2019-05-16 CTF_Blizzard: Tweak messages
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Thu, 16 May 2019 19:21:47 +0200] rev 14978
CTF_Blizzard: Tweak messages
2019-05-16 CTF_Blizzard: Use onCaseDrop function
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Thu, 16 May 2019 17:51:48 +0200] rev 14977
CTF_Blizzard: Use onCaseDrop function
2019-05-16 Merge pull request #63 from hedgewars/ci-patch-osx-server
Anton Malmygin <antonc27@mail.ru> [Thu, 16 May 2019 21:26:27 +0200] rev 14976
Merge pull request #63 from hedgewars/ci-patch-osx-server Update hedgewars-server.cabal
2019-05-15 Update hedgewars-server.cabal
Anton Malmygin <antonc27@mail.ru> [Thu, 16 May 2019 00:17:49 +0200] rev 14975
Update hedgewars-server.cabal
2019-05-16 Fix Birdy stopping turn after dropping 1st egg
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Thu, 16 May 2019 08:05:10 +0200] rev 14974
Fix Birdy stopping turn after dropping 1st egg
2019-05-16 Show icon for resurrectable hog
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Thu, 16 May 2019 06:50:34 +0200] rev 14973
Show icon for resurrectable hog
2019-05-16 Show more health-related icons in top right corner
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Thu, 16 May 2019 06:41:56 +0200] rev 14972
Show more health-related icons in top right corner
2019-05-16 Show vampirism icon when vampirism is active
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Thu, 16 May 2019 04:02:09 +0200] rev 14971
Show vampirism icon when vampirism is active
2019-05-16 Make health HUD icon green if hog poisoned
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Thu, 16 May 2019 03:41:24 +0200] rev 14970
Make health HUD icon green if hog poisoned
2019-05-16 Display current health in top right corner
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Thu, 16 May 2019 02:07:29 +0200] rev 14969
Display current health in top right corner
2019-05-15 Fix sndBoring being placed if ending turn during multi-shoot via skip command
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Wed, 15 May 2019 20:40:37 +0200] rev 14968
Fix sndBoring being placed if ending turn during multi-shoot via skip command For example: - AI hog shoots once with shotgun - AI hog ends turn via ParseCommand("skip")
2019-05-15 Quick games: Add rare "floating flowers" map type
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Wed, 15 May 2019 19:43:53 +0200] rev 14967
Quick games: Add rare "floating flowers" map type
2019-05-15 Quick games: Cap max. difficulty for the first 15 games
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Wed, 15 May 2019 17:47:56 +0200] rev 14966
Quick games: Cap max. difficulty for the first 15 games
2019-05-15 Merge pull request #62 from hedgewars/ci-patch-osx-atomic
Anton Malmygin <antonc27@mail.ru> [Wed, 15 May 2019 18:30:59 +0200] rev 14965
Merge pull request #62 from hedgewars/ci-patch-osx-atomic Fix pas2c compilation on macOS
2019-05-14 Update CMakeLists.txt
Anton Malmygin <antonc27@mail.ru> [Wed, 15 May 2019 00:24:53 +0200] rev 14964
Update CMakeLists.txt
2019-05-15 Merge changes
hwmirror [Wed, 15 May 2019 16:25:29 +0000] rev 14963
Merge changes
2019-05-15 Move build status higher
Anton Malmygin <antonc27@mail.ru> [Wed, 15 May 2019 17:30:10 +0200] rev 14962
Move build status higher
2019-05-15 free gear textures to avoid log warnings
alfadur [Wed, 15 May 2019 18:43:42 +0300] rev 14961
free gear textures to avoid log warnings
2019-05-15 if at all possible, don't regenerate arbitrary number of health textures each tick
alfadur [Wed, 15 May 2019 14:12:15 +0300] rev 14960
if at all possible, don't regenerate arbitrary number of health textures each tick
2019-05-15 Quick games are more random
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Wed, 15 May 2019 09:08:39 +0200] rev 14959
Quick games are more random
2019-05-15 Mask sndFlyAway in Space Invasion and Tumbler
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Wed, 15 May 2019 04:06:47 +0200] rev 14958
Mask sndFlyAway in Space Invasion and Tumbler
2019-05-15 Use HaltFatalError for all VideoRec failures
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Wed, 15 May 2019 03:56:00 +0200] rev 14957
Use HaltFatalError for all VideoRec failures
2019-05-15 Hide player ranks in training missions
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Wed, 15 May 2019 03:25:20 +0200] rev 14956
Hide player ranks in training missions
2019-05-15 Stats screen: Automatically hide empty sections
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Wed, 15 May 2019 03:00:14 +0200] rev 14955
Stats screen: Automatically hide empty sections
2019-05-14 fix rope pattern
alfadur [Wed, 15 May 2019 00:09:54 +0300] rev 14954
fix rope pattern
2019-05-14 Don't use Str2PChar twice in a row
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Tue, 14 May 2019 22:42:19 +0200] rev 14953
Don't use Str2PChar twice in a row
2019-05-14 blend land into land objects
alfadur [Tue, 14 May 2019 23:25:49 +0300] rev 14952
blend land into land objects
2019-05-14 Implement AddFileLogRaw
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Tue, 14 May 2019 21:49:01 +0200] rev 14951
Implement AddFileLogRaw
2019-05-14 AVWrapper: Error message when g_pAFrame is broken
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Tue, 14 May 2019 20:58:39 +0200] rev 14950
AVWrapper: Error message when g_pAFrame is broken
2019-05-14 make rope styleable
alfadur [Tue, 14 May 2019 21:36:50 +0300] rev 14949
make rope styleable
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -50 -30 +30 +50 +100 +300 tip