author koda
Thu, 01 Apr 2010 00:21:00 +0000
changeset 3223 f0e590790f3b
parent 2948 3f21a9dc93d0
child 3947 709fdb89f76c
permissions -rw-r--r--
credits updated, adding Palewolf, sheepluva and prg as devs and replaced my previous openal stuff with something more current fixed diglett hat szczur updated locale


module Main where

import IO
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Network
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import System.Random

#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Posix

testing = Control.Exception.handle print $ do
    delay <- randomRIO (100::Int, 300)
    threadDelay delay
    sock <- connectTo "" (PortNumber 46631)
    hClose sock

forks i = do
    delay <- randomRIO (50::Int, 190)
    if i `mod` 10 == 0 then putStr (show i) else putStr "."
    hFlush stdout
    threadDelay delay
    forkIO testing
    forks (i + 1)

main = withSocketsDo $ do
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    installHandler sigPIPE Ignore Nothing;
    forks 1