; English locale 00:00=Grenade 00:01=ClusterBomb 00:02=Bazooka 00:03=UFO 00:04=Shotgun 00:05=PickHammer 00:06=Skip 00:07=Rope 00:08=Mine 00:09=DEagle 00:10=Dynamite 00:11=Baseball Bat 00:12=Fire Punch 00:13=sec 00:14=Parachute 00:15=Air Attack 00:16=Mine Strike 00:17=Blow Torch 00:18=Construction 00:19=Teleportation 00:20=Switch Hedgehog 00:21=Mortar 00:22=Whip 00:23=Kamikaze 00:24=Cake 00:25=Seduction 00:26=Watermelon Bomb 00:27=Hellish hand-grenade 00:28=Drill Rocket 00:29=Ballgun 00:30=Napalm 00:31=RC Plane 00:32=Low Gravity 00:33=Extra Damage 00:34=Invulnerable 00:35=Extra Time 00:36=Laser Sight 00:37=Vampirism 00:38=Sniper Rifle 00:39=Flying Saucer 00:40=Molotov Cocktail 01:00=Let's fight! 01:01=Round draw 01:02=%1 wins! 01:03=Volume %1% 01:04=Paused 01:05=Really quit (Y/Esc)? 01:06=Sudden Death! 01:07=Remaining 01:08=Fuel 01:09=Synchronizing... ; Event messages ; Hog (%1) died 02:00=%1 has kicked the bucket! 02:00=%1 has seen the light! 02:00=%1 never saw that coming! 02:00=%1 waves goodbye! 02:00=%1 has gone to a better place! 02:00=%1 meets his maker! 02:00=%1 can hang on no longer! 02:00=%1 has done his duty! 02:00=%1 makes the ultimate sacrifice! 02:00=%1 departs this mortal coil! 02:00=%1 makes like a tree and leaves! 02:00=%1 has timed out! 02:00=%1 says peace out! 02:00=%1 will be fondly remembered! 02:00=%1 has an aneurysm! 02:00=%1 leaves behind a wife and child 02:00=%1 has launched his last bazooka 02:00=%1 has tossed his last grenade 02:00=%1 has baked his last cake 02:00=%1 has swung on his last rope 02:00=%1 has called his last airstrike 02:00=%1 has pumped his last shotgun 02:00=%1 has thrown his last melon 02:00=%1 has drawn his last deagle 02:00=%1 took one shot too many 02:00=%1 could really have used a health crate 02:00=%1 has gone to play a better game 02:00=%1 has ragequit life 02:00=%1 fails 02:00=Poor poor %1... 02:00=%1 prefers wormux 02:00=%1 has been blocking shots with his face 02:00=%1 is a hero amongst me...err..hogs 02:00=%1 finds his place in Valhalla 02:00=%1 has left the building 02:00=%1 goes the way of the dinosaurs 02:00=%1 brings hedgehogs one step closer to extinction 02:00=%1 brings a tear to my eye 02:00=%1 is an ex-hog 02:00=%1 is pushing up the daisies 02:00=%1 has ceased to be 02:00=Say goodbye to %1 02:00=No hope left for %1 02:00=%1 faces the final curtain 02:00=Smoke 'em if you got 'em, %1 02:00=%1 suffers a Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure 02:00=%1 has passed on 02:00=%1 is stone dead 02:00=%1 is no more 02:00=%1 has expired 02:00=Bereft of life, %1 rests in peace 02:00=%1 joins the choir invisible 02:00=Farewell %1, we hardly knew ye! 02:00=%1 had a low tolerance for being shot 02:00=%1 could have used an extra life 02:00=Is there a doctor in the house? ; Hog (%1) drowned 02:01=%1 plays submarine! 02:01=%1 mimics the Titanic! 02:01=%1 swims like a stone! 02:01=%1 floats like a brick! 02:01=%1 checks out the deep end 02:01=%1 goes glug glug glug 02:01=%1 goes splash 02:01=%1 forgot his armbands 02:01=%1 really should have taken swimming lessons 02:01=%1 left his surfboard at home 02:01=%1 is washed up 02:01=%1 is one soggy hog 02:01=%1 forgot to bring his life jacket 02:01=%1 goes splish splash splish 02:01=%1 is sleeping with the fishes 02:01=%1 thinks the water physics suck in this game 02:01=%1 looks thirsty 02:01=the sea claims %1 02:01=%1 is lost at sea 02:01=%1 should have brought his scuba gear 02:01=%1 gets a burial at sea 02:01=%1 has that sinking feeling 02:01=%1 is practicing his backstroke 02:01=%1 goes in search of the Titanic 02:01=%1 is not Jesus 02:01=%1 is finding Nemo 02:01=%1 springs a leak 02:01=You've gotta wonder how many hogs are down there 02:01=%1 makes the ocean slightly higher 02:01=%1 didn't enlist in the Navy 02:01=%1 is doing his impersonation of a dead fish 02:01=At least you didn't go down the toilet, %1 02:01=Sonic couldn't swim and neither can %1 02:01=%1 wants to play Eccho the dolphin 02:01=%1 has gone to visit Aquaria 02:01=%1 has found the lost city of Atlantis 02:01=%1 aims for the lead role in Bioshock 3 02:01=Your doggy paddle could use a little work, %1 02:01=%1 should have brought a jet ski 02:01=%1 doesn't like watersports 02:01=%1 is forever blowing bubbles 02:01=%1 is short of a raft 02:01=%1 thinks salt water is good for the skin 02:01=%1 gets salt water in his wounds 02:01=%1 has walked the plank 02:01=%1 has a bath 02:01=%1 is wet wet wet 02:01=%1 gets his quills wet 02:01=It's Davy Jones' locker for %1 ; Round starts 02:02=Let's fight! 02:02=Armed and ready! 02:02=Let's get ready to rumble! 02:02=Let's get it on! 02:02=Let's get this party started 02:02=Last hog standing wins 02:02=Let's go! 02:02=Let's rock! 02:02=Let's jam! 02:02=It's beginning... 02:02=This is the start of something big 02:02=Welcome to Hedgewars 02:02=Welcome to the front lines 02:02=Crush your enemies! 02:02=May the best hog win 02:02=Victory or death 02:02=To the victor goes the spoils 02:02=Losing is not an option 02:02=Cry havoc! Let loose the hogs of war! 02:02=Hedgewars, brought to you by Hedgewars.org 02:02=GL HF 02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Tiyuri 02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against unC0Rr 02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Nemo 02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Smaxx 02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Jessor 02:02=Give it your all! 02:02=The losers do the cleaning up! 02:02=Let the fight of the millenium begin 02:02=Let the fight of the century begin 02:02=Let the fight of the decade begin 02:02=Let the fight of the year begin 02:02=Let the fight of the month begin 02:02=Let the fight of the week begin 02:02=Let the fight of the day begin 02:02=Let the fight of the hour begin 02:02=Do your best! 02:02=Destroy the enemy! 02:02=Good luck 02:02=Have fun 02:02=Fight the good fight 02:02=Fight dirty 02:02=Fight with honour 02:02=Don't give up 02:02=Never surrender 02:02=Rock 'em and sock 'em! 02:02=Let the fragfest begin! 02:02=I hope you're ready for a tussle! 02:02=Go Go Go! 02:02=Hedgehogs advance! 02:02=Bring it to them! 02:02=Have no fear! 02:02=Be brave and conquer ; Round ends (win; unused atm) 02:03=... ; Round ends (draw; unused atm) 02:04=... ; New health crate 02:05=Incoming aid! 02:05=Medic! 02:05=First aid from the skies! 02:05=A health pack for you 02:05=Good health.. in box form! 02:05=The doctor calls 02:05=Fresh band-aids! 02:05=This will make you feel better 02:05=A Hi-Potion! Whoops wrong game 02:05=A pick-me-up! 02:05=Grab it 02:05=A healthy snack 02:05=A remedy to pain 02:05=Correct Dosage: as many as you can find! 02:05=Urgent delivery 02:05=Supplies! ; New ammo crate 02:06=More weapons! 02:06=Reinforcements! 02:06=Lock and load! 02:06=I wonder what weapon is in there? 02:06=Supplies! 02:06=What could be inside? 02:06=Christmas comes early in Hedgewars 02:06=A present! 02:06=Special delivery! 02:06=It was a nightmare getting this through customs 02:06=Destructive toys from the heavens 02:06=Warning! Contents Volatile 02:06=Pick it up or blow it up, choice is yours 02:06=Goodies! 02:06=Mmmmm Ammo 02:06=A box of destructive power 02:06=Airmail! 02:06=Whatever's in that box, it ain't pizza 02:06=Get it! 02:06=Weapon drop incoming 02:06=Don't let the enemy grab that! 02:06=Shiny new toys! 02:06=A mysterious box! ; New utility crate 02:07=Tooltime! 02:07=This could come in handy... 02:07=Utilities! 02:07=Utilise this box 02:07=Watch out below 02:07=More utilities! 02:07=Tools for you! 02:07=This should be good! 02:07=Use this wisely 02:07=Ooo this box is heavy 02:07=You might need this ; Hog (%1) skips his turn 02:08=%1 is sooo boring... 02:08=%1 couldn't be bothered 02:08=%1 is one lazy hog 02:08=%1 is thoughtless 02:08=%1 gave up 02:08=You snooze you loose, %1 02:08=%1 shamelessly skips 02:08=%1 is really lazy 02:08=%1 needs a little more motivation 02:08=%1 is a pacifist 02:08=%1 has a breather 02:08=%1 has a rest 02:08=%1 chills out 02:08=%1 has no faith in his own abilities 02:08=%1 decides to do nothing at all 02:08=%1 lets the enemy destroy itself 02:08=%1 would be terrible at parties 02:08=%1 hides out 02:08=%1 has decided to pass on this opportunity 02:08=%1 decides the best thing he can do is...nothing 02:08=%1 is a big wuss 02:08=Buck Buck Buck, %1 is a chicken 02:08=%1 is looking a little yellow 02:08=%1 is a coward! 02:08=%1 is waiting for sudden death 02:08=%1 is not the fighting type 02:08=%1 is reconsidering his purpose in life 02:08=%1 was never much of a good shot anyway 02:08=%1 didn't want to join the army in the first place 02:08=Stop wasting our time, %1 02:08=I'm dissapointed in you, %1 02:08=Come on, you can do better than that %1 02:08=%1's will has broken 02:08=%1 apparently has better things to do 02:08=%1 is scared stiff 02:08=%1 has fallen asleep ; Hog (%1) hurts himself only 02:09=%1 should practice aiming! 02:09=%1 seems to hate himself 02:09=%1 is standing on the wrong side! 02:09=%1 makes like an emo 02:09=%1 was holding his weapon the wrong way around 02:09=%1 is a little sadistic 02:09=%1 is a masochist 02:09=%1 has no instinct of self-preservation 02:09=%1 messed up 02:09=%1 screwed up 02:09=That was a poor shot, %1 02:09=%1 is a little too careless with dangerous weapons 02:09=%1 should consider a change of career 02:09=Worst. Shot. Ever! 02:09=No no no %1, you shoot at the ENEMY! 02:09=%1 should only be destroying the enemy 02:09=%1 moves one step closer to suicide 02:09=%1 aids the enemy 02:09=That was stupid %1 02:09=%1 lives by the mantra of "no pain, no gain" 02:09=%1 is confused 02:09=%1 hurt itself in its confusion 02:09=%1 has a knack for embarrassing himself 02:09=%1 is a klutz! 02:09=%1 is clumsy 02:09=%1 shows the enemy what he's capable of 02:09=%1 can't be expected to be perfect all the time 02:09=Don't worry %1, nobody's nerfect 02:09=%1 totally did that on purpose 02:09=I won't tell anyone if you don't, %1 02:09=How embarrassing! 02:09=I'm sure nobody saw that %1 02:09=%1 needs to review his field manual 02:09=%1's weapon clearly malfunctioned ; Hog shot an home run (using the bat and another hog) 02:10=Home Run! 02:10=A bird, a plane, ... 02:10=That one is out!