project(hedgewars) #initialise cmake environment cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.4) foreach(hwpolicy CMP0003 CMP0012 CMP0017 CMP0018) if(POLICY ${hwpolicy}) cmake_policy(SET ${hwpolicy} NEW) endif() endforeach() set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_modules") #possible cmake configuration option(NOSERVER "Disable gameServer build (off)]" OFF) option(NOPNG "Disable screenshoot compression (off)" OFF) option(NOVIDEOREC "Disable video recording (off)" OFF) #libraries are built shared unless explicitly added as a static option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build libraries as shared modules (on)" ON) #set this to ON when 2.1.0 becomes more widespread (and only for linux) option(PHYSFS_SYSTEM "Use system physfs (off)" OFF) option(BUILD_ENGINE_LIBRARY "Enable hwengine library (off)" OFF) option(ANDROID "Enable Android build (off)" OFF) if(UNIX AND NOT APPLE) option(MINIMAL_FLAGS "Respect system flags as much as possible (off)" OFF) else() option(NOAUTOUPDATE "Disable OS X Sparkle update checking" OFF) endif() set(FPFLAGS "" CACHE STRING "Additional Freepascal flags") set(GHFLAGS "" CACHE STRING "Additional Haskell flags") if(UNIX AND NOT APPLE) set(DATA_INSTALL_DIR "share/hedgewars" CACHE STRING "Resource folder path") endif() #versioning set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR 0) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR 9) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH 20) set(HEDGEWARS_PROTO_VER 46) set(HEDGEWARS_VERSION "${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR}.${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR}.${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH}") include(${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/revinfo.cmake) message(STATUS "Building ${HEDGEWARS_VERSION}-r${HEDGEWARS_REVISION} (${HEDGEWARS_HASH})") #platform specific init code include(${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/platform.cmake) include(${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/paths.cmake) #when build type is not specified, assume Debug/Release according to build version information if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) string (TOUPPER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) if ( NOT( (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "RELEASE") OR (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "DEBUG") ) ) set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ${default_build_type} CACHE STRING "Build type (Debug/Release)" FORCE) message (STATUS "Unknown build type, using default (${default_build_type})") endif () else (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ${default_build_type} CACHE STRING "Build type (Debug/Release)" FORCE) endif (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) #perform safe check that enable/disable compilation features include(${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/compilerchecks.cmake) #set default flags values for all projects (unless MINIMAL_FLAGS is true) if(NOT ${MINIMAL_FLAGS}) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-pipe ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-w -Os -fomit-frame-pointer ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-Wall -O0 -g -DDEBUG ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG}) else() #CMake adds a lot of additional configuration flags, so let's clear them up set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-Wall -DDEBUG") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-Wall -DDEBUG") endif() #parse additional parameters if(FPFLAGS OR GHFLAGS) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.6") separate_arguments(fpflags_parsed UNIX_COMMAND ${FPFLAGS}) separate_arguments(ghflags_parsed UNIX_COMMAND ${GHFLAGS}) else() message("*** FPFLAGS and GHFLAGS are available only when using CMake >= 2.8 ***") endif() endif() list(APPEND pascal_flags ${fpflags_parsed} # user flags "-B" # compile all units "-vm4079,4080,4081" # fpc verbosity output format "-FE${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin" # fpc binaries output directory "-FU${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/hedgewars" # fpc units output directory "-Fl${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin" # fpc linking directory (win/unix) "-Fi${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/hedgewars" # fpc .inc path (for out of source builds) "-k-L${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin" # ld linking directory (unix/osx) "-Cs2000000" # stack size "-vewnq" # fpc output verbosity "-dDEBUGFILE" # macro for engine output ) list(APPEND haskell_flags ${ghflags_parsed} # user flags "-O2" # optimise for faster code ) #get BUILD_TYPE and enable/disable optimisation message(STATUS "Using ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} configuration") if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "DEBUG") list(APPEND pascal_flags "-O-" # disable all optimisations "-g" # enable debug symbols "-gl" # add line info to bt "-gv" # allow valgrind ) list(APPEND haskell_flags "-Wall" # all warnings "-debug" # debug mode "-dcore-lint" # internal sanity check ) else() list(APPEND pascal_flags "-Os" # optimise for size "-Xs" # strip binary "-Si" # turn on inlining ) list(APPEND haskell_flags "-w" # no warnings ) endif() include(${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/utils.cmake) #lua discovery find_package(Lua) if(LUA_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found LUA: ${LUA_DEFAULT}") else() message(STATUS "LUA will be provided by the bundled sources") add_subdirectory(misc/liblua) #linking with liblua.a requires system readline list(APPEND pascal_flags "-k${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/lib${LUA_LIBRARY}.a" "-k-lreadline") endif() #physfs discovery if (${PHYSFS_SYSTEM}) if (NOT PHYSFS_LIBRARY OR NOT PHYSFS_INCLUDE_DIR) find_package(PhysFS) endif() find_file(physfs_h physfs.h ${PHYSFS_INCLUDE_DIR}) if(physfs_h) file(STRINGS ${physfs_h} physfs_majorversion REGEX "PHYSFS_VER_MAJOR[\t' ']+[0-9]+") file(STRINGS ${physfs_h} physfs_minorversion REGEX "PHYSFS_VER_MINOR[\t' ']+[0-9]+") file(STRINGS ${physfs_h} physfs_patchversion REGEX "PHYSFS_VER_PATCH[\t' ']+[0-9]+") string(REGEX MATCH "([0-9]+)" physfs_majorversion "${physfs_majorversion}") string(REGEX MATCH "([0-9]+)" physfs_minorversion "${physfs_minorversion}") string(REGEX MATCH "([0-9]+)" physfs_patchversion "${physfs_patchversion}") set(physfs_detected_ver "${physfs_majorversion}.${physfs_minorversion}.${physfs_patchversion}") if (physfs_detected_ver VERSION_LESS "2.1.0") message(FATAL_ERROR "PhysFS version is too old (dected ${physfs_detected_ver}, required 2.1.0)") set(physfs_too_old true) endif() endif() if (NOT PHYSFS_LIBRARY OR NOT PHYSFS_INCLUDE_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Missing PhysFS! Rerun cmake with -DPHYSFS_SYSTEM=off to build the internal version") endif() else() message(STATUS "PhysFS will be provided by the bundled sources") set(physfs_output_name "hw_physfs") add_subdirectory(misc/libphysfs) #-XLA is a beta fpc flag that renames libraries before passing them to the linker #we also have to pass PHYSFS_INTERNAL to satisfy windows runtime requirements #(should be harmless on other platforms) list(APPEND pascal_flags "-XLAphysfs=${physfs_output_name}" "-dPHYSFS_INTERNAL") endif() find_package_or_disable_msg(FFMPEG NOVIDEOREC "Video recording will not be built") #physfs helper library add_subdirectory(misc/libphyslayer) #server if(NOT NOSERVER) add_subdirectory(gameServer) endif() #main engine add_subdirectory(hedgewars) #Android related build scripts if(ANDROID) #run cmake -DANDROID=1 to enable this add_subdirectory(project_files/Android-build) endif() #TODO: when ANDROID, BUILD_ENGINE_LIBRARY should be set if(NOT ANDROID) add_subdirectory(bin) add_subdirectory(QTfrontend) add_subdirectory(share) add_subdirectory(tools) endif() include(${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/cpackvars.cmake)