In hindsight my emscripten-ifdef (70d416a8f63f) is nonsense.
As fpcrtl_glShaderSource() would not be defined and lead to compiling issues.
So either it's 3 ifdefs (in pas2cRedo, pas2cSystem and misc.c),
in order to toggle between fpcrtl_ and the native function,
or alternatively have no ifdef for it at all.
I'm going with none at all,
which means emscripten will compile with the original (const) function prototype,
being wrapped by the fpcrtl_ function, same as non-emscripten builds.
#ifndef GAMEVIEW_H
#define GAMEVIEW_H
#include <QQuickItem>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QScopedPointer>
#include <QtGui/QOpenGLFunctions>
#include <QtGui/QOpenGLShaderProgram>
#include "engine_instance.h"
class GameViewRenderer : public QObject, protected QOpenGLFunctions {
explicit GameViewRenderer();
~GameViewRenderer() override;
void tick(quint32 delta);
void setEngineInstance(EngineInstance* engineInstance);
public slots:
void paint();
void onViewportSizeChanged(QQuickWindow* window);
quint32 m_delta;
QPointer<EngineInstance> m_engineInstance;
class GameView : public QQuickItem {
Q_PROPERTY(EngineInstance* engineInstance READ engineInstance WRITE
setEngineInstance NOTIFY engineInstanceChanged)
explicit GameView(QQuickItem* parent = nullptr);
Q_INVOKABLE void tick(quint32 delta);
EngineInstance* engineInstance() const;
void engineInstanceChanged(EngineInstance* engineInstance);
public slots:
void sync();
void cleanup();
void setEngineInstance(EngineInstance* engineInstance);
private slots:
void handleWindowChanged(QQuickWindow* win);
quint32 m_delta;
QScopedPointer<GameViewRenderer> m_renderer;
bool m_windowChanged;
QPointer<EngineInstance> m_engineInstance;
QSize m_viewportSize;
QPoint m_centerPoint;
#endif // GAMEVIEW_H