diff -r 9585435e20f7 -r 1eea498d12e0 share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/zh_CN.txt --- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/zh_CN.txt Thu Dec 09 11:59:07 2010 +0300 +++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/zh_CN.txt Thu Dec 09 10:24:04 2010 -0500 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -; Simplified Chinese locale, Translated by Tonghuix (tonghuix@gmail.com) 21 Oct 2010 +; Simplified Chinese locale -00:00=手榴蛋蛋 +00:00=手榴弹 00:01=集束炸弹 00:02=反坦克火箭筒 00:03=归巢的蜜蜂 @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ 00:09=沙漠之鹰 00:10=炸药 00:11=球棒 -00:12=喔嘻嘻呦拳 +00:12=升龙拳 00:13=秒 -00:14=降落伞 +00:14=空降 00:15=空袭 00:16=地雷空袭 00:17=喷灯 @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ 00:22=鞭子 00:23=神风特工队 00:24=蛋糕 -00:25=色诱 +00:25=引诱 00:26=西瓜炸弹 00:27=地狱礼花 00:28=钻头火箭 @@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ 00:46=火焰喷射器 00:47=固定地雷 00:48=大锤 +00:49=复苏 +00:50=电钻空袭 01:00=开战! 01:01=平局 @@ -56,285 +58,284 @@ 01:03=音量 %1% 01:04=暂停 01:05=确定要退出? (是Y/否Esc) -01:06=突然死亡模式! +01:06=死亡模式! 01:07=%1 剩余 01:08=燃料 01:09=同步中... 01:10=使用本工具不会结束回合! 01:11=您还不能用它! -01:12=突然死亡模式前最后一回合! +01:12=死亡模式前最后一回合! 01:13=%1 回合倒计时! 01:14=预备上, %1! ; Event messages ; Hog (%1) died ; 02:00=%1 has kicked the bucket! -02:00=%1踢到了春哥的腿! +02:00=%1 离去! ; 02:00=%1 has seen the light! -02:00=%1看到了小野妹子在向他招手! +02:00=%1 目睹圣光降临! ; 02:00=%1 never saw that coming! -02:00=阿西BUG!%1被人暗算了! +02:00=%1 无法瞑目 ; 02:00=%1 waves goodbye! -02:00=%1我嘞个去!哪个混蛋竟用这个绝招! +02:00=%1 向大家挥手道别。 ; 02:00=%1 has gone to a better place! -02:00=%1:你竟然敢背叛组织! +02:00=%1 去了极乐世界! ; 02:00=%1 meets his maker! -02:00=我嘞个去!这货不是%1!这货不是%1! +02:00=%1 去见造物主了! ; 02:00=%1 can hang on no longer! -02:00=真悲剧%1平田君(头顶内裤的哥们)! +02:00=%1 再也受不了了! ; 02:00=%1 has done his duty! -02:00=%1再也不会蛋疼了! +02:00=%1 完成了他的使命! ; 02:00=%1 makes the ultimate sacrifice! -02:00=%1:剩下的哥们,加嘞个油!! +02:00=%1 做了最大的牺牲! ; 02:00=%1 departs this mortal coil! -02:00=%1想玩“移形幻影”,失败了! +02:00=%1 摆脱了躯壳的束缚! ; 02:00=%1 makes like a tree and leaves! -02:00=%1啊~内裤!我这辈子值啦!~ +02:00=%1 叶落归根。 ; 02:00=%1 has timed out! -02:00=%1的人生杯具了 +02:00=%1 大限已至。 ; 02:00=%1 says peace out! -02:00=%1中了[喔嘻嘻呦拳]。。。这辈子值了! +02:00=%1 悄然离场了。 ; 02:00=%1 will be fondly remembered! -02:00=不嘞个是吧!%1竟然会死! +02:00=%1 永远活在我们心中! ; 02:00=%1 has an aneurysm! -02:00=湿父,让%1起死回生吧! +02:00=%1 不治而亡。 ; 02:00=%1 leaves behind a wife and child -02:00=%1 留下一家孤儿寡母。。。 +02:00=%1 留下一家孤儿寡母。 ; 02:00=%1 has launched his last bazooka -02:00=%1发射了最后一发火箭弹 +02:00=%1 发射了最后一发火箭弹 ; 02:00=%1 has tossed his last grenade -02:00=%1扔出了最后一枚手榴弹 +02:00=%1 扔出了最后一枚手榴弹 ; 02:00=%1 has baked his last cake -02:00=%1烘烤了最后一块蛋糕 +02:00=%1 烘烤了最后一块蛋糕 ; 02:00=%1 has swung on his last rope -02:00=%1甩出了最后一根绳索 +02:00=%1 最后一次甩出了绳索 ; 02:00=%1 has called his last airstrike -02:00=%1呼叫了最后一次空袭 +02:00=%1 最后一次呼叫空袭 ; 02:00=%1 has pumped his last shotgun -02:00=%1抽出了最后一把霰弹枪 +02:00=%1 最后一次抽出了霰弹枪 ; 02:00=%1 has thrown his last melon -02:00=%1扔出了最后一个西瓜炸弹 +02:00=%1 最后一次扔出了西瓜炸弹 ; 02:00=%1 has drawn his last deagle -02:00=%1拔出了最后一把沙鹰 +02:00=%1 最后一次拔出了沙鹰 ; 02:00=%1 took one shot too many -02:00=%1好像看到那谁家的小谁了~~ +02:00=%1 挨了太多枪了 ; 02:00=%1 could really have used a health crate -02:00=%1还没打倒“肉山大魔王”呢~ +02:00=%1 真该用下医疗包的 ; 02:00=%1 has gone to play a better game -02:00=徘句之神一屁股糊%1熊脸上了! +02:00=%1 去玩更有意思的游戏去了 ; 02:00=%1 has ragequit life -02:00=%1还没看到这个游戏的主线目标呢! +02:00=%1 拔网线了! ; 02:00=%1 fails -02:00=洒家,%1还会再来的! +02:00=%1 失败了 ; 02:00=Poor poor %1... -02:00=%1的人生简直就是一茶几(杯具+餐具) +02:00=可怜的 %1... ; 02:00=%1 prefers wormux -02:00=%1老湿,这游戏不给力啊! +02:00=%1 更喜欢 Wormux ; 02:00=%1 has been blocking shots with his face -02:00=%1杯具啊!菊花要爆啦! +02:00=%1 勇于面对,结果相当惨烈 ; 02:00=%1 is a hero amongst me...err..hogs -02:00=我嘞个去!竟然有人爆%1的菊花! +02:00=%1 是我的英雄! ; 02:00=%1 finds his place in Valhalla -02:00=好好干吧!要不然,过世的%1会很伤心的!~ +02:00=%1 在勇者纪念碑上找到了位置 ; 02:00=%1 has left the building -02:00=不要破坏团队合作!否则过世的%1会很伤心的!~ +02:00=%1 离开了这间屋子 ; 02:00=%1 goes the way of the dinosaurs -02:00=%1又开始蛋疼了! +02:00=%1 步上了恐龙的道路 ; 02:00=%1 brings hedgehogs one step closer to extinction -02:00=我嘞个擦!%1要让刺猬灭绝了 +02:00=%1 让刺猬物种灭绝更近了一步 ; 02:00=%1 brings a tear to my eye -02:00=我擦嘞!%1死的太突然那了! +02:00=%1 带走了我一滴眼泪 ; 02:00=%1 is an ex-hog -02:00=%1的必杀技是——变成食物——开玩笑,呵呵 +02:00=%1 生前是一只刺猬 ; 02:00=%1 is pushing up the daisies -02:00=%1诅咒害他那人蛋疼菊紧! +02:00=%1 被菊花簇拥 ; 02:00=%1 has ceased to be -02:00=%1:啊呀!这种插法,为湿多疼啊!~ +02:00=%1 被删除了 ; 02:00=Say goodbye to %1 -02:00=比任何人都想去天竺的八戒,已经魂归天际啦! +02:00=对 %1 说再见 ; 02:00=No hope left for %1 -02:00=坑爹呢!为什么残念的%1会死!~ +02:00=%1 没有希望了 ; 02:00=%1 faces the final curtain -02:00=%1:我杀了你们的朋友,现在搞我是吧! +02:00=%1 面容被落下的帷幕遮住了 ; 02:00=Smoke 'em if you got 'em, %1 -02:00=%1心目中的世界观根本就是个BUG啊! +02:00=%1 抓紧时间实现你最后的愿望吧 ; 02:00=%1 suffers a Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure -02:00=%1休斯顿,我们出问题了!(出自阿波罗13) +02:00=%1 遭遇了自发性大规模故障 ; 02:00=%1 has passed on -02:00=%1被天朝“墙”了! +02:00=%1 走了 ; 02:00=%1 is stone dead -02:00=%1被凤姐吻的不行了!~ +02:00=%1 永垂不朽 ; 02:00=%1 is no more -02:00=春哥需要你,%1! +02:00=%1 不在了 ; 02:00=%1 has expired -02:00=%1被光腚总菊河蟹了!~~ +02:00=%1 已故 ; 02:00=Bereft of life, %1 rests in peace -02:00=%1说,这位玩家的表情太猥琐了 +02:00=%1 安详地躺着 ; 02:00=%1 joins the choir invisible -02:00=%1用尽了全部的查克拉~ +02:00=%1 加入了隐形唱诗班 ; 02:00=Farewell %1, we hardly knew ye! -02:00=%1后悔没信春哥! +02:00=%1, 永别了,我们还没熟悉你呢! ; 02:00=%1 had a low tolerance for being shot -02:00=%1想说,他一直暗恋凤姐很久了!~ +02:00=%1 抗打击能力不足 ; 02:00=%1 could have used an extra life -02:00=下一局,%1一定会妥妥儿的!~噢嗬! +02:00=%1 本该用另一条命的 ; 02:00=Is there a doctor in the house? -02:00=擦!擦!玩儿蛋去! +02:00=有医生吗? ; Hog (%1) drowned ; 02:01=%1 plays submarine! -02:01=%1感觉自己内心清澈,心静如水~ +02:01=%1 以为自己是潜水艇! ; 02:01=%1 mimics the Titanic! -02:01=%1想看波~~波~~ +02:01=%1 学泰坦尼克去了! ; 02:01=%1 swims like a stone! -02:01=%1想在水下淫出一首好湿! +02:01=%1 石沉大海! ;02:01=%1 checks out the deep end -02:01=%1说凤姐在水下等她呢。。。 +02:01=%1 说要去检查深水区 ;02:01=%1 goes glug glug glug -02:01=%1 :菠萝菠萝蜜得隆东强~ -; 02:01=%1 goes splash -02:01=芭蕉桑~你快醒醒吧~ -; 02:01=%1 forgot his armbands -02:01=阿西BUG~!%1杯具了! +02:01=%1 :“咕噜咕噜咕噜……” +;02:01=%1 goes splash +02:01=%1 栽入水花里 +;02:01=%1 forgot his armbands +02:01=%1 忘记了戴臂章 ;02:01=%1 really should have taken swimming lessons -02:01=%1的遗言:信春哥得永生! +02:01=%1 真的该去学游泳的 ;02:01=%1 left his surfboard at home -02:01=不给力啊!老湿! +02:01=%1 把救生圈忘家了 ;02:01=%1 is washed up -02:01=%1庆幸自己没掉马桶里! +02:01=%1 冲走了 ;02:01=%1 is one soggy hog -02:01=%1生前是个拳湿~~ +02:01=%1 湿掉了 ;02:01=%1 forgot to bring his life jacket -02:01=我擦泪!下水前%1忘了脱内裤! +02:01=%1 忘记带救生衣了 ;02:01=%1 goes splish splash splish -02:01=我嘞个去!%1怎么穿着内裤就掉下去了~ +02:01=%1 实现了水上飘,身后一片水花荡漾 ;02:01=%1 is sleeping with the fishes -02:01=%1看到美人鱼在脱衣服~ +02:01=%1 将会和鱼睡在一起 ;02:01=%1 thinks the water physics suck in this game -02:01=%1认为这次元还真是个不毛之地啊! +02:01=%1 认为这游戏的设定糟糕透了 ;02:01=%1 looks thirsty -02:01=这次元怎么连根毛都没有~ +02:01=%1 好像很渴 ;02:01=the sea claims %1 -02:01=雅买歹~~(河蟹) +02:01=大海吞没了 %1 ;02:01=%1 is lost at sea -02:01=%1宁愿自我河蟹~~ +02:01=%1 在海上迷失了 ;02:01=%1 should have brought his scuba gear -02:01=水表示鸭梨很大~~ +02:01=%1 应该要带潜水工具的 ;02:01=%1 gets a burial at sea -02:01=%1,春哥要你 +02:01=%1 享受到了海葬待遇 ;02:01=%1 has that sinking feeling -02:01=%1曾哥在水下唱“狮子座” +02:01=%1 觉得自己在下沉 ;02:01=%1 is practicing his backstroke -02:01=%1的内裤是粉红色的哦! +02:01=%1 终于能实践自己的游泳理论了 ;02:01=%1 goes in search of the Titanic -02:01=水下竟然有神兽! +02:01=%1 去泰坦尼克号寻宝了 ;02:01=%1 is not Jesus -02:01=%1正在观看河蟹狂吃草泥马~ +02:01=很遗憾 %1 不是耶稣 ;02:01=%1 is finding Nemo -02:01=%1觉得陆地上房价太高了 +02:01=%1 正在寻找Nemo ;02:01=%1 springs a leak -02:01=%1表示鸭梨很大~ -;02:01=%1 has tha -02:01=%1想去看凤姐的内裤颜色~ +02:01=%1 钻入了一个水洼 ;02:01=You've gotta wonder how many hogs are down there -02:01=你会知道出师未捷身先死的八戒在下面等你呢 +02:01=你会知道海底还会有多少同伴的 ;02:01=%1 makes the ocean slightly higher 02:01=%1 让海平面高了那么一点, 就一点 ;02:01=%1 didn't enlist in the Navy -02:01=%1害怕城管来抓他~! +02:01=很明显 %1 没在海军服役过 ;02:01=%1 is doing his impersonation of a dead fish -02:01=菲律宾警察营救%1失败~ +02:01=%1 其实是在模仿死鱼啦 ;02:01=At least you didn't go down the toilet, %1 -02:01=%1撅着个腚飞起来啦~ +02:01=还好 %1 你不是掉进了厕所 ;02:01=Sonic couldn't swim and neither can %1 -02:01=海底有个如意按摩棒~~ +02:01=索尼克不能游泳, %1 也一样 ;02:01=%1 wants to play Ecco the dolphin -02:01=%1想当水下波霸~! +02:01=%1 想玩海底漫步 ;02:01=%1 has gone to visit Aquaria -02:01=%1被气得忿忿儿的! +02:01=%1 去水族馆报到了 ;02:01=%1 has found the lost city of Atlantis -02:01=%1被爆菊了,要到水下清洗一下! +02:01=%1 找到了传说中的亚特兰蒂斯城 ;02:01=%1 aims for the lead role in Bioshock 3 -02:01=%1华丽丽的掉下去啦~ +02:01=%1 的目的是为了在生化奇兵3中起带头作用 ;02:01=Your doggy paddle could use a little work, %1 -02:01=%1实在是太V5啦!连光腚总菊都拿他没辙! +02:01=狗爬式会有用的, %1 ;02:01=%1 should have brought a jet ski -02:01=%1还没来得及吐槽!阿西BUG! +02:01=%1 竟然没带摩托艇 ;02:01=%1 doesn't like watersports -02:01=%1的伪娘气质还没表现出来呢 +02:01=%1 不喜欢水上运动 ;02:01=%1 is forever blowing bubbles -02:01=%1落水时的体位亮了~ +02:01=%1 学会了绝技: 神风吹泡泡 ;02:01=%1 is short of a raft -02:01=%1被天朝屏蔽了~ +02:01=%1 腿太短了 ;02:01=%1 thinks salt water is good for the skin -02:01=%1认为天朝实在是个伟大的国度 +02:01=%1 认为盐水对皮肤有好处 ;02:01=%1 gets salt water in his wounds -02:01=%1大喊:不给力啊,你个白痴老湿! +02:01=%1 的伤口沾上了盐水 ;02:01=%1 has walked the plank -02:01=太不给力啦,老湿! +02:01=%1 错过了那块木板 ;02:01=%1 has a bath -02:01=这游戏不带感啊! +02:01=%1 洗澡去了 ;02:01=%1 is wet wet wet -02:01=亮点永远都在最后 +02:01=%1 全身是水 ;02:01=%1 gets his quills wet -02:01=%1把屁股弄湿了 +02:01=%1 把刚毛弄湿了 ;02:01=It's Davy Jones' locker for %1 -02:01=天朝正在水下等%1呢 +02:01=深海阎王正在等待 %1 ; Round starts ; 02:02=Let's fight! +02:02=开战! ; 02:02=Armed and ready! -02:02=开战! 02:02=准备! ;02:02=Let's get ready to rumble! 02:02=准备对轰! ;02:02=Let's get it on! -02:02=让我们取得胜利! +02:02=让我们得到胜利! ;02:02=Let's get this party started 02:02=这个Party要开始了 ;02:02=Last hog standing wins -02:02=胜利属于信春哥的人 +02:02=胜利属于最后一个生还者 ;02:02=Let's go! 02:02=出发吧! ;02:02=Let's rock! +02:02=起点 ;02:02=Let's jam! ;02:02=It's beginning... -02:02=开始了... +02:02=开始了 ;02:02=This is the start of something big 02:02=这是一个伟大的开始 ;02:02=Welcome to Hedgewars -02:02=欢迎来到“刺猬杀”! +02:02=欢迎来到刺猬大作战 ;02:02=Welcome to the front lines 02:02=欢迎来到前线 ;02:02=Crush your enemies! -02:02=目标:吃掉你的敌人! +02:02=目标:粉碎你的敌人! ;02:02=May the best hog win -02:02=胜利属于会打飞机的那只! +02:02=祝愿胜利属于最厉害的刺猬! ;02:02=Victory or death 02:02=胜利或死亡 ;02:02=To the victor goes the spoils 02:02=战利品只属于胜利者 ;02:02=Losing is not an option -02:02=加嘞个油!老湿不能输啊! +02:02=字典里面应该没有"输"这个字的 ;02:02=Cry havoc! Let loose the hogs of war! -02:02=哭吧! 这是刺猬的 +02:02=放声哭吧! 这是刺猬的战争! ;02:02=Hedgewars, brought to you by Hedgewars.org -02:02=欢迎来到刺猬大作战, 官方网站 Hedgewars.org +02:02=欢迎来到刺猬大作战, Hedgewars.org 为你呈现 02:02=GL HF ;02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Tiyuri -02:02=你看你多幸运你不是在对战 Tiyuri +02:02=你看你多幸运不是在对战 Tiyuri ;02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against unC0Rr -02:02=你看你多幸运你不是在对战 unC0Rr +02:02=你看你多幸运不是在对战 unC0Rr ;02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Nemo -02:02=你看你多幸运你不是在对战 Nemo +02:02=你看你多幸运不是在对战 Nemo ;02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Smaxx -02:02=你看你多幸运你不是在对战 Smaxx +02:02=你看你多幸运不是在对战 Smaxx ;02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Jessor -02:02=你看你多幸运你不是在对战 Jessor +02:02=你看你多幸运不是在对战 Jessor ;02:02=Give it your all! 02:02=展现你的一切吧! ;02:02=The losers do the cleaning up! -02:02=输的要去吻凤姐! +02:02=输的要罚扫厕所! ;02:02=Let the fight of the millenium begin 02:02=宇宙之战开始了 ;02:02=Let the fight of the century begin @@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ ;02:02=Let the fight of the day begin 02:02=本日最强入围赛开始了 ;02:02=Let the fight of the hour begin -02:02=我们能狂玩一小时! +02:02=我们能战一小时! ;02:02=Do your best! 02:02=诸君努力! ;02:02=Destroy the enemy! @@ -358,30 +359,31 @@ ;02:02=Good luck 02:02=祝你好运 ;02:02=Have fun~ -02:02=玩儿蛋去~ +02:02=开心玩~ ;02:02=Fight the good fight -02:02=要赢! +02:02=漂亮的战斗 ;02:02=Fight dirty -02:02=不择手段也行! +02:02=不择手段 ;02:02=Fight with honour -02:02=请注意文明用语 +02:02=满载荣誉而战 ;02:02=Don't give up -02:02=出师未捷身先死的教练: 别放弃 +02:02=教练告诉你: 别放弃 ;02:02=Never surrender 02:02=永不屈服! ;02:02=Rock 'em and sock 'em! -02:02=刺猬杀!杀!杀! +02:02=蹂虐对手 ;02:02=Let the fragfest begin! 02:02=积分赛开始! ;02:02=I hope you're ready for a tussle! 02:02=你准备好恶战了么? -02:02=Go Go Go! +;02:02=Go Go Go! +02:02=上! ;02:02=Hedgehogs advance! -02:02=刺猬历险记! +02:02=刺猬向前冲! ;02:02=Bring it to them! 02:02=炸飞他们! ;02:02=Have no fear! -02:02=勇敢前进! +02:02=无所畏惧! ;02:02=Be brave and conquer 02:02=敢于征服! @@ -397,33 +399,33 @@ ;02:05=Medic! 02:05=急救包! ;02:05=First aid from the skies! -02:05=最NB的东西空运来了! +02:05=救援物资空运来了! ;02:05=A health pack for you 02:05=你的医疗包到了 ;02:05=Good health.. in box form! -02:05=凤姐的内裤就在那箱子里! +02:05=生命就在那箱子里! ;02:05=The doctor calls -02:05=人在江湖飘啊,谁能不挨刀啊!PIA~PIA~ +02:05=医生的紧急呼叫 ;02:05=Fresh band-aids! 02:05=新鲜创可贴! ;02:05=This will make you feel better -02:05=吃了这个感觉像在吻春哥... +02:05=吃了这个感觉会好些的... ;02:05=A Hi-Potion! Whoops wrong game -02:05=伟哥!呃。。。走错地方了 +02:05=兴奋剂!呃。。。走错地方了 ;02:05=A pick-me-up! 02:05=万金油! ;02:05=Grab it -02:05=就是它了! +02:05=捉住它 ;02:05=A healthy snack -02:05=春哥的吻如期而至~ +02:05=健康食品 ;02:05=A remedy to pain -02:05=这货不是药包!这货不是药包!貌似这货就是药包。。。 +02:05=止痛饼来了 ;02:05=Correct Dosage: as many as you can find! -02:05=凤姐诚心提醒:这东西很管用 +02:05=使用方法: 吃得越多越好 ;02:05=Urgent delivery -02:05=请小心使用 +02:05=紧急物资 ;02:05=Supplies! -02:05=里面没有TT +02:05=补给! ; New ammo crate ; 02:06=More weapons! @@ -431,79 +433,79 @@ ;02:06=Reinforcements! 02:06=增援! ;02:06=Lock and load! -02:06=凤姐的及时雨! +02:06=准备! ;02:06=I wonder what weapon is in there? -02:06=尿布湿... +02:06=我要的那个会在的吧... ;02:06=Supplies! -02:06=也许有伟哥哦! +02:06=补给! ;02:06=What could be inside? 02:06=里面会有啥呢? ;02:06=Christmas comes early in Hedgewars -02:06=刺猬杀特别派送~ +02:06=刺猬大作战每天都是圣诞节 ;02:06=A present! -02:06=今年过节不收礼! +02:06=礼物送到! ;02:06=Special delivery! -02:06=特快专递,收件人付费! +02:06=特快专递! ;02:06=It was a nightmare getting this through customs -02:06=“肉山大魔王”来了 +02:06=本局的噩梦来了 ;02:06=Destructive toys from the heavens -02:06=吃了这个可以找凤姐 +02:06=玩具从天堂掉下来了 ;02:06=Warning! Contents Volatile -02:06=警告! 小心喷鼻血~ +02:06=警告! 内含危险物品 ;02:06=Pick it up or blow it up, choice is yours -02:06=拿走或爆掉, 随你 +02:06=拿走或打爆, 随你 ;02:06=Goodies! -02:06=貌似没有凤姐的内裤! +02:06=好玩意儿! ;02:06=Mmmmm Ammo 02:06=弹药!!!! ;02:06=A box of destructive power -02:06=潘朵拉的宝盒 +02:06=潘朵拉之盒 ;02:06=Airmail! -02:06=航空邮件,收件人付费! +02:06=天降之物! ;02:06=Whatever's in that box, it ain't pizza -02:06=无论里面是啥, 那肯定不会是小野妹子 +02:06=无论里面是啥, 那肯定不会是软妹子 ;02:06=Get it! 02:06=拿走它! ;02:06=Weapon drop incoming 02:06=武器掉下来了! ;02:06=Don't let the enemy grab that! -02:06=别让平田君拿了! +02:06=别让敌人拿了! ;02:06=Shiny new toys! -02:06=把这玩意装备上! +02:06=新玩具! ;02:06=A mysterious box! -02:06=迷一般的玩意... +02:06=谜的箱子... ; New utility crate ; 02:07=Tooltime! 02:07=工具箱! ;02:07=This could come in handy... -02:07=这货不是工具箱!貌似这货就是工具箱... +02:07=这可能派上用场 ;02:07=Utilities! 02:07=工具! ;02:07=Utilise this box 02:07=工具在这里! ;02:07=Watch out below -02:07=令人蛋疼的东西! +02:07=快看这里! ;02:07=More utilities! 02:07=更多选择更多欢笑, 尽在工具包 ;02:07=Tools for you! -02:07=爆菊用的, 送给你! +02:07=一堆工具, 送给你! ;02:07=This should be good! -02:07=菊花表示压力很大... +02:07=这看见起来蛮好... ;02:07=Use this wisely 02:07=使用这个才是明智的选择 ;02:07=Ooo this box is heavy -02:07=这东西让所有刺猬为之一震 +02:07=好重...好重... ;02:07=You might need this 02:07=会有用的 ; Hog (%1) skips his turn ; 02:08=%1 is sooo boring... -02:08=%1太无聊了... +02:08=%1 太无聊了... ;02:08=%1 couldn't be bothered -02:08=%1要去找凤姐! +02:08=%1 不想被打扰! ;02:08=%1 is one lazy hog -02:08=%1太懒了 +02:08=%1 太懒了 ;02:08=%1 is thoughtless 02:08=%1 太轻率了 ;02:08=%1 gave up @@ -571,163 +573,89 @@ ;02:08=%1 has fallen asleep 02:08=%1 睡着了 -; Hog (%1) skips his turn -; 02:08=%1 is sooo boring... -02:08=%1 太无聊了... -;02:08=%1 couldn't be bothered -02:08=%1要去找凤姐! -;02:08=%1 is one lazy hog -02:08=%1找春哥要签名去了! -;02:08=%1 is thoughtless -02:08=%1吻凤姐去 -;02:08=%1 gave up -02:08=%1阿西BUG! -;02:08=You snooze you lose, %1 -02:08=%1无可奈何! -;02:08=%1 shamelessly skips -02:08=%1无耻的跳过了本回合 -;02:08=%1 is really lazy -02:08=%1貌似长痔疮了! -;02:08=%1 needs a little more motivation -02:08=%1觉得自己需要伟哥 -;02:08=%1 is a pacifist -02:08=%1脱了去 -;02:08=%1 has a breather -02:08=%1正在吃饭呢 -;02:08=%1 has a rest -02:08=%1需要食物 -;02:08=%1 chills out -02:08=%1想要爱爱了 -;02:08=%1 has no faith in his own abilities -02:08=%1做啥都没信心了 -;02:08=%1 decides to do nothing at all -02:08=%1决定找凤姐一块玩 -;02:08=%1 lets the enemy destroy itself -02:08=%1认为凤姐会来杀敌的 -;02:08=%1 would be terrible at parties -02:08=%1撅着屁股摆体位 -;02:08=%1 hides out -02:08=%1会隐身术 -;02:08=%1 has decided to pass on this opportunity -02:08=%1已经决定放弃这个机会 -;02:08=%1 decides the best thing he can do is...nothing -02:08=%1决定他现在最应该做的是......去找凤姐 -;02:08=%1 is a big wuss -02:08=%1真是太蠢了! -;02:08=Buck Buck Buck, %1 is a chicken -02:08=%1找个内裤来玩玩 -;02:08=%1 is looking a little yellow -02:08=%1看来有点印堂发黑 -;02:08=%1 is a coward! -02:08=%1是圣德太子! -;02:08=%1 is waiting for sudden death -02:08=%1在等待突然死亡模式 -;02:08=%1 is not the fighting type -02:08=%1妥妥儿的 -;02:08=%1 is reconsidering his purpose in life -02:08=%1正在思考凤姐内裤的颜色 -;02:08=%1 was never much of a good shot anyway -02:08=%1从来就没玩好过 -;02:08=%1 didn't want to join the army in the first place -02:08=%1不想玩这游戏 -;02:08=Stop wasting our time, %1 -02:08=别浪费时间了! %1 -;02:08=I'm dissapointed in you, %1 -02:08=拳湿对你失望了,平田君 -;02:08=Come on, you can do better than that %1 -02:08=%1我嘞个去! -;02:08=%1's will has broken -02:08=%1正在打飞机 -;02:08=%1 apparently has better things to do -02:08=%1显然有更好的事情等着做 -;02:08=%1 is scared stiff -02:08=%1怕刺激 -;02:08=%1 has fallen asleep -02:08=%1睡着了 - ; Hog (%1) hurts himself only ; 02:09=%1 should practice aiming! -02:09=%1该练练瞄准了! +02:09=%1 该练练瞄准了! ; 02:09=%1 seems to hate himself. -02:09=%1似乎看自己很不爽。 +02:09=%1 似乎看自己很不爽。 ; 02:09=%1 is standing on the wrong side! -02:09=%1在表演狗吃屎! +02:09=%1 在表演乌龙! ; 02:09=%1 makes like an emo -02:09=%1以为自己是拳湿 +02:09=%1 以为自己无敌 ; 02:09=%1 was holding his weapon the wrong way around -02:09=%1好像把武器拿错方向了 +02:09=%1 好像把武器拿错方向了 ;02:09=%1 is a little sadistic -02:09=%1更喜欢凤姐来玩 +02:09=%1 有点施虐狂 ;02:09=%1 is a masochist -02:09=%1是更喜欢春哥来玩 +02:09=%1 是受虐狂 ;02:09=%1 has no instinct of self-preservation -02:09=%1根本不会自我保护 +02:09=%1 根本不会自我保护 ;02:09=%1 messed up -02:09=%1吐槽了 +02:09=%1 乱套了 ;02:09=%1 screwed up -02:09=%1体位搞错了 +02:09=%1 搞砸了 ;02:09=That was a poor shot, %1 -02:09=%1这一发真坑爹的! +02:09=%1 这一发真渣 ;02:09=%1 is a little too careless with dangerous weapons -02:09=%1太不小心用那些危险的玩意了 +02:09=%1 太不小心用那些危险的玩意了 ;02:09=%1 should consider a change of career -02:09=%1正在考虑玩凤姐 +02:09=%1 正在考虑转职 ;02:09=Worst. Shot. Ever! -02:09=值啦! 值啦! 太值啦! +02:09=更差! 最差! 非常差! ;02:09=No no no %1, you shoot at the ENEMY! -02:09=%1, 你要打敌人!不要打飞机! +02:09=No no no %1, 你要打敌人! ;02:09=%1 should only be destroying the enemy -02:09=%1应该消灭宿敌啊 +02:09=%1 应该消灭敌人才对 ;02:09=%1 moves one step closer to suicide -02:09=%1需要吃蘑菇了 +02:09=%1 正在走向自杀 ;02:09=%1 aids the enemy -02:09=%1感觉自己蛋疼 +02:09=%1 帮助敌人 ;02:09=That was stupid %1 -02:09=%1感觉自己菊紧 +02:09= %1 是笨蛋 ;02:09=%1 lives by the mantra of "no pain, no gain" -02:09=%1突然有点乳酸 +02:09=%1 贯彻“不付出,何收获“的原则 ;02:09=%1 is confused -02:09=%1貌似吃错药了 +02:09=%1 思维混乱了 ;02:09=%1 hurt itself in its confusion -02:09=%1吃错药而打错人 +02:09=%1 在混乱中攻击自己 ;02:09=%1 has a knack for embarrassing himself -02:09=%1感觉菊花鸭梨很大 +02:09=%1 正在为自己尴尬 ;02:09=%1 is a klutz! -02:09=%1要受不了啦 +02:09=%1 就是一个笨蛋! ;02:09=%1 is clumsy -02:09=%1实在是笨到水了 +02:09=%1 笨手笨脚的 ;02:09=%1 shows the enemy what he's capable of -02:09=%1真是太杯具了 +02:09=%1 展示了自己的能力 ;02:09=%1 can't be expected to be perfect all the time -02:09=%1感觉自己的人生就一茶几 +02:09=%1 不能每次都完美 ;02:09=Don't worry %1, pobody's nerfect -02:09=杯具啊! +02:09=不用担心 %1 , 人都不是完美的 ;02:09=%1 totally did that on purpose -02:09=爆菊啦! +02:09=%1 这么做真的是有目的 ;02:09=I won't tell anyone if you don't, %1 -02:09=脑仁疼啊! +02:09=我不会把 %1 的事情到处说的 ;02:09=How embarrassing! -02:09=内裤找不到啦,害羞! +02:09=何等的失态! ;02:09=I'm sure nobody saw that %1 -02:09=这游戏是谁发明的,画个圈圈诅咒他。。。 +02:09=保证,决没人看到 %1 做什么 ;02:09=%1 needs to review his field manual -02:09=%1不看说明书就上场 +02:09=%1 需要复习说明书 ;02:09=%1's weapon clearly malfunctioned -02:09=%1被谁爆菊了吧 +02:09=%1 的武器很明显坏了 ; Hog shot an home run (using the bat and another hog) ; 02:10=Home Run! 02:10=全垒打! ; 02:10=A bird, a plane, ... -02:10=看!灰机!来打灰机啊!... +02:10=一只鸟,一架飞机,... ; 02:10=That one is out! -02:10=太差劲了,出局! +02:10=那一位出界了! ; Hog (%1) has to leave (team is gone) -02:11=%1必须找凤姐上床了 -02:11=%1玩的过火了,找犀利哥替代一下 -02:11=发射!这位已经被射出去。。。 -02:11=%1必须颠菜了 +02:11=%1 必须上床了 +02:11=%1 玩的过火了,休息一下 +02:11=发射!这位已经被送出去 +02:11=%1 必须走了 ; Weapon Categories 03:00=定时手雷 @@ -743,11 +671,11 @@ 03:10=BOOM! 03:11=咚! 03:12=武术 -03:13=UNUSED +03:13=未使用 03:14=移动工具 03:15=空投打击 03:16=空投打击 -03:17=钻孔工具 +03:17=打洞工具 03:18=工具 03:19=移动工具 03:20=动作 @@ -755,7 +683,7 @@ 03:22=叫我主人! 03:23=武术 (真的!) 03:24=蛋糕不是谎言! -03:25=儿童不宜 +03:25=化妆的诱惑 03:26=果汁手雷 03:27=烫手手雷 03:28=弹道武器 @@ -772,10 +700,9 @@ 03:39=移动工具 03:40=燃烧弹 ;03:41=Huge fan of Squawks -03:41=强烈的震撼 +03:41=噪音 ;03:42=I'm making a note here... -03:42=我将名垂青湿... - +03:42=我将在此记录... ; the misspelled "Beethoven" is intentional (-> to beat) ;03:43=Performing Beathoven's deadly sonata 03:43=特殊的圣诞表演 @@ -789,7 +716,10 @@ 03:47= 呆在有利的地方! ;03:48=It's Hammer time! 03:48=大锤威武! - +;03:49=Does what you guess +03:49=尽情猜想 +;03:50=Moles fan +03:50=地道战 ; Weapon Descriptions (use | as line breaks) 04:00=使用简单的手榴弹攻击敌人.|定时器倒数到0就会爆炸.|1-5: 设定定时器|攻击键: 按住蓄力. @@ -810,9 +740,9 @@ 04:15=呼叫一架飞机轰炸你的敌人.|左/右方向键: 决定攻击方向|光标: 选定目标 04:16=呼叫一架飞机投下大量地雷.|左/右方向键: 决定攻击方向|光标: 选定目标 04:17=需要个安全的地方? 使用喷灯为你挖掘一条安全的隧道!|攻击键: 开始/停止挖掘 -04:18=钻洞器还不够?还要个更安全的地方?|建造若干条大梁挡住吧.|左/右方向键: 选择梁的方向|光标: 建造 +04:18=喷灯还不够?还要个更安全的地方?|建造若干条大梁挡住吧.|左/右方向键: 选择梁的方向|光标: 建造 04:19=适当的时候撤退是比所有的攻击|更安全的选择|光标: 选择传送目标 -04:20=可以让你更换当前使用的刺猬.|攻击键: 启动切换功能|TAB:切换刺猬 +04:20=可以让你更换当前使用的刺猬.|攻击键: 启动切换功能 04:21=用炮弹发射器发射一个手榴弹样|的东西. 在爆炸之后会裂开成小块|攻击键: 全力发射 04:22=这不只是女王才用的东西!|这鞭子能解决很多问题, 比如说那些|喜欢站在悬崖边上的小屁孩.|攻击键: 鞭打你面前的一切东西 04:23=自杀式炸弹袭击向来好用!|用你的一条命攻击直线上的一切东西并爆炸.|攻击键: 启动自杀性攻击 @@ -834,20 +764,21 @@ 04:39=驾驶飞碟可以飞到地图上的任何角落.|不过这个东西连发明者都认为很难用.|攻击键: 激活|上/左/右方向键: 向某方向飞|前跳:攻击敌人 04:40=把地面填满汽油然后....|攻击键: 按住蓄力. ;04:41=自然的力量要盖过飞盘。|带着刺猬的鸟竟然毫不犹豫的空中下蛋!|攻击键: 激活和放蛋|上/左/右方向键: 向某方向飞 -;04:42=这玩意可以,|or your weaponry between two points on the|terrain.|Use it wisely and your campaign will be a...|HUGE SUCCESS!|Attack: Shoot a portal|Switch: Cycle portal colours +;04:42=This portable portal device is capable|of instantly transporting you, your enemies,|or your weaponry between two points on the|terrain.|Use it wisely and your campaign will be a...|HUGE SUCCESS!|Attack: Shoot a portal|Switch: Cycle portal colours 04:42=移动传送装置|迅速传输自己或者敌人或者|你的武器,直接连接|地表的两个不同位置。|用的聪明那么。。。|攻击键: 发射一个传送点|切换键: 改变颜色 ;04:43=Make your musical debut an explosive success!|Drop a piano from the heavens, but beware...|someone needs to play it, and that may cost you|your life!|Cursor: Select target region|F1-F9: Play the piano 04:43=音乐细胞的迸发!|钢琴从天堂降落,带|着演奏者最终回归天堂|光标: 选择目标区域|F1-F9:演奏钢琴 -04:44=这货不是奶酪!貌似是生化武器!|爆炸只有一次,带来的毒害是深远的!|1-5: 设定定时器|攻击键: 按住蓄力 +04:44=这不是奶酪!而是生化武器!|爆炸只有一次,带来的毒害是深远的!|1-5: 设定定时器|攻击键: 按住蓄力 ;04:45=All those physics classes have finally |paid off, launch a devastating Sine |wave at your foes. |Watch out, this weapon packs quite a kick. (This weapon is incomplete)|Attack: Shoot 04:45=全部物理阶级最终|转化为正弦波动|留心,力是相对的|攻击键: 发射 ;04:46=Cover your foes with sizzling liquid flame.|Heartwarming!|Attack: Activate|Up/Down: Continue aiming|Left/Right: Modify spitting power 04:46= 用满腔的火焰虐待你的对手吧。|攻击键: 激活|上/下方向键: 改变攻击方向|左/右方向键: 调整喷射距离 ;04:47=Double the fun with two spiky, sneaky, sticky mines.|Set up a chain reaction or defend yourself (or both!)|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power (twice) -04:47=两次机会双重乐趣,隐蔽且固定的地雷。|利用脑力造成连锁反应!|攻击键: 按住蓄力(两发) +04:47=两次机会双重乐趣,隐蔽且黏着的地雷。|利用脑力造成连锁反应!|攻击键: 按住蓄力(两发) ;04:48=Why should the moles get all the abuse?|Wacking a hog can be just as fun! A good|blow from this hammer will shave off one|third of a hog's health and plunge them|underground.|Attack: Activate -04:48=痛扁刺猬:用力一锤|将使中者镶入地表,削减它生命值的1/3.|攻击键: 击打 - +04:48=痛扁刺猬:用力一锤|将使中者镶入地表,削减它健康的1/3.|攻击键: 打 +;04:49=Resurrect your friends!|But beware that this also resurrects your foes.|Attack: Keep attack pressed to resurrect slowly|Up: Accelerate resurrection +04:49=复苏|注意,一视同仁|使用: 按住使用键|上: 提高速率 ; Game goal strings ;05:01=The following rules apply @@ -859,7 +790,7 @@ ;05:04=Invulnerability: Hogs are (almost) invulnerable 05:04=无敌: 刺猬不受伤害 ;05:05=Vampirism: Hogs will be healed for the damage dealt -05:05=吸血: 敌人失去的就是我得到的 +05:05=吸血: 敌人失去的就是我的 ;05:06=Karma: Hogs will be damaged for the damage dealt 05:06=因果效应: 伤害有多少,自己都知道 ;05:07=Protect the King: Don't let your king die!|Place the King: Pick a protected starting point for your King @@ -880,3 +811,13 @@ 05:14=地雷定时器: 0-3 秒起爆 ;05:15=Damage Modifier: All weapons will do %1% damage 05:15=伤害修正: 武器伤害使用 %1% 修正值 +;05:16=Health of all hogs is reset on end of turn +05:16=所有活着的刺猬回合结尾时彻底恢复健康 +;05:17=AI hogs respawn on death +05:17=AI刺猬即时复活 +;05:18=Unlimited Attacks +05:18=无限攻击法则 +;05:19=Weapons are reset on end of turn +05:19=武器在回合结束时重置 +;05:20=Weapons are not shared between hogs +05:20=刺猬的武器无法分享