Break up the hog/object collision. Currently is $7F, allowing 128 overlapping objects accurately. Breaking it up into 15 for hogs, 7 for other objects. I'm thinking the overall accuracy should be just fine as far as people noticing even with a ton of overlapping hogs, and this way we can tell the difference between a hog and "something else". For experiment and rope-breaking purposes, make rope pass through hogs.
#libraries have already been searched in main CMakeLists.txt
add_library(avwrapper avwrapper.c)
#TODO: find good VERSION and SOVERSION values
target_link_libraries(avwrapper ${LIBAV_LIBRARIES})
install(TARGETS avwrapper RUNTIME DESTINATION ${target_binary_install_dir}
LIBRARY DESTINATION ${target_library_install_dir}
ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${target_library_install_dir})