Fix script flaw in detection of best team when sending achievement info
unit uAILandMarks;interfaceconst markWalkedHere = $01; markHJumped = $02; markLJumped = $04;procedure addMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte);function checkMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte) : boolean;procedure clearAllMarks;procedure clearMarks(mark: byte);procedure setAILandMarks;procedure initModule;procedure freeModule;implementationuses uVariables;const gr = 2;var marks: array of array of byte; WIDTH, HEIGHT: Longword;procedure addMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte);begin if((X and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and ((Y and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) then begin X:= X shr gr; Y:= Y shr gr; marks[Y, X]:= marks[Y, X] or mark endend;function checkMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte) : boolean;begin checkMark:= ((X and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and ((Y and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((marks[Y shr gr, X shr gr] and mark) <> 0)end;procedure clearAllMarks;var Y, X: Longword;begin for Y:= 0 to Pred(HEIGHT) do for X:= 0 to Pred(WIDTH) do marks[Y, X]:= 0end;procedure clearMarks(mark: byte);var Y, X: Longword;begin for Y:= 0 to Pred(HEIGHT) do for X:= 0 to Pred(WIDTH) do marks[Y, X]:= marks[Y, X] and (not mark)end;procedure setAILandMarks;begin WIDTH:= LAND_WIDTH shr gr; HEIGHT:= LAND_HEIGHT shr gr; SetLength(marks, HEIGHT, WIDTH);end;procedure initModule;beginend;procedure freeModule;begin SetLength(marks, 0, 0);end;end.