author nemo
Thu, 02 Dec 2010 18:45:16 -0500
changeset 4443 d393b9ccd328
parent 4295 1f5604cd99be
child 4568 f85243bf890e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add an extra pass in FindPlace for AI resurrection mode to try to make it unwinnable, add DeleteGear, DeleteVisualGear, AddVisualGear, GetVisualGearValues, SetVisualGearValues to Lua


module Main where

import IO
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Network
import Control.OldException
import Control.Monad
import System.Random

#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Posix

session1 nick room = ["NICK", nick, "", "PROTO", "32", "", "PING", "", "CHAT", "lobby 1", "", "CREATE_ROOM", room, "", "CHAT", "room 1", "", "QUIT", "creator", ""]
session2 nick room = ["NICK", nick, "", "PROTO", "32", "", "LIST", "", "JOIN_ROOM", room, "", "CHAT", "room 2", "", "PART", "", "CHAT", "lobby after part", "", "QUIT", "part-quit", ""]
session3 nick room = ["NICK", nick, "", "PROTO", "32", "", "LIST", "", "JOIN_ROON", room, "", "CHAT", "room 2", "", "QUIT", "quit", ""]

emulateSession sock s = do
    mapM_ (\x -> hPutStrLn sock x >> hFlush sock >> randomRIO (30000::Int, 59000) >>= threadDelay) s
    hFlush sock
    threadDelay 225000

testing = Control.OldException.handle print $ do
    putStrLn "Start"
    sock <- connectTo "" (PortNumber 46631)

    num1 <- randomRIO (70000::Int, 70100)
    num2 <- randomRIO (0::Int, 2)
    num3 <- randomRIO (0::Int, 5)
    let nick1 = 'n' : show num1
    let room1 = 'r' : show num2
    case num2 of 
        0 -> emulateSession sock $ session1 nick1 room1
        1 -> emulateSession sock $ session2 nick1 room1
        2 -> emulateSession sock $ session3 nick1 room1
    hClose sock
    putStrLn "Finish"

forks = forever $ do
    delay <- randomRIO (30000::Int, 59000)
    threadDelay delay
    forkIO testing

main = withSocketsDo $ do
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    installHandler sigPIPE Ignore Nothing;