author nemo
Fri, 13 Apr 2018 13:03:51 -0400
changeset 13327 b77a9380dd0f
parent 12109 f61bd25b9f70
child 14918 68e1783762bc
permissions -rw-r--r--
QT for some reason messes with XCompose causing broken input (Qt 5 only - Qt 4 did not break anything). In Qt 5.2 and 5.3 this was causing an invalid conversion in chat messages containing these resulting in the bad bytes being stripped. In Qt 5.9 it is still broken, but you at least get a string with something in it. This checks for non-zero converted strings for room creation and chat lines.

{This file contains functions that are re-implemented}
{pas2c will add prefix fpcrtl_ to all these functions}
    uinteger = uinteger;
    Integer = integer;
    LongInt = integer;
    LongWord = uinteger;
    Cardinal = uinteger;
    PtrInt = integer;
    SizeInt = PtrInt;
    Word = uinteger;
    Byte = integer;
    SmallInt = integer;
    ShortInt = integer;
    Int64 = integer;
    QWord = uinteger;
    GLint = integer;
    GLuint = integer;
    int = integer;
    size_t = integer;

    pointer = pointer;

    float = float;
    single = float;
    double = float;
    real = float;
    extended = float;
    GLfloat = float;

    boolean = boolean;
    LongBool = boolean;

    string = string;
    shortstring = string;
    ansistring = string;
    widechar = string;

    char = char;
    PChar = ^char;
    PPChar = ^Pchar;

    PByte = ^Byte;
    PLongInt = ^LongInt;
    PLongWord = ^LongWord;
    PInteger = ^Integer;

    Handle = integer;

    write, writeLn, read, readLn, flush, CreateDir: procedure;





    StrLen:function : integer;
    odd, even : function : boolean;

    Length : function : integer;

    Now : function : integer;

    new, dispose, FillChar, Insert, Delete, Move : procedure;

    trunc, round, ceil : function : integer;
    abs, sqr : function : integer;

    StrPas, FormatDateTime, copy, str, PosS, LowerCase : function : shortstring;
    pos : function : integer;
    StrToInt : function : integer;
    SetLength, SetLengthA, val, StrDispose, StrCopy : procedure;
    _pchar, _pcharA, StrAlloc : function : PChar;
    pchar2str, astr2str : function : string;
    pchar2astr, str2astr : function : ansistring;
    memcpy : procedure;
    StrLength : function : integer;

     min, max:function:integer;
    assign, rewrite, rewrite_2, reset, reset_2, flush, BlockWrite, BlockRead, close : procedure;
    FileExists, DirectoryExists, eof : function : boolean;

    ParamCount : function : integer;
    ParamStr : function : string;

    arctan2, power: function : float;

    //TypeInfo, GetEnumName : function : shortstring;

    UTF8ToUnicode, WrapText: function : shortstring;

    GetMem : function : pointer;
    FreeMem : procedure;

    BeginThread, ThreadSwitch : procedure;
    InterlockedIncrement, InterlockedDecrement : procedure;

    random : function : integer;
    randomize : procedure;

    Assigned : function : boolean;

    //EnumToStr : function : string;

    initParams : procedure;

    Load_GL_VERSION_2_0 : procedure;

    GetCurrentDir : function : PChar;