantem a [barra de espaços] pressionada para controlar a força do tiro e larga-a para disparar.",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Mantenha pressionado [espaço] para aumentar a força do seu tiro e solte para atirar",
- ["sk"] = "Držte stlačený [medzerník] pre nabíjanie, jeho uvoľnením vystrelíte."
-drill[8] = {
- ["en"] = "Destroy the target to finish your basic training!",
- ["de"] = "Zerstöre das Ziel, um deine Grundausbildung abzuschließen!",
- ["pl"] = "Zniszcz cel by by ukończyć trening podstawowy!",
- ["sv"] = "Förstör målet för att avsluta din grundutbildning!",
- ["es"] = "¡Destruye el objetivo para completar el entrenamiento básico!",
- ["pt_PT"] = "Destrói o alvo para completar o treino básico!",
- ["pt_BR"] = "Destrua o alvo para terminar o treino básico",
- ["sk"] = "Zneškodnite cieľ na ukončenie základného výcviku!"
-local function loc(text)
- if text == nil then return "**missing**"
- elseif text[L] == nil then return text["en"]
- else return text[L]
- end
-local player = nil
-local instructor = nil
-local target = nil
-function onGameStart()
-local player_start_x = 2300
-local player_start_y = 1250
-local target_x = 1900
-local target_y = 1250
-local player_health = 100
-local instructor_health = 100
-local teamcolor = 14483456
-local progress = 0
-local time_start = 0
-function onGameTick()
- if progress == -1 and (time_start + 2500) == GameTime then
- EndGame()
- elseif progress == -1 then
- elseif progress > 0 and ((TurnTimeLeft == 0) or (GetHealth(player) ~= player_health) or (GetHealth(instructor) ~= instructor_health)) then
- progress = -1
- ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(failed), -amBazooka, 0)
- time_start = GameTime
- PlaySound(sndNooo)
- TurnTimeLeft = 0
- elseif GameTime == 0 then
- ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[0]), -amBazooka, 0)
- TurnTimeLeft = 60000
- elseif GameTime == 2500 then
- FollowGear(instructor)
- HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[0]), SAY_SAY)
- elseif GameTime == 5000 then
- FollowGear(instructor)
- HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[1]), SAY_SAY)
- elseif GameTime == 7500 then
- FollowGear(instructor)
- HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[2]), SAY_SHOUT)
- progress = 1
- TurnTimeLeft = 10000
- elseif progress == 1 then
- local x, y = GetGearPosition(player)
- if x < player_start_x - 50 then
- progress = 2
- FollowGear(instructor)
- HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[3]), SAY_SHOUT)
- TurnTimeLeft = 10000
- end
- elseif progress == 2 then
- local x, y = GetGearPosition(player)
- if x > player_start_x then
- progress = 3
- FollowGear(instructor)
- HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[4]), SAY_SAY)
- time_start = GameTime
- end
- elseif progress == 3 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then
- progress = 4
- FollowGear(instructor)
- HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[5]), SAY_SHOUT)
- HogTurnLeft(player, true)
- TurnTimeLeft = 10000
- elseif progress == 4 then
- local x, y = GetGearPosition(player)
- if y < player_start_y then
- progress = 5
- FollowGear(instructor)
- HogSay(instructor, "Yeah!", SAY_SAY)
- time_start = GameTime
- TurnTimeLeft = 30000
- end
- elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then
- FollowGear(instructor)
- HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[6]), SAY_SAY)
- elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 5000 == GameTime) then
- FollowGear(instructor)
- HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[7]), SAY_SAY)
- elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 7500 == GameTime) then
- FollowGear(instructor)
- HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[8]), SAY_SHOUT)
- ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[1]), 1, 0)
- target = AddGear(target_x, target_y, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- TurnTimeLeft = 60000
- elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 10000 == GameTime) then
- FollowGear(target)
- elseif progress == 6 then
- progress = 7
- ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[2]), 0, 0)
- PlaySound(sndVictory)
- time_start = GameTime
- elseif progress == 7 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then
- EndGame()
- end
-function onGameInit()
- Seed = 0
- GameFlags = gfMultiWeapon + gfOneClanMode
- TurnTime = 25000
- CaseFreq = 0
- MinesNum = 0
- Explosives = 0
- Delay = 2500
- Map = "Mushrooms"
- Theme = "Nature"
- AddTeam(loc(teamnames[0]), teamcolor, "Simple", "Island", "Default")
- player = AddHog(loc(hognames[0]), 0, player_health, "NoHat")
- SetGearPosition(player, player_start_x, player_start_y)
- AddTeam(loc(teamnames[1]), teamcolor + 1, "Simple", "Island", "Default")
- instructor = AddHog(loc(hognames[1]), 0, instructor_health, "NoHat")
- SetGearPosition(instructor, player_start_x + 100, player_start_y)
- HogTurnLeft(instructor, true)
- FollowGear(player)
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
- SetAmmo(amBazooka, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-function onGearDelete(gear)
- if GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget then
- progress = 6
- end
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/01#Boot_Camp.lua Tue Dec 21 15:12:06 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+local teamnames = {}
+local hognames = {}
+teamnames[0] = {
+ ["en"] = "Bloody Rookies",
+ ["de"] = "Blutige Anfänger",
+ ["pl"] = "Żótodzioby",
+ ["sv"] = "Blodiga nybörjare",
+ ["es"] = "Reclutas",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Recrutas",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Maldito Recrutas",
+ ["sk"] = "Regruti"
+teamnames[1] = {
+ ["en"] = "Instructors",
+ ["de"] = "Ausbilder",
+ ["pl"] = "Instruktor",
+ ["sv"] = "Instruktör",
+ ["es"] = "Instructores",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Instrutores",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Instrutores",
+ ["sk"] = "Inštruktori"
+hognames[0] = {
+ ["en"] = "Joker",
+ ["de"] = "Joker",
+ ["pl"] = "Joker",
+ ["sv"] = "Joker",
+ ["es"] = "Joker",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Joker",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Comediante",
+ ["sk"] = "Komediant"
+hognames[1] = {
+ ["en"] = "Harthog",
+ ["de"] = "Harthog",
+ ["pl"] = "Harthog",
+ ["sv"] = "Harthog",
+ ["es"] = "Harthog",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Harthog",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Harthog",
+ ["sk"] = "Harthog"
+local caption = {
+ ["en"] = "Boot Camp",
+ ["de"] = "Grundausbildung",
+ ["pl"] = "Poligon",
+ ["sv"] = "Grundutbildning",
+ ["es"] = "Campamento militar",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Acampamento militar",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Acampamento Militar",
+ ["sk"] = "Výcvikový tábor"
+local subcaption = {
+ ["en"] = "Follow the instructions!",
+ ["de"] = "Befolge die Anweisungen!",
+ ["pl"] = "Wykonuj polecenia!",
+ ["sv"] = "Följ instruktioner!",
+ ["es"] = "¡Sigue las órdenes!",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Segue as instruções!",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Siga as ordens!",
+ ["sk"] = "Postupujte podľa inštrukcií!"
+local goals = {}
+goals[0] = {
+ ["en"] = "Listen to your Drill Instructor and follow his lead!",
+ ["de"] = "Höre deinem Ausbilder zu und befolge seine Anweisungen!",
+ ["pl"] = "Słuchaj instruktora i wykonuj jego rozkazy!",
+ ["sv"] = "Lyssna på din instruktör och gör som han säger!",
+ ["es"] = "¡Escucha atentamente a tu instructor de maniobras y sigue sus órdenes!",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Ouve atentamente o teu Instrutor e segue as suas ordens!",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Escute seu instrutor de escavação e siga seu líder",
+ ["sk"] = "Počúvajte vášho inštruktora výcviku a vykonávajte jeho rozkazy!"
+goals[1] = {
+ ["en"] = "Destroy the target to finish this mission!",
+ ["de"] = "Zerstöre das Ziel, um diese Mission abzuschließen!",
+ ["pl"] = "Zniszcz cel by ukończyć misję!",
+ ["sv"] = "Förstör målet för att avklara uppdraget!",
+ ["es"] = "¡Destruye el objetivo para completar esta misión!",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Destrói o alvo para completar esta missão!",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Destrua o alvo para concluir a missão",
+ ["sk"] = "Pre ukončenie misie zneškodnite cieľ!"
+goals[2] = {
+ ["en"] = "Excellent! You've passed the Boot Camp!",
+ ["de"] = "Ausgezeichnet! Du hast das Ausbildungslager bestanden!",
+ ["pl"] = "Doskonale! Wyszedłeś cało z poligonu!",
+ ["sv"] = "Brilliant! Du har klarat av grundutbildningen!",
+ ["es"] = "¡Excelente! ¡Has completado la maniobra de hoy!",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Excelente! Completaste o treino para recrutas!",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Excelente! Você completou a manobra",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Výborne! Prešli ste výcvikovým táborom!"
+local failed = {
+ ["en"] = "You failed! Follow the instructions and shoot the target only!",
+ ["de"] = "Du hast versagt! Befolge die Anweisungen und schieß nur auf das Ziel!",
+ ["pl"] = "Przegrałeś! Wykonuj instrukcje poprawnie i strzelaj tylko w podane cele!",
+ ["sv"] = "Du har misslyckats! Följ instruktionerna och sjut endast på målen!",
+ ["es"] = "¡Has fallado! ¡Sigue las instrucciones y destruye únicamente el objetivo!",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Falhaste! Segue as instruções e destrói apenas o alvo!",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Você falhou! Siga as instruções e atire somente no alvo",
+ ["sk"] = "Prehrali ste! Nasledujte inštrukcie a strieľajte iba na cieľ!"
+local drill = {}
+drill[0] = {
+ ["en"] = "Allright, maggot!",
+ ["de"] = "Also gut, du Made!",
+ ["pl"] = "Słuchaj mnie gnido!",
+ ["sv"] = "Dåså, din mask!",
+ ["es"] = "¡Muy bien, escoria!",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Bom trabalho verme!",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Parabéns escória",
+ ["sk"] = "Počúvaj, ty červík!"
+drill[1] = {
+ ["en"] = "Show that you aren't that useless.",
+ ["de"] = "Zeig, dass du nicht so nutzlos bist.",
+ ["pl"] = "Udowodnij, że nie jesteś bezwartościowy.",
+ ["sv"] = "Visa att du inte är så värdelös!",
+ ["es"] = "Demuéstrame que no eres tan inútil como pareces.",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Prova-me que não és tão inútil como pareces.",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Mostre que você não é um inútil.",
+ ["sk"] = "Dokáž, že nie si na svete úplne zbytočným."
+drill[2] = {
+ ["en"] = "Use [left] to move to the left!",
+ ["de"] = "Benutze [Links], um nach links zu gehen!",
+ ["pl"] = "Użyj [lewo] by poruszyć się w lewą stronę!",
+ ["sv"] = "Använd [vänster] för att gå åt vänster!",
+ ["es"] = "¡Aprieta [izquierda] para desplazarte a la izquierda!",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Carrega [esquerda] para te moveres para a esquerda!",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Use [esquerda] para mover para a esquerda",
+ ["sk"] = "Stlačte [vľavo] pre pohyb doľava"
+drill[3] = {
+ ["en"] = "Good! Now use [right] to come back!",
+ ["de"] = "Gut! Nun komm mit [Rechts] zurück!",
+ ["pl"] = "Dobzre, Teraz użyj [prawo] by wrócić!",
+ ["sv"] = "Bra! Använd nu [höger] för att gå tillbaka!",
+ ["es"] = "¡Muy bien! ¡Ahora presiona [derecha] para volver!",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Muito bem! Agora pressiona [direita] para voltar!",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Bom! Agora use [direita] para voltar",
+ ["sk"] = "Dobre! Teraz použite [vpravo] a vráťte sa naspäť!"
+drill[4] = {
+ ["en"] = "Excellent!",
+ ["de"] = "Ausgezeichnet!",
+ ["pl"] = "Wspaniale!",
+ ["sv"] = "Utmärkt!",
+ ["es"] = "¡Excelente!",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Excelente!",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Excelente!",
+ ["sk"] = "Výborne!"
+drill[5] = {
+ ["en"] = "Now jump to the left using [return]!",
+ ["de"] = "Jetzt springe mit [Eingabetaste] nach links!",
+ ["pl"] = "Teraz skocz w lewo używając [Enter]",
+ ["sv"] = "Hoppa nu åt vänster med hjälp av [enter]!",
+ ["es"] = "¡Ahora salta hacia la izquierda usando [intro]!",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Agora salta para a esquerda pressionando [retrocesso]!",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Agora pule para a esquerda usando [return]!",
+ ["sk"] = "Teraz skočte doľava stlačením [enter]!"
+drill[6] = {
+ ["en"] = "Use [up] and [down] to aim.",
+ ["de"] = "Benutze [Hoch] und [Runter], um zu zielen.",
+ ["pl"] = "Użyj klawiszy [góra] i [dół] by celować.",
+ ["sv"] = "Använd [upp] och [ner] för att sikta!",
+ ["es"] = "Presiora [arriba] y [abajo] para apuntar.",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Pressiona [cima] e [baixo] para apontar.",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Pressione [acima] e [abaixo] para mirar.",
+ ["sk"] = "Stlačte [hore] a [dole] pre mierenie."
+drill[7] = {
+ ["en"] = "Hold [space] to power up your shot and then release it to shoot.",
+ ["de"] = "Halte [Leertaste], um deinen Schuss aufzuladen, und lasse dann rechtzeitig los.",
+ ["pl"] = "Przytrzymaj spację by zwiększyć siłę strzału.",
+ ["sv"] = "Håll ner [mellanslag] för att få kraft och släpp för att skjuta!",
+ ["es"] = "Mantén presionada la [barra espaciadora] para controlar la fuerza del disparo y suéltala para disparar.",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Mantem a [barra de espaços] pressionada para controlar a força do tiro e larga-a para disparar.",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Mantenha pressionado [espaço] para aumentar a força do seu tiro e solte para atirar",
+ ["sk"] = "Držte stlačený [medzerník] pre nabíjanie, jeho uvoľnením vystrelíte."
+drill[8] = {
+ ["en"] = "Destroy the target to finish your basic training!",
+ ["de"] = "Zerstöre das Ziel, um deine Grundausbildung abzuschließen!",
+ ["pl"] = "Zniszcz cel by by ukończyć trening podstawowy!",
+ ["sv"] = "Förstör målet för att avsluta din grundutbildning!",
+ ["es"] = "¡Destruye el objetivo para completar el entrenamiento básico!",
+ ["pt_PT"] = "Destrói o alvo para completar o treino básico!",
+ ["pt_BR"] = "Destrua o alvo para terminar o treino básico",
+ ["sk"] = "Zneškodnite cieľ na ukončenie základného výcviku!"
+local function loc(text)
+ if text == nil then return "**missing**"
+ elseif text[L] == nil then return text["en"]
+ else return text[L]
+ end
+local player = nil
+local instructor = nil
+local target = nil
+function onGameStart()
+local player_start_x = 2300
+local player_start_y = 1250
+local target_x = 1900
+local target_y = 1250
+local player_health = 100
+local instructor_health = 100
+local teamcolor = 14483456
+local progress = 0
+local time_start = 0
+function onGameTick()
+ if progress == -1 and (time_start + 2500) == GameTime then
+ EndGame()
+ elseif progress == -1 then
+ elseif progress > 0 and ((TurnTimeLeft == 0) or (GetHealth(player) ~= player_health) or (GetHealth(instructor) ~= instructor_health)) then
+ progress = -1
+ ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(failed), -amBazooka, 0)
+ time_start = GameTime
+ PlaySound(sndNooo)
+ TurnTimeLeft = 0
+ elseif GameTime == 0 then
+ ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[0]), -amBazooka, 0)
+ TurnTimeLeft = 60000
+ elseif GameTime == 2500 then
+ FollowGear(instructor)
+ HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[0]), SAY_SAY)
+ elseif GameTime == 5000 then
+ FollowGear(instructor)
+ HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[1]), SAY_SAY)
+ elseif GameTime == 7500 then
+ FollowGear(instructor)
+ HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[2]), SAY_SHOUT)
+ progress = 1
+ TurnTimeLeft = 10000
+ elseif progress == 1 then
+ local x, y = GetGearPosition(player)
+ if x < player_start_x - 50 then
+ progress = 2
+ FollowGear(instructor)
+ HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[3]), SAY_SHOUT)
+ TurnTimeLeft = 10000
+ end
+ elseif progress == 2 then
+ local x, y = GetGearPosition(player)
+ if x > player_start_x then
+ progress = 3
+ FollowGear(instructor)
+ HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[4]), SAY_SAY)
+ time_start = GameTime
+ end
+ elseif progress == 3 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then
+ progress = 4
+ FollowGear(instructor)
+ HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[5]), SAY_SHOUT)
+ HogTurnLeft(player, true)
+ TurnTimeLeft = 10000
+ elseif progress == 4 then
+ local x, y = GetGearPosition(player)
+ if y < player_start_y then
+ progress = 5
+ FollowGear(instructor)
+ HogSay(instructor, "Yeah!", SAY_SAY)
+ time_start = GameTime
+ TurnTimeLeft = 30000
+ end
+ elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then
+ FollowGear(instructor)
+ HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[6]), SAY_SAY)
+ elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 5000 == GameTime) then
+ FollowGear(instructor)
+ HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[7]), SAY_SAY)
+ elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 7500 == GameTime) then
+ FollowGear(instructor)
+ HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[8]), SAY_SHOUT)
+ ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[1]), 1, 0)
+ target = AddGear(target_x, target_y, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ TurnTimeLeft = 60000
+ elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 10000 == GameTime) then
+ FollowGear(target)
+ elseif progress == 6 then
+ progress = 7
+ ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[2]), 0, 0)
+ PlaySound(sndVictory)
+ time_start = GameTime
+ elseif progress == 7 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then
+ EndGame()
+ end
+function onGameInit()
+ Seed = 0
+ GameFlags = gfMultiWeapon + gfOneClanMode
+ TurnTime = 25000
+ CaseFreq = 0
+ MinesNum = 0
+ Explosives = 0
+ Delay = 2500
+ Map = "Mushrooms"
+ Theme = "Nature"
+ AddTeam(loc(teamnames[0]), teamcolor, "Simple", "Island", "Default")
+ player = AddHog(loc(hognames[0]), 0, player_health, "NoHat")
+ SetGearPosition(player, player_start_x, player_start_y)
+ AddTeam(loc(teamnames[1]), teamcolor + 1, "Simple", "Island", "Default")
+ instructor = AddHog(loc(hognames[1]), 0, instructor_health, "NoHat")
+ SetGearPosition(instructor, player_start_x + 100, player_start_y)
+ HogTurnLeft(instructor, true)
+ FollowGear(player)
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+ SetAmmo(amBazooka, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+ if GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget then
+ progress = 6
+ end
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Training/SniperRifle.lua Tue Dec 21 14:57:33 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
--- Hedgewars SniperRifle Training
--- Scripting Example
--- Lines such as this one are comments - they are ignored
--- by the game, no matter what kind of text is in there.
--- It's also possible to place a comment after some real
--- instruction as you see below. In short, everything
--- following "--" is ignored.
--- At first we implement the localization library using loadfile.
--- This allows us to localize strings without needing to think
--- about translations.
--- We can use the function loc(text) to localize a string.
-loadfile(GetDataPath() .. "Scripts/Locale.lua")()
--- This variable will hold the number of destroyed targets.
-local score = 0
--- This variable represents the number of targets to destroy.
-local score_goal = 31
--- This variable controls how many milliseconds/ticks we'd
--- like to wait before we end the round once all targets
--- have been destroyed.
-local end_timer = 5000 -- 5000 ms = 5 s
--- This variable is set to true if the game is lost (i.e.
--- time runs out).
-local game_lost = false
--- This variable will point to the hog's gear
-local player = nil
--- This variable will grab the time left at the end of the round
-local time_goal = 0
-local target = nil
-local last_hit_time = 0
--- This is a custom function to make it easier to
--- spawn more targets with just one line of code
--- You may define as many custom functions as you
--- like.
-function spawnTarget(x, y)
- -- add a new target gear
- target = AddGear(x, y, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- -- have the camera move to the target so the player knows where it is
- FollowGear(target)
-function blowUp(x, y)
- -- adds some TNT
- gear = AddGear(x, y, gtDynamite, 0, 0, 0, 0)
--- This function is called before the game loads its
--- resources.
--- It's one of the predefined function names that will
--- be called by the game. They give you entry points
--- where you're able to call your own code using either
--- provided instructions or custom functions.
-function onGameInit()
- -- At first we have to overwrite/set some global variables
- -- that define the map, the game has to load, as well as
- -- other things such as the game rules to use, etc.
- -- Things we don't modify here will use their default values.
- -- The base number for the random number generator
- Seed = 0
- -- Game settings and rules
- GameFlags = gfMultiWeapon + gfOneClanMode + gfArtillery
- -- The time the player has to move each round (in ms)
- TurnTime = 150000
- -- The frequency of crate drops
- CaseFreq = 0
- -- The number of mines being placed
- MinesNum = 0
- -- The number of explosives being placed
- Explosives = 0
- -- The delay between each round
- Delay = 0
- -- The map to be played
- Map = "Ropes"
- -- The theme to be used
- Theme = "City"
- -- Create the player team
- AddTeam(loc("Sniperz"), 14483456, "Simple", "Island", "Default")
- -- And add a hog to it
- player = AddHog(loc("Hunter"), 0, 1, "Sniper")
- SetGearPosition(player, 602, 1465)
--- This function is called when the round starts
--- it spawns the first target that has to be destroyed.
--- In addition it shows the scenario goal(s).
-function onGameStart()
- -- Spawn the first target.
- spawnTarget(860,1020)
- -- Show some nice mission goals.
- -- Parameters are: caption, sub caption, description,
- -- extra text, icon and time to show.
- -- A negative icon parameter (-n) represents the n-th weapon icon
- -- A positive icon paramter (n) represents the (n+1)-th mission icon
- -- A timeframe of 0 is replaced with the default time to show.
- ShowMission(loc("Sniper Training"), loc("Aiming Practice"), loc("Eliminate all targets before your time runs out.|You have unlimited ammo for this mission."), -amSniperRifle, 0)
--- This function is called every game tick.
--- Note that there are 1000 ticks within one second.
--- You shouldn't try to calculate too complicated
--- code here as this might slow down your game.
-function onGameTick()
- if game_lost then
- return
- end
- -- after a target is destroyed, show hog, then target
- if (target ~= nil) and (TurnTimeLeft + 1300 < last_hit_time) then
- -- move camera to the target
- FollowGear(target)
- elseif TurnTimeLeft + 300 < last_hit_time then
- -- move camera to the hog
- FollowGear(player)
- end
- -- If time's up, set the game to be lost.
- -- We actually check the time to be "1 ms" as it
- -- will be at "0 ms" right at the start of the game.
- if TurnTimeLeft == 1 and score < score_goal then
- game_lost = true
- -- ... and show a short message.
- ShowMission(loc("Sniper Training"), loc("Aiming Practice"), loc("Oh no! Time's up! Just try again."), -amSkip, 0)
- -- How about killing our poor hog due to his poor performance?
- SetHealth(player, 0)
- -- Just to be sure set the goal time to 1 ms
- time_goal = 1
- end
- -- If the goal is reached or we've lost ...
- if score == score_goal or game_lost then
- -- ... check to see if the time we'd like to
- -- wait has passed and then ...
- if end_timer == 0 then
- -- ... end the game ...
- EndGame()
- else
- -- ... or just lower the timer by 1.
- end_timer = end_timer - 1
- -- Reset the time left to stop the timer
- TurnTimeLeft = time_goal
- end
- end
--- This function is called when the game is initialized
--- to request the available ammo and probabilities
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
- -- add an unlimited supply of shotgun ammo
- SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
--- This function is called when a new gear is added.
--- We don't need it for this training, so we can
--- keep it empty.
-function onGearAdd(gear)
--- This function is called before a gear is destroyed.
--- We use it to count the number of targets destroyed.
-function onGearDelete(gear)
- if GetGearType(gear) == gtCase then
- game_lost = true
- return
- end
- if (GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget) then
- -- remember when the target was hit for adjusting the camera
- last_hit_time = TurnTimeLeft
- -- Add one point to our score/counter
- score = score + 1
- -- If we haven't reached the goal ...
- if score < score_goal then
- -- ... spawn another target.
- if score == 1 then
- spawnTarget(1520,1350)
- elseif score == 2 then
- spawnTarget(1730,1040)
- elseif score == 3 then
- spawnTarget(2080,780)
- elseif score == 4 then
- blowUp(1730,1226)
- blowUp(1440,1595)
- blowUp(1527,1575)
- blowUp(1614,1595)
- blowUp(1420,1675)
- blowUp(1527,1675)
- blowUp(1634,1675)
- blowUp(1440,1755)
- blowUp(1527,1775)
- blowUp(1614,1755)
- spawnTarget(1527,1667)
- elseif score == 5 then
- spawnTarget(1527,1667)
- elseif score == 6 then
- spawnTarget(2175,1300)
- elseif score == 7 then
- spawnTarget(2250,940)
- elseif score == 8 then
- spawnTarget(2665,1540)
- elseif score == 9 then
- spawnTarget(3040,1160)
- elseif score == 10 then
- spawnTarget(2930,1500)
- elseif score == 11 then
- spawnTarget(700,720)
- elseif score == 12 then
- blowUp(914,1222)
- blowUp(1050,1222)
- blowUp(1160,1008)
- blowUp(1160,1093)
- blowUp(1160,1188)
- blowUp(375,911)
- blowUp(510,911)
- blowUp(640,911)
- blowUp(780,911)
- blowUp(920,911)
- blowUp(1060,913)
- blowUp(1198,913)
- spawnTarget(1200,730)
- elseif score == 13 then
- spawnTarget(1200,830)
- elseif score == 14 then
- spawnTarget(1430,450)
- elseif score == 15 then
- spawnTarget(796,240)
- elseif score == 16 then
- spawnTarget(300,10)
- elseif score == 17 then
- spawnTarget(2080,820)
- elseif score == 18 then
- blowUp(2110,920)
- blowUp(2210,920)
- blowUp(2200,305)
- blowUp(2300,305)
- blowUp(2300,400)
- blowUp(2300,500)
- blowUp(2300,600)
- blowUp(2300,700)
- blowUp(2300,800)
- blowUp(2300,900)
- blowUp(2401,305)
- blowUp(2532,305)
- blowUp(2663,305)
- spawnTarget(2300,760)
- elseif score == 19 then
- spawnTarget(2300,760)
- elseif score == 20 then
- spawnTarget(2738,190)
- elseif score == 21 then
- spawnTarget(2590,-100)
- elseif score == 22 then
- blowUp(2790,305)
- blowUp(2930,305)
- blowUp(3060,305)
- blowUp(3190,305)
- blowUp(3310,305)
- blowUp(3393,613)
- blowUp(2805,370)
- blowUp(2805,500)
- blowUp(2805,630)
- blowUp(2805,760)
- blowUp(2805,890)
- blowUp(2700,890)
- blowUp(3258,370)
- blowUp(3258,475)
- blowUp(3264,575)
- spawnTarget(3230,240)
- elseif score == 23 then
- spawnTarget(3230,290)
- elseif score == 24 then
- spawnTarget(3670,250)
- elseif score == 25 then
- spawnTarget(2620,-100)
- elseif score == 26 then
- spawnTarget(2870,300)
- elseif score == 27 then
- spawnTarget(3850,900)
- elseif score == 28 then
- spawnTarget(3780,300)
- elseif score == 29 then
- spawnTarget(3670,0)
- elseif score == 30 then
- spawnTarget(3480,1200)
- end
- else
- if not game_lost then
- -- Otherwise show that the goal was accomplished
- ShowMission(loc("Sniper Training"), loc("Aiming Practice"), loc("Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."), 0, 0)
- -- Also let the hogs shout "victory!"
- PlaySound(sndVictory)
- -- Save the time left so we may keep it.
- time_goal = TurnTimeLeft
- end
- end
- end
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Training/Sniper_Rifle.lua Tue Dec 21 15:12:06 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+-- Hedgewars SniperRifle Training
+-- Scripting Example
+-- Lines such as this one are comments - they are ignored
+-- by the game, no matter what kind of text is in there.
+-- It's also possible to place a comment after some real
+-- instruction as you see below. In short, everything
+-- following "--" is ignored.
+-- At first we implement the localization library using loadfile.
+-- This allows us to localize strings without needing to think
+-- about translations.
+-- We can use the function loc(text) to localize a string.
+loadfile(GetDataPath() .. "Scripts/Locale.lua")()
+-- This variable will hold the number of destroyed targets.
+local score = 0
+-- This variable represents the number of targets to destroy.
+local score_goal = 31
+-- This variable controls how many milliseconds/ticks we'd
+-- like to wait before we end the round once all targets
+-- have been destroyed.
+local end_timer = 5000 -- 5000 ms = 5 s
+-- This variable is set to true if the game is lost (i.e.
+-- time runs out).
+local game_lost = false
+-- This variable will point to the hog's gear
+local player = nil
+-- This variable will grab the time left at the end of the round
+local time_goal = 0
+local target = nil
+local last_hit_time = 0
+-- This is a custom function to make it easier to
+-- spawn more targets with just one line of code
+-- You may define as many custom functions as you
+-- like.
+function spawnTarget(x, y)
+ -- add a new target gear
+ target = AddGear(x, y, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ -- have the camera move to the target so the player knows where it is
+ FollowGear(target)
+function blowUp(x, y)
+ -- adds some TNT
+ gear = AddGear(x, y, gtDynamite, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+-- This function is called before the game loads its
+-- resources.
+-- It's one of the predefined function names that will
+-- be called by the game. They give you entry points
+-- where you're able to call your own code using either
+-- provided instructions or custom functions.
+function onGameInit()
+ -- At first we have to overwrite/set some global variables
+ -- that define the map, the game has to load, as well as
+ -- other things such as the game rules to use, etc.
+ -- Things we don't modify here will use their default values.
+ -- The base number for the random number generator
+ Seed = 0
+ -- Game settings and rules
+ GameFlags = gfMultiWeapon + gfOneClanMode + gfArtillery
+ -- The time the player has to move each round (in ms)
+ TurnTime = 150000
+ -- The frequency of crate drops
+ CaseFreq = 0
+ -- The number of mines being placed
+ MinesNum = 0
+ -- The number of explosives being placed
+ Explosives = 0
+ -- The delay between each round
+ Delay = 0
+ -- The map to be played
+ Map = "Ropes"
+ -- The theme to be used
+ Theme = "City"
+ -- Create the player team
+ AddTeam(loc("Sniperz"), 14483456, "Simple", "Island", "Default")
+ -- And add a hog to it
+ player = AddHog(loc("Hunter"), 0, 1, "Sniper")
+ SetGearPosition(player, 602, 1465)
+-- This function is called when the round starts
+-- it spawns the first target that has to be destroyed.
+-- In addition it shows the scenario goal(s).
+function onGameStart()
+ -- Spawn the first target.
+ spawnTarget(860,1020)
+ -- Show some nice mission goals.
+ -- Parameters are: caption, sub caption, description,
+ -- extra text, icon and time to show.
+ -- A negative icon parameter (-n) represents the n-th weapon icon
+ -- A positive icon paramter (n) represents the (n+1)-th mission icon
+ -- A timeframe of 0 is replaced with the default time to show.
+ ShowMission(loc("Sniper Training"), loc("Aiming Practice"), loc("Eliminate all targets before your time runs out.|You have unlimited ammo for this mission."), -amSniperRifle, 0)
+-- This function is called every game tick.
+-- Note that there are 1000 ticks within one second.
+-- You shouldn't try to calculate too complicated
+-- code here as this might slow down your game.
+function onGameTick()
+ if game_lost then
+ return
+ end
+ -- after a target is destroyed, show hog, then target
+ if (target ~= nil) and (TurnTimeLeft + 1300 < last_hit_time) then
+ -- move camera to the target
+ FollowGear(target)
+ elseif TurnTimeLeft + 300 < last_hit_time then
+ -- move camera to the hog
+ FollowGear(player)
+ end
+ -- If time's up, set the game to be lost.
+ -- We actually check the time to be "1 ms" as it
+ -- will be at "0 ms" right at the start of the game.
+ if TurnTimeLeft == 1 and score < score_goal then
+ game_lost = true
+ -- ... and show a short message.
+ ShowMission(loc("Sniper Training"), loc("Aiming Practice"), loc("Oh no! Time's up! Just try again."), -amSkip, 0)
+ -- How about killing our poor hog due to his poor performance?
+ SetHealth(player, 0)
+ -- Just to be sure set the goal time to 1 ms
+ time_goal = 1
+ end
+ -- If the goal is reached or we've lost ...
+ if score == score_goal or game_lost then
+ -- ... check to see if the time we'd like to
+ -- wait has passed and then ...
+ if end_timer == 0 then
+ -- ... end the game ...
+ EndGame()
+ else
+ -- ... or just lower the timer by 1.
+ end_timer = end_timer - 1
+ -- Reset the time left to stop the timer
+ TurnTimeLeft = time_goal
+ end
+ end
+-- This function is called when the game is initialized
+-- to request the available ammo and probabilities
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+ -- add an unlimited supply of shotgun ammo
+ SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+-- This function is called when a new gear is added.
+-- We don't need it for this training, so we can
+-- keep it empty.
+function onGearAdd(gear)
+-- This function is called before a gear is destroyed.
+-- We use it to count the number of targets destroyed.
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+ if GetGearType(gear) == gtCase then
+ game_lost = true
+ return
+ end
+ if (GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget) then
+ -- remember when the target was hit for adjusting the camera
+ last_hit_time = TurnTimeLeft
+ -- Add one point to our score/counter
+ score = score + 1
+ -- If we haven't reached the goal ...
+ if score < score_goal then
+ -- ... spawn another target.
+ if score == 1 then
+ spawnTarget(1520,1350)
+ elseif score == 2 then
+ spawnTarget(1730,1040)
+ elseif score == 3 then
+ spawnTarget(2080,780)
+ elseif score == 4 then
+ blowUp(1730,1226)
+ blowUp(1440,1595)
+ blowUp(1527,1575)
+ blowUp(1614,1595)
+ blowUp(1420,1675)
+ blowUp(1527,1675)
+ blowUp(1634,1675)
+ blowUp(1440,1755)
+ blowUp(1527,1775)
+ blowUp(1614,1755)
+ spawnTarget(1527,1667)
+ elseif score == 5 then
+ spawnTarget(1527,1667)
+ elseif score == 6 then
+ spawnTarget(2175,1300)
+ elseif score == 7 then
+ spawnTarget(2250,940)
+ elseif score == 8 then
+ spawnTarget(2665,1540)
+ elseif score == 9 then
+ spawnTarget(3040,1160)
+ elseif score == 10 then
+ spawnTarget(2930,1500)
+ elseif score == 11 then
+ spawnTarget(700,720)
+ elseif score == 12 then
+ blowUp(914,1222)
+ blowUp(1050,1222)
+ blowUp(1160,1008)
+ blowUp(1160,1093)
+ blowUp(1160,1188)
+ blowUp(375,911)
+ blowUp(510,911)
+ blowUp(640,911)
+ blowUp(780,911)
+ blowUp(920,911)
+ blowUp(1060,913)
+ blowUp(1198,913)
+ spawnTarget(1200,730)
+ elseif score == 13 then
+ spawnTarget(1200,830)
+ elseif score == 14 then
+ spawnTarget(1430,450)
+ elseif score == 15 then
+ spawnTarget(796,240)
+ elseif score == 16 then
+ spawnTarget(300,10)
+ elseif score == 17 then
+ spawnTarget(2080,820)
+ elseif score == 18 then
+ blowUp(2110,920)
+ blowUp(2210,920)
+ blowUp(2200,305)
+ blowUp(2300,305)
+ blowUp(2300,400)
+ blowUp(2300,500)
+ blowUp(2300,600)
+ blowUp(2300,700)
+ blowUp(2300,800)
+ blowUp(2300,900)
+ blowUp(2401,305)
+ blowUp(2532,305)
+ blowUp(2663,305)
+ spawnTarget(2300,760)
+ elseif score == 19 then
+ spawnTarget(2300,760)
+ elseif score == 20 then
+ spawnTarget(2738,190)
+ elseif score == 21 then
+ spawnTarget(2590,-100)
+ elseif score == 22 then
+ blowUp(2790,305)
+ blowUp(2930,305)
+ blowUp(3060,305)
+ blowUp(3190,305)
+ blowUp(3310,305)
+ blowUp(3393,613)
+ blowUp(2805,370)
+ blowUp(2805,500)
+ blowUp(2805,630)
+ blowUp(2805,760)
+ blowUp(2805,890)
+ blowUp(2700,890)
+ blowUp(3258,370)
+ blowUp(3258,475)
+ blowUp(3264,575)
+ spawnTarget(3230,240)
+ elseif score == 23 then
+ spawnTarget(3230,290)
+ elseif score == 24 then
+ spawnTarget(3670,250)
+ elseif score == 25 then
+ spawnTarget(2620,-100)
+ elseif score == 26 then
+ spawnTarget(2870,300)
+ elseif score == 27 then
+ spawnTarget(3850,900)
+ elseif score == 28 then
+ spawnTarget(3780,300)
+ elseif score == 29 then
+ spawnTarget(3670,0)
+ elseif score == 30 then
+ spawnTarget(3480,1200)
+ end
+ else
+ if not game_lost then
+ -- Otherwise show that the goal was accomplished
+ ShowMission(loc("Sniper Training"), loc("Aiming Practice"), loc("Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."), 0, 0)
+ -- Also let the hogs shout "victory!"
+ PlaySound(sndVictory)
+ -- Save the time left so we may keep it.
+ time_goal = TurnTimeLeft
+ end
+ end
+ end
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Music/main theme.ogg has changed
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Music/main_theme.ogg has changed
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Random_Weapon.lua Tue Dec 21 14:57:33 2010 -0500
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Random_Weapon.lua Tue Dec 21 15:12:06 2010 -0500
@@ -1,17 +1,29 @@
+loadfile(GetDataPath() .. "Scripts/Locale.lua")()
local weapons = { amGrenade, amClusterBomb, amBazooka, amBee, amShotgun,
amMine, amDEagle, amDynamite, amFirePunch, amWhip, amPickHammer,
- amBaseballBat, amAirAttack, amMineStrike, amTeleport, amMortar, amCake,
- amSeduction, amWatermelon, amHellishBomb, amNapalm, amDrill, amBallgun,
- amRCPlane, amSniperRifle, amMolotov, amBirdy, amBlowTorch,
- amGasBomb, amFlamethrower, amSMine, amHammer, amDrillStrike }
+ amBaseballBat, amTeleport, amMortar, amCake, amSeduction,
+ amWatermelon, amHellishBomb, amDrill, amBallgun, amRCPlane,
+ amSniperRifle, amMolotov, amBirdy, amBlowTorch, amGasBomb,
+ amFlamethrower, amSMine, amHammer, amSnowball }
-local lastRound = -1
-local weapon = 0
+local airweapons = { amAirAttack, amMineStrike, amNapalm, amDrillStrike }
function onGameInit()
GameFlags = band(bor(GameFlags, gfResetWeps), bnot(gfInfAttack + gfPerHogAmmo))
+function onGameStart()
+ if MapHasBorder() == false then
+ for i, w in pairs(airweapons) do
+ table.insert(weapons, w)
+ end
+ end
+ ShowMission(loc("Random Weapons"), loc("A game of luck"), loc("There has been a mix-up with your gear and now you|have to utilize whatever is coming your way!"), -amSkip, 0)
function onAmmoStoreInit()
SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
@@ -31,12 +43,12 @@
for i, w in pairs(weapons) do
SetAmmo(w, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ for i, w in pairs(airweapons) do
+ SetAmmo(w, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ end
function onNewTurn()
- if lastRound ~= TotalRounds then
- weapon = GetRandom(table.maxn(weapons)) + 1
- lastRound = TotalRounds
- end
- AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, weapons[weapon])
+ AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, weapons[GetRandom(table.maxn(weapons)) + 1])