Sat, 02 Jun 2012 16:25:13 -0400 nemo add onGameTick20 to basic training, extend laser sight out way more (it was visible at top when completely zoomed out), move call of new turn to after AfterSwitchHedgehog to avoid lua issues in onNewTurn - if this causes problems, lua can do delayed actions in onGameTick
Tue, 22 May 2012 09:25:03 +0200 Wolfgang Steffens Replaced matrix related FFP code with explicit matrix calculations.
Sun, 20 May 2012 10:55:58 -0400 nemo Minor tweaks to freezer, mostly to simplify current state to laptop
Sun, 20 May 2012 01:00:00 -0400 nemo Bit more freezer.
Thu, 03 May 2012 00:20:58 -0400 nemo Switch effects to longint for convenience of tracking ice states. I could add a new Hedgehog value, but since we have this effects list being all useless as booleans anyway...
Wed, 02 May 2012 16:36:11 +0100 koda rename a few Draw* routines
less more (0) -30 -10 -6 tip