2010-11-18 unC0Rr Haven't found a better place than uIO for OutError
2010-11-18 unC0Rr Move SendStats to uIO
2010-11-18 unC0Rr Move some stuff from uMisc to uUtils
2010-11-17 unc0rr uGears
2010-11-17 unc0rr Remove ugly PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog) cast
2010-11-17 unc0rr Move variables from uConsts to uVariables
2010-11-17 unC0Rr Move variables from uMisc to uVariables
2010-11-17 unC0Rr Introduce unit uTypes in order to remove some cyclic unit dependencies
2010-08-29 burp Extend statistics collection (TeamKills, TurnSkips, TeamDamage)
2010-08-26 tiyuri Add kill counter to Survival Mode -Burp
2010-07-31 koda remove trailing spaces from end of line
2010-04-29 smxx Engine:
2010-03-21 unc0rr In pascal unit is a namespace
2010-03-06 unc0rr Replace tabs with spaces using 'expand -t 4' command
2010-02-09 nemo tweak of placement
less more (0) -15 tip