-- Hedgewars SniperRifle Training -- Scripting Example -- Lines such as this one are comments - they are ignored -- by the game, no matter what kind of text is in there. -- It's also possible to place a comment after some real -- instruction as you see below. In short, everything -- following "--" is ignored. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- At first we implement the localization library using loadfile. -- This allows us to localize strings without needing to think -- about translations. -- We can use the function loc(text) to localize a string. HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") -- This variable will hold the number of destroyed targets. local score = 0 -- This variable will hold the number of shots from the sniper rifle local shots = 0 -- This variable represents the number of targets to destroy. local score_goal = 27 -- This variable controls how many milliseconds/ticks we'd -- like to wait before we end the round once all targets -- have been destroyed. local end_timer = 1000 -- 1000 ms = 1 s -- This variable is set to true if the game is lost (i.e. -- time runs out). local game_lost = false -- This variable will point to the hog's gear local player = nil -- Current target gear local target = nil -- This variable will grab the time left at the end of the round local time_goal = 0 -- Like score, but targets before a blow-up sequence count double. -- Used to calculate final target score local score_bonus = 0 local cinematic = false -- Number of dynamite gears currently in game local dynamiteCounter = 0 -- Position for delayed targets local delayedTargetTargetX, delayedTargetY -- This is a custom function to make it easier to -- spawn more targets with just one line of code -- You may define as many custom functions as you -- like. -- Spawns a target at (x, y) function spawnTarget(x, y) -- add a new target gear target = AddGear(x, y, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- have the camera move to the target so the player knows where it is FollowGear(target) end -- Remembers position to spawn a target at (x, y) after a dynamite explosion function spawnTargetDelayed(x, y) delayedTargetX = x delayedTargetY = y end -- Cut sequence to blow up land with dynamite function blowUp(x, y, follow) if cinematic == false then cinematic = true SetCinematicMode(true) end local dyna = AddGear(x, y, gtDynamite, 0, 0, 0, 0) if follow then FollowGear(dyna) end end function onNewTurn() SetWeapon(amSniperRifle) end -- This function is called before the game loads its -- resources. -- It's one of the predefined function names that will -- be called by the game. They give you entry points -- where you're able to call your own code using either -- provided instructions or custom functions. function onGameInit() -- At first we have to overwrite/set some global variables -- that define the map, the game has to load, as well as -- other things such as the game rules to use, etc. -- Things we don't modify here will use their default values. -- The base number for the random number generator Seed = 0 -- Game settings and rules GameFlags = gfMultiWeapon + gfOneClanMode + gfArtillery -- The time the player has to move each round (in ms) TurnTime = 150000 -- The frequency of crate drops CaseFreq = 0 -- The number of mines being placed MinesNum = 0 -- The number of explosives being placed Explosives = 0 -- The delay between each round Delay = 0 -- The map to be played Map = "Ropes" -- The theme to be used Theme = "Golf" -- Disable Sudden Death WaterRise = 0 HealthDecrease = 0 -- Create the player team AddTeam(loc("Sniperz"), 14483456, "Simple", "Island", "Default", "cm_crosshair") -- And add a hog to it player = AddHog(loc("Hunter"), 0, 1, "Sniper") SetGearPosition(player, 602, 1465) end -- This function is called when the round starts -- it spawns the first target that has to be destroyed. -- In addition it shows the scenario goal(s). function onGameStart() -- Disable graph in stats screen SendHealthStatsOff() -- Spawn the first target. spawnTarget(860,1020) -- Show some nice mission goals. -- Parameters are: caption, sub caption, description, -- extra text, icon and time to show. -- A negative icon parameter (-n) represents the n-th weapon icon -- A positive icon paramter (n) represents the (n+1)-th mission icon -- A timeframe of 0 is replaced with the default time to show. ShowMission(loc("Sniper Training"), loc("Aiming Practice"), loc("Eliminate all targets before your time runs out.|You have unlimited ammo for this mission."), -amSniperRifle, 0) end -- This function is called every game tick. -- Note that there are 1000 ticks within one second. -- You shouldn't try to calculate too complicated -- code here as this might slow down your game. function onGameTick20() if game_lost then return end -- If time's up, set the game to be lost. -- We actually check the time to be "1 ms" as it -- will be at "0 ms" right at the start of the game. if TurnTimeLeft < 40 and TurnTimeLeft > 0 and score < score_goal and game_lost == false then game_lost = true -- ... and show a short message. AddCaption(loc("Time's up!")) ShowMission(loc("Sniper Training"), loc("Aiming Practice"), loc("Oh no! Time's up! Just try again."), -amSkip, 0) -- and generate the stats and go to the stats screen generateStats() EndGame() -- Just to be sure set the goal time to 1 ms time_goal = 1 end -- If the goal is reached or we've lost ... if score == score_goal or game_lost then -- ... check to see if the time we'd like to -- wait has passed and then ... if end_timer == 0 then -- ... end the game ... generateStats() EndGame() else -- ... or just lower the timer by 1. -- Reset the time left to stop the timer TurnTimeLeft = time_goal end end_timer = end_timer - 20 end end -- This function is called when the game is initialized -- to request the available ammo and probabilities function onAmmoStoreInit() -- add an unlimited supply of shotgun ammo SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 9, 0, 0, 0) end --[[ Re-center camera to target after using sniper rifle. This makes it easier to find the target. If we don't do this, the camera would contantly bounce back to the hog which would be annoying. ]] function onAttack() if target and GetCurAmmoType() == amSniperRifle then FollowGear(target) end end -- This function is called when a new gear is added. -- We use it to count the number of shots, which we -- in turn use to calculate the final score and stats function onGearAdd(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtSniperRifleShot then shots = shots + 1 elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtDynamite then dynamiteCounter = dynamiteCounter + 1 end end -- This function is called before a gear is destroyed. -- We use it to count the number of targets destroyed. function onGearDelete(gear) local gt = GetGearType(gear) if gt == gtCase then game_lost = true return end if (gt == gtDynamite) then -- Dynamite blow-up, used to continue the game. dynamiteCounter = dynamiteCounter - 1 -- Wait for all dynamites to be destroyed before we continue. -- Most cut scenes spawn multiple dynamites. if dynamiteCounter == 0 then if cinematic then cinematic = false SetCinematicMode(false) end -- Add bonus score for the previuos target score_bonus = score_bonus + 1 -- Now *actually* spawn the delayed target spawnTarget(delayedTargetX, delayedTargetY) end return end if gt == gtTarget then target = nil -- Add one point to our score/counter score = score + 1 score_bonus = score_bonus + 1 -- If we haven't reached the goal ... if score < score_goal then -- ... spawn another target. if score == 1 then spawnTarget(1520,1350) elseif score == 2 then spawnTarget(1730,1040) elseif score == 3 then spawnTarget(2080,780) elseif score == 4 then -- Short cut scene, blows up up lots up land and prepares -- next target position. AddCaption(loc("Good so far!") .. " " .. loc("Keep it up!")); blowUp(1730,1226) blowUp(1440,1595) blowUp(1527,1575) blowUp(1614,1595) blowUp(1420,1675, true) blowUp(1527,1675) blowUp(1634,1675) blowUp(1440,1755) blowUp(1527,1775) blowUp(1614,1755) -- Target appears *after* the cutscene. spawnTargetDelayed(1527,1667) elseif score == 5 then spawnTarget(2175,1300) elseif score == 6 then spawnTarget(2250,940) elseif score == 7 then spawnTarget(2665,1540) elseif score == 8 then spawnTarget(3040,1160) elseif score == 9 then spawnTarget(2930,1500) elseif score == 10 then AddCaption(loc("This one's tricky.")); spawnTarget(700,720) elseif score == 11 then AddCaption(loc("Well done.")); blowUp(914,1222) blowUp(1050,1222) blowUp(1160,1008) blowUp(1160,1093) blowUp(1160,1188) blowUp(375,911) blowUp(510,911) blowUp(640,911) blowUp(780,911) blowUp(920,911) blowUp(1060,913) blowUp(1198,913, true) spawnTargetDelayed(1200,830) elseif score == 12 then spawnTarget(1430,450) elseif score == 13 then spawnTarget(796,240) elseif score == 14 then spawnTarget(300,10) elseif score == 15 then spawnTarget(2080,820) elseif score == 16 then AddCaption(loc("Demolition is fun!")); blowUp(2110,920) blowUp(2210,920) blowUp(2200,305) blowUp(2300,305) blowUp(2300,400, true) blowUp(2300,500) blowUp(2300,600) blowUp(2300,700) blowUp(2300,800) blowUp(2300,900) blowUp(2401,305) blowUp(2532,305) blowUp(2663,305) spawnTargetDelayed(2300,760) elseif score == 17 then spawnTarget(2738,190) elseif score == 18 then spawnTarget(2590,-100) elseif score == 19 then AddCaption(loc("Will this ever end?")); blowUp(2790,305) blowUp(2930,305) blowUp(3060,305) blowUp(3190,305) blowUp(3310,305, true) blowUp(3393,613) blowUp(2805,370) blowUp(2805,500) blowUp(2805,630) blowUp(2805,760) blowUp(2805,890) blowUp(3258,370) blowUp(3258,475) blowUp(3264,575) spawnTargetDelayed(3230,290) elseif score == 20 then spawnTarget(3670,250) elseif score == 21 then spawnTarget(2620,-100) elseif score == 22 then spawnTarget(2870,300) elseif score == 23 then spawnTarget(3850,900) elseif score == 24 then spawnTarget(3780,300) elseif score == 25 then spawnTarget(3670,0) elseif score == 26 then AddCaption(loc("Last Target!")); spawnTarget(3480,1200) end else if not game_lost then -- Otherwise show that the goal was accomplished ShowMission(loc("Sniper Training"), loc("Aiming Practice"), loc("Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."), 0, 0) -- Also let the hogs shout "victory!" PlaySound(sndVictory) -- Save the time left so we may keep it. time_goal = TurnTimeLeft end end end end -- This function calculates the final score of the player and provides some texts and -- data for the final stats screen function generateStats() local accuracy = (score/shots)*100 local end_score_targets = (score_bonus * 200) local end_score_overall if not game_lost then local end_score_time = math.ceil(time_goal/5) local end_score_accuracy = math.ceil(accuracy * 100) end_score_overall = end_score_time + end_score_targets + end_score_accuracy SendStat(siGameResult, loc("You have successfully finished the sniper rifle training!")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have destroyed %d of %d targets (+%d points)."), score, score_goal, end_score_targets)) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have made %d shots."), shots)) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("Accuracy bonus: +%d points"), end_score_accuracy)) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You had %.2fs remaining on the clock (+%d points)."), (time_goal/1000), end_score_time)) else SendStat(siGameResult, loc("You lose!")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have destroyed %d of %d targets (+%d points)."), score, score_goal, end_score_targets)) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have made %d shots."), shots)) end_score_overall = end_score_targets end SendStat(siPointType, loc("points")) SendStat(siPlayerKills, tostring(end_score_overall), loc("Sniperz")) end