Thu, 22 Nov 2012 00:41:53 +0100 koda updated branch webgl
Wed, 14 Nov 2012 22:27:05 -0500 nemo make stats-only mode work headless. also skip a few things to save time/memory.
Sun, 11 Nov 2012 17:15:19 +0100 koda merge xymeng's gsoc engine with a few updates (and further checks on symbol definitions) webgl
Sun, 28 Oct 2012 04:28:39 +0100 koda cleanup in initEverything and freeEverything
Tue, 05 Jun 2012 22:17:06 +0200 Wolfgang Steffens Merge
Sun, 03 Jun 2012 22:56:30 -0400 nemo After experimenting with a long running average at maxed out FPS and a variety of map sizes, 128 seems to actually be a good size to use if only drawing bits of world with stuff in it. 64 actually did even better in some situations, but significantly worse in others (lots of land, zoomed out).
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