Don't remove client's teams from teams list on "ROUNDFINISHED 0", just send team removal message to others.
This should fix problems with ghost teams in frontend.
Not tested at all, successfully built on first attempt, which is considered as a bad sign :D
Server still thinks game proceeds, so restart isn't possible.
@echo off:edit these variables if you needSET PASCAL=C:\FPC\2.4.4\bin\i386-win32\SET QTDIR=C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.7.4\mingw\binSET PATH=%PATH%;%PASCAL%:SETUPcd ..if not exist bin mkdir bincd binecho Copying the DLLs...xcopy /d/y ..\misc\winutils\bin\* .xcopy /d/y %QTDIR%\QtCore4.dll .xcopy /d/y %QTDIR%\QtGui4.dll .xcopy /d/y %QTDIR%\QtNetwork4.dll .xcopy /d/y %QTDIR%\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll .xcopy /d/y %QTDIR%\mingwm10.dll .echo Setting up the %QTDIR%\qtenv2.batecho Running cmake...set errorlevel=cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="%CD%\..\misc\winutils\include" -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="%CD%\..\misc\winutils\lib" ..if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto exitecho Running make...set errorlevel=mingw32-make -lSDL -lSDL_Mixer installif %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto exitecho Creating shortcut...if /i "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%"=="" ( COPY /y ..\misc\winutils\Hedgewars_x86.lnk C:\%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\Hedgewars.lnk ) else ( COPY /y ..\misc\winutils\Hedgewars_x64.lnk C:\%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\Hedgewars.lnk)echo ALL DONE, Hedgewars has been successfully compiled and installed:exitcd ../toolspause