; Brazilian Portuguese locale 00:00=Granada 00:01=Bomba de estilhaço 00:02=Bazooka 00:03=OVNI 00:04=Escopeta 00:05=Cavadeira 00:06=Pula a Vez 00:07=Corda 00:08=Mina 00:09=Desert Eagle (Pistola) 00:10=Dinamite 00:11=Taco de Baseball 00:12=Soco de Fogo 00:13=seg 00:14=Para-quedas 00:15=Ataque Aéreo 00:16=Mine Strike 00:17=Maçarico 00:18=Construção 00:19=Teleporte 00:20=Trocar de Jogador 00:21=Morteiro 00:22=Empurrão 00:23=Suicídio 00:24=Bolo de aniversário 00:25=Sedução 00:26=Bomba de Melância 00:27=Granada infernal 00:28=Drill Rocket 00:29=Ballgun 00:30=Napalm 00:31=RCPlane 00:32=Low Gravity 00:33=Extra Damage 00:34=Invulnerable 00:35=Extra Time 00:36=Laser Sight 00:37=Vampirism 00:38=Sniper Rifle 00:39=Disco Voador 00:40=Molotov Cocktail 01:00=Hora de lutar! 01:01=Partida empatou 01:02=%1 ganhou! 01:03=Volume %1% 01:04=Pausado 01:05=Realmente sair (Y/Esc)? 01:06=Morte Súbita! 01:07=Remaining 01:08=Fuel ; Event messages ; Hog (%1) died 02:00=%1 has kicked the bucket! 02:00=%1 has seen the light! 02:00=%1 never saw that comming! ; Hog (%1) drowned 02:01=%1 plays submarine! 02:01=%1 mimics the Titanic! 02:01=%1 swims like a stone! ; Match starts 02:02=Let's fight! 02:02=Armed and ready! ; Hog shot an home run (using the bat and another hog) 02:10=Home Run! 02:10=A bird, a plane, ... 02:10=That one is out!