- Fix for little mistakes (applied to every hedgewars_*.ts file).
- Full hedgewars_pt_PT.ts and pt_PT.txt Portuguese (Portugal) translation.
- Partial pt_PT.lua translation.
module Main whereimport PascalParserimport Systemimport Control.Monadimport Data.Eitherimport Data.Listimport Data.Graphimport Data.Maybeunident :: Identificator -> Stringunident (Identificator s) = sextractUnits :: PascalUnit -> (String, [String])extractUnits (Program (Identificator name) (Implementation (Uses idents) _ _) _) = ("program " ++ name, map unident idents)extractUnits (Unit (Identificator name) (Interface (Uses idents1) _) (Implementation (Uses idents2) _ _) _ _) = (name, map unident $ idents1 ++ idents2)f :: [(String, [String])] -> Stringf = unlines . map showSCC . stronglyConnComp . map (\(a, b) -> (a, a, b)) where showSCC (AcyclicSCC v) = v showSCC (CyclicSCC vs) = intercalate ", " vsmyf :: [(String, [String])] -> Stringmyf d = unlines . map (findCycle . fst) $ d where findCycle :: String -> String findCycle searched = searched ++ ": " ++ (intercalate ", " $ fc searched []) where fc :: String -> [String] -> [String] fc curSearch visited = let uses = curSearch `lookup` d; res = dropWhile null . map t $ fromJust uses in if isNothing uses || null res then [] else head res where t u = if u == searched then [u] else if u `elem` visited then [] else let chain = fc u (u:visited) in if null chain then [] else u:chainmain = do fileNames <- getArgs files <- mapM readFile fileNames putStrLn . myf . map extractUnits . rights . map parsePascalUnit $ files