bulk copy of latest physfs to our misc/libphysfs since this seems to fix an off-by-1 error reliably hit in readln read of 1 byte probably introduced in the addition of the buffered read. Whether this is excessive or whether libphysfs should even be maintained by us is another matter. But at least we shouldn't crash
// Common/StdInStream.cpp
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <tchar.h>
#include "StdInStream.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// "was declared deprecated" disabling
#pragma warning(disable : 4996 )
static const char kIllegalChar = '\0';
static const char kNewLineChar = '\n';
static const char *kEOFMessage = "Unexpected end of input stream";
static const char *kReadErrorMessage ="Error reading input stream";
static const char *kIllegalCharMessage = "Illegal character in input stream";
static LPCTSTR kFileOpenMode = TEXT("r");
CStdInStream g_StdIn(stdin);
bool CStdInStream::Open(LPCTSTR fileName)
_stream = _tfopen(fileName, kFileOpenMode);
_streamIsOpen = (_stream != 0);
return _streamIsOpen;
bool CStdInStream::Close()
return true;
_streamIsOpen = (fclose(_stream) != 0);
return !_streamIsOpen;
AString CStdInStream::ScanStringUntilNewLine()
AString s;
for (;;)
int intChar = GetChar();
if(intChar == EOF)
throw kEOFMessage;
char c = char(intChar);
if (c == kIllegalChar)
throw kIllegalCharMessage;
if(c == kNewLineChar)
s += c;
return s;
void CStdInStream::ReadToString(AString &resultString)
int c;
while((c = GetChar()) != EOF)
resultString += char(c);
bool CStdInStream::Eof()
return (feof(_stream) != 0);
int CStdInStream::GetChar()
int c = fgetc(_stream); // getc() doesn't work in BeOS?
if(c == EOF && !Eof())
throw kReadErrorMessage;
return c;