Xeli [Sun, 29 Apr 2012 21:05:09 +0200] rev 6962
implement switch for the touch interface
Xeli [Sun, 29 Apr 2012 18:08:46 +0200] rev 6961
hide utilitywidget when changing turns, this also fixes some inconsistency when using targetting weapons
sheepluva [Sun, 29 Apr 2012 20:52:10 +0200] rev 6960
map, theme & style selection won't be lost on data updata now (except the selected map/theme/style is deleted ofc). enabling F5 key to reload data :>
sheepluva [Sun, 29 Apr 2012 17:23:05 +0200] rev 6959
make it auto-update (whoops,forgot)
sheepluva [Sun, 29 Apr 2012 17:12:49 +0200] rev 6958
hello GameStyleModel
Xeli [Sun, 29 Apr 2012 16:09:42 +0200] rev 6957
target using the utility button, this fixes bee
Xeli [Sun, 29 Apr 2012 14:10:59 +0200] rev 6956
enabled grenade timer, needs a button image