author nemo
Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:06:43 -0400 (2017-04-10)
changeset 12218 bb5522e88ab2
permissions -rw-r--r--
bulk copy of latest physfs to our misc/libphysfs since this seems to fix an off-by-1 error reliably hit in readln read of 1 byte probably introduced in the addition of the buffered read. Whether this is excessive or whether libphysfs should even be maintained by us is another matter. But at least we shouldn't crash
// CommandLineParser.cs

using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace SevenZip.CommandLineParser
	public enum SwitchType

	public class SwitchForm
		public string IDString;
		public SwitchType Type;
		public bool Multi;
		public int MinLen;
		public int MaxLen;
		public string PostCharSet;

		public SwitchForm(string idString, SwitchType type, bool multi,
			int minLen, int maxLen, string postCharSet)
			IDString = idString;
			Type = type;
			Multi = multi;
			MinLen = minLen;
			MaxLen = maxLen;
			PostCharSet = postCharSet;
		public SwitchForm(string idString, SwitchType type, bool multi, int minLen):
			this(idString, type, multi, minLen, 0, "")
		public SwitchForm(string idString, SwitchType type, bool multi):
			this(idString, type, multi, 0)

	public class SwitchResult
		public bool ThereIs;
		public bool WithMinus;
		public ArrayList PostStrings = new ArrayList();
		public int PostCharIndex;
		public SwitchResult()
			ThereIs = false;

	public class Parser
		public ArrayList NonSwitchStrings = new ArrayList();
		SwitchResult[] _switches;

		public Parser(int numSwitches)
			_switches = new SwitchResult[numSwitches];
			for (int i = 0; i < numSwitches; i++)
				_switches[i] = new SwitchResult();

		bool ParseString(string srcString, SwitchForm[] switchForms)
			int len = srcString.Length;
			if (len == 0)
				return false;
			int pos = 0;
			if (!IsItSwitchChar(srcString[pos]))
				return false;
			while (pos < len)
				if (IsItSwitchChar(srcString[pos]))
				const int kNoLen = -1;
				int matchedSwitchIndex = 0;
				int maxLen = kNoLen;
				for (int switchIndex = 0; switchIndex < _switches.Length; switchIndex++)
					int switchLen = switchForms[switchIndex].IDString.Length;
					if (switchLen <= maxLen || pos + switchLen > len)
					if (String.Compare(switchForms[switchIndex].IDString, 0,
							srcString, pos, switchLen, true) == 0)
						matchedSwitchIndex = switchIndex;
						maxLen = switchLen;
				if (maxLen == kNoLen)
					throw new Exception("maxLen == kNoLen");
				SwitchResult matchedSwitch = _switches[matchedSwitchIndex];
				SwitchForm switchForm = switchForms[matchedSwitchIndex];
				if ((!switchForm.Multi) && matchedSwitch.ThereIs)
					throw new Exception("switch must be single");
				matchedSwitch.ThereIs = true;
				pos += maxLen;
				int tailSize = len - pos;
				SwitchType type = switchForm.Type;
				switch (type)
					case SwitchType.PostMinus:
							if (tailSize == 0)
								matchedSwitch.WithMinus = false;
								matchedSwitch.WithMinus = (srcString[pos] == kSwitchMinus);
								if (matchedSwitch.WithMinus)
					case SwitchType.PostChar:
							if (tailSize < switchForm.MinLen)
								throw new Exception("switch is not full");
							string charSet = switchForm.PostCharSet;
							const int kEmptyCharValue = -1;
							if (tailSize == 0)
								matchedSwitch.PostCharIndex = kEmptyCharValue;
								int index = charSet.IndexOf(srcString[pos]);
								if (index < 0)
									matchedSwitch.PostCharIndex = kEmptyCharValue;
									matchedSwitch.PostCharIndex = index;
					case SwitchType.LimitedPostString:
					case SwitchType.UnLimitedPostString:
							int minLen = switchForm.MinLen;
							if (tailSize < minLen)
								throw new Exception("switch is not full");
							if (type == SwitchType.UnLimitedPostString)
								return true;
							String stringSwitch = srcString.Substring(pos, minLen);
							pos += minLen;
							for (int i = minLen; i < switchForm.MaxLen && pos < len; i++, pos++)
								char c = srcString[pos];
								if (IsItSwitchChar(c))
								stringSwitch += c;
			return true;


		public void ParseStrings(SwitchForm[] switchForms, string[] commandStrings)
			int numCommandStrings = commandStrings.Length;
			bool stopSwitch = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < numCommandStrings; i++)
				string s = commandStrings[i];
				if (stopSwitch)
					if (s == kStopSwitchParsing)
					stopSwitch = true;
					if (!ParseString(s, switchForms))

		public SwitchResult this[int index] { get { return _switches[index]; } }

		public static int ParseCommand(CommandForm[] commandForms, string commandString,
			out string postString)
			for (int i = 0; i < commandForms.Length; i++)
				string id = commandForms[i].IDString;
				if (commandForms[i].PostStringMode)
					if (commandString.IndexOf(id) == 0)
						postString = commandString.Substring(id.Length);
						return i;
					if (commandString == id)
					postString = "";
					return i;
			postString = "";
			return -1;

		static bool ParseSubCharsCommand(int numForms, CommandSubCharsSet[] forms,
			string commandString, ArrayList indices)
			int numUsedChars = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < numForms; i++)
				CommandSubCharsSet charsSet = forms[i];
				int currentIndex = -1;
				int len = charsSet.Chars.Length;
				for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
					char c = charsSet.Chars[j];
					int newIndex = commandString.IndexOf(c);
					if (newIndex >= 0)
						if (currentIndex >= 0)
							return false;
						if (commandString.IndexOf(c, newIndex + 1) >= 0)
							return false;
						currentIndex = j;
				if (currentIndex == -1 && !charsSet.EmptyAllowed)
					return false;
			return (numUsedChars == commandString.Length);
		const char kSwitchID1 = '-';
		const char kSwitchID2 = '/';

		const char kSwitchMinus = '-';
		const string kStopSwitchParsing = "--";

		static bool IsItSwitchChar(char c)
			return (c == kSwitchID1 || c == kSwitchID2);

	public class CommandForm
		public string IDString = "";
		public bool PostStringMode = false;
		public CommandForm(string idString, bool postStringMode)
			IDString = idString;
			PostStringMode = postStringMode;

	class CommandSubCharsSet
		public string Chars = "";
		public bool EmptyAllowed = false;