- Mine weapon
- Random mines on map
- Refactored code that places weapons to slots
- Generating more spawn points
- cMaxSlot -> cMaxSlotIndex, cMaxSlotAmmo -> cMaxSlotAmmoIndex
- Changed weapons to slots mapping
; Конфиг команды
name team "C0CuCKAzZz"
name hh0 "Йожык"
name hh1 "Ёжик"
name hh2 "Ёжык"
name hh3 "Йожик"
name hh4 "Ёжик без ножек"
name hh5 "Just hedgehog"
name hh6 "Ёжик без головы"
name hh7 "Валасатый йож"
bind left "+left"
bind right "+right"
bind up "+up"
bind down "+down"
bind F1 "slot 1"
bind F2 "slot 2"
bind F3 "slot 3"
bind F4 "slot 4"
bind F5 "slot 5"
bind F6 "slot 6"
bind F7 "slot 7"
bind F8 "slot 8"
bind F10 "quit"
bind F11 "capture"
bind space "+attack"
bind return "ljump"
bind backspace "hjump"
bind tab "switch"
bind 1 "timer 1"
bind 2 "timer 2"
bind 3 "timer 3"
bind 4 "timer 4"
bind 5 "timer 5"
bind mousel "put"
grave "coffin"
fort "Barrelhouse"