(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *){$INCLUDE "options.inc"}(* * When engine is compiled as library this unit will export functions * as C declarations for convenient library usage in your application * and language of choice. * * See also: C declarations on Wikipedia * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions#cdecl *)Library hwLibrary;uses hwengine, uTypes, uConsts, uVariables, uSound, uCommands, uUtils, uLocale{$IFDEF ANDROID}, jni{$ENDIF};{$INCLUDE "config.inc"}// retrieve protocol informationprocedure HW_versionInfo(netProto: PLongInt; versionStr: PPChar); cdecl; export;begin netProto^:= cNetProtoVersion; versionStr^:= cVersionString;end;function HW_versionString: PChar; cdecl; export;begin exit(cVersionString + '-r' + cRevisionString + ' (' + cHashString + ')');end;// equivalent to esc+y; when closeFrontend = true the game exits after memory cleanupprocedure HW_terminate(closeFrontend: boolean); cdecl; export;begin closeFrontend:= closeFrontend; // avoid hint ParseCommand('forcequit', true);end;function HW_getWeaponNameByIndex(whichone: LongInt): PChar; cdecl; export;begin HW_getWeaponNameByIndex:= (str2pchar(trammo[Ammoz[TAmmoType(whichone+1)].NameId]));end;(*function HW_getWeaponCaptionByIndex(whichone: LongInt): PChar; cdecl; export;begin HW_getWeaponCaptionByIndex:= (str2pchar(trammoc[Ammoz[TAmmoType(whichone+1)].NameId]));end;function HW_getWeaponDescriptionByIndex(whichone: LongInt): PChar; cdecl; export;begin HW_getWeaponDescriptionByIndex:= (str2pchar(trammod[Ammoz[TAmmoType(whichone+1)].NameId]));end;*)function HW_getNumberOfWeapons: LongInt; cdecl; export;begin HW_getNumberOfWeapons:= ord(high(TAmmoType));end;function HW_getMaxNumberOfHogs: LongInt; cdecl; export;begin HW_getMaxNumberOfHogs:= cMaxHHIndex + 1;end;function HW_getMaxNumberOfTeams: LongInt; cdecl; export;begin HW_getMaxNumberOfTeams:= cMaxTeams;end;procedure HW_memoryWarningCallback; cdecl; export;begin ReleaseSound(false);end;{$IFDEF ANDROID}function JNI_HW_versionInfoNet(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject):JInt;cdecl;begin env:= env; // avoid hint obj:= obj; // avoid hint JNI_HW_versionInfoNet:= cNetProtoVersion;end;function JNI_HW_versionInfoVersion(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject):JString; cdecl;var envderef : JNIEnv;begin obj:= obj; // avoid hint envderef:= @env; JNI_HW_versionInfoVersion := envderef^.NewStringUTF(env, PChar(cVersionString));end;procedure JNI_HW_GenLandPreview(env: PJNIEnv; c: JClass; port: JInt); cdecl;begin GenLandPreview(port);end;exports JNI_HW_versionInfoNet name Java_Prefix+'HWversionInfoNetProto', JNI_HW_versionInfoVersion name Java_Prefix+'HWversionInfoVersion', JNI_HW_GenLandPreview name Java_Prefix + 'HWGenLandPreview', HW_getNumberOfweapons name Java_Prefix + 'HWgetNumberOfWeapons', HW_getMaxNumberOfHogs name Java_Prefix + 'HWgetMaxNumberOfHogs', HW_getMaxNumberOfTeams name Java_Prefix + 'HWgetMaxNumberOfTeams', Game;{$ELSE}exports RunEngine, LoadLocaleWrapper, HW_versionInfo, HW_versionString, HW_terminate, HW_getNumberOfWeapons, HW_getMaxNumberOfHogs, HW_getMaxNumberOfTeams, HW_getWeaponNameByIndex, HW_memoryWarningCallback;{$ENDIF}beginend.