author nemo
Sat, 06 Mar 2010 13:49:55 +0000
changeset 2955 fb361d137524
parent 2867 9be6693c78cb
child 2961 3e057dfa601f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Tweak to joke in french locale (everyone always fixes the spelling) updated explosive frames from Palewolf, increase explosive fall damage from 30 to 40

module HWProtoCore where

import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Foldable
import Maybe
import CoreTypes
import Actions
import Utils
import HWProtoNEState
import HWProtoLobbyState
import HWProtoInRoomState

handleCmd, handleCmd_loggedin :: CmdHandler

handleCmd clID _ _ ["PING"] = [AnswerThisClient ["PONG"]]

handleCmd clID clients rooms ("QUIT" : xs) =
    [ByeClient msg]
        msg = if not $ null xs then head xs else ""

handleCmd clID clients _ ["PONG"] =
    if pingsQueue client == 0 then
        [ProtocolError "Protocol violation"]
        [ModifyClient (\cl -> cl{pingsQueue = pingsQueue cl - 1})]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID

handleCmd clID clients rooms cmd =
    if not $ logonPassed client then
        handleCmd_NotEntered clID clients rooms cmd
        handleCmd_loggedin clID clients rooms cmd
        client = clients IntMap.! clID

handleCmd_loggedin clID clients rooms ["INFO", asknick] =
    if noSuchClient then
            nick client,
            "[" ++ host client ++ "]",
            protoNumber2ver $ clientProto client,
            "[" ++ roomInfo ++ "]" ++ roomStatus]]
        maybeClient = find (\cl -> asknick == nick cl) clients
        noSuchClient = isNothing maybeClient
        client = fromJust maybeClient
        room = rooms IntMap.! roomID client
        roomInfo = if roomID client /= 0 then roomMasterSign ++ "room " ++ (name room) else adminSign ++ "lobby"
        roomMasterSign = if isMaster client then "@" else ""
        adminSign = if isAdministrator client then "@" else ""
        roomStatus =
            if gameinprogress room
            then if teamsInGame client > 0 then "(playing)" else "(spectating)"
            else ""

handleCmd_loggedin clID clients rooms ["FOLLOW", asknick] =
    if inLobby || noSuchClient then
        handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["JOIN_ROOM", roomname]
        maybeClient = find (\cl -> asknick == nick cl) clients
        noSuchClient = isNothing maybeClient
        client = fromJust maybeClient
        room = rooms IntMap.! roomID client
        roomname = (name room)
        inLobby = roomname == ""

handleCmd_loggedin clID clients rooms cmd =
    if roomID client == 0 then
        handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms cmd
        handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms cmd
        client = clients IntMap.! clID