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bulk copy of latest physfs to our misc/libphysfs since this seems to fix an off-by-1 error reliably hit in readln read of 1 byte probably introduced in the addition of the buffered read. Whether this is excessive or whether libphysfs should even be maintained by us is another matter. But at least we shouldn't crash
2017-04-10, by nemo
merge in patch used in arch/fedora - fixes a lazy physfs memcpy that was breaking upstream's stricter checking
2017-04-10, by nemo
Fix dynamite sparks appearing underwater
2017-04-10, by Wuzzy
Render gear timers in front of water
2017-04-10, by Wuzzy
Fix syntax error in uGearsUtils
2017-04-10, by Wuzzy
Play different bounce sound for rubber duck
2017-04-10, by Wuzzy
Add rubber duck to (Balanced) Random Weapon, Construction Mode, HedgeEditor
2017-04-09, by Wuzzy
Fix free rubber ducks in Highlander
2017-04-09, by Wuzzy
Fix duck issues with Sea edge swimming
2016-05-13, by Wuzzy
Don't play duck drop sound when duck spawns in water
2016-05-13, by Wuzzy
Make duck rise to surface when spawning underwater
2016-05-13, by Wuzzy
Add a few comments for rubber duck
2016-05-12, by Wuzzy
Put duck speed factor into gear variable
2016-05-12, by Wuzzy
Fix rubber duck speed when hitting sea edge initially
2016-05-12, by Wuzzy
Fix rubber duck not bouncing off diagonal rubber
2016-05-12, by Wuzzy
Render rubber duck timer when <6s
2016-05-12, by Wuzzy
Re-enable GetLaunchX/Y, use non-zero eject only for amDuck for now
2016-05-12, by Wuzzy
Fix swimming rubberduck screwing up after portal, also change timer to 15s, no resets
2016-05-12, by Wuzzy
Add rubber duck images for real
2017-04-08, by Wuzzy
Add sounds for rubberduck drop, destruction and water collision
2017-04-08, by Wuzzy
Add ammotype amDuck for rubber duck
2017-04-08, by Wuzzy
Add gear gtDuck: rubber duck
2017-04-08, by Wuzzy
Update changelog: Water anim., translations
2017-04-08, by Wuzzy
Fix bad water flow animation
2017-04-08, by KoBeWi
Water can now be animated
2017-04-08, by KoBeWi
Fix CPU level sprites falling down in ClimbHome (instead of stars)
2017-04-08, by Wuzzy
Locale: Replace outdated round start message with loading template
2017-04-08, by Wuzzy
Load screen: Move “LOADING” from image into text box
2017-04-08, by Wuzzy
Add a few home run messages (en, de)
2017-04-07, by Wuzzy
Add support for hog name in home run message
2017-04-07, by Wuzzy
Remove English-only text from campaign mission images
2017-04-07, by Wuzzy
Replace portal mission image with screenshot
2017-04-07, by Wuzzy
Harden the countdown sound check
2017-04-07, by Wuzzy
Fix name Scottish Gaelic being incorrectly displayed in language dropdown
2017-04-07, by Wuzzy
Add basic win/draw messages in Scottish Gaelic
2017-04-07, by Wuzzy
Scottish Gaelic translation update: tips, missions, frontend, engine
2017-04-07, by
Set turn time to 0 when current hog drowns
2017-04-07, by Wuzzy
Fix enemy saying “Missed” when poisoned w/o damage
2017-04-06, by Wuzzy
Fix time box tooltip saying it is not *yet* available in SD
2017-04-06, by Wuzzy
Show random event message on round start, instead of the static one
2017-04-06, by Wuzzy
Add new random victory/round draw messages in English
2017-04-06, by Wuzzy
Implement random round draw / team win messages
2017-04-06, by Wuzzy
Add back accidental removal of random mines
2017-04-06, by Wuzzy
Add many ticker messages for the new ticker events
2017-04-06, by Wuzzy
More ticker messages: Sick, king died, resurrect, time box return, timeout, kamikaze
2017-04-06, by Wuzzy
Allow to place theme objects on water
2017-04-06, by Wuzzy
Simplify the background gradient of Beach theme, fixes ugly “stripe” at borders
2017-04-05, by Wuzzy
Smoother water gradient for Beach theme
2017-04-05, by Wuzzy
Update changelog
2017-04-05, by Wuzzy
Remove redundant water color definitions in themes with default water
2017-04-05, by Wuzzy
Set default theme water color to blue
2017-04-05, by Wuzzy
Remove Lua function SetAmmoStore
2017-04-05, by Wuzzy
Fix ugly dragonball grave 1 pixel bouncing
2017-04-05, by Wuzzy
Display native language names in language combo box instead of always English
2017-04-05, by Wuzzy
whitespace fixes (SEE, I AM USEFUL!)
2017-04-04, by sheepluva
added CloudsL and FlakeL
2016-10-09, by KoBeWi
Fix hedgehogs/ticker ignoring kills without damage (#149)
2017-04-04, by Wuzzy
Lua callback: onUsedAmmo, after using up an ammo
2017-04-04, by Wuzzy
Disable incorrect “%1” messages in German home run messages
2017-04-04, by Wuzzy
Add a bunch of funny ticker messages for English
2017-04-04, by Wuzzy
Fix incorrect size of Beach theme icons
2017-04-04, by Wuzzy
Mention addition of Beach theme in changelog
2017-04-04, by Wuzzy
Update German frontend translation
2017-04-04, by Wuzzy
sanity cutoff for splash sound
2017-03-20, by nemo
Fix handlers module
2017-02-06, by unc0rr
Store room protocol number
2017-02-06, by unc0rr
Room creation halfplemented
2017-02-04, by unc0rr
SendAllButMe action, list all clients in lobby in LobbyJoined message to newcomers
2017-01-27, by unc0rr
Lobby joining action
2017-01-26, by unc0rr
More refactoring
2017-01-25, by unc0rr
Toss code around
2017-01-24, by unc0rr
Start refactoring path from getting message from client to reacting to it
2017-01-23, by unc0rr
Basic support for NICK message
2017-01-18, by unc0rr
Fix malformed messages parsing
2017-01-18, by unc0rr
- Handle errors
2017-01-18, by unc0rr
Introduce actions, just like in the old server
2017-01-15, by unc0rr
- Use logging facilities instead of plain println!
2017-01-14, by unc0rr
- Render messages to string
2017-01-14, by unc0rr
Add more messages to the parser
2017-01-11, by unc0rr
Optional parameters parsing function
2017-01-11, by unc0rr
Some parsing using nom
2017-01-08, by unc0rr
Give up on lalrpop, let's try nom
2017-01-07, by unc0rr
Still trying to make parser work
2017-01-06, by unc0rr
Start on messages parser
2017-01-05, by unc0rr
- Start protocol parser implementation
2017-01-03, by unc0rr
Refactor modules layout
2017-01-02, by unc0rr
- Use netbuf buffers for client connection stream
2017-01-02, by unc0rr
Refactor code to add more structure to it
2017-01-01, by unc0rr
Start server implementation in rust
2016-12-31, by unc0rr
Adopt some patches from OpenBSD port
2017-02-03, by unc0rr
updates to polish translation by alzen, also add two unlocalised string he found in the gui
2017-01-30, by nemo
Add a buffer for files opened with physfs for reading, fixes slow engine start
2017-01-25, by unc0rr
svg source for the bat animation update
2017-01-15, by CopherNeue
fix of offsets and size to prior commits
2017-01-15, by alfadur+copherneue
code changes to make the new bat animation work
2017-01-15, by alfadur
nicer hog bat animation art
2017-01-15, by CopherNeue
aaand italian
2017-01-12, by LocutusOfBorg
aaand put in an exclamation mark
2017-01-12, by nemo
lowercase hedgehog, duplicate comment to description
2017-01-12, by nemo
Only registered players regain their teams on rejoin
2016-12-23, by unc0rr
Fix official server build
2016-12-23, by unc0rr
surfboard object for beach theme
2016-12-19, by alfadur
Source svg for the sandcastle
2016-12-13, by alfadur
requested by CopherNeue - make "flatten-flakes" only exclude the foreground layers. testing on eyes/halloween seems ok.
2016-12-11, by nemo
Enable beach theme install
2016-12-11, by nemo
Beach theme, completely redone
2016-12-11, by CopherNeue
Fix ScriptExists() destroying lua stack (fixes Bug #146)
2016-12-10, by sheepluva
Bug #108 - Phyfs/Pathz: Fix binds not being loaded
2016-12-10, by sheepluva
Add Beach theme, update Fruit theme
2016-12-07, by alfadur
tweak landtex filling some more. cuz it's fun
2016-12-06, by sheepluva
fix pas2c definition of SizeInt
2016-12-06, by sheepluva
fix chat SDL surfaces being in wrong color format (didn't play well with copyToXY's new quick pixel copies)
2016-12-04, by sheepluva
copyToXYFromRect: simplify my math (so that it actually, you know, works...)
2016-12-04, by sheepluva
GOTTA GO FAST! - speed up landtex filling
2016-12-03, by sheepluva
copyToXYFromRect: some tweaks
2016-12-03, by sheepluva
copyToXYFromRect: fix pixels overflowing pixel lines in dest
2016-12-03, by sheepluva
add alpha for sd-tint, since CopherNeue thinks the textures might need fading
2016-11-28, by nemo
fix German translation error
2016-11-27, by sheepluva
fix problem with pas2c build. please don't use "and not xyz", use "and (not xyz)"
2016-11-27, by sheepluva
make random timers less easy to predict
2016-11-27, by sheepluva
Construction Mode: Fix free girder/rubber placement near hog
2016-11-27, by Wuzzy
Construction Mode: Turn crate limit into a script parameter
2016-11-27, by Wuzzy
Contruction Mode: Fix rubber being placable in land and invalid girder placement costing energy
2016-11-27, by Wuzzy
Add PlaceRubber to Lua API
2016-11-27, by Wuzzy
Fix Killing the Specialists giving you a free turn after killing Desert Eagle with a desert eagle with shot 1-3
2016-11-27, by Wuzzy
Fix A Space Adventure Missions allowing player to walk before 1st animation and screw things up
2016-11-27, by Wuzzy
simplify code of previous commit ( ba1807589eaa )
2016-11-27, by sheepluva
OCD-compatibility-patch: make border stripes consistent in direction and offset, seamless.
2016-11-26, by sheepluva
Give visual and audible feedback for flying through rings in Hard Flying mission
2016-11-26, by Wuzzy
Use SetCinematicMode in Animate lib, which introduces cinematic mode to missions using Animate
2016-11-26, by Wuzzy
Fix group box text being cut off (fixes #125)
2016-11-26, by Wuzzy
Add custom ammo texts for Knockball
2016-11-25, by Wuzzy
Remove team score messages in Knockball/Basketball because they're redundant
2016-11-25, by Wuzzy
Clean up strings in Control mission maps (more translator-friendly)
2016-11-25, by Wuzzy
Disable SD for a couple of scripts and mission maps
2016-11-25, by Wuzzy
Fix misleading scenario desciptions regarding time limit / no time limit
2016-11-25, by Wuzzy
Rewrite 2nd line of mission panel of most missions for consistency
2016-11-25, by Wuzzy
Move some changelog entries to the correct categories
2016-11-25, by Wuzzy
Mention Cheese in changelog
2016-11-25, by Wuzzy
Update changelog for Highlander changes
2016-11-25, by Wuzzy
Make Highlander mission text consistent with other game mode messages
2016-11-25, by Wuzzy
Game mode messages: New messages for PlaceHog+King; All messages get a colon to get highlighted; Reorder messages more logically
2016-11-25, by Wuzzy
WxW: Remove old compability code which caused problems with unknown maps
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Tweak WxW wall spark count according to wall size
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
WxW: Add crate radar info to rope description
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
WxW: Increase wall height of left/right walls with bounce edge and no border
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Add WorldEdge support for WxW
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Update changelog for Wxw updates
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
WxW: Selectable walls, support more maps, more liberal game schemes, new rules, script parameter, better menu
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Make name “Tumbler” translatable
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Disable world edge in Space Invasion
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Use yellow clock color in Space Invasion and Tumbler
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Turn invaders white in Space Invasion when round is over
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Update changelog for Space Invasion
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
More helpful Space Invasion description
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Remove unused flamer code from Space Invasion
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Space Invasion: Play countdown sounds
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Space Invasion: Make all strings more translator-friendly
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Space Invasion: Dump most out-commented and unused code
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Space Invasion: Better HUD, messages, stats screen, sounds. Add script param support
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Add countdown sounds to Tumbler
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Change ammo display texts in Tumbler to avoid pluralization failures
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Tumbler updates: Script params, select weaps via slots, more sounds, rewrite texts, ignore broken gameflags
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Rewrite some help texts in the basic rope training mission
2016-11-24, by Wuzzy
Tweak flags used in all missions to fit more to the theme
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Fix game extremely slowing down if hog collects crate with huge health, or vampire gets huge health.
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Use GetHogFort in HedgeEditor
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Add GetHogFort to Lua API
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Fix mine, sticky mine, health crate, air mine sometimes being incorrectly exported
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Fix air mines timer being falsely exported and displayed
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Export WorldEdge, fix export of Theme
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Remove some items from the HedgeEditor TODO list
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Rename “Standard” target and cleaver to just target and cleaver
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Simplify placement mode description
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Update changelog for the recent HedgeEditor updates
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Add sine gun to Crazy weapon set
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Set minimum ammo box content of 1 for default ammo schemes
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Add icon to “Send Feedback” button, do some TODO tasks in pagevideo.cpp
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Use SetAmmoTexts in HedgeEditor to describe overwritten air attack (gear placement tool)
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Add missing Left click help texts
2016-04-20, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Don't change placement mode when air attack is not selected
2016-04-20, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Make toggle help and toggle gear info work everywhere
2016-04-20, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Disable timer keys 2-4 in rubber placement mode
2016-04-20, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Unify key combination help
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Fix health add/subtract not working for dud mines
2016-04-20, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Make landgun spawn in utility crates and sort list of ammo types to reflect the ammo menu ordering
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Proper indentation for atkArray and utilArray
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Improve secondary message
2016-04-20, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Allow health crates with 0 health
2016-04-20, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Make health/timer tags toggable with Precise+3
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Show tags for gear timers and health
2016-04-20, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Play placement sound more often
2016-04-18, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Proper error handling when attempting to delete hedgehogs
2016-04-18, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Fix girder/rubber mods sometimes show nil in 2nd message
2016-04-18, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Minor string corrections
2016-04-18, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Fix Lua error when trying to set ShoppaBalance rank without anything being selected
2016-04-14, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Remove hardcoded ammo names in favor of GetAmmoName
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Fix nil bugs related to sprite placement mode
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Clean up some incorrect menu texts
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Make all hog and team names translatable and export them properly
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
Add loc_noop to Locale Lua library
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Minor team/hog name fixes
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Resort sprite array, add sprTargetBee
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Implement frame selection for sprites
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
Tweak HedgeEditor output: loc() hog/team names and tweak mission text
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Fix broken export of team colors
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Reliably change mission text on weapon switch
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Fix stuff being exported multiple times on multiple saves
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
Don't agressively show HedgeEditor mission panel
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Don't count sprites failed to place
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Disable delete mode for sprite placement mode
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Allow to modify dud mine health
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Improved help disabled message, also loc()'ed
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
Write better “greeting” message for HedgeEditor
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Add loc() to some forgotten strings, minor cleanup
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Generally improve menu help texts
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Better naming and explanation of tagging mode and advanced repositioning mode
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Improve graphics on girder/rubber placement
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Throw away code in comments and unused variables
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Refactor legacy GetVisualGearValues code
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Fix girder sprite being displayed a top left
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Fix teams being exported multiple times when saving multiple times in same session
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
Add dud mine placement mode to HedgeEditor
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Tweak and reorder health/timer selection numbers
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
HedgeEditor: Allow to set sticky mine timer
2016-04-09, by Wuzzy
Update outdated onGameInit variables in HedgeEditor map export, fixes various bugs
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Split up change log sections even more, and update it for Racer
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Allow to set Racer waypoint limit with script parameter “maxwaypoints”
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Fix incorrect type check of wpRad in Racer
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Highlight first Racer waypoint in placement phase
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Allow to remove waypoints in Racer with precise key
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Fix Construction Mode screwing up when initialenergy > maxenergy
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Use GetAmmoName in Construction Mode
2016-11-23, by Wuzzy
Disable Sudden Death in Shoppa for good
2016-11-22, by Wuzzy
Remove colons in campaign screen for more UI consistency
2016-11-22, by Wuzzy
Align drop-down text of unfinished campaign missions with finished icons
2016-11-22, by Wuzzy
Give infinite ropes in Running for survival mission
2016-11-22, by Wuzzy
Add skip option to desert01, fruit02, moon01 in A Space Adventure
2016-11-22, by Wuzzy
Fix double achievements and ranks in The First Stop mission (fixes #106)
2016-11-22, by Wuzzy
Prepend "User quit: " to client-side quit messages
2016-11-20, by unc0rr