belphegorr <> [Fri, 06 Jul 2012 15:10:36 +0300] rev 7243
Modified Animate.lua function AnimMove to take highercase direction (e.g. "Left")
Solved a bug in Mission 4 where after the second wave appears, control went to the cannibals
Changed random seed to 1
koda [Thu, 14 Jun 2012 00:03:01 +0200] rev 7242
ios: for mission configuration, use the bundled cfg file instead of providing plist files
belphegorr <> [Fri, 06 Jul 2012 14:45:55 +0300] rev 7241
Modified Mission 4: reduced second wave health, reduced some ammos, added some ammos, added reaction to hog death, added reaction to second wave of hogs
koda [Wed, 13 Jun 2012 23:28:54 +0200] rev 7240
add default cfg files for uniformity in missions