author nemo
Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:06:43 -0400
changeset 12218 bb5522e88ab2
permissions -rw-r--r--
bulk copy of latest physfs to our misc/libphysfs since this seems to fix an off-by-1 error reliably hit in readln read of 1 byte probably introduced in the addition of the buffered read. Whether this is excessive or whether libphysfs should even be maintained by us is another matter. But at least we shouldn't crash

// Common/Wildcard.cpp

#include "StdAfx.h"

#include "Wildcard.h"

bool g_CaseSensitive = 
  #ifdef _WIN32

static const wchar_t kAnyCharsChar = L'*';
static const wchar_t kAnyCharChar = L'?';

#ifdef _WIN32
static const wchar_t kDirDelimiter1 = L'\\';
static const wchar_t kDirDelimiter2 = L'/';

static const UString kWildCardCharSet = L"?*";

static const UString kIllegalWildCardFileNameChars=

static inline bool IsCharDirLimiter(wchar_t c)
  return (
    #ifdef _WIN32
    c == kDirDelimiter1 || 
    c == kDirDelimiter2);

int CompareFileNames(const UString &s1, const UString &s2)
  if (g_CaseSensitive)
    return s1.Compare(s2);
  return s1.CompareNoCase(s2);

// -----------------------------------------
// this function compares name with mask
// ? - any char
// * - any char or empty

static bool EnhancedMaskTest(const wchar_t *mask, const wchar_t *name)
  for (;;)
    wchar_t m = *mask;
    wchar_t c = *name;
    if (m == 0) 
      return (c == 0);
    if (m == kAnyCharsChar)
      if (EnhancedMaskTest(mask + 1, name))
        return true;
      if (c == 0) 
        return false;
      if (m == kAnyCharChar)
        if (c == 0) 
          return false;
      else if (m != c)
        if (g_CaseSensitive || MyCharUpper(m) != MyCharUpper(c))
          return false;

// --------------------------------------------------
// Splits path to strings

void SplitPathToParts(const UString &path, UStringVector &pathParts)
  UString name;
  int len = path.Length();
  if (len == 0)
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
    wchar_t c = path[i];
    if (IsCharDirLimiter(c))
      name += c;

void SplitPathToParts(const UString &path, UString &dirPrefix, UString &name)
  int i;
  for(i = path.Length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  dirPrefix = path.Left(i + 1);
  name = path.Mid(i + 1);

UString ExtractDirPrefixFromPath(const UString &path)
  int i;
  for(i = path.Length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  return path.Left(i + 1);

UString ExtractFileNameFromPath(const UString &path)
  int i;
  for(i = path.Length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  return path.Mid(i + 1);

bool CompareWildCardWithName(const UString &mask, const UString &name)
  return EnhancedMaskTest(mask, name);

bool DoesNameContainWildCard(const UString &path)
  return (path.FindOneOf(kWildCardCharSet) >= 0);

// ----------------------------------------------------------'
// NWildcard

namespace NWildcard {

M = MaskParts.Size();
N = TestNameParts.Size();

                           File                          Dir
ForFile     req   M<=N  [N-M, N)                          -
         nonreq   M=N   [0, M)                            -  
ForDir      req   M<N   [0, M) ... [N-M-1, N-1)  same as ForBoth-File
         nonreq         [0, M)                   same as ForBoth-File

ForBoth     req   m<=N  [0, M) ... [N-M, N)      same as ForBoth-File
         nonreq         [0, M)                   same as ForBoth-File


bool CItem::CheckPath(const UStringVector &pathParts, bool isFile) const
  if (!isFile && !ForDir)
    return false;
  int delta = (int)pathParts.Size() - (int)PathParts.Size();
  if (delta < 0)
    return false;
  int start = 0;
  int finish = 0;
  if (isFile)
    if (!ForDir && !Recursive && delta !=0)
      return false;
    if (!ForFile && delta == 0)
      return false;
    if (!ForDir && Recursive)
      start = delta;
  if (Recursive)
    finish = delta;
    if (isFile && !ForFile)
      finish = delta - 1;
  for (int d = start; d <= finish; d++)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < PathParts.Size(); i++)
      if (!CompareWildCardWithName(PathParts[i], pathParts[i + d]))
    if (i == PathParts.Size())
      return true;
  return false;

int CCensorNode::FindSubNode(const UString &name) const
  for (int i = 0; i < SubNodes.Size(); i++)
    if (CompareFileNames(SubNodes[i].Name, name) == 0)
      return i;
  return -1;

void CCensorNode::AddItemSimple(bool include, CItem &item)
  if (include)

void CCensorNode::AddItem(bool include, CItem &item)
  if (item.PathParts.Size() <= 1)
    AddItemSimple(include, item);
  const UString &front = item.PathParts.Front();
  if (DoesNameContainWildCard(front))
    AddItemSimple(include, item);
  int index = FindSubNode(front);
  if (index < 0)
    index = SubNodes.Add(CCensorNode(front, this));
  SubNodes[index].AddItem(include, item);

void CCensorNode::AddItem(bool include, const UString &path, bool recursive, bool forFile, bool forDir)
  CItem item;
  SplitPathToParts(path, item.PathParts);
  item.Recursive = recursive;
  item.ForFile = forFile;
  item.ForDir = forDir;
  AddItem(include, item);

bool CCensorNode::NeedCheckSubDirs() const
  for (int i = 0; i < IncludeItems.Size(); i++)
    const CItem &item = IncludeItems[i];
    if (item.Recursive || item.PathParts.Size() > 1)
      return true;
  return false;

bool CCensorNode::AreThereIncludeItems() const
  if (IncludeItems.Size() > 0)
    return true;
  for (int i = 0; i < SubNodes.Size(); i++)
    if (SubNodes[i].AreThereIncludeItems())
      return true;
  return false;

bool CCensorNode::CheckPathCurrent(bool include, const UStringVector &pathParts, bool isFile) const
  const CObjectVector<CItem> &items = include ? IncludeItems : ExcludeItems;
  for (int i = 0; i < items.Size(); i++)
    if (items[i].CheckPath(pathParts, isFile))
      return true;
  return false;

bool CCensorNode::CheckPath(UStringVector &pathParts, bool isFile, bool &include) const
  if (CheckPathCurrent(false, pathParts, isFile))
    include = false;
    return true;
  include = true;
  bool finded = CheckPathCurrent(true, pathParts, isFile);
  if (pathParts.Size() == 1)
    return finded;
  int index = FindSubNode(pathParts.Front());
  if (index >= 0)
    UStringVector pathParts2 = pathParts;
    if (SubNodes[index].CheckPath(pathParts2, isFile, include))
      return true;
  return finded;

bool CCensorNode::CheckPath(const UString &path, bool isFile, bool &include) const
  UStringVector pathParts; 
  SplitPathToParts(path, pathParts);
  return CheckPath(pathParts, isFile, include);

bool CCensorNode::CheckPath(const UString &path, bool isFile) const
  bool include;
  if(CheckPath(path, isFile, include))
    return include;
  return false;

bool CCensorNode::CheckPathToRoot(bool include, UStringVector &pathParts, bool isFile) const
  if (CheckPathCurrent(include, pathParts, isFile))
    return true;
  if (Parent == 0)
    return false;
  pathParts.Insert(0, Name);
  return Parent->CheckPathToRoot(include, pathParts, isFile);

bool CCensorNode::CheckPathToRoot(bool include, const UString &path, bool isFile) const
  UStringVector pathParts; 
  SplitPathToParts(path, pathParts);
  return CheckPathToRoot(include, pathParts, isFile);

void CCensorNode::AddItem2(bool include, const UString &path, bool recursive)
  if (path.IsEmpty())
  bool forFile = true;
  bool forFolder = true;
  UString path2 = path;
  if (IsCharDirLimiter(path[path.Length() - 1]))
    path2.Delete(path.Length() - 1);
    forFile = false;
  AddItem(include, path2, recursive, forFile, forFolder);

void CCensorNode::ExtendExclude(const CCensorNode &fromNodes)
  ExcludeItems += fromNodes.ExcludeItems;
  for (int i = 0; i < fromNodes.SubNodes.Size(); i++)
    const CCensorNode &node = fromNodes.SubNodes[i];
    int subNodeIndex = FindSubNode(node.Name);
    if (subNodeIndex < 0)
      subNodeIndex = SubNodes.Add(CCensorNode(node.Name, this));

int CCensor::FindPrefix(const UString &prefix) const
  for (int i = 0; i < Pairs.Size(); i++)
    if (CompareFileNames(Pairs[i].Prefix, prefix) == 0)
      return i;
  return -1;

void CCensor::AddItem(bool include, const UString &path, bool recursive)
  UStringVector pathParts;
  SplitPathToParts(path, pathParts);
  bool forFile = true;
  if (pathParts.Back().IsEmpty())
    forFile = false;
  const UString &front = pathParts.Front();
  bool isAbs = false;
  if (front.IsEmpty())
    isAbs = true;
  else if (front.Length() == 2 && front[1] == L':')
    isAbs = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < pathParts.Size(); i++)
      const UString &part = pathParts[i];
      if (part == L".." || part == L".")
        isAbs = true;
  int numAbsParts = 0;
  if (isAbs)
    if (pathParts.Size() > 1)
      numAbsParts = pathParts.Size() - 1;
      numAbsParts = 1;
  UString prefix;
  for (int i = 0; i < numAbsParts; i++)
    const UString &front = pathParts.Front();
    if (DoesNameContainWildCard(front))
    prefix += front;
  int index = FindPrefix(prefix);
  if (index < 0)
    index = Pairs.Add(CPair(prefix));

  CItem item;
  item.PathParts = pathParts;
  item.ForDir = true;
  item.ForFile = forFile;
  item.Recursive = recursive;
  Pairs[index].Head.AddItem(include, item);

bool CCensor::CheckPath(const UString &path, bool isFile) const
  bool finded = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < Pairs.Size(); i++)
    bool include;
    if (Pairs[i].Head.CheckPath(path, isFile, include))
      if (!include)
        return false;
      finded = true;
  return finded;

void CCensor::ExtendExclude()
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < Pairs.Size(); i++)
    if (Pairs[i].Prefix.IsEmpty())
  if (i == Pairs.Size())
  int index = i;
  for (i = 0; i < Pairs.Size(); i++)
    if (index != i)
