bulk copy of latest physfs to our misc/libphysfs since this seems to fix an off-by-1 error reliably hit in readln read of 1 byte probably introduced in the addition of the buffered read. Whether this is excessive or whether libphysfs should even be maintained by us is another matter. But at least we shouldn't crash
#ifndef _INCL_PHYSFS_PLATFORMS#define _INCL_PHYSFS_PLATFORMS#ifndef __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__#error Do not include this header from your applications.#endif/* * These only define the platforms to determine which files in the platforms * directory should be compiled. For example, technically BeOS can be called * a "unix" system, but since it doesn't use unix.c, we don't define * PHYSFS_PLATFORM_UNIX on that system. */#if (defined __HAIKU__)# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_HAIKU 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_BEOS 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POSIX 1#elif ((defined __BEOS__) || (defined __beos__))# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_BEOS 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POSIX 1#elif (defined _WIN32_WCE) || (defined _WIN64_WCE)# error PocketPC support was dropped from PhysicsFS 2.1. Sorry.#elif ((defined WINAPI_FAMILY) && WINAPI_FAMILY == WINAPI_FAMILY_APP)# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_WINRT 1# define PHYSFS_NO_CDROM_SUPPORT 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_WINDOWS 1#elif (((defined _WIN32) || (defined _WIN64)) && (!defined __CYGWIN__))# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_WINDOWS 1#elif (defined OS2)# error OS/2 support was dropped from PhysicsFS 2.1. Sorry.#elif ((defined __MACH__) && (defined __APPLE__))/* To check if iphone or not, we need to include this file */# include <TargetConditionals.h># if ((TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR) || (TARGET_OS_IPHONE))# define PHYSFS_NO_CDROM_SUPPORT 1# endif# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_MACOSX 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POSIX 1#elif defined(macintosh)# error Classic Mac OS support was dropped from PhysicsFS 2.0. Move to OS X.#elif defined(ANDROID)# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_LINUX 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_UNIX 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POSIX 1# define PHYSFS_NO_CDROM_SUPPORT 1#elif defined(__linux)# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_LINUX 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_UNIX 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POSIX 1#elif defined(__sun) || defined(sun)# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_SOLARIS 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_UNIX 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POSIX 1#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_FREEBSD 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_BSD 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_UNIX 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POSIX 1#elif defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__bsdi__)# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_BSD 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_UNIX 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POSIX 1#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix__)# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_UNIX 1# define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POSIX 1#else# error Unknown platform.#endif#endif /* include-once blocker. */