author nemo
Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:06:43 -0400
changeset 12218 bb5522e88ab2
permissions -rw-r--r--
bulk copy of latest physfs to our misc/libphysfs since this seems to fix an off-by-1 error reliably hit in readln read of 1 byte probably introduced in the addition of the buffered read. Whether this is excessive or whether libphysfs should even be maintained by us is another matter. But at least we shouldn't crash

// Common/String.h


#include <string.h>
// #include <wchar.h>

#include "MyVector.h"

#ifdef _WIN32
#include "MyWindows.h"

template <class T>
inline int MyStringLen(const T *s)
  int i;
  for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++);
  return i;

template <class T>
inline T * MyStringCopy(T *dest, const T *src)
  T *destStart = dest;
  while((*dest++ = *src++) != 0);
  return destStart;

inline wchar_t* MyStringGetNextCharPointer(wchar_t *p)
  { return (p + 1); }
inline const wchar_t* MyStringGetNextCharPointer(const wchar_t *p)
  { return (p + 1); }
inline wchar_t* MyStringGetPrevCharPointer(const wchar_t *, wchar_t *p)
  { return (p - 1); }
inline const wchar_t* MyStringGetPrevCharPointer(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *p)
  { return (p - 1); }

#ifdef _WIN32

inline char* MyStringGetNextCharPointer(char *p)
  { return CharNextA(p); }
inline const char* MyStringGetNextCharPointer(const char *p)
  { return CharNextA(p); }

inline char* MyStringGetPrevCharPointer(char *base, char *p)
  { return CharPrevA(base, p); }
inline const char* MyStringGetPrevCharPointer(const char *base, const char *p)
  { return CharPrevA(base, p); }

inline char MyCharUpper(char c)
  { return (char)(unsigned int)(UINT_PTR)CharUpperA((LPSTR)(UINT_PTR)(unsigned int)(unsigned char)c); }
#ifdef _UNICODE
inline wchar_t MyCharUpper(wchar_t c)
  { return (wchar_t)(unsigned int)(UINT_PTR)CharUpperW((LPWSTR)(UINT_PTR)(unsigned int)c); }
wchar_t MyCharUpper(wchar_t c);

inline char MyCharLower(char c)
  { return (char)(unsigned int)(UINT_PTR)CharLowerA((LPSTR)(UINT_PTR)(unsigned int)(unsigned char)c); }
#ifdef _UNICODE
inline wchar_t MyCharLower(wchar_t c)
  { return (wchar_t)(unsigned int)(UINT_PTR)CharLowerW((LPWSTR)(UINT_PTR)(unsigned int)c); }
wchar_t MyCharLower(wchar_t c);

inline char * MyStringUpper(char *s) { return CharUpperA(s); }
#ifdef _UNICODE
inline wchar_t * MyStringUpper(wchar_t *s) { return CharUpperW(s); }
wchar_t * MyStringUpper(wchar_t *s);

inline char * MyStringLower(char *s) { return CharLowerA(s); }
#ifdef _UNICODE
inline wchar_t * MyStringLower(wchar_t *s) { return CharLowerW(s); }
wchar_t * MyStringLower(wchar_t *s);

#else // Standard-C
wchar_t MyCharUpper(wchar_t c);

// Compare

#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
int MyStringCollate(const char *s1, const char *s2);
int MyStringCollateNoCase(const char *s1, const char *s2);
int MyStringCollate(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2);
int MyStringCollateNoCase(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2);

int MyStringCompare(const char *s1, const char  *s2);
int MyStringCompare(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2);

#ifdef _WIN32
int MyStringCompareNoCase(const char *s1, const char  *s2);

int MyStringCompareNoCase(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2);

template <class T>
class CStringBase
  void TrimLeftWithCharSet(const CStringBase &charSet)
    const T *p = _chars;
    while (charSet.Find(*p) >= 0 && (*p != 0))
      p = GetNextCharPointer(p);
    Delete(0, (int)(p - _chars));
  void TrimRightWithCharSet(const CStringBase &charSet)
    const T *p = _chars;
    const T *pLast = NULL;
    while (*p != 0)
      if (charSet.Find(*p) >= 0)
        if (pLast == NULL)
          pLast = p;
        pLast = NULL;
      p = GetNextCharPointer(p);
    if(pLast != NULL)
      int i = (int)(pLast - _chars);
      Delete(i, _length - i);

  void MoveItems(int destIndex, int srcIndex)
    memmove(_chars + destIndex, _chars + srcIndex, 
        sizeof(T) * (_length - srcIndex + 1));
  void InsertSpace(int &index, int size)
    MoveItems(index + size, index);

  static T *GetNextCharPointer(T *p)
    { return MyStringGetNextCharPointer(p); }
  static const T *GetNextCharPointer(const T *p)
    { return MyStringGetNextCharPointer(p); }
  static T *GetPrevCharPointer(T *base, T *p)
    { return MyStringGetPrevCharPointer(base, p); }
  static const T *GetPrevCharPointer(const T *base, const T *p)
    { return MyStringGetPrevCharPointer(base, p); }
  T *_chars;
  int _length;
  int _capacity;
  void SetCapacity(int newCapacity)
    int realCapacity = newCapacity + 1;
    if(realCapacity == _capacity)
    const int kMaxStringSize = 0x20000000;
    #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
    if(newCapacity > kMaxStringSize || newCapacity < _length)
      throw 1052337;
    T *newBuffer = new T[realCapacity];
    if(_capacity > 0)
      for (int i = 0; i < (_length + 1); i++)
        newBuffer[i] = _chars[i];
      delete []_chars;
      _chars = newBuffer;
      _chars = newBuffer;
      _chars[0] = 0;
    _capacity = realCapacity;

  void GrowLength(int n)
    int freeSize = _capacity - _length - 1;
    if (n <= freeSize) 
    int delta;
    if (_capacity > 64)
      delta = _capacity / 2;
    else if (_capacity > 8)
      delta = 16;
      delta = 4;
    if (freeSize + delta < n)
      delta = n - freeSize;
    SetCapacity(_capacity + delta);

  void CorrectIndex(int &index) const
    if (index > _length)
      index = _length;

  CStringBase(): _chars(0), _length(0), _capacity(0)
    { SetCapacity(16 - 1); }
  CStringBase(T c):  _chars(0), _length(0), _capacity(0)
    _chars[0] = c;
    _chars[1] = 0;
    _length = 1;
  CStringBase(const T *chars): _chars(0), _length(0), _capacity(0)
    int length = MyStringLen(chars);
    MyStringCopy(_chars, chars); // can be optimized by memove()
    _length = length;
  CStringBase(const CStringBase &s):  _chars(0), _length(0), _capacity(0)
    MyStringCopy(_chars, s._chars);
    _length = s._length;
  ~CStringBase() {  delete []_chars; }

  operator const T*() const { return _chars;} 

  // The minimum size of the character buffer in characters. 
  // This value does not include space for a null terminator.
  T* GetBuffer(int minBufLength)
    if(minBufLength >= _capacity)
      SetCapacity(minBufLength + 1);
    return _chars;
  void ReleaseBuffer() { ReleaseBuffer(MyStringLen(_chars)); }
  void ReleaseBuffer(int newLength)
    #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
    if(newLength >= _capacity)
      throw 282217;
    _chars[newLength] = 0;
    _length = newLength;

  CStringBase& operator=(T c)
    _chars[0] = c;
    _chars[1] = 0;
    _length = 1;
    return *this;
  CStringBase& operator=(const T *chars)
    int length = MyStringLen(chars);
    MyStringCopy(_chars, chars);
    _length = length; 
    return *this;
  CStringBase& operator=(const CStringBase& s)
    if(&s == this)
      return *this;
    MyStringCopy(_chars, s._chars);
    _length = s._length;
    return *this;
  CStringBase& operator+=(T c)
    _chars[_length] = c;
    _chars[++_length] = 0;
    return *this;
  CStringBase& operator+=(const T *s)
    int len = MyStringLen(s);
    MyStringCopy(_chars + _length, s);
    _length += len;
    return *this;
  CStringBase& operator+=(const CStringBase &s)
    MyStringCopy(_chars + _length, s._chars);
    _length += s._length;
    return *this;
  void Empty()
    _length = 0;
    _chars[0] = 0;
  int Length() const { return _length; }
  bool IsEmpty() const { return (_length == 0); }

  CStringBase Mid(int startIndex) const
    { return Mid(startIndex, _length - startIndex); }
  CStringBase Mid(int startIndex, int count ) const
    if (startIndex + count > _length)
      count = _length - startIndex;
    if (startIndex == 0 && startIndex + count == _length)
      return *this;
    CStringBase<T> result;
    // MyStringNCopy(result._chars, _chars + startIndex, count);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      result._chars[i] = _chars[startIndex + i];
    result._chars[count] = 0;
    result._length = count;
    return result;
  CStringBase Left(int count) const
    { return Mid(0, count); }
  CStringBase Right(int count) const
    if (count > _length)
      count = _length;
    return Mid(_length - count, count);

  void MakeUpper()
    { MyStringUpper(_chars); }
  void MakeLower()
    { MyStringLower(_chars); }

  int Compare(const CStringBase& s) const
    { return MyStringCompare(_chars, s._chars); }

  int Compare(const T *s) const
    { return MyStringCompare(_chars, s); }

  int CompareNoCase(const CStringBase& s) const
    { return MyStringCompareNoCase(_chars, s._chars); }

  int CompareNoCase(const T *s) const
    { return MyStringCompareNoCase(_chars, s); }

  int Collate(const CStringBase& s) const
    { return MyStringCollate(_chars, s._chars); }
  int CollateNoCase(const CStringBase& s) const
    { return MyStringCollateNoCase(_chars, s._chars); }

  int Find(T c) const { return Find(c, 0); }
  int Find(T c, int startIndex) const
    T *p = _chars + startIndex;
    for (;;)
      if (*p == c)
        return (int)(p - _chars);
      if (*p == 0)
        return -1;
      p = GetNextCharPointer(p);
  int Find(const CStringBase &s) const { return Find(s, 0); }
  int Find(const CStringBase &s, int startIndex) const
    if (s.IsEmpty())
      return startIndex;
    for (; startIndex < _length; startIndex++)
      int j;
      for (j = 0; j < s._length && startIndex + j < _length; j++)
        if (_chars[startIndex+j] != s._chars[j])
      if (j == s._length)
        return startIndex;
    return -1;
  int ReverseFind(T c) const
    if (_length == 0)
      return -1;
    T *p = _chars + _length - 1;
    for (;;)
      if (*p == c)
        return (int)(p - _chars);
      if (p == _chars)
        return -1;
      p = GetPrevCharPointer(_chars, p);
  int FindOneOf(const CStringBase &s) const
    for(int i = 0; i < _length; i++)
      if (s.Find(_chars[i]) >= 0)
        return i;
      return -1;

  void TrimLeft(T c)
    const T *p = _chars;
    while (c == *p)
      p = GetNextCharPointer(p);
    Delete(0, p - _chars);
  CStringBase GetTrimDefaultCharSet()
    CStringBase<T> charSet;
    charSet += (T)' ';
    charSet += (T)'\n';
    charSet += (T)'\t';
    return charSet;

  void TrimLeft()
  void TrimRight()
  void TrimRight(T c)
    const T *p = _chars;
    const T *pLast = NULL;
    while (*p != 0)
      if (*p == c)
        if (pLast == NULL)
          pLast = p;
        pLast = NULL;
      p = GetNextCharPointer(p);
    if(pLast != NULL)
      int i = pLast - _chars;
      Delete(i, _length - i);
  void Trim()

  int Insert(int index, T c)
    InsertSpace(index, 1);
    _chars[index] = c;
    return _length;
  int Insert(int index, const CStringBase &s)
    if (s.IsEmpty())
      return _length;
    int numInsertChars = s.Length();
    InsertSpace(index, numInsertChars);
    for(int i = 0; i < numInsertChars; i++)
      _chars[index + i] = s[i];
    _length += numInsertChars;
    return _length;

  // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! test it if newChar = '\0'
  int Replace(T oldChar, T newChar)
    if (oldChar == newChar)
      return 0;
    int number  = 0;
    int pos  = 0;
    while (pos < Length())
      pos = Find(oldChar, pos);
      if (pos < 0) 
      _chars[pos] = newChar;
    return number;
  int Replace(const CStringBase &oldString, const CStringBase &newString)
    if (oldString.IsEmpty())
      return 0;
    if (oldString == newString)
      return 0;
    int oldStringLength = oldString.Length();
    int newStringLength = newString.Length();
    int number  = 0;
    int pos  = 0;
    while (pos < _length)
      pos = Find(oldString, pos);
      if (pos < 0) 
      Delete(pos, oldStringLength);
      Insert(pos, newString);
      pos += newStringLength;
    return number;
  int Delete(int index, int count = 1 )
    if (index + count > _length)
      count = _length - index;
    if (count > 0)
      MoveItems(index, index + count);
      _length -= count;
    return _length;

template <class T>
CStringBase<T> operator+(const CStringBase<T>& s1, const CStringBase<T>& s2)
  CStringBase<T> result(s1);
  result += s2;
  return result; 

template <class T>
CStringBase<T> operator+(const CStringBase<T>& s, T c)
  CStringBase<T> result(s);
  result += c;
  return result; 

template <class T>
CStringBase<T> operator+(T c, const CStringBase<T>& s)
  CStringBase<T> result(c);
  result += s;
  return result; 

template <class T>
CStringBase<T> operator+(const CStringBase<T>& s, const T * chars)
  CStringBase<T> result(s);
  result += chars;
  return result; 

template <class T>
CStringBase<T> operator+(const T * chars, const CStringBase<T>& s)
  CStringBase<T> result(chars);
  result += s;
  return result; 

template <class T>
bool operator==(const CStringBase<T>& s1, const CStringBase<T>& s2)
  { return (s1.Compare(s2) == 0); }

template <class T>
bool operator<(const CStringBase<T>& s1, const CStringBase<T>& s2)
  { return (s1.Compare(s2) < 0); }

template <class T>
bool operator==(const T *s1, const CStringBase<T>& s2)
  { return (s2.Compare(s1) == 0); }

template <class T>
bool operator==(const CStringBase<T>& s1, const T *s2)
  { return (s1.Compare(s2) == 0); }

template <class T>
bool operator!=(const CStringBase<T>& s1, const CStringBase<T>& s2)
  { return (s1.Compare(s2) != 0); }

template <class T>
bool operator!=(const T *s1, const CStringBase<T>& s2)
  { return (s2.Compare(s1) != 0); }

template <class T>
bool operator!=(const CStringBase<T>& s1, const T *s2)
  { return (s1.Compare(s2) != 0); }

typedef CStringBase<char> AString;
typedef CStringBase<wchar_t> UString;

typedef CObjectVector<AString> AStringVector;
typedef CObjectVector<UString> UStringVector;

#ifdef _UNICODE
  typedef UString CSysString;
  typedef AString CSysString;

typedef CObjectVector<CSysString> CSysStringVector;
