Sun, 11 Nov 2012 17:15:19 +0100 koda merge xymeng's gsoc engine with a few updates (and further checks on symbol definitions) webgl
Tue, 28 Aug 2012 22:32:19 +0400 unc0rr Small fix
Thu, 31 May 2012 15:14:39 +0400 unc0rr pas2c stuff
Mon, 28 May 2012 17:54:23 +0400 unc0rr Some improvements to pas2c
Sun, 13 May 2012 01:54:26 +0400 unc0rr help pas2c
Sat, 12 May 2012 23:55:09 +0400 unc0rr pas2c stuff again
Sat, 12 May 2012 22:13:56 +0400 unc0rr Make pas2c even more happier with uGears.c, allow assigning arrays in some cases
Sat, 12 May 2012 00:25:49 +0400 unc0rr Add missing identifiers
Fri, 11 May 2012 16:09:11 -0400 nemo Fix casing and type for gl
Fri, 11 May 2012 23:34:35 +0400 unc0rr Recognize length on arrays as a separate function
Fri, 11 May 2012 21:10:58 +0400 unc0rr Function to compare string to char ftw
Fri, 11 May 2012 00:33:14 +0400 unc0rr Fix for Int type and sysutils in hwengine.pas
Thu, 10 May 2012 22:55:13 +0400 unc0rr More definitions and mess with pascal code
Thu, 10 May 2012 13:16:31 +0400 unc0rr Some more definitions and slight fixes
Mon, 30 Apr 2012 23:35:40 +0400 unc0rr Support recurrent function calls. The code is kinda hackish and ugly, but I really spent a few hours thinking on a good solution.
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