Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sun, 01 May 2016 00:09:14 +0200] rev 11922
Show timer at 999s instead of 1000s
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sat, 30 Apr 2016 23:46:57 +0200] rev 11921
Make timer gray while the time is not running or while it is paused
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sat, 30 Apr 2016 23:30:34 +0200] rev 11920
Add ammoprop for blowtorch and pickhammer for not stopping timer in inf attack
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sat, 19 Nov 2016 15:00:14 +0100] rev 11919
Play countdown sounds for 4-1 remaining seconds and “boring” voice on timeout
Also play “coward” voice for skipping (instead of “boring”)
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sat, 30 Apr 2016 20:55:16 +0200] rev 11918
Make the timer red when it is the get-away time
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sat, 30 Apr 2016 20:35:55 +0200] rev 11917
Turn timer digits green when it's still the ready timer
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sat, 19 Nov 2016 06:43:44 +0100] rev 11916
Add sounds for blowtorch, invuln., f. saucer, lasersight, portal gun