2019-01-10 Wuzzy Add button to set bounciness in touch interface
2018-11-26 Wuzzy Remove dead code in uTouch
2018-11-26 Wuzzy Touch: Parse pause command when tapping pause button instead of toggling pause directly
2018-08-08 Wuzzy Refactor text color variable names, export 2 color values to Lua
2016-05-15 sheepluva always include uUtils _after_ SysUtils
2016-05-03 sheepluva small code cleanup/comment
2016-04-29 sheepluva indentation fixes
2016-04-29 sheepluva koda told me that putting in one finger wasn't enough
2016-04-29 sheepluva koda told me to put the finger in
2016-04-29 sheepluva fix memory corruptions caused by outofbounds-writes in uTouch
2016-03-05 antonc27 [BUG 1] - Fixed simultaneous pressing of two arrow buttons on mobile
2015-10-21 antonc27 - 'Press the target button to mark the target' message is localizable now ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for uTouch.pas:365: 34: Identifier not found "nilFingerId" ios-revival
2014-02-04 sheepluva update FSF address. note: two sdl include files (by Sam Lantinga) still have the old FSF address in their copyright - but I ain't gonna touch their copyright headers
2013-10-11 koda merge with latest defaul, fixing compiling with fpc, parsing and rendering with pas2c, some minor problems with compiling with clang webgl
2013-07-27 koda remove many unneeded ifdefs from uTouch
2013-07-27 koda update the touch interface to the new SDL2 API
2013-07-26 koda remove old and unused getScreenDPI code
2012-12-25 koda update branch with default webgl
2012-12-03 Rowan D GCI2012: Convert uMobile into a Callback Record
2012-10-28 koda cleanup in initEverything and freeEverything
2012-06-13 koda it was inevitable
2012-06-13 koda DPI for everyone
2012-06-05 Xeli Android: first attempt at using the density call from java
2012-05-21 koda add a nilcheck
2012-05-17 Xeli dont allow choosing weapons when the AI is playing
2012-05-11 unc0rr sysutils -> SysUtils
2012-05-05 Xeli fix breakage
2012-04-29 Xeli implement switch for the touch interface
2012-04-29 Xeli hide utilitywidget when changing turns, this also fixes some inconsistency when using targetting weapons
2012-04-29 Xeli target using the utility button, this fixes bee
2012-04-29 Xeli enabled grenade timer, needs a button image
2012-04-28 Xeli wops, removed some writeln
2012-04-28 Xeli - changed targetting, to launch an airstrike move the cursor/pointer to a location and then press the firebutton
2012-04-28 Xeli -Fixed FingerHasMoved function, still might need a little tweaking
2012-04-27 Xeli remove last boolean keys references and using only ParseCommand in uTouch now
2012-04-23 Xeli in uTouch dont use bools to represent keystrokes, but issue ParseCommands
2012-03-23 Xeli unbreak engine
2012-03-23 Xeli first part of the utilitywidget (grenade timer/swap hogs) code
2012-02-19 Xeli check if the widget is shown before checking if the finger is on the widget
2012-02-18 koda two more this time
2012-02-18 Xeli moved the firebutton, added the AMWidget button and removed the forwardjump widget(it's longpress on backjump now)
2012-02-18 Xeli changed jumping, on x button tap is high jump, on longpress + release is low jump (read: it only does a low jump when you release)
2012-02-18 koda one more USE_TOUCH_INTERFACE
2012-02-17 Xeli stop the crosshair from twitching when it's not supposed to move + fix aimingUp/Down booleans
2012-02-17 Xeli change power() to sqr
2012-02-17 Xeli fix crosshair aiming
2012-02-17 Xeli remove all hwFloat calculations
2012-02-17 Xeli the onScreenwidgets are multitouch now, frequently (alternating) tapping left and right still causes it to bug though, but you have to try hard to duplicate it, works ok for now
2012-02-17 koda the most important commit of the year
2012-02-17 Xeli forgot begin
2012-02-17 koda refactored a few types involved in the touch interface and corrected a few invisible mistakes
2012-02-16 koda carried out some cosmetic TODOs in uTouch
2012-02-15 Xeli use realtick rather than SDL_GetTicks
2012-02-15 koda moved other widgets under the USE_TOUCH_INTERFACE, added pause button (at least, graphically...)
2012-02-15 Xeli unbreak uTouch
2012-02-15 koda small refactoring to touch screen buttons, use a record to store values, added 'offset' fields to adjust active button area
2012-02-12 koda add keywords for landscape ammomenu and touch interface
2012-02-09 Xeli use the way actions are initiated the same way as koda implemented with PascalExports, using boolean values such as upKey and enterKey, this prevents the user from being able to control the AI
2012-02-07 Xeli fixed aiming by touching the crosshair, made it compatible with the aiming buttons and disabled camera movement when touching buttons + some formatting fixes
2012-02-07 Xeli prevent the cursor from being shown on the mobile version, and close the menu on tap when the tap is not on the ammo menu
2012-02-06 Xeli the buttons actually work now!
2012-02-05 Xeli some refactoring + you can now tap on the ammo menu to select a weapon
2012-01-17 lovelacer A partial reformatting of the pascal code to have consistent syntax. Things that are still inconsistent.
2011-11-12 koda iOS works again (also native touch interface \o/) hedgeroid
2011-11-12 Xeli added lines to avoid compiler hints, is this really the way we want to do it though? ;/ hedgeroid
2011-09-25 koda changed Game arguments to accept data path on 9th array element (like planned) hedgeroid
2011-09-16 Xeli isOnCurrentHog and isOnCrosshair now look at the distance relative to the screen rather than world coords, this means that zooming out doesn't make it harder to touch the hog or crosshair hedgeroid
2011-09-16 Xeli Changed firebutton, parameters in uTouch might need to be tweaked some more hedgeroid
2011-09-09 Xeli Fixed a major bug (related to pointers) which also solves the stuttering when zooming in and out hedgeroid
2011-08-21 Xeli added licenses hedgeroid
2011-08-20 Xeli added a visual fire button, isOnFireButton check needs to be fixed though it only works on 800x480 screens hedgeroid
2011-08-20 Xeli added low jump, you can low-jump by double tapping the right or left side of the screen hedgeroid
2011-08-19 Xeli changed aiming to be triggered when touching the crosshair hedgeroid
2011-08-19 Xeli Introduced a Touch_Finger type to replace the arrays with coords, makes cleaner code hedgeroid
2011-08-19 Xeli Added a hook to uGame which now allows uTouch to take action outside of SDL_Finger* events hedgeroid
2011-08-18 Xeli aiming fixed, inverted cursor on ammo menu, added equal and isZero function to uFloat, changed the way ammo menu opens, you must now click on the hog rather than anywhere on the screen hedgeroid
2011-08-17 Xeli open ammo when clicking the current hog hedgeroid
2011-08-17 Xeli Now able to select a weapon hedgeroid
2011-08-17 Xeli uTouch, has cursor move, zoom and click or tap to open the ammo menu hedgeroid
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