(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *){$INCLUDE "options.inc"}unit uWorld;interfaceuses SDLh, uGears, uConsts, uFloat, uRandom;var FollowGear: PGear; WindBarWidth: LongInt; bShowAmmoMenu: boolean; bSelected: boolean; bShowFinger: boolean; Frames: Longword; WaterColor, DeepWaterColor: TSDL_Color; WorldDx: LongInt; WorldDy: LongInt; SkyOffset: LongInt; HorizontOffset: LongInt;{$IFDEF COUNTTICKS} cntTicks: LongWord;{$ENDIF} cOffsetY: LongInt;procedure initModule;procedure freeModule;procedure InitWorld;procedure DrawWorld(Lag: LongInt);procedure AddCaption(s: shortstring; Color: Longword; Group: TCapGroup);procedure ShowMission(caption, subcaption, text: ansistring; icon, time : LongInt);procedure HideMission;procedure ShakeCamera(amount: LongWord);procedure MoveCamera;implementationuses uStore, uMisc, uTeams, uIO, uKeys, uLocale, uSound, uAmmos, uVisualGears, uChat, uLandTexture, uLand, GLunit;type TCaptionStr = record Tex: PTexture; EndTime: LongWord; end;var cWaveWidth, cWaveHeight: LongInt; Captions: array[TCapGroup] of TCaptionStr; AMSlotSize, AMxOffset, AMyOffset, AMWidth, AMxShift, SlotsNum: LongInt; tmpSurface: PSDL_Surface; fpsTexture: PTexture; timeTexture: PTexture; FPS: Longword; CountTicks: Longword; SoundTimerTicks: Longword; prevPoint: TPoint; amSel: TAmmoType = amNothing; missionTex: PTexture; missionTimer: LongInt;procedure InitWorld;var i, t: LongInt; cp: PClan; g: ansistring; // helper functions to create the goal/game mode string function AddGoal(s: ansistring; gf: longword; si: TGoalStrId; i: LongInt): ansistring; var t: ansistring; begin if (GameFlags and gf) <> 0 then begin t:= inttostr(i); s:= s + format(trgoal[si], t) + '|' end; AddGoal:= s; end; function AddGoal(s: ansistring; gf: longword; si: TGoalStrId): ansistring; begin if (GameFlags and gf) <> 0 then s:= s + trgoal[si] + '|'; AddGoal:= s; end;beginmissionTimer:= 0;if (GameFlags and gfRandomOrder) <> 0 then // shuffle them up a bit begin for i:= 0 to ClansCount * 4 do begin t:= GetRandom(ClansCount); if t <> 0 then begin cp:= ClansArray[0]; ClansArray[0]:= ClansArray[t]; ClansArray[t]:= cp; ClansArray[t]^.ClanIndex:= t; ClansArray[0]^.ClanIndex:= 0; if (LocalClan = t) then LocalClan:= 0 else if (LocalClan = 0) then LocalClan:= t end; end; CurrentTeam:= ClansArray[0]^.Teams[0]; end;// if special game flags/settings are changed, add them to the game mode notice window and then show itg:= ''; // no text/things to note yet// check different game flags (goals/game modes first for now)g:= AddGoal(g, gfKing, gidKing); // king?// other important flagsg:= AddGoal(g, gfForts, gidForts); // forts?g:= AddGoal(g, gfLowGravity, gidLowGravity); // low gravity?g:= AddGoal(g, gfInvulnerable, gidInvulnerable); // invulnerability?g:= AddGoal(g, gfVampiric, gidVampiric); // vampirism?g:= AddGoal(g, gfKarma, gidKarma); // karma?g:= AddGoal(g, gfPlaceHog, gidPlaceHog); // placement?g:= AddGoal(g, gfArtillery, gidArtillery); // artillery?g:= AddGoal(g, gfSolidLand, gidSolidLand); // solid land?g:= AddGoal(g, gfSharedAmmo, gidSharedAmmo); // shared ammo?// modified damage modificator?if cDamagePercent <> 100 then g:= AddGoal(g, gfAny, gidDamageModifier, cDamagePercent);// fade inScreenFade:= sfFromBlack;ScreenFadeValue:= sfMax;ScreenFadeSpeed:= 1;// modified mine timers?if cMinesTime <> 3000 then begin if cMinesTime = 0 then g:= AddGoal(g, gfMines, gidNoMineTimer) else if cMinesTime < 0 then g:= AddGoal(g, gfMines, gidRandomMineTimer) else g:= AddGoal(g, gfMines, gidMineTimer, cMinesTime div 1000); end;// if the string has been set, show it for (default timeframe) secondsif g <> '' then ShowMission(trgoal[gidCaption], trgoal[gidSubCaption], g, 1, 0);cWaveWidth:= SpritesData[sprWater].Width;//cWaveHeight:= SpritesData[sprWater].Height;cWaveHeight:= 32;cGearScrEdgesDist:= Min(cScreenWidth div 2 - 100, cScreenHeight div 2 - 50);SDL_WarpMouse(cScreenWidth div 2, cScreenHeight div 2);prevPoint.X:= 0;prevPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight div 2;WorldDx:= - (LAND_WIDTH div 2) + cScreenWidth div 2;WorldDy:= - (LAND_HEIGHT - (playHeight div 2)) + (cScreenHeight div 2);AMSlotSize:= 33;{$IFDEF IPHONEOS}AMxOffset:= 10;AMyOffset:= 10 + 123; // moved downwardsAMWidth:= (cMaxSlotAmmoIndex + 1) * AMSlotSize + AMxOffset;{$ELSE}AMxOffset:= 10;AMyOffset:= 60;AMWidth:= (cMaxSlotAmmoIndex + 2) * AMSlotSize + AMxOffset;{$ENDIF}AMxShift:= AMWidth;SkyOffset:= 0;HorizontOffset:= 0;end;procedure ShowAmmoMenu;const MENUSPEED = 15;const BORDERSIZE = 2;var x, y, i, t, g: LongInt; Slot, Pos, STurns: LongInt; Ammo: PHHAmmo;beginif (TurnTimeLeft = 0) or (not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven and (((CurAmmoGear = nil) or ((Ammoz[CurAmmoGear^.AmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_AltAttack) = 0)) and hideAmmoMenu)) then bShowAmmoMenu:= false;if bShowAmmoMenu then begin FollowGear:= nil; if AMxShift = AMWidth then prevPoint.X:= 0; if (cReducedQuality and rqSlowMenu) <> 0 then AMxShift:= 0 else if AMxShift > MENUSPEED then dec(AMxShift, MENUSPEED) else AMxShift:= 0; end else begin if AMxShift = 0 then begin CursorPoint.X:= cScreenWidth shr 1; CursorPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight shr 1; prevPoint:= CursorPoint; SDL_WarpMouse(CursorPoint.X + cScreenWidth div 2, cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y) end; if (cReducedQuality and rqSlowMenu) <> 0 then AMxShift:= AMWidth else if AMxShift < (AMWidth - MENUSPEED) then inc(AMxShift, MENUSPEED) else AMxShift:= AMWidth; end;Ammo:= nil;if (CurrentTeam <> nil) and (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and (not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven) and (CurrentHedgehog^.BotLevel = 0) then Ammo:= CurrentHedgehog^.Ammoelse if (LocalAmmo <> -1) then Ammo:= GetAmmoByNum(LocalAmmo);Pos:= -1;if Ammo = nil then begin bShowAmmoMenu:= false; exit end;SlotsNum:= 0;x:= (cScreenWidth shr 1) - AMWidth + AMxShift;{$IFDEF IPHONEOS}Slot:= cMaxSlotIndex;x:= x - cOffsetY;y:= AMyOffset;dec(y, BORDERSIZE);DrawSprite(sprAMCorners, x - BORDERSIZE, y, 0);for i:= 0 to cMaxSlotAmmoIndex do DrawSprite(sprAMBorderHorizontal, x + i * AMSlotSize, y, 0);DrawSprite(sprAMCorners, x + AMWidth - AMxOffset, y, 1);inc(y, BORDERSIZE);for i:= 0 to cMaxSlotIndex do if ((i = 0) and (Ammo^[i, 1].Count > 0)) or ((i <> 0) and (Ammo^[i, 0].Count > 0)) then begin if (cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y >= y) and (cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y <= y + AMSlotSize) then Slot:= i; inc(SlotsNum); DrawSprite(sprAMBorderVertical, x - BORDERSIZE, y, 0); t:= 0; g:= 0; while (t <= cMaxSlotAmmoIndex) and (Ammo^[i, t].Count > 0) do begin DrawSprite(sprAMSlot, x + g * AMSlotSize, y, 1); if (Ammo^[i, t].AmmoType <> amNothing) then begin STurns:= Ammoz[Ammo^[i, t].AmmoType].SkipTurns - CurrentTeam^.Clan^.TurnNumber; if STurns >= 0 then begin DrawSprite(sprAMAmmosBW, x + g * AMSlotSize, y + 1, LongInt(Ammo^[i, t].AmmoType)-1); if STurns < 100 then DrawSprite(sprTurnsLeft, x + (g + 1) * AMSlotSize - 16, y + AMSlotSize - 16, STurns); end else DrawSprite(sprAMAmmos, x + g * AMSlotSize, y + 1, LongInt(Ammo^[i, t].AmmoType)-1); if (Slot = i) and (CursorPoint.X >= x + g * AMSlotSize) and (CursorPoint.X <= x + (g + 1) * AMSlotSize) then begin if (STurns < 0) then DrawSprite(sprAMSlot, x + g * AMSlotSize, y, 0); Pos:= t; end; inc(g) end; inc(t) end; for g:= g to cMaxSlotAmmoIndex do DrawSprite(sprAMSlot, x + g * AMSlotSize, y, 1); DrawSprite(sprAMBorderVertical, x + AMWidth - AMxOffset, y, 1); inc(y, AMSlotSize); end;DrawSprite(sprAMCorners, x - BORDERSIZE, y, 2);for i:= 0 to cMaxSlotAmmoIndex do DrawSprite(sprAMBorderHorizontal, x + i * AMSlotSize, y, 1);DrawSprite(sprAMCorners, x + AMWidth - AMxOffset, y, 3);{$ELSE}Slot:= 0;y:= cScreenHeight - AMyOffset;DrawSprite(sprAMCorners, x - BORDERSIZE, y, 2);for i:= 0 to cMaxSlotAmmoIndex + 1 do DrawSprite(sprAMBorderHorizontal, x + i * AMSlotSize, y, 1);DrawSprite(sprAMCorners, x + AMWidth - AMxOffset, y, 3);dec(y, AMSlotSize);DrawSprite(sprAMBorderVertical, x - BORDERSIZE, y, 0);for i:= 0 to cMaxSlotAmmoIndex do DrawSprite(sprAMSlot, x + i * AMSlotSize, y, 2);DrawSprite(sprAMSlot, x + (cMaxSlotAmmoIndex + 1) * AMSlotSize, y, 1);DrawSprite(sprAMBorderVertical, x + AMWidth - AMxOffset, y, 1);for i:= cMaxSlotIndex downto 0 do if ((i = 0) and (Ammo^[i, 1].Count > 0)) or ((i <> 0) and (Ammo^[i, 0].Count > 0)) then begin if (cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y >= y - AMSlotSize) and (cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y <= y) then Slot:= i; dec(y, AMSlotSize); inc(SlotsNum); DrawSprite(sprAMBorderVertical, x - BORDERSIZE, y, 0); DrawSprite(sprAMSlot, x, y, 1); DrawSprite(sprAMSlotKeys, x, y + 1, i); t:= 0; g:= 1; while (t <= cMaxSlotAmmoIndex) and (Ammo^[i, t].Count > 0) do begin DrawSprite(sprAMSlot, x + g * AMSlotSize, y, 1); if (Ammo^[i, t].AmmoType <> amNothing) then begin STurns:= Ammoz[Ammo^[i, t].AmmoType].SkipTurns - CurrentTeam^.Clan^.TurnNumber; if STurns >= 0 then begin DrawSprite(sprAMAmmosBW, x + g * AMSlotSize, y + 1, LongInt(Ammo^[i, t].AmmoType)-1); if STurns < 100 then DrawSprite(sprTurnsLeft, x + (g + 1) * AMSlotSize - 16, y + AMSlotSize - 16, STurns); end else DrawSprite(sprAMAmmos, x + g * AMSlotSize, y + 1, LongInt(Ammo^[i, t].AmmoType)-1); if (Slot = i) and (CursorPoint.X >= x + g * AMSlotSize) and (CursorPoint.X <= x + (g + 1) * AMSlotSize) then begin if (STurns < 0) then DrawSprite(sprAMSlot, x + g * AMSlotSize, y, 0); Pos:= t; end; inc(g) end; inc(t) end; for g:= g to cMaxSlotAmmoIndex + 1 do DrawSprite(sprAMSlot, x + g * AMSlotSize, y, 1); DrawSprite(sprAMBorderVertical, x + AMWidth - AMxOffset, y, 1); end;dec(y, BORDERSIZE);DrawSprite(sprAMCorners, x - BORDERSIZE, y, 0);for i:= 0 to cMaxSlotAmmoIndex + 1 do DrawSprite(sprAMBorderHorizontal, x + i * AMSlotSize, y, 0);DrawSprite(sprAMCorners, x + AMWidth - AMxOffset, y, 1);{$ENDIF}if (Pos >= 0) then begin if (Ammo^[Slot, Pos].Count > 0) and (Ammo^[Slot, Pos].AmmoType <> amNothing) then begin if (amSel <> Ammo^[Slot, Pos].AmmoType) or (WeaponTooltipTex = nil) then begin amSel:= Ammo^[Slot, Pos].AmmoType; RenderWeaponTooltip(amSel) end;{$IFDEF IPHONEOS} DrawTexture(cScreenWidth div 2 - (AMWidth - 10) + AMxShift, AMyOffset - 25, Ammoz[Ammo^[Slot, Pos].AmmoType].NameTex); if Ammo^[Slot, Pos].Count < AMMO_INFINITE then DrawTexture(cScreenWidth div 2 + AMxOffset - 45, AMyOffset - 25, CountTexz[Ammo^[Slot, Pos].Count]);{$ELSE} DrawTexture(cScreenWidth div 2 - (AMWidth - 10) + AMxShift, cScreenHeight - AMyOffset - 25, Ammoz[Ammo^[Slot, Pos].AmmoType].NameTex); if Ammo^[Slot, Pos].Count < AMMO_INFINITE then DrawTexture(cScreenWidth div 2 + AMxOffset - 45, cScreenHeight - AMyOffset - 25, CountTexz[Ammo^[Slot, Pos].Count]);{$ENDIF} if bSelected and (Ammoz[Ammo^[Slot, Pos].AmmoType].SkipTurns - CurrentTeam^.Clan^.TurnNumber < 0) then begin bShowAmmoMenu:= false; SetWeapon(Ammo^[Slot, Pos].AmmoType); bSelected:= false; FreeWeaponTooltip; exit end; end endelse FreeWeaponTooltip;if (WeaponTooltipTex <> nil) and (AMxShift = 0) then{$IFDEF IPHONEOS} ShowWeaponTooltip(x - WeaponTooltipTex^.w - 3, AMyOffset - 1);{$ELSE} ShowWeaponTooltip(x - WeaponTooltipTex^.w - 3, min(y + 1, cScreenHeight - WeaponTooltipTex^.h - 40));{$ENDIF}bSelected:= false;if AMxShift = 0 then DrawSprite(sprArrow, CursorPoint.X, cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y, (RealTicks shr 6) mod 8)end;procedure DrawWater(Alpha: byte; OffsetY: LongInt);var VertexBuffer: array [0..3] of TVertex2f; r: TSDL_Rect; lw, lh: GLfloat;begin WaterColorArray[0].a := Alpha; WaterColorArray[1].a := Alpha; WaterColorArray[2].a := Alpha; WaterColorArray[3].a := Alpha; lw:= cScreenWidth / cScaleFactor; lh:= trunc(cScreenHeight / cScaleFactor) + cScreenHeight div 2 + 16; // Water r.y:= OffsetY + WorldDy + cWaterLine; if WorldDy < trunc(cScreenHeight / cScaleFactor) + cScreenHeight div 2 - cWaterLine then begin if r.y < 0 then r.y:= 0; glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); VertexBuffer[0].X:= -lw; VertexBuffer[0].Y:= r.y; VertexBuffer[1].X:= lw; VertexBuffer[1].Y:= r.y; VertexBuffer[2].X:= lw; VertexBuffer[2].Y:= lh; VertexBuffer[3].X:= -lw; VertexBuffer[3].Y:= lh; glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, @WaterColorArray[0]); glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, @VertexBuffer[0]); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, Length(VertexBuffer)); glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glColor4ub($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); // must not be Tint() as color array seems to stay active and color reset is required glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); end;end;procedure DrawWaves(Dir, dX, dY: LongInt; tnt: Byte);var VertexBuffer, TextureBuffer: array [0..3] of TVertex2f; lw, waves, shift: GLfloat;beginlw:= cScreenWidth / cScaleFactor;waves:= lw * 2 / cWaveWidth;Tint(LongInt(tnt) * WaterColorArray[2].r div 255 + 255 - tnt, LongInt(tnt) * WaterColorArray[2].g div 255 + 255 - tnt, LongInt(tnt) * WaterColorArray[2].b div 255 + 255 - tnt, 255);glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, SpritesData[sprWater].Texture^.id);VertexBuffer[0].X:= -lw;VertexBuffer[0].Y:= cWaterLine + WorldDy + dY;VertexBuffer[1].X:= lw;VertexBuffer[1].Y:= VertexBuffer[0].Y;VertexBuffer[2].X:= lw;VertexBuffer[2].Y:= VertexBuffer[0].Y + SpritesData[sprWater].Height;VertexBuffer[3].X:= -lw;VertexBuffer[3].Y:= VertexBuffer[2].Y;shift:= - lw / cWaveWidth;TextureBuffer[0].X:= shift + (( - WorldDx + LongInt(RealTicks shr 6) * Dir + dX) mod cWaveWidth) / (cWaveWidth - 1);TextureBuffer[0].Y:= 0;TextureBuffer[1].X:= TextureBuffer[0].X + waves;TextureBuffer[1].Y:= TextureBuffer[0].Y;TextureBuffer[2].X:= TextureBuffer[1].X;TextureBuffer[2].Y:= SpritesData[sprWater].Texture^.ry;TextureBuffer[3].X:= TextureBuffer[0].X;TextureBuffer[3].Y:= TextureBuffer[2].Y;glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, @VertexBuffer[0]);glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, @TextureBuffer[0]);glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, Length(VertexBuffer));Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF);{for i:= -1 to cWaterSprCount do DrawSprite(sprWater, i * cWaveWidth + ((WorldDx + (RealTicks shr 6) * Dir + dX) mod cWaveWidth) - (cScreenWidth div 2), cWaterLine + WorldDy + dY, 0)}end;procedure DrawRepeated(spr, sprL, sprR: TSprite; Shift, OffsetY: LongInt);var i, w, h, lw, lh, rw, rh, sw: LongInt;begin sw:= round(cScreenWidth / cScaleFactor); if (SpritesData[sprL].Texture = nil) or (SpritesData[sprR].Texture = nil) then begin w:= SpritesData[spr].Width * SpritesData[spr].Texture^.Scale; h:= SpritesData[spr].Height * SpritesData[spr].Texture^.Scale; i:= Shift mod w; if i > 0 then dec(i, w); dec(i, w * (sw div w + 1)); repeat DrawTexture(i, WorldDy + LAND_HEIGHT + OffsetY - h, SpritesData[spr].Texture, SpritesData[spr].Texture^.Scale); inc(i, w) until i > sw end else begin w:= SpritesData[spr].Width * SpritesData[spr].Texture^.Scale; h:= SpritesData[spr].Height * SpritesData[spr].Texture^.Scale; lw:= SpritesData[sprL].Width * SpritesData[spr].Texture^.Scale; lh:= SpritesData[sprL].Height * SpritesData[spr].Texture^.Scale; rw:= SpritesData[sprR].Width * SpritesData[spr].Texture^.Scale; rh:= SpritesData[sprR].Height * SpritesData[spr].Texture^.Scale; dec(Shift, w div 2); DrawTexture(Shift, WorldDy + LAND_HEIGHT + OffsetY - h, SpritesData[spr].Texture, SpritesData[spr].Texture^.Scale); i:= Shift - lw; while i >= -sw - lw do begin DrawTexture(i, WorldDy + LAND_HEIGHT + OffsetY - lh, SpritesData[sprL].Texture, SpritesData[sprL].Texture^.Scale); dec(i, lw); end; i:= Shift + w; while i <= sw do begin DrawTexture(i, WorldDy + LAND_HEIGHT + OffsetY - rh, SpritesData[sprR].Texture, SpritesData[sprR].Texture^.Scale); inc(i, rw) end endend;procedure DrawWorld(Lag: LongInt);var i, t: LongInt; r: TSDL_Rect; tdx, tdy: Double; grp: TCapGroup; s: string[15]; highlight: Boolean; offset, offsetX, offsetY, ScreenBottom: LongInt; VertexBuffer: array [0..3] of TVertex2f;begin if not isPaused then begin if ZoomValue < zoom then begin zoom:= zoom - 0.002 * Lag; if ZoomValue > zoom then zoom:= ZoomValue end else if ZoomValue > zoom then begin zoom:= zoom + 0.002 * Lag; if ZoomValue < zoom then zoom:= ZoomValue end end else ZoomValue:= zoom; // Sky glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); //glPushMatrix; //glScalef(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); if not isPaused then MoveCamera; if (cReducedQuality and rqNoBackground) = 0 then begin // Offsets relative to camera - spare them to wimpier cpus, no bg or flakes for them anyway ScreenBottom:= (WorldDy - trunc(cScreenHeight/cScaleFactor) - (cScreenHeight div 2) + cWaterLine); offsetY:= 10 * min(0, -145 - ScreenBottom); SkyOffset:= offsetY div 35 + cWaveHeight; HorizontOffset:= SkyOffset; if ScreenBottom > SkyOffset then HorizontOffset:= HorizontOffset + ((ScreenBottom-SkyOffset) div 20); // background DrawRepeated(sprSky, sprSkyL, sprSkyR, (WorldDx + LAND_WIDTH div 2) * 3 div 8, SkyOffset); DrawRepeated(sprHorizont, sprHorizontL, sprHorizontR, (WorldDx + LAND_WIDTH div 2) * 3 div 5, HorizontOffset); end; DrawVisualGears(0); if (cReducedQuality and rq2DWater) = 0 then begin // Waves DrawWater(255, SkyOffset); DrawWaves( 1, 0 - WorldDx div 32, - cWaveHeight + offsetY div 35, 64); DrawWaves( -1, 25 + WorldDx div 25, - cWaveHeight + offsetY div 38, 48); DrawWaves( 1, 75 - WorldDx div 19, - cWaveHeight + offsetY div 45, 32); DrawWaves(-1, 100 + WorldDx div 14, - cWaveHeight + offsetY div 70, 24); end else DrawWaves(-1, 100, - (cWaveHeight + (cWaveHeight shr 1)), 0); DrawLand(WorldDx, WorldDy); DrawWater(255, 0);// Attack bar if CurrentTeam <> nil then case AttackBar of(* 1: begin r:= StuffPoz[sPowerBar]; {$WARNINGS OFF} r.w:= (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.Power * 256) div cPowerDivisor; {$WARNINGS ON} DrawSpriteFromRect(r, cScreenWidth - 272, cScreenHeight - 48, 16, 0, Surface); end;*) 2: with CurrentHedgehog^ do begin tdx:= hwSign(Gear^.dX) * Sin(Gear^.Angle * Pi / cMaxAngle); tdy:= - Cos(Gear^.Angle * Pi / cMaxAngle); for i:= (Gear^.Power * 24) div cPowerDivisor downto 0 do DrawSprite(sprPower, int64(hwRound(Gear^.X)) + GetLaunchX(CurAmmoType, hwSign(Gear^.dX), Gear^.Angle) + round(WorldDx + tdx * (24 + i * 2)) - 16, int64(hwRound(Gear^.Y)) + GetLaunchY(CurAmmoType, Gear^.Angle) + round(WorldDy + tdy * (24 + i * 2)) - 16, i) end end; DrawVisualGears(1); DrawGears; DrawVisualGears(2); DrawWater(cWaterOpacity, 0); // Waves DrawWaves( 1, 25 - WorldDx div 9, - cWaveHeight, 12); if (cReducedQuality and rq2DWater) = 0 then begin //DrawWater(cWaterOpacity, - offsetY div 40); DrawWaves(-1, 50 + WorldDx div 6, - cWaveHeight - offsetY div 40, 8); DrawWater(cWaterOpacity, - offsetY div 20); DrawWaves( 1, 75 - WorldDx div 4, - cWaveHeight - offsetY div 20, 2); DrawWater(cWaterOpacity, - offsetY div 10); DrawWaves( -1, 25 + WorldDx div 3, - cWaveHeight - offsetY div 10, 0); end else DrawWaves(-1, 50, - (cWaveHeight shr 1), 0);{$WARNINGS OFF}// Targetif (TargetPoint.X <> NoPointX) and (CurrentTeam <> nil) and (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) then begin with PHedgehog(CurrentHedgehog)^ do begin if (CurAmmoType = amBee) then DrawRotatedF(sprTargetBee, TargetPoint.X + WorldDx, TargetPoint.Y + WorldDy, 0, 0, (RealTicks shr 3) mod 360) else DrawRotatedF(sprTargetP, TargetPoint.X + WorldDx, TargetPoint.Y + WorldDy, 0, 0, (RealTicks shr 3) mod 360); end; end;{$WARNINGS ON}// this scale is used to keep the various widgets at the same dimension at all zoom levelsSetScale(cDefaultZoomLevel);// Turn time{$IFDEF IPHONEOS}offsetX:= cScreenHeight - 13;{$ELSE}offsetX:= 48;{$ENDIF}offsetY:= cOffsetY;if ((TurnTimeLeft <> 0) and (TurnTimeLeft < 1000000)) or (ReadyTimeLeft <> 0) then begin if ReadyTimeLeft <> 0 then i:= Succ(Pred(ReadyTimeLeft) div 1000) else i:= Succ(Pred(TurnTimeLeft) div 1000); if i>99 then t:= 112 else if i>9 then t:= 96 else t:= 80; DrawSprite(sprFrame, -(cScreenWidth shr 1) + t + offsetY, cScreenHeight - offsetX, 1); while i > 0 do begin dec(t, 32); DrawSprite(sprBigDigit, -(cScreenWidth shr 1) + t + offsetY, cScreenHeight - offsetX, i mod 10); i:= i div 10 end; DrawSprite(sprFrame, -(cScreenWidth shr 1) + t - 4 + offsetY, cScreenHeight - offsetX, 0); end;{$IFNDEF IPHONEOS}// Timetrialif ((TrainingFlags and tfTimeTrial) <> 0) and (TimeTrialStartTime > 0) then begin if TimeTrialStopTime = 0 then i:= RealTicks - TimeTrialStartTime else i:= TimeTrialStopTime - TimeTrialStartTime; t:= 272; // right frame DrawSprite(sprFrame, -cScreenWidth div 2 + t, 8, 1); dec(t, 32); // 1 ms DrawSprite(sprBigDigit, -cScreenWidth div 2 + t, 8, i mod 10); dec(t, 32); i:= i div 10; // 10 ms DrawSprite(sprBigDigit, -cScreenWidth div 2 + t, 8, i mod 10); dec(t, 32); i:= i div 10; // 100 ms DrawSprite(sprBigDigit, -cScreenWidth div 2 + t, 8, i mod 10); dec(t, 16); // Point DrawSprite(sprBigDigit, -cScreenWidth div 2 + t, 8, 11); dec(t, 32); i:= i div 10; // 1 s DrawSprite(sprBigDigit, -cScreenWidth div 2 + t, 8, i mod 10); dec(t, 32); i:= i div 10; // 10s DrawSprite(sprBigDigit, -cScreenWidth div 2 + t, 8, i mod 6); dec(t, 16); // Point DrawSprite(sprBigDigit, -cScreenWidth div 2 + t, 8, 10); dec(t, 32); i:= i div 6; // 1 m DrawSprite(sprBigDigit, -cScreenWidth div 2 + t, 8, i mod 10); dec(t, 32); i:= i div 10; // 10 m DrawSprite(sprBigDigit, -cScreenWidth div 2 + t, 8, i mod 10); // left frame DrawSprite(sprFrame, -cScreenWidth div 2 + t - 4, 8, 0); end;{$ENDIF}// Captions{$IFDEF IPHONEOS}offset:= 40;{$ELSE}if ((TrainingFlags and tfTimeTrial) <> 0) and (TimeTrialStartTime > 0) then offset:= 48else offset:= 8;{$ENDIF} for grp:= Low(TCapGroup) to High(TCapGroup) do with Captions[grp] do if Tex <> nil then begin DrawCentered(0, offset, Tex); inc(offset, Tex^.h + 2); if EndTime <= RealTicks then begin FreeTexture(Tex); Tex:= nil; EndTime:= 0 end; end;// Teams Healthsfor t:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do with TeamsArray[t]^ do begin highlight:= bShowFinger and (CurrentTeam = TeamsArray[t]) and ((RealTicks mod 1000) < 500); if highlight then Tint(Clan^.Color); // draw name DrawTexture(-NameTagTex^.w - 16, cScreenHeight + DrawHealthY, NameTagTex); // draw flag DrawTexture(-14, cScreenHeight + DrawHealthY, FlagTex); // draw health bar r.x:= 0; r.y:= 0; r.w:= 2 + TeamHealthBarWidth; r.h:= HealthTex^.h; DrawFromRect(14, cScreenHeight + DrawHealthY, @r, HealthTex); // draw health bar's right border inc(r.x, cTeamHealthWidth + 2); r.w:= 3; DrawFromRect(TeamHealthBarWidth + 16, cScreenHeight + DrawHealthY, @r, HealthTex); // draw ai kill counter for gfAISurvival if (GameFlags and gfAISurvival) <> 0 then begin DrawTexture(TeamHealthBarWidth + 22, cScreenHeight + DrawHealthY, AIKillsTex); end; // if highlighted, draw flag and other contents again to keep their colors // this approach should be faster than drawing all borders one by one tinted or not if highlight then begin Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); // draw name r.x:= 2; r.y:= 2; r.w:= NameTagTex^.w - 4; r.h:= NameTagTex^.h - 4; DrawFromRect(-NameTagTex^.w - 14, cScreenHeight + DrawHealthY + 2, @r, NameTagTex); // draw flag r.w:= 22; r.h:= 15; DrawFromRect(-12, cScreenHeight + DrawHealthY + 2, @r, FlagTex); // draw health bar r.w:= TeamHealthBarWidth + 1; r.h:= HealthTex^.h - 4; DrawFromRect(16, cScreenHeight + DrawHealthY + 2, @r, HealthTex); end; end;// Lag alertif isInLag then DrawSprite(sprLag, 32 - (cScreenWidth shr 1), 32, (RealTicks shr 7) mod 12);// Wind bar{$IFDEF IPHONEOS} offsetX:= cScreenHeight - 13; offsetY:= (cScreenWidth shr 1) + 74;{$ELSE} offsetX:= 30; offsetY:= 180;{$ENDIF} DrawSprite(sprWindBar, (cScreenWidth shr 1) - offsetY, cScreenHeight - offsetX, 0); if WindBarWidth > 0 then begin {$WARNINGS OFF} r.x:= 8 - (RealTicks shr 6) mod 8; {$WARNINGS ON} r.y:= 0; r.w:= WindBarWidth; r.h:= 13; DrawSpriteFromRect(sprWindR, r, (cScreenWidth shr 1) - offsetY + 77, cScreenHeight - offsetX + 2, 13, 0); end else if WindBarWidth < 0 then begin {$WARNINGS OFF} r.x:= (Longword(WindBarWidth) + RealTicks shr 6) mod 8; {$WARNINGS ON} r.y:= 0; r.w:= - WindBarWidth; r.h:= 13; DrawSpriteFromRect(sprWindL, r, (cScreenWidth shr 1) - offsetY + 74 + WindBarWidth, cScreenHeight - offsetX + 2, 13, 0); end;// AmmoMenuif (AMxShift < AMWidth) or bShowAmmoMenu then ShowAmmoMenu;// Cursorif isCursorVisible and bShowAmmoMenu then DrawSprite(sprArrow, CursorPoint.X, cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y, (RealTicks shr 6) mod 8);DrawChat;if fastUntilLag then DrawCentered(0, (cScreenHeight shr 1), SyncTexture);if isPaused then DrawCentered(0, (cScreenHeight shr 1), PauseTexture);if not isFirstFrame and (missionTimer <> 0) or isPaused or fastUntilLag or (GameState = gsConfirm) then begin if (ReadyTimeLeft = 0) and (missionTimer > 0) then dec(missionTimer, Lag); if missionTimer < 0 then missionTimer:= 0; // avoid subtracting below 0 if missionTex <> nil then DrawCentered(0, min((cScreenHeight shr 1) + 100, cScreenHeight - 48 - missionTex^.h), missionTex); end;// fps{$IFDEF IPHONEOS}offsetX:= 8;{$ELSE}offsetX:= 10;{$ENDIF}offsetY:= cOffsetY;inc(Frames);if cShowFPS or (GameType = gmtDemo) then inc(CountTicks, Lag);if (GameType = gmtDemo) and (CountTicks >= 1000) then begin i:=GameTicks div 1000; t:= i mod 60; s:= inttostr(t); if t < 10 then s:= '0' + s; i:= i div 60; t:= i mod 60; s:= inttostr(t) + ':' + s; if t < 10 then s:= '0' + s; s:= inttostr(i div 60) + ':' + s; if timeTexture <> nil then FreeTexture(timeTexture); timeTexture:= nil; tmpSurface:= TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(Fontz[fnt16].Handle, Str2PChar(s), cWhiteColorChannels); tmpSurface:= doSurfaceConversion(tmpSurface); timeTexture:= Surface2Tex(tmpSurface, false); SDL_FreeSurface(tmpSurface) end;if timeTexture <> nil then DrawTexture((cScreenWidth shr 1) - 20 - timeTexture^.w - offsetY, offsetX + timeTexture^.h+5, timeTexture);if cShowFPS then begin if CountTicks >= 1000 then begin FPS:= Frames; Frames:= 0; CountTicks:= 0; s:= inttostr(FPS) + ' fps'; if fpsTexture <> nil then FreeTexture(fpsTexture); fpsTexture:= nil; tmpSurface:= TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(Fontz[fnt16].Handle, Str2PChar(s), cWhiteColorChannels); tmpSurface:= doSurfaceConversion(tmpSurface); fpsTexture:= Surface2Tex(tmpSurface, false); SDL_FreeSurface(tmpSurface) end; if fpsTexture <> nil then DrawTexture((cScreenWidth shr 1) - 60 - offsetY, offsetX, fpsTexture); end;if CountTicks >= 1000 then CountTicks:= 0;// lag warning (?)inc(SoundTimerTicks, Lag);if SoundTimerTicks >= 50 then begin SoundTimerTicks:= 0; if cVolumeDelta <> 0 then begin str(ChangeVolume(cVolumeDelta), s); AddCaption(Format(trmsg[sidVolume], s), cWhiteColor, capgrpVolume) end end;if GameState = gsConfirm then DrawCentered(0, (cScreenHeight shr 1), ConfirmTexture);if ScreenFade <> sfNone then begin if not isFirstFrame then case ScreenFade of sfToBlack, sfToWhite: if ScreenFadeValue + Lag * ScreenFadeSpeed < sfMax then inc(ScreenFadeValue, Lag * ScreenFadeSpeed) else ScreenFadeValue:= sfMax; sfFromBlack, sfFromWhite: if ScreenFadeValue - Lag * ScreenFadeSpeed > 0 then dec(ScreenFadeValue, Lag * ScreenFadeSpeed) else ScreenFadeValue:= 0; end; if ScreenFade <> sfNone then begin case ScreenFade of sfToBlack, sfFromBlack: Tint(0, 0, 0, ScreenFadeValue * 255 div 1000); sfToWhite, sfFromWhite: Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, ScreenFadeValue * 255 div 1000); end; VertexBuffer[0].X:= -cScreenWidth; VertexBuffer[0].Y:= cScreenHeight; VertexBuffer[1].X:= -cScreenWidth; VertexBuffer[1].Y:= 0; VertexBuffer[2].X:= cScreenWidth; VertexBuffer[2].Y:= 0; VertexBuffer[3].X:= cScreenWidth; VertexBuffer[3].Y:= cScreenHeight; glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, @VertexBuffer[0]); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, Length(VertexBuffer)); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); if not isFirstFrame and ((ScreenFadeValue = 0) or (ScreenFadeValue = sfMax)) then ScreenFade:= sfNone end end;SetScale(zoom);// Cursorif isCursorVisible then begin if not bShowAmmoMenu then begin with CurrentHedgehog^ do if (Gear <> nil) and ((Gear^.State and gstHHChooseTarget) <> 0) then begin i:= GetAmmoEntry(CurrentHedgehog^)^.Pos; with Ammoz[CurAmmoType] do if PosCount > 1 then DrawSprite(PosSprite, CursorPoint.X - (SpritesData[PosSprite].Width shr 1), cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y - (SpritesData[PosSprite].Height shr 1),i); end; DrawSprite(sprArrow, CursorPoint.X, cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y, (RealTicks shr 6) mod 8) end end;isFirstFrame:= falseend;procedure AddCaption(s: shortstring; Color: Longword; Group: TCapGroup);begin//if Group in [capgrpGameState] then WriteLnToConsole(s); if Captions[Group].Tex <> nil then FreeTexture(Captions[Group].Tex); Captions[Group].Tex:= nil; Captions[Group].Tex:= RenderStringTex(s, Color, fntBig); case Group of capgrpGameState: Captions[Group].EndTime:= RealTicks + 2200 else Captions[Group].EndTime:= RealTicks + 1400 + LongWord(Captions[Group].Tex^.w) * 3; end;end;procedure MoveCamera;var EdgesDist, wdy: LongInt; PrevSentPointTime: LongWord = 0;begin{$IFNDEF IPHONEOS}if (not (CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven and isCursorVisible and not bShowAmmoMenu)) and cHasFocus thenbegin SDL_GetMouseState(@CursorPoint.X, @CursorPoint.Y); CursorPoint.X:= CursorPoint.X - (cScreenWidth shr 1); CursorPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y;end;{$ENDIF}if (not PlacingHogs) and (FollowGear <> nil) and (not isCursorVisible) and (not fastUntilLag) then if abs(CursorPoint.X - prevPoint.X) + abs(CursorPoint.Y - prevpoint.Y) > 4 then begin FollowGear:= nil; prevPoint:= CursorPoint; exit end else begin CursorPoint.X:= (prevPoint.X * 7 + hwRound(FollowGear^.X) + hwSign(FollowGear^.dX) * 100 + WorldDx) div 8; CursorPoint.Y:= (prevPoint.Y * 7 + cScreenHeight - (hwRound(FollowGear^.Y) + WorldDy)) div 8; end;wdy:= trunc(cScreenHeight / cScaleFactor) + cScreenHeight div 2 - cWaterLine - cVisibleWater;if WorldDy < wdy then WorldDy:= wdy;if ((CursorPoint.X = prevPoint.X) and (CursorPoint.Y = prevpoint.Y)) then exit;if AMxShift < AMWidth thenbegin{$IFDEF IPHONEOS} if CursorPoint.X < cScreenWidth div 2 + AMxShift - AMWidth then CursorPoint.X:= cScreenWidth div 2 + AMxShift - AMWidth; if CursorPoint.X > cScreenWidth div 2 + AMxShift - AMxOffset then CursorPoint.X:= cScreenWidth div 2 + AMxShift - AMxOffset; if CursorPoint.Y < cScreenHeight - AMyOffset - SlotsNum * AMSlotSize then CursorPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight - AMyOffset - SlotsNum * AMSlotSize; if CursorPoint.Y > cScreenHeight - AMyOffset then CursorPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight - AMyOffset;{$ELSE} if CursorPoint.X < cScreenWidth div 2 + AMxShift - AMWidth + AMSlotSize then CursorPoint.X:= cScreenWidth div 2 + AMxShift - AMWidth + AMSlotSize; if CursorPoint.X > cScreenWidth div 2 + AMxShift - AMxOffset then CursorPoint.X:= cScreenWidth div 2 + AMxShift - AMxOffset; if CursorPoint.Y > AMyOffset + (SlotsNum + 1) * AMSlotSize then CursorPoint.Y:= AMyOffset + (SlotsNum + 1) * AMSlotSize; if CursorPoint.Y < AMyOffset + AMSlotSize then CursorPoint.Y:= AMyOffset + AMSlotSize;{$ENDIF} prevPoint:= CursorPoint; if cHasFocus then SDL_WarpMouse(CursorPoint.X + cScreenWidth div 2, cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y); exitend;if isCursorVisible thenbegin if (not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven) and (GameTicks >= PrevSentPointTime + cSendCursorPosTime) then begin SendIPCXY('P', CursorPoint.X - WorldDx, cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y - WorldDy); PrevSentPointTime:= GameTicks end; EdgesDist:= cCursorEdgesDistendelse EdgesDist:= cGearScrEdgesDist;// this generates the border around the screen that moves the camera when cursor is near itif isCursorVisible or (FollowGear <> nil) thenbegin if CursorPoint.X < - cScreenWidth div 2 + EdgesDist then begin WorldDx:= WorldDx - CursorPoint.X - cScreenWidth div 2 + EdgesDist; CursorPoint.X:= - cScreenWidth div 2 + EdgesDist end else if CursorPoint.X > cScreenWidth div 2 - EdgesDist then begin WorldDx:= WorldDx - CursorPoint.X + cScreenWidth div 2 - EdgesDist; CursorPoint.X:= cScreenWidth div 2 - EdgesDist end; if CursorPoint.Y < EdgesDist then begin WorldDy:= WorldDy + CursorPoint.Y - EdgesDist; CursorPoint.Y:= EdgesDist end else if CursorPoint.Y > cScreenHeight - EdgesDist then begin WorldDy:= WorldDy + CursorPoint.Y - cScreenHeight + EdgesDist; CursorPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight - EdgesDist end;endelse if cHasFocus then begin WorldDx:= WorldDx - CursorPoint.X + prevPoint.X; WorldDy:= WorldDy + CursorPoint.Y - prevPoint.Y; CursorPoint.X:= 0; CursorPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight div 2; end;// this moves the camera according to CursorPoint X and YprevPoint:= CursorPoint;if cHasFocus then SDL_WarpMouse(CursorPoint.X + (cScreenWidth shr 1), cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y);if WorldDy > LAND_HEIGHT + 1024 then WorldDy:= LAND_HEIGHT + 1024;if WorldDy < wdy then WorldDy:= wdy;if WorldDx < - LAND_WIDTH - 1024 then WorldDx:= - LAND_WIDTH - 1024;if WorldDx > 1024 then WorldDx:= 1024;end;procedure ShowMission(caption, subcaption, text: ansistring; icon, time : LongInt);var r: TSDL_Rect;beginr.w:= 32;r.h:= 32;if time = 0 then time:= 5000;missionTimer:= time;if missionTex <> nil then FreeTexture(missionTex);missionTex:= nil;if icon > -1 then begin r.x:= 0; r.y:= icon * 32; missionTex:= RenderHelpWindow(caption, subcaption, text, '', 0, MissionIcons, @r) endelse begin r.x:= ((-icon - 1) shr 5) * 32; r.y:= ((-icon - 1) mod 32) * 32; missionTex:= RenderHelpWindow(caption, subcaption, text, '', 0, SpritesData[sprAMAmmos].Surface, @r) end;end;procedure HideMission;begin missionTimer:= 0; if missionTex <> nil then FreeTexture(missionTex);end;procedure ShakeCamera(amount: LongWord);begin amount:= max(1, amount); WorldDx:= WorldDx - amount + LongInt(getRandom(1 + amount * 2)); WorldDy:= WorldDy - amount + LongInt(getRandom(1 + amount * 2));end;procedure initModule;begin fpsTexture:= nil; FollowGear:= nil; WindBarWidth:= 0; bShowAmmoMenu:= false; bSelected:= false; bShowFinger:= false; Frames:= 0; WorldDx:= -512; WorldDy:= -256; FPS:= 0; CountTicks:= 0; SoundTimerTicks:= 0; prevPoint.X:= 0; prevPoint.Y:= 0; missionTimer:= 0; missionTex:= nil; cOffsetY:= 0; FillChar(Captions, sizeof(Captions), 0)end;procedure freeModule;beginend;end.