# PhysicsFS; a portable, flexible file i/o abstraction. # Copyright (C) 2007 Ryan C. Gordon. # # Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. ## lines starting with '##' are lines overridden/modified/added by Hedgewars configuration ##CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.4) ##PROJECT(PhysicsFS) set(PHYSFS_VERSION 2.1.0) # Increment this if/when we break backwards compatibility. set(PHYSFS_SOVERSION 1) # I hate that they define "WIN32" ... we're about to move to Win64...I hope! if(WIN32 AND NOT WINDOWS) set(WINDOWS TRUE) endif(WIN32 AND NOT WINDOWS) # Bleh, let's do it for "APPLE" too. if(APPLE AND NOT MACOSX) set(MACOSX TRUE) endif(APPLE AND NOT MACOSX) # For now, Haiku and BeOS are the same, as far as the build system cares. if(HAIKU AND NOT BEOS) set(BEOS TRUE) endif(HAIKU AND NOT BEOS) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "SunOS") set(SOLARIS TRUE) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "SunOS") include(CheckIncludeFile) include(CheckLibraryExists) include(CheckCSourceCompiles) ## SDL is needed by extra find_package(SDL REQUIRED) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src) ## include_directories(${SDL_INCLUDE_DIR}) ## include_directories(${LUA_INCLUDE_DIR}) ## if(MACOSX) # Fallback to older OS X on PowerPC to support wider range of systems... if(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES MATCHES ppc) add_definitions(-DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=1020) set(OTHER_LDFLAGS ${OTHER_LDFLAGS} " -mmacosx-version-min=10.2") endif(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES MATCHES ppc) # Need these everywhere... add_definitions(-fno-common) find_library(iokit_framework NAMES IOKit) list(APPEND OTHER_LDFLAGS ${iokit_framework}) endif(MACOSX) # Add some gcc-specific command lines. if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) # Always build with debug symbols...you can strip it later. add_definitions(-g -pipe -Werror -fsigned-char) # Stupid BeOS generates warnings in the system headers. if(NOT BEOS) add_definitions(-Wall) endif(NOT BEOS) CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #if ((defined(__GNUC__)) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)) int main(int argc, char **argv) { int is_gcc4 = 1; return 0; } #else #error This is not gcc4. #endif " PHYSFS_IS_GCC4) if(PHYSFS_IS_GCC4) # Not supported on several operating systems at this time. if(NOT SOLARIS AND NOT WINDOWS) add_definitions(-fvisibility=hidden) endif(NOT SOLARIS AND NOT WINDOWS) endif(PHYSFS_IS_GCC4) # Don't use -rpath. set(CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH ON CACHE BOOL "Skip RPATH" FORCE) endif(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "SunPro") add_definitions(-erroff=E_EMPTY_TRANSLATION_UNIT) add_definitions(-xldscope=hidden) endif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "SunPro") if(MSVC) # VS.NET 8.0 got really really anal about strcpy, etc, which even if we # cleaned up our code, zlib, etc still use...so disable the warning. add_definitions(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS=1) endif(MSVC) # Basic chunks of source code ... set(LZMA_SRCS src/lzma/C/7zCrc.c src/lzma/C/Archive/7z/7zBuffer.c src/lzma/C/Archive/7z/7zDecode.c src/lzma/C/Archive/7z/7zExtract.c src/lzma/C/Archive/7z/7zHeader.c src/lzma/C/Archive/7z/7zIn.c src/lzma/C/Archive/7z/7zItem.c src/lzma/C/Archive/7z/7zMethodID.c src/lzma/C/Compress/Branch/BranchX86.c src/lzma/C/Compress/Branch/BranchX86_2.c src/lzma/C/Compress/Lzma/LzmaDecode.c ) if(BEOS) # We add this explicitly, since we don't want CMake to think this # is a C++ project unless we're on BeOS. set(PHYSFS_BEOS_SRCS src/platform_beos.cpp) find_library(BE_LIBRARY be) find_library(ROOT_LIBRARY root) set(optionAL_LIBRARY_LIBS ${optionAL_LIBRARY_LIBS} ${BE_LIBRARY} ${ROOT_LIBRARY}) endif(BEOS) ## extra functions needed by Hedgewars ## TODO: maybe it's better to have them in a separate library? set(PHYSFS_HEDGE_SRCS extras/physfsrwops.c extras/physfslualoader.c extras/hwpacksmounter.c extras/physfsfgets.c ) # Almost everything is "compiled" here, but things that don't apply to the # build are #ifdef'd out. This is to make it easy to embed PhysicsFS into # another project or bring up a new build system: just compile all the source # code and #define the things you want. set(PHYSFS_SRCS src/physfs.c src/physfs_byteorder.c src/physfs_unicode.c src/platform_posix.c src/platform_unix.c src/platform_macosx.c src/platform_windows.c src/archiver_dir.c src/archiver_unpacked.c src/archiver_grp.c src/archiver_hog.c src/archiver_lzma.c src/archiver_mvl.c src/archiver_qpak.c src/archiver_wad.c src/archiver_zip.c src/archiver_iso9660.c ${PHYSFS_BEOS_SRCS} ${PHYSFS_HEDGE_SRCS} ## ) # platform layers ... if(UNIX) if(BEOS) set(PHYSFS_HAVE_CDROM_SUPPORT TRUE) set(PHYSFS_HAVE_THREAD_SUPPORT TRUE) set(HAVE_PTHREAD_H TRUE) else(BEOS) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(sys/ucred.h HAVE_UCRED_H) if(HAVE_UCRED_H) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_HAVE_SYS_UCRED_H=1) set(PHYSFS_HAVE_CDROM_SUPPORT TRUE) endif(HAVE_UCRED_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(mntent.h HAVE_MNTENT_H) if(HAVE_MNTENT_H) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_HAVE_MNTENT_H=1) set(PHYSFS_HAVE_CDROM_SUPPORT TRUE) endif(HAVE_MNTENT_H) # !!! FIXME: Solaris fails this, because mnttab.h implicitly # !!! FIXME: depends on other system headers. :( #CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(sys/mnttab.h HAVE_SYS_MNTTAB_H) CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; } " HAVE_SYS_MNTTAB_H) if(HAVE_SYS_MNTTAB_H) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_HAVE_SYS_MNTTAB_H=1) set(PHYSFS_HAVE_CDROM_SUPPORT TRUE) endif(HAVE_SYS_MNTTAB_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(pthread.h HAVE_PTHREAD_H) if(HAVE_PTHREAD_H) set(PHYSFS_HAVE_THREAD_SUPPORT TRUE) endif(HAVE_PTHREAD_H) endif(BEOS) endif(UNIX) if(WINDOWS) set(PHYSFS_HAVE_CDROM_SUPPORT TRUE) set(PHYSFS_HAVE_THREAD_SUPPORT TRUE) endif(WINDOWS) if(NOT PHYSFS_HAVE_CDROM_SUPPORT) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_NO_CDROM_SUPPORT=1) message(WARNING " ***") message(WARNING " *** There is no CD-ROM support in this build!") message(WARNING " *** PhysicsFS will just pretend there are no discs.") message(WARNING " *** This may be fine, depending on how PhysicsFS is used,") message(WARNING " *** but is this what you REALLY wanted?") message(WARNING " *** (Maybe fix CMakeLists.txt, or write a platform driver?)") message(WARNING " ***") endif(NOT PHYSFS_HAVE_CDROM_SUPPORT) if(PHYSFS_HAVE_THREAD_SUPPORT) add_definitions(-D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE) else(PHYSFS_HAVE_THREAD_SUPPORT) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_NO_THREAD_SUPPORT=1) message(WARNING " ***") message(WARNING " *** There is no thread support in this build!") message(WARNING " *** PhysicsFS will NOT be reentrant!") message(WARNING " *** This may be fine, depending on how PhysicsFS is used,") message(WARNING " *** but is this what you REALLY wanted?") message(WARNING " *** (Maybe fix CMakeLists.txt, or write a platform driver?)") message(WARNING " ***") endif(PHYSFS_HAVE_THREAD_SUPPORT) # Archivers ... option(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_ZIP "Enable ZIP support" TRUE) if(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_ZIP) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ZIP=1) set(PHYSFS_FEATURES "ZIP") endif(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_ZIP) option(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_7Z "Enable 7zip support" FALSE) if(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_7Z) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_SUPPORTS_7Z=1) list(APPEND PHYSFS_SRCS ${LZMA_SRCS}) set(PHYSFS_FEATURES "${PHYSFS_FEATURES} 7zip") endif(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_7Z) option(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_GRP "Enable Build Engine GRP support" TRUE) if(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_GRP) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_SUPPORTS_GRP=1) set(PHYSFS_FEATURES "${PHYSFS_FEATURES} GRP") endif(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_GRP) option(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_WAD "Enable Doom WAD support" TRUE) if(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_WAD) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_SUPPORTS_WAD=1) set(PHYSFS_FEATURES "${PHYSFS_FEATURES} WAD") endif(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_WAD) option(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_HOG "Enable Descent I/II HOG support" TRUE) if(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_HOG) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_SUPPORTS_HOG=1) set(PHYSFS_FEATURES "${PHYSFS_FEATURES} HOG") endif(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_HOG) option(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_MVL "Enable Descent I/II MVL support" TRUE) if(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_MVL) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_SUPPORTS_MVL=1) set(PHYSFS_FEATURES "${PHYSFS_FEATURES} MVL") endif(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_MVL) option(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_QPAK "Enable Quake I/II QPAK support" TRUE) if(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_QPAK) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_SUPPORTS_QPAK=1) set(PHYSFS_FEATURES "${PHYSFS_FEATURES} QPAK") endif(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_QPAK) option(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_ISO9660 "Enable ISO9660 support" TRUE) if(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_ISO9660) add_definitions(-DPHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ISO9660=1) set(PHYSFS_FEATURES "${PHYSFS_FEATURES} CD-ROM") endif(PHYSFS_ARCHIVE_ISO9660) ##as needed by Hedgewars configuration if(WINDOWS) option(PHYSFS_BUILD_STATIC "Build static library" FALSE) option(PHYSFS_BUILD_SHARED "Build shared library" TRUE) list(APPEND OTHER_LDFLAGS ${SDL_LIBRARY}) else(WINDOWS) option(PHYSFS_BUILD_STATIC "Build static library" TRUE) option(PHYSFS_BUILD_SHARED "Build shared library" FALSE) endif(WINDOWS) if(PHYSFS_BUILD_STATIC) add_library(physfs STATIC ${PHYSFS_SRCS}) set_target_properties(physfs PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "physfs") endif(PHYSFS_BUILD_STATIC) if(PHYSFS_BUILD_SHARED) add_library(physfs SHARED ${PHYSFS_SRCS}) set_target_properties(physfs PROPERTIES VERSION ${PHYSFS_VERSION}) set_target_properties(physfs PROPERTIES SOVERSION ${PHYSFS_SOVERSION}) target_link_libraries(physfs ${optionAL_LIBRARY_LIBS} ${OTHER_LDFLAGS}) install(TARGETS physfs RUNTIME DESTINATION ${target_library_install_dir}) ## endif(PHYSFS_BUILD_SHARED) if(NOT PHYSFS_BUILD_SHARED AND NOT PHYSFS_BUILD_STATIC) message(FATAL "Both shared and static libraries are disabled!") endif(NOT PHYSFS_BUILD_SHARED AND NOT PHYSFS_BUILD_STATIC) # CMake FAQ says I need this... if(PHYSFS_BUILD_SHARED AND PHYSFS_BUILD_STATIC) set_target_properties(physfs PROPERTIES CLEAN_DIRECT_OUTPUT 1) endif(PHYSFS_BUILD_SHARED AND PHYSFS_BUILD_STATIC) ## removed install, language bindings and test program ## simplified configuration output message(STATUS "PhysicsFS will build with ${PHYSFS_FEATURES} support")